EU-FarmBook Platform Pre-Launch | Exclusive online event
The EU-FarmBook platform is coming soon. Stakeholders, H2020 and Horizon Europe project coordinators, are invited to join an online event on 8 February 2024. This event will offer exclusive insights into the platform, showcasing its benefits and features.
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The highly anticipated EU-FarmBook platform goes live on the 8th of February 2024 and is ready to receive practice-oriented materials, derived from EU-funded projects.
In celebration of this milestone, the project’s stakeholders are gearing up for a pre-launch online event that promises to be an insightful occasion specifically for Project Coordinators (H2020 and Horizon Europe) and Stakeholders (EU, Regional, and National Policy Makers).
What can you anticipate during this exclusive session?
1. Platform Presentation and Showcase:
Delve into a presentation highlighting the platform’s capabilities and features
Learn about the benefits for Contributors (H2020 and Horizon Europe projects) and Stakeholders (EU, Regional, and National Policy Makers);
2. Insights for Project Coordinators:
Customized insights tailored specifically for H2020 and Horizon Europe Project Coordinators, emphasizing the advantages of project dissemination through the EU-FarmBook Platform;
Comprehensive guidance on the upload process, recognizing its pivotal role in providing practical outcomes for the future platform direct users (farmers, foresters, or other rural actors) and intermediaries (members of CAP rural networks, advisors, educators/trainers, students or journalists);
3. Platform Features and Future Glimpse:
Explore the platform’s existing features and get an exclusive sneak peek into its forthcoming enhancements, related to the user experience;
Get acquainted with what the future holds for this innovative platform
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