IPM Conference 2024
IPMWORKS and IPM Decisions are two sister H2020 projects who are jointly organising the IPM Conference 2024 in Brussels on 14 May 2024.
- English
- Herman Teirlinck building - Brussels, Belgium
- In-person

The EU has set an ambitious target of halving pesticide use and its impact on European agriculture. IPMWORKS and IPM Decisions are two sister H2020 projects contributing to this challenging objective by promoting a holistic approach to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and jointly organising the IPM Conference 2024 in Brussels, 14 May 2024.
IPMWORKS is an EU-wide network of farmers and advisers engaged in the reduction of pesticide use and the demonstration that it is feasible and cost-effective, when the five pillars of IPM are combined at the farm level.
The pan-European IPM Decisions platform provides farmers and advisers with easy access to decision support systems for avoiding unnecessary pesticide treatments. Specialised dashboards for applied researchers enable evaluation, comparison, adaptation and development of decision support.
The IPM Conference 2024 will provide a forum for stakeholders involved in the development of IPM, including farmers, advisory services, retailers, agro-industries, researchers, decision support developers and policymakers. The conference will present results and tools produced by the two projects, with testimonies of farmers and advisers highlighting success stories in IPM implementation and practical solutions to reduce the reliance on pesticides.
Now you can check out the first version of the programme on the project website.
The conference will be held in person and in English (no streaming).
These projects have received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements no. 817617 and 101000339
Additional info
Herman Teirlinck building
Havenlaan 88 Brussels Belgium