project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Using meat by-products to obtain bioactive hydrolysates with antimicrobial properties (BIOPEPTIDES)
Aprovechamiento de subproductos cárnicos para la obtención de hidrolizados bioactivos con propiedades antimicrobianas (BIOPEPTIDS)

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The main objective of this project is to obtain new protein hydrolysates from different meat industry by-products with antimicrobial activity. It also considers identifying the peptides responsible for the antimicrobial effect in the hydrolysate with the greatest potential.


Con todo ello, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es la obtención de nuevos hidrolizados proteicos a partir de distintos subproductos de la industria cárnica con actividad antimicrobiana. Se plantea también la identificación de los péptidos responsables del efecto antimicrobiano del hidrolizado que presente mayor potencial.


• Selecting and characterising raw materials for the production of hydrolysates
• Processing hydrolysates
• Pre-selection of protein by functionality
• Characterising the selected hydrolysates
• Stability of protein hydrolysates functionalities during gastrointestinal transit
• Prioritising pre-selected protein hydrolysates
• Hydrolysate production at the pilot plant
• Identifying the most common peptides
• Determining the bioactivity of selected peptides
• Demonstrating in vitro efficacy of the selected protein hydrolysate
• Characterising and assessing the digestibility of the waste generated in producing the selected hydrolysate
• Patentability
• Dissemination of the project


• Selección y caracterización de las materias primas
• Elaboración y preselección de los hidrolizados
• Caracterización de los hidrolizados seleccionados
• Estabilidad de las funcionalidades de los hidrolizados proteicos durante el tránsito gastrointestinal
• Jerarquización de los hidrolizados proteicos pre-seleccionados
• Elaboración del hidrolizado a nivel de planta piloto
• Identificación y determinación de la bioactividad de los péptidos mayoritarios del hidrolizado seleccionado
• Demostración de la eficacia in vitro del hidrolizado proteico seleccionado
• Caracterización y evaluación de la digestibilidad de los residuos generados 
• Patentabilidad y difusión del proyecto


Antibiotics are drugs used in both human and veterinary medicine for the treatment and prophylaxis of infectious diseases caused by bacteria. Although the first antibiotics were discovered less than 90 years ago, it was not until the 1940s that they were widely used for the treatment of infections. Therapeutic use of antibiotics as a disease control measure is one of the most important achievements in medicine, helping reduce mortality and morbidity from bacterial diseases. Over the years, in both human and veterinary medicine, antibiotics have been susceptible to incorrect and indiscriminate use, producing a negative impact on individual and public health, as well as the resulting emergence of antimicrobial resistance. This has led to the search for new alternatives.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Tarragona, Girona

€ 196392.98

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Eudald Casas

    Project coordinator