project - Research and innovation

Soil resilience for a sustainable soil
Soil resilience for a sustainable soil

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Main goal of this project is to contribute to the utilization of soil resilience for sustainable soil management, with an effective organic matter management.


Main goal of this project is to contribute to the utilization of soil resilience for sustainable soil management, with an effective organic matter management.


The project team examines long-term effects of different organic matter contents in various positive aspects of organic matter, and by setting these effects of various organic materials with low phosphate and nitrate levels on positive aspects of organic matter.

The research is primarily intended for farmers working with bulbs, perennials and summer flowers on dune sand. On those grounds, given the current regulations, it is difficult tot get and keep the organic matter to a level where organic matter management is truly effective. It is therefore essential to offer these farmers good, grounded and practical advice on organic matter management in relation to sustainable soil. Questions they have and the project will answer: Which organic matter level provides an effective soil resistance? What new forms of organic matter are available to achieve this effective soil resilience?

Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Agricultural sectors
Crops (generic)
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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Wageningen UR Plant Research International

    Project partner