Energy efficiency

49 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Local Climate Plan for the Pays des Condruses - less 40% of CO2 by 2030

A Local Action Group (LAG) helps coordinate the climate and energy strategies of its municipalities.

Good Practice - Project

Waasland Region – Promoting renewable energy in cities and the countryside

An example of an initiative promoting energy efficiency that addresses climate change through targeted actions at grassroots level.

Good Practice - Project

Innovative asparagus production in Portugal

An agricultural company used EAFRD funding to strengthen its production of green asparagus and increase its share of the national and European market.

Good Practice - Project

Henryk Sondej farm – increasing the efficiency of an agricultural business

An agricultural business used RDP support to improve its capacity to process and store its produce, while producing renewable energy from the sun.

Good Practice - Project

Supporting the modernisation of a poultry farm

Modernization of a poultry farm by installing new, laying hen equipment and by renovating the production buildings.

Good Practice - Project

Enerterre – Fighting against energy poverty

Reducing the cost of renovation works for households lacking essential energy services by bringing together local resources, including people’s skills and time. This is the winning initiative of the 2019 Rural Inspiration Awards in the 'Social Inclusion' category.

Good Practice - Project

SOLAR ENERGY - Promoting the use of solar energy by the primary sector in the Balearic islands

A pilot project to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of using solar energy.

Good Practice - Project

Reducing energy costs for irrigation

Expanding a water reservoir and installing a solar farm to reduce the energy costs of irrigation.

Good Practice - Project

Pilot Project on Circular Bioeconomy - Spain

The project has enabled the living-lab, Josenea which is focused on organic farming, to collect bio-waste from neighbours and transform it into compost to fertilise their crops, with environmental, economic and social benefits.  

Good Practice - Project

Feasibility study on setting up a biogas plant

Punkalaidun municipality conducted a feasibility study for setting up a biogas plant producing energy from manure, which resulted in an investment decision.