project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

VinGO. Identification, enhancement and international marketing of minority grape varieties in Castilla y León, the Basque Country and Cantabria.
VinGO. Proyecto de identificación, puesta en valor y comercialización internacional de variedades minoritarias de uva en Castilla y León, País Vasco y Cantabria".

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VinGO is a project that seeks innovative solutions to develop viticultural management models aimed at the promotion and visibility of minority grape varieties. And it does so based on three pillars: the identification and classification of the raw material through the creation of a digital catalog, the enhancement of these varieties as a solution to mitigate the effects of climate change on viticulture and, finally, , promote the marketing of wines made with these varieties by creating quality labels that reflect their uniqueness and origin.


VinGO es un proyecto que busca soluciones innovadoras para desarrollar modelos de gestión vitícola orientados a la promoción y visibilidad de las variedades minoritarias de uva. Y lo hace apoyado en tres pilares: la identificación y clasificación de la materia prima a través de la creación de un catálogo digital, la puesta en valor de estas variedades como una solución para mitigar los efectos del cambio climático en la viticultura y, por úlitimo, potenciar la comercialización de vinos elaborados con estas variedades creando distintivos de calidad que reflejen su singularidad y su origen. 


· Develop innovative wine-growing management models aimed at the identification, enhancement and international marketing of minority grape varieties.
· Value enhancement of the cultivation of minority grape varieties as an alternative to the adaptation of vine cultivation to climate change through the use of technological and innovative tools.
· Create digital and technological tools that allow the identification, visibility, geo-referencing, and management of minority grape varieties in Spain.
· Marketing of minority grape varieties nationally and internationally.
· Define a strategy for the reduction of emissions of the VinGO consortium and compensation of its Carbon Footprint.


· Desarrollar modelos innovadores de gestión vitícola orientados a la identificación, puesta en valor y comercialización internacional de variedades minoritarias de uva.
· Puesta en valor del cultivo de variedades minoritarias de uva como alternativa a la adaptación del cultivo de vid al cambio climático.
· Crear herramientas digitales y tecnológicas que permitan identificar, visibilizar, georreferenciar, consultar, fomentar y gestionar las variedades minoritarias de uva de España.
· Comercialización de variedades minoritarias de uva a nivel nacional e internacional.
· Definir una estrategia para la reducción de emisiones del consorcio VinGO y compensación de su Huella de Carbono.


VinGO addresses two needs of the wine sector, on the one hand, the genetic impoverishment due to the extinction of native and ancestral grape varieties that were abandoned by others with higher production, causes a need to develop a viticulture that enhances biodiversity in the vineyard, the improvement of the soils and the increase in the area of ​​minority varieties, and on the other hand, the scarce classification or information on the number of cultivated vine varieties, their viticulture and their contributions in combined winemaking.
In short, with minority grape varieties, a range of possibilities is opened for the production of peculiar wines, with a genuine and differentiated character that can be very attractive for the current wine consumer.

Additional information

The globalization of the wine market is leading to a homogenization of the vine varieties grown around the world. The loss of varieties is a major problem in most viticultural areas, this fact must be stopped to conserve the varietal heritage. The wine market is in constant movement, consumers are currently demanding new styles of wine based on originality and quality, another trend is the consumption of local products, linked to the territory that represent its historical background. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy these new requirements. Minority varieties, most of them in danger of extinction, may be a good option to satisfy this new demand, since these varieties are perfectly adapted to local and environmental conditions. However, the oenological potential of these varieties remains unknown.
Currently, 50% of the wine grapes grown in Spain are represented by three varieties: Airén, Tempranillo and Bobal, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. But, this lack of diversity is not, far from it, due to a lack of options, since in Spain there are such a number of varieties that we do not even know the exact number.
Added to the multitude of grape varieties that our country enjoys is the confusion due to the number of homonyms in the various denominations. A problem that ampelography currently solves. This branch of botany that identifies and classifies vines has been very useful in recent years, in which there has been a growing interest in recovering native varieties and even identifying some unknown varieties along the way. In addition, another important point in this recovery is that in addition to recovering a variety, an area in general is recovered.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDNP001 España - Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Zamora, Álava

€ 533449

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

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