Farm restructuring/modernisation

124 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Young cattle housing and reconstruction of the milk cooling and storage unit

EAFRD funding helped renovate a dairy farm boosting animal welfare and making farm work more efficient.

Good Practice - Project

Expanding the Uuskaubi herb business in Estonia

A small Estonian organic farm used EAFRD funding to scale up its production of herbs by investing in new machinery and upgrading buildings to help the business to grow.

Good Practice - Project

Organic barn for laying hens - Oberger

An Austrian family converted their dairy farm to produce organic eggs from laying hens in a barn after they saw an opportunity in the market.  

Good Practice - Project

Oyster mushrooms production using processed wheat straw

Given that compost for growing oyster mushrooms was not produced in Romania and had to be imported, a group of farmers used EAFRD to build a plant for producing  compost using their own wheat straw.

Good Practice - Project

Bio-purification for effluents of wine-production

A winemaking cooperative in France’s Jura region used EAFRD funding to develop a bio-purification system for managing waste in an environmentally sustainable way.

Good Practice - Project

Modernising dairy production on the Slovakian cooperative Paňovce

The Slovakian agricultural cooperative  Panovce used EAFRD support to upgrade its dairy facilities and equipment, raising welfare standards and improving production.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of a vegetable farm in Romania

A Romanian farm specialised in crop production invested in modernisation activities to expand its production capacity. As a result, it created job opportunities for the local Roma community.

Good Practice - Project

Environment and Economics

Investments in renewable energy helped a pig farm to maintain and increase its competitiveness.

Good Practice - Project

Business start-up support for young farmers

A young female farmer in Lithuania benefited from EAFRD business start-up support to establish a modern, profitable farm.

Good Practice - Project

Kedar cheese

EAFRD support helped a traditional dairy producer in Scotland to differentiate his production from milk into  an organic certified mozzarella type of cheese.