General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
Andrea Enzenhofer, who studied horse-assisted therapy, wanted to convert her conventional farm into a therapy centre. The development would create local employment opportunities and social care for children and adults with special needs. The farm also works with local partners such as schools, kindergartens and specialists.
The farm used the EAFRD funding to create a barrier-free riding centre, purchase therapy equipment and launch an internet homepage. They built a multi-person elevator from the riding centre to the living area. The riding centre is designed to allow movement-restricted children to be hoisted on to the horses by straps.
Conversion of a conventional farm into a horse-assisted therapy centre offering hippotherapy, ergotherapy, curative pedagogy and vaulting.
45 people can be looked after each week.
8 therapists are employed on the farm.
Partnerships have been established with local schools, kindergartens, an agricultural institute and specialists as well as facilities for the care of people with special needs.

LAG Donau-Böhmerwald, Andrea und Jürgen Enzenhofer
Total budget 305 700 (EUR)
RDP support 88 500 (EUR)
(PDF – 718.8 KB)
Andrea und Jürgen Enzenhofer