project - Research and innovation

Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Appoach (SPRINT)
Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Appoach

Ongoing | 2020 - 2025 Netherlands
Ongoing | 2020 - 2025 Netherlands
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Farming systems in Europe rely heavily on the use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs), such as pesticides, to secure yields and food safety in agriculture. However, as pesticides are known to represent a risk to human and environmental health they are carefully regulated. Data on the risks and impacts associated with PPPs are, at present, fragmented and incomplete. SPRINT aims to develop and test a Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox to integrate assessments of the risks and impacts of PPPs on ecosystems, crop, animal and human health. Working with farmers, stakeholders, policymakers and researchers, SPRINT will also accelerate the transition towards more sustainable use of PPPs.


See objectives in English


SPRINT will: 1) Develop a Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox to assess impacts of plant protection products (PPP) on ecosystem, plant, animal and human (EPAH) health 2) Evaluate the distribution and impacts of PPP on EPAH health at 11 case study sites 3) Assess PPP pathways and direct and indirect animal and human exposure routes to improve current fate, exposure, and toxicokinetic models 4) Assess integrated risks, costs and benefits of PPP use in different farming systems 5) Engage stakeholders, identifying their knowledge needs and improving their awareness and trust in integrated risk assessments of pesticides and jointly developing policy options and novel strategies for reduced reliance on PPP use.


See description in English


Farming systems in Europe rely heavily on the use of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) to secure yields and food safety in crop and livestock production, using an average 340,000-370,000 tons of active substances annually. Multiple PPP residues are commonly found in soil, water, crops, food and feed, animals and humans. Of the 487 substances approved in the EU market and combined in several thousand different commercial PPPs, almost 50% are bioaccumulative and 25% are persistent in soil, 30% have a high acute aquatic toxicity and 28 are suspected carcinogens. These properties, among others, are potentially harmful to ecosystem, plant, animal and human (EPAH) health. Although a general framework for the sustainable use of PPPs is in place, data on the distribution of PPPs across European agricultural landscapes, that account for ecological and environmental variability, are incomplete and fragmented. There is a need to harmonise data collection approaches across Europe and collect the critical data necessary to deliver integrated approaches to fully assess overall risks and impacts of PPP formulations, residues and their metabolites. 

The EU Farm to Fork Strategy has set a target to reduce pesticide use in the EU by 50% by 2030 and SPRINT will contribute to this target by working with farmers, policy-makers and researchers to identify actions and policies to accelerate the transition to more sustainable use of pesticides, whilst safeguarding the competitivness of EU agriculture.

Additional information

The distribution and impacts of mixtures of PPPs on environment, plant, animal and human health will be evaluated across 11 CSS with contrasting farming systems (conventional, integrted and organic), covering the main European crops, and soy production for feed in Argentina destined for the European market. SPRINT will work closely with stakeholders (regulators, industry, farmers, NGOs) to identify lock-ins, barriers to and opportunities for adoption of more sustainable PPP use, and their needs to develop (customized) sustainable transition pathways. Recommendations will be provided to both stakeholders and policymakers, and a research agenda will be developed

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 14994445

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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9 Practice Abstracts

The SPRINT project has investigated the occurrence of pesticide residues in the indoor dust of farmworkers across Europe and Argentina. The presence of 198 different pesticide residues were measured in 128 indoor dust samples collected in vacuum cleaners in 10 case study countries across Europe and in Argentina. Pesticide mixtures were detected in all samples, with concentrations varying significantly. The most commonly detected pesticides included Glyphosate and its degradation product APMA, alongside permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Insecticides were the most commonly detected type of pesticide, and were significantly more prominent than herbicides and fungicides. Households of organic farms had significantly less pesticide residuces, both in terms of total and individual concentrations. In addition, some pesticides detected are no longer approved in the EU (29%). Many of these pesticides are known to pose acute or chronic hazards to human (32%) and environmental (21%) health. 

The SPRINT project has investigated the occurrence of pesticide residues in the indoor dust of farmworkers across Europe and Argentina. The presence of 198 different pesticide residues were measured in 128 indoor dust samples collected in vacuum cleaners in 10 case study countries across Europe and in Argentina. Pesticide mixtures were detected in all samples, with concentrations varying significantly. The most commonly detected pesticides included Glyphosate and its degradation product APMA, alongside permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Insecticides were the most commonly detected type of pesticide, and were significantly more prominent than herbicides and fungicides. Households of organic farms had significantly less pesticide residuces, both in terms of total and individual concentrations. In addition, some pesticides detected are no longer approved in the EU (29%). Many of these pesticides are known to pose acute or chronic hazards to human (32%) and environmental (21%) health. 

Research from the SPRINT project has found that pesticides are recurrent across 10 case study sites in Europe, across different farming systems. Samples were collected from various farming systems, with several matrices measured including soil, crop, outdoor air, indoor dust, surface water, and sediment, with 209 different pesticide residues measured. The findings revealed that 86% of the 625 environmental samples taken contained at least one residue above its respective detection limit. It was found that organic fields were less contaminated with pesticides than conventionally farmed fields. Most of the pesticide residues detected are classed as hazardous to non-target species. Concerningly, many of these residues were also non-approved compounds which have previously been banned for use, indicating that these pesticides are either still in use or have long half-lifes. We suggest that it is important to assess risk in a mixture context due to the occurrence of multiple pesticides in many samples. This paper proposes that the development and use of a hazard-based pesticide prioritisation indicator would be useful for making policy decisions around which pesticides should be approved at the EU state level in the future. This indicator could also help to identify research priorities and assist the EU in achieving their Farm to Fork pesticide reduction targets. 

Research from the SPRINT project has found that pesticides are recurrent across 10 case study sites in Europe, across different farming systems. Samples were collected from various farming systems, with several matrices measured including soil, crop, outdoor air, indoor dust, surface water, and sediment, with 209 different pesticide residues measured. The findings revealed that 86% of the 625 environmental samples taken contained at least one residue above its respective detection limit. It was found that organic fields were less contaminated with pesticides than conventionally farmed fields. Most of the pesticide residues detected are classed as hazardous to non-target species. Concerningly, many of these residues were also non-approved compounds which have previously been banned for use, indicating that these pesticides are either still in use or have long half-lifes. We suggest that it is important to assess risk in a mixture context due to the occurence of multiple pesticides in many samples. This paper proposes that the development and use of a hazard-based pesticide prioritisation indicator would be useful for making policy decisions around which pesticides should be approved at the EU state level in the future. This indicator could also help to identify research priorities and assist the EU in achieving their Farm to Fork pesticide reduction targets. 

Reliance on synthetic pesticides in agriculture since the mid-20ths century has posed significant challenges to human and ecosystem health, prompting a need to transition towards more sustainable plant protection methods. Drawing on mixed qualitative methods, this research investigates the pesticide lock-in situation through a literature review, stakeholder interviews, and case studies across Europe. The findings reveal a complex web of barriers and lock-in mechanisms hindering the shift away from chemical pesticides. Seven dimensions are identified, including agronomy & technology, economics, knowledge & research, political, policy, regulatory, and cognitive aspects. While barriers vary across farming systems, common challenges persist. For instance, arable/cereal systems face machinery dependency due to limited herbicide alternatives, while fruit growers encounter pressure from visual standards and higher financial risks. Interactions between lock-in mechanisms further exacerbate the complexity. For example, limited access to non-chemical alternatives coupled with entrenched investments in pesticide machinery perpetuate reliance. In addition, authorities' reliance on emergency authorizations further constrains systemic change possibilities. This study underscores the need for diverse transition pathways to break pesticide lock-in. Future efforts will include collaborative exploration with stakeholders to identify opportunities for supporting the emergence and diffusion of sustainable alternatives, thus fostering a resilient and environmentally sound agri-food system.

Reliance on synthetic pesticides in agriculture since the mid-20ths century has posed significant challenges to human and ecosystem health, prompting a need to transition towards more sustainable plant protection methods. Drawing on mixed qualitative methods, this research investigates the pesticide lock-in situation through a literature review, stakeholder interviews, and case studies across Europe. The findings reveal a complex web of barriers and lock-in mechanisms hindering the shift away from chemical pesticides. Seven dimensions are identified, including agronomy & technology, economics, knowledge & research, political, policy, regulatory, and cognitive aspects. While barriers vary across farming systems, common challenges persist. For instance, arable/cereal systems face machinery dependency due to limited herbicide alternatives, while fruit growers encounter pressure from visual standards and higher financial risks. Interactions between lock-in mechanisms further exacerbate the complexity. For example, limited access to non-chemical alternatives coupled with entrenched investments in pesticide machinery perpetuate reliance. In addition, authorities' reliance on emergency authorizations further constrains systemic change possibilities. This study underscores the need for diverse transition pathways to break pesticide lock-in. Future efforts will include collaborative exploration with stakeholders to identify opportunities for supporting the emergence and diffusion of sustainable alternatives, thus fostering a resilient and environmentally sound agri-food system.

Glyphosate is one of the most commonly used herbicides and dessicants used worldwide. It may, however, have an impact on microbial activity, which is key for many functions in plants, humans and animals; for example, they are crucial for effective digestion in humans. Here, we explore whether glyphosate does have an impact on microbial activity. We found that the results of research are contradictory due to the different methods used by various studies.For example, whilst some studies have only looked at the short-term effects of Glyphosate on overall microbial activity, others have been more specific and found reductions in individual microbial species. We found that many of the microbes involved in plant growth are often negatively affected by Glyphosate presence, whilst some disease-causing fungi and bacteria are benefited - this can increase the likelihood of plants and animals suffering from ailments such as Salmonella. In bees, this can also increase the chances of them suffering from deformed wing virus. In addition, humans may be more prone to intestinal and neurological diseases due to Glyphosate exposure in our microbial populations, though further research is needed to prove whether this pesticide is the cause. There needs to be more research into the long-term effects of Glyphosate in microbial communities as this may lead to a need to introduce new standards for the use of this pesticide.

In this paper, we review the global presence of pesticides in agricultural soils by combining datasets from various existing studies. We reviewed more than 80 monitoring studies and surveys from the past 50 years. Our in-depth analysis found that there are alarming amounts of pesticides in agricultural soils in many countries. This was not, however, surprising, due to the widespread use of these chemicals for food production. This soil contamination occurs due to direct exposure, where pesticides are sprayed onto land, and through indirect routes such as runoff. We also found that there is no single approach used by monitoring studies to measure pesticide levels, indicating a need for a unified monitoring protocol. This shows that there is an urgent need to establish more long term monitoring programmes, particularly in areas of intensive agriculture. This monitoring is important because it allows us to understand the levels of pesticides in soils across the world and how these levels change over time due to transport and degradation of these chemicals. Going forward, the SPRINT project will encourage longer term monitoring through providing a unified protocol for measuring pesticide accumulation in agricultural soils.

The EU-funded SPRINT project has integrated exposure estimates relevant to environmental, plant, human and animal health through using the Dutch integrated exposure modelling framework (OBO). This framework includes IDEFICS, PEARL, BREAM, and OPS-St. Non-target species within ecosystems were included in analyses, with exposure calculated using FOCUS fate models from existing datasets alongside new data derived from the SPRINT case study sites across Europe and in Argentina. In addition, the FOCUS fate model is improved here through the addition of missing elements such as wind erosion. In addition, direct (e.g., dietary) and indirect (i.e., non-diatery) exposure was derived for both humans and animals using the OBO modelling framework alongside data from our case study sites. The various existing exposure models mentioned above are integrated and calibrated specifically to measure the exposure of farmers' families, non-farmers, and consumers. This was achieved throuhg using urinary excretion of metabolites to estimate internal exposure and pesticide uptake using reverse dosimetry. We have also undertaken sensitivity analysis. Thus, this paper presents exposure estimates and information on variability uncertainty in humans, environment, plants and animals (livestock). This research is vital for informing future policy surrounding pesticide use.

To date, there has been no holistic, integrated approach to measuring pesticide exposure, concentrations, or potential risks to global health (comprising environment, human, and animal (livestock) health). Here, we present a toolbox which the EU-funded SPRINT project is currently developing. The toolbox consists of 6 distinct components: 1) recommended procedures and results database for data on pesticide (eco)toxicity; 2) A database of the various models used; 3) Estimations of pesticide input/environmental distribution alongside reality checking; 4) Exposure, hazard and risk estimations and maps; 5) Integrated health impact assessment; 6) Libraries of existing tools and data. In conjunction, these toolx will enable several end users including the European Food Safety Authority, regulators, policymakers, industry, and scientists, to assess the global health risks of pesticide use. We have also developed an interactive toolbox; this will assist end users when identifying an integrated approach to use. SPRINT will continue research to ensure each of the tools presented here are robust, by operationalising the toolkit to identify its ability to ascertain the impacts of pesticide use. 
Presentation of Toolbox:

Indoor house dust was one of many measurements taken as part of the SPRINT project as it is seen as an important indicator of residential exposure to pesticides. There is, however, little information on the presence and concentrations of pesticides in dust adjacent or close to fields treated with these chemicals. We investigated this through asking our SPRINT farmer participants across Europe and in Argentina to collect house dust in their vacuums over a period of time. We identified that there were several pesticides present in house dust samples, with concentrations differing depending on distance from treated fields and when pesticide applications last took place. These results have human health implications as the inhalation of pesticides may cause various health problems, including respiratory disease.

This paper presents a protocol which demonstrates how an EU-funded project, SPRINT, will gather data to determine the occurrence and levels of pesticide residues in crops, animals, humans and other non-target species. These data will be used for exposure modelling and impact assessment. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to compare conventional and organic farms across Europe and in Argentina.A wide range of environmental and biological samples will be taken and the fate of pesticides in soil, water and air alongside in farmers' homes will be monitored. Biomonitoring will also be undertaken to estimate pesticide uptake by humans and livestock, including cows, goats, sheep and chicken alongside in other wildlife such as earthworms, fish, invertebrates, bats and cats. These data will be used to model exposure, which in combination with health and toxicity data, will be used to estimate the impacts of pesticides on environmental, plant, animal and human health. These results will, in future, be integrated with socio-economic informaiton, thus resulting in recommendations for future transition pathways and pesticide-related policy.

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