project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Strategies for sustainably controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees - MONCONTROL
Estrategias para el control sostenible de Monilinia Spp. en Almendro - MONCONTROL

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- Complete the epidemiological studies of Monilinia spp. in almond trees, in order to design new control strategies
- Evaluate the effectiveness in the laboratory of different types of fungicides for controlling Monilinia spp.
- Evaluate in the field the fungicides with the best laboratory results and determine the optimal time of application of these products for controlling Monilinia spp.
- Identify and evaluate different cultural practices for inoculum reduction and disease control in the field
- Design a sustainable control strategy to reduce/minimise the incidence of Monilinia spp. in almond trees


- Finalizar los estudios epidemiológicos de Monilinia Spp. en almendro con el fin de poder diseñar nuevas estrategias de control más adecuadas.
- Evaluar la eficacia en laboratorio de diferentes tipologías de fungicidas para el control de Monilinia Spp.
- Evaluar en campo los fungicidas con mejores resultados en laboratorio y determinar el momento óptimo de aplicación de estos productos para el control de Monilinia Spp.
- Identificar y evaluar diferentes prácticas culturales para la reducción del inóculo y el control de la enfermedad en campo.
- Diseñar una estrategia de control sostenible para reducir/minimizar la incidencia de Monilinia Spp. en almendro.


Activity 1. Epidemiological study of Molininia spp. in almond trees.

Activity 2. Studies to evaluate effectiveness in the laboratory of different fungicides for controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees.

Activity 3. Field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of the best fungicides and to determine the optimal timing of their application for controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees.

Activity 4. Field trials to identify and evaluate different cultural practices for the controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees.

Activity 5. Design of a strategy for sustainably controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees.


Actividad 1. Estudio epidemiológico de Molininia Spp. en almendro.

Actividad 2. Estudios para evaluar la eficacia en laboratorio de diferentes fungicidas para el control de Monilinia Spp. en almendro.

Actividad 3. Ensayos en campo para evaluar la efectividad de los mejores fungicidas y determinar el momento óptimo de su aplicación para el control de Monilinia Spp. en almendro.

Actividad 4. Ensayos de campo para identificar y evaluar diferentes prácticas culturales para el control de Monilinia Spp. en almendro.

Actividad 5. Diseño de una estrategia para el control sostenible de Monilinia Spp. en almendro.


Today, with the few substances with active fungicide authorised for almond cultivation, it is difficult to keep and manage diseases below the damage threshold. The main concern in the near future, when all the plantations that have been planted in recent years come into production, will be the high pressure of old and new diseases. Therefore, now is the time to work on developing more knowledge of these diseases in order to implement strategies to improve their management. This project will mainly address studies related to the control of Monilinia spp. and will specifically evaluate its dispersal capacity and the effect of environmental factors (abiotic factors) and variety (biotic factor) on its infectious process. To improve its control, different products with active fungicide, an assessment will be carried out of both synthetic and alternative, establishing their optimal time of application, as well as the study of different cultural practices complementary to fungicide treatments to reduce inoculum pressure in the field. Finally, with all the information provided by these studies, a strategy will be designed for sustainably controlling Monilinia spp. in almond trees.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 232520

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Silvia Fernandez

    Project coordinator