project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Strategies to reduce nitrogen excretion in fattening veal calves during the finishing phase
Estrategias para reducir la excreción de nitrógeno en terneros de engorde durante la fase de acabado

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The global objective is to evaluate strategies to reduce nitrogen excretion in beef in intensive beef production reducing crude protein concentration of the diet without impairing animal growth and feed efficiency, and consequently reducing environmental pollution. The study will be focused on Holstein bulls fed with high-concentrate diets during the finishing phase.

Three different nutritional strategies will be evaluated focused on the N efficiency use in the rumen and its effect on:

-           Urine and feces N excretion

-           Rumen fermentation and health

-           Intake, growth, and carcass quality


El objetivo general es evaluar estrategias para reducir la excreción de nitrógeno de terneros de engorde intensivo y en concreto reduciendo el nivel de proteína bruta de la dieta sin perjudicar el crecimiento y el índice de conversión, y en consecuencia reduciendo la contaminación medioambiental.
En concreto se propone trabajar con ternero frisón alimentado con altos niveles de concentrado en la fase final del engorde.
Se estudiarán 3 diferentes estrategias nutricionales que se centrarán en mejorar la eficiencia del uso de N a nivel ruminal, se evaluará el efecto sobre:
• excreción de nitrógeno heces y orina
• fermentación y salud ruminal
• consumo, crecimiento, y calidad de la canal


In the first part, 3 dietary strategies will be evaluated with standardized conditions. Two types of studies will be conducted: nitrogen balance studies, with few animals and 3-4 treatments, to quantify nitrogen excretion and evaluate the impact of diet on animal health; and field studies (2 treatments) to evaluate the impact of dietary strategies on growth, feed conversion, health and carcass quality.
In the second part, the best strategy will be tested under field conditions with no standardized conditions (different ingredients, different feed presentation forms, etc…). This aims to evaluate if the results can be extrapolated to other nutritional and productive conditions.


En una primera fase se evaluarán 3 estrategias nutricionales en condiciones estandarizadas. Se llevarán a cabo dos tipos de pruebas; unas realizadas con pocos animales y 3-4 tratamientos para hacer balances de nitrógeno y conocer la excreción de nitrógeno y el impacto sobre la salud animal y pruebas de campo (2 tratamientos) para conocer el impacto sobre el crecimiento, el índice de conversión, la salud y la calidad de la canal.
En la fase 2 se evaluará la estrategia con más éxito en condiciones comerciales no estandarizadas (diferentes ingredientes, formas presentación, etc ...). Esta fase busca si los resultados se pueden extrapolar a otras condiciones nutricionales y productivas menos controladas.


This project evaluates strategies to reduce nitrogen excretion in intensive beef production; these strategies are focused on reducing crude protein of the diet without impairing animal growth and feed efficiency and reducing environmental pollution. To achieve this objective in the first part of the project several studies will be conducted to evaluate nitrogen excretion and in the second part of the project these strategies will be validated in studies conducted under field conditions to evaluate its impact on performance. The expected impact is to reduce 8% the nitrogen pollution, to reduce 1.5% the feed costs, and to improve the public perception of the beef production sector.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Lleida

€ 269291.79

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator