Productivity Effects of CAP Investment Support: Ex post evaluation from Sweden using Matched Panel Data
This study used firm-level micro data to estimate the productivity effects of investment support (measure 121). The…
- Sweden
- 2007-2013
The purpose of this ex post evaluation was to assess the influence of measure 121, dispersed during the Swedish RDP period 2007-2013 on firm competitiveness and to answer the CEQ15: “How and to what extent has the measure contributed to improving the competitiveness of the beneficiaries?” The period assessed is from 2007- 2012. This study used firm-level micro data to estimate the productivity effects of investment support (measure 121). The recently developed Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) method was used to model the selection bias attached to the assignment of support and to estimate the causal effects.
The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development
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