Event - Governance meeting

Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) - 4th meeting

The fourth meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) was held in Brussels, Belgium on Friday 27 October 2023.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
Hands holding soil with a lightbulb and a plant

All event information from the 4th meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE), including the agenda, background documents, and presentations, is shared on this page.

You can find the final agenda, all presentations and a selection of photos from the meeting at the bottom of this page.

Presentation overview (in the order of the programme)

Welcome and introduction

  • Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI - latest updates - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI
  • New developments in Horizon Europe - Orsolya Frizon Somogyi, DG AGRI
  • The EIP-AGRI Support Facility's Annual Work Programme for 2023-2024 - Pacôme Elouna Eyenga, EIP-AGRI Support Facility, EU CAP Network

Session I: Guidelines for data on European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Operational Groups

  • Guidelines for data on EIP Operational Groups - Elin Johnsson, DG AGRI

Session II: EU CAP Network cross-visits - new knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning possibilities for OGs

  • EU CAP Network cross-visits - Aleksandra Zlateva, EIP-AGRI Support Facility
  • Yield of a Dutch-German cross-visit - Annemiek Canjels / Jeroen Nagel, Advisory service Province Limburg, the Netherlands

Session III A: Transnational and cross-border OGs - building up from different past experiences

  • Transnational and cross-border Operational Groups - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI
  • Tips and tricks from LEADER Transnational Cooperation, Anke Wehmeyer, German LEADER Association / ELARD
  • Nordic-Baltic TNC EIP cooperation, Tuija Kallio & Jenny Taylor, Finnish Rural Network & Swedish Board of Agriculture, Network to innovate partnership

Evaluation, next steps and closing

  • Next steps - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI


English language

SoIKE 4th meeting - Final Agenda.pdf

(PDF – 221.02 KB)

Additional info


Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw

Koning Albert II-laan 20 Brussels 1000 Belgium

EU logo

Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

EU Institutions


English language

Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI - latest updates - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI

(PDF – 1.22 MB)

English language

New developments in Horizon Europe - Orsolya Frizon Somogyi, DG AGRI

(PDF – 1.26 MB)

English language

Guidelines for data on EIP Operational Groups - Elin Johnsson, DG AGRI

(PDF – 1.66 MB)

English language

EU CAP Network cross-visits - Aleksandra Zlateva, EIP-AGRI Support Facility

(PDF – 1.28 MB)

English language

Yield of a Dutch-German cross-visit - Annemiek Canjels / Jeroen Nagel, Advisory service Province Limburg, the Netherlands

(PDF – 1.89 MB)

English language

Transnational and cross-border Operational Groups - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI

(PDF – 714 KB)

English language

Tips and tricks from LEADER Transnational Cooperation, Anke Wehmeyer, German LEADER Association / ELARD

(PDF – 1.4 MB)

English language

Nordic-Baltic TNC EIP cooperation, Tuija Kallio & Jenny Taylor, Finnish Rural Network & Swedish Board of Agriculture, Network to innovate partnership

(PDF – 1.08 MB)

English language

Next steps - Magdalena Mach, DG AGRI

(PDF – 515.8 KB)