Support for farmers and rural stakeholders under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the Netherlands is managed in the 2023-2027 period nationally through their CAP Strategic Plan (CSP), funded under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and national contributions.
The CAP 2023-2027 follows a performance and results-based approach built around ten objectives, which frame the EU countries’ CAP Strategic Plans. These combine targeted interventions addressing specific needs and delivering on EU-level objectives.
CSP Documents
The full CSP for Dutch can be found on the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality website.
A short summary of the key points of the Dutch CSP is available on the CAP at a glance section of the European Commission website.
More information on the CAP is available in the CAP Overview section of the EU CAP Network website.
Dutch Network
Regieorganisatie GLB is the driving force behind Netwerk Platteland. This is a platform where stakeholders share knowledge and experience, meet and support each other in implementation. The network regularly organises events for this purpose and maintains a website and a knowledge database.
Managing Authority
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
2594 AC The Hague
- within the Netherlands: 1400 (local rates)
- from abroad: +31 70 214 02 14
Evaluation Contact Point:
Paying Agency
RVO (Agency)
Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL The Hague, the Netherlands
Telephone: 088 042 42 42