General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Measure
Launched by two young farmers and business owners, "My Pig" offers opportunities for farm development and digitalisation and an informed discussion on animal slaughtering and animal welfare, as well as the digital possibilities of direct communication between farmer and consumer.
The project "My Pig" pursues an innovative approach towards higher animal welfare. Consumers who want to know where the pork they consume comes from will find a digital, future-oriented offer. The use of digital possibilities for the transparency of pig fattening is new and important for the image of agriculture. The system "My Pig" is a growing one and interested pig farms can use and implement it without high investment costs.
A model barn was set up and operations started in 2020.
There are currently seven pig-keeping member farms in the "My Pig" programme.
Currently around 30-40 pigs are sold to private customers per month, and around 75% go to the 25 participating catering establishments and canteens (up to four more companies are expected to join this year). The catering establishments can connect live to the farms via a QR code to see how pigs are reared.
The project sets new standards in meat production, making animal welfare one of its priorities.
It uses digital possibilities for direct communication between farmers and consumers towards a resilient future of agriculture.
It offers new possibilities for small farms in a "crisis-prone" agricultural production sector. It also enables cooperation among agriculture, gastronomy, community catering and other sectors.

Agro Media GmbH
Total budget 150 000 (EUR)
EAFRD 60 000 (EUR)
Private 90 000 (EUR)
(PDF – 985.72 KB)