
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Agárdi Csóbor Ltd - expanding the production capacity of a family-owned winery

A family-owned winery used support from the Hungarian Rural Development Programme (RDP) to increase its production capacity and improve its energy efficiency.  

Good Practice - Project

Péter Kis farm – construction of a storage building with cooling technology

A producer of organic arable crops used investment support from the Hungarian Rural Development Programme (RDP) to build an innovative storage facility and increase the competitiveness of his farm.  

Good Practice - Project

Majsai Horticulture Ltd - construction of greenhouses and the introduction of modern technologies

A family farm used investment support from the Hungarian Rural Development Programme (RDP) to improve its competitiveness in the horticultural sector in Hungary.  

Good Practice - Project

A lavender and herb farm creates employment for people with disabilities

A young farmer with reduced mobility used support from the Rural Development Programme (RDP) to expand his organic lavender farm and create jobs for people with disabilities. 

Good Practice - Project

Lăptaria cu Caimac - Milk collecting and processing plant

Setting up a milk collection and processing plant to create added value and enable the farm to diversify its products and respond better to consumers’ needs.  

Good Practice - Project

Modernization of irrigation systems of VITA - ZEL & company, Ltd.

Rural Development Programme support was used for installing a water recycling system to further reduce costs of vegetable hydroponic production, and minimising waste water.

Good Practice - Project

Producing pellet from horse manure

A farm used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to produce horse manure pellets that can be used as an organic fertiliser as well as a source of renewable energy.

Good Practice - Project

Lithuanian consumers benefit from improved quality and variety of regional dairy products

Rural Development Programme investment support has boosted the productivity and competitiveness of a family dairy business and helped to safeguard more than 60 jobs.

Good Practice - Project

Improving animal welfare on an Italian buffalo farm

Animal welfare support enabled a farmer to improve the living conditions of his buffalo herd and at the same time improve the quality and quantity of milk produced.

Good Practice - Project

Establishment of a cheese workshop

Support for setting up young farmers and adding value to agricultural products in processing enabled a young entrepreneur to set up her own family business on producing artisanal dairy products.