Publication - Briefings |

Strategic Framework of the EU CAP Network

The Strategic Framework serves as a basis for monitoring and assessing the contribution of the activities of the EU CAP Network against its networking objectives, as established by CAP regulation.

  • 2023-2027
Red paper plane and wooden cubes with strategy icons

According to EU Regulation, the EU CAP Network should contribute to a series of networking objectives that contribute to the effective set-up and implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The networking objectives include, among others, increasing stakeholders' involvement, accompanying Member States’ administrations in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans and the transition to a performance-based delivery model, and contributing to the dissemination of CAP Strategic Plans results.

This Strategic Framework was developed as a basis for monitoring and assessing the contribution of the activities of the EU CAP Network against the networking objectives stated by the Regulation.

Its purpose is to:

  • Provide a unified and commonly understood frame for the operation of the EU CAP Network;
  • Guide and ensure coordination between the support units of the EU CAP Network in the further elaboration of their activities;
  • Support the bodies governing the EU CAP Network to align the priorities of the support units;
  • Set the basis for monitoring and evaluating the activities of the EU CAP Network.

The document outlines the organisational structure of the EU CAP Network, analyses its networking objectives, and identifies "Factors of Success". The Framework emphasises the oneness of the EU CAP Network and how each of the four support units (on CAP Implementation, Innovation, and Evaluation) contributes to each Factor of Success and Networking Objective. Outputs and result indicators for each Factor of Success are identified and explained.


EU CAP Network



English language


(PDF – 516.17 KB – 42 pages)