Event - Conference

Shaping the Future of Rural Areas: High-level Rural Policy Forum

A bold opportunity to gather key political actors to advance the political agenda for the future of rural areas, prepare a fruitful debate in the Council of the EU, and support Member States to take action to unlock the potential of rural areas.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • El Parador - Siguenza, Spain
  • In-person
Shaping the Future of Rural Areas - High-level Rural Policy Forum


  • Enabling high-level policy exchanges between national authorities to contribute to the conclusions of the Council of the EU on the implementation of the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas (LTVRA);
  • Share experiences about how EU policies and funds can best contribute to achieving the rural vision in key policy priority areas for the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU and explore ways how the Rural Pact can add value;
  • Establish a dialogue to explore with Member States enhanced multi-level governance frameworks and participatory structures to listen to the voices of rural actors and relevant stakeholders and enhance the design of rural policies that enable them to act in the framework of the Rural Pact.

The Forum will help move forward towards greater complementarities among different policy instruments and strategies.


English language

Shaping the Future of Rural Areas - Agenda

(PDF – 145.97 KB)

Additional info


El Parador

Plaza del Castillo Siguenza Guadalajara Spain


The Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission with the Rural Pact Support Office
