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Farm restructuring/modernisation
Expansion of cow stable in Denmark
A conventional dairy farmer in Denmark used RDP support to build a new stable which enabled reduced production costs and improved animal welfare conditions.
- GAP-Implementierung

Investing on greenhouses and setting up an irrigation system
A young female farmer invested in the construction of greenhouses and an irrigation system to improve her farm’s profitability and mitigate production risks linked to climate change.
- GAP-Implementierung

Codita Sorin-Cristian - a young farmer’s individual enterprise
EAFRD support enabled a young person to start his own commercially-oriented farm, thus contributing to the generational renewal of the sector.
- GAP-Implementierung

Setting up a new pig stable at Stenbrogård
Expanding the production capacity of a pig farm in Denmark, while improving animal welfare and reducing NH3 emissions.
- GAP-Implementierung

Construction of a new energy efficient broiler house
Rural Development Progamme investment support enabled a conventional broiler farmer to construct a new energy efficient broiler house.
- GAP-Implementierung

Producing green energy from pig manure
Developing a new and practical system to manage pig manure more efficiently, as a means to significantly reduce NH3 emissions and produce green energy.
- GAP-Implementierung

Latvian organic cattle farm invests in eco-friendly machinery
A family farm specialising in high quality beef cattle breeding used Rural Development Programme support to acquire new, cost-saving and more environmentally-friendly machinery.
- GAP-Implementierung

Modernization of a rice growing farm in Portugal
Modernisation of a rice farm in Portugal through the application of precision farming in its irrigation infrastructure.
- GAP-Implementierung

Increasing the productivity on Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) olive oil
Reconstruction plan for Protected Designation of Origin olive oil producers supported by Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding
- GAP-Implementierung

Bergers du Larzac - Improving cheese quality and production capacity
A cooperative focused on quality cheese production, used Rural Development Programme support to expand its facilities and thus ensure the continuous growth of its business.
- GAP-Implementierung
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI