General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
Austria’s Mühlviertel region has seen its organic sector expand significantly in recent decades. The area is home to more than half of Upper Austrian organic farmers, as well as many organic processing companies. The brand BioRegion was set up in 2010 to promote and develop the sector. The brand is used as a marketing tool for the agricultural sector but also to promote tourism and local food processing. The project also created educational events for children including farm visits, published an organic-themed brochure and organised a hiking exhibition.
An organic-themed brochure was published to raise awareness about the sector and promote tourism.
Events were organised focussing on communicating healthy, holistic lifestyles and the circular economy at regional level.
A ‘school-on-farm’ programme was developed.
A hiking exhibition was launched and over 3 000 school children participated.

LAG HansBergLand (Lead-Partner)
Total budget 310 400 (EUR)
RDP support 230 800 (EUR)
(PDF – 373.1 Ko)
Daniel Breitenfellner