project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Sustainable intensification in upland grazing production systems
Sustainable intensification in upland grazing production systems

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This project will involve sowing various trial plots in two hill blocks of wet, peaty ground that run up to just over 425 metres above sea level. Plots will be sowed with an ‘off the shelf ley’ with an increasing percentage of Timothy in each plot. The aim is to see how much Timothy should be incorporated into the seed mix to allow good establishment, performance, and persistence. Two minimum tillage sowing methods will also be investigated to see which technique gives a higher establishment success.


Bydd y prosiect hwn yn cynnwys hau amrywiol blotiau ar ddau floc ar yr ucheldir sy’n dir gwlyb a mawnog sy’n codi i ychydig dros 425 metr uwch lefel y môr. Bydd y plotiau yn cael eu hau gyda ‘glaswellt oddi ar y silff’ gyda chanran gynyddol o ronwellt ar bob plot. Y nod yw gweld faint o ronwellt y dylid ei ymgorffori yn y gymysgedd hadau er mwyn iddo sefydlu yn dda, sicrhau perfformiad a’i wytnwch. Bydd dau ddull hau gyda chyn lleied o waith trin â phosibl yn cael eu harchwilio i weld pa dechneg sydd fwyaf llwyddiannus.


During the 3 year project the following data will be collected:
Sample grass cuts will be taken from protective cages every 4-6 weeks through the growing season to assess the quality and volume of forage.
Species composition will be assessed by physical separation and visual assessment.
Ewes and lambs will rotationally graze the plots and their performance will be monitored.
Information will be collected on how often ewes should be moved in a rotational system.
The performance of the leys during Winter grazing will be monitored as one of the main benefits of Timothy is its potential to extend the growing season


Yn ystod y prosiect 3 blynedd bydd y data canlynol yn cael ei gasglu:
Toriadau glaswellt yn cael eu cymryd o gewyll bob 4-6 wythnos trwy’r tymor tyfu i asesu ansawdd a swmp y porthiant.
Y gymysgedd o rywogaethau yn cael ei asesu trwy eu gwahanu yn ffisegol a’u hasesu yn weledol.
Bydd mamogiaid ac ŵyn yn pori’r plotiau mewn cylchdro a bydd eu perfformiad yn cael ei fonitro.
Cesglir gwybodaeth ar ba mor aml y dylid symud mamogiaid mewn system gylchdro.
Bydd perfformiad y glaswelltir wrth iddo gael ei bori yn y gaeaf yn cael ei fonitro gan mai un o brif fanteision rhonwellt yw ei allu i ymestyn y tymor tyfu.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location

€ 45331

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Helen Ovens

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Dr Iwan Owen

    Project partner

  • John Yeomans

    Project partner

  • Richard Tudor

    Project partner