Good Practice - Project

Château Superette: An inclusive neighbourhood grocery store

A LEADER social inclusion project in Belgium is boosting community services and local food supplies.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Dadizele, Belgique
    - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Dadizele, Belgique

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD
    Beneficiary type
    • Non-profit organisation


    Located in a castle surrounded by a beautiful park, Mariënstede is an organisation in Dadizele, a municipality in Western Flanders, that provides care and opportunities to people with disabilities. Inclusiveness is at the core of the organisation’s activities. They aim not only to enable their clients to participate in society but also to welcome society - the local neighbourhood in which they operate – into their centre to enjoy their facilities and events. The organisation runs its own shop, which attracts people from the village and brings in much-needed income. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funding was used to improve the shop’s accessibility and to expand the range of products and services it provides.


    • The shop now stocks products from around 20 local farmers and 15 other suppliers.
    • The implementation of this project has made it possible for more people to take on a role within the organisation and to work at the shop in a more independent way.
    • The renovated shop and its services have made it possible for the organisation to diversify its income and to develop new activities.
    • The project contributed to building a more inclusive community at the castle. Many people come on a regular base to meet at the shop and have a coffee.
    Mariënstede vzw logo

    Vzw Mariënstede


    Total budget: 56 535 (EUR)

    EAFRD: 18 374 (EUR)

    National/regional: 18 374 (EUR)

    Private/own: 16 787 (EUR)

    Other funding sources: 3 000 (EUR) (sponsorships)


    English language

    Good Practice Report - Château Superette: An inclusive neighbourhood grocery store

    (PDF – 3.16 Mo)


    Mariënstede is a Belgian organisation where people with disabilities can come to work and/or stay. The organisation is located in a castle surrounded by a beautiful park in the centre of Dadizele which is a small village of about 4 000 inhabitants. Inclusiveness is at the core of the organisation’s policy. Mariënstede aims not only to enable its clients to participate in society, but also to welcome the neighbourhood into its daily life.

    A variety of things are produced in Mariënstede, including chocolates, cheeses and craft products. These and other produce are sold in a little onsite shop, which helps to further diversify Mariënstede’s income. As the shop gained more customers and demand for local products grew, it became clear that there was potential to expand the retail offer further.


    The aim of this LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale) project was to improve the capacity of a local village shop, in an area where local shops and services had begun to shut down, and to provide new activities and services for the residents of Mariënstede – such as the opportunity to manage the shop and the reception without assistance.


    The project started in March 2016, and the LEADER funds made it possible for Mariënstede to expand its original plans and fully realise its vision. Project activities included:

    • Reconfiguring the entrance of the castle so that the store and all of the various facilities and meeting places, with their different activities and events, are now accessible to all.
    • Providing new services at the shop, such as a sales point for local craftsmen and craftswomen and food producers; photocopying and internet access; tourist information; a coffee bar, etc.
    • Installing a specially designed telecoms system in the shop/reception, making it possible for people with a disability to manage many key tasks from there.
    • Transferring the administration of the Château Superette facilities and activity programme (including a social restaurant and a boathouse meeting space) to get more people involved in management tasks.
    • Providing tailored, individual training to everyone who wishes to help out in the shop/at the welcome desk: training them in the new system, managing the store and welcoming visitors.

    Main results

    • About 20 local farmers supply their products (e.g. milk, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, potatoes, cheese, juices) to the shop and the shop also stocks the products of about 15 other suppliers, including charities and artwork from local artists.
    • There are about 80 people with a disability that come to Mariënstede to stay and/or work. Since the implementation of this project, it has been possible for more of them (five extra so far) to take on a role within the organisation and to work at the shop in a more independent way.
    • The renovated shop and its services have made it possible for the organisation to diversify its income and develop new activities, one of which is a small cinema.
    • The reception at the shop accepts incoming calls and various administrative tasks are carried out there, such as managing the organisation’s website, managing a meeting room booking system, managing social media and a magazine, as well as taking care of the plants on the desks.
    • The project contributed to building a more inclusive community at the castle, where all of the inhabitants of the village are able to participate in Mariënstede’s activities and make use of the services that it provides.

    Key lessons

    • Implementing this project with a commitment to inclusiveness relied on having good contacts within the community and forging strong partnerships with other organisations and producers in Dadizele. The organisation has established a network of around 100 volunteers who help with different activities and special events, some of them almost on a daily basis.