project - Innovative project

Soil sampling automation using mobile robotic platform
Autonoomse mullaproovide kogumise seadme väljatöötamine

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Land based drone technology has considerable potential for usage in different areas of

agriculture. Here a novel robotic soil sampling device is being introduced. Unmanned mobile

technology implementation for soil sampling automation is significantly increasing the efficiency

of the process. This automated and remotely controlled technology is enabling more frequent

sample collection than traditional human operated manual methods. In this publication universal

mobile robotic platform is adapted and modified to collect and store soil samples from fields and

measure soil parameters simultaneously. The platform navigates and operates autonomously with

dedicated software and remote server connection. Mechanical design of the soil sampling device

and control software is introduced and discussed.


Projekti eesmärgiks oli luua iseliikuvale traktorile seadeldis, mis suudab koguda mullastiku andmeid. Mullaproovi seade kogub mullaproove ja annab teavet mulla füüsikalistest omadustest. Kogutud proov ladustatakse traktori kere moodulis ja sealt edasi edastatakse proov laborisse, kus analüüsitakse mulla keemilisi omadusi. Füüsikalistest omadustest on mullaproovi seadeldisel penetromeeter, mis annab mulla tiheduse väärtuse. Kokkuvõtvalt on eesmärk koguda täpselt, efektiivselt ja manuaalsest oluliselt väiksema ajaga mullastiku andmeid. Teades mulla toitainete sisaldust, mulla lõimist, mulla füüsikalisi omadusi – osatakse teha keskkonda säästvaid ja tootmisefektiivseid otsuseid.


Solution was mounted to mid-size mobile robot platform. Using cloud based control software, this hydraulic

electro-mechanical device was tested for speed and efficiency. The current system

potential was found out to be maximum three times of a traditional method. Furthermore,

during the probing action, several soil parameters can be measured simultaneously with

additional instruments: humidity, density, temperature etc. The results can be used to

automatically update field profile and maps in cloud application.


Projekti käigus loodi mullaproovi seadeldis, traktorile lisamoodul ja tehti tarkvaralisi arendusi andmete kogumiseks. Esmalt konstrueeriti mullaproovi seadeldis, mille eesmärk on koguda proove ja mulla füüsikalisi omadusi. Lisamoodul loodi eesmärgil, et koguda proovid moodulisse. Tarkvara loomise eesmärk on riistvara nutikas toimimine. Proovi protsessi kirjeldades toimib süsteem järgmiselt: traktor sõidab proovivõtu asukohta, traktor jääb seisma ja mullaproovi seadeldis puurib kuni huumushorisondi tüseduselt sondi maa sisse (kuni 30 cm), kogutakse proov ja saadakse info mulla tihenduse kohta ning see salvestatakse traktori juhtmoodulisse ning mullaproov liigub traktori keresse proovikarpi. Seejärel traktor liigub järgmisesse proovikogumispunkti.

Additional comments

Commercial service of the autonomous soil sampler is planned to start in Estonia during 2018. Additional funds to finalize technical development and continue business developments are being searched.

As the purpose of current project is method and technical solution research, the

system durability and efficiency can be improved further during the planned product

development. As hydraulic actuators offer superior speed and force capability with best

durability sacrificing about 10% energy efficiency, they should be kept on future

development. Due to navigation system's great impact on overall efficiency, process could

also be improved much with validation of different path calculation algorithms.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020
Agricultural sectors
  • Cereals
  • Crops (generic)



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1 Practice Abstracts

The first autonomous soil sampling vehicle has been designed and built. In addition to taking samples exactly according to precise GPS points it will also record soil density. The product development is looking to be continued, and the first machine will start soil sampling in Estonia in 2018.

Mullaproovide autonoomse seadmega võtmise võimekus on käesoleva projektiga loodud. Koos mullaproovi täpse GPSi järgi võtmisega salvestatakse ka mulla tiheduse lugem. Toodet arendatakse tehniliselt edasi ja plaanitakse alustada proovivõtmisega 2018. aasta jooksul.

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Tõnu Leemet

Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator