The EU CAP Network regularly collects examples of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) across different countries, which show how the CAP is used in practice to help rural areas meet the wide range of economic, environmental and social challenges of the 21st century.
The good practice examples included in our database showcase how policy ambition translates into concrete, transferable and replicable actions that are relevant to different types of stakeholders. These projects and initiatives cover all the priority policy themes and all the Member States and include policy design and implementation approaches.
Browse the database to find information about CAP Strategic Plans implementation, technical examples of policy design and delivery mechanisms, and plenty of inspiring stories from the ground.
You can also read our publications that gather relevant projects focused on specific topics related to CAP implementation.
Types of good practice examples
Policy implementation
The good practices in our database include projects funded by 2023-27 CAP Strategic Plans as well as projects implemented under the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programmes.
Get inspired by what other CAP stakeholders are doing and see how these projects are making a difference for agricultural and rural communities and businesses!
Case studies
In the current programming period, Member States have much more flexibility over how CAP Strategic Plans are implemented (performance-based model).
The case studies in our database support stakeholders involved in policy design and implementation. Learn about implementing systems, possible strategies to achieve the CAP’s General and Specific Objectives, interventions and their control principles.
Inspirational ideas
Inspirational ideas are articles that present inspiring stories from farming, forestry and rural areas with a focus on innovation and knowledge exchange. Each easy-to-read article focuses on innovative practices on the ground from countries across Europe. Many include interviews with farmers, foresters and advisors who share concrete ways to overcome challenges. Inspirational ideas are published each month in the Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI Newsletter.
The Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) is an annual competition that celebrates successful projects supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF).
Discover the finalists of the various ARIA editions and get inspired to replicate similar initiatives elsewhere.