Latest News

26 Sep 2024

New study on EIP Operational Groups: cooperation is key for innovation

The ‘Study on outcomes achieved by EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects under the CAP’ aimed to understand better how Operational Groups (OG) operate, how they design and run the processes of co-creation of innovation, and how they spread innovative solutions.

People holding hands together
People working as a team
26 Sep 2024

New CSP Summaries available

As part of its analytical work, the EU CAP Network compiled the CSP Factsheets – user-friendly summaries of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) adopted in each Member State.

Facilitator holds up a sign to workshop participants, the sign says '5 minutes'
25 Sep 2024

Contribute to EU CAP Network activities as a main facilitator

The EU CAP Network Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI (EIP-AGRI Support Facility) is looking for main facilitators for EU CAP Network workshops and seminars. The deadline has been extended until 17 October 2024, 15:00 CET.

A green field surrounded by trees with a rainbow over it
24 Sep 2024

Supporting the mental health of farmers and farming communities

A committed group of CAP stakeholders co-created useful documents that can help make progress on the delicate and urgent topic of supporting the mental health and well-being of farmers and farming communities.

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Latest publications

 Farmer with cows in cowshed on dairy farm
Member State Evaluation |

New entrants and young farmers start-up grant schemes

The study aims to evaluate the new entrants and young farmers start-up grant schemes as part of the Scottish 2014-2022 Rural Development Programme (RDP). Both schemes aimed to encourage new and young people into the farming sector and help retain people in rural communities.

Agricultural technicians having a conversation
Member State Evaluation |

The role of technicians in the interaction between potential beneficiaries and Abruzzo’s RDP

This analysis focuses on the activities carried out by Agricultural Assistance Centres (AACs) and technicians and their adequacy in effectively supporting Rural Development Programme (RDP) beneficiaries.

Farmer collecting tomatoes
Member State Evaluation |

Thematic report on helping young farmers set up

The thematic report analyses the effectiveness of support provided to help young farmers establish themselves in agriculture under the Lazio Rural Development Program (RDP) for 2014-2022.

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CAP Implementation contact point

CAP Implementation

As an integral part of the EU CAP Network, the CAP Implementation Contact Point supports and coordinates networking activities relating to the design and implementation of the CAP’s strategic plans.

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Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation

Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI

'Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’'s role is to facilitate communication and cooperation between those with a keen interest in sharing knowledge and innovative ideas for sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

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Participants of the workshop


The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP provides tailored support to EU Member States and the European Commission in their evaluations of agriculture and rural development policy.

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LEADER is a local development method which has been used for 30 years to engage local actors in the design and delivery of strategies, decision-making and resource allocation for the development of their rural areas.

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National networks

National CAP networks have a key role in steering and driving forward policy as well as promoting stakeholder engagement, knowledge sharing and capacity building for EU Member States and other actors.

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LAG Directory

The EU CAP Network LAG Directory brings together in one place the contact details for the new LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) created in the 2023-2027 programming period.

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Country data

Discover rural development in the European Union.

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