project - Research and innovation

SMARTCHAIN (Towards Innovation - driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains)
SMARTCHAIN (Towards Innovation - driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains)

Ongoing | 2018 - 2021 Germany
Ongoing | 2018 - 2021 Germany
Currently showing page content in native language where available


SMARTCHAIN´s central objective is to foster and accelerate the shift towards collaborative short food supply chains and, through concrete actions and recommendations, to introduce new robust business models and innovative practical solutions that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the European agri-food system. Combination of scientific and practical knowledge and the use of innovation workshops will enable the development of practical innovative solutions as well as the promotion of a framework for different forms of collaborative short food supply chains in urban and rural areas.


see objectives in English


SMARTCHAIN i) will perform a multi-perspective analysis of 18 case studies of short food supply chains in terms of technological, regulatory, social, economic and environmental factors, ii) will assess the linkages and interactions among all stakeholders involved and iii) will identify the key parameters that influence sustainable food production and rural development among different regions in Europe. The project aims to establish national Innovation and Collaboration Hubs in 9 partner countries in order to facilitate stakeholder engagement. SMARTCHAIN will also generate concrete actions for knowledge transfer, through the organisation of several multi-stakeholder workshops.


see description of project activities in English

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Stuttgart, Stadtkreis

€ 5998373

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

32 Practice Abstracts

One of the object of SMARTCHAIN project is to generate a battery of tools as well as business and policy recommendations to implement innovative solutions in short food supply chains (SFSCs), primarily improving the competitiveness and sustainability of SFSCs and making them smarter and more equitable, inclusive and sustainable. One of these tools is the "Best practice guide for improved business performance in SFSCs" (…). This is a guide for the application of reference exploitation models, improving business performance in SFSCs and helping farmers and food producers to capitalise on their distinctive territorial capital to foster sustainable growth and the development in rural areas. The guide starts from the business model canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010) and, for each canvas building block, identifies recommendations and suggestions, based on the input of the case study of the SMARTCHAIN project, the project deliverables and the literature. Specific recommendations are then identified for each reference exploitation models, crossing with the canvas building blocks. For the convenience of the users, a short graphic version of the guide has also been prepared (…).

During 3 years of intense work, SMARTCHAIN analysed 18 Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) from 9 different countries to understand the factors that play a role in their success, but also to identify their main needs, barriers and bottlenecks, with a focus on the consumer’s perspective. Based on its main results, SMARTCHAIN has launched a booklet “Insights & recommendations to support collaborative Short Food Supply Chains”. In this digital document, farmers, food producers and other SFSCs practitioners can find applicable solutions, recommendations and useful tips to improve business performance while increasing sustainability.

The SMARTCHAIN booklet also features a focus on social innovations for SFSCs and an assessment of their sustainability from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Additionally, it presents the results from an analysis on the value perception and attitudes of consumers towards SFSCs and provides suggestions on how to reach greater acceptance of this type of supply chain.

The SMARTCHAIN booklet is currently available in English (…). Soon it will also be available in Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Serbian and Spanish.

Durante 3 años de intenso trabajo, SMARTCHAIN ha analizado 18 cadenas cortas de suministro de alimentos colaborativas (CCSA) de nueve países diferentes para identificar cuales son los factores clave en el éxito de dichas cadenas, pero también para identificar sus principales necesidades, barreras y obstáculos, con un foco en la perspectiva de los consumidores. Basándose en sus principales hallazgos, SMARTCHAIN ha publicado la guía “Información y recomendaciones para apoyar las cadenas cortas de suministro de alimentos colaborativas”. En este documento digital, agricultores, productores y otros profesionales del ámbito de las cadenas cortas pueden encontrar soluciones prácticas, recomendaciones y consejos útiles para mejorar el rendimiento empresarial de una manera sostenible.

La guía SMARTCHAIN también resalta la importancia de la innovación social para las CCSA e incluye la evaluación de la sostenibilidad desde una perspectiva ambiental, económica y social. Además, presenta los resultados de un análisis sobre la percepción del valor y las actitudes de los consumidores hacia las CCSA, proporcionando sugerencias sobre como incrementar la aceptación hacia este tipo de cadena de suministro de alimentos.

La guía SMARTCHAIN está actualmente disponible en inglés (…) y pronto lo estará también en alemán, español, francés, griego, holandés, hungaro, italiano y serbio.

The need or problem that addressed this innovation solution is the unfair market, with a reduced margin for the producer. The novelty of this solution “Cooperative Supermarket” is that it is a non-profit initiative created in Bilbao (Spain) by and for the partners (more than 300). This cooperative supermarket is based on implementing the common rules (prices, quantities, commercial margin) fixed by a consensus of the partners. Every year the rules are revised by them. This enhances the collaboration between different small local producers, reduces the competence between them and gives them a fair market for their products.

The products (fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meats, oils, dairy products, etc.) that can be sold in this collaborative supermarket take into account three main criteria (local, ecologic and fair). Any partner can propose new products, taking into account these criteria and the consumption habits of the group. To become a partner (producer/seller) it is necessary to pay a registration fee of 20 euros and 60 per year.

The practical benefit of this innovation in business is for both producers and buyers, due to the fact that for both of them this is a fair business. For the part of the consumer, they know and trust about the final price and the quality of the products. There are no intermediaries between the transaction, so the product has a fair price and the seller is correctly paid for their effort.

El problema que esta innovativa solución aborda es lo injusto del mercado convencional, con un reducido margen de beneficio para los productores. La novedad del “Supermercado cooperativo” es que se trata de una iniciativa sin ánimo de lucro creada en Bilbao (España) por y para los socios (más de 300). El supermercado cooperativo se basa en la implementación de unas reglas comunes para todos los socios (precio, cantidad y margen comercial) fijados por todos los socios a través de consenso. Cada año dichas reglas son revisadas por los socios. Esto favorece la colaboración entre diferentes pequeños productores, reduce la competencia entre ellos y les proporciona un mercado justo para sus productos.

Los productos (frutas, verduras, quesos, carnes, aceites, lacteos, etc.) vendidos en este supermercado tienen en cuenta tres criterios (local, ecológico y justo). Cualquier socio puede proponer nuevos productos, pero siempre teniendo en cuenta dichos criterios así como los hábitas de consumo del grupo. Para llegar a ser socio (productor/vendedor) es necesario pagar 20 euros de cuota de inscripción y 60 euros al año.

El beneficio práctico de esta innovación es tanto para los productores como para los compradores, ya que se trata de un negocio justo para ambas partes. Desde el punto de vista de los consumidores, conocen y confian en el precio final de los productos, así como en la calidad de los mismos. No hay intermediaries en la compra/venta, de modo que los productos tienen un precio justo y los vendedores son debidamente pagados por su esfuerzo.

This online tool collects all relevant and current information about the local opportunities regarding the availability of "pick-your-own" (also called U-pick or PYO) farms in the area and related programs and additional useful tips. The producers' farms appear on the website and the consumers can easily find opportunities nearby.

The website ( provides updated local listings of pick your own farms in Europe, the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries. It also provides additional useful information: crop calendars for each local area to tell you what is available to pick throughout the year, local weather forecasts and really easy illustrated directions to show you how to make jam, jelly, salsa, pickles, spaghetti sauce, applesauce, apple butter and 150 other recipes with step-by-step directions to can, freeze, dry or preserve the harvest.

Website de granjas tipo “cada cliente recoge sus propios productos”

Esta herramienta online recoge toda la información relevante y actualizada sobre granjas del tipo “cada cliente recoge sus propios productos” en tu area, así como útil información adicional. Los granjeros y productores locales aparecen en la web, de modo que los consumidores pueden encontrar este tipo de oportunidades cerca de ellos.

La página web ( proporciona un listado actualizado de este tipo de distribución local de alimentos en granjas de Europa, USA, Cánada, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica y otros países y, adicionalemnte, otras informaciones muy útiles: el calendario de cultivos de cada zona local para que el consumidor esté informado del tipo de alimentos que están disponibles para ser recogidos por él mismo en cada época del año, la predicción local del tiempo, así como unas ilustraciones muy sencillas para que los consumidores sean capaces de preparar su propia mermelada, confitura, salsas, encurtidos, mantequilla, muses y hasta 150 recetas diferentes, con instrucciones pasa a pasao de como enlatar, congelar, secar o conservar los productos recogidos de temporada.

The H2020 SMARTCHAIN project has developed a 5-week e-learning course on "Best Practices in Innovation", based on preferred innovations of the SMARTCHAIN Innovation Inventory. There is no charge for course participation.

After successful completion of the course the participants:

- understand what SFSC (Short Food Supply Chains) innovations are and what are the differences between innovations that apply at the local, the regional and the national/international levels.

- understand how to apply SFSC innovations in your own work from the perspective of technological, social, environmental and other advances

- are able to include and benefit from different levels of collaboration in your SFSC interactions (GAIN model).

The general objective is that SFSC innovators become part of a larger community of SFSC entrepreneurs.

The course opened on Monday 24 May, though all registered participants could begin week 1 at any time during that week. The course will demand about 2 hours per week as participants follow a mix of presentations, videos, web visits and readings from a diverse mix of players in successful short food supply chains in Europe. This e-learning course is fully independent and participants may join the course sessions and complete the course work at their own pace. A Certificate of Completion from the SMARTCHAIN project will be awarded to all who complete the 5-week course and receive a grade of 80% or better. Due to high demand, a second run of the course started on Mon 12 July.

After the official end of the project (31.08.2021), this e-learning course will stay accessible in the training section of the Innovation Platform (, but without certificates.

The direct contact between farmer/producer and consumer is one of the most effective ways to build up the trust to the local products. Direct selling to consumers is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for them. The farmers’ shop offers a solution to farmers/producers and consumers that benefits both parties.

The prerequisite of opening and operating a farmers‘ shop is that farmers and producers are able to cooperate. The farmers’ shop is a meeting point of the local products and the consumers. The farmers/producers do not need to provide their own human resources for sale. They can focus their time on their main activities. The shop is an appropriate place to promote the induvial producers, their products and the region as well.

The farmers’ shop offers several benefits to consumers. A wide range of product is produced in the region, so consumers can buy regularly the products of the region in one place.

The “Couleurs Paysannes” shops are constituted in the form of cooperatives which bring together more than 60 local producers offering throughout the year a complete range of products directing from their farms. There are many kinds of products sold: fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, creamery, grocery, bakery, drinks and well-being products. All products are local and sustainable agriculture or organic farming.

The organisation’s website provides accurate coordinates of the shops, opening our and product offerings. The website can be searched by region, producers, product group as well.

El contacto directo entre los agricultores/productores y los consumidores es una de las formas más eficaces de crear confianza en los productos locales. La venta directa a los consumidores es una de las tareas más difíciles para productores y agricultores individuales. Por este motivo, las tiendas de agricultores y productores locales son una solución que ofrecen beneficios tanto para ellos como para los propios consumidores.

El principal requisito para la apertura de este tipo de tienda es que los agricultores y productores locales quieran trabajar juntos. Los agricultores y productores no necesitan proporcionar sus propios recursos humanos para la venta de sus productos, y de esa forma, se pueden concentrar en sus propias tareas (p. ej. el cultivo, la elaboración de los productos, etc.). Las tiendas son un lugar idoneo para promocionar a los agricultores y productores, sus productos locales y también la región a la que pertenecen.

Las tiendas de agricultores y productores locales ofrecen una amplia gama de productos locales/regionales de modo que los consumidores pueden comprar regularmente sus productos favoritos visitando una única tienda.

Las tiendas “Couleurs Paysannes” en Francia están constituidas en forma de cooperativas, proporcionando productos locales de más de 60 productores de la region y ofreciendo una completa gama de productos que llegan desde sus granjas durante todo el año. Todos sus productos locales son producidos en granjas orgánicas o mediante agricultura sostenible. Su página web ofrece información sobre los horarios de apertura y los productos disponibles.

Nowadays, consumers want to pick up their purchased products even on Sundays, on public holidays or in the middle of the night. With the refrigerated pickup stations, the “shop” can be open each day for 24 hours and offer to the customers the goods. They just order the food online and pick them up anytime at the lockers station. Uncooled, chilled and frozen goods can be sold/purchased. It is possible to invest in a collaboration with other small enterprises too and the investment costs can be shared.

The modules can be equipped with cooled, frozen and heated compartments and combined as desired. The locker systems are available in different colours. The user station consists of a PC and touch screen with a possible multilingual, intuitive user interface and is available integrated and separately. The opening and closing mechanism of the compartments can be done by PIN entry on the touchpad or scanning a barcode, using RFID-code or fingerprint, which method you choose. The locker system can be set up everywhere you want, it needs only electrical current for function. The products of the farmers and producers can be purchased, where the customers easily can achieve.

1. Your customer orders goods online on your website, simply by phone or in person at your store.

2. You prepare the goods and put them into a refrigerated locker at the customer's requested time, ready for pick-up.

3. Your customer collects the goods conveniently at the cool lockers station– outside the opening hours and without queuing at a till.

Heutzutage haben viele Verbraucher den Wunsch ihre gekauften Produkte auch an Sonntagen, Feiertagen oder mitten in der Nacht abholen zu können. Mit gekühlten Abholstationen können Verkaufsstationen ganztäglich und -nächtlich geöffnet sein und Ware anbieten. Kunden bestellen die gewünschten Lebensmittel einfach online und holen sie jederzeit an der Abholstation ab. Es können ungekühlte, gekühlte und tiefgekühlte Waren verkauft/gekauft werden. Auch eine Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Kleinbetrieben ist möglich um die individuellen Investitionskosten so gering wie möglich zu halten.

Die Module können mit gekühlten, gefrorenen und beheizten Fächern ausgestattet und beliebig kombiniert werden. Die Schrankanlagen sind in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich. Die Bedienstation besteht aus einem Computer und einem Touchscreen mit einer möglichen mehrsprachigen, intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche und ist integriert oder separat erhältlich. Der Öffnungs- und Schließmechanismus der Fächer kann durch PIN-Eingabe am Touchpad oder durch Scannen eines Barcodes, mittels RFID-Code oder Fingerabdruck bedient werden. Das Schließfachsystem kann überall aufgestellt werden, es benötigt für den Betrieb lediglich einen Stromanschluss.

1. Der Kunde bestellt die Ware online auf einer Website, per Telefon oder persönlich im Verkaufsgeschäft.

2. Die Ware wird vorbereitet und zum Wunschtermin des Kunden im Kühlfach zur Abholung bereitgestellt.

3. Der Kunde holt die Ware bequem an der Kühlfachstation ab - außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten und ohne Anstehen an einer Kasse.

More and more consumers choose to order online fresh products. The delivery of these products causes issues for some supermarkets and other suppliers, especially those who specialized in organic and ecological products. These companies require eco-friendly packaging that provides the desired and needed insulation and damping properties.

Green packaging can be successfully used by all small/medium or multinational companies, producers and manufacturers, who want to follow the modern eco-friendly, environmentally conscious, waste redacted management system. The packaging can be used as primary packaging for fresh field products (e.g. fruits, vegetables) and for secondary packaging for processed food as well (e.g. cheese, dairy products, etc.). Another unsolved issue nowadays is the problem of waste. Eco-friendly packaging is made from the “waste” of the field-production, which means renewable resources. The eco-friendly packaging provides:

- 100% natural product

- Flexible for many different order types

- Excellent insulation & shock absorption

- Easy disposal in the organic waste / the garden or in the residual waste

- Hygienic, strictly controlled

- Moisture-regulating

- Space-saving delivery & storage

- Many standard sizes & variants

- Personalization in terms of size and design

- Individually printed option

The use of the eco-friendly packaging enables a positive distinctive, modern, environmentally conscious company policy.

Immer mehr Verbraucher entscheiden sich frische Produkte online zu bestellen. Die Lieferung dieser Produkte stellt einige Supermärkte und andere Lieferanten vor neue Probleme, insbesondere diejenigen, die sich auf biologische und ökologische Produkte spezialisiert haben. Solche Unternehmen benötigen umweltfreundliche Verpackungen, die die gewünschten und benötigten Isolier- und Dämpfungsanforderungen erfüllen.

Grüne Verpackungen können sowohl von kleinen/mittleren aber auch multinationalen Unternehmen, Produzenten und Herstellern erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, die modernen, umweltfreundlichen und

-bewussten, abfallreduzierenden Maßnahmen folgen möchten. Die Verpackung kann sowohl als Primärverpackung für frische Rohprodukte (z.B. Obst, Gemüse), sowie als Sekundärverpackung für verarbeitete Lebensmittel (z.B. Käse, Molkereiprodukte, etc.) eingesetzt werden. Ein weiteres ungelöstes Problem in der heutigen Zeit ist das des Abfallmanagements. Umweltfreundliche Verpackungen werden aus den Resten und "Abfällen", die während der Feldproduktion anfallen, also aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen, hergestellt.

Die umweltfreundliche Verpackung bietet:

- 100 % Naturprodukt

- Flexibel für viele verschiedene Anwendungen

- Hervorragende Isolier- & Dämpfungseigenschaften

- Einfache Entsorgung im Biomüll / im Garten oder im Restmüll

- Hygienisch, streng kontrolliert

- Feuchtigkeitsregulierend

- Platzsparende Anlieferung & Lagerung

- Viele Standardgrößen & Varianten

- Personalisierung in Bezug auf Größe und Design

- Individuell bedruckbar

Der Einsatz von umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen fördert eine positive, moderne und umweltbewusste Unternehmenspolitik.

Amped and FoodInsights are commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality of the Netherland to develop a blockchain technology for the design of demand-driven and transparent (short) food chains. The current blockchain platform facilitates the registration of the activities and partnerships within the food chain from harvest to consumer. Besides it monitors and records soil and product values, in order to facilitate the communication between farmer and consumer. In the long term, this passport offers the possibility to add other values to a product, such as carbon dioxide storage, water collection in the soil, biodiversity counts and nutrient values, minerals, trace elements, etc.

This first proof of concept is the stepping stone towards the ultimate aim of this innovation, which is to gain insights for increasing the value of (local) sustainable agricultural practices and products by creating a burden of proof. This burden of proof will be generated over time through the collection of KPI data e.g. emissions, water, biodiversity, nutritional value, land use, energy, waste management. The Taskforce Short Chains (TKK) will accelerate the data input of the blockchain technology by activating the trusted network of pioneering farmers in providing data. In this way the collection of data enables the creation of a soil passport and constructed proof for the added value creation of (local) produce. This constructed proof will be communicated by using the SDG´s defined by the UN to provide a universal way of communication.

Grounded festival is organized by sustainability students in collaboration with a short food supply chain company Local2Local, a local beer brewery de Leckere and event production management Raveplan. The festival aims to bring local citizens together on the themes of food, nature, music and art. In this way making sustainability tangible and sexy and showing that it is possible to have fun without causing harm. Therefore the festival bans single use plastics, uses eco toilets and compensated the CO2 emissions of the energy use with reforestation projects. The festival included a local farmers market, organic and local foods and drinks and workshops on sustainability topics. The benefits and opportunities resulting from this social innovation include:

- Growing community of local consumers and students

- Increased visibility/ recognition of local products/ brands/ new sustainable initiatives

- Increased awareness for local food supply chains and eco-cycles

- Direct contact between local producers and consumers

Apart from the local and sustainable oriented event/ innovation, Grounded aims to engage people to celebrate and co-create sustainability and culture through events and workshops. Once people have come into contact with Grounded they are welcome to contribute to the diverse initiatives that grounded is working on (art projects, food truck, education curriculums, music, podcasts) or they can pitch their new idea to the Grounded community. Grounded connects people with divers skills and backgrounds, in this way serves as an incubator of local and sustainable initiatives.

Plant on Demand is a platform that digitalizes and optimizes the trading processes and operational flow for the agrifood supply chain, as a digital tool with essential ERP-CRM functionalities. The software is a platform for organic and local farmers, cooperatives, distributors and retailers that creates frictionless commercial transactions by creating a unified workspace and a common language among all actors. On top of that, the platform operates as a Business Intelligence tool based on data collected from those transactions (price, demand, quantities sold, etc.) to return agency to the members of the ecosystem by generating real-time and ready-to-use data and analytics for them to take informed decisions and foster coordinated production.…

Plant on Demand es la plataforma que ayuda a digitalizar y automatizar el proceso de compra-venta de productos de la cadena de valor agroalimentaria y que ayuda a mejorar los procesos de gestión con sus herramientas de ERP y CRM. La plataforma está diseñada para que pequeños productores locales, distribuidores, comercios y cooperativas puedan llevar a cabo transacciones comerciales online de forma ágil e informada gracias la creación de un espacio de trabajo digital y unificado con un lenguaje común entre todos los actores de la cadena. Gracias a la creación de este espacio, los agentes de la cadena pueden colaborar y cooperar entre sí de forma sencilla permitiendo la generación de sinergias y acceso a una demanda más estable y amplia para los más pequeños. Además de la gestión y la cooperación, Plant on Demand ofrece Business Intelligence a sus usuarios para que puedan tener acceso a datos de calidad y relevantes a su negocio y a su ecosistema, y que permitan tomar decisiones informadas y adaptar su producción a las necesidades reales del mercado y la de la tierra.…

It exists several types of trucks depending on the type of expected final products.

• Truck for canning: implementation of all equipment required to achieve canned products in one single skid designed for truck’s usable width and length: glass jars lid closing system with steam injection, metallic cans seamer, under-vacuum plastic pouches thermo sealer, autoclave and electric air compressor to run closing machines. Products are prepared from raw ingredients at the farm and then transported inside the truck. They are heat treated, cooled, returned back to the farmer for refrigerated or ambient storage, labelling and sales.

• Truck for making juices, compotes, coulis - the “Pressi-Mobile”: all equipment for cleaning, grinding, pressing, filtering, pasteurizing and filling are included into the truck. Privates, associations, professionals can book the truck on the website or by phone. They select the type of fruit, the quantity, for what steps of processing they need the truck, and their availabilities on a calendar. The user only must provide tap water, a minimum area to park the truck and a trailer to evacuate the pulps.

This type of mobile and share processing facilities has many advantages.

- It allows to make a processing facility profitable by sharing the investment among many producers

- It allows producers to process their raw products in order to give them added value to products.

- It allows to use an equipment the whole year for seasonal activities

- It allows to limit raw food materiel spoilage and food waste

- It creates new links among the producers and between producers and consumers…

Il existe plusieurs types de camions en fonction du type de produit fini désiré :

• Camion pour la mise en conserve: intégration de tous les équipements nécessaires pour mettre de produits en conserves dans un unique module d’une dimension adaptée au camion : système de fermeture du couvercle des pots en verre par injection de vapeur, sertisseuse de boîtes métalliques, cercleuse thermique pour sachets plastiques sous vide, un autoclave et de l’air comprimé pour faire fonctionner les équipements. Les produits sont préparés à partir des ingrédients bruts à la ferme puis transportés jusqu’au camion. Ils subissent ensuite un traitement thermique, sont refroidis, retournés à la ferme pour être stockés à air froid ou ambiant puis étiquetés et vendus.

• Camion pour fabriquer des jus, compotes et coulis (Pressi-Mobile): tous les équipements pour le nettoyage, le broyage, le pressage, la filtration, la pasteurisation et le remplissage sont inclus dans le camion. Les particuliers, associations, et professionnels peuvent réserver le camion sur le site internet ou par téléphone. Ils sélectionnent le type de fruit, la quantité, les étapes de transformation pour lesquelles ils ont besoin du camion, ainsi que leurs disponibilités sur un calendrier. L’utilisateur doit seulement fournir de l’eau potable, une surface minimale pour pouvoir garer le camion et une remorque pour évacuer les pulpes.

Ce camion de transformation mobile et partagée présente de nombreux avantages.

- Il permet de rendre un atelier de transformation rentable en partageant l’investissement entre de nombreux producteurs

- Il permet aux producteurs de transformer les matières premières dans un but d’apporter de la valeur ajoutée aux produits

- Il permet de limiter l’altération des matière premières et le gaspillage alimentaire

- Il créé de nouveaux liens entre les producteurs et les consommateurs…

La Charrette is in the form of a website (platform), which allows to put producers in contact with each other. Two scenarios are possible:

1) Scenario 1: A producer (called “producer A”) needs to deliver his products and has some space in his car/truck.

- He joins the platform (free registration)

- He enters the journey with some information: departure and arrival cities, possible stopping points, type of storage during the transport (ambient, cold, frozen), date of the journey and the timetable.

2) Scenario 2: A producer (called “producer B”) needs to deliver a product and looks for someone to deliver it:

- He joins the platform (free registration)

- He completes the type of journey he wants (departure and arrival cities, days of the journey, type of required storage)

- He selects, among the propositions, the most suitable journey according to his criteria and he books the journey (online payment).

A software on the website approximately compares the cost of the delivery:

- without sharing

- by delivering his goods himself and sharing the car with goods from other producers

- or by entrusting his goods to another producer who deals with the delivery.

This innovation has many advantages:

- It is an easy to use solution: a platform on a website to book a journey in a few time

- It allows to save time on the logistic step and to focus more on the main activities on the farm

- It allows to reduce the cost of transport

- It allows to reduce the environmental footprint of the transport

- It supports the cooperation and links among producers

La Charette se présente sous la forme d’une plateforme sur internet, qui permet aux producteurs d’entrer en contact les uns avec les autres. Il existe deux cas :

1) Cas 1 – un producteur (appelé « Producteur A ») doit livrer ses produits et a de la place restante dans sa voiture/son camion :

- Il s’inscrit sur la plateforme (inscription gratuite)

- Il renseigne son voyage avec quelques informations : villes de départ et d’arrivée, points d’étapes possibles, type de stockage pendant le transport (ambiant, froid, surgelé), la date du voyage et les horaires

2) Cas 2 – un producteur (appelé « Producteur B ») doit livrer des produits et cherche quelqu’un pour sous-traiter cette étape :

- Il s’inscrit que la plateforme (inscription gratuite)

- Il renseigne le type de voyage qu’il souhaite (villes de départ et d’arrivée, date du voyage, type de stockage requis)

- Il sélectionne, parmi les propositions, le voyage le plus adapté selon ses critères and il réserve le voyage (paiement en ligne)

Un logiciel sur le site internet compare de façon approximative le coût de la livraison :

- Sans mutualisation

- En livrant soi-même ses produits et en partageant la voiture avec des livraisons d’autres producteurs

- En confiant ses produits à un autre producteur qui s’occupe de la livraison.

Cette innovation présente de nombreux avantages :

- Il s’agit d’une solution facile à utiliser : une plateforme sur un site internet qui permet de réserver un voyage en peu de temps

- Elle permet de gagner du temps

- Elle permet de réduire le coût du transport

- Elle permet de réduire l’impact environnement du transport

- Elle permet d’encourager la coopération et les liens entre les producteurs

Pick your own (PYO) is an activity that Arvaia introduced the past year to reduce waste of products and encourage an outdoor activity to all cooperative’s members.

Indeed, if there is some vegetable at the farm that persist on the fields but its quantity isn’t enough to cover all members vegetables weekly parts, farmers and communication team agreed to communicate and spread PYO activity trough weekly e-mail newsletter or into distribution hubs. Interested members can go to the farm and find PYO dedicated vegetable fields area (signaled with specific coloured pickets) and farmers can help, telling them how to harvest: which tool they can use, where to find them; which vegetable’s part to pick up.

This system was also tested in this past summers with fruits, especially peaches and apples because in that moment the orchards yield didn’t cover all members’ needs, so Arvaia farmers invited all members to try to pick-up fruits and taste them. In this case, farmers established a maximum quantity that every member can pick in respect of others and for improving an equal community prospective of sharing goods and food. But it was also a good way to avoid fruits waste and reduce laden down farmers work in summer.

This activity is very useful to increase members’ participation into various aspects:

-people come into Arvaia’s farm and have the possibility to visit it and be aware about what’s going on there, reinforce trusted relationship with farmers and meet other members;

-people can pick-up a free quantity of vegetables and contribute to reduce food waste;

-members can come with other people and let them know about Arvaia and its activities;

-people can learn about vegetable life cycle and organic farming directly and talking with farmers.

Pick your own (PYO) è un'attività che Arvaia ha introdotto l'anno scorso per ridurre lo spreco di prodotti e incoraggiare un'attività all'aperto a tutti i membri della cooperativa.

Infatti, se nella fattoria è presente della verdura che persiste nei campi, ma la sua quantità non è sufficiente a coprire tutti i membri delle parti settimanali di verdure, gli agricoltori e il team di comunicazione hanno concordato di comunicare e diffondere l'attività PYO attraverso newsletter settimanali via e-mail o nella distribuzione mozzi. I membri interessati possono andare alla fattoria e trovare un'area dedicata ai campi di ortaggi PYO e gli agricoltori possono aiutare, dicendo loro come raccogliere, quale strumento possono usare, quale parte di verdura raccogliere.

Il sistema è stato testato nelle estati precedenti con frutta, in particolare pesche e mele, quindi gli agricoltori di Arvaia hanno invitato tutti i membri a provare a raccogliere i frutti e assaggiarli. In questo caso, gli agricoltori hanno stabilito una quantità massima che ogni membro può scegliere rispetto agli altri. Ma è stato anche un buon modo per evitare lo spreco di frutta e ridurre il lavoro degli agricoltori che è a pieno carico in estate.

Questa attività è molto utile per aumentare la partecipazione dei membri:

-le persone entrano nella fattoria di Arvaia e hanno la possibilità di visitarla ed essere consapevoli di ciò che sta accadendo lì;

-le persone possono raccogliere una quantità gratuita di verdure e contribuire a ridurre gli sprechi alimentari;

-membri possono venire con altre persone e far loro conoscere Arvaia e le sue attività;

-le persone possono conoscere direttamente il ciclo di vita vegetale e l'agricoltura biologica e parlare con gli agricoltori

Arvaia is an agricultural cooperative of citizens producing their own food with organic agriculture's methods, organized as a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Supporters become cooperative’s members and cover farm’s yearly costs, and on the other hand, farmers put an effort to distribute vegetables, cereals and handcraft processed food every week to these members. CSA model create a direct contact between: producers who have a direct economic help to farm’s activity so they keep running this main activities, and supporters can have direct access to good organic food. Arvaia’s members can audit and participate directly to the farm’s life and activity. By creating a short and strong food supply chain, they create a proactive community.

All subjects involved support an ecological approach of consumption, indeed products are distributed once a week in 8 hubs located around the city of Bologna (Italy), carried directly from the farm- which is located 7 km from the city center- by a single van. Every member can reach the closest hub, reducing as well the distance between the farm and the members’ houses, optimizing food chain transfer.

Mutualistic relationships between people have been encouraged thanks to anonymous annual fundraising (called “peer supportive auction”/”mutual fundraising”) based on main value “everyone supports the annual production according to his/her own economic possibilities” and members can provide an annual payment to cover all farm cost.

CSA members support environmental education and healthy outdoor activity indeed people can help in many Cooperative’s areas: agriculture activity, distribution and local market activity, communication and events.

Arvaia è una cooperativa agricola di cittadini che producono il proprio cibo con i metodi dell'agricoltura biologica. I sostenitori diventano membri della cooperativa e coprono i costi annuali della fattoria e, d'altra parte, gli agricoltori si sforzano di distribuire verdure, cereali e alimenti lavorati artigianalmente ogni settimana a questi membri. Il modello CSA crea un contatto diretto tra queste due catene di approvvigionamento. I membri di Arvaia possono controllare e partecipare direttamente alla vita e all'attività della fattoria. Creando una filiera alimentare breve e forte, creano una comunità proattiva.

In questa comunità, valori come l'ecologia, l'aiuto e il sostegno reciproci tra le persone e salari equi per gli agricoltori sono distribuiti all'interno dei membri. Tutti i soggetti coinvolti supportano un approccio ecologico al consumo, infatti i prodotti vengono distribuiti una volta alla settimana in 8 hub situati intorno alla città di Bologna, trasportati direttamente dalla fattoria - che si trova a 7 km dal centro città - da un unico furgone. Ogni membro può raggiungere l'hub più comodo alle proprie abitudini, riducendo anche la distanza tra la fattoria e le case dei membri.

Le relazioni mutualistiche tra le persone si organizzano alla raccolta fondi annuale anonima basata sul valore principale "tutti sostengono la produzione annuale in base alle proprie possibilità economiche" e i membri possono fornire un pagamento per coprire tutti i costi dell'azienda agricola.

I membri del CSA supportano l'educazione ambientale e la sana attività all'aperto, infatti le persone possono aiutare in molte aree della Cooperativa: attività agricola, distribuzione e mercato locale, comunicazione ed eventi.

Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen (Chamber of Agriculture Lower-Saxony, Germany) is implementing vending machines for agricultural fresh food products. This type of vending machines can be accessed 24 hours a day and do not need special maintenance by workers. Further, agricultural activities are not interrupted by customers at the production site. AGRiDEE and other manufacturers offer locker style fresh food vending machines. This style of vending machine, refrigerated and non-refrigerated, can enable egg, fruits, vegetables and all fresh food farmers and producers to develop farm gate sales free from the fear of theft. The vending machines, with 92 to 192 compartments, are easy to install everywhere. A single cash register system is always needed as a basis for all vending machines. Consumers can pay with cash or with different credit cards. With this type of vending machines, farmers have a new way to sell fresh food products direct to the public without having to deal with customers and, as the vending machines eliminate middlemen, the farmer nets more profit. The manufacturers (e.g. AGRiDEE, Risto) offer a large variety of vending machines for different types of fresh food products.

Die Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen führt Verkaufsautomaten für landwirtschaftliche Frischeprodukte ein. Diese Verkaufsautomaten können 24 Stunden täglich genutzt warden und erfordern keine besondere Instandhaltung. Darüber hinaus besteht keine Störung der landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten durch Kunden auf dem Hof/der landwirtschaftlichen Einrichtung. Hersteller wie AGRiDEE bieten Verkaufsautomaten mit Schließfachsystem an. Diese Art von Verkaufsautomaten - mit oder ohne Kühlung – ermöglicht den Verkauf von landwirtschaftlichen Frischeprodukten wie Eiern, Obst, Gemüse oder Fleisch ab Hof ohne den Bedarf an zusätzlichen Arbeitskräften oder der Gefahr von Diebstählen. Die Verkaufsautomaten, mit 92 bis 192 Fächern lassen sich leicht an jedem Beliebigen Ort aufstellen. Für den Aufbau wir dabei immer ein Einzelkassensystem als Basis benötigt. In diesem ist die gesamte Technik untergebracht. Sowohl Bar- als auch Kartenzahlung ist möglich. Durch die Verkaufsautomaten eröffnet sich für die Landwirte ein neuer Vertriebsweg für ihre Frischeprodukte, ohne den Bedarf für direkten Kundenkontakt oder Zwischenhändler, was Gewinn der Landwirte erhöht. Auf dem Markt ist eine Vielzahl von Verkaufsautomaten für verschiedenste Arten von Frischeprodukten verfügbar.

Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen (Chamber of Agriculture Lower-Saxony) supports the mobile poultry farming (organic and conventional). In Lower Saxony, mobile coop systems for poultry are free of building permit up to a size of 450 m3. The mobile housing system presents some advantages: • Mobile poultry coops are fully equipped, movable pens, which can be used throughout the year for housing chicken

• Their movability and flexibility prevents and/or reduced silting, over-fertilization and accumulation of parasites

• Less work on the actual house allows more time for animal welfare The advance mobile poultry housing also offers completely new possibilities for the direct marketing of eggs in the local region. These systems convince consumers with a transparent farming system that promotes animal welfare.

In Germany, several companies (e.g. Farmermobil GmbH or Hühnerstall-Mobil) produce a large range of mobile layer housing, from traditional to fully automatic operation (feed, water, air intake, air exhaust, manure belt, family nests, egg collection belt, etc.), to meet all needs for housing systems. All farmers involved in poultry farming can make use of this innovation.

Die Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen fördert die (biologische und konventionelle) mobile Geflügelhaltung. In Niedersachsen wird für mobile Geflügelställe bis 450 m3 keine Baugenehmigung benötigt. Die mobile Unterbringung von Geflügel bietet dabei weitere Vorteile:

• Die mobile Geflügelställe sind voll ausgestattete, bewegbare Ställe die ganzjährig genutzt werden können

• Die Bewegbarkeit der Ställe bietet Flexibilität, verhindert/reduziert Verschlammung, Überdüngung und Ansammlung von Parasiten.

• Weniger Arbeitsaufwand für den Aufbau des Stalls ermöglicht mehr Zeit für das Tierwohl.

Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die mobile Geflügelhaltung völlig neue Möglichkeiten für den Direktvertrieb von Eiern vor Ort. So können Verbraucher, durch eine transparente Haltung unter Berücksichtigung des Tierwohls von den Produkten überzeugt werden.

In Deutschland bieten verschiedene Unternehmen (z.B. Farmermobil GmbH oder Hühnerstall-Mobil) ein umfangreiches Angebot mobiler Geflügelställe, von traditionellen Ställen bis hin zu voll automatisierten Modellen (automatisierte Fütterung/Tränkung, Be- und Entlüftung, Kotband, Familiennester, Eier-Sammelbänder, etc.), um alle Bedarfe der Unterbringung zu adressieren. Alle Landwirte mit Geflügelhaltung können diese Innovation nutzen. ( reconnects small-scale farmers directly with businesses looking for local, high-quality fresh ingredients, be they restaurants, farmer’s markets or food retailers. is on the mission to solve the local food distribution by providing the tools and knowledge to develop a resilient local food economy. Support small-scale producers with demand-driven advisory services while providing chefs and consumers with on-demand access to quality products. Cultivate relationships between food system actors to build a community that fosters transparency and fair business. Foodhub and its partner are building an innovative farm-to-table service HUB, that provides the following digitalized services for farmers to reach their markets:

- Central logistics service, including warehousing, commissioning, transportation to buyers, where farmers can store in their products and Foodhub will provide all remaining logistic services,

- A central online marketplace to assist farmers B2B and B2C sales, including all factors of proper invoicing management, payment management, VAT compliance, online marketing, centralized customer service, export sales management, inland sales management,

- An educational and networking HUB where food producers are educated about all aspects of their go-to-marker: business management, food regulations, logistics, marketing, sales.

- A forecasting HUB where farmers can be provided with big-data analyses results of what products will be needed by B2C and B2B clients throughout the year.

A ( célja, hogy összekapcsolja a kistermelőket az olyan vállalkozásokkal, amelyek helyi, jó minőségű friss alapanyagokat keresnek, legyenek azok éttermek, termelői piacok vagy élelmiszer-kiskereskedők. A küldetése, hogy megoldja a helyi élelmiszer-elosztást azáltal, hogy eszközöket és ismereteket nyújt a rugalmas helyi élelmiszergazdaság fejlesztéséhez. Támogatja a kistermelőket keresletre alapozott tanácsadási szolgáltatásokkal, miközben a séfek és a fogyasztók igény szerint hozzáférhetnek a minőségi termékekhez. A Foodhub és partnere, az egy innovatív farmtól az asztalig szolgáltató HUB -ot épít fel, amely a következő digitalizált szolgáltatásokat nyújtja a mezőgazdasági termelők számára a piacuk eléréséhez:

- Központi logisztikai szolgáltatás, beleértve a raktározást, az üzembe helyezést és a vásárlóknak történő szállítást, ahol a gazdák tárolhatják termékeiket, és a Foodhub nyújt minden fennmaradó logisztikai szolgáltatást,

- Központi online piactér a mezőgazdasági termelők B2B és B2C értékesítésének támogatására, beleértve a megfelelő számlázás kezelését, a fizetéskezelést, az áfa-megfelelést, az online marketing, a központi ügyfélszolgálat, az exportértékesítés irányítását, a belföldi értékesítés irányítását,

- Oktatási és hálózatépítési HUB, ahol az élelmiszer-előállítókat képezzük a saját piaci értékeik minden aspektusáról: üzleti menedzsment, élelmiszer-szabályozás, logisztika, marketing, értékesítés.

- Előrejelző HUB, ahol a mezőgazdasági termelők Big-Data elemzésből információkat kaphatnak, hogy milyen termékekre lesz szükség a B2C és B2B ügyfelek számára az év során.

The Zala Valley Open Farms ( as a bottom-up initiative was established in 2018 by the Zala-Termálvölgye Local Action Group (LAG) after 5 years long preparation process which is a network of producers and rural service providers who undertake to open their farms and food processing plants for customers also provide high value added food products. The network belongs to farmers and service providers however it is operated by the LAG to ensure its sustainability. It means that the facilitators of the LAG provide common marketing image, a well-designed internet platform and smartphone app, organisation of events, quality assurance system and coaching for creating adequate environment at the farm to be able to accept visitors (toilets, hygiene, aesthetics, etc.) and trainings. The business model is easy: visitors can come to visit and buy products not only by appointment, but also during the regular opening times and at special organised events. Thus, customers can actually see how and where the local products are produced and get to know all the local members. The LAG is, at the moment, the main engine of the programme and turned it into the backbone of local development strategy. (Only network members can apply for business support from the EU/state funded local development programme). Nevertheless, on the long run, producers should take charge and the programme should be sustainable even without the professional and financial input of the LAG. The key innovation of this programme is the way of coaching the local stakeholders to ensure their cooperation. Farmers can access personal advice according to their activities, facility or know-how deficiencies.

A Zalai Nyitott Porták ( 2018-ban alulról jövő kezdeményezésként hozta létre a Zala Termálvölgye Helyi Akciócsoport (HACS) öt éves előkészítő munka eredményeként. A Nyitott Porták egy termelők és vidéki szolgáltatók hálózata, akik vállalják, hogy kinyitják kapuikat és termékelőállító üzemeiket a vendégek számára, valamint magas minőségű terméket állítanak elő. A hálózat tulajdonosai a termelők és szolgáltatók, de magát a szervezetet a HACS működteti a fenntarthatóság biztosítása érdekében. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a HACS munkatársai biztosítják a közös marketing imázst, a weboldalt és applikációt, események szervezését, minőségbiztosítást és coachingot a vendéglátásra alkalmas környezet biztosításához (mosdók, higiéniai és esztétikai feltételek stb.), valamint a képzéseket. Az üzleti modell egyszerű: az érdeklődök érkeznek a gazdaságokba vásárolni és élményeket szerezni, nem csak megbeszélt időpontban, hanem rendszeres nyitvatartási időben és szervezett eseményeken. A látogatók megnézhetik hogyan és hol készülnek a helyi termékek és megismerhetik a hálózati tagokat. A HACS jelenleg a program fő motorja és a helyi fejlesztési stratégia gerince. (Kizárólag hálózati tagok pályázhatnak Uniós és állami támogatásra.) Azonban hosszú távon a termelőknek kell a program költségeit állniuk, hogy a HACS szakmai és pénzügyi támogatása nélkül is fenntarthatóvá válljon a program. A helyi szereplők coachingolása a program kulcs innovációja, amely biztosítja a szereplők együttműködését.

The pre-cooling system enables local (in place) packaging for the producer (field-packed products), without transport to a cooling house. After cooling and packaging any regular distribution channels are available. • this is a pre-cooling postharvest technology for the removal of the field heat

• minimal process system

• existing fix and mobile system

• fast removal of the field heat in vacuum due vaporizing after harvesting

• uniform cooling, same temperature (as well on the surface as in the cold junction)

• individual parameter settings for the different products

• preserve quality and taste

• substantially longer shelf life of the fresh produce

• specific developed control system

• save on energy costs

• vacuum cooling methods are much more effective and modern than the traditional technologies

• mobile, it is possible to move by truck trailer e.g. to the field, direct to the harvest place

• in cooperation with other farmers, the utilization of the vacuum cooling system is more beneficial, the costs can be shared among the partners

• different capacities are available.

Vacuum-microwave technology is a rapid, low temperature drying method that maintains food product’s colour, flavour and nutrients. This technology enables uniform drying with flexible moisture content. Practical benefits of this technology are: (1) high speed processing since drying is rapid and with significant time savings over other drying technologies (e.g. air drying and freeze drying); (2) scalability since machine can scale from research and design level, batch production to continuous commercial production; (3) flexible moisture content in final product. Namely, uniform volumetric drying allows control over final moisture content and texture achieving shelf stable final products in parallel. (4) continuous processing because this technology can integrate into continuous production line (5) reduced energy saving due to rapid drying time (6) new product opportunities due to a new technology that enable production of food products unachievable with other technology.

After drying process the new food products can be easily and regularly distributed in ambient temperature all over the world food market. The reason is reduced moisture and prolonged shelf life.

Vakum-mikrotalasna tehnologija je brz, nisko-temperaturni metod sušenja koji omoguća da se održi boja, ukus i nutrijenti prehrambenog proizvoda. Ova tehnologija omogućava uniformno sušene sa fleksibilnim sadržajem vlage. Praktične prednosti ove tehnologije su: (1) velika brzina procesa jer je process sušenja brz i značajne su uštede vremena u odnosu na druge tehnologije sušenja namirnica (kao što je na primer sušenje vrelim vazduhom ili liofilizacija); (2) prilagođavanje veličine opreme jer oprema može biti od istraživačke preko šaržne proizvodnje do kontinualne komercijalne proizvodnje; (3) fleksibilan sadržaj vlage u finalnom proizvodu. Naime, uniformno zapreminsko sušenje omogućava kontrolu finalnog sadržaja vlage i teksture čime se postiže stabilan finalni proizvod; (4) kontinualno procesiranje jer ova tehnologija može da se integriše u kontinualnu prozvodnu liniju; (5) smanjena potrošnja energije usled kratkog vremena sušenja; (6) dobijanje novih proizvoda jer nova tehnologija omogućava proizvodnju prehrambenih proizvoda koji se ne mogu dobiti drugim tehnologijama. Nakon procesa sušenja novi prehrambeni proizvodi mogu se lako distribuirati na ambientalnoj temperature na tržišta širom sveta. Razlog je smanjeni sadržaj vlage i produženi rok upotrebe.

The novelty proposed is the non-thermal food processing technologies as alterative to conventionally heat treatments in high quality foods with fresh-like sensory and additive-free characteristics. As the most successfully commercialized non-thermal processing technology, HPP eliminates food pathogens at room temperature and extends the shelf life. HPP is officially approved as a non-thermal pasteurization technology that can replace traditional pasteurization in the food industry (US Food & Drug Administration). Pasteurization effects of HPP is not affected by the packaging form and volume of the food, and thus foods of different volumes can be processed in the same batch. HPP is performed at room temperature, reducing energy consumption associated with heating and subsequent cooling. In addition, the food is in packaged form and does not directly contact the processing devices, preventing the secondary contamination of food after pasteurization. Additionally, the pressure transfer medium can be recycled after processing. With the advantages of low energy consumption and low contamination risk, HPP technology is an environmentally friendly processing technology. Therefore, HPP technology is recognized as a minimal processing technology that ensures both food safety and quality.

Ovo inovativno rešenje predstavlja netermički postupak kao alternativu konvencionalnim termičkim tretmanima za dobijanje visoko kvalitetne hrane bez aditiva sa karakterističnim ukusom sveže namirnice. Kao jedna od novih tehnologija koja se najuspešnije komercijalizovala, HPP tehnologija eliminiše patogene hrane na sobnoj temperaturi i produžava rok upotrebe proizvoda. HPP je zvanično priznata kao netermička pasterizacija koja može zameniti tradicionalnu pasterizaciju u prehrambnoj industriji (prema američkoj administraciji za hranu i lekove). Efekat pasterizacije primenom HPP tehnologije ne zavisi od oblika pakovanja i zapremine hrane, zbog čega se hrana različite zapremine može pasterizovati u istoj šarži. HPP se vrši na sobnoj temperature, smanjujući potrošnju energiju u odnosu na klasičnu pasterizaciju gde se energija troši za zagrevanje i hlađenje proizvoda. Pored toga, hrana je upakovana tako da ne dolazi direktno u kontakt sa uređajem, čime se sprečava sekundarna kontaminacija hrane nakon pasterizacije. Sa ovim prednostima (niska potrošnja energije i smanjeni rizik kontaminacije), HPP tehnologija je tehnologija koja ne zagađuje životni sredinu. Prema tome, HPP tehnologija je prepoznata kao minimalna procesna tehnologija koja obezbeđuje i kvalitet i bezbednost hrane.

These systems ( can be used for the disinfection of indoor air, surfaces and water – for the industrial use in the food sector. Innovative solution is a compatible, antimicrobial liquid that consists of naturally raw materials. This system implies using of carefully chosen ingredients, without components containing alcohol and other chemical substances which application is questionable. The antimicrobial effect results from the specific properties of these ingredients and their synergetic interaction. Due to these synergetic interactions, the innovative solution ingredients are highly effective in very low concentrations. With the continuous use of this innovative solution in filling and sealing systems, the final products are significantly less contaminated by yeasts and mould and will stay stable for a long-term basis. This leads to a long-term and sustainable hygiene security. Consequently, above-mentioned significantly secures the “best before date” and can even extend it. This novel technology can be used for small- and medium-sized companies as well as for big business. The capacity and type of required systems depends on the production specifics. Country, region and location are not limiting factors for this solution and system implementation in some company. After the application of this solution, food products can be distributed all over the world market, due to their stabilization and microbial reduction. Shelf-life of food product depends of type and properties of certain product.

Ovi sistemi ( se mogu koristiti za dezinfekciju vazduha u zatvorenom prostoru, dezinfekciju površina i vode za industrijsku primenu u sektoru HRANE. Inovativno rešenje je kompatibilna antimikrobna tečnost koja se sastoji od prirodnih supstanci. Ovaj sistem podrazumeva upotrebu pažljivo izabranih supstanci, bez komponenata koje sadrže alkohol i druge hemijske supstance, čija je primena diskutabilna. Antimikrobni efekat je rezultat specifičnih svojstava ovih sastojaka i njihovog sinergističnog dejstva. Zahvaljujući sinergističkom delovanju, inovative supstance rastvora su vrlo efikasne u vrlo niskim koncentracijama.

Sa kontinuiranom primenom ovog inovativnog rešenja u sistemima za punjenje i pakovanje, finalni proizvodi su značajno manje kontaminirani kvascima i plesnima i mogu biti stabilni duži vremenski period. Na ovaj način dugoročno se obezbeđuju održivi higijenski standardi. U skladu sa tim, značajno se osigurava da će proizvod biti bezbedan u “roku upotrebe” i čak se ovaj rok može produžiti.

Ova nova tehnologija se može koristiti za mala i srednja preduzeća kao i za velike kompanije. Kapacitet i tip potrebnog sistema zavisi od specifičnosti proizvodnje. Zemlja, region ili mesto nisu ograničavajući faktori za ovo rešenje i njegovu implementaciju u kompanija. Nakon primene rešenja, prehrambeni proizvodi se mogu distribuirati na sva svetska tržišta, zahvaljujući njihovoj stabilnosti i redukciji mikroba. Rok upotrebe određenog proizvoda zavisiće od tip i osobina tog proizvoda.

“Gaia” is a retail co-operative founded in Chania, Crete, back in the summer of 1996. The founding members consisted of a small group of organic farmers, agronomists, ecology enthusiasts, and healthy nutrition proponents. “Gaia” takes pride in having been the first-ever co-operative in Greece that brought together producers and consumers, being, in essence, a producer-consumer co-operative. The endeavor was initially met with skepticism by local people, but the founding members were determined to “turn the tables”. They engaged in systematic efforts to educate the local community, launching, among others, a robust educational campaign at schools. That is, the founding members realized that they had to invest a lot of time and effort in convincing young pupils about the merits of organic products, healthy eating, respect for the environment, and short supply chains. The seeds they sowed more than 20 years ago have now flourished. A lot of these former schoolchildren are now grown-ups who have become very loyal customers of “gaia”, and ambassadors of environmental-friendly production and short food supply chains.

Η «γαία» είναι ένας καταναλωτικός συνεταιρισμός που ιδρύθηκε στα Χανιά της Κρήτης το καλοκαίρι του 1996. Τα ιδρυτικά του μέλη αποτελούνταν από μια μικρή ομάδα βιοκαλλιεργητών, γεωπόνων, καθώς και θιασωτών της οικολογίας και της υγιεινής διατροφής. Σήμερα, τα μέλη αυτά μπορούν να υπερηφανεύονται ότι δημιούργησαν τον πρώτο συνεταιρισμό στην Ελλάδα που ένωσε παραγωγούς και καταναλωτές σε ένα κοινό σχήμα, δηλαδή τον πρώτο συνεταιρισμό παραγωγών-καταναλωτών στη χώρα. Το εγχείρημά τους, ωστόσο, αντιμετωπίστηκε αρχικά με επιφύλαξη από τους συντοπίτες τους. Δεν το έβαλαν κάτω, όμως, παρά μόνο εργάστηκαν συστηματικά για να επιμορφώσουν την τοπική κοινωνία, υλοποιώντας, μεταξύ άλλων, μια ρωμαλέα εκπαιδευτική εκστρατεία στα σχολεία. Συνειδητοποίησαν από νωρίς ότι άξιζε τον κόπο να αφιερώσουν χρόνο και ενέργεια στην εκπαίδευση των νεαρών μαθητών για τα οφέλη των βιολογικών προϊόντων, της υγιεινής διατροφής, του σεβασμού στο περιβάλλον και των βραχειών αλυσίδων εφοδιασμού τροφίμων. Οι σπόροι που φύτεψαν, λοιπόν, περισσότερο από 20 χρόνια πριν, έχουν πια βλαστήσει για τα καλά. Πολλοί από τους τότε μαθητές είναι τώρα ενήλικοι πολίτες που έχουν γίνει πιστοί πελάτες της «γαίας», αλλά και ζηλωτές της φιλικής προς το περιβάλλον παραγωγής και των βραχειών αλυσίδων εφοδιασμού τροφίμων.

The non-profit co-operative “Allotropon” (, in greek) is premised on and supports the concepts of solidarity economy and community development. Allotropon members habitually engage in practices that develop the sense of ‘doing something right’ and, at the same time, activate social links with other network members or the local community. In doing so, Allotropon members use the grocery store, which is also home to a café by the same name, as a springboard for transformational initiatives that reinforce the social value of its short food supply chain, get people together, and stimulate social activity. For example, Allotropon’s members have transformed the store and café into a meeting point for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and a venue for different events, such as food fairs, “earth fests” (e.g., informational events devoted to the real value of seeds), cultural happenings (e.g., concerts, film screenings, book presentations), speeches, and socially-oriented campaigns (e.g., gathering food items for refugees, catering for the most deprived). Everyone is welcome to get on board and reap the fruits of this social metamorphosis.

Ο μη-κερδοσκοπικός συνεταιρισμός «Αλλότροπον» εδράζεται και με τη σειρά του στηρίζει τις έννοιες της αλληλέγγυας οικονομίας και της κοινοτικής ανάπτυξης. Τα μέλη του Αλλότροπον είναι προσηλωμένα σε πρακτικές που παγιώνουν την αίσθηση ότι «κάνουν κάτι σωστό και δίκαιο» ενώ, στο πλαίσιο της εμπιστοσύνης, ενεργοποιούν κοινωνικούς δεσμούς με άλλα μέλη του δικτύου τους ή και την τοπική κοινότητα. Βασικά, τα μέλη του Αλλότροπον χρησιμοποιούν το παντοπωλείο, το οποίο φιλοξενεί κι ένα καφενέ με το ίδιο όνομα, ως ορμητήριο μετασχηματιστικών πρωτοβουλιών που ενισχύουν την κοινωνική αξία των βραχειών αλυσίδων εφοδιασμού τροφίμων, φέρνουν τους ανθρώπους πιο κοντά και τονώνουν την κοινωνική δραστηριότητα. Έχουν ουσιαστικά μεταμορφώσει το παντοπωλείο-καφενέ σε στέκι ανταλλαγής γνώσεων και ιδεών, αλλά και σε χώρο υποδοχής διαφορετικών κοινωνικών εκδηλώσεων, όπως εκθέσεων τροφίμων, γιορτών γης (π.χ. ενημερωτικές ημερίδες αφιερωμένες στην πραγματική αξία των σπόρων), πολιτιστικών γεγονότων (π.χ. συναυλίες, κινηματογραφικές προβολές, παρουσιάσεις βιβλίων), ομιλιών, και εκστρατειών κοινωνικής ενίσχυσης (π.χ. συλλογή τροφίμων για πρόσφυγες και απόρους). Στο Αλλότροπον, λοιπόν, όλοι είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι να πάρουν μέρος και να γευτούν τους καρπούς αυτής της κοινωνικής μεταμόρφωσης.

Diversification of products is a strategy for small firms and producers in order to satisfy consumers’ needs that are increasing and becoming complex. Besides, diversification can help in competing with different products and firms that propose similar goods. In Switzerland, imports of goat cheese that are similar to the goat cheeses produced by Chèvrement bon ( are significant. These imported products can be cheaper for the consumers than indigenous products. This is at the expense of the producers’ competitiveness and economic return. The small firm Chèvrement bon has decided to implement the strategy of coming up with new products since a few years. Answering consumers’ expectations that are demanding for more local and fresh food and reach new consumers and/or markets is the objective of the product innovation. The method is relating to the production of different goat cheeses in order to diversify the production and extend the range of products for consumers. Other firms can apply this generic method to their own production, if applicable (e.g. available resources like financial capacities, know-how, equipment). Furthermore, the short transport distance from the producer to the salesroom ensures food quality and food safety. Finally, extending the range of offered products can improve the firm’s visibility and image to the consumers.

La diversification des produits est une stratégie pour les petites entreprises et les producteurs afin de satisfaire les besoins croissants et de plus en plus complexes des consommateurs. En outre, la diversification peut aider à concurrencer des produits différents et des entreprises qui proposent des biens similaires. En Suisse, les importations de fromages de chèvre similaires aux fromages de chèvre produits par Chèvrement bon ( sont importantes. Ces produits importés peuvent être moins chers pour les consommateurs que les produits locaux. Cela se fait au détriment de la compétitivité et de la rentabilité économique des producteurs. La petite entreprise Chèvrement bon a décidé de mettre en œuvre depuis quelques années la stratégie de proposer de nouveaux produits. Répondre aux attentes des consommateurs qui demandent plus de produits locaux et frais et toucher de nouveaux consommateurs et/ou marchés est l'objectif de l'innovation produit. La méthode porte sur la production de différents fromages de chèvre afin de diversifier la production et d'élargir la gamme de produits destinés aux consommateurs. D'autres entreprises peuvent appliquer cette méthode générique à leur propre production, lorsque c’est possible (par exemple, disponibilité des ressources telles que les capacités financières, le savoir-faire, l'équipement). En outre, la courte distance de transport entre le producteur et le lieu de vente garantit la qualité et la sécurité des aliments. Enfin, l'élargissement de la gamme de produits offerts peut améliorer la visibilité et l'image de l'entreprise auprès des consommateurs.

In a competitive environment, offering final products to the consumers that are regular in shape, color, taste and size is essential. Thus, the fruits and vegetables that do not respect these criteria can represent important waste that can be economically unprofitable for producers. Several years ago, Biofruits ( decided to invest in a fruits and vegetables press to valorize the products that cannot be sold through the conventional channels or directly to the consumers due to bad external quality (shape or color non-compliant with the standards). The technology offers a high-quality final products. If the generated innovation is implemented, all fruits and vegetables can be processed to produce juices. The technology can process for example 1 kg of fruits to produce 7 deciliters of juices. Then it depends of the fruits, if it is juice or nectar, or if it is another beverage. The main advantages of this technology are the preservation of the nutrients and the contents of the fruits and vegetables, in order to keep all the healthy and good components. Furthermore, the taste is also representative of the product (i.e. preservation of the aromas of the raw materials). The shelf life of the final product is also interesting, extending the product consumption to 24 months. Finally, the innovation proposed favor products’ diversification of the firms and facilitate the access to different markets and/or consumers.

Dans un environnement concurrentiel, il est essentiel d'offrir aux consommateurs des produits finis dont la forme, la couleur, le goût et la taille sont réguliers. Ainsi, les fruits et légumes qui ne respectent pas ces critères peuvent représenter des déchets importants et des pertes économiques pour les producteurs. Biofruits ( a décidé il y a quelques années d'investir dans un pressoir à fruits et légumes afin de valoriser les produits qui ne peuvent être vendus par les canaux conventionnels ou directement aux consommateurs en raison d'une mauvaise qualité extérieure (forme ou couleur non conforme aux normes). Cette technologie permet d'offrir un produit final de haute qualité. Si l'innovation générée est mise en œuvre, tous les fruits et légumes peuvent être transformés pour produire des jus. La technologie peut traiter par exemple 1 kg de fruits pour produire 7 décilitres de jus. Selon les fruits, il pourra s’agir de jus ou de nectar, ou d’une autre boisson. Les principaux avantages de cette technologie sont la préservation des nutriments et contenus dans les fruits et légumes, afin de conserver tous les composants sains et bons. De plus, le goût est également représentatif du produit (c'est-à-dire la préservation des arômes des matières premières). La durée de conservation du produit final est également intéressante, puisqu'elle permet de prolonger la consommation du produit jusqu'à 24 mois. Enfin, l'innovation proposée favorise la diversification des produits des entreprises et facilite l'accès à différents marchés et/ou consommateurs.

In temporary and perishable products such as fungus/mushrooms and some kind of fruits and vegetables is essential to maintain the quality of them until been consumed. The novelty proposed is the use of freeze-drying ( to dehydrate them to reduce their water activity to make it possible to preserve them for long periods of time (more than 6 months) and also to make it possible to reach markets that could not be reached if these products would have this high humidity.

The freeze-drying is able to remove water from fresh products once they have been harvested, the operation can be done in a close area of the field. The final water content of the products can be at maximum of 1% (wet basis). This can be so useful to extend the self-life of fresh products in room temperature conditions. Moreover, this makes possible to access to new markets (exports) that fresh products could not access due to their perishability and to extend the commercial life of these temporary products along the whole year. This technique allows to maintain the quality aspects of the products (sensory, health-related compounds) better than conventional heating drying techniques, maintaining better also the shape and aspect of the product.

The size and the capacity of the required freeze-drier depends on the volume of the production and initial and final moisture content of the material to be treated.

The innovation proposed only requires electricity and compressed air.

The suitable type of food to be processed is that one that has high moisture content, perishable and thermo-sensitive products (e.g. fruits and vegetable, fungus/mushrooms).

En productos perecederos y de temporada, como es el caso de las setas/hongos y frutas y verduras es esencial para mantener la calidad de los mismos hasta su consumo. La novedad propuesta es el uso de la tecnología de liofilización ( para deshidratar dichos alimentos con objeto de reducir su actividad de agua y hacer posible su conservación durante largos periodos de tiempo (más de 6 meses) y de esta forma poder llegar a mercados a los que no se podría llegar si estos productos tuvieran esa alta humedad inicial. La liofilización es capaz de eliminar el agua de los productos frescos una vez que se han cosechado, la operación se puede hacer en una zona cercana del campo. El contenido final de agua de los productos puede ser de un máximo del 1% (base húmeda). Esto es útil para prolongar la vida de los productos frescos en condiciones de temperatura ambiente. Además, de esta forma se posibilita entrar en nuevos mercados (exportaciones) a los que dichos productos frescos no podían acceder, de la misma forma se posibilita extender la vida comercial de estos productos temporales a lo largo de todo el año. Esta técnica permite mantener la calidad de los productos (atributos sensoriales y compuestos relacionados con la salud) mejor que las técnicas convencionales de secado, manteniendo también la forma y el aspecto del producto.

El tamaño y la capacidad del liofilizador requerido depende del volumen de la producción y del contenido de humedad inicial y final del material a tratar.

La innovación propuesta sólo requiere electricidad y aire comprimido. El tipo de alimento más adecuado para esta innovación sería aquel que tiene un alto contenido de humedad, que sea un producto perecedero y termosensible (por ejemplo, frutas y verduras, setas).

Hermeneus is a free and responsible consumption community, in which sellers and buyers contact directly to buy and sell products and services without any intermediation using the application ( This make it possible for the buyer to pay a fair price for the products and for the seller gives the following advantages to: - Have an opportunity to receive the right reward for their effort,

- Open their own online store in just a few minutes and with a minimum cost

- Develop their own online sales strategy and get the full performance of their work

- Offer a better service to their current clients and contact new potential customers through our community

- Connect directly with buyers and sellers throughout Spain and offer them their products and services

- Connect with logistics professionals and optimize their distribution processes

- Benefit from being part of a community of users involved with local commerce

Moreover, there are restaurants in the web where you can taste the products that have been bought by Hermeneus platform.

In Hermeneus buyers are registered by paying a unique quote per year (about 363€) but there is no commission per sale (neither for the buyer, nor for the seller).

The practical benefit for both buyers and sellers is that there are no intermediaries between the transaction, so the product has a fair price and the seller is correctly paid for their effort. The innovation proposed make possible to increase the profit for the producers and to pay a fair price for the consumers.

Hermeneus es una comunidad de consumo libre y responsable, en la que vendedores y compradores se comunican directamente utilizando la aplicación ( para comprar y vender productos y servicios sin ningún intermediario. Esto hace posible que el comprador pague un precio justo por los productos y para el vendedor se ofrecen las siguientes ventajas a: - Tener la oportunidad de recibir la recompensa correcta por su esfuerzo,

- Abrir su propia tienda online en pocos minutos y con un coste mínimo,

- Desarrollar su propia estrategia de ventas on-line y obtener el pleno rendimiento de su trabajo,

- Ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes actuales y contactar con nuevos clientes potenciales a través de la comunidad Hermeneus,

- Conectar directamente con compradores y vendedores de toda España y ofrecerles sus productos y servicios,

- Conectar con profesionales de la logística y optimizar sus procesos de distribución,

- Beneficiarse de ser parte de una comunidad de usuarios involucrados con el comercio local.

Además de este servicio, hay restaurantes en la web donde se pueden degustar los productos que han sido comprados por la plataforma Hermeneus.

En Hermeneus los compradores se registran pagando una cotización única por año (alrededor de 363 euros) pero no hay comisión por venta (ni para el comprador, ni para el vendedor).

El beneficio práctico tanto para los compradores como para los vendedores es que no hay intermediarios entre la transacción, por lo que el producto tiene un precio justo y el vendedor recibe correctamente su esfuerzo. La innovación propuesta permite aumentar el beneficio para los productores y pagar un precio justo a los consumidores.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) are partnerships of mutual commitment between a farm and a community of supporters that provide a direct link between the production and consumption of food. Supporters usually cover a farm’s yearly operating budget by purchasing a share of the season’s harvest and in some cases they assist with the farm work. In return, the farm provides, to the best of its ability, a healthy supply of seasonal fresh produce. Solidarische Landwirtschaft e.V. (SoLaWi) is a non-profit organization and network in the field of agricultural direct marketing in Germany. SoLaWi promotes and maintains a rural and diverse agriculture, preserves regional food and allows people new spaces of experience and education. SoLaWi-groups usually consist of different collaborators: farmers, gardeners and prosumers (producers, which are consumers at the same time). Through teamwork and mutual support, SoLaWi creates fair conditions for farmers and complete transparency for consumers. Farmers involved in SoLaWi are able to develop freely, which fosters innovative thinking. General advantages of such system are manifold:

- Increased planning security for the farmer and preservation of business

- Risk distribution between farmers and prosumers

- Direct contact and exchange between farmer and prosumers

- Prosumers gain access to spaces of experience and education (knowledge about cultivation, production of food)

- Transparency along the value chain

- Support of regional SMEs and reinforcement of local eco-cycles

Die solidarische Landwirtschaft ist eine Partnerschaften und gegenseitige Verpflichtung zwischen einem Landwirt und einer Gemeinschaft von Unterstützern, die eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Lebensmittelproduktion und –konsum herstellt. Die Unterstützer decken für gewöhnlich die jährlichen Operationskosten eines Landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs indem sie einen Anteil an der Ernte kaufen und in manchen Fällen bei der Arbeit auf den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb mithelfen. Im Gegenzug versorgt der Landwirt, im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten, die Unterstützer mit saisonalen, frischen Lebensmitteln. Die Solidarische Landwirtschaft e.V. (SoLaWi) ist eine Non-Profit Organisation und ein Netzwerk im Bereich der landwirtschaftlichen Direktvermarktung. SoLaWI fördert und unterhält eine ländliche und diverse Landwirtschaft, erhält regionale Lebensmittel und ermöglicht es Menschen neue Erfahrungen und neues Wissen zu sammeln. SoLaWi-Gruppen bestehen üblicherweise aus Verschiedenen Kollaborateuren; Landwirten, Gärtnern und Prosumenten (Konsumenten, die zugleich Produzenten sind). Durch Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitige Unterstützung schafft SoLaWi faire Bedingungen für Landwirte und vollständige Transparenz für Konsumenten. Landwirte, die sich in SoLaWI engagieren können sich dabei frei entfalten, was innovatives Denken fördert. Die Vorteile eines solchen Systems sind vielseitig:

- Größere Planungssicherheit für den Landwirt und Erhaltung des Betriebs - Risikoverteilung zwischen Landwirt und Prosument

- Direkter Kontakt und Austausch zwischen Landwirt und Prosument

- Prosumenten erhalten Zugang zu neuen Erfahrungen und neuem Wissen rund um die Landwirtschaft (z.B. zu Anbau/Zucht, Lebensmittelproduktion)

- Transparenz entlang der Produktionskette

- Unterstützung regionaler KMUs und Stärkung lokaler Kreisläufe

The SMARTCHAIN Platform ( went live in March 2019 including a Home Page and a menu: News & Events, Innovation Hubs, Inventories, Training, Gain Model, Register/Log In. The 9 Innovation Hubs (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland) facilitate cooperation within each country as hub managers update the Platform with local information. Each hub links to two Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) case studies in that country where users find information about working SFSC for commonly consumed foods in Europe, e.g. fruits & vegetables, meat, dairy and bakery products. The Innovation Inventory is an online database of innovations, solutions and recommendations for the SFSC. Searching the inventory is possible through several fields, and search results include economic & environmental benefits as well as business & policy recommendations. Interactive tools allow a) Quick assessment to find inovations/solutions which best fit a user and b) User upload of new innovations/solutions. A regularly updated and searchable Initiative Inventory provides examples of and links to successful SFSC throughout Europe. Training includes links to a) Materials from project activities e.g., videos, presentations, reports, webinars and, if relevant, from external sources and b) "Best practices in Innovation," an e-learning course based on input from SFSC practitioners. The SMARTCHAIN Platform might be linked to future food supply chain projects and thus will remain active for years. All stakeholders can benefit from a single site where they can find the information on SFSC that suits their needs.

Die SMARTCHAIN-Plattform ging im März 2019 mit einer Startseite und einem Menü zu News & Veranstaltungen, Innovations-Hubs, Verzeichnissen, Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten, dem GAIN-Modell, sowie einem internen Anmeldebereich online. Die 9 Innovations-Hubs (Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Italien, Niederlande, Serbien, Spanien, Schweiz) erleichtern die regionale Zusammenarbeit innerhalb jedes Landes, da die jeweiligen Hub-Manager die Plattform mit länderspezifischen Informationen ergänzen. Jeder Hub ist mit zwei Fallstudien zur kurzen Lebensmittelversorgungskette in dem jeweiligen Land verknüpft und Nutzer können Informationen über die Arbeit regionaler Aktivitäten zu kurzen Lebensmittelketten für in Europa häufig konsumierte Lebensmittel finden. Das Innovations-Verezeichnis ist eine Online-Datenbank mit Innovationen, Lösungen und Empfehlungen für kurze Lebensmittelketten. Interaktive Tools ermöglichen a) eine schnelle Bewertung, um Innovationen/Lösungen zu finden, die am besten zu einem Nutzer passen, b) das Hochladen neuer Innovationen/Lösungen durch die Nutzer. Ein regelmäßig aktualisiertes und durchsuchbares Initiativen-Verzeichnis listet Beispiele und Links zu erfolgreichen kurzen Lebensmittelketten in ganz Europa. Die Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten umfassen Links zu a) Materialien aus Projektaktivitäten und, falls relevant, aus externen Quellen und b) den E-Learning-Kurs "Best practices in Innovation", der auf dem Input von Praktikern in kurzen Lebensmittelversorgungsketten basiert. Es wird angestrebt die SMARTCHAIN-Plattform mit zukünftigen Projekten zur Lebensmittelversorgungskette zu verknüpfen und sie so über Jahre hinweg aktiv und aktuell zu halten.

The Initiative Inventory is located on the SMARTCHAIN Platform ( It went live in late 2019 with a database of 49 successful short food supply chain (SFSC) initiatives currently operating in 6 European countries or in Europe as a whole. The inventory is meant to grow as i) users will soon be able to add initiatives and ii) project partners will continue to supply initiatives. The initiative inventory is searchable by region, stakeholder type and initiative category, or one can simply browse the SFSC initiatives. Each initiative has a short description, some are available in the local language and, when present, there is a link to the initiative website. There are now 25 categories of SFSC initiatives ranging from Apps to Visions, applicable to 7 stakeholder types including Farmers, Retailers, Consumers etc. This inventory compliments the Innovation Inventory which is a searchable database on the SMARTCHAIN Platform dedicated to unique innovations applicable to SFSC practitioners. The Initiative Inventory will continue to grow as the SMARTCHAIN Platform might be linked to future food supply chain projects and thus will remain active for years to come. All stakeholders can benefit from a single site where they can find SFSC success stories that motivate, contacts for future collaborations and local initiatives that they can support.

Das Initiativinventar befindet sich auf der SMARTCHAIN-Plattform ( Es ging Ende 2019 mit einer Datenbank von 49 erfolgreichen Initiativen für kurze Lebensmittelversorgungsketten (SFSC), die derzeit in 6 europäischen Ländern oder in ganz Europa tätig sind, in Betrieb. Das Inventar soll wachsen, da i) die Nutzer bald in der Lage sein werden, Initiativen hinzuzufügen und ii) die Projektpartner weiterhin Initiativen liefern werden. Das Initiativinventar kann nach Region, Stakeholder-Typ und Initiativkategorie durchsucht werden, oder man kann einfach die SFSC-Initiativen durchsuchen. Jede Initiative hat eine kurze Beschreibung, einige sind in der Landessprache verfügbar und, falls vorhanden, gibt es einen Link zur Webseite der Initiative. Es gibt jetzt 25 Kategorien von SFSC-Initiativen, die von Apps bis zu Visionen reichen und auf 7 Stakeholder-Typen wie Landwirte, Einzelhändler, Verbraucher usw. anwendbar sind. Dieses Inventar ergänzt das Innovationsinventar, eine durchsuchbare Datenbank auf der SMARTCHAIN-Plattform, die einzigartigen Innovationen gewidmet ist, die für SFSC-Praktiker anwendbar sind. Das Initiativinventar wird weiter wachsen, da die SMARTCHAIN-Plattform mit zukünftigen Projekten der Lebensmittelversorgungskette verknüpft werden könnte und somit auch in den kommenden Jahren aktiv bleiben wird. Alle Stakeholder können von einer einzigen Webseite profitieren, auf der sie motivierende SFSC-Erfolgsgeschichten, Kontakte für zukünftige Kooperationen und lokale Initiativen finden, die sie unterstützen können.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


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