publication - Reports |

Common Network Statistics (CNS) 7+1 Summary report

Common Network Statistics (CNS) are compiled each calendar year with data provided by the National Networks. This report refers to 2021 data.

  • 2014-2022

In 2016 Network Support Units (NSUs) agreed to submit Common Network Statistics (CNS) each calendar year. The purpose of this data collection is to raise awareness of the achievements of National Rural Networks (NRNs), benchmarking, identifying useful NRN activities/examples across Europe, and tracking progress within each NRN.

This report presents data from 2021 and provides an overview of networks’ activities throughout the EU, including events and participation, publications, good practices, thematic initiatives, training, cooperation and EU-level networking.

The results of this CNS report provide useful material for further dissemination at the EU CAP Network events and can also encourage exchanges between NRNs working on the same topics.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point


English language

CNS Y7+1 Summary Report

(PDF – 930.92 KB)