Event - Governance meeting

EU CAP Network’s Steering Group - 1st Meeting

The Steering Group is one of the main governance bodies of the European CAP Network alongside the Assembly. It follows up on the work of the EU CAP Network, in particular it ensures good coordination of the thematic work of the Network.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • EU CAP Network premises - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
EU CAP Network Steering Group - 1st Meeting

It consists of 22 members and the operational tasks of the Steering Group are:

  • Preparing and following-up the activities of the EU CAP Network, in accordance with the strategic framework provided by the Assembly;
  • Coordinating the thematic strands in accordance with the framework provided by the Assembly and following-up its implementation;
  • Assessing on an on-going basis the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of the EU CAP Network;
  • Ensuring the coordination of the work of the Assembly with that of other relevant expert groups and committees; and
  • Reporting to the Assembly as regards its activities.


English language

Agenda - 1st Steering Group meeting

(PDF – 239.96 KB)

Additional info


EU CAP Network premises

Avenue des Arts 9 Brussels 1210 Belgium

EU CAP Network logo over a white background.

Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

EU Institutions



English language

Annual Work Plan 2023-24 and network activities updates from each of the Lots, David Lamb, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 85.2 KB)

English language

Procedural components, Tatjana Borbas, DG AGRI, D.1

(PDF – 214.89 KB)