project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group


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Completed | 2020 - 2023 Slovenia
Completed | 2020 - 2023 Slovenia
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The objective and purpose of the DEBLO ++ project is to find solutions in the field of integrated and sustainable forest management at the level of individual manager, in this case, this is the agricultural holding. The project addresses both the economic and environmental aspects of forest land management. The purpose of the project is to create a demo version of a digital solution of an optimized property plan that will include information from different databases. Part of the project relates to the upgrading of the standard forest management plan, which includes the so-called "hotspots", areas that are affected by weather or emerging climate change and merge into the property plan.


Cilj in namen projekta DEBLO++ je iskanje rešitev na področju problematike celostnega in trajnostnega upravljanja gozdov na nivoju posameznega upravljavca, v primeru projekta je to kmetijsko gospodarstvo. Projekt obravnava tako ekonomski kot okoljski vidik upravljanja gozdnih zemljišč. Namen projekta je izdelati demo verzijo digitalne rešitve (aplikacija) optimiziranega posestnega načrta, ki bo vključeval informacije iz različnih podatkovnih baz. Del projekta se nanaša na nadgradnjo standardnega gozdno gojitvenega načrta, ki v njegovo vsebino prinaša t.i. "vroče točke", območja, ki so prizadeta zaradi vremenskih ujm ali nastajajočih podnebnih sprememb in se zlivajo v posestni načrt.


The project will include activities:
- project management and coordination;
- activities directly related to the implementation of the project and administrative and technical activities,
- preparation and implementation of a practical test of a new or improved product, practice, process or technology at a farm location in order to check their suitability,
- feasibility analysis of the transposition of a new or improved product, practice, process or technology into agricultural level,
- dissemination of project results.


V projektu bodo potekale aktivnosti:
- vodenje in koordinacija projekta;
- aktivnosti, ki so neposredno povezane z izvedbo projekta, in administrativno-tehnične aktivnosti,
- priprava in izvedba praktičnega preizkusa novega oziroma izboljšanega proizvoda, prakse, procesa ali tehnologije na lokaciji kmetijskega gospodarstva z namenom preverjanja njihove ustreznosti,
- analiza izvedljivosti prenosa novega oziroma izboljšanega proizvoda, prakse, procesa ali tehnologije v prakso na ravni kmetijskega gospodarstva,
- razširjanje rezultatov projekta.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SI06RDNP001 Program razvoja podeželja RS za obdobje 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 348969.94

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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2 Practice Abstracts

The developed application has its own characteristics, namely usability, relevance, reliability, accuracy and usefulness. The first feature of the application is its usefulness for forest owners, since only the user and their farm must be registered to access the application. It is essential to ensure that the owner can get the right information in an easy and hassle-free way and get the best decision-making support in the sustainable management of his forest plots. Another feature is the comprehensibility of the presented information and data. The displayed analyzes are presented in a comprehensible way, namely with a visual display (e.g. charts) and with key data. The third and fourth features of the application are reliability and accuracy. The focus is on experts with many years of experience in the field of forestry, who during the project developed a methodology that enables identification of the part of the forest where the effectiveness of silvicultural measures in terms of achieving forest management goals is greater than in the surrounding area. The methodology allows for a more detailed definition of the types of forestry hotspots, which allows us to determine where the most effective management of the forest is and in what way. The last feature of the system is its usefulness, both for forest owners and for the environment. In addition to the nature conservation aspect, the advantage of the application is also the financial return that forest owners can generate through sustainable forest management. By implementing the service provided by the application, forest owners can increase the yield of their forested land and create an additional source of income on the farm. Owners can also improve the productivity of their forests.

Razvita aplikacija ima svoje lastnosti, in sicer uporabnost, ustreznost, zanesljivost, natančnost in koristnost. Prva lastnost aplikacije je uporabnost za lastnike gozdov, saj je za dostopanje v aplikacijo potreben le vpis uporabnika in svoje kmetije. Bistveno je zagotoviti lastniku, da bo na enostaven način in brez težav prišel do pravih informacij ter dobil najboljšo podporo glede odločanja pri trajnostnem upravljanju svojih gozdnih parcel. Druga lastnosti je azumljivost predstavljenih informacij in podatkov. Prikazane analize so predstavljane na razumljiv način, in sicer s slikovnim prikazom (npr. grafikoni) in s ključnimi podatki. Tretja in četrta lastnost aplikacije je zanesljivost in natančnost. Poudarek je na strokovnjakih z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na področju gozdarstva, ki so tekom projekta razvili metodologija, ki omogoča prepoznavanje dela gozda, kjer je učinkovitost gozdnogojitvenega ukrepanja v smislu doseganja ciljev gospodarjenja z gozdom, večja kot v okolici. Metodologija omogoča podrobnejšo opredelitev vrst gozdnogojitvenih vročih točk, s čimer lahko določimo, kje je najbolj učinkovito upravljanje dela gozda in na kakšen način. Zadnja lastnost sistema pa je koristnost, tako za lastnike gozdov kot za okolje. Poleg naravovarstvenega vidika je prednost aplikacije tudi finančni donos, ki ga lastniki gozdov lahko ustvarijo s trajnostnim gospodarjenjem z gozdovi. Z izvajanjem storive, ki ga nudi aplikacija, si lahko lastniki gozdov povečajo donos svojih gozdnatih zemljišč in ustvarijo dodaten vir zaslužka na kmetiji. Z izvajanjem priporočenih ukrepov aplikacije lahko lastniki izboljšujejo tudi produktivnost svojih gozdov.

In the final six-month period, we continued and completed the development of the web-based application for the forest inventory at agricultural farm owner's forest. During the first half of the six-month period, we carried out tests and debugging, and then tested the application in the field, on one of the (AF), when carrying out forest inventories at silvicultural hotspots (SHPs). The developed application serves as a platform to help KMG owners to be transparent and to facilitate the search for location and ownership information, as links to various publicly available search engines and databases are collected on the homepage. The application also provides possibilities for forest owners to request a SHP treatment for a desired forest parcel under their ownership. This request is processed by a forestry expert, who reviews publicly available data and databases prior to the field visit and then determines the SHP with the forest owner in the field. For the forest inventory on the SHP, the application allows direct data entry for the selected SHP, whereby the calculation of the stand indicators is carried out automatically and entered in the so-called "SHP Card". This is the final product for the AF owner, which is sent to the Deblo application after the forest management application has been issued as an upgraded digitised forest management plan. It includes basic information on the SHP, the stand conditions on the SHP and the condition of the young trees on the SHP. After the basic information, the aims for the forest area, the proposed actions and the timeframe for checking the actions carried out are also recorded. At the very end, there is also a mapping section with the SHP placed in space on the different map layers. 

V šestem 6-mesečju smo nadaljevali in zaključili razvijanje spletne aplikacije za opravljanje inventure pri lastniku kmetijskega gospodarstva (KMG). V prvi polovici šestmesečja smo opravljali teste in odpravljanje napak, nato smo aplikacijo preizkusili na terenu, na enem izmed KMG pri opravljanju gozdne inventure na gozdnogojitvenih vročih točkah (GVT). Razvita aplikacija služi kot platforma za pomoč lastnikom KMG pri preglednosti in olajša iskanje lokacijskih in lastniških informacij, saj so na domači strani zbrane povezave do različnih javno dostopnih iskalnikov in baz podatkov. Aplikacije nadalje nudi tudi možnosti lastnikom gozdov da podajo zahtevek za obravnavo z vidika GVT za željeno gozdno parcelo v njihovi lasti. Ta zahtevek preide v obdelavo h gozdarskemu strokovnjaku, ki pred terenskim ogledom pregleda javno dostopne podatke in baze ter nato na terenu z lastnikom gozda določi GVT. Pri gozdni inventuri na GVT pa aplikacija omogoča direktni vnos podatkov za izbrano GVT, pri čemer se izračuni sestojnih kazalnikov izvedejo samodejno ter se vnesejo v t.i. "Kartico GVT". Ta je končni izdelek za lastnika KMG, ki ga prejme na aplikacijo Deblo po izdanem zahtevku za gozdnogojitveno obravnavo kot nadgrajen digitaliziran posestni gozdnogospodarski načrt. Vključuje osnovne informacije o GVT, sestojne razmere na GVT in stanje mladja na GVT. Po osnovnih informacijah so zapisani tudi cilji za gozdno površino, predlagani ukrepi in časovni okvir kontrole opravljenih ukrepov. Čisto na koncu je tudi kartni del z GVT umeščenimi v prostor na različne kartne podlage.

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Project coordinator

  • R1NG, razvojna družba, d.o.o.

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • 2KM Consulting d.o.o., podjetniško in poslovno svetovanje

    Project partner

  • Biotehniški center Naklo

    Project partner

  • Boštjan Per

    Project partner

  • Gašper Zabret

    Project partner

  • Gregor Turnšek

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • Mitja Gantar

    Project partner

  • PROCHROM-COMP, Trgovina in posredništvo, d.o.o.

    Project partner

  • ROBUST, razvoj, proizvodnja, trženje, d.o.o.

    Project partner

  • Tonček Trbanc

    Project partner

  • Univerza v Ljubljani

    Project partner