Event - Conference

Conference on successful environmental practice within the framework of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

In 2023, a new common agricultural policy will be introduced in the EU, including several issues that will be interesting to follow.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • In-person
a house surrounded by trees in a field for the 'Conference on successful environmental practice'

There will be some 120 participants from all Member States and the European Commission. Focus will be on experience exchanges from implementation of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy in the Member States. Agriculture-related study visits around the region of Skåne will also be organised during the conference.

Topic: How can the increased environmental and climate ambition of the CAP, as well as animal welfare, contribute to a sustainable food chain? Conditionality, eco-schemes and EAFRD-funded agri-environment-climate commitments are central in the green architecture. Investments, knowledge transfer, cooperation, innovation and the national CAP networks can strengthen and enhance the implementation of the commitments and deliver complementary actions. During study visits, breakout sessions and networking activities the participants will share examples and discuss key issues relating to the implementation of the green architecture of the CAP, synergies between interventions and CAPs contribution to European Green Deal.

For more information on the preliminary programme can be found here.


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The Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure & the Swedish National Rural Network