Event - Workshop

An Innovation Agenda for the Future Monitoring of the CAP

The workshop is organised in the framework of the MEF4CAP project, looking to harness the benefits of digital technologies in connection to the new sustainability data needs, prompted by the reform of the CAP, Green Deal, Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategy.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Hybrid

What options will we have in the near future, given the innovations that are happening at great speed in the field of digital agriculture? What are the main motivations, but also the main obstacles that farmers and the entire agricultural “digital ecosystem” will encounter to feed this M&E system? How can we optimise the data collection process for policy evaluation and also reduce the amount of time farmers need to spend on providing such data? What are the main implications related to data protection and reciprocity? Will there be a risk of creating a digital divide between different types of farmers, or between Member States?

MEF4CAP has developed a roadmap that aims to answer these questions, comparing and as much as possible combining promising digital technologies into data gathering and processing for the future CAP M&E. Following that roadmap, the MEF4CAP Innovation Agenda aims to describe which innovation actions are needed to realize the roadmap while ensuring that the proposed transformations take into account the needs of the different players.

During the event, invited external panellists, participants and MEF4CAP partners, will discuss and solidify the elements of the roadmap and develop the future innovation agenda through an interactive discussion session.

Click here to discover more about the event!

An Innovation Agenda for the Future Monitoring of the CAP

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Rue de Spa, 30 Brussels 1000 Belgium


The European Environmental Bureau (EEB)