
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Improving the economic performance of a small potato producer

A small potato-growing farm used RDP support to purchase a new processing line to enhance its economic performance.

Good Practice - Project

Restoring a historic chateau to create a modern winery

A historic Chateau was restored to its initial state and turned into one of the most modern wine-producing facilities in Slovakia.

Good Practice - Project

Bakery Hrinova – Investments to increase the competitiveness of a bakery business

The Slovakian rural development programme supported a high-quality bakery business in its efforts to increase production capacity and profitability.

Good Practice - Project

Developing a small beekeeping farm in Hungary

Modernisation and development of a small beekeeping farm in order to increase its profitability and its resilience to weather-associated risks.

Good Practice - Project

Replacing the apricot orchards at Balaton Fruit Ltd

Ensuring the productivity of a fruit-producing business by replacing low-yield apricot orchards with more reliable plants.

Good Practice - Project

Construction of a cold-store facility by the Hanság-Fertőmenti Cooperative

A fruit and vegetables producing cooperative used RDP support to expand its cold storage capacity in order to better respond to market trends.

Good Practice - Project

Acquisition of equipment for organic wine growing

RDP support enabled a family farm to improve the quality of the organic wine they produce by financing the purchase of new equipment.

Good Practice - Project

Branding cereal crops for the export market

A marketing project to promote the high-quality Finnish oats to the international market and increase the income of small farms.

Good Practice - Project

Renovating a dairy cowshed in Estonia

A project set out to renovate and expand an old dairy farm by using new technological solutions.

Good Practice - Project

Purchasing a stone cutting machine

A small rural business used RDP support to purchase new stone-cutting equipment in order to expand its range of products.