EIP-AGRI Seminar 'CAP Strategic Plans: the key role of AKIS in Member States'
Fostering and sharing knowledge and innovation forms part of the post-2020 CAP cross-cutting objective on modernisation…

Fostering and sharing knowledge and innovation forms part of the post-2020 CAP cross-cutting objective on modernisation. It has a key role to play in helping farmers and rural communities meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. The EIP-AGRI Seminar 'CAP Strategic Plans: the key role of AKIS in Member States' focused on supporting Member States in the preparation of their AKIS Strategic Plans, and promoting efficient agricultural knowledge flows within the country and region as well as across the whole EU. The final report of this EIP-AGRI Seminar, which was held online from 16-18 September 2020, contains all information on background, presentations and interactive discussions.
EIP-AGRI Service Point
EIP-AGRI Seminar AKIS: Final report: English version
(PDF – 5.26 MB)