project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Smart drinking bowl 2022. Smart drinking bowl measures cow's individual water intake to ensure healthy life and improve genetic selection parameters
Älyjuoma-automaatti 2022. Älyjuoma-automaatti mittaa lehmän yksilökohtaista vedenkulutusta terveellisen elämän turvaamiseen sekä jalostusominaisuuksien kehittämiseen

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Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Finland
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We aim to develop a setup to monitor cow drinking in indidual level such that the device is cost-efficiently scalable. Knowing each cow's drinking habits and amounts allows to increase data based assesments of cow well being and care taking. Drinking behavior is directly related to intake of feed, possible sickness and indirectly related to feed-yield efficiency. In this project, we aim to enhance the use of these relations in cattle management and genetic selection.


Hankkeen tavoitteena on selvittää tutkittuun tietoon perustuen juontiseurannan välittömät ja välilliset hyödyt. Lisäksi hankkeeessa kehitetään juontiseurantaa varten rakennetaan kustannustehokkaasti skaalattavissa oleva testilaitteisto. Tulosten pohjalta keskustellaan innovaation potentiaalista kaupallisena ratkaisuna toimivana konseptina ja pyritään löytämään älyjuoma-automaatin myyntiin tuova yritys.


Activity 1 is to develop a setup that can be cost efficiently implemented in the barns for continuous monitoring of drinking amount and habits of individual cows. Setup is tested in the participating innovation group barns. Activity 2 is to evaluate the importance of monitoring drinking amounts and habits based on both previous literature and tests executed during the project. Results of both activities are communicated actively in written texts and through participating to events of farming professionals.


Hankkeessa rakennetaan laitteisto, joka mittaa automaattisesti juontimäärät lehmien yksilökohtaiset juontimäärät ja ajat. Tavoite on, että kehitetty konsepti olisi kustannustehokkaasti skaalattavissa ja otettavissa käyhttöön. Laitetestaukset suoritetaan innovaatioryhmän navetoissa. Lisäksi hankkeessa kerätään tieteellistä pohjatietoa juomiskäyttäytymisen mittaamisen mahdollisuuksista eläinten terveyden, tuotannon ja hyvinvoinnin valvontaan. Havainnoista viestitään erilaisin tekstein ja osallistumalla ammattialan tapahtumiin.


Today, dairy cattle produce about 10 000 kg of milk per year per cow on average. Large portion of the carbon footprint in dairy production is related to feed production and digestion. Some estimates predict that, in the future, genetic selection allows to reduce feed intake needed to produce one liter of milk from current 0.80 kilograms to 0.68–‍0.74 kilograms. In this project, we aim to enable that reduction and simultaneously enhance animal well being through monitoring the drinking amounts of each individual cow. In addition to reducing the climate cost of dairy production, the climate change already increases the nutrient variance in the grasslands and produced feed, thus emphasizing the need for resiliency and development in cattle farming.

It has been shown that feed intake amount and composition have strong correlation to need of drinking. Using this correlation, the other way, we plan that by knowing how much and when a cow has drunk, farmer would know that the feed was good and cow is healthy and, furthermore, by comparing the drinking amount to milk yield, breeder would have date to enhance the feed-to-milk efficiency of individuals. To achieve these goals, we design a measurement setup that recognizes cow individuals and measures the water intake at the given time; and has the commercial viability to be scaled to practitioners’ farms. Pilot versions of the setup or optional setups are to be built during the project and tested on innovation group farms.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014FI06RDRP001 Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelma 2014-2020
Main geographical location

€ 210702.4

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu HAMK/ Olli Koskela

    Project coordinator