project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Tackling Scab - a farmer led approach
Tackling Scab - a farmer led approach

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In this three-year project a group of farmers within the Talybont, North Ceredigion area will investigate how working together, rather than a single farm effort, can improve the successfulness of scab treatment. Hopefully by using existing scab diagnosis and treatment techniques in a coordinated way across all farms within the Ceulanmaesmawr parish, this will increase the effectiveness of scab treatment.


Yn y prosiect tair blynedd hwn bydd grŵp o ffermwyr o ardal Talybont, Gogledd Ceredigion yn ymchwilio sut y gall cydweithio, yn hytrach na gweithio ar ffermydd unigol, wella llwyddiant y driniaeth clafr. Y gobaith yw, trwy ddefnyddio technegau diagnosis a thrin y clafr sy’n bodoli mewn modd wedi ei gydlynu ar draws yr holl ffermydd ym mhlwyf Ceulan a Maesmawr, y bydd hyn yn gwella effeithlonrwydd y driniaeth clafr.


Project Design
Testing & Diagnosis
• A sample of each flock will be tested with the ELISA blood test. This blood test provides a greater level of accuracy than the skin scrapes more commonly used.
• All neighbouring farms will be notified and will test for scab as soon as is practical.
• Appropriate treatments will be discussed between farmer and their vet with priority given to dipping where possible.
• An OP dip provides a better level of certainty and when used by qualified contractors the risks to both human health and the environment are reduced.
Follow up visit
• A vet will carry out a follow up visit to take further blood tests to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.



Cynllun y Prosiect
Profi a Diagnosis
• Bydd sampl o bob diadell yn cael eu profi gyda’r prawf gwaed ELISA. Mae’r prawf gwaed hwn yn cynnig mwy o gywirdeb na’r crafiadau croen a ddefnyddir ran amlaf.
• Bydd yr holl ffermydd cyfagos yn cael gwybod a byddant yn profi am glafr mor fuan ag sy’n ymarferol.
• Trafodir triniaethau addas rhwng y ffermwyr a’u milfeddyg gan roi blaenoriaeth i ddipio pan fydd yn bosibl.
• Mae dip OP yn rhoi mwy o sicrwydd a phan fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan gontractwyr cymwys mae’r risg i iechyd pobl a’r amgylchedd yn cael ei lleihau.
Ymweliad dilynol
• Bydd y milfeddyg lleol yn ymweld eto i gymryd rhagor o brofion gwaed i werthuso effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
South West Wales

€ 47011

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Sheep scab causes serious economic and welfare losses and costs the Welsh sheep industry an estimated £5.86m a year between costs of treatment and loss of production.  A key issue regarding tackling scab within and across sheep flocks is the ease of infection from flock to flock, due to the challenges of biosecurity, which is of particular concern in extensive/upland grazing systems, and communally grazed areas. The best long-term solution to scab treatment is to eradicate the disease from Wales and the rest of Britain. The best chance we have of achieving this is if farmers take a collaborative approach to tackling the disease.

In this three-year project a group of farmers within the Talybont, North Ceredigion area will investigate how working together, rather than a single farm effort, can improve the successfulness of scab treatment. Hopefully by using existing scab diagnosis and treatment techniques in a coordinated way across all farms within the Ceulanmaesmawr parish, this will increase the effectiveness of scab treatment.

Mae’r clafr yn achosi colledion economaidd a lles difrifol ac amcangyfrifir ei fod yn costio £5.86m y flwyddyn i’r diwydiant defaid yng Nghymru rhwng costau triniaeth a cholli cynhyrchiant.  Un mater allweddol wrth geisio taclo’r clafr mewn diadelloedd defaid a rhyngddynt yw pa mor hawdd yw hi i’r heintiad symud o ddiadell i ddiadell, oherwydd sialensiau bioddiogelwch, sydd yn achosi pryder neilltuol mewn systemau pori eang/ar yr ucheldir, ac ardaloedd sy’n cael eu cyd-bori. Yr ateb gorau yn y tymor hir i drin y clafr yw cael gwared ar y clefyd o Gymru a gweddill Prydain. Y gobaith gorau sydd gennym o gyflawni hyn yw os bydd ffermwyr yn cydweithio i daclo’r afiechyd.

Yn y prosiect tair blynedd hwn bydd grŵp o ffermwyr o ardal Talybont, Gogledd Ceredigion yn ymchwilio sut y gall cydweithio, yn hytrach na gweithio ar ffermydd unigol, wella llwyddiant y driniaeth clafr. Y gobaith yw, trwy ddefnyddio technegau diagnosis a thrin y clafr sy’n bodoli mewn modd wedi ei gydlynu ar draws yr holl ffermydd ym mhlwyf Ceulan a Maesmawr, y bydd hyn yn gwella effeithlonrwydd y driniaeth clafr.

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Project coordinator

  • Helen Ovens

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Aled Jenkins

    Project partner

  • Alwyn Jones

    Project partner

  • Caroline Ruth Hughes

    Project partner

  • Dafydd Jenkins

    Project partner

  • Dafydd Mason

    Project partner

  • David Evans

    Project partner

  • David Jones

    Project partner

  • David Llewelyn Evans

    Project partner

  • David Nutting

    Project partner

  • David Thomas

    Project partner

  • Dewi Jones

    Project partner

  • Enoc Jenkins

    Project partner

  • Evan Rhydian Evans

    Project partner

  • Gwyn Jones

    Project partner

  • Huw Davies

    Project partner

  • Johnathan Michael King

    Project partner

  • Moss Jones

    Project partner

  • Richard Hughes Morgan

    Project partner

  • Simon Lloyd-Williams

    Project partner