project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

VITIREGENERE: regenerative viticulture for improving biodiversity and vine management
VITIREGENERE: viticultura regenerativa para la mejora de la biodiversidad y gestión del viñedo

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The main objective of the project is to demonstrate and validate agronomic practices that contribute to regenerate the health and vitality of agricultural soils for a more sustainable vineyard agriculture, based on the concept of regenerative viticulture, improving crop biodiversity in general and soil biodiversity in particular.

- Improve the management of fertilisers and phytosanitary products and rainwater management.                                                                                                                                        - Reduce soil erosion to minimal or non-existent levels and improve soil management
- Restore, preserve and increase biodiversity the wine-growing ecosystem


El objetivo principal del proyecto es demostrar y validar prácticas agronómicas que contribuyan a regenerar la salud y vitalidad de los suelos agrícolas para una agricultura de la viña más sostenible, bajo el concepto de viticultura regenerativa, mejorando la biodiversidad de los cultivos en general y de los suelos en particular. 

- Mejorar en la gestión de los fertilizantes y productos fitosanitarios y del agua de lluvia y aumentar la capacidad de aprovechamiento de esta.                                                              - Reducir a valores mínimos o inexistentes la erosión de los suelos y mejorar la gestión y manejo de los mismos.
- Restaurar, preservar y mejorar la biodiversidad del ecosistema vitivinícola 


The planned actions can be summarised in a set of 3 distinct phases:
Phase 1: Choice and initial diagnosis of plots and soil
Diagnosis and physical-chemical characterisation of soils over time
Initial metataxonomic (microbial diversity), metagenomic and functional diagnosis of soil
Phase 2: Definition of the Plan for adaptation to regenerative agriculture
Definition, design and production of the different microbial bioconsortia and bioactivators                                                                                                                                            Phase 3: Implementation and monitoring of the regenerative agriculture measures


Las actuaciones previstas se pueden resumir en un conjunto de 3 fases diferentes:
Fase 1: Elección y diagnóstico inicial de las parcelas y suelos
Diagnosis inicial del estado agronómico de las fincas
Diagnosis y caracterización fisicoquímica de los suelos a lo largo del tiempo
Fase 2: Definición del Plan de adaptación a la agricultura regenerativa
Definición, diseño y producción de los diferentes bioconsorcios microbianos y bioactivadores
Fase 3: Aplicación y seguimiento de las medidas de agricultura regenerativa


In the world of viticulture, more conventional practices have led to loss of fertility, structure and microbiota in vineyards, as well as progressive soil degradation and loss. The aim of regenerative viticulture is to respect the natural balance and biodiversity of both the crops and the environment. Soils are regenerated, both in terms of fertility and structure, the water retention capacity of these soils is increased and vegetation covers are used as a means of increasing atmospheric carbon sequestration and reducing erosion.
In the VITIREGENERE project, different practices of regenerative agriculture will be applied in commercial organic vines in four locations corresponding to 4 different wineries. The aim is to improve the quality of agricultural soils by eliminating mechanical working of the soil, minimising the application of phytosanitary products that have harmful effects on soil microbiota, promoting the growth of vegetation cover to increase carbon sequestration and atmospheric nitrogen uptake in the soil and greater soil microbial diversity that can also promote better nutrient bioavailability for crops.  An extensive physical-chemical characterisation of the soil will be carried out, as well as a study of the evolution of the total and functional microbial diversity of the soil, using metataxonomy and metagenomics tools in the different regenerative practices, compared with conventional practices, over the course of the project in vineyards on different commercial farms. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 241680

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Monica Monera

    Project coordinator