project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Strategies for improving product yield and value in industrial hemp farming
Estrategias de mejora del rendimento y valorización del producto derivado del cultivo de cànem industrial

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The aim of the project is to  produce a better yield and better quality product derived from industrial hemp farming in Catalonia, making the crop an agro-organic alternative as a summer rotation for winter crops. The secondary aims are:

1. Using fast, non-destructive methods (NIR spectroscopy) to obtain models for the prediction and/or classification of characteristics such as the sex of the seed , the optimal state of crop maturity and the chemical profile of the fibre.

2. Determination of the best technical pathway for improving the quality and yield of the industrial hemp crop, and reducing its environmental impact.

3. Economic study on the suitability of switching from corn to industrial hemp.


El objetivo del proyecto es incrementar la calidad de los productos derivados del cáñamo industrial producido en Cataluña, para que este cultivo se convierta en una alternativa agroecológica y sostenible como rotación a los cultivos de invierno. Los objectivos secundarios son:

1. Obtener modelos de predicción y/o clasificación mediante métodos no destructivos y rápidos (espectroscopia NIR) del sexo de la semilla, del punto óptimo de madurez, o del perfil químico de la fibra.

2. Determinar el itinerario técnico óptimo para la mejora de la calidad i el rendimiento del cultivo del cáñamo industrial y reducir su impacto ambiental.

3. Comparar la rentabilidad del cañamo industrial con la del maíz.


Action 1. Developing tools for the prediction and classification of agronomic and quality parameters using new, rapid and non-destructive technologies (NIR spectroscopy) in industrial hemp seed, plant, fibre and inflorescence.

Action 2. Optimising the technical pathway for improving the quality and yield and minimising the environmental impact of the industrial hemp crop.

Action 3. Economic study on the suitability of switching from corn to industrial hemp. 

Action 4. Dissemination and technological transfer of the result.


Acción 1. Desarrollo de herramientas de predicción y clasificación de parámetros agronómicos y de calidad mediante nuevas tecnologías no destructivas y rápidas (espectroscopia NIR) en semilla, planta, fibra e inflorescencia de cáñamo industrial.

Acción 2. Optimización del itinerario técnico para la mejora de la calidad, el rendimiento y la minimización del impacto ambiental del cultivo de cáñamo industrial.

Acción 3. Estudio económico sobre la conveniencia de la conversión del maíz a cáñamo industrial.

Acción 4. Difusión y transferencia tecnológica de los resultados obtenidos en el transcurso del proyecto.


The short hemp crop cycle , together with its seasonality, makes it a good combination crop for rotation with winter cereals or fodder crops. In addition, studies show that hemp as a summer rotation crop with wheat can increase its yield by more than 50%, by reducing weeds and improving soil structure. Its low water requirements (compared to other crops) and the possibility of producing it under Organic Agricultural Production rules make hemp farming an economically and environmentally value-added rotation option. Despite their added value, hemp fields in Catalonia are estimated to cover only about 300 ha/year. Historically, hemp-based products were used to produce fibre (textile industry, paper production, construction and material for farm animal beds) and grain (animal feed or seed). These uses produce little profit, one of the main reasons why the crop has been abandoned. The recent emergence of the bioplastics industry, through the recovery of hemp fibre as the basis for manufacturing a new generation of plastics, along with the use of seed for human consumption, linked to agro-organic production, seems to have given the crop a second life. However, these new uses demand fibres and seeds with much higher quality parameters. Achieving and ensuring high quality will be a critical point to creating profitability for the crop. In this context, the aim of the project is to develop tools and generate agronomic knowledge to increase the profitability of industrial hemp crops, by improving yields and the quality of derived products. By the end of the project it is hoped that NIR spectroscopy-based models, as tools for quality control and decision-making, and an optimal technical pathway for industrial hemp farming in Catalonia will have been developed.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 175525

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator