Women create innovation
The Polish Innovation Network is organizing a conference for rural women, scientists, and innovative farming women to be held between the 3rd and 5th of September in Łódź, Poland.
- English
- Poland
- In-person

The Polish Innovation Network is organizing a conference “Women create innovation” to be held between the 3rd and 5th of September 2024 in Łódź, Poland.
The aim of the event is to exchange experiences, foster networking and promote good practices in solutions implemented and created by women living in rural areas or working for the development of rural areas. The conference also aims to support women's potential and empowerment in the field of rural entrepreneurship through mutual support and the exchange of innovative ideas and practices that will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of rural areas and their promotion as an attractive place to live and work.
This event will also be a great opportunity to recognize and present women leaders in rural areas who initiate, facilitate, and implement the transformation of a locality through the use of its value. There is a planned awards ceremony for such women.
All surveys done in Poland lead to the conclusion that women are more open to the transformation of their lives and their neighbourhood, have a better grasp of the necessity of change in the context of the environment and climate, and are more empathic in social and professional paths. Women play an increasingly important role in the future of rural areas, rural entrepreneurship, agriculture, and food production.
The target group of the event includes rural women, farming women implementing innovations, representatives of scientific and research units and universities, women actively working in the agribusiness sector, and representatives of agricultural advisory units.
The conference will be held in Polish without any interpretation, but Polish-speaking participants from outside Poland are welcome to register.
Additional info
Polish National Network
National stakeholders
Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów, Warsaw branch office
EU Institutions