Latest news

LEADER impact report on balanced territorial development
A recently published European Commission evaluation exploring LEADER impacts on balanced territorial development shows LAGs created nearly 60 000 jobs and much more during the previous funding period.

Evaluation workshop: assessing LEADER added value
LEADER stakeholders from around Europe met in Luxembourg last month to share practices on how to assess LEADER added value.

Evaluation plans as foundations for better CAP assessments
EU Member States must develop an evaluation plan for the new CAP, with this blueprint acting as a key tool to demonstrate impact across all the objectives of the 2023-27 agriculture and rural development policy.
Latest publications

CAP Evaluation News - June 2023
How evaluation plans lay the foundations for better CAP assessments.
CAP Evaluation News - December 2022
Putting the evaluation pieces in place to assess the next CAP’s performance.

A journey through evaluation plans: Learning from past experiences for the future CAP
This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘A journey through evaluation plans: Learning…