project - Research and innovation

Useful tool to collect poultry welfare indicators
Useful tool to collect poultry welfare indicators

Completed | 2014 - 2016 Other, European Union
Completed | 2014 - 2016 Other, European Union
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The legal requirements for animal welfare usually only refer to criteria for stable construction and herd or flock management. However, clear conclusions about animal welfare cannot be drawn only based on the available space, the floor design or the absence of beaks. In order to get an accurate picture of the state of health and well-being of livestock it is also necessary to have a close look at (and assessment of) the animals and their behaviour. Here farmers often struggle with systematic tracking and long-term quality assurance beyond daily control. The Management Tool (Mtool) by the University of Kassel provides hands-on support for farmers to improve animal health of young and laying hens. The tool uses animal-related indicators and provides practical assistance in capturing and evaluating animal health. The tool was developed as part of the Model and Demonstration Project (MuD) Animal Welfare.



Additional information

• The tool´s handbook provides extensive background information on the procedure, possible causes of problems and provides concrete recommendations for action.

• For the animal assessment in the barn, farmers can use stable cards: Sample images allow an easy evaluation of each indicator.

• A video tutorial provides helpful tips on the correct approach.

• The data is recorded in Excel templates that transfer the data results to tables and graphics.

The extra work pays off, especially in the medium and long term. For organic farms, the documentation also serves as a good preparation for the annual operational inspection. The data can be used to better monitor animal health: potential risks and problems can be identified more quickly and improvement measures can be evaluated.

Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Project acronym
MTool for young and laying hens
Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Prof. Dr. Ute Knierim

Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator