project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Targeted approach for selective dry cow management decision making
Targeted approach for selective dry cow management decision making

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Three farmers in north east Wales are investigating whether there is a more targeted approach to dry cow management that can work towards their goal of reducing antibiotic usage without compromising herd health and welfare. In this project the farmers will use the latest technology by carrying out milk leukocyte differential (MLD) testing using Q Scout Farm Lab. Q Scout is a new and scientifically proven portable diagnostic machine that scans milk samples microscopically.


Mae tri ffermwr yng ngogledd ddwyrain Cymru yn ymchwilio a oes dull wedi ei dargedu yn well o reoli buchod sych a all weithio tuag at eu nod o leihau’r defnydd o wrthfiotig heb amharu ar iechyd a lles y fuches. Yn y prosiect hwn bydd y ffermwyr yn defnyddio’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf trwy gynnal profion gwahaniaethau lewcocyt (MLD) gan ddefnyddio Q Scout Farm Lab.


Each milking quarter will be sampled and tested prior to drying off to determine whether individual quarters require antibiotic therapy to combat an intra-mammary infection, or whether they could be dried off using an internal teat sealant in isolation. The test results are available in a very quick turnaround, meaning that dairy managers have access to current udder health data allowing them to be confident in their decision making for every cow and every individual milking quarter.
The three dairy herds totalling approximately 800 Holstein Friesian lactating cows. All herds are located within a similar geographical region.


Bydd pob chwarter yn cael ei samplu a'i phrofi cyn sychu i bennu a yw chwarteri unigol angen therapi gwrthfiotig i frwydro yn erbyn heintiad yn y deth, neu a allant gael eu sychu gan ddefnyddio seliwr teth mewnol yn unig. Mae canlyniadau’r profion ar gael yn gyflym iawn, sy’n golygu y gall rheolwyr stoc llaeth gael data cyfredol am iechyd y pwrs/cader sy’n golygu eu bod yn gallu bod yn hyderus yn eu penderfyniadau ar gyfer pob buwch a phob chwarter.
Mae’r tair buches laeth yn cyfateb i tua 800 o wartheg Holstein Friesian sy’n llaetha. Mae’r tair buches mewn ardal ddaearyddol debyg.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Flintshire and Wrexham

€ 46418

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Three farmers in north east Wales are investigating whether there is a more targeted approach to dry cow management that can work towards their goal of reducing antibiotic usage without compromising herd health and welfare.

Selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) aims to reduce broad spectrum antibiotic therapy by targeting only cows with an intra-mammary infection with antibiotics and those with a healthy udder sealant only. This has in the past been reliant on monthly milk recordings and individual Somatic Cell Count (SCC), mastitis records, and using the California Mastitis Test (CMT) test on the day of drying off. CMT test is subjective to interpretation and not always carried out to the specifications and the milk recording SCC is an average of the four quarters and could be up to a month out of date.     

In this project the farmers will use the latest technology by carrying out milk leukocyte differential (MLD) testing using Q Scout Farm Lab. Q Scout is a new and scientifically proven portable diagnostic machine that scans milk samples microscopically. It allows for the sampling and testing of each milking quarter prior to drying off to determine whether individual quarters require antibiotic therapy to combat an intra-mammary infection, or whether they could be dried off using an internal teat sealant in isolation. The test results are available in a very quick turnaround, meaning that dairy managers have access to current udder health data allowing them to be confident in their decision making for every cow and every individual milking quarter.

Introducing this new technology to the U.K dairy industry will allow farmers to accurately and confidently apply SDCT, and help reduce the reliance on prophylactic antibiotic usage.

Mae tri ffermwr yng ngogledd ddwyrain Cymru yn ymchwilio a oes dull wedi ei dargedu yn well o reoli buchod sych a all weithio tuag at eu nod o leihau’r defnydd o wrthfiotig heb amharu ar iechyd a lles y fuches.

Nod therapi dethol i fuchod sych (SDCT) yw lleihau’r therapi eang trwy dargedu’r buchod â heintiad yn eu tethi â gwrthfiotig yn unig a dim ond seliwr i’r rhai â phwrs/cader iach. Yn y gorffennol roedd hyn yn dibynnu ar gofnodion llaeth misol a chyfrif celloedd somatig unigol, cofnodion mastitis, a defnyddio Prawf Mastitis Califfornia (CMT) ar y diwrnod sychu. Mae profion CMT yn ddibynnol ar ddehongliad ac nid ydynt bob amser yn cael eu cynnal yn ôl y manylebau ac mae’r SCC wrth gofnodi llaeth yn rhoi cyfartaledd y pedwar chwarter a gall fod hyd at fis oed.     

Yn y prosiect hwn bydd y ffermwyr yn defnyddio’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf trwy gynnal profion gwahaniaethau lewcocyt (MLD) gan ddefnyddio Q Scout Farm Lab. Peiriant diagnostig cludadwy wedi ei brofi yn wyddonol yw Q Scout sy’n sganio samplau llaeth yn ficroscopig. Mae’n rhoi cyfle i samplo a phrofi pob chwarter cyn sychu i bennu a yw chwarteri unigol angen therapi gwrthfiotig i frwydro yn erbyn heintiad yn y deth, neu a allant gael eu sychu gan ddefnyddio seliwr teth mewnol yn unig. Mae canlyniadau’r profion ar gael yn gyflym iawn, sy’n golygu y gall rheolwyr stoc llaeth gael data cyfredol am iechyd y pwrs/cader sy’n golygu eu bod yn gallu bod yn hyderus yn eu penderfyniadau ar gyfer pob buwch a phob chwarter.

Bydd cyflwyno’r dechnoleg newydd hon i ddiwydiant llaeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn gadael i ffermwyr weithredu SDCT yn gywir a hyderus, a helpu i leihau’r ddibyniaeth ar y defnydd proffylactig o wrthfiotig.

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Project coordinator

  • Neil Blackburn

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Ian Ohnstad

    Project partner

  • Mr Bill May

    Project partner

  • Neil Evans

    Project partner

  • Stephen Massey

    Project partner

  • Thomas Bletcher

    Project partner