The management of SFSCs is a cross-sectoral issue that has already demonstrated its potential in addressing the needs of producers to improve their linkages to the supply chain (EIP-AGRI Focus Group on SFSCs Final Report, 2015), even if just on a fragmented and small-scale level. SKIN addresses the specific needs of this actors making the available knowledge accessible and promoting cooperation, co-creation and cross-fertilization of ideas.
The SKIN project builds on results of the past and of on-going actions in order to fully exploit existing knowledge: Thanks to the participation of partners actively involved in SFSCs, and especially of partners that are members of EIP-AGRI Focus Group on SFSCs, SKIN will bring synergies with case studies already presented in the framework of such Focus Groups.
SKIN is the EU Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) Thematic Network.
Examples of SFSCs in Europe are numerous, but they are generally small in scale, limited in impact and highly fragmented. This is an obstacle for farmers and other stakeholders acting in the value chain to implement viable and efficient solutions.
The aim of SKIN is to tackle such fragmentation in the access to different practice models, systematise information, empower the potential innovators and create a EU community on SFSCs, with the objective of enhancing innovation capabilities and pathways supporting the development of efficient SFSCs.
SKIN rappresenta la rete tematica europea della filiera corta agroalimentare.
Gli esempi di filiera corta in Europa sono numerosi, ma con realtà generalmente di piccola dimensione, molto frammentate e con impatto limitato. Questo è un ostacolo per gli agricoltori e altri soggetti interessati che operano nella filiera corta per attuare soluzioni sostenibili ed efficaci.
L'obiettivo di SKIN è affrontare tale frammentazione nell'accesso a modelli di pratiche differenti, sistemare informazioni, potenziare i potenziali innovatori e creare una comunità dell'Unione europea sui SFSC, con l'obiettivo di migliorare le capacità e le vie di innovazione per sostenere lo sviluppo di SFSC efficaci.
SKIN will scout, analyse and classify at least 100 SFSCs Good Practices in Europe. These will be systematised, processed into highly usable formats and made accessible to stakeholders via the web and through the set-up of regional nodes, to allow a deeper penetration of existing knowledge into practice. The work on good practices will also allow identifying key issues (hindrances or opportunities) around SFSCs. Such issues will be the main themes of 6 “innovation challenges workshops” with the purpose of stimulating stakeholders to propose new ideas for innovation based research or innovation uptake, with the support of the project coaching team.
Additional information
SKIN – Short Food Supply Chains Knowledge and Innovation Network - is an ambitious initiative of 20 partners in 14 countries in the area of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs).
SKIN is a consortium of practitioners, researchers and intermediary actors, built within a multi-actor logic, to advance innovation and efficiency of European SFSCs. Doing this, the project implements a methodology that has already successfully achieved promoting demand-driven innovations in previous regional, national and European projects.
Project details
- Main funding source
- Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
- Horizon Project Type
- Multi-actor project - Thematic network
- Main geographical location
- Foggia
EUR 1 999 718.00
Total budget
Total contributions including EU funding.
Project keyword
- Aquaculture
- Arable crops
- Organic farming
- Agro-ecology
- Crop rotation/crop diversification/dual-purpose or mixed cropping
- Competitiveness/new business models
- Farm diversification
- Food security, safety, quality, processing and nutrition
- Supply chain, marketing and consumption
- AKIS, incl. advice, training, on-farm demo, interactive innovation projects
99 Practice Abstracts
Jarina is a cooperative operating throughout Slovenia, and mostly is the central part of Slovenia and Zasavje of Slovenia. The cooperative serves locally produced foods to many schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions. This form of integration takes place within the framework of the Green Capital of Europe 2016, which is the responsibility of the City of Ljubljana and also within the framework of the Green Supply Chain Project (, owned by Zavod Turizem Ljubljana. An important group of buyers are the inhabitants of the central part of Slovenia, also dedicated to the online garden ( They bring homemade treats to the communities of customers, with an agreement on food delivery. It was established in 2004, bringing together entrepreneurs, catering companies and farmers. They focused firstly on the animation and information of individual farms to be involved in training for the acquisition of various certificates and qualifications that are a prerequisite for the marketing and sale of their products and services. They also involved the tourism agency to increase the visibility of tourism in the countryside and tourist visits. The follow-up of these practices guarantees the final consumer an offer of high quality products at a lower cost due to the absence of intermediaries. These practices suppose an increase in the benefits of the producers to be able to control their production of specific form for the objective region and by the absence of intermediaries. These practices encourage the consumption of local or regional products and increase the visibility and notoriety of a regional or local identity in their food supply.
Jarina sodeluje z doma_o hrano v _tevilnih _olah, vrtcih in drugih izobra_evalnih ustanovah v osrednjem delu Slovenije. Z ve_jo ozave__enostjo potro_nikov zdravih _ivil, ki niso _akali v hladilnicah in preva_ali veliko kilometrov, smo na_li nekaj skupnega jezika z nekaterimi hoteli in gosti__i. _e posebej se ta oblika integracije odvija v okviru Zelene prestolnice Evrope 2016, za katero je odgovorna Mestna ob_ina Ljubljana. V okviru projekta zelenega dobavnega veriga (, ki je v lasti Zavoda Turizem Ljubljana, se spodbuja pobuda za pove_anje hrane, ki se lokalno goji v gastronomski ponudbi ob_ine. Pomembna skupina kupcev so tudi prebivalci osrednjega dela Slovenije in so namenjeni spletnemu vrtu ( Doma_e poslastice prina_amo skupnostim strankam, s katerimi smo dosegli dogovor o dostavi hrane. Ustanovljen je bil leta 2004, ki zdru_uje podjetnike, gostinske in kmetovalce. V _asu svoje ustanovitve je delovala predvsem na najbolj o_jem obmo_ju ob_in Litija in _martno pri Litiji, z leti pa se je geografsko obmo_je svojega poslovanja nenehno _iri. Dana_nja zadruga deluje po vsej Sloveniji, najbolj intenzivna pa je osrednji del Slovenije in Zasavje Slovenije. V prvih letih se je delo zadruge osredoto_ilo predvsem na animacijo in informiranje posameznih kmetij, ki se vklju_ujejo v usposabljanje za pridobitev razli_nih certifikatov in kvalifikacij, ki so predpogoj za tr_enje in prodajo njihovih izdelkov in storitev. V letu 2006 je zadruga spo_tovala tudi pogoje dejavnosti turisti_ne agencije za pove_anje prepoznavnosti turizma na pode_elju in pove_anje turisti_nega obiska v osrednjem delu Slovenije. spremljanje teh praks zagotavlja kon_nemu potro_niku ponudbo visoko kakovostnih izdelkov po ni_jih stro_kih zaradi odsotnosti posrednikov. Te prakse predvidevajo pove_anje koristi proizvajalcev, da lahko nadzorujejo proizvodnjo svoje posebne oblike za ciljno regijo in odsotnost posrednikov. te prakse spodbujajo porabo lokalnih ali regionalnih proizvodov ter pove_ujejo prepoznavnost in prepoznavnost regionalne ali lokalne identitete pri oskrbi s hrano.
Foodovation is Northern Ireland’s most exciting business centre of excellence for food development and technology, and is located in North West Regional College’s Northland Building, Strand Road Campus, Derry-Londonderry.
Aimed at providing a one-stop-shop for current and aspiring industry producers across the region, Foodovation is a new state of the art research and development which offers a sanctuary to develop excellence in food Innovation, science and technology. As well as encouraging and nurturing small to medium sized food businesses, Foodovation will provide industry specialists with the technical advice to ensure their route to market is successful and sustainable.
Foodovation will also to help support the economic growth of the entire region. With the right expertise, food and drink manufacturers can find new markets, develop new product ideas and generate employment opportunities within the sector. Currently there is no single venue in the North West that offers a complete end-to-end new product development model for food producers in the region.
Foodovation has already celebrated success in the form of stock maker Carol Banahan who has made the centre her new workplace, and Limavady pig farmer Alastair Crown from Corndale farm. The NWRC and Foodovation Centre is aimed at supporting entrepreneurs, artisan food producers and small and medium enterprises to develop new food and drink products for the market. It has supported more than 140 businesses over 6 years with technical know-how and 1:1 support diversify their menus, raise awareness of nutrition and allergens, develop new products with export potential. In the past year the Foodovation Centre has assisted 15 small businesses to attain Invest NI Innovation Vouchers to develop new products. It has supported 36 businesses with skills via the Dept. of the Economy InnovateUs and Skills Focus programmes and has established itself as the go to centre for small business support within the food and drink sectors. The centre will be a great asset to the college and will be very important for food producers locally. Foodovation is great centre for students to see and will be so educational.
REKO organises the deliveries of local produce directly from farmer to consumer using Facebook to do the ordering. Inspired by a similar project in France, it is the first of its kind in Finland. A number of volunteers in Finland have created Facebook groups where you can do just this! They have called it REKO, and farmers can use the groups to announce which products they have available and customers can make an order. Customers usually pick up and pay for their order at a local marketplace. Stopping for a chat with the farmer is also part of the deal. The system provides advantages for both producers and consumers. With REKO, consumers can discuss directly with the grower about which production methods he/she uses. The products are seasonal, locally produced food, there is no unnecessary packaging or transport. It also offers benefits for the producers as extra costs are reduced - there are no middlemen. In addition waste is reduced to almost nothing as farmers only harvest and bring what has been ordered. These are the basics of REKO: In essence it is about getting rid of middle men and at the same time creating an efficient delivery system where a large amount of local producers and consumers meet so that time spent on the actual delivery/pick-up is brought to a minimum.
REKOssa paikalliset tuottajat myyvät tuotteensa suoraan asiakkaille Facebook-ryhmän kautta. Rekon toimintamalli on tuotu Ranskasta. Facebook-ryhmät, joissa myynti tapahtuu, ovat kokonaan vapaaehtoisvoimin perustettuja ja ylläpidettyjä. Ryhmien nimessä on aina sana REKO ja paikkakunta, jolle ryhmän toiminta keskittyy. Tuottajat ilmoittavat ryhmän sivuille, mitä heillä on tarjolla ja asiakkaat, REKO-ryhmän jäsenet, tekevät tilauksensa suoraan tuottajalle. Tuotteet haetaan ja maksetaan viikottaisessa toritapahtumassa, jolloin kuluttajalla on mahdollisuus tavata tuottajia kasvokkain. REKO:lla ei ole hallintokuluja, koska kaikki tapahtuu yksittäisten vapaaehtoisten toiminnan ansiosta, ilman virallistettua organisaatiota. Myös REKO-jakeluiden paikat on valittu siten, ettei vuokraa tarvitse maksaa. Itse asiassa paikalliset supermarketit ovat tarjonneet parkkialueitaan REKOn käyttöön asiakkaita houkutellakseen. Järjestelmä hyödyttää sekä tuottajaa että kuluttajaa. REKO:ssa kuluttajat voivat esimerkiksi keskustella tuotteiden kasvatusmenetelmistä suoraan tuottajan kanssa. Tuotteet ovat kausittaisia, paikallisesti tuotettuja ruokatarvikkeita, näin vältetään sekä turhaa pakkausmateriaalia että kuljetuskustannuksia. Myymällä suoraan kuluttajalle tuottajat saavat pitää korvauksen lyhentämättömänä itse, ilman väliportaita. Ruokahävikki pienenee, kun jokaiselle tuotteelle on valmiiksi tilaus. Reko pähkinänkuoressa: Poistetaan väliportaat kuluttajan ja tuottajan väliltä ja luodaan samalla tehokas välitysjärjestelmä, jossa paikalliset tuottajat tapaavat sovittuna aikana kuluttajia, näin lähiruuan ostamisesta tulee hyvin keskitettyä ja asiakasystävällistä.
This is a business model created by the Cooperatives of the Balearic Islands, which consists of the creation of a network of franchisable shops, both inside and outside the islands, in which you can find all the cooperative agri-food products of these islands, with an image and design appropriate to the identity of the Balearic Islands.
So far 14 cooperatives from Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera have been integrated in the 'Farmers & Co' project, but they are developing expansion actions so that other cooperatives from other Spanish territories can join.
Farmers & Co has 6,000 members and 600 producers to position more than 500 local products outside the Islands under one umbrella. For this reason, the triangles in the logo represent each of the four islands with the slogan 'Productes del camp que uneixen'. To date, 'Farmers' already has 16 stores - in Mallorca, Menorca and Madrid - and for next year they are planning to open another 10, one of them in Lisbon. The strategy focuses on the quality of the product, the tasting to make it known and the promotion of "experiential tourism" to bring the consumer "everything behind it". Create a marketing formula to give visibility and value to cooperative products and, at the same time, ensure a constant and differentiated distribution. To know a business model based on specialization and innovation, which combines proximity and electronic commerce with the conservation of traditional rural heritage.
Se trata de un modelo de negocio creado por las Cooperativas de las Islas Baleares, que consiste en la creación de una red de tiendas franquiciables, tanto dentro como fuera de las islas, en la que se pueden encontrar todos los productos agroalimentarios cooperativos de estas islas, con una imagen y diseño adecuados a la identidad de las Islas Baleares.
Hasta ahora 14 cooperativas de Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza y Formentera se han integrado en el proyecto'Farmers & Co', pero están desarrollando acciones de expansión para que otras cooperativas de otros territorios españoles puedan unirse.
Farmers & Co cuenta con 6.000 socios y 600 productores para posicionar más de 500 productos locales fuera de las islas bajo un mismo paraguas. Por este motivo, los triángulos del logotipo representan cada una de las cuatro islas con el eslogan 'Productes del camp que uneixen'. Hasta la fecha,'Farmers' ya cuenta con 16 tiendas -en Mallorca, Menorca y Madrid- y para el próximo año tiene previsto abrir otras tantas, una de ellas en Lisboa. La estrategia se centra en la calidad del producto, la degustación para darlo a conocer y la promoción del "turismo vivencial" para acercar al consumidor "todo lo que hay detrás". Crear una fórmula de marketing para dar visibilidad y valor a los productos cooperativos y, al mismo tiempo, asegurar una distribución constante y diferenciada. Conocer un modelo de negocio basado en la especialización y la innovación, que combina comercio de proximidad y electrónico con la conservación del patrimonio rural tradicional.
Cabaz da Horta is a project of Taipa, Cooperative Organization for the Integrated Development of the Municipality of Odemira to deliver home-produced agricultural products from small farms in the region of Setúbal and Palmela. Its aim is to take the traditional taste of the food, fresh and harvested in the field on the same day. The baskets have a certain variety of vegetables and fruits, of the time, and are designed to prepare soups, fresh salads and meals with vegetables.
Cabaz da Horta is a short marketing circuit and is nothing more than a "wicker basket", produced by some local artisans, mostly full of fruit and vegetable products and also sporadically by eggs, honey and tea, coming from family farms, which twice a week gather their period productions, compose the baskets with the possible diversity of products that they deliver directly to consumers in their vicinity.
The Centre for the Transformation and Packaging of Horticultural Products is the space that produces and packages the products of the Gourmet brand: Alma da Nossa Gente. The stages of the project went through the organization of the productions, geographically and temporarily, by the normalization of the productions taking into account the criteria that allowed the commercialization of the products, to implement a system of collection and distribution of the products, and finally the transformation, innovation and packaging of the products. This Project gave rise to the Cabaz da Horta and the Vegetable Processing and Packaging Centre. This project aims to work with small producers who grow their products in their orchards and offer them to the neighbourhood in baskets.
It is a way of valuing the work of small farmers to develop the local economy by providing consumers with high quality products of local origin. It is a good example for local development. This project was based on the idea that, through a basket of orchard products, it can combat isolation, the decline of traditional agriculture and desertification of the largest municipality in Portugal.
Cabaz da Horta es un proyecto de Taipa, Organización Cooperativa para el Desarrollo Integrado del Municipio de Odemira, para distribuir productos agrícolas producidos en pequeñas granjas en la región de Setúbal y Palmela. Su objetivo es tomar el sabor tradicional de la comida, fresca y cosechada el mismo día. Las cestas tienen una cierta variedad de verduras y frutas de temporada, y están diseñadas para poder preparar sopas, ensaladas frescas y comidas con verduras.
Cabaz da Horta es un circuito corto de comercialización y no es más que una "cesta de mimbre", producida por algunos artesanos locales, que contiene en su mayoría frutas y verduras y también, esporádicamente, huevos, miel y té, provenientes de granjas familiares que dos veces por semana reúnene sus producciones de temporada, componen las cestas con la posible diversidad de productos, que entregan directamente a los consumidores de sus proximidades.
El Centro para la Transformación y Envasado de Productos Hortícolas es el espacio que produce y empaqueta los productos de la marca Gourmet: Alma da Nossa Gente. Las etapas del proyecto pasaron por la organización de las producciones, geográfica y temporalmente, mediante la normalización de las mismas teniendo en cuenta los criterios que permitieron la comercialización de los productos, implementar un sistema de recolección y distribución de los productos, y, finalmente, la transformación, innovación y envasado de los productos. Este proyecto dio origen a Cabaz da Horta y al Centro de Procesamiento y Envasado de Vegetales. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo trabajar con pequeños productores que cultivan sus productos en sus huertas y los ofrecen a la vecindad en cestas.
Es una forma de valorar el trabajo de los pequeños agricultores para desarrollar la economía local, proporcionando a los consumidores productos de alta calidad y de origen local. Es un buen ejemplo para el desarrollo local. Este proyecto se ha basado en la idea de que, a través de una cesta de productos de huerta, se pueda luchar contra el aislamiento, el declive de la agricultura tradicional y la desertificación del mayor ayuntamiento de Portugal.
The new cooperative of distressed young people in Foggia (Puglia Region - Italy) will produce essential oils for the horeca and the cosmetic sectors based on medicinal plants of rosemary, lavender, minth and thymus grown in a green nursery. The short food supply chain will be enhanced by the added value deriving by the social dimension well known by the local communities and consumers awareness in Foggia province. The Project: "The Essentials Nursery: social inclusion through innovation activities in Horticulture" is mainly an innovative concept of social agriculture in favour of distressing people helped by professional guidance and skilled operators. Using the long expeience of senior farmers and the motivated but young experience by neo agronomists, the Essentials project gives some interesting job opportunities and cooperative activities to the local community, building a fruit and vegetables new supplies for local markets, and in particular producing essential oils for b2b target groups of the processing industry. The cooperative activities will be accompanied by psychologists and educators in a therapeutic framework. Rignano (FG) Contrada Villanova s.n.c. CAP 71010 C.F/P.IVA 0140188719
Il Progetto “essenzialMENTE vivaIO – Vivere l’Inclusione Valorizzando Attività Innovative di Orto di aiuto” si inquadra nella fattispecie del servizio di agricoltura sociale a favore di persone con disagio sociale e disabilità fornito con il supporto di professionisti della relazione di aiuto ed esperti agricoltori anziani che, raggiunta l’età della pensione intendono mettersi a disposizione della cittadinanza, in particolare dei minori e giovani con disagio sociale che risiedono nel Gargano.
Il progetto culminerà nella creazione di una cooperativa innovativa che, attraverso servizi di agricoltura sociale e di orto di aiuto, completi il processo produttivo fino alla fase di trasformazione delle erbe aromatiche in oli essenziali ed alla loro commercializzazione. Le attività di orto di aiuto, verranno coadiuvati da psicologi, pedagogisti e animatori esperti nel settore educativo e terapeutico riabilitativo. I consumatori potranno percepire una ricchezza inusitata dell' offerta produttiva locale di piante officinali ed olii, , grazie alla collaborazione col mondo agricolo, industriale e della ricerca vivaistica (vivaio villanova).;;
The Cooperative BARIKAMA is selling local organic fresh horticulture (vegetables and fruits) and organic yoghurts in bycicle, helping immigrates to be integrated in a local social situation and helping young people with autistic problems to be employed in a concrete activity of distribution of local products, stimulating local and short food supply chains. The Project " Vegetables & yoghurt in bike" is a meeting between different cultures: culture of the cities and country culture, with the aim to produce quality foods to provide directly at home in bicycle. Particular attention will be given to returnable packagings to be recovered, and to food ingredients, to be locally if it would be possible. The project received 35.000 web votes and has been chosen also by a Jury for the innovation on the building of an authonomous management and governance between immigrates and distressed italian young citizens. At the end the Project will stimulate social inclusions and trained agrifood activities. The Project received by the Minister of Agricultural Policies On. Martina a grant of 50.000 euros. Social responsible short food chain on the employing of african immigrates and young people force with specific problems. The main added value is the more responsible local food chain employing immigrates labour force and at the same time helping young people with some problems to be integrated in a concrete activity with a local and a social dimension.;
Il loro progetto Verdure e yogurt in bici: un incontro di culture tra città e campagna, finalizzato alla produzione di alimenti di qualità che vengono consegnati direttamente a domicilio in bicicletta (con attenzione anche ai vuoti a perdere che vengono ritirati) è stato scelto, tra i 107 presentati e votati sul web da 35.000 persone, da una giuria di esperti, che lo ha considerato il più innovativo perché capace, attraverso l’autogestione delle attività e la collaborazione tra migranti africani e disabili italiani con diagnosi di autismo, di ridurre il disagio, l’isolamento e favorire l’inserimento sociale e lavorativo. La consegna del premio di 50.000 euro, è avvenuta oggi nella sede di Confagricoltura alla presenza del ministro delle Politiche agricole Maurizio Martina. Min. Maurizio Martina: Abbiamo premiato con Confagricoltura questo progetto di agricoltura sociale legato a un’esperienza molto bella, quello della cooperativa Barikama.
Barikama in lingua malese significa resistente. Sono dei ragazzi arrivati in Italia da ormai qualche anno che hanno scelto di insediarsi con questa cooperativa dentro un’azienda agricola del Lazio. Sono stati ospitati e stanno lavorando benissimo sulla frontiera dell’agricoltura sociale, producendo verdure e yogurt che consegnano a domicilio direttamente in bicicletta ogni giorno. Da due anni lavora insieme a loro Mauro, un ragazzo italiano con sindrome di Asperger.
Sono ragazzi che lavorano insieme ormai da tempo, producono in particolare ortofrutta di qualità e lo fanno con questa grandissima interazione, ed è una delle esperienza più belle dell’agricoltura sociale che noi abbiamo conosciuto in questi mesi in Italia. Lo voglio dire, anche dopo Expo noi abbiamo molto accelerato il lavoro su questo fronte, voglio ricordare in particolare la nostra legge nazionale sull’agricoltura sociale che ci sta consentendo – per fortuna – di supportare tanti progetti come questi.
Multi Agro Beekeeping scientific-industrial centre was founded on 5th August, 2003. At present there are 57 employees including 7 scientists in this centre. There are 900 bee families, a department producing 25000 kg of high quality waxy plates per year. The aim of the centre is to encourage and support the development of bee-keeping industry in Armenia using its own production and by methodological instructions of scientists. The centre has done business with 3472 private bee-masters, supplying them with waxy plates, equipment and high quality medicines. The organic honey will be produced by different beekeepers from local farming, integrating armenian with immigrates together with young people with some scientific and technical skills, originating from different countries and education systems. The main added value is the more responsible local food chain employing scientists and beekeepers immigrates and at the same time helping young people with some scientific skills to be integrated in a concrete research and innovation activity with a local and a social dimension.…
Multi Agro մեղվաբուծական գիտաարդյունաբերական կենտրոնը ստեղծվել է 2003 թվականի օգոստոսի 5-ին: Ներկայումս այս կենտրոնում կա 57 աշխատող, այդ թվում 7 գիտնական: Գոյություն ունեն մեղուների 900 ընտանիքներ, գերատեսչություն, որն արտադրում է տարեկան 25000 կգ բարձրորակ մոմ սալեր: Կենտրոնի նպատակն է խրախուսել և աջակցել Հայաստանում մեղվաբուծական արդյունաբերության զարգացմանը `օգտագործելով սեփական արտադրությունը և գիտնականների մեթոդական ցուցումներով: Կենտրոնը գործ է ունեցել 3472 մասնավոր մեղվաբույծների հետ ՝ նրանց մատակարարելով մոմե թիթեղներ, սարքավորումներ և բարձրորակ դեղամիջոցներ: Օրգանական մեղրը կարտադրվի տեղական գյուղացիական տնտեսությունների տարբեր մեղվաբույծների կողմից `ինտեգրվելով ներգաղթի հետ հայերենով` գիտական և տեխնիկական հմտություններ ունեցող երիտասարդների հետ միասին, որոնք ծագում են տարբեր երկրներից և կրթական համակարգերից: Հիմնական ավելացված արժեքը տեղական սննդի ավելի պատասխանատու տեղական ցանցն է, որը աշխատանքի տեղավորում է գիտնականներին և մեղվաբույծներին, և միևնույն ժամանակ օգնում է որոշակի գիտական հմտություններ ունեցող երիտասարդներին ինտեգրվել տեղական հետազոտական և նորարարական գործունեության մեջ տեղական և սոցիալական հարթություն:…
A Showroom was introduced in Lviv (Ukraine), which includes a tasting room and a shop for products of the NGO 'Carpathian Taste' producers. It includes 21 food producers from four regions of Ukraine - Lviv, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk. The producers work in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses and produce food in small quantities, but in a wide range (over 350 certificated products) and traditional Ukrainian technologies under the same brand "The Taste of Ukrainian Carpathians". The main objective is to increase the competitiveness of the agrarian sector and its key players in the region in order to stimulate their economic and social development. In addition, this activity improves the positive image of the region. Products of the members are verified according to European standards. The marketing platform "The Taste of Ukrainian Carpathians" is a great example in the field of short food supply chain. There is no intermediary between the producer and the consumer; there is a personal acquaintance not only with the product, but also with its manufacturer. Thanks to this platform, small producers have the opportunity to promote their product to the market, while not distorting the traditional and long-term technology of production (that is why they do not collaborate with large supermarkets). The experience of the development of Showroom should be implemented in other regions for a number of reasons: 1) building relationships in a society based on trust; 2) small producers receive "second breath" for development; 3) the population consumes more natural and healthy products; 4) creating a positive image of the region (among other things, the economic microclimate improves through tourism and business investment).
У Львові (Україна) був представлений шоурум, який включає дегустаційну залу та крамницю продуктів виробників громадської спілки «Карпатський смак». Остання, включає в себе 21 виробника харчової продукції з чотирьох областей України – Львівської, Закарпатської, Чернівецької та Івано-Франківської. Виробники працюють у сфері малого та середнього бізнесу й виготовляють у невеликій кількості, але у широкому асортименті (понад 350 найменувань сертифікованих продуктів) та за традиційними українськими технологіями під однією торгівельною маркою «Смак українських Карпат». Основна мета – посилити конкурентоспроможність аграрного сектору та його ключових гравців в регіоні, з метою стимулювання їх економічно-соціального розвитку. Окрім цього, така діяльність покращує позитивний імідж регіону. Продукція всіх членів перевіряється за європейськими стандартами.
Так як організація є неприбутковою, було прийнято рішення створити маркетинговий майданчик де виробники можуть та мають право представити свій продукт споживачу, без посередників. Тобто тепер є місце для представлення потенціалу та формування культури споживання продуктів (концепція «повільної їжі» (slow food) на противагу «швидкій їжі» (fast food). Маркетингова платформа Шоурум «Смак українських Карпат» - є чудовим прикладом у сфері коротких ланцюгів виробництва та постачання продукції. Між виробником та споживачем немає посередника; відбувається персональне знайомство не тільки із продукцією, але й з її виробником. Завдяки такому майданчику, дрібні виробники мають можливість просувати свій продукт на ринок, при цьому не зраджуючи традиційним та довготривалим технологіям виробництва продукції (саме через це не співпрацюють із великими супермаркетами). Досвід розвитку Шоурума варто впроваджувати і в інших регіонах через ряд причин: 1) побудови зв’язків у суспільстві на основі довіри; 2) дрібні виробники отримують «друге дихання» для розвитку; 3) населення споживає більшу кількість натуральних та корисних продуктів; 4) створення позитивного іміджу регіону (окрім іншого, покращується економічний мікроклімат через туризм та бізнес-інвестиції).
PAJENI Dairy was established in 1999 and the initial capacity amounted to a modest 130 liters per day. Today it is a modernly equipped dairy with a daily processing capacity of up to 50,000 liters of fresh milk, which is purchased from around 950 co-operatives from the area of 16 municipalities of Herzegovina, Romania and Podrinje. Dairy located in a natural setting, surrounded by unspoilt nature, on a hilly and mountainous area of approximately 650 m above sea level. Raw milk processed in dairy farms was produced in large part (over 90%) by livestock grazing on the pastures of the Herzegovina Karst where there are many medicinal herbs. Following trends in the development of dairy farmers, PAJENI is continuously modernizing production lines and developing new products to meet the needs of consumers. In order to ensure the quality of products, the quality of the basic raw material is constantly monitored, as well as the course of the entire technological process, and the organoleptic, chemical and microbiological examination of all finished products is carried out. In 2016 they were granted a license to export products to the countries of the European Union. The Dairy is a part of the project FARMA II supported by USAID and Government of Sweden. Direct selling the product through the fresh chains supermarkets (for example Labas); creating community of consumers, on-line sales (e-shop). The results of Dairy can be implemented by practitioners, as an exapmle of easy-to-apply approach in the simular rural areas.
Mlekara PAJENI osnovana je 1999.godine, a početnikapacitetiznosio je skromnih 130 litaradnevno. Danas je to modernoopremljenamlekarasadnevnimkapacitetomprerade do 50.000 litarasvežegmlijeka, koja se kupuje od oko 950 zadrugasapodručja 16 opštinaHercegovine, RomanijeiPodrinja. Mlekara se nalazi u prirodnomokruženju, okruženanetaknutomprirodom, nabrdovitomiplaninskompodručjuodoko 650 m nadmorskevisine. Sirovomlijekoprerađeno u mliječnimfarmamaproizvedeno je u velikomdijelu (preko 90%) stočarstvomnapašnjacimahercegovačkogkršagdjeimamnogoljekovitogbilja. Pratećitrendove u razvojuproizvođačamlečnihproizvoda, PADJENI kontinuiranomoderniziraproizvodnelinijeirazvijanoveproizvodekako bi zadovoljiopotrebepotrošača.Kako bi se osiguraokvalitetproizvoda, konstantno se pratikvalitetosnovnesirovine, kaoitokcjelokupnogtehnološkogprocesa, a vrši se iorganoleptičko, hemijskoimikrobiološkoispitivanjesvihgotovihproizvoda.U 2016.godinidobijena je dozvolazaizvozproizvoda u zemljeEvropskeunije. Mljekara je dioprojekta FARMA II uzpodršku USAID-aiVladeŠvedske.
Practice of the Milk automats in Slovak Republic is "come back" to the traditional way of milk sales. That practice starts to be implemented in early 2000 by government programms for supporting local producers in selling milk and promoting health culture, appealing to the low level of milk consumption, and the definition of milk as one of the most useful product for the population.
PD Bukovina has added a value to that type of distribution of milk by high-quality product. At present, the cooperative is engaged in plant production that serves the needs for animal production. Milk that they are supplying to consumers via automats is going from a special breed Jersey that has no competition among other milking breeds. Dairy breeders are an excellent "milk maker" and have the longest average production life. That milk has a much higher proportion of protein particles - by 20% more than that of other breeds, but also, for example, calcium by 15% more.
Legislation allows selling milk within 48 hours after its getting in the automat. It will be stored in two containers of 300 liters, placed in the refrigerator box. The machine is equipped with an automatic system that can determine the amount of milk remaining, which allows to flexibly responding to customer requests. Currently, those milk automats cab be found in Banská Bystrica in Kyiv square and 29th August Street. According to the results of the pre-implementation of the practice of milk automats and thanks to state support programms (financing and promoting), the introduction of a culture of fresh milk consumption is accelerating. It is expected to increase the number of automats with the milk of this cooperative. The long-term effect is aimed at improving the health of the population through the use of milk rich in vitamins and nutrients. To adapt the approch in other regions with settled logistic system for remote areas.
Prax mliečnich automatou na Slovensku to je navtar do tradičného spôsobu predaja mlieka. Táto prax sa začala uplatňovať od začiatku roka 2000 z rozpočtu programov štátnej podpory pre miestnych výrobcov z predaja mlieka a podpory kultúry zdravia, vzhľadom na nízku spotrebu mlieka a definícii mlieka ako jedného z najužitočnejších výrobkov pre obyvateľstvo.
PD Bukovina pridala význam tomuto druhu distribúcie mlieka svojim vysoko kvalitným produktom. V súčastnosti sa družstvo zaoberá hlavne chovom hovädzieho dobytka, oviec a pestovaním krmovín. Krmivá vyprodukované z rastlinnej výroby sa zhodnocujú v kravskom a ovčom mlieku.Mlieko, ktoré dodáva spotrebiteľom cez automaty, pochádza z osobitného plemena Jersey, ktoré nemá konkurenciu medzi ostatnými plemenami. Tento druh kráv sú vynikajúcimi „výrobcami mlieka“ a majú najdlhšiu priemernú prevádzkovú životnosť. Toto mlieko má výrazne vyšší podiel proteínových častíc - o 20% viac ako ostatné plemená, ale tiež napríklad o 15% viac vápnika.
Legislatíva umožňuje predaj ttohto druhu mlieka do 48 hodín, mlieko však je dopĺňovane maximálne v 24 hodinových intervaloch. Uskladnené su v dvoch 300 l nádobách umiestnených na váhe v chladiacom boxe. Automat je vybavený automatickým systémom, ktorý je schopný identifikovať množstvo zostávajúceho mlieka, čo umožní flexibilne reagovať na požiadavky zákazníkov.Automaty na mlieko sa nachádzajú v Banskej Bystrici na Kyjevskom námestí a na Ulici 29.augusta. V dôsledku predbežnej implementácie praxe automatov na mlieko a vďaka štátnej podpore programov (financovanie a propagácia) sa urýchľuje zavedenie kultúry konzumácie čerstvého mlieka. Očakáva sa, že v tomto družstve sa zvýši počet automatov na mlieko. Dlhodobý účinok je zameraný na zlepšenie zdravia obyvateľstva prostredníctvom používania mlieka ktore obsahuje v dostatočnom množstve a v optimálnom pomere mnohé nutričné látky, napríklad tuky, bielkoviny, minerály, vitamíny, enzýmy a mnoho iných dôležitých zložiek. Prispôsobenie tejto praxe v iných regiónoch s trvalým logistickým systémom pre vzdialené oblasti.
Farmhopping is a startup project of three friends that create online platform with the aim to support sustainable farming on a global level. The platform is not involved in the development of the products or farms themselves. Anyone is welcome to launch a profile on platform, with the respect to meet Farmhopping guidelines. Friendly-users interface of web-site, allows consumers get information about the farm and to choose exact product under their demand. Developed delivery system (with the delivery-services agreements) proposes different ways of receiving goods: from direct in-home to pick-up points. The loyal program for regular customers encourages them to use that platform more frequently. The work is starting by free registration in the web-site with 15% transaction for platform in case of successful sale. These funds are intended to support proper website running, adding new features, searching for new members of the platform and providing support through the network of mentors. With the global aim to help sustainable farming develop and at the same time offer urban people a more natural and sustainable lifestyle, Farmhopping already gathered 136 local farms, mostly located in Bulgaria. Currently, they are indented to expand their platform in London (UK). Fresh and healthy food is delivered every day by settled scheduled. On-line support and created network of mentors will lead to further wide spreading idea with simultaneously promoting / strengthen local business and empowerment consumer to make choice toward healthy life. The practice of Farmhopping is the excellent example of short food supply chain in the region, where consumers meet producers. Moreover, by realisation of the small farming product, they contribute to development of isolated rural areas; support local business growing; promote healthy food. By mentor networking Farmhopping empower both: producers for supplying healthy food and consumers to make healthy choice.
Farmhopping е стартъп на трима приятели, които са създали онлайн платформа с цел подкрепа на устойчивото селско стопанство. Платформата не произвежда фермерски продукти. Всеки може да създаде профил в платформата при запазване на ръководещите принципи на Farmhopping. Приятелският потребителски интерфейс позволява на потребителите да получат информация за фермата и да избират точно този продукт, от който се нуждаят. Разработената система за доставка предлага различни начини за доставка на стоки: от домове до пунктове за събиране. Лоялната програма за редовните клиенти ги насърчава да използват тази платформа по-често. Работата започва от безплатната регистрация на сайта с 15 % транзакция за платформата в случай успешна продажба. Тези средства са предназначени за подкрепа на уебсайта, добавяне на нови функции, търсене на нови членове на платформата и осигуряване на подкрепа чрез мрежа от ментори. С цел подкрепа на устойчивото развитие на селското стопанство Farmhopping вече е събрал 136 местни ферми, разположени главно в България. В момента те разширяват своята платформа в Лондон. Онлайн поддръжка и създадената мрежа от ментори са предназначени за по-нататъшно широко разпространяване на идеята, а също така за подсилване на местния бизнес и разширение на възможностите на потребителите да направят избор за водене на здравословен начин на живот. Практиката на Farmhopping е отличен пример за късите вериги на доставки на хранителни продукти в регион, където потребители се срещат с производители. Освен това чрез реализацията на фермерските продукти тя допринася за развитие на изолираните селски територии, подкрепва развитие на местния бизнес, популяризира здравословното хранене. Ментори от мрежата мотивират производители да изработват здравословната храна, а потребители – да я употребяват.
The production of shell-free pumpkin seeds is carried out by the cultivation technology required by the processor. Permanent quality of pumpkin seed oil is guaranteed by the responsible and devoted work of selected raw material, state-of-the-art technology and expert staff. The pumpkin seeds are pressed with a hydraulic press. The process is under constant control of press masters. Oil does not go through either chemical or biological treatment. This method is based on tradition, pumpkin oil in its naturalness gains its distinctive color and aroma. A traditional marketable product is produced with the cooperation of the primary producers and food processor and by use of gentle technology. Focusing on high value markets in cities with an educated and engaged customer base can allow high value businesses to grow and thrive.
A tökmagolaj állandó kiváló minőségét a válogatott alapanyag, a korszerű technológia, valamint szakértő munkatársak felelősségteljes, odaadó munkája garantálja. A tökmag préselése hidraulikus sajtolóval történik. A folyamat présmesterek állandó ellenőrzése alatt zajlik. Az olaj sem kémiai, sem biológiai kezelésen nem megy keresztül. Ez a módszer a hagyományokra épül, a tökmagolaj a maga természetességében nyeri el jellegzetes színét és aromáját. A hagyományos, piacképes terméket az elsődleges termelők és az élelmiszer-feldolgozó együttműködésével és a kíméletes technológia alkalmazásával állítják elő. A gazdasági növekedés érdekében a marketing tevékenységgel a tudatos és elkötelezett városi fogyasztókat kellene megcélozni.
The lambs are kept with their mothers until they reach the weight of weaning, and after that, from 20 to 22 kilograms of weight, they go to the “kindergarten” and are fed with unique feed, lamb muesli and ORGANIC hay to reach the slaughtering weight of 30-32 kg. This farm is the only one in the world to keep the lambs with such a technology. The pastures in Kelemér are unique in Europe, because they consist of almost 94 plant species, some of which are considered as herbs and are found only here, in the Széki Puszta, Kelemér. These herbs also ensure our animals’ special meat quality and good health. The final result is a clear, spicy-lamb scent, an expressive, but elegant meat flavour. The colour of the meat is pink, which does not change while the meal is made. As a result of the feeding, the meat’s unsaturated oleic acid content is high; the meat-fat ratio is 70-30% on average. There is no fat in the meat, tallow taste does not occur! This unique product has benefits for primary producer. Valorising local resources - Kelemér lambs demonstrate an appreciation of its environment, human and natural resources. As a result of the feeding, compared to other lamb meat, the colour of the meat is lightre pink, after cooking the meat is pleasantly soft and „creamy”. The importance of creating an identity based on local natural resources and influences to make a unique and marketable product.
A Kelemér Széki puszta tanyán tartott bárányokat nevezhetjük Keleméri Báránynak. A bárányt anyjával együtt tartják a választási súly eléréséig, leválasztást követően pedig, 20-22 kg súlytól óvodába kerülnek és egyedülálló takarmányon, bárány müzlin és BIO szénán nevelkednek a vágási súly eléréséig, ami 30-32 kg. A bárányok ilyen tartás technológiáját, a világon egyedül itt végezik. Keleméri legelők Európában egyedülállóan, közel 94 fajból állnak, melyek közül többek gyógynövénynek minősülnek és csak itt, Kelemér Széki Pusztán találhatóak. Ezen gyógynövény fajok is biztosítják állataik különleges húsminőségét és jó egészségi állapotát. A végeredmény tiszta, fűszeres-bárányos illat, kifejező, de elegáns hús íz. A hús színe rózsaszínű, melyet megőriz az étel elkészítést követően is. A takarmányozás következményeként magas a telítetlen olajsav tartalom, a hús- zsír arány átlagosan 70-30%. A húson belüli faggyúsodás, faggyú íz nem fordul elő! Az állattartó egyedi terméket állít elő. A helyi adottságok hatékony kihasználásával a Kelemér báránykák jól demonstrálják a környezet, a szakértelem és természeti erőforrások megfelelő kihasználását. Az egyedi takarmányozási gyakorlat eredménye képpen a bárányhús színe világosabb, főzés után omlós és „krémesnek” mondható. A környezeti feltételek jól kihasználásával egy piacképes, egyedi termék állítható elő.
To koukouli is a collective initiative of consumers and producers based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It distributes products of certified and non certified organic producers in box schemes and operates an e-shop, while at the same time supplies stores and service stations in the widew area of Thessaloniki. The aim of the cooperative is to bring together consumers and producers on the basis of cooperation, ecology, solidarity and food justice. Urban dwellers have easy acess to boxes which consist exclusively of fresh products of the producers of the cooperative. Their products meet the requirements of low ecological footprint from organic crops and from small and local enterprises. Each producer is either organically certified or evaluated by the members of the cooperative itself. On the other hand, the producers as members of the coopeative are able to meet the needs and problems of the production cycle, especially the primary and manufacturing sectors, for all producers and especially for young and unexperienced -in some cases- people. Consumers are getting aware of the nutritional value and the identity/ traceability of the food they consume, become more mindful and active consumers through this process. The cooperation guarantees the joint promotion of its members (producers) through direct sales of traditional products using alternative ways such as box schemes. Building of community confidence, achieving food sovereignty, agrochemical and fertilizer-free agriculture and the conservation of local varieties and seeds is very significant for both producers and end consumers.
Το «Κουκούλι» είναι μια συλλογική πρωτοβουλία καταναλωτών και παραγωγών που εδρεύει στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Διανέμει προϊόντα πιστοποιημένων και μη πιστοποιημένων βιολογικών παραγωγών σε καλάθια, λειτουργεί ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, ενώ παράλληλα προμηθεύει καταστήματα και πρατήρια στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης. Στόχος του συνεταιρισμού είναι να συνενώσει τους καταναλωτές και τους παραγωγούς με βάση τη συνεργασία, την οικολογία, την αλληλεγγύη και τη δικαιοσύνη τροφίμων. Οι κάτοικοι της πόλης έχουν εύκολη πρόσβαση στα καλάθια που αποτελούνται αποκλειστικά από φρέσκα προϊόντα των παραγωγών του συνεταιρισμού. Τα προϊόντα τους πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις χαμηλού οικολογικού αποτυπώματος από βιολογικές καλλιέργειες και από μικρές και τοπικές επιχειρήσεις. Κάθε παραγωγός πιστοποιείται ή αξιολογείται από τα μέλη του ίδιου του συνεταιρισμού. Από την άλλη πλευρά, οι παραγωγοί, ως μέλη του συνεταιρισμού, είναι σε θέση να ανταποκριθούν στις ανάγκες και τα προβλήματα του κύκλου παραγωγής, κυρίως στον πρωτογενή και στον μεταποιητικό τομέα, για όλους τους παραγωγούς και ιδιαίτερα για νέους και άπειρους - σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις - ανθρώπους. Οι καταναλωτές έχουν επίγνωση της διατροφικής αξίας και της ταυτότητας / ανιχνευσιμότητας των τροφίμων που καταναλώνουν, καθιστούν πιο ενσυνείδητους και ενεργούς καταναλωτές μέσω αυτής της διαδικασίας. Η συνεργασία εγγυάται την κοινή προώθηση των μελών της (παραγωγών) μέσω άμεσων πωλήσεων παραδοσιακών προϊόντων με εναλλακτικούς τρόπους, όπως τα καλάθια. Η οικοδόμηση της εμπιστοσύνης της κοινότητας, η επίτευξη της επισιτιστικής κυριαρχίας, η γεωργία χωρίς αγροχημικά και λιπάσματα και η διατήρηση των τοπικών ποικιλιών και σπόρων είναι πολύ σημαντικές τόσο για τους παραγωγούς όσο και για τους τελικούς καταναλωτές.
Živanović farm' was founded by two friends in Golubinci, Vojvodina. On one hectar they are growing tomato that is later processed. Processing goes in two ways: drying and making tomato juice. Dried tomato is processed in dryers that use cherry seed as a fueling material. The drying machine has the capacity to dry 500 kilograms of raw materials. Dried tomato is, then, packed in jars of different sizes (100 gr, 240gr, 650gr and 1400gr) and ready for sale. Apart from drying tomato, company is, also, drying apples and pears procurred locally and making healthy snacks. A product that is targeting a deficit on a market. Use of locally available resources. 'Živanović farm' is adding value to their products by using waste from cherry production and using is in processing (as a fuel for dryer). Another key factor is , that they are using local resources, in other words, the tomato they have grown themselves. In addition, having secondary production (snacks) in order to more rationally utilize resources.
Poljoprivredno gazdinstvo 'Živanović' su osnovala dva prijatelja u Golubincima u Vojvodini. Na jednom hektaru uzgajaju paradajz koji se kasnije obrađuje. Obrada se odvija na dva načina: sušenjem i proizvodnjom soka od paradajza. Paradajz se suši u sušari u kojoj se lože koštice višnje. Sušara ima kapacitet od 500 kilograma svežeg paradajza dnevno. Sušeni paradajz pakuju u tegle različite gramaže (100gr, 240gr, 650gr i 1400gr). Osim sušenja paradajza, suše se i jabuke i kruške od kojih prave zdrave grickalice. Novi proizvod kojim se popunjava deficit na tržištu. Poljoprivredno gazdinstvo 'Živanović' korišćenjem otpada od proizvodnje višanja, koje koristi za loženje sušnice, stvara dodatnu vrednost svom proizvodu. Takođe, imaju sekundarnu proizvodnju (sušenje jabuka) kako bi racionalnije koristili svoje resurse.
The company Stanisic Bio produces spreads made of forest mushrooms under the brand name of Forest Secret classified as high-quality premium food. The idea came from recognition that people are becoming increasingly aware of how important it is to introduce healthy foodstuff in their everyday diets. Forest mushroom are being used as base ingredients since mushrooms are considered to be the healthiest fruits of nature and a secret to eliminating numerous diseases of the modern times. A product that has significant health benefits for consumers. Spreads are made with minimal processing, and are using mushrooms that are found on the slopes of Serbian mountains. Forest mushrooms cannot be grown in artificial conditions and can grow only in natural and organic environment. Forest mushrooms are gathered from mountains in Serbia. They are supplied from certified companies whose purchase stations are located locally, in mountain regions of Serbia. This is generating local employment.
Kompania Stanišić Bio pod robnom markom Šumska tajna proizvodi namaze od šumskih pečuraka koji spadaju u visoko kvalitetnu premium hranu. Ideja je proizašla iz činjenice da ljudi sve više postaju svesni koliko je važno uvesti zdravu hranu u svojju svakodnevnu ishranu. Šumske pečurke se koriste kao osnovni sastojak jer spadaju u najzdravije plodove prirode i tajnom za uklanjanje brojnih bolesti modernog doba. Dobija se proizvod koji ima zdravstvene koristi za potrošače. Namazi se dobijaju minimalnom preradom pečuraka sa obronaka srpskih planina. Šumske pečurke se ne mogu uzgajati u veštačkim uslovima i uspevaju samo u prirodi u organskom okruženju. Pečurke koje se koriste su sakupljene sa planina u Srbiji. Dobijaju se od sertifikovanih kompanija čije se nabavne stanice nalaze lokalno, u planinskim regionima Srbije, čime se podstiče zaposlenje lokalnih ljudi.
The purpose of this initiative was to introduce organic farming to locals by creating farmers' markets in several spots within the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki, Greece. Also, the establishment and the continuous development of the Organic Farmers' Association of Northenrn Greece made it more effective and more capable of addressing the problems of the organic sector and of taking advantage of opportunities in a dynamically growing market. The Association participates in direct discussions with the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food in order to upgrade the positioning of the organic sector in Greece. The Organic Association has contributed to healthy nutrition in urban communities by stressing the importance of seasonality in food consumption, enhancing healthy food patterns and increasing the efficiency of the national food system highlighting the significance of traditional local seeds. Also, it reconnects urban dwellers to food production, distribution and consumption by becoming active instead of passive consumers. According to its members (organic farmers, processors, breeders) the Association designs and coordinates events, in order to promote their products, organises specialized seminars, congresses and workshops aimed at raising awareness about organic market developments and increasing technical knowledge. Having signigicant connections with national and international networks in the fields of sustainable agriculture and livestock, heritage varieties, agricultural biodiversity, fair trade, local seed exchange and certified organic production, the Organic Farmers' Association of Northern Greece builds its role as a community hub helping consumers to gain knowledge on how organic food is being produced and certified, to respect the physical environment, traditional crop varieties and contribute to local economic development.
Σκοπός αυτής της πρωτοβουλίας ήταν η εισαγωγή της βιολογικής γεωργίας στους ντόπιους, δημιουργώντας αγορές αγροτών σε διάφορα σημεία της Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Θεσσαλονίκης. Επίσης, η ίδρυση και η συνεχής ανάπτυξη της Ένωσης Αγροτών Βιοκαλλιεργητών Βόρειας Ελλάδας την καθιστούσε αποτελεσματικότερη και πιο ικανή να αντιμετωπίσει τα προβλήματα του βιολογικού τομέα και να εκμεταλλευτεί τις ευκαιρίες σε μια δυναμικά αναπτυσσόμενη αγορά. Η Ένωση συμμετέχει σε άμεσες συζητήσεις με το Υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων για την αναβάθμιση της θέσης του τομέα βιολογικής καλλιέργειας στην Ελλάδα. Η Ένωση Αγροτών Βιοκαλλιεργητών Βόρειας Ελλάδας συνέβαλε στην υγιεινή διατροφή των αστικών κοινοτήτων, τονίζοντας τη σημασία της εποχικότητας στην κατανάλωση τροφίμων, την ενίσχυση των υγιεινών τρόπων διατροφής και την αύξηση της αποτελεσματικότητας του εθνικού συστήματος διατροφής, υπογραμμίζοντας τη σημασία των παραδοσιακών τοπικών σπόρων. Επίσης, επανασυνδέει τους κατοίκους των πόλεων με την παραγωγή, τη διανομή και την κατανάλωση τροφίμων, καθιστώντας ενεργούς καταναλωτές αντί αντίστοιχων παθητικών. Σύμφωνα με τα μέλη της (βιοκαλλιεργητές, μεταποιητές, κτηνοτρόφοι) η Ένωση σχεδιάζει και συντονίζει εκδηλώσεις για την προώθηση των προϊόντων της, οργανώνει εξειδικευμένα σεμινάρια, συνέδρια και εργαστήρια με στόχο την ευαισθητοποίηση σχετικά με τις εξελίξεις της βιολογικής αγοράς και την αύξηση των τεχνικών γνώσεων. Έχοντας σημαντικές σχέσεις με τα εθνικά και διεθνή δίκτυα στους τομείς της αειφόρου γεωργίας και των ζώων, των ποικιλιών κληρονομιάς, της γεωργικής βιοποικιλότητας, του δίκαιου εμπορίου, της τοπικής ανταλλαγής σπόρων και της πιστοποιημένης βιολογικής παραγωγής, η Ένωση Αγροτών Βιοκαλλιεργητών Βόρειας Ελλάδας αναπτύσσει το ρόλο του ως κοινοτικού κόμβου ώστε οι καταναλωτές να αποκτήσουν γνώσεις σχετικά με το πώς παράγονται και πιστοποιούνται τα βιολογικά τρόφιμα, να σέβονται το φυσικό περιβάλλον, τις παραδοσιακές ποικιλίες καλλιεργειών και να συμβάλλουν στην τοπική οικονομική ανάπτυξη.
Gaia is an organic farmer cooperative- firm based in the island of Crete that bring together consumers and producers, collecting fresh and processed organic products directly from regional organic farms. One of the main activities is to provide fresh produce to organic stores which are their main customers all over Greece. For more that 20 years, Gaia has achieved to establish a direct relationship with local farming boosting environmental and social sustainability. The project began in 1996, with the desire for healthy and quality nutrition, with the enhancement of organic farming and emphasis on local crops, in order to avoid the ecological burden of transporting products from afar. More specifically the cooperation has implemented several informative events in schools in order to promote the principals of organic farming and biodiversity. In parallel, it promotes environmental sustainability by using bio-degredable packaging and bags. One of the benefits of organic cooperations such as Gaia, is that by supporting farmers, they can enable conventional farmers to switch to organic farming. Specifically for Gaia, It is very important that half of the cooperative members today are farmers that work in their region enhacing at the same time the local economy. A cooperative store in Chania, Crete is serving about 300 citizens with organic products, from certified and conscious producers. As far as concerned the members of the cooperative, they are privileged to reduced price of the agricultural products.……
Η "Γαία" είναι μια συνεταιριστική εταιρία βιολογικής γεωργίας που εδρεύει στο νησί της Κρήτης και συγκεντρώνει καταναλωτές και παραγωγούς, συλλέγοντας φρέσκα και μεταποιημένα βιολογικά προϊόντα απευθείας από τοπικά βιολογικά αγροκτήματα. Μια από τις κύριες δραστηριότητες είναι η παροχή φρέσκων προϊόντων σε βιολογικά καταστήματα που είναι οι κύριοι πελάτες τους σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Για περισσότερα από 20 χρόνια, η "Γαία" πέτυχε να δημιουργήσει μια άμεση σχέση με την τοπική γεωργία, ενισχύοντας την περιβαλλοντική και κοινωνική βιωσιμότητα. Το έργο άρχισε το 1996, με την επιθυμία για υγιεινή και ποιοτική διατροφή, με την ενίσχυση της βιολογικής γεωργίας και την έμφαση στις τοπικές καλλιέργειες, προκειμένου να αποφευχθεί το οικολογικό βάρος της μεταφοράς προϊόντων από μακριά. Συγκεκριμένα, η συνεργασία έχει υλοποιήσει αρκετές ενημερωτικές εκδηλώσεις στα σχολεία για την προώθηση των αρχών της βιολογικής γεωργίας και της βιοποικιλότητας. Παράλληλα, προάγει την περιβαλλοντική βιωσιμότητα χρησιμοποιώντας βιοδιασπώμενες συσκευασίες και σακούλες. Ένα από τα οφέλη των βιολογικών συνεργασιών, όπως η "Γαία", είναι ότι, υποστηρίζοντας τους αγρότες, μπορούν να επιτρέψουν στους συμβατικούς αγρότες να στραφούν προς τη βιολογική γεωργία. Συγκεκριμένα, για τη "Γαία", είναι πολύ σημαντικό το γεγονός ότι τα μισά από τα συνεταιριστικά μέλη σήμερα είναι αγρότες που δουλεύουν στην περιοχή τους ενισχύοντας παράλληλα την τοπική οικονομία. Ένα συνεταιριστικό κατάστημα στα Χανιά της Κρήτης εξυπηρετεί περίπου 300 πολίτες με βιολογικά προϊόντα, από πιστοποιημένους και συνειδητοποιημένους παραγωγούς. Όσον αφορά τα μέλη του συνεταιρισμού, έχουν το προνόμιο μειωμένων τιμών των γεωργικών προϊόντων.……
„Landmarkt“ is a brand for distinctive food products origining from agricultural direct marketing. Landmarkt farms use traditional, regional recipes and create new specialties at the same time. The product range varies from honey, organic eggs, poultry, fruits and vegetables to goat cheese, comprising 3.500 different direct marketing products. Transport routes are kept short, products are kept in the region. About 180 farms, which are part of the „Association of Hessian direct marketers e.V.“, are also part of Landmarkt. The landmarkt farms are tested and certified by externals. Their products are sold at farmers’ markets, farm shops, but the real innovation is the sale in approximately 240 REWE supermarkets in their region Hesse, Germany. The products are placed in seperate shelves, where only Landmarkt products are presented. The association sets delivery conditions, the farms suggest a retail price, farms directly deliver to REWE markets and payment is made directly between REWE and the farms. The margin ranges between 20 to 25% of the retail price. The association of Hessian direct marketers is active in consumer education as well as in public relations work for high quality domestic products. Direct marketing farms get support with concerning professional issues from the association. The implementation of the marketing concept "Landmarkt" should support the farms in above mentioned aspects. The label allows the consumer to be sure about buying high quality and regional products with transparent production processes. Landmarkt makes it easy for the consumers to place trust in their products, which leads to costumer loyalty. Costumers get access to farm products in a one-stop shop.
„Landmarkt" ist eine Marke für einzigartige Produkte, welche direkt vermarktet werden. Landmarkt-Höfe kreieren sowohl neue Spezialitäten, als auch traditionelle, regionale Rezepte. Die Produktvielfalt reicht von Honig, Bio-Eiern, Geflügel und Gemüse bis hin zu Ziegenkäse, mit ingesamt etwa 3500 verschiedenen Direktvermarktungsprodukten. Transportwege werden kurz gehalten, die Produkte bleiben in der Region. Ungefähr 180 Betriebe, welche Teil von der „Vereinigung der Hessischen Direktvermarkter e. V. (VHD)“ sind, sind ebenfalls Teil von Landmarkt. Die Betriebe werden von unabhängigen akkreditierten Kontrollstellen geprüft. Die zertifizierten Produkte werden auf Bauernmärkten und in Hofläden verkauft, die richtige Innovation jedoch ist der Verkauf der Produkte in etwa 240 REWE Filialen im deutschen Bundesland Hessen. In den Filialen werden die Produkte in separaten Regalen präsentiert, in denen ausschließlich die Marke Landmarkt zu finden ist. Die Vereinigung legt die allgemeinen Lieferkonditionen fest, die Betriebe schlagen Endverkaufspreise vor, die Lieferung erfolgt durch die Betriebe und die Abrechnung findet direkt mit dem jeweiligen REWE-Markt statt. Die Marge beläuft sich auf etwa 20 bis 25% des Endverkaufspreises. Die Vereinigung der Hessischen Direktvermarkter ist aktiv in der Verbraucheraufklärung und beschäftigt sich ebenfalls mit Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, um die Direktvermarktung hochwertiger Produkte voranzutreiben. Direktvermarkter bekommen Unterstützung des Vereins in dahingehenden fachlichen Belangen. Das Vermarktungskonzept „Landmarkt“ soll die Betriebe bei obengenannten Aspekten unterstützen. Die Marke erlaubt es dem Konsumten Sicherheit über Qualität, Herkunft und Transparenz zu erlangen. Landmarkt fördert das Vertrauen in die Marke und kann somit Kundentreue aufbauen. Kunden können bäuerliche Produkte in einem one-stop shop, sprich an einer einzigen Anlaufstelle, finden.
„Hut&Stiel“, meaning „hat&stalk“, is a fairly young business founded by two students, one with a technical background, the other with a scientific one. In a rented basement located in Vienna „Hut&Stiel“ produce mushrooms since 2015. The way of mushroom production is oriented towards the principles of circular economy. The mushrooms are grown in lightproof bags filled with a substrate based on coffee grounds, which they collect from collaborating gastronomic businesses. A conversion rate of 15-20% is achieved, which means 1000kg coffee grounds make approximately 150kg mushrooms. Directly after harvest the mushrooms are delivered by bike or sold at markets. The mushrooms grown are oyster mushrooms, which are one of a few edible mushrooms which are culturable on coffee grounds. Their project evolved through thoughts of circular economy and educating community. The coffee grounds are obtained through cooperations, one for example with the Vienna Pensioner Residences. Oyster mushrooms are sold directly. In a side project the used coffee substrate gets turned into humus and offered to their costumers. Second quality mushrooms are processed into mushroom pestos, mushroom sugos and mushroom spreads by the partnering delicatessy producer „Hiel“. Low energy input is needed for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Environmental impact is reduced further through tools like bike logistics. The project evolved through thoughts of circular economy and educating community. Local food production is engaged under the use of locally available ressources and environmentally friendly processes. Through excursions and workshops on the farm the awareness of urban citizens for urban food production is raised. Open source structures are used to share knowledge and experiences on cultivation practices. Through specific networks and workshops instructions on mushroom farming are passed on and made available to everybody interested. Furthermore this good practice brings attention to the problem of low degrees of self supply and offers one possible solution approach with the installation of an urban farm. According to „Statistik Austria“ the degree of self supply of mushrooms in Austria was 8% in 2016/17.
„Hut&Stiel“ ist ein junges Unternehmen gegründet von zwei Studenten, einem mit naturwissenschaftlichem und dem anderen mit technischem Hintergrund. In einem angemieteten Kellerlokal in Wien produzieren sie seit 2015 Speisepilze. Bei der Pilzproduktion orientieren sie sich an die Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Die Pilze werden in lichtundurchlässigen Säcken angebaut, welche mit einem Substrat aus Kaffeesud befüllt sind. Hierfür wird Kaffeesud aus Kooperationen mit gastronomischen Betrieben genutzt. Eine Konversationsrate von 15-20% wird erreicht, was bedeutet, dass aus 1000kg Kaffeesud etwa 150kg Austernseitlinge resultieren. Direkt nach der Ernte werden die Pilze per Rad ausgeliefert oder auf Märkten verkauft. Angebaut werden Austernseitlinge, welche eine von wenigen auf Kaffeesatz kultivierbaren Speisepilzen sind. Kooperationen werden eingegangen um ausreichend Kaffeesud zu erhalten, hierbei sind die Wiener Pensionistenhäuser ein wichtiger Partner. Die Austernseitlinge werden direkt vermarktet. In einem Nebenprojekt wird das bereits benutzte Kaffeesubstrat in Humus umgewandelt und den Kunden zum Verkauf angeboten. Pilze zweiter Wahl werden von dem Feinkosthersteller „Hiel“ zu Pilz-Pesto, Pilz-Sugo und Pilz-Aufstrich verarbeitet. Es wird nur geringer Energieaufwand für die Kultivierung von Austernseitlingen benötigt. Weiters wird die Umweltbelastung durch die Nutzung von Instrumenten wie Fahrradlogistik reduziert. Das Projekt entstand durch Denken im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft und den Wunsch die Gesellschaft dahingehend zu bilden. Lokale Lebensmittelproduktion findet durch die Nutzung von lokal verfügbaren Ressourcen und umweltfreundlichen Prozessen statt. Durch Exkursionen und Workshops auf dem Betrieb wird in Städtern*innen Bewusstsein für urbane Lebensmittelproduktion gebildet. „Open Source“-Strukturen werden genutzt, um Wissen und Erfahrungen über Kultivierungsprozesse zu teilen. Über spezifische Netzwerke und durch Workshops werden Anleitungen zum Pilzanbau weitergegeben und allen Interessenten*innen zugänglich gemacht. Dieses Beispiel versucht dem Problem niedriger Selbstversorgungsgrade Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und bietet mit urbaner Landwirtschaft einen möglichen Lösungsansatz. Laut Angaben von Statistik Austria aus den Jahren 2016/17 liegt der Selbstversorgungsgrad von Pilzen bei lediglich 8%.
The Gugerell familiy runs a conventional dairy farm as well as they cultivate organic chokeberries since 2015. A successful market introduction of the chokeberry, a rather unknown fruit in Austria, and the achievement of a good profit margin were the main challenges. Self-service shops were considered an appropriate solution. After their first harvest in 2017 they realised their first self-service shop, which was followed by a second one in 2018. They use both shops to directly market their own chokeberry fruit spreads, chokeberry juice and chokeberry syrup. To complement the product range different other products from farmers nearby are sold as well. Each shop is supplied by approximately 15-20 farmers, which refill their products, e.g. milk, bread, vegetables and more, themselves. The shops are opened year round and 24 hours a day. Prices and information on the producers can be found inside the shop. Costumers’ payment happens on the basis of trust. The organic chokeberries and the self-service shop create a second source of income. Through direct marketing a greater share of value can be retained. The self-service concept needs lower labour than a regular farm shop. Through information inside the shop transparency is given to costumers. The shop is a shared resource for local producers within a range of 20km to directly market. Logistics are simple due to geographical proximity and due to access to a live camera, which helps to organise timely refilling. Costumers shop at their own speed. The collective selling of produce is strengthening local farmers’ networks. Local infrastructure of a place close to a city is kept vibrant. Public holidays attract many costumers, as Austrian supermarkets are closed then. Costumers get introduced to products they might not have been aware of e.g. chokeberry juice.
Neben einem konventionellen Milchviehbetrieb betreibt die Familie Gugerell seit 2015 den Anbau von biologischen Aroniabeeren. Die Herausforderungen waren eine erfolgreiche Markteinführung der Aroniabeere, einer relativ unbekannten Frucht in Österreich, und die Erzielung einer guten Gewinnspanne. Dafür wurden Selbstbedienungsläden als passende Lösung erwogen. Nach der ersten Ernte im Jahr 2017 wurde der erste Selbstbedienungsladen realisiert, darauffolgend bereits 2018 der zweite. Beide Läden werden genutzt, um den eigenen Aronia-Fruchtaufstrich, Aronia-Saft und Aronia-Sirup direkt zu vermarkten. Um eine breitere Produktpalette bieten zu können, werden außerdem verschiedene Produkte anderer lokaler Bäuer*innen verkauft. Jeder Laden erhält Produkte von etwa 15-20 Bäuer*innen, welche ihre Produkte, z.B. Brot, Milch, Gemüse und mehr, selber nachfüllen. Die Läden haben ganzjährig und 24 Stunden geöffnet. Preise und Informationen zu den Produzierenden finden sich in den Läden. Die Zahlung der Kunden basiert auf Vertrauen. Die biologischen Aroniabeeren und der Selbstbedienungsladen kreieren eine zweite Einkommensquelle. Durch Direktvermarktung bleibt mehr Wertschöpfung am Hof. Das Selbstbedienungskonzept braucht weniger Arbeitsaufwand als ein regulärer Hofladen. Durch Informationen im Laden soll Transparenz gewährleistet werden. Der Laden ist eine geteilte Ressource für lokale Produzent*innen innerhalb eines Radius von 20km um direkt zu vermarkten. Die Logistik ist simpel durch geografische Nähe und durch Kamerazugriff, welche zeitgerechtes Nachfüllen erleichtert. Kund*innen kaufen im eigenen Tempo ein. Der gemeinsame Verkauf von Produkten stärkt lokale landwirtschaftliche Netzwerke. Die lokale Infrastruktur eines Ortes in Stadtnähe wird lebendig gehalten. Offizielle Feiertage ziehen viele Käufer*innen an, da Supermärkte dann geschlossen haben. Einkäufer*innen lernen Produkte kennen, welche eventuell neu für sie sind z.B. Aronia-Saft.
Blün is a group of five farmers that have installed Vienna’s first commercial aquaponic system. Aquaponics is a production system combining aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in liquid nutrient solutions). The fish are raised in large tanks. Through specific bacteria the fish dung gets turned into nitrate rich dung, which is then used to provide the vegetable crops with enough nutrients. This means Blün combines sustainble technology, fish farming and horticulture in a closed circuit. Out of that circular economy result two products: fish (perch and catfish) and vegetables. Both are mainly sold in their farm shop and in their online shop. Some of their fish are sold to local restaurants. High value is put on a clear division of responsibilities and on marketing. With the means of new and innovative approaches a more sustainable and ressource-friendly production became reality. As an other result, due to controlled indoor production conditions, food quality could be increased. For example the risk of contamination with heavy metals can be excluded.
Together with the innovative production model came the creation of a sustainable food label, based on their own standards: locality, transparency and ecoefficiency. Blün’s concept reduces waste in horticulture and fish farming through the cycling of nutrients. One kilo of feed converts into one kilo of fish. The farm is located in an urban area, right next to its consumers. Costumers benefit from Blün’s strict criteria, offering its costumers only local, transparent and ecoefficient products.
Blün ist eine Gruppe von fünf Landwirten, welche Wiens erste kommerzielle Aquaponikanlage in Betrieb nahmen. Aquaponik ist ein Produktionssystem, welches Aquakultur (Fischzucht) und Hydroponik (Pflanzenproduktion in flüssiger Nährstofflösung). Die Fische werden in großen Becken gezüchtet. Durch den Einsatz von speziellen Bakterien wird der Fischdung in nitratreichen Dünger umgewandelt. Dieser kommt dann als Nährstofflieferant für die Gemüseproduktion in Einsatz. Das bedeutet Blün kombiniert nachhaltige Technologie, Fischzucht und Gemüsebau in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf. Aus dieser Kreislaufwirtschaft entstehen zwei Produkte: Fisch (Barsch und Wels) und Gemüse. Beides wird sowohl im Hofladen als auch im Online Shop angeboten. Lokale Restaurants zählen auch zu deren Abnehmern*Innen. Großer Wert wird auf Arbeitsteilung und auf Marketing gelegt. Eine nachhaltige und ressourcenschonende Produktionsform konnte durch neue und innovative Ansätze realisiert werden. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist die gesteigerte Lebensmittelqualität der Produkte, durch kontrollierte Indoorproduktion. So kann beispielsweise die Kontamination mit Schwermetallen ausgeschlossen werden.
Geimeinsam mit dem innovativen Produktionsmodel kam die Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Gütesiegels, welches auf eigenen Kriterien aufbaut: Regionalität, Transparenz und Ökoeffizienz. Blüns Konzept reduziert Abfall im Gemüsebau und in der Fischzucht, durch die Zirkulation von Nährstoffen. Ein Kilogramm an Futter wird in ein Kilogramm an Fisch umgewandelt. Der Betrieb befindet sich in einer Stadt, sprich in nächster Nähe zu seinen Kunden*Innen. Diese profitieren von Blüns strikten Kriterien, welche ausschließlich lokale, transparente und ökoeffiziente Produkte versprechen.
The AgriShort project is a Hungarian-Croatian project within the frame of an Interreg programme. AgriShort establishes short food supply chains (SFSCs) and strengthens the agricultural sector in the cross-border region through institutional cooperation. The more specific aim is to reinforce the capacity of institutions and to invite them to introduce short food supply chains in order to put forward the development of the agricultural sector. AgriShort trainings and workshops resulted in a document named „How to establish SFSCs“ which serves as a guideline for institutional representatives. Every of the four project partners set up one working group, which works on the establishment of SFSCs in their regions. (In)Formal working associations were formed to prepare working plans and to develop visual identy. This resulted in two new short supply chains in Croatia and two in Hungary. Main result of AgriShort are four new short food supply chains. "Best from Međimurje" (Međimurje, Croatia), 20 producers jointly organising and promoting a local market. The SFSC of Koprivnica-Križevci County (Croatia) an association of seven producers. The "Open Farm SFSC group" (Zala, Hungary) was established by 16 local farmers. They use an IT system, developed under AgriShort, to inform their customers about upcoming events like their open farm days. The fourth SFSC group is "Balaton Farmer’s Market" (Somogy, Hungary), which wants to establish a market network south to Lake Balaton as well as a multichannel local product sale system. Raised awareness of institutions on the relevance of cooperation models like SFSCs in agricultural production. Exchanges of experiences and knowledge across borders. Stimulation of sustainable economic growth of local communities.
Das AgriShort Projekt ist ein ungarisch-kroatisches Projekt, welches im Rahmen eines Interreg-Programmes läuft. AgriShort etabliert kurze Lebensmittelversorgungsketten (Abkürzung ‚SFSCs‘ englisch für „short food supply chains“) und stärkt den agrarischen Sektor in der grenzüberschreitenden Region durch institutionelle Kooperationen. Das spezifischere Ziel ist es die Kapazität von Institutionen auszubauen und sie zu animieren kurze Lebensmittelversorgungsketten zu fördern, um die Entwicklung des landwirtschaftliches Sektors voranzutreiben. Trainings und Workshop im Zuge von AgriShort resultierten in einem Guide zur Etablierung von SFSCs, welcher institutionellen Vertretern als eine Richtlinie dienen soll. Jeder der vier Projektpartner hat eine Arbeitsgruppe aufgestellt, um SFSCs in den Regionen aufzubauen. (In)Formelle Arbeitsvereinigungen wurden geformt um Arbeitspläne vorzubereiten und um visuelle Identität zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis sind zwei neue, kurze Lebensmittelversorgungsketten in Kroatien und zwei in Ungarn. Das Hauptergebnis von AgriShort sind die vier neuen, kurzen Lebensmittelversorgungsketten. „Best from Međimurje“ ( Međimurje, Croatia), 20 Produzent*innen, welche gemeinsam einen Markt organisieren und bewerben. Die SFSC aus der Region Koprivnica-Križevci besteht aus sieben Produzent*innen. The „Open Farm SFSC Gruppe“ (Zala, Ungarn) wurde von 16 lokalen Betrieben initiiert. Sie nutzen ein IT-System, unter AgriShort entwickelt, um ihre Kundschaft über Events, wie etwa offene Hoftage, zu informieren. Die vierte SFSC-Gruppe ist „Balaton Farmer’s Market“ (Somogy, Hungary), welche einen Marktnetzwerk im Süden vom Plattensee, als auch ein mehrkanaliges Absatzsystem für lokale Produkte errichten will. Gesteigertes Bewusstsein von Institutionen für die Wichtigkeit von Kooperationsmodellen wie kurzen Lebensmittelversorgungsketten in landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Austausch von Erfahrungen und Wissen über Grenzen hinweg. Stimulation von nachhaltigem ökonomischen Wachstum lokaler Gemeinden.
Smark works with local producers to sell their products inside a giant and very modern vending machine located at the Stuttgart train station.Make local products very accessible by putting them exactly where people are, and by making them really easy to buy. For the consumer: buy local products very easily on the way home. For the practitionner: The machine is an investment, but you do not need anyone present to make it work, people are attracted to these kinds of technologies.
Smark arbeitet mit lokalen Produzenten zusammen, um ihre Produkte in einem riesigen und sehr modernen Verkaufsautomaten am Stuttgarter Bahnhof zu verkaufen. Machen Sie lokale Produkte sehr zugänglich, indem Sie sie genau dort platzieren, wo sich Menschen aufhalten, und indem Sie sie so einfach wie möglich kaufen. Für den Verbraucher: Kaufen Sie lokale Produkte ganz einfach auf dem Heimweg. Für den Praktiker: Die Maschine ist eine Investition, aber Sie brauchen niemanden, der anwesend ist, um sie zum Laufen zu bringen. Die Menschen fühlen sich von solchen Technologien angezogen.
Meine Ernte is a german system that allows consumers (especially in cities), to book and rent gardens close to their home and to grow their own vegetables there, without moving to the country. Allow german citizens to always have a place where they can grow their own products, and control the way they grow them. For the consumers: a unique system allowing them to take control of what they consume, for the renters: finding an original way to valorize their land.
Meine Ernte ist ein deutsches System, das es Verbrauchern (insbesondere in Städten) ermöglicht, häusliche Gärten zu buchen und zu mieten und dort ihr eigenes Gemüse anzubauen, ohne aufs Land zu ziehen. Ermöglichen Sie deutschen Bürgern, immer einen Ort zu haben, an dem sie ihre eigenen Produkte anbauen können, und kontrollieren Sie, wie sie diese anbauen. Für die Verbraucher: ein einzigartiges System, das es ihnen ermöglicht, die Kontrolle über ihren Verbrauch zu übernehmen, für die Mieter: einen originellen Weg zu finden, um ihr Land aufzuwerten.
Le bon produit au bon endroit is a French website and app gathering and referencing food producers, restaurants and shops in the regions of Rhône-Alpes, Corsica and Pays Basque who work with organic agriculture and are involved in short supply chain systems. It allows consumers to find quality local products wherever and whenever they are in those regions (whether they live there or they are on holidays). It also allows professionals and producers of these regions to get easily connected. The concept is simple, but surprisingly quite unique in France and relatively easy to implement. A good referencing of the short supply chain organic practitioners in these 3 regions of France. An easier way for consumers and professionals to find contacts and a better treacability. It is fairly easy to implement and allows a good networking in the concerned regions. Facilitation of exchanges between all actors of the short food chain.
"Le bon produit au bon endroit" propose de localiser grâce à un site internet et une application une sélection de professionnels oeuvrant à partir d'une matière première locale en agriculture bio ou responsable dans les secteurs Corse, Rhône-Alpe et Pays Basque. Du producteur au restaurateur en passant par l'offre commerciale, "le bon produit au bon endroit" promeut un patrimoine agricole et économique éthique valorisant les compétences des acteurs régionaux, encourageant les circuits courts et garantissant une information claire et transparente. Les consommateurs ainsi que les professionnels peuvent trouver les contacts nécessaires grâce à ces outils. Ce site permet un bon référencement des producteurs impliqués dans les circuits courts bio dans ces 3 régions française, ce qui facilite les échanges et le commerce, et garantit une bonne traçabilité des produits. C'est un exemple relativement classique dans sa mise en oeuvre, mais il permet une bonne mise en réseau dans les régions concernées, ainsi qu'une facilitation des échanges entre tous les acteurs concernés par les circuits courts.
Agricool is a startup producing fruits and vegetables (for now mostly strawberries), in 5 recycled containers located all around Paris in unused spaces. The growing conditions are optimized in order to get the best taste and quality for the strawberries despite them growing outside of the soil.The products are sold in 2 supermarkets located a few kilometers away from the containers. The philosophy is to bring food closer to the consumer, reduce the environmental impact of the production, while ensuring the best taste possible and valorising unused spaces in Big cities such as abandoned subway stations or rooftops. For now the price is the same as organic strawberries, but the objective is to reduce it in the future to make the product available for everyone. No pesticides are used and the products are equivalent to organic quality. Develop the production of the most popular vegetables in cities while guaranteeing their organoleptic and health qualities. Reduce the space needed to produce vegetables and fruits and transport costs and pollution. The consumer will have access to quality products, grown directly in the city and without any pesticides. The system does not take much space and the costs of renting is almost nonexistent. The containers are cheap to buy.
Agricool est une startup produisant des fruits et légumes (à ce jour, principalement des fraises) dans 5 containers recyclés répartis dans Paris. Les conditions de production sont optimisées afin que le goût et la qualité des fraises soit idéaux malgré une croissance hors sol. Les produits sont vendus dans des supermarchés situés à proximité des containers. La philosophie du projet est de rapproher la production du consommateur citadin, rédurie l'impact environnemental du transport, tout en assurant une qualité optimale du produit, et en valorisant des espaces non utilisés à ce jour (toits, stations de métro abandonnées). A ce jour, le prix est équivalent à la moyenne des prix des fraises bio, mais l'objectif est de réduire les couts à l'avenir, quand le projet sera plus développé. Aucun pesticide n'est utilisé et la qualité est similaire à celle des produits bio. L'idée à terme est d'avoir une production significative de fruits et légumes de qualité au sein des villes tout en réduisant l'espace nécessaire à cette production. La bénéfice principal pour le consommateur est l'accès à des fraises de qualité en toute saison et produites proches de chez lui. Les points intéressants pour ceux intéressés par ce genre d'initiative est le petit prix des locaux de production (les containers). Peu de place prise.
MyProduct is an Online Shop with farm & other products (exclusively from Austria) on offer and with a joint delivery system. Farmers and other companies, that are not involved with food retailing, can list their products at the online shop and give additional information about their farm and products. Consumers order online their favorite products from different farmers or companies. The system informs the producer who sends or delivers their products to the mutual packaging place of myproduct, where all goods are packed into one parcel. This is delivered via a logistic company to the consumer. Myproduct is the first certified organic online shop in Austria. Additionally they offer B2B aervices, like designing web shops for other companies, vouchers and presents for companies.
Local/regional specialities become available nationwide and farmers reach more costumers. The online shop becomes more attractive with increasing numbers of listed products of different categories (wine, cheese, flour, books, soap, presents, ...). This online shop makes products from different regions available to people that moved into cities and helps farmers to market their products. Consumers stay connected with the producers and this prevents that food becomes an anonymous mass product. A blog with food innovation, producer/farm of the month and current events creates a relationship between the products and consumer. Purchase patterns are strongly influenced by emotions, therefore they try to awake only positive ones.
Especially farmers and consumers living in isolated areas would profit from delivery systems. Local products would become available nationwide and elderly consumers or people living in the countryside have the advantage to have access to fresh and healthy products. The delivery and packaging system is highly developed, as to minimise environmental pollution, GHG emmissions and carbon footprint. Web-solutions are easy to implement in other areas and enhance product availability.
Myproduct ist ein Onlineshop mit Bauern- und anderen Produkten (ausschließlich aus Österreich) mit einem gemeinsamen Liefersystem. Landwirtschaftliche und andere Unternehmen, welche im Lebensmittelhandel involviert sind, können ihre Produkte im Onlineshop listen und zusätzliche Informationen über ihr Unternehmen und Produkte bekanntgeben. Konsumenten bestellen die gewünschten Produkte von verschiedenen Bauern und Unternehmen. Das System informiert den Produzenten, welcher die bestellten Produkte zur gemeinsamen Packstation von myproduct liefert, wo die Güter in die jeweiligen Pakete gepackt werden. Über eine Logistikfirma werden diese dann dem Kunden überstellt. Myproduct ist der erste biologisch zertifizierte Onlineshop in Österreich. Zusätzlich wird B2B Service angeboten, wie Webshopdesign für andere Unternehmen, Gutscheine und Geschenke für Unternehmen.
Lokale/regionale Spezialitäten werden national verfügbar und Landwirte erreichen mehr Konsumenten. Der Onlineshop wird mit steigender Zahl an gelisteten Produkten verschiedener Kategorien immer attraktiver (Wein, Käse, Mehl, Bücher, Seife, Geschenke, ...). Dieser Onlineshop macht Produkte von verschiedenen Regionen für Leute, welche in die Stadt gezogen sind verfügbar und hilft Landwirten ihre Produkte zu vermarkten. Konsumenten bleiben in Verbindung mit den Produzenten, was verhindert, dass Lebensmittel ein anonymes Massenprodukt werden. Ein Blog mit Produktspezialitäten, Produzent/Bauernhof des Monats und laufende Veranstaltungen bilden eine Beziehung zwischen den Produkten und dem Konsument. Kaufmuster sind stark von Emotionen beeinflusst, deshalb wird versucht nur positive zu übermitteln.
Speziell Landwirte und Konsumenten, die in isolierten Gegenden leben, profitieren vom Liefersystem. Lokale Produkte wurden mit myproduct österreichweit verfügbar und ältere Konsumenten, oder am Land lebende, können vom Zugang zu frischen und gesunden Produkten profitieren. Das Liefer- und Verpackungssystem ist hochentwickelt, um so Umweltschäden, Treibhausgasemissionen und den C02-Fußabdruck geringstmöglich zu halten. Weblösungen sind leicht für andere Regionen übernehmbar und verbessern die Produktverfügbarkeit.
Boxes with organic food (fruits, vegetables, mushroom, cheese, ham, …) with different themes are prepared and delivered. This "Biokiste" enables more than 100 partners nationwide and international to cultivate their farms following organic guidelines. This good cooperations enriches the variety of the boxes and makes them more interesting for consumers. Additionally they operate organic wholesale & online shop, run a fresh market (farm shop) & culinarium (gastronomy). The culinarium offers a daily lunch menu and organises regular courses and activities about food. Social Media Marketing, regular articles about partner farm, new products and an online shop complete the offer.
The expected result is to interact with the consumers more and via different ways - from social media to farm visits and cooking classes. Consumers have the possibility to learn a lot about organic, seasonal food, the producers and it´s healthy preparation. A great selection, easy ordering system and the delivery of the boxes make it very easy for everyone to have acces to fresh regional organic products.
International cooperations, especially near borders are a good opportunity to enrich the product sortiment for consumers. Easy acces to healthy organic food are important in a global market. With the culinarium and events have consumers the opportunity to re-link with their food producers, learn about seasonal products and eat healthier and environmental friendly produced farm goods. Practioners can make use of the different marketing strategies, experiences with different systems and product logistics in urban areas.
Biokisten mit biologischen Lebensmitteln (Früchte, Gemüse, Pilze, Käse, Schinken, ...) mit verschiedenen Sortimenten werden vorbereitet und zugestellt. Diese Biokisten machen es 100 Partnern national und international möglich ihre Betriebe biologisch zu bewirtschaften. Diese gute Zusammenarbeit bereichert die Vielfalt der Kisten und macht sie für den Kunden interessanter. Zusätzlich betreiben sie Großhandel, einen Onlineshop, einen Frischmarkt und das Kulinarium (Gastronomie). Das Kulinarium bietet ein tägliches Mittagsmenü und organisiert regelmäßig Kurse und Aktivitäten rund um Lebensmittel. Marketing über soziale Netzwerke, regelmäßige Artikel über Partnerbetriebe, neue Produkte und ein Onlineshop machen das Angebot komplett.
Das erwartete Resultat ist es mehr mit den Kunden zu interagieren und diese über verschiedene Wege zu tun - von sozialen Netzwerken, über Hofbesuche bis hin zu Kochkursen. Konsumenten haben die Möglichkeit über biologische, saisonale Lebensmittel und ihre gesunde Zubereitung, sowie die Produzenten zu lernen. Eine große Auswahl, leichte Bestellsysteme und die Zustellung der Biokisten machen es einfach für alle Zugang zu frischen, regionalen, biologischen Produkten zu bekommen.
Internationale Kooperationen, speziell nahe der Grenzen, stellen eine gute Möglichkeit dar die Produktpalette für Konsumenten zu bereichern. Leichter Zugang zu gesunden Bio-Lebensmitteln sind wichtig in einem globalen Markt. Mit dem Kulinarium und zahlreichen Veranstaltungen haben Konsumenten die Möglichkeit wieder mit den Lebensmittelproduzenten in Verbindung zu treten, über saisonale Produkte zu lernen und gesunde, umweltfreundlich produzierte landwirtschaftliche Produkte zu genießen. Praktizierende können sich verschiedene Marketingstrategien, Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Systemen und Produktlogistik in urbanem Raum zu Nutze machen.
"Green Care" creates new opportunities on farms. This project is in cooperation with "Jugend am Werk" (Youth at Work) work places for 8 handicapped people created. The bakery "Brotgenuss" offers them a day structure where they can bake bread in a bakehouse that is situated on an organic farm. The produced products are at the moment delivered to close by flats where other handicapped people live that are looked after by "Jugend am Werk".
Green Care re-establishes the link between agriculture and handicapped people. On this organic farm they can witness how different types of cereals are produced, milled and finally baked by them into delicious bread. Additionaly they have the possibility to a taste of different processes on a farm. This gives them insight to the food production.
Handicapped people are often underestimated benefits for society and want meaningful work/tasks. It is important to implent defined structures in which they can unfold their qualities. This is important to strenghten their self-confidence and to fully integrate them in the agricultural sector.…
„Green Care“ schafft neue Möglichkeiten auf Bauernhöfen. In diesem Projekt, wo in Kooperation mit „Jugend am Werk“ Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für 8 Menschen mit Behinderung geschaffen wurden. Die Bäckerei „Brotgenuss“ bietet ihnen eine geregelte Tagesstruktur, wo tagsüber Brot in einer direkt am Biobauernhof gelegenen Backstube hergestellt wird. Die Produkte werden derzeit an die naheliegenden Wohnhäuser der Einrichtung „Jugend am Werk“ geliefert.
Green Care reetabliert die Verbindung zwischen Landwirtschaft und Menschen mit Behinderung. Auf diesem Biobauernhof können sie miterleben wie verschiedene Getreidearten kultiviert, gemahlen und schlussendlich von ihnen selbst zu köstlichem Brot verbacken werden. Zusätzlich wird ihnen die Möglichkeit geboten die verschiedenen Arbeiten auf dem Hof zu durchleben. Das gibt ihnen Einsicht in die Lebensmittelproduktion.
Menschen mit Behinderung sind, oft unterschätzte, Unterstützer für die Gesellschaft und üben gerne bedeutungsvolle Arbeiten aus. Es ist wichtig definierte Strukturen zu implementieren, in denen sie ihre Fähigkeiten entfalten können. Das ist wichtig um ihr Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken und sie komplett in den Agrarsektor zu integrieren.…
Whitmuir Organics is 140 acres of working organic farmland in the Scottish Borders, rearing beef cattle, pigs, sheep, hens and turkeys and growing vegetables, salad leaves and soft fruit. In term of infrastructure they create after the butchery a first shop and restaurant. At moment Whitmuir is sustain 20 jobs in a rural areas for more than 5 years. The farm advocates organic farming and is developed as a Living Learning Space for sustainable food and farming. Both farm and butchery are certified by the Soil Association.
A novel product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
Supported by EU RDP in 2008 and Farm Business Diversification Scheme in 2005 . Designed own label and comply with organic standard.
Graig Farm Organic Meat (UK): Graig Farm is a meat processing, wholesaling, retailing and mail order business, located in mid-Wales on the border with England. The livestock used by Graig Farm are supplied by members (20) of the Graig Farm Producers Group, most of whom are based in the region. Nearly all of the products sold by Graig Farm are certified as organic.
A novel product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
The best example we know of a completely new product range in the SFC sector in Wales.
The Real Ale Shop, is a specialist real ale sales company started by farmer Teddy Maufe who wanted to promote East of England Malting Barley. It is an excellent example of how to add value to a traditional primary product, ensure traditional landscape preservation and reconnect consumers. It has proved very successful as it caught the wave of development in the local real ale market and has been expanding to offer a wider range of beers from local producers. It now promotes 12 craft beers, links strongly to tourism and has its own micro maltings, shop and online shop for direct sales to consumers.
Development of a novel product that also has economic benefits for primary producers and promotes landscape sustainability. A central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
Re-development of existing traditional products into more versatile products with contemporary uses. The importance of mediators in developing 'clever combinations' of knowledges, resouces, materials to create novel products.
Norfolk Saffron is a producer of innovative SFC products from Saffron which had a strong local history but had not been produced locally for many years. Drawing on the founder Dr Sally Francis’ background in research, Norfolk Saffron has developed a range of innovative food and drink products based on saffron as well as producing and selling the highest grade Saffron. Products are sold direct to consumers via online shop. Other outlets include local chefs and the product range is also stocked by local farm shops.
A new innovative business which developed new markets for products which had not been grown for decades in Norfolk.
There is potential to look at old products and to bring their production back as long as you focus on adding value and marketing to create a commercially viable market.
Fielding Cottage (Sam Steggles) is a goats cheese producer started by two young (when in their 20s) brothers who started with a few goats. It is now focused on buying goats milk from other farmers and adding value. Has been very successful at marketing into many local and national retail outlets and also now have a self service on farm retail unit – the ‘Goat Shed’ which also stocks a range of produce from other local food producers. Also produce skin care products with goats milk and sells leg of goat, burgers and diced goat meat. Also offers a "sponsor a goat" option to reconnect consumers.
The goats cheese and skin care ranges are novel products that also have economic benefits for primary producers. The meat sales are a novel way of utilising a by-product of the core business (Billy goat meat).
Fielding Cottage have been very successful in adding value by processing a primary product, but their real success lies in their abilty to market their product range by reconnecting with consumers and promoting the health benefits and distinctive quality and / taste.
Bigbarn is an online farm shop and retailing business set up by a farmer to promote local and regional foods. The MD Ant Davidson, is a marketeer who attracted attention early on as he was very happy to dress up as a carrot (or other vegetable) to attend shows and get his message across! It now promotes thousands of products on behalf of multiple small food producers and continues to grow. BigBarn is a Community Interest Company and as part of this hosts a database of case studies to help its producer members improve their businesses and better meet the needs of local consumers.
Reconnection of consumers with local producers. Improved profitabilty for local food producers, thereby boosting local rural communities to make them more sustainable.
Building local supply chains through sharing best practice. The importance of mediators in developing 'clever combinations' of knowledges, resouces, materials to facilitate the sale of local products and to reconnect consumers.
Mensa Cívica is a Spanish initiative that gathers European initiatives that promote sustainability in sustainable collective restoration. The initiative was presented at Expo H2O Zaragoza in 2008 after the English experience that has driven sustainability in school canteens and hospital social food at the 20 hospitals in South London. It will be provided with an ethical code and financial visibility to achieve several objectives, among others: To promote the change of specifications and contracting systems of public and private entities that promote social food, supporting good practices and their stakeholders in relation to food, health and sustainability; train the agents who operate in the cycle of sustainable collective restoration and disseminate their values and concrete actions among the organizations that support this initiative and society.
The good practice of this initiative is based on the promotion of the preferably use of sustainable products (such as local products) in the collective restauration (hospitals, schools, etc). Through this practice the consumption and the knowledge of local products among schoolchildren and general public is also being stimulated.
Through this initiative, they try to group organizations, companies and associations that join efforts to address sustainability in the modern processes of social food. The final purpose of the initiative is to contribute to the care of the environment and to the improvement of health.
To join the efforts with the European agents working in the same direction, realizing projects, campaigns and joint calls on food and, especially, in the matter of healthy, sustainable collective restoration and of the territories and their traditional local foods.
"Mensa Cívica es una iniciativa española que reúne iniciativas europeas que promueven la sostenibilidad en la restauración colectiva sostenible. La iniciativa fue presentada en la Expo H2O de Zaragoza en 2008 tras la experiencia inglesa que ha impulsado la sostenibilidad en comedores escolares y la comida social hospitalaria en los 20 hospitales del Sur Londres. Contará con un código ético y de visibilidad financiera para lograr varios objetivos, entre otros: Promover el cambio de especificaciones y sistemas de contratación de entidades públicas y privadas que promuevan alimentos sociales, apoyando las buenas prácticas y a sus partes interesadas en relación a los alimentos, la salud y la sostenibilidad; capacitar a los agentes que operan en el ciclo de la restauración colectiva sostenible y difundir sus valores y acciones concretas entre las organizaciones que apoyan esta iniciativa y la sociedad.
La buena práctica de esta iniciativa se basa en la promoción del uso preferente de productos sostenibles (como los productos locales) en la restauración colectiva (hospitales, escuelas, etc.). A través de esta práctica también se está estimulando el consumo y el conocimiento de los productos locales entre los escolares y el público en general ".
A través de esta iniciativa, se trata de agrupar a organizaciones, empresas y asociaciones que unan esfuerzos para abordar la sostenibilidad en los procesos modernos de alimentación social. El propósito final de la iniciativa es contribuir al cuidado del medio ambiente y a la mejora de la salud.
Unir los esfuerzos con los agentes europeos que trabajan en la misma dirección, realizando proyectos, campañas y convocatorias conjuntas sobre alimentación y, sobre todo, en materia de restauración colectiva saludable y sostenible y de los territorios y sus tradicionales alimentos locales.
" was created in the year 2007 by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Commerce of the Catalonian Government) to help promote and market local agrofood products and to stimulate growth in this area, which, together with tourism, forms one of the most important sectors of the Catalan economy. is a web page dedicated to local agrofood products from Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Alghero (Sardinia), and (coming soon) Perpignan and the area bordering Catalonia - Département des Pyrénées Orientales. At you can find information about the products and the producers as well as details about where you can buy these products (including buying direct from the farm and via Internet). On you will also find traditional as well as innovative Catalonian recipes based on local products, information about restaurants where you can enjoy Catalan cuisine, gastronomic routes, local fairs and markets, etc.
This initiative shows the commitment of the Catalonian Government with the local producers, making possible to offer their products to the local consumers using an internet platform, in a collaborative way, with a great variety of products and boosting and attracting the attention of the consumers, linking this local products with the tourism, restaurant where taste it and even with the Catalonian cuisine through recipes prepared with local products.'s aim is to support and promote local agrofood products. It is an interactive channel dedicated to professionals in the sector (distributors, chefs, producers, experts, promoters of gastro-tourism, etc.), as well as consumers, local organisations which work with local agrofood products and tourists interested in experiencing and enjoying the authentic taste of Catalan cuisine.
This initiative created by Catalan Regional Government could be used as reference to other Regional Departments to promote the local products of other Spanish regions.
Esta iniciativa creada por el Gobierno Regional de Cataluña podría servir de referencia a otros gobiernos regionales para promover los productos locales de otras regiones españolas. fue creada en el año 2007 por la Generalitat de Catalunya (Dirección General de Comercio) para ayudar a promover y comercializar productos agroalimentarios locales y estimular el crecimiento en esta área que, junto con el turismo, forma parte de la los sectores más importantes de la economía catalana. es una página web dedicada a los productos agroalimentarios locales de Cataluña, las Islas Baleares y Alghero (Cerdeña), y próximamente Perpignan y la zona fronteriza con Cataluña - Departamento de los Pirineos Orientales. En se puede encontrar información sobre los productos y los productores, así como detalles sobre dónde se pueden comprar estos productos (incluyendo la compra directa al productor en donde lo produce y/o por Internet) En también se pueden encontrar tradicionales e innovadores recetas catalanas basadas en productos locales, información sobre restaurantes donde se puede disfrutar de la cocina catalana, rutas gastronómicas, ferias y mercados locales, etc.
Esta iniciativa pone de manifiesto el compromiso del Gobierno de Cataluña con los productores locales, posibilitando ofrecer sus productos a los consumidores locales mediante una plataforma de internet, de forma colaborativa, con una gran variedad de productos y potenciando y atrayendo la atención de los consumidores, vinculando estos productos locales con el turismo, el restaurante donde se degusta y hasta con la cocina catalana a través de recetas preparadas con productos locales ".
El objetivo de es apoyar y promover los productos agroalimentarios locales. Es un canal interactivo dedicado a los profesionales del sector (distribuidores, cocineros, productores, expertos, promotores de gastro-turismo, etc.), así como a consumidores, organizaciones locales que trabajan con productos agroalimentarios locales y turistas interesados en experimentar y disfrutar del auténtico sabor de la cocina catalana.
Valencian Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives has been set collaboration agreements with catering schools since 2013 to carry out promotional actions on local products and to include these in the students' curriculum. In the frame of these agreements, the students (future cooks, businessmen or workers with decision level in tourism and / or catering companies) have the opportunity of visiting cooperatives in which the local products have been presented by the techniccians of the cooperatives and tasted. Besides, Valencian Federation of Cooperatives has prepared educational material on several local products (olive oil, rice, fruit and vegetables). In this way, a very narrow contact between cooperative local producer and future cooks is produced boosting the knowledge of the local products to be included in local recipes. Another interesting key point is that catering schools usually have restaurant open to the public in which local cooperative products are used in their recipes.
This initiative is boosting to obtain economic benefits by making it possible to establish future economic relations between future catering professionals and salesperson of the cooperatives. Some catering schools have a restaurant open to the public and have begun to use cooperative products (olive oil).
At the social level, in the presentations and in the communication made in the cooperatives to the students of the catering schools the cooperative values, the values of trade of proximity and the importance of promoting the local have been transferred. To cooperatives, the values that have been transferred are the importance of cooperation between professionals, the promotional force that has the work of marqueting directed to the sector of the restoration.
This initiative has made it possible to cover the need of the schools of catering to be more educated in the food products of their environment and to know the sensorial aspects of the products produced by the cooperatives. It has been introduced the concept that the nearby cooperative can be part of the business success of catering businesses in the same area. It can be an interesting model for other regions.
La Federación Valenciana de Cooperativas Agroalimentarias ha establecido acuerdos de colaboración con escuelas de restauración desde 2013, al objeto de llevar a cabo acciones promocionales sobre productos locales e incluirlos en el currículo de los estudiantes. En el marco de estos acuerdos, los estudiantes (futuros cocineros, empresarios o trabajadores con nivel de decisión en empresas de turismo y / o hostelería) tienen la oportunidad de visitar cooperativas en las que los productos locales son presentados por los técnicos de las cooperativas y degustados. Además, la Federación Valenciana de Cooperativas ha preparado material didáctico sobre varios productos locales (aceite de oliva, arroz, frutas y hortalizas). De esta manera, se produce un contacto muy estrecho entre el productor local cooperativo y los futuros cocineros, impulsando el conocimiento de los productos locales para ser incluidos en las recetas locales. Otro punto clave muy interesante es que las escuelas de restauración tienen generalmente un restaurante abierto al público en el cual los productos cooperativos locales pueden ser utilizados en sus recetas.
Esta iniciativa está impulsando la obtención de beneficios económicos, al permitir establecer futuras relaciones económicas entre los futuros profesionales de la restauración y los presponsables comerciales de las cooperativas. Algunas escuelas de hostelería cuentan con un restaurante abierto al público y ya han comenzado a utilizar productos cooperativos (aceite de oliva).
A nivel social, en las presentaciones y en la comunicación hecha por las cooperativas a los estudiantes de las escuelas de hostelería se han transmitido los valores cooperativos, los valores de comercio de proximidad y la importancia de promover lo local. A las cooperativas, los valores que se han transferido son la importancia de la cooperación entre profesionales, la fuerza promocional que tiene el trabajo de marketing dirigido al sector de la restauración.
Esta iniciativa ha permitido cubrir la necesidad de las escuelas de restauración de contar con más educación y formación acerca de los productos alimenticios de su entorno y conocer los aspectos sensoriales de los productos producidos por las cooperativas. Se ha introducido el concepto de que la cooperativa cercana puede ser parte del éxito comercial de las empresas de catering de la misma zona. Puede ser un modelo interesante para otras regiones.
The Market Day is an initiative of the Department of Environment, Local Administration and Spatial Planning of the Community of Madrid through the Agricultural Chamber of the Community of Madrid, which takes place every first Saturday of the month under the motto "MADRID CULTIVA Y PRODUCE ", creating a meeting point that allows the visitor personal contact with farmers, livestock and companies in the agri-food sector of the Community of Madrid, as well as direct access to their products.
On the web the producers who are scheduled to attend on that date or those who have already participated in specific dates are grouped by sectors .
Every day that the market is realized is dedicated to a product and free tastings are made.
This initiative has been taking place since 2011 and both the number of producers and consumers is increasing everytime. Since the market is placed in Madrid, a big city far from the reality of the field, this event has allowed to bring closer the urban consumers to the producers.
This initiative created by Community of Madrid Regional Government could be used as reference to other Regional Departments to promote the local products of other Spanish regions.
El Día de Mercado es una iniciativa del Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Administración Local y Ordenación del Territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid a través de la Cámara Agrícola de la Comunidad de Madrid, que tiene lugar cada primer sábado del mes bajo el lema "MADRID CULTIVA Y PRODUCE" , creando un punto de encuentro que permite al visitante contacto personal con agricultores, ganaderos y empresas del sector agroalimentario de la Comunidad de Madrid, así como acceso directo a sus productos.
En la web se agrupan por sectores los productores que asisten a esa fecha o los que ya han participado en fechas concretas.
Cada día que se realiza el mercado se dedica a un producto y se realizan degustaciones gratuitas.
Esta iniciativa se viene llevando a cabo desde 2011 y tanto el número de productores como de consumidores está aumentando cada vez. Dado que el mercado está situado en Madrid, una gran ciudad lejos de la realidad del campo, este evento ha permitido acercar los productores a los consumidores urbanos.
Esta iniciativa creada por el Gobierno Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid podría servir de referencia a otros gobiernos regionales al objeto de promover los productos locales de otras regiones españolas.
Good Practice' of farming "Pan Eco" aimed at the development in Transcarpathia professional production of organic health food, including a) the traditional product - specific thick jam, called Lequarré and b) products from dietary meat (pigs of known Hungarian breed Mangalica), which contains almost no cholesterol. A significant part of production is delivered in Ukrainian network of certified organic products and organic supermarkets of EU countries and the other - is implemented on the spot in agro-estate "Pan Eco". The farm was updated at the present level traditional technology of making Lequarré. It allowed dramatically expand their range: if previously Lequarré was cooked only from plums, now the farming is preparing Lequarré from 24 types of local fruits and berries. Thus, the developer provided modern requirements for packaging products, in particular – placing details of its composition and other characteristics. Thus, he realized the way of replace potentially harmful local handicraft products by guaranteed quality products for which there is high demand.
Thus, GP of this farm is in creation and manufacturing of unique original and demanded by local consumers’ short food supply chain, began by production particularly of local traditional product - Lequarré (but significantly increased product ranges / assortments by modern technology which increased its nutrition value and ends by local / national and international products realization / sale.
Adjusted production of high-quality environmentally friendly dietary products, including Lequarré and products from dietary pork (which contains almost no cholesterol). Demonstrated ways of significant improvement of quality and expand the range of traditional local products and the possibility of the economic feasibility of their professional production.
Re-development of existing traditional products into more versatile products with contemporary use. Unique experience and technologies of the farming deserve distribution in the region.
Зразкова практика фермерського господарства «Пан Еко» націлена на розвиток у Закарпатті професійного виробництва екологічно чистих дієтичних продуктів, зокрема а) традиційного продукту – специфічного густого джему, який називають лекваром та б) виробів із дієтичного м’яса (свиней відомої угорської породи мангалиць), яка практично не містить холестеролу. Значна частина продукції постачається у українську мережу сертифікованих органічних продуктів та органічні супермаркети країн ЄС, а інша – реалізується на місці, в агросадибі «Пан Еко». В господарстві оновлено на сучасному рівні традиційну технологію виготовленя леквару. Це дозволило кординально розширити їх асортимент: якщо раніше леквар варили лише із слив, то тепер господарство готує леквар із 24 видів місцевих фруктів і ягід. При цьому розробник забезпечив сучасні вимоги до пакування продукції, зокрема – розміщення детальної інформації про її склад та інші характеристики. Тим самим він реалізував шлях заміни потенційно небезпечних для здоров’я кустарних локальних продуктів гарантовано якісними продуктами, на які є високий попит. Отже, зразкова практика даного фермерського господарства полягає у створенні надзвичайно оригінальної і потрібної локальному споживачу короткої поживної ланки, котра починається, зокрема, із виробництва традиційного локального продукту – леквару (але у суттєво розширеному асортименті та за модернізованою технологією, котра підвищую його дієтичну цінність) і закінчується реалізацією продукту.
Налагоджено виробництво високоякісних екологічно чистих дієтичних продуктів, зокрема лекварів та виробів із дієтичної свинини (яка практично не містить холестеролу). Продемонстровано шляхи суттєвого покращення якості і розширення асортименту традиційних локальних продуктів та можливості забезпечення економічної доцільності їх професійного виробництва.
Реорганізація відомих традиційних продуктів у якісніші, більш придатні для сучасного використання. Унікальний досвід і технології господарства заслуговують на розповсюдження в регіоні.
Good Practice' of the Labas company focused on organization of large-scale supplies in a number of areas of Slovakia the most fresh bio- and eco- products, especially dairy and meat products, fruits and vegetables. Primary products are taken mainly from farmers by the developed in detail technology, which guarantees the maximum possible freshness of products, their quality and compliance with bio and eco requirements. Accepted primary production company delivers on its own transport on equipped with modern technology areas, where as soon as possible (in specially created conditions) products preparing for implementation to consumers fresh. The main principles of ‘Good Practice' of the Labas company are: bio, eco, fresh. Most of them realize within the own network of supermarkets, which are called Fresh. The company pays great attention to innovation, which further approximate the freshness of products in supermarkets to that that they have directly on the farm.
Adjusted in details massive supply of most fresh bio- and eco- meat and dairy products, fruits and vegetables from the farm to the consumer. Experience of the Labas company - is the experience of creating and using Short Food Supply Chains and Local Food Systems in various parts of Slovakia.
The recommendation is in distribution the practical experience of Labas company in large-scale creating Short Food Supply Chains. Effective may be providing scientifically based recommendations to the company in part of its innovation.
Vzorné skúsenosti firmy Labas sú zamerané na organizáciu rozsiahleho dodávania maximálne čerstvých bio- a eko- mäsových a mliečnych výrobkov, zeleniny a ovocia do určitého počtu okresov Slovenska. Prvotné produkty sa získavajú, hlavne, od farmárov podľa vypracovanej do detailov technológie, ktorá zaručuje maximálne možnú čerstvosť produktov, ich vysokú kvalitu a zhodu s bio- a eko- požiadavkami. Prijaté prvotné produkty firma pomocou svojej dopravy rozváža na vybavené modernou technikou strediská, kde v čonajkratších termínoch (v špeciálne vytvorených podmienkách) sa produkty ako čerstvé pripravujú na predaj spotrebiteľom. Základné princípy vzorných skúseností firmy Labas to sú bio, eko, fresh (čerstvosť). Väčšia časť produktov sa predáva vo vlastnej sieti supermarketov Fresh. Veľkú pozornosť firma venuje innováciám, ktoré zvyšujú čerstvosť produktov v supermarketoch na úroveň, ktorú mali bezprostredne na farme. V kontexte SKIN vzorné skúsenosti firmy Labas nadobúdajú osobitnú hodnotu predovšetkým vďaka úspešnej organizácii obrovského množstva relatívne krátkych potravinových reťazcov, každý z ktorých sa začína konkrétnym farmárskym hospodárstvom a končí realizáciou dôkladne pripravenej na predaj, ale aj maximálne čerstvej, produkcie tohto hospodárstva v jednom zo supermarketov siete Fresh.
Rozbehnuté do detailov a rozsiahle dodávanie maximálne čerstvých bio- a eko- mäsových a mliečnych výrobkov, zeleniny a ovocia z farmy k spotrebiteľom. Skúsenosti firmy Labas to sú praktické skúsenosti vytvorenia a používania krátkych potravinových reťazcov a lokálnych potravinových systémov v rozličných okresoch Slovenska.
Odporúčanie spočíva v šírení praktických skúseností firmy Labas v rozsiahlom vytvorení krátkych potravinových reťazcov. Efektívne by mohlo byť aj poskytnutie pre firmu vedecky zdôvodnených odporúčaní ohľadom jej innovačnej činnosti.
Eco farm Važec (a certified ECO farm in northern Slovakia) produces organic cheeses, traditional Slovak bryndza, parenice, cheese strings, broth and whey, made from milk from organically reared cows and sheep.
Its goal is a long-term, sustainable and natural system of agriculture. Its basic principles include a) food production has to be ecological both at its origin and at the final product, b) integration of species, which support the sustainability of the ecosystem and offer a range of alternative products, c) minimizing “food miles”, the consumption of packaging, energy and waste products, d) definition of a new ecosystem suitable for the needs of mankind with the help of knowledge from the existing ecosystems all around the world and e) support of the natural soil ecosystem, its microorganisms. 'Good practice' of the farming is to implement in it ultrashort Food Supply Chain, starting with breeding and grazing of about 1000 cows and sheep, and ending with the production and sale in their local 2 shops fresh Slovak traditional organic products from cow's and sheep's milk. Thus the production processes are carried with must-use basic methods of ecological farming, namely: а) soil erosion prevention, b) water infiltration prevention, c) ecosystem regeneration, d) cymbiotic fauna and flora support, e) natural bio diversity support and f) the support of bio diversity of food production and other end products of farming activities.
Adjusted (with the use of fundamental methods of ecological farming) closed production and implementation of fresh Slovak traditional organic products from cow's and sheep's milk, which enjoys justified high demand among the population of the region and many tourists. Experience of Eco farm Važec demonstrates high economic feasibility of such entities.
The recommendation is in distributing the Eco farm Važec’ experience in ecologically clean mountain areas of Zilina region in Slovakia.
Certifikovaná ekofarma Važec na severe Slovenska vyrába organické syry, tradičnú slovenskú bryndzu, parenice, syrové nite, žinčicu a zákvas z mlieka od kráv a oviec z ekologického chovu. Základné princípy hospodárenia ktorých sa drží Važec pre zabezpečenie stálosti, trvalosti a prírodnosti výroby, sú také: а) produkcia jedla má byť ekologická ako pri pôvode, tak pri výslednom produkte, b) integrácia druhov, ktoré udržiavajú chod ekosystému a poskytujú výber alternatívnych produktov, c) minimalizácia „potravinových kilometrov“, spotrebu obalov, spotrebu energie a odpadu, d) definícia nového ekosystému vhodného pre potreby ľudstva za pomoci znalostí z existujúcich ekosystémov na celom svete, e) podpora prirodzeného ekosystému pôdy, jej mikroorganizmov.
Vzornou skúsenosťou hospodárstva je realizácia extrakrátkeho potravinového reťazca, ktorý sa začína chovom a pasením okolo 1000 kráv a oviec a končí sa výrobou a predajom čerstvých slovenských tradičných BIO výrobkov z kravského a ovčieho mliečka v dvoch vlastných lokálnych predajniach. Pritom výrobné procesy sa uskutočňujú s povinným uplatnením fundamentálnych metód ekologického farmárstva, a to: а) prevencia erózie pôdy, b) prevencia infiltrácie vody, c) regenerácia ekosystému, d) podpora symbiotickej fauny a flóry, e) podpora prirodzenej biodiverzity, f) podpora biodiverzity produkcie potravín a ďalších výsledných produktov roľníckej činnosti.
Rozbehnutá (s použitím fundamentálnych metód ekologického farmárstva) cyklická výroba a realizácia čerstvých slovenských tradičných BIO výrobkov z kravského a ovčieho mlieka, ktorá má tradične vysoký dopyt medzi obyvateľstvom regiónu a veľkého počtu turistov. Skúsenosti ekofarmy Važec svedčia o vysokej ekonomickej účelnosti takého hospodárenia.
Odporúčanie spočíva v šírení skúseností ekofarmy Važec v ekologicky čistých horských oblastiach Žilinského kraja na Slovenska.
Practice of the farming "Baranovo" aimed at revival of sheep breeding and cheesemaking in the mountainous areas of Transcarpathia. Developer for the first time in the region modernized processing of sheep and goat milk using Italian equipment for small farms. As a result, he established production of 15 types of dairy products (traditional and modern) which differ by the highest quality (made from natural milk using only organic sourdough and contains no preservatives). In this case developer provided modern requirements for packaging products, in particular - placing details of its composition and other characteristics. Thus he realized the way of replace harmful artisanal local products from sheep and goat milk by guaranteed quality products for which there is high demand.
Adjusted production of high quality cheese and other dairy products from sheep and goat milk that enjoys justified high demand among the population of the region. Experience of the farming "Baranovo" demonstrates high economic feasibility of revival of the traditional for mountain areas of Transcarpathia sheep breeding and cheesemaking.
The recommendation is in dissemination of farming’ «Baranovo» experience in the mountainous areas of Transcarpathia and in improving the results of such entities by providing scientifically based recommendations for optimizing production range from sheep and goat milk in terms of the requirements of modern nutrition.
Зразкова практика господарства «Бараново» націлена на відродження вівчарства та сироробства в гірських районах Закарпаття. Розробник вперше у регіоні модернізував переробку овечого та козиного молока за допомогою італійського обладнання для малих господарств. В результаті він налагодив виробництво 15 видів молочної продукції (традиційної і сучасної), яка відрізняється найвищою якістю, виготовляється виключно із натурального молока з використанням лише органічних заквасок, без консервантів. При цьому розробник забезпечив сучасні вимоги до пакування продукції, зокрема – розміщення детальної інформації про її склад та інші характеристики. Тим самим він реалізував шлях заміни небезпечних для здоров’я кустарних місцевих продуктів з овечого та козиного молока гарантовано якісними продуктами, на які є високий попит.
Налагоджене виробництво високоякісних сирів та інших видів молочної продукції з овечого та козиного молока, що користується виправданим високим попитом серед населення регіону. Досвід господарства «Бараново» демонструє високу економічну доцільність відродження традиційного для гірських районів Закарпаття вівчарства та сироробства.
Рекомендація полягає у розповсюдженні досвіду господарства «Бараново» в гірських районах Закарпаття та покращенні результатів такого господарювання шляхом надання науково обґрунтованих рекомендацій щодо оптимізації асортименту продукції з овечого та козиного молока у плані вимог сучасної дієтології.
Family company with more than 30 years experience in beekeeping and production of honey and honey mixtures. Special attention is focused on bee grazing areas, environmental sustainability and preservation of healthy components of honey and its products.
A novel product that can bring benefit to final consumers based on traditional honey production - food supplements for immunity system improvement.
The Vorgic company follows and preserves traditional way of beekeeping and honey production. Nevertheless, they are not closed for new technologies and innovations. In addition, their fields and processing facilities are always opened for new practitioners who want to learn and develop their skills.
Porodična kompanija sa više od 30 godina iskustva u pčelarstvu i proizvodnji meda i pčelinjih proizvoda. Posebna pažnja posvećena je odabiru pašnjaka, očuvanju životne sredine i očuvanju svojstava meda i drugih pčelinjih proizvoda.
Porodična kompanija sa više od 30 godina iskustva u pčelarstvu i proizvodnji meda i pčelinjih proizvoda. Posebna pažnja posvećena je odabiru pašnjaka, očuvanju životne sredine i očuvanju svojstava meda i drugih pčelinjih proizvoda.
Kompanija Vorgić praktikuje i neguje tradicionalan način proizvodnje meda i pčelinjih proizvoda. Ipak, ova kompanija ne odbija nove tehnologije koje im mogu pomoći u proizvodnju što kvalitetnijih proizvoda. Takođe, njihov posed je uvek otovern za sve ljude koji žele da nauče i razviju svoje veštine.
RazBeerbriga brewery was founded in 2015 as a result of the great desire to introduce Serbian (Vojvodina's) market with craft beers made in small, independent breweries whose production is characterized by natural ingredients, inevitable creativity, experimentation and new tastes. Established as a hobby, a beers from this production serve to escape the cares and stress.
Novel beer introduced to Serbian market.
By introducing new tasted, flavours and ingredients Razbeerbriga opened the door for craft beer production and consumption.
Razbeerbriga pivara je osnovana 2015 godine kao posledica velike želje da se na srpskom (vojvođanskom) tržištu pojave točena piva napravljena u malim, zanatskim radionicama, čiju proizvodnju karakterišu prirodni sastojci, kreativnost, sklonost eksperimentisanju i stvaranju novih ukusa. Piva iz ove pivare služe za beg iz stresnog okruženja i briga.
Nova vrsta piva na tržištu Srbije.
Uvođenjem novih ukusa, aroma i sastojaka, Razbeerbriga je otvorila vrata zanatskim pivarama na teritoriji čitave Srbije.
In the south of Serbia, in the region known for its natural beauties, fresh air and clean cold water, there is a centuries – long tradition in small fruit and mushroom picking. Since the very beginning, the company has had a rising line of development and modernization of the equipment for collecting, processing and distribution of fresh small fruit and agriculture products.
The products are made by hand, from the highest quality raw materials. They do not contain extra additives or preservatives, and therefore represent very healthy food. The name of the product line is "Birano", meaning selected. On the course of SKIN project it will be elaborated just ajvar (traditional product made of peppers) and dried mushrooms from the Birano line.
Re-development of existing traditional products into more sophisticated products. Organic practice.
Na jugu Srbije, regionu poznatom po svojim prirodnim lepotama, svežem vazduhu i čistoj hladnoj vodi, postoji vekovima stara tradicija u prikupljanju šumskog voća i gljiva. Od samog početka, kompanija je imala rast u razvitku i modernizaciji opreme za sakupljanje, procesuiranje, i distribuciju svežeg šumskog voća i ostalih poljoprivrednih proizvoda.
Proizvodi su ručno napravljeni, od najkvalitetnijih sirovina. Ne sadrže aditive niti konzervanse, te predstavljaju veoma zdravu hranu. Ime proizvodne linije je "Birano", što znaci odabrano. Za potrebe SKIN projekta biće obrađeni samo ajvar, tradicionalni proizvod napravljen od paprike, i osušene gljive iz Birano proizvodne linije.
Dodatno razvijanje postojećih tradicionalnih proizvoda u sofisticiranije proizvode, organske proizvodnje.
The organic meat Bio Panon comes from Serbia, from a farm in Čurug.
The cattle on Bio Panon farm are fed with pure organic food, have enough grazing and living space, enjoy the sun at its own free will, drink water whenever they are thirsty, are never tied and live in accordance with their natural needs.
Bio Panon has ensured sufficient grazing area, while the rest of the organic plant production takes place on a 2,000 ha of fertile land in the Bačka region. Bio Panon tends to the needs of their 2,000 heads of cattle and feed them exclusively the organic food they produce themselves. Spending time out in the open, on grazing fields and pastures, the animals feel better, their health and appetite are higher compared to those of the animals living in confinement, which in turn adds to the quality of milk and meat. Bio Panon organic farm has implemented modern technology in accordance with the rules of organic production.
Principles and regulations of organic production stipulate that organic meat must be both produced and sold locally with no long-distance transport, packaged in such a way to avoid product contamination, and delivered fresh to the client in the shortest amount of time.
This is why their organic beef is delivered directly to consumers' home, guaranteeing a fresh, healthy product delivered in a controlled cold distribution chain.
A novel product (organic meat) that is directly distributed to consumers.
Market niche for organic meat production in Serbia is very big and has potential for new companies.
Organsko meso Bio Panon, dolazi iz Srbije, farme iz Čuruga.
Grla na Bio Panon farmi su prehranjivana isključivo organskom hranom, sa velikom slobodom kretanja i uživanja na suncu. Voda im je dostupna u svakom momentu. Grla nikad nisu vezana i žive u skladu sa svojim potrebama. BioPanon je obezbedio dovoljno područja za ispašu, dok se ostatak organske proizvodnje odvija na 2000 hektara plodnog zemljišta. Bio Panon teži potrebama svojih 2000 grla, i hrani ih isključivo sa organskom hranom koju sami proizvode. Zbog vremena provedenog na otvorenim pašnjacima, životinje se osećaju bolje, što rezultira sa njihovim poboljšanim zdravljem i apetitom koji je znatno veći u poređenju sa životinjama koje žive zatvorene. Takav život dodatno utiče i na veći kvalitet mleka i mesa, koje Bio Panonova grla doprinose. Bio Panonska organska farma ima implementiranu modernu tehnologiju u skladu sa pravilima organske proizvodnje. Principi i propisi o organskoj proizvodnji propisuju da se organsko meso mora proizvesti i prodati lokalno, bez transporta na velike razdaljine, upakovano na način da se izbegne zagađenje proizvoda uz najkraće vreme dostave klijentu.
A novel product (organic meat) that is directly distributed to consumers.
Market niche for organic meat production in Serbia is very big and has potential for new companies.
The food supply chain typically consists of independent stages of the chain specializing in some specific group of processes i.e. purchasing and trade, manufacturing, distribution.
The transactions between the stages of the chain are taking place on the market, therefor the functional weaknesses of the market i.e. information asymmetry, property rights, transaction costs, external effects can occur. To reduce weaknesses of the market i.e. information asymmetry with regard on quality and quantity of agricultural products the group of farmers established the group Silesian Grain that includes the next stage of chain – processing.
Full control of the process from the field to the finished product through the supply chain and production within the Group. Cereals are processed in mills and processed in a unique flour mill.
The main results are high quality, fully traceable, standarized product.
End user is provided with a product that consists of raw materials from one region.
Żywnościowy łańcuch dostaw składa się zazwyczaj z niezależnych ogniw specjalizujących się w określonej grupie procesów, tj. zakup i handel, produkcja, dystrybucja.
Transakcje zachodzące między ogniwami łańcucha zachodzą na rynku, dlatego też mogą pojawić się funkcjonalne słabości rynku, tj. asymetria informacji, prawa własności, koszty transakcyjne, efekty zewnętrzne. W celu zredukowania wpływu tychże słabości rynku, powstała grupa „Silesian Grain”, która obejmuje etap przetwórstwa. Grupa całkowicie kontroluje proces przetwórstwa produktów od momentu pozyskania ich z pola do otrzymania produktu końcowego.
Wytwarzane produkty mają najwyższą jakość, istnieje całkowita możliwość śledzenia produktu od momentu uprawy zbóż, produkty są znormalizowane.
Klient końcowy otrzymuje produkt, który został przetworzony ze zbóż zjednego regionu.
The mobile press is simply a press on trailer. The kit on the mobile platform creates a complete line - from fruit washing, grinding, pressing, pasteurisation to bag-in-box packaging or bottles. They can be used anywhere with access to clean water from the aqueduct, three-phase electricity and, of course, fruit and / or vegetables. The planter does not have to organize transportation, spend his time and money to get the fruit to the press, and for pressing he pays as much as he takes the stationary press.
Producer don't have to transport his fruits to juice producer in order to obtain a juice. Producer saves time and money.
Producer saves time and money. Producer don't have to transport his fruits to juice producer in order to obtain a juice.
Tłocznia mobilna to po prostu tłocznia na przyczepie. Zestaw urządzeń na mobilnej platformie tworzy kompletną linię - od mycia owoców, przez rozdrabnianie, prasowanie, pasteryzację po rozlew do opakowań bag-in-box lub butelek. Można ich użyć w dowolnym miejscu z dostępem do czystej wody z wodociągu, trójfazowego łącza elektrycznego oraz, oczywiście, owoców i/lub warzyw. Sadownik nie musi organizować transportu, poświęcać swojego czasu i pieniędzy by dowieźć owoce do tłoczni, a za tłoczenie płaci tyle samo, ile bierze tłocznia stacjonarna.
Producent nie musi transportować owoców do tłoczni stacjonarnej w celu wytworzenia soku, dzięki czemu producent oszczędza na kosztach transportu.
Producent nie musi transportować owoców do tłoczni stacjonarnej w celu wytworzenia soku, dzięki czemu producent oszczędza na kosztach transportu. Dodatkowo producent oszczędza czas, który musiałby poświęcić na transport.
Coolomats is an innovative, 24/7 accessory that allows customers of online food stores to pick up orders in a convenient location without having to wait for the courier at home.
Coolmats are installed in locations convenient for home-based travelers such as gas stations, large housing estates and outlets to suburban bedrooms.
The basic unit consists of at least 35 clocks, of which 21 allows storage of products at a temperature of -20C. The single module consists of 7 cloaks, the cooomata are centrally managed and the providers communicate with the system through dedicated APIs.
Shortening the supply chain reduces costs for the end customer while maintaining a satisfactory margin for the manufacturer.
End users have access to fresh and healthy food at any time at their chosen location.
Coolomaty to innowacyjne, dostępne 24h na dobę urządzenia, które umożliwiają klientom spożywczych sklepów internetowych odbiór zamówienia w wygodnej lokalizacji bez konieczności oczekiwania na kuriera w domu.
Coolomaty są instalowane w lokalizacjach wygodnych dla podróżujących z pracy do domu takich jak stacje benzynowe, duże osiedla mieszkaniowe czy drogi wylotowe do podmiejskich sypialni. Maszyny w wersji podstawowej składają się z co najmniej 35 skrytek, z których 21 umożliwia przechowywanie produktów w temperaturze regulowanej do -20C. Pojedyńczy moduł składa z się z 7 skrytek, cooomaty zarządzane są centralnie a dostawcy komunikują się z systemem poprzez dedykowane API.
Skracanie łańcucha dostaw zmniejsza koszty dla kleinta końcowego oraz zwiększa marżę dla producenta.
Klient końcowy ma dostęp do świeżej i zdrowej żywności o każdej porze w wybranej przez siebie lokalizacji.
Typically the highest margin in the supply chain goes to those stages of the chain who are close to the customer. To bring closer the customers and increase the margin at the farm level the higher value offered to the customer needs to be created.
To create higher value and to increase the margin at the farm level the brand “Grójeckie Apple” was created, which is rather uncommon for the mass product like apples. Grójec is the main area of apple growing in Poland (ca. 40 km from Warsaw). The brand includes special logotype and special art of packaging i.e. multipacks for apples. Thanks to this brand it was possible to increase significant direct sales of high class products and to reduce sale for mass processing.
Apple producers who want to promote their products have benefited from a certificate of protected origin. This is a rather interesting situation that the certificate refers to the primary product and not the processed food.
This was possible due to the climatic and soil conditions of the sites from which they came from. These areas are part of the Central Highlands and the South Lowlands, where there is a special microclimate, characterized by low temperatures at night, in the period preceding fruit harvest. It does not, of course, affect the specific, expressive taste of apples. Also specific soils characteristic of the area of Grójec, they are ideal for growing apple trees.
Premium and first class products to stand out on the domestic and foreign markets with higher profits.
End user is provided with a product that until now was not so standardized.
Łańcuchy dostaw charakteryzują się tym, że najwyższa marża trafia do ogniw, które są najbliżej klienta. Aby zwiększyć marżę na poziomie rolników oraz przybliżyć klienta do tego ogniwa należy wykreować większą wartość dodaną dla klientów. Właśnie w takim celu powstała marka „Jabłka grójeckie” – takie rozwiązanie jest raczej rzadkością dla masowej produkcji.
Grójec jest głównym obszarem uprawy jabłoni w Polsce (ok. 40 km od Warszawy). Marka zawiera specjalny logotyp oraz rodzaj pakowania, tj. multipaki dla jabłek. Dzięki powstałej marce znacznie zwiększono sprzedaż bezpośrednią produktów wysokiej klasy oraz zmniejszono sprzedaż masową.
Producenci jabłek, którzy chcą promować swoje produkty, skorzystali z certyfikatu chronionego pochodzenia. Certyfikat odnosi się w tym przypadku do produktu pierwotnej produkcji a nie do produktu przetworzonego. Było to możliwe dzięki warunkom klimatycznym oraz uwarunkowaniom glebowym terenów, na których uprawiane są jabłka. Na tych obszarach panuje specjalny mikroklimat poprzedzający czas zbioru owoców, charakteryzujący się niską temperaturą w nocy. Oczywiście nie ma to wpływu na specyficzny smak jabłek.
Produkty premium wyróżniają sięna rynku krajowym oraz zagranicznym przynosząc większe zyski dla rolników.
Użytkownik końcowy otrzymuje produkt, który nie był wcześniej w takim stopniu znormalizowany.
Posta a Bassi is an agritourism applying the multifunctional concept. In fact, they supply their restaurant mostly through goods product by themselves. They farm different products in small scale, just to feed the restaurant consumption. They produce vegetables (turnip, chard, chicory, aubergine, zucchini, pepper, cabbage, red onion, garlic, tomato, fava bean, green pea, radicchio, salad, basil, parsley and celery) and grain (mostly wheat). The wheat is used for producing flour that is used for bakery product, such as bread, pizza and focaccia bread. In any case, other products come from local producers, such as wine, meat and cheeses. They exploit local supply chain and before selecting a supplier, they get ensure that quality of goods is in compliance with their standards. In other words, the goods not travel more than 60-70 kilometres. Posta a Bassi is also a social farm. They offer pet therapy and social vegetable garden.
The adopted approach to carry out activities and supply consumers reduces environmental impacts and allow applying lower price to consumers. Furthermore, they expect to increase the demand leveraging on the offered food healthiness and gaining from social farm.
The organization has hired a manager for coordinating and leading the factory farm activities and developing projects. They also push the activities leveraging on very close natural and historical heritage placed at the Gargano. In fact, they promote cultural routes across the Gargano. The pet therapy is led by specialist from psychology sector.
Posta a Bassi è un agriturismo che applica il concetto della multifunzionalità. Infatti, riforniscono il loro ristorante solo con prodotti dei loro campi. Coltivano diversi prodotti in piccole quantità, solo per soddisfare i consumi del ristorante. Producono ortaggi/verdure (rape, cicoria, bietole, melanzane, zucchine, peperoni, cavoli, cipolla rossa, aglio, pomodori, fave, piselli, radicchio, insalate, basilico, prezzemolo e sedano) e cereali (soprattutto grano). Il grano è usato per produrre farina che viene usata per i prodotti da forno, come il pane, la pizza e la focaccia. Gli altri prodotti, come il vino, la carne e i formaggi vengono riforniti da produttori locali. Sfruttano le filiere locali e prima ancora di selezionare un fornitore, si assicurano che la qualità dei beni acquistati sia conforme ai propri standard qualitativi. In altre parole, i prodotti no percorrono più di 60-70 cholometri. Posta a Bassi è anche una masseria didattica. Offrono servizi di terapia con animali domestici e di orti sociali.
Le attività sono portate avanti con un approccio che riduce gli impatti ambientali della filiera e consente di praticare un prezzo più basso alla clientela. Inoltre, si aspettano di aumentare la domanda, facendo leva sulla salubrità dei prodotti alimentari offerti e guadagnare dalla masseria sociale.
L'azienda ha assunto un manager che coordina e dirige le attività in essere e lo sviluppo dei nuovi progetti. Cercano di promuovere la propria realtà facendo leva sul patrimonio artistico e naturale rappresentato dal Gargano e dai paesi garganici. A questo scopo, promuovono percorsi turistici attraverso il Gargano. La terapia con animali domestici è gestita e portata avanti da psicologi.
Querceta Farm produces extra virgin oil, meat and cheese. Their are specialized in bio production, respecting the 834/2007 EU law. No preservative materials are used during trasformation processes. The land fertility is improved only using natural fertilizing and traditional techniques (crop rotation, useful insects diffusion and mechanical unnecessary grass removal). The livestock are conducted respecting their life cycle and health (biodynamic approach). Each head have suitable space and freedom movement in accessing to the pasture. They are fed with raw material. The farm takes under control the right ratio between available areas and bred heads in order to not generate soil and aquifer pollution. The farm promotes campaign for becoming people aware on the role of heath food as a paradigm for respecting the environmental. Querceta farm supplies markets only through short supply chain, directly from producer to consumers. Furthermore, the farm is a multifunctional organization. It includes a social farm. Social farm consists of a livestock visiting, mozzarella/burrata production visiting and taste itinerary.
The final outcomes achieve an environmental impacts reduction; healthier food supplied to consumers; lower price applied to the markets due to the short supply chain. The green processes enable the Querceta farm to improve the sustainability in terms of social, environmental and economic dimension.
The Azienda agricola Querceta undertakes a circular economies that enable the pratitioner to reduce the residuals and food losses, gaining benefits in terms of costs reduction.
L'azienda Quercete produce olio extra vergine, carni e formaggi. Sono specializzati nelle produzioni bio, rispettando il regolamento comunitario 834/2007. Non sono usati conservanti durante i processi di trasformazione. La fertilità dei terreni viene migliorata attraverso l'utilizzo di fertilizzanti naturali e tecniche tradizionali (rotazione delle colture, diffusione di insetti utili e la rimozione meccanica delle erbe infestanti). Gli allevamenti sono portati avanti rispettando il ciclo di vita degli animali e la loro salute. Ogni capo ha lo spzio necessario ed è libero di muoversie accedere al pascolo. Gli animali sono alimentati con prodotti naturali. L'azienda tiene sotto controllo il giusto rapporto tra territori disponibili e numero di capi pascolati, al fine di non provocare un inquinamento dei terreni e delle falde acquifere. L'azienda promuove campagne di sensibilizzazione sul ruolo del cibo sano come paradigma per rispettare l'ambiente. L'azienda Querceta rifornisce solo i mercati di filiera corta, direttamente dal produttore al consumatore. Inoltre, è un'azienda agricola multifunzionale. Al suo interno, c'è una masseria didattica. La masseria didattica permette di fare percorsi educativi visitando gli allevamenti e i luoghi dove si produce la mozzarella/burrata, prima di una degustazione dei prodotti.
I risultati consistono in una riduzione degli impatti ambientali, la produzione di cibo più salutare, un prezzo più basso da praticare sui mercati grazie alla filiera corta. La sostenibilità dell'azienda prende forma in tre dimensioni: sociale, ambientale ed economica.
L' Azienda agricola Querceta intraprende economie circolari che consentono all'operatore di ridurre la produzione di materiali di scarto e perdite alimentari, ottenendo benefici di riduzione di costi di produzione.
The farm produces several pruducts adopting biological practices. The mentioned products are: sunflowers, pharaoh wheat, buckwheat, flax, spelt, lentil, barley, manitoba wheat, fava bean, soft wheat and millet. The farm is a multifunctional organization. Terre Colombaia is also an agritourism. It supplies its production to visitors hosted in agritourism rooms, through a bio-canteen that prepares plates with traditional receipes using bio-products. There is a social farm as well, where schoolchildren and interested groups can get around for visiting the land and learning traditional cultivation techniques. To this extent, Torre Colombaia has 100 hectars of lands used as a naturalistic museum. The biodiversity is preserved by these activities returning benefits to the territory. Finally, in order to make known how the activities are delivered, Terre Colombia organizes public thematic events.
The main result of Torre Colombaia is represented by a multifunctional system increasing the value for the stakeholders in terms of environmental, economic and social sustainability. It preserves natural resources and underpins the biodiversity reproduction. It stocks their activities with renewable energy making more and more green the farm outline.
The main recommendation is related to the need of having advanced and complex competences to diversify the business, as made by Torre Colomaia.
L'azienda produce alcuni alimenti adottando pratiche biologiche. Cosa produce: girasoli, grano del faraone, grano saraceno, lino, farro, orzo, lenticchie, grano manitoba, fagioli, grano tenero e miglio. Si tratta di un'azienda multifunzionale. Terre Colombaia è anche un agriturismo. Utilizza i prodotti delle loro coltivazioni per venderli agli ospiti dell'agriturismo. Inoltre, con gli stessi prodotti riforniscono il ristorante dove vengono preparati piatti utilizzando ricette tradizionali del posto. L'azienda ha anche una masseria didattica, dove scolaresche e gruppi di individui interessati possono visitare i campi e apprendere le tecniche di coltivazione. A questo proposito, Torre Colombaia ha cento etteri di terreno dedicati usati come Museo Naturalistico Diffuso. L'azienda, infine, organizza eventi aperti al pubblico per mostrare come vengono portate avanti le attività.
L'approccio multifunzionale aumenta il valore per i portatori di interesse in termini di sostenibilità ambientale e sociale. La biodiversità viene preservata e le riproduzioni delle specie vengono supportate. L'azienda riduce al minimo l'impiego di risorse non rinnovabili, infatti l'approvvigionamento energetico viene quasi totalmente da energie rinnovabili.
La principale raccomandazione riguarda la necessità di attuare un processo di diversificazione del business che richiede competenze diverse e complesse. Questo consente di ottenere un'azienda agrizola che rispetta l'ambiente e preserva il territorio.
Vazapp is an innovative association born few years ago. It was created by a group of young actors living the occupational territorial problems, to stimulate young human resources to not abandon the territory. The idea aims to enable young farmers or simply people without any employment, to get together and share experiences/interests. The meeting take place within an events named "Contadinner". It is a dinner where participate people interested in engaging new business relationship and opportunities. Each dinner takes place in a different location from the precedent one, such as farm of someone who is available in hosting the event or any other place agreed among Vazapp' leaders. Participants exploit the pleasure of having a dinner in enjoyable place and traditional and local food, to act relationship for potential future collaboration. No more than twenty participants can take part to each dinner. It has been planned twenty "Contadinner". At the moment, fourteen have take place. The organizers have been exploiting these events for collecting data to catalog needs raised by players. This approach put together the principles from multi actor approach and principles inspiring the bottom-up approach. It reveals strong synergies unknown by the locals in the past. It appears as a prominent social innovation.
The "Contadinner" events have been allowing the birth of new organization, established for the initiative of people/young farmer who have got together the energy after the dinner. In addition, the sharing experiences and competences allow the knowledge transfer and real uptake. The appearing results have been showing that player are becoming more and more smart in terms of capabilities in using ICTs devices and speaking more than native language.
Vazapp will become an increasingly large organization in terms of the territory where is going to operate. They aim to involve international operators in orders to returns benefits to the European macro-region. Stakeholders can benefit from the cooperation. The cooperation enables SMEs to reach international markets. Furthermore, the readers have to know that identified unsatisfied needs are presented to the public institutions, such as agricultural ministry, to address future policies for allocating resources.
The main recommendation is that, although Vazapp facilitates the networking and resulting synergies to start up with a business initiative after meeting through Vazapp experience, it does not ensure the success of the initiative, neither any additional support.
Vazapp è un'associazione innovativa nata pochi fa. È stata creata da un gruppo di giovani che vivono le problematiche occupazionali del territorio al fine di incentivare i giovani a non abbandonarlo per cercare fortuna altrove. L'idea permette a giovani agricoltori o semplici persone senza alcuna occupazione, di incontrarsi e condividere esperienze e interessi. Gli incontri avvengono nell'ambito di eventi chaimati "Contadinner". Si tratta di cene dove partecipano persone interessate ad attivare nuove relazioni/opportunità per fare affari. Ogni cena viene fatta in un posto diverso dal precedente, come masserie di qualche partecipante disponibile ad ospitare l'evento, o in qualsiasi altro posto deciso dagli organizzatori. I commensali sfruttano il piacere di cenare in un bel posto e assaggiando del cibo/ricette tradizionali per attivare relazioni per eventuali future collaborazioni. Ad ogni "Contadinner" non possono partecipare più di venti attori. Sono state pianificate venti cene sociali, di cui quattordici già sono state fatte. Inoltre, gli organizzatori degli eventi, sfruttano l'occasione per raccogliere dati sui bisogni che vengono presentati proprio da chi vive quotidianamente le dinamiche delle filiere agroalimentari. Questo approccio mette insieme i principi del approccio multi actor con i principi che ispirano l'approccio bottom-up, innescandovi sinergie.
Le cene "Contadinner" stanno permettendo la nascita di nuove organizzazioni, grazie all'iniziativa di persone/giovani agricoltori che si sono incontrati e riuniti per iniziare a fare impresa dopo essersi conosciuti all'evento. Inoltre, la condivisione di esperienze e competenze consente il traserimento di conoscenze e una reale applicazione delle stesse. I risultati mostrano che gli operatori stanno diventando sempre più capaci di utilizzare strumenti informatici e di parlare più della semplice madrelingua.
Vazapp sta diventanto una realtà sempre più grande e sta attirando l'attenzione di molti operatore del settore. Infatti, i fondatori ambiscono a coinvolgere operatori internazionali al fine di trarre benefici per la macro-regione Europa. I portatori di interessi possono beneficiare dalla cooperazione. La cooperazione permette alle piccole medie imprese di raggiungere i mercati internazionali. Inoltre, il lettore deve sapere che i bisogni individuati come insoddisfatti, sono portati all'attenzione delle pubbliche istituzioni per indirizzare le future politiche per allocare risorse.
Infine, nonostante Vazapp sia un facilitatore di reti al fine di permettere relazioni sociali che si traducano in iniziative imprenditoriali, non garantisce alcuna garanzia, nè supporto al successo dell'iniziativa.
It dates back to 18th century. It is a large farm where any product supplied to the consumers is farmed within the organization. They produce olive oil, vegetable, wine, grain and bovine meat. The meat comes from a livestock placed very close and it is carefully selected. The livestock is fed by natural animal feed. The meat and the olive oil produced are labelled and sold to local markets. They process goods only using traditional recipes. Every plates and course is self-made, such as the cheese, the pasta, the wine and alcoholic beverage (bitter and grappa). The atmosphere aims to enjoy the experience. In fact, they broadcast slow music to get relaxed the guests. Furthermore, it is possible to look around the countryside, visiting the old house belonged to a countess and the old church beside placed.
The main results concern the built synergies amongst the quality of the offered food and plates , the increasingly local market ratio and the old buildings become attractions for visitors. The organization aims to increase the demand durig the winter season, when the demand flows drastically decrease. In other words, Masseria Calderoso undertakes the rural development through preserving the heritage; producing healthy food thanks to the rationalization and selection of the input factors (e.g. helthy animal feed for livestock) and, in turn, preserving the environment; building local networks across and connecting rural, per-urban and urban areas.
The organization recommends trying pushing for engaging foreign off- season demand. To this extent, it is important to deep study different offers, taking into consideration that the main challange consists in being able to attract demand every season.
Masseria Calderoso è un agriturismo che risale al XVIII secolo. Si tratta di una grande azienda agricola dove ogni prodotto offerto ai consumatori è coltivato nei terreni dell'azienda. Producono olio di oliva, ortaggi/verdure, vino, cereali, e carne di bovino. La carne viene da un allevamento situato in prossimità della masseria ed è attentamente selezionata. L'allevamento è nutrito con mangimi naturali. La carne e l'olio d'oliva vengono etichettati e venduti nei mercati locali. Ogni bene che viene trasformato per essere somministrato, è fatto con ricette tradizionali. Ogni piatto e portata è fatto da loro, come il formaggio, la pasta, il vino e le bevande alcoliche offerte (amaro e grappa). L'atmosfera è tale per cui l'ospite possa godere del posto e rilassarsi e, a questo proposito, trasmettono una musica lenta e a basso volume. Inoltre, è possibile visitare la casa che appartenne ad una contessa e la vicina chiesetta.
I principali risultati riguardano le sinergie che si sono consolidate tra la qualità del cibo e dei piatti offerti, le crescenti quote di mercato locale e le attrazioni artistiche rappresentate dagli edifici della masseria. L'azienda aspira ad aumentare la domanda durante la stagione invernale. In altri termini, Masseria Calderoso intraprende politiche di sviluppo rurale attraverso azioni volte alla conservazione del patrimonio culturale ereditato dal passato; la produzione di cibo sano razionalizzando e selezionando i fattori produttivi (per esempio, cibo sano per il bestiame), e a sua volta, riducendo gli impatti ambientali; creando reti locali che attraversano e connettono zone rurali, peri-urbane e urbane.
L'azienda raccomanda di provare ad attrarre domanda dall'estero per colmare i clai di domanda nella stagione invernale. A questo proposito, è importante essere consapevoli che la sfida più grande è quella di avere un mercato attivo in ogni stagione.
The Micro Breweries in the Italian Region of Umbria, the Green Heart of the Peninsula, organized themselves with a regional network : training, learning by doing, traditional beers added value, raw materials selection and supply, in a short food chain business model.
The Regional network elaborated a comprehensive strategy for the development of the sector regional based in Umbria: training to beer entrepreneurship; experimental field on barley , hop and mais, learning by doing, building a specific beer university in Casalina ( Perugia) under the Department of Agronomic Sciences and Technologies.
The Regional network elaborated a comprehensive strategy for the development of the sector regional based in Umbria: training to beer entrepreneurship; experimental field on barley , hop and mais, learning by doing, building a specific beer university in Casalina ( Perugia) under the Department of Agronomic Sciences and Technologies.
Sia il mondo agricolo che quello micro industriale trarrà beneficio da questa rete di micro e piccole imprese destinata a cambiare il profilo della produzione birraria umbra, garantendo qualità, produzione locale, volumi non così modesti da non guardare oltre il mercato regionale e nazionale. In particolare verrà destinata gran parte dell'attività congiunta al coaching, al training imprenditoriale e tecnico, alle prove sul campo ed in laboratorio, alla commercializzazione dei brand umbri.
Un giovane imprenditore potrà diventare mastrobirrario e sviluppare alcune fasi o tutte le fasi della produzione birraria a partire dalla materia prima, orzo distico e mais e luppolo, all a birrificazione.
I consumatori potranno percepire una ricchezza inusitata dell' offerta produttiva birraria locale, grazie alla collaborazione col mondo agricolo, industriale e della ricerca universitaria.
The traditional producer of canned tomato in the south of Italy, particularly in the province of Salerno - Campania region - started to find common agreements with the tomato farmers to establish high quality tomatos together with labour high quality standards.
Better tomatoes with a longer life and a better manufacture combined with a responsible food chaian on the employing of seasonal labour force with specific guarantees.
The main added value is the responsible food chian employing high standard seasonal labour force and at the same time upgrade average quality of tomatos.
In vista della prossima produzione le confederazioni agricole di agrinsieme stanno trattando con i trasformatori per migliorare la qualità, ottenere una migliore remunerazione del prodotto e adottare standard lavorativi più elevati per la manodopera nei campi e nella trasformazione industriale.
I risultati saranno win win: migliori produziioni agricole, migliore trasformazione, più valore aggiunto e più export con un accordo etico.
La raccomandazione è quella di favorire tali accordii anche attraverso il sostegno governativo all'interprofessione, ccomunicando al consumatore il valore del made in Italy.
Oriel Sea Salt is harvested from sea water using the latest in technology by a process of reverse osmosis. Oriel was established in 2010 to identify and develop an Eco Friendly and energy efficient means of extracting and harvesting the powerful Nutrients present in Sea Water. The company has a novel product range. Their products vary from traditional sea salt, sea salt with infused flavours, as well as the health products. More than 250 restaurants, hotels, catering and food companies use the sea salt. Oriel also has an on-line store where consumers can purchase mineral sea salts, magnesium mineral drops and magnesium gels. Furthermore, Oriel Sea Salt is available through a variety of selected retailers throughout the island of Ireland.
It is expected that insights will be gained on new product development, technology adoption, successful collaboration with other companies, and on-line distribution system.
Contribution to local economic development, e.g. efficiency in marketing representation of local produce.
Macroom Buffalo has Ireland’s first and only herd of of milking water Buffalo. It produces a variety of cheeses including mozzarella, greek style salad cheese and haloumi. Their chesseses are available at a number of farmers markets and a wide range of selected retailers. Furthermore, their brand 'West Cork Fresh Buffalo Mozzarella' is available exclusively at Aldi stores.All the milk produced is converted into cheese on the farm in a state of the art production facility on the farm.
The product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the success of the company was its ability to seek out a neiche market within the Irish agri-food sector.
Macroom Buffalo eximpifies a novel approach to farm diversification. It will also be interesting to find out how they maintain a constant flow to distribution to their wide array of stockists.
Larder360 is a community co-operative that enables consumers to attain locally produced, high quality food products in the same as a supermarket online delivery service. Consumers are provided access to a wide range of fresh local produce such as meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, confectionaries etc. Larder 360 was developed to operate as a shared economy, pooling the resources of many. The website therefore acts as an intermediary platform between local food producers and consumers. Larder360's core values include: fair price - fair trade, high quality standards, and climate action.
Community confidence and valorising local tradition: The novel platform has benefits for local primary producers as it is an effective tool to connect them to consumers.
One of the most important challenges for any SFSC is how to reach the consumers. The identification of good practices from Larder360 allows for the implementation of similar on-line platforms which connect local food producers to consumers. For scattered small producers (even within the same sector) it is difficult to sell their products on the market because of the size and the unevenness of their production throughout the year. Innovative good practices (joint brands, labels, etc.) to make small producers entering larger markets together could provide solutions to this problem.
Killenure Dexter Gourmet represent a unique combination of a native Irish breed, a strong historical narrative of both breed and place, and traditional, artisanal methods at every stage of the production beef process. Products range from ‘boutique beef’ to handmade leather and artisan goods. An intermediatiary distributes the beef to restaurants and hotels around Ireland.
Valorising local tradition - Killenure Dexter demonstrates an appreciation of its environment, traditions, human and natural resources, etc. It shows how value can be added to the locality through the castle itself which is open to the public at certain times throighout the year. Cultural capital is created through the keeping of a native breed of cattle.
The importance of creating an identity based on local influences to make a unique and marketable product.
Kilkenny Rosé Veal is a primary producer of veal based in the South East of Ireland. It is the first producer of veal in Ireland and begun operating as a veal producer in 2014. The calves reared on the farm are all sourced directly from dairy farmers across the South East of Ireland. They are are fed a fibre-rich diet of hay, cereals, milk and spring water for 38 weeks. Animal welfare is of upmost importance and the farm has been awarded the Good Calf Commendation from Compassion in World Farming. The animals live in spacious housing with natural light and thick straw bedding. The welfare-friendly conditions our animals are housed in, produce the light pink colours and characteristic taste of Kilkenny Rosé Veal. Stockists of Kilkenny Rosé Veal include artisan butchers, resturants, and wholesalers. The farm also is considerate of the environment as it grows miscanthus for bedding as well as to sell to the local power station and for heating the family household.
A novel product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
The product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the success of the company was its ability to seek out a neiche market within the Irish agri-food sector.
Karl Strehlow is manager of Sleedagh Farm in county Wexford. Recently the farm has won a partnership with Irish supermarket SuperValu to bring premium Irish Wagyu beef to customers. The project has taken careful planning over two years and which marks the latest milestone in the farmers 10 year relationship with the supermarket.
There are benefits for primary producers as the farm provides insight as how producers can maintain large supply lines to large supermarkets.
Adding value to existing traditional products (in this case beef).
James Whelan Butchers are dedicated to delivering the highest-quality, naturally reared products directly from their Clonmel shop to concumers door. To meet this goal, they work with traditional artisan craftspeople and farmers to source the finest quality products available.Dripping, as the name suggests, is the fat that drips from meat as it cooks. Recently James Whelan Butchers were were getting more requests for dripping. While they wanted to use dripping, there is a case that a time poor society can’t make it themselves. This lead to the creating of beef drippigs to purchace. Whelan’s winning product, beef dripping made in Clonmel from suet from his grass-fed Irish Angus and Hereford beef, rose to the top from 10,000 entries in at the 2015 annual Guild of Fine Food awards. The Beef Dripping is nutrient rich, high in omega-3 acids, clean, pure and carries flavour, whether for frying a steak, roasting potatoes or spread onto good bread.
A novel product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
The product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the success of the company was its ability to seek out a neiche market within the Irish agri-food sector.
Dexter Beef Direct is an organic farm located in the West of Ireand. It sells beef weekly directly to the community at a local farmers market, as well as online. Value is added to the product through its organic credentials and the native characteristics of the breed. Engagement with consumers is evident from not only presence at a local market but also by means of Dexter Beef Direct's active on-line presence through social media.
Its activities result into Valorising local tradition - Dexter Beef Direct demonstrates an appreciation of its environment and tradition. It shows how value can be added to product, while cultural capital is created through the keeping of a native breed of cattle. A novel product that has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is connections with local primary producers.
The SFSC demonstrates how to successfully diversify. It was origionally a farm who had a 'conventional' suckler herd but diversified to the native Dexter breed to sell the product directly to consumers.
The aim of Irish Food Co-op is to maximise their efficiency and sales through shared national distribution. For retailers, the ‘one entity’ nature of the Irish Food Co-op brings considerable benefits including one contact, one invoice and one delivery. It's a venture for many Irish artisan food companies including, Mileeven, Tastefully Yours, Knockanore Cheese, Killowen Farm, O'Neills, The Little Mill and Carrigbyrne Farmhouse. This not for profit cooperative of Irish artisan producers in an effort to maximise sales and distribution. They are a producer-owned food co-operative that links food producers.
Community confidence and valorising local tradition: The novel platform has benefits for local primary producers as it is an effective tool to connect them to consumers.
One of the most important challenges for any SFSC is how to reach the consumers. The identification of good practices from The Irish Co-Op allows for the implementation of similar on-line platforms which connect local food producers to consumers. For scattered small producers (even within the same sector) it is difficult to sell their products on the market because of the size and the unevenness of their production throughout the year. Innovative good practices (joint brands, labels, etc.) to make small producers entering larger markets together could provide solutions to this problem.
YouTyúk' (Tyúk stands for hen in Hungarian) is an online enterprise, created by a couple living in the countryside. Customers ‘adopt’ free range chickens (take on some of the costs), kept by farmers on a controlled, organic way. Customers can choose their producers, can read information, watch films about them on the internet, or can go and visit the farm. Animals are fed with self-produced forage; no hormons and antibiotics, circumstances are defined and controlled by Youtyúk.
Ordering and paying is through Internet, customers can collect their eggs every other week on collection points in towns and in Budapest. Logistics, marketing, quality control of the producers and the product, is provided by the ‘Youtyúk’ company. The enterprise practically created and cultivates a CSA network, managing logistics, marketing, customer relations and makes some profit on it.
Youtyúk Provides a safe and continuous supply of healthy, clear background eggs for customers and a safe market, and good working conditions for farming families. Building trust between customers and producers, improvement in social and environmental responsibility are important concerns for the project.
How to organise small producers, establish quality and process control and link them to urban customers I a CSA context, organising all this on a profitable way.
'YouTyúk' ensures the access for consumers to high quality, backyard eggs, while helping the producers in minimalizing the costs of animal husbandary.
A YouTyúk egy online vállalkozás, amit egy vidéki házaspár indított útjára. A vásárlók szabadtartású baromfiakat fogadnak örökbe (a költségek egy részét magukra vállalják), melyeket a gazdák nevelnek ellenőrzött, tiszta körülmények között. A fogyasztók kiválaszthatják a gazdát, olvashatnak az általuk végzett tevékenységekről, rövidfilmeket nézhetnek róluk az interneten, illetve akár magát a gazdaságot is meglátogathatják. Az állatokat saját maguk által termelt takarmánnyal etetik, hormonok és antibiotikumok használata nélkül; a körülményeket maga a YouTyúk vállalkozás határozza meg.
A rendelés és a fizetes online felületen keresztül megy végbe, a vásárlók minden héten a kijelölt helyeken gyűjthetik be a tyúkjaik által tojt tojásokat Budapesten. A logisztikát, a marketinget, a minőségellenőrzést maga a vállalkozás biztosítja. A YouTyúk gyakorlatilag maga építette fel és működteti a beszerési hálózatot, irányítja a logisztikai feladatokat a fogyasztói kapcsolatokat és ebből hajt be némi profitot.
Egy módszer, ami összekapcsolja a kistermelőket, minőség és folyamat ellenőrzést hajt verge és összekapcsolja a városi fogyasztókat a termelőkkel, jövedelmet is teremtve maguk számára. A “YouTYúk” hozzáférést biztosít a magas minőségű, háztáji tojásokhoz a fogyasztók számára, miközben segíti a termelőket a kötségek minimalizálásában.
A 'YouTyúk' biztosítja a fogyasztók számára magas minőségű, háztáji tojásokhoz való hozzáférést, miközben segíti a termeőket az állattartás költségeinek minimalizálásában.
The community owned territorial quality label system was created by the Éltető Balaton-felvidékért LEADER Association consists of two parts. One of them is part of an international system (European Territorial Quality Mark), and ensures the environmental and social sustainability of the whole local label system, the other is a regional label, ensuring the quality of the local products and services. The local producers participated in creating the trademark system and building its governance structure according to international good practices. The system is owned and used by the producers and is managed and facilitated by the LAG. The project is aimed at as much on rural development as on the development and marketing of local products and services. Social learning, social innovation, cross-sectoral co-operation and the development of local community and identity is inherent parts of the initiative. There is common marketing, appearance on many events, in social media, etc.
The producers possessing the trademark become more conscious in the fields of sales, communication, marketing, co-operation, etc. Through the networking possibilities they get to know each other, share their experiences and help each other. Together they can produce more volume for the market. Cooperation can evolve both inside and between different sectors. Consumers can buy high quality, sustainably produced local products, can get information, contacts, safe, fair marketing, etc. As a result, the whole locality is being socially and economically developed.
Using existing know-how and good practices the creation of the quality assurance system should be used as a complex framework for local rural and community development, providing endless opportunities for social learning, improving co-operation, innovation, product development, the use of innovative marketing, social networks, etc.
Az Éltető Balaton-felvidékért LEADER Egyesület által létrehozott védjegyrendszer két részből áll, melyek közül az egyik egy nemzetközi, míg a másik egy regionális márkajel. A védjegyrendszer megalkotásában, struktúrájának felépítésében maguk a termelők is részt vettek spanyol mintára, sőt az egyes kategóriák kereteit, szabályait is ők maguk allkották meg és folyamatosan részt vesznek a védjegyesek minősítésének folyamatában. A védjegyesek közösségként együttműködve segítik egymás munkáját, évente többször találkoznak, tapasztalatot cserélnek, tanulmányutak alkalmával ellátogatnak egymáshoz. Közös marketinggel, közös programokkal is rendelkeznek.
A védjeggyel rendelkező termelők tudatosabbá válnak az értékesítés, akommunikáció és a merkating terén. A networking lehetőségeken keresztül megismerik egymást, megosztják tapasztalataikat és segítik egymást. Egyes ágazatokon beül vagy akár ágazatok között is kialakulhatnak együttműködések.
A védjegyrendszer egyfajta minőségbiztosítást jelent mind a fogyasztók, mind a termelők számára; ösztönzi a őket a magas minőségű termékek előállítására. A hálózatban résztvevő termelők együttműködőbbé válnak, tanulnak egymástól és segítik egymást.
Házikó' is a business enterprise dealing mostly with catering; as written in their introduction: "it connects the city with the Hungarian countryside through the heart of Budapest". 'Házikó' has a narrow supplier chain, from where they get the ingredients of superior quality, prepared, specialty foods that they serve on parties, conferences, business meetings, etc. Beyond the unexceptionable, high quality products and food of the enterprise stand principles of rural development and sustainability, delivering unique and valuable food to people living in the city, providing high profile and high standard on site catering for events, parties, conferences, etc. They get the ingredients seasonally, directly from the producers and they preserve the pureness of the food through the processing as well; they don't use preservatives, artificial additives and colourings. The provenance and the compounds are also indicated on the environmental friendly packaging, thus ensuring the transparency of the food chain. They give information on the producers, deliver by bicycle, provide human resource for catering too on demand, giving verbal presentation of the ingredients, producers, environmental and community friendly company policies, etc. They use new technologies, video, social media, etc. for marketing.
Through 'Házikó' the people living in the city can get hungarian, backyard, high quality products with clear background, rich in nutrients. On the other side the enterprise ensures a stable market dor the producers, their products can reach big events of th capital as well, thus serving as a merketing platform as well.
Creating and cultivating a good network of supplyers; creating new food products (party/conference food) based on traditional, high quality ingredients; providing rich information on producers and ingredients, using ‘local’, ‘healthy’, ‘environmental friendly’ CSA vocabulary as central element for marketing; using environmental friendly packaging and delivery.
A Házikó egy cateringgel foglalkozó budapesti üzleti vállalkozás; ahogy bemutatkozásukban olvasható: "Budapest szívén keresztül köti össze a nagyvárost a Magyar vidékkel". A vállalkozás kifogástalan minőségű termékei, ételei mögött vidékfejlesztési és fenntarthatósági alapelvek állnak, különösen értékes táplálékot biztosítva a nagyvárosi fogyasztók számára, magas minőségű ételekkel ellátva a különböző eseményeket, partikat és konferenciákat. Alapanyagaikat szezonálisan, közvetlenül a termlekőktől szerzik be és tisztaságukat a feldolgozás során is megőrzik: nem használnak tartósítószert, mesterséges adalékanyagokat és színezéket. A környezetbarát csomagolásokon feltüntetik a származás helyét és a termékek összetételét is, ezzel biztosítva az élelmiszerlánc átláthatóságát. Információt biztosítanak a termelőkről, kerékpárral szállítanak házhoz, az eseményekre személyzetet biztosítanak, akik mesélnek az ételek összetevőinek történetéről, a termelőkről, akörnyezeti elveikről és az üzlet közösségbarát politikájáról is. Új fajta marketing technológiákat alkalmaznak: video, social media, stb.
A Házikón keresztül a nagyváros lakói tisztahátterű, tápanyagokban gazdag, magyar, háztáji, magas minőségű termékekből készülő ételkülönlegességekhez juthatnak hozzá. Másrészről a vállalkozásállandófelvásárlópiacotbiztosít a termelőkszámára, termékeikeljuthatnakjelentősfővárosirendezvényekre, ezáltal marketing felületként is szolgálva.
Egy stabil, szerteágazó ellátási lán létrehozásával, új élelmiszertermékek előállítása (party/konferencia ételek) hagyományos, magas minőségű összetevőkre alapozva; részletes információkkal való ellátás a termelők és termékeik tekintetében; CSA szókincs és akövetkező szavak tudatos használata a marketing területeken: “egészséges”, “helyi”, “környezetbarát”, környezetbarát házhozszállítás és csomagolás.
The 'Foodhub' is a local food network based on an innovative idea from the capital city, Budapest. It's main goal is to provide Hungarian, backyard, fresh food and nutrients for the people living in Budapest on a daily basis. The concept focuses on the demand for fresh products (dairy products, bakers' wares, vegetables and fruits), that's been existing on the market for a longer time. The aim of the enterprise is to create logistical centre in Budapest, which has a well-built and cultivated procurement network all over the country and delivers the high quality, fresh products to the city, who can order their daily needs through a web shop. The 'Foodhub' integrates the producers, the processors and the consumers as well, so that the demand can meet the supply more easily. Beyond the logistical and supplier role, training, consultation and quality investigation and assurance also appears in their profile.
Through creating the distribution chain and network, the empty stripe between the demand of people living in the city for backyard products and the surplus at the rural producers can be met. It can insure professional and economic development for producers and processors, thus they could become capable for stepping further and increasing their production. The quality of distribution can increase healthy living standards for city people living, they can access high quality, backyard food more easily.
The main idea is providing training, logistics, organisation, marketing for local producers to be able to sell their fresh products on the Budapest food market. On the other hand, providing fresh, high quality ‘locally produced food’ for demanding customers. All this means a complex system for social learning, marketing, distribution and logistics along the food chain.
A Foodhub egy fővárosi kezdeményezésen alapuló háztáji élelmszer hálózat. Célja, hogy a fővárosban élők napi szinten juthassanak hozzá a magyar vidék nyújtotta termékekhez. Az elgondolás középpontjában a friss termékekre (tejtermékek, pékáruk, zöldség- és gyümölcsáruk) összpontosuló, a piacon már régebb óta jelen lévő igény áll. A vállalkozás célja egy olyan budapesti logisztikai központ létrehozása, melynek beszerzési hálózata az egész országra kiterjedően hatáskörrel bír és a minőségi, friss alapanyagokat, termékeket eljuttatja a fővárosban élők számára, akik egy webshopon keresztül adhatják le napi szükségleti igényeiket. A Foodhub hálózata mind a termelőket, mind a feldolgozókat, mind a fogyasztókat összefogja, így egyeztetve össze a keresletet a kínálattal. A logisztikai és ellátási szerep mellett profiljukban megjelenik a képzés, a tanácsadás, valamint a minőségvizsgálat és -biztosítás elősegítése is.
Az értékesítési lánc és hálózat kialakításával a piacon jelen lévő üres sáv a fővárosi lakosoknál mutatkozó hiány és a vidéki termelőknél jelentkező többlet között csökkenhet. A termelők és feldolgozók számára egy stabil felvásárlópiacot biztosíthat, melynek hatására a későbbiekben képesé válhatnak a továbblépésre, termelésük kiterjesztésére, növelésére. A fővárosban élők ellátási minősége növekehet, könnyeben juthatnak hozzá az eddig szinte elérhetetlen, jó minőségű, háztáji termékekhez.
Az innovatív ötlet abból áll, hogy vidéki termelők számára trainingeket, beszerzési hálót és logisztikai központokat, marketing lehetőségeket biztosítanak a vidéki kistermelők számára, hogy el tudják adni a fővárosi piacokon is frisstermékeiket. Másik oldalról megvizsgálva ellátni friss, magas minőségű, helyi termékekkel az ezt igénylő fogyasztókat. Mindez egy komlex közösségi tanulási, marketing, ellátási és logisztikai rendszert igényel az ellátási lánc esetében.
The 'FÉK Üzletház' is an exclusive supermarket, part of a multinational chain (CBA), owned by a local businessman, having a special focus on high value added and quality labelled local products. The shop has been running since 1997.; first it had been working as a grocery, than later on it was also completed with a restaurant. In 2014 a new, larger supermarket building was built, with a special design based on the local territorial quality mark system. The best shelves are provided for local producers free of charge. They provide their products directly to the supermarket, without a wholesale step. There is an attached open air market and many community events, tastings organised all around the year providing ample opportunities for producers to meet each other, tradesman and consumers. The shop provides a safe sales point to producers in a high rank supermarket, that is a source of pride and identity. The shop also provides hundreds of local products having quality assurance for customers (tourists and locals) at a touristic location. Information about local producers (contact, prices, etc.) is also provided. The owner is very much committed to local production, community and identity. He is a member of the local LEADER LAG and the president of the council of the local quality assurance system. He runs the business both very successfully and creating and maintaining local value.
The shelves of the 'FÉK Üzletház' ensures place for the local products, emphasising their quality and availability. The consumers and tourists of the Balaton can get the products offered by the region. The grocery ensures a stable market for the local producers.
Direct selling of a huge range of high quality local products within a prestigious supermarket, based on local quality assurance system and a developed community of producers. Providing possibilities for social learning, marketing, meeting of various actors along the food-chain.
A FÉK Üzletház egy különleges szupermarket, mely a CBA multinacionális lánc része. Tulajdonosa egy helyi üzletember, aki szem előtt tartja a magas minőségű, helyi, védjegyes termékek sorsát. Az üzlet 1997 óta működik; először élelmiszerboltként üzemelt, majd később egy éttermi résszel is kiegészült. 2014-ben egy új, sokkal nagyobb szupermarket épület is átadásra került, ami különös hangsúlyt fektet a helyi védjegyrendszer termékeire. A bolt legkiemeltebb polcait a helyi termelők számára tarják fenn ingyen és bérmentve, cserébe a termelők egyenesen a boltnak adják át áruikat, kihagyva a beszállítókat az értékesítési láncból. Az “üzletkomplexumhoz” egy kültéri piacterület és rengeteg közösségi esemény is kapcsolódik, teret adva a termelők, a kereskedők és a fogyasztók számára a folyamatos kapcsolattartáshoz. A bolt állandó, stabil értékesítési pontot biztosít a termelők számára egy magas színvonalú szupermarketben, ami a büszkeség forrása is lehet a termelők számára. Az üzlet több, mint 100 védjeggyel rendelkező terméket kínál, mint egy minőségbiztosításként a vásárlók (turisták és helyiek) számára egy jelentős tursiztikai desztináció (a Balaton) mellett. A termékek mellett, magukról a termelőkről is megjelennek fotók és információk. Az üzletvezető elkötelezett hive a helyi szintű termelésnek, a közösségnek és a helyi identitásnak, emellett tagja a helyi LEADER csoportnak és elnöke a helyi védjegyrendszer bizottságnak. Üzleteit sikerre vitte a helyi érték fogalmát bevezetve és fenntartva.
Az egyedülálló és tekintélyes nagykereskedelni pont kiemeli a helyi termékek minőségét és elősegíti könyebb elérhetőségüket, illetve a helyi identitás és a közösség megerősödését. Elegendő lehetőséget biztosít az egymástól való tanulásra és a multinacionális kereskedelmbe való bepillantásra a kistermelők számára. A betérő vásárlók a region széles választékú termékeiből válogathatnak, miközben megismerkedhetnek és találkozhatnak magukkal a termelőkkel is.
Magas minőségű helyi termékek direkteladása egy neves szupermárketen keresztül, a termelők által kidolgozott helyi minőségbiztosítási rendszerre alapozva. Lehetőségek nyújtása az informális, közösségi tanulásra, illetve az ellátási lánc szereplőinek találkozására.
’The House of Treasure’ has been the meetingpoint of people interested in local values and products since its foundation. This project brings together the results of two longstanding processes: the intensive youthwork/community building in the area and the development of local products and a territorial quality labelling system under the LEADER programme during the last 10 years.
The House of Treasure is both an exhibition where local values (Veszprém county and the Balaton uplands) are on display and a speciality shop with high value added local products, (such as syrups, jams, spirits (pálinka), wines, pottery, carvings, unique jewellery, etc.). The range of products in the shop is continuously broadening, soon the webshop ( will also be accessible. As a sales point it helps small agricultural producers and handicraftsmen getting to the market, freeing time for them to make their high value added, quality labelled products. On the other hand, it greatly contributes to local identity and community building, providing a meeting point, a field for action and a constant reminder for young people and youth workers about the richness of their homeland. Thus, both, economic and social sustainability is greatly supported by the products. It also provides a platform where creative local entrepreneurs, local young people and newcomers and tourists can meet and interact in a culturally determined, positive space.
Producers can focus on production, rather than selling and marketing. Local people get to know the local producers and buy their products, thus more money stays in local level economy. Local identity and the involvement of young people is reinforced. A platform (physical and virtual space) for communication between local and external actors is created.
Bringing together the results of two different rural development directions (youth work and local products development and labelling) in one complex project, aimed at economic development, reinforcing local identity and community and creating a meeting point (physical and virtual) for local and extra-local.
A Kincsesház létrejötte óta a környék értékteremtőinek és értékőrzőinek találkozó helye. Ez a projekt két régóta tartó folyamat eredményeképp jöhetett létre: a környéken végzett jelentős ifjúsági munka és közösségépítési erőfeszítések valamint a helyi LEADER szervezet által kezdeményezett helyi termék fejlesztés és a területi minőségbiztosítási védjegyrendszer kialakításából. Ma már nem csak kirakatként működik, ahol az érdeklődők megismerhetik Veszprém megye és a Balaton-felvidék kincseit, hanem az Értékbolt megnyitásával a környék kistermelőinek, őstermelőinek és kézműveseinek piacra jutását is segíti. Házi szörpök, lekvárok, különleges pálinkák, kerámiák, fafaragások, egyedi ékszerek és hasonló minőségi termékek sorakoznak a polcokon a zország első Értékboltjában. A kínálat a taliándörögdi üzletben folyamatosan bővül, hamarosan pedig az érté webáruházban is elérhetők termékeink. Árusítási pontként segíti a kistermelőket és a kézműveseket a piacra jutásban, időt spórolva számukra az alkotási, termelési folyamatokra. A másik oldalról tekintve a bolt létrehozása nagyban hozzájárul a helyi identitástudat kialakulásához és erősödéséhez valamint a közösségépítéshez, úgy, hogy teret biztosít a találkozások és különböző közösségi tevékenységek számára a fiataloknak és segítőiknek. Mindezek által a termékeken keresztül mind a társadalmi, mind a gazdasági fenntarthatóság biztosított. Emellett helyet biztosít a kreatív, fiatal vállalkozók, a fiatalok, a betelepülők és a turisták közötti találkozások és kulturális interakciók számára is.
A termelők számára valamelyest többi dő marad az alkotási és termelési tevékenységre fókuszálni. A helyi lakosok megismerkednek a környéken fellelhető termékekel, megvéve őket több tőke marad a helyi gazdaságban. A helyi identitástudat és a fiatalok bevonása erősödik. A helyi és külső szerplők számára kommunikációs felületet biztosít.
A projekt a vidékfejlesztés két különböző területét hozza össze (ifjúsági munka és helyi termék fejlesztés) egy komplex programmá, ami mind a gazdaság fejlesztésre, mind a helyi identitás növelésére és a közösségekre is hatással van.
The twenty most famous wine-growers and restaurants of the lake Balaton established the 'Balatoni KÖR', so that they could rise the hospitality and the tourism of the region to a higher level with their cooperation and with a regional focused gastronomy that is built on the local products. Today 35 of them are working for "a Balaton that is liveable and enjoyable throughout the whole year". They created the association to gain safeguard of interests at regional level that focuses on the local wines, food and ingredients. The members also want to take part in job creation by putting the emphasis on the local products. The 'Balatoni KÖR' also wants to reduce the administrative division between the 6 wine-regions and the 3 counties around the lake Balaton, for example they build a common marketing under a common logo. They lobby for quality production, simpler rules, etc.
One of the most important part of the Balatoni KÖR's regional thinking is creating the ‘Balatonwine’ every year. That is based on a traditional regional variety, the Welschriesling and is a similar, reductive, fresh white wine, very similar quality and style in every involved cellar. Though the producers are small scale, individually, there are many of them, thus adding up, Balatonwine represents a considerable share of the Hungarian wine market and is a very successful initiative.
The association makes the cooperation possible inside the sectors, between the different sectors (wine-growing, tourism, hospitality, agriculture) and regions. As a result of the collaboration the quality assurance and the safeguard of interests increase.Small scale producers can create a very similar, commonly marketed product, reaching considerable volume.
2014-ben a húsz legismertebb balatoni borász és vendéglátós alakította meg a Balatoni KÖR-t, hogy a helyi termékekre építő régióközpontú gasztronómiával magasabb szintre emeljék a balatoni vendéglátást és turizmust. Jelenleg 35-en dolgoznak együtt "az egész évben élhető és élvezhető Balatonért". Az összefogást azzal a céllal hozták létre, hogy régiós szinten érdekvédelmet szerezzenek, ami a helyi borokat, ételeket és alapanyagokat állítja előtérbe. A hagyományos tömegturizmushoz képest magasabb szintre kívánják emelni a gasztronómiát. Azzal, hogy a helyi, környékbeli termékekre teszik a hangsúlyt, a munkahelyteremtésben is szerepet akarnak vállalni a szervezet tagjai. A szerveződéssel a balatonirégióhoz tartozó hat borvidék és három megye között húzódó adminisztratív megosztottságot is csökkenteni szeretnék, például tudatosan egységes arculatot építenek egységes logó alatt. A Balaton Kör régiós gondolkodásának egyik fontos eleme a Balaton borának a megteremtése is, amely a térség tradicionális bora, az olaszrizling lett.
A Balatoni KÖR megalakulásával a Balaton környéki gasztronómia, vendéglátás és turizmus egy magasabb minőségű szintre emelkedik. A tavat körbevevő megyék és régiók között csökken a megosztottság, helyette egyegységes arculat és összefogás alakulki a régióban. A Balaton szezonalitása csökken (megszűnik), így télen-nyáron, ősszel-tavasszal látogathatóvá, élhetővé válik. A kisebb bortermelők nagyobb piacokra is eljuthatnak a Balatonbor on keresztül.
A szervezet lehetővé teszi az ágazatokon belüli, az ágazatok (borászat, turizmus, vendéglátás, mezőgazdaság) és a régiók közötti együttműködéseket. Az összefogás hatására a minőség biztosítás és az érdekképviselet stabilizálódik. A kistermelők hasonló borok készítésével és a közösen reklámozott termékkel nagyobb mennyiségű termelésre képesek.
“Producer’s market Liliomkert at Káptalantóti, Hungary” . Káptalantóti is a small village in Central Danubium in the Káli basin, close to the North coast of the lake Balaton. The Káli basin is a famous vine district which became recently a very popular holiday making area of the middle class. It is famous for its gastronomy, cycling, tracking. The producers market has started for cca 8-9 years and it became a fairly big direct market place opened on Sunday mornings. Products directly from growers, specific varieties, traditional foods (sausages, hams, cheeses, jams, bakery products), artisan foods, craftman products (non food) are sold.
Since it is in a touristic district in cca 15-20 km distance (10-20 minutes drive) from the main holiday resorts of the North cost of lake Balaton it became a significant tourist attraction and a very attractive shopping facility. It is a successful case for short food chains in combination with tourism. The social innovation aspect is not relevant here.
This shopping is not simple shopping is rather than attraction. It provides a wide range of the traditional, region specific and fresh products., etc. It aslo give a floor for the socail committee improvement, because the shoppers can directly contact with the producers.
Further information/Reference: ,…
A „jó gyakorlat” rövid ismertetése: Liliomkert termelői piac, Káptalantóti, Magyarország. Káptalantóti egy kis falu Közép-Dunántúlon a Káli-medencében, közel a Balaton északi partjához. A Káli -medence egy híres borrégió is, jelenleg igen népszerű üdülő övezet a középosztály számára. Híres a gasztronómiájáról, kerékpáros és túraútvonalairól. A termelői piac kb. 8-9 évvel ezelőtt kezdte meg a működését és vált egy jelentős vasárnap délelőtti szabadtéri piaccá. A piacon kistermelői termékeket, különleges fajtákat, hagyományos termékeket (kolbász, sonka, sajt, lekvár, pékáru), kézműves élelmiszereket és kézműves (nem élelmiszer) termékeket értékesítenek.
A tevékenység fő eredményei / kimenetei (várható vagy végleges): Mivel egy turisztikai térségben helyezkedik el, 15-20 km távolságra (10-20 perce autóval) a Balaton Északi partján lévő üdülő központoktól, igen népszerű turisztikai látványossággá és vonzó vásárlási helyszínné nőtte ki magát. A rövid ellátási lánc sikeresen összekapcsolódik a turizmussal és a vendéglátással. Társadalmi innováció szempontjából nem releváns.
A legfontosabb gyakorlati ajánlás(ok): A piacon nem egyszerűen vásárlásról, hanem egy fajta a vásárlással összekapcsolódó attrakcióról beszélhetünk. Igen széles körét kínálják a hagyományos, régióhoz köthető friss és feldolgozott élelmiszerekenek, etc. A fogyasztók közvetlen kapcsolatot tudnak kialakítani az előállítókkal, így társadalomfejlesztés szempontjából is egyfajta platformot jelent.
További információk/Referenciák: ,…
This initiative is operated by a cheese manufactoring SMEs who developed the idea of connecting the marketing of its own product with other sometimes complementery (cheese and wine, cheese and sausage, etc.) meat products. The purpose of this initiative was to open a gastronomic gate to the county and region and, also to increase the attractiveness of the tourism of South-Transdanubia and Balaton region. The House of Gastronomic Pleasures aim is to faciliate cooperation between individual product makers. There is a local product shop where a wide range of product is available. Link with other industries such as tourism and building of the local economy: many gastronomic events such as Black pudding and Liverwurst Carnival, Bean Parade, Walnut Festival, Chowder Cooking Competition take place in the House of Gastronomic Pleasures. The presentation hall with the café on the first floor hosts family or business meetings, professional conferences with 100-150 people.
This novel activity has benefits for primary producers because a central aspect of the marketing of the product is creating connections with local primary producers, particularly cheese and wine. The community confidence and valorising local tradition has been growing. The collection of the local traditional food products contributes to the revival and maintenance of the traditions of gastronomy of Somogy County and handicraft products and the folk crafts. The combined marketing with own product if the organisation operating this innitiative merges the effeciency of the marketing activity.
A cheese manufacturing company developed an excellent marketing strategy for its own products through joint promotion of the traditional products produced in a certain region using the opportunity of the agro-tourism. The end-consumers can extend their gastronomic and cultural knowledge related to this region.
Building of community confidence; valorisation of local tradition; contribution to local economic development e.g. tourism; efficiency in marketing representation of local produce. Practitioners can learn more about such regional centres from EIP abstracts database, EIP-AGRI and ENRD.
Further information/Reference:……
A „jó gyakorlat” rövid ismertetése: A kezdeményezést egy sajgyártó KKV működteti, akitől származik az ötlet, hogy a saját termékét összekapcsolja más kiegészítő termékekkel (sajt és bor, sajt és kolbász, stb.). A kezdeményezés célja az volt, hogy gasztronómiai kaput nyisson vidék és a régió felé, valamint vonzóbbá tegye a Dél-Dunántúl és a Balatoni régiót. A helyi hagyományos élelmiszerek összegyűjtése hozzájárul Somogy megye gasztronómiai hagyományainak, a kézműves termékek és a népi kézművesség megújításához és fenntartásához. Szorosan kapcsolódik a turizmushoz, eredményesen hozzájárul a helyi gazdaság építéséhez: Sok gasztronómiai esemény, mint például a Véreshurka és májashurka Fesztivál, Bab Fesztivál, Dió Fesztivál, Halászléfőző Verseny kerül a Fino-Food Gasztrotékában megrendezésre. Az első emeleti rendezvényterem, amelyhez kávézó tartozik, 100-150 fős családi és üzleti találkozók, hivatalos konferenciák lebonyolítására alkalmas.
A tevékenység fő eredményei / kimenetei (várható vagy végleges): A tevékenység fő eredményei / kimenetei (várható vagy végleges): Az új tevékenység legfontosabb eredménye, hogy a helyi termelőket helyezi a marketing tevékenység középpontjába, elsősorba a sajt és a bor előállítókat. Érezhetően nő a közösségi bizalom, felértékelődnek a helyi értékek. A helyi hagyományos termékek összegyűjtése hozzájárul a hagyományos Somogy megyei gasztronómia, kézműves élelmiszerek és kézműves termékek újjáéledéséhez, népszerűsítéséhez. A kezdeményezés működtetője, azzal hogy a saját termékének értékesítését összekapcsolja a kezdeméynezéssel a növeli az együttes marketing tevékenység hatékonyságát.
A legfontosabb gyakorlati ajánlás(ok): Az élelmiszergyártó cég kiváló marketingstratégiát dolgozott ki az agroturizmus számára, amelybe a saját termékei mellet bevonta a régióban előállított hagyományos termékeket is. A programok alkalmasak arra, hogy a végső fogyasztók bővítsék az e térséggel kapcsolatos gasztronómiai és kulturális ismereteiket. Fontos szerepet kapott a közösségi bizalom növelése, a helyi hagyományok felértékelődése. A helyi termékek hatékonyabb piaci megjelenése hozzájárul a helyi gazdasági fejlődéshez, pl. idegenforgalom;. Az alkalmazók további információkat kaphatnak az ilyen regionális központokról az EIP- adatbázisból. EIP-AGRI és ENRD.
További információk/Referenciák:……
Development of a new local retail format, which makes it possible for farmers to market their products through a Short Food Supply Chain. The mobile concept makes testing possible and makes sure we provide fresh food in a high potential area. Container will be placed where consumers live or pass frequently, which is not necessary the farm. No need for extra labor cost and logistics can be consolidated and optimised. Potential for working places with a lot of workers (consumers) in the area. Joined innovation concept of 2 producers : Van Elven (potatoes & oignons) & Bruneel-cox (fruit). Testing this on the 'Janssen Pharmaceutica -working area in Beerse' where 4000 people are working, opens opportunies for further exploitations into the Antwerp harbor area, where a lot of simular places can be localised. Also possibility for working with additional farmers (eg cheese producers) to enlarge product offer. Testing starts half may 2017.
A novel mobile retail service that gives primary producers direct access to their customers by combining products from different producers.
This mobile farmstore brings the farmstore-experience shorter to the customer. Instead of having a farm store with a few items, in a rural area and/or a vending machine we look into a full automised foodstore with a whole range of fresh foods. Situated on a 'business spot' where a lot of possible customers pass daily. It combines effciency in labor, distribution and (in)direct sales costs with a attractive offer of fresh local food. The mobility of the container-store makes it possible to test the concept on different spots and doesn't need an investment in physical buildings.
Ontwikkeling van een nieuw retail format waardoor lokale producenten sneller toegang krijgen tot rechtstreekse verkoop via korte keten. Het mobiele container concept maakt testen mogelijk op een lokatie met hoog aankoop potentieel. Bovendien wordt inzet van arbeid beperkt tot een minimum en zorgt consolidatie van logistiek voor een betaalbare formule. Gelijkaardige sites zoals in de test te Beerse zijn makkelijk identificeerbaar waardoor bij succes een potentieel hoog economisch duurzaam business model ontstaat.Eerste test is voorzien bij Janssen Pharmaceutica in Beerse waar dagelijks 4000 mensen werken in verschillend ploegen. Door deze test krijgen zij toegang tot verse lokale voeding via een volledig geautomatisseerde winkel. Bij succes opent dit een groot potentieel o.a. in de haven van Antwerpen. Ook andere dan de producenten betrokken bij de opstart kunnen aansluiten om het gamma te verbreden vb. Kaas & zuivel. Opstart van de test half mei 2017.
Een nieuw retail conceptism collega producenten voor het direct vermarkten van lokale producten op een locatie buiten het eigen bedrijf.
Voor heel wat consumenten is de drempel om naar een hoevewinkel te komen te groot. De afstand, het beperkte assortiment, de beperkte openingsuren,… wegen vaak niet op tegen de aantrekking van verse lokale voeding. Anderzijds zien we meer en meer landbouwers die op zoek zijn naar verbreding en rechtstreekse verkoopkanalen. Uit deze wetenschap is 'Boerderijwinkel 2.0' ontwikkeld. Een volledige winkelervaring in een 'onbemande' winkel met ruime openingsuren. En door zijn mobiel karakter snel te plaatsen zonder al te veel administratie en op lokaties met hoge shopper aantallen. Doordat primaire producenten samenwerken kan een volledig gamma aangeboden worden , kan de logistiek efficient geregeld worden en wordt ook het financieel risico verdeeld. De eerste mobiele winkelcontainer maakt testen van het concept mogelijk.
Distrikempen is a B2B logistics platform, with which a range of producers from a region enter into a collaborative agreement to sustainably bundle their logistics flows (goods and administration). In a structured way, all B2B orders are consolidated, sent through to the individual businesses, prepared, collected, picked up and delivered to the end customer in the region (Circle Concept). Participating producers’ administrative and financial flows are also consolidated. The system operates sustainably, because both collection and delivery are dealt with on the same round, thus reducing kilometres, stocks and risks. Food wastage through distribution is reduced to almost ‘nil’. All the work is managed by an independent profitable distributor working exclusively for them on a fixed cost percentage. This distributor is also the ‘ambassador’ for the total partnership.
Development of a economic sustainable local distribution model which makes it possible for individual producers to access a B2B market , by joining eachother and working together with an independant service provider. Financial results over 3 years : number of customers x 3, average spend pro customer x 1,5 , monthly turnover x 3. Break-even point reached after 2 years.
Some quotes gives the answers from different point of views : “It is all about facilitation: the farmer keeps on producing, knows his customers, and is able to specialise in his product; whilst an independent third party takes care of the associated administrative burden.” (Innovation advisor – Patrick Pasgang) “It simplifies things, which enables us to spend more time on production. We are, after all, producers.” (Goat farmer – Veerle Minsaert) “There was a high demand for regional products, but a lack of distribution. And entrepreneurs do not have time to drive all over the place to deliver their products.” (Project officer - Greet Aernouts).
Distrikempen is een B2B logistiek platform, waarbij een groep ondernemers/producenten samenwerken om via een globaal logistiek systeem hun goederen te vermarkten. Op een gestructureerde worden alle bestellingen van B2B klanten geconsolideerd en verdeeld over de betrokken ondernemers, dewelke dan instaan voor de orderpicking. Nadien worden ze opgehaald en als groep uitgeleverd aan de finale klanten. Hierbij zorgt een externe dienstverlener voor de contacten met de klanten, de fysieke distributie en alle administratieve afhandeling. Het is een duurzaam logistiek model waarbij ophaling en uitlevering gebeurt tijdens dezelfde distributieronde, waarbij zowel kilometers, tussenliggende voorraden en risico's tot een minimum worden herleid. De externe dienstverlener werkt onder een vast commissie percentage en fungeert als ambassadeur binnen de ganse samenwerking.
Ontwikkeling van een economisch duurzaam distributie model voor lokale producten , hetwelke het mogelijk maakt voor individuele producenten deel te nemen aan een B2B markt. Dit door onderlinge samenwerking , te samen met een onafhankelijke distibuteur:ambassadeur.Financiële resultaten over 3 jaar : aantal klanten x 3, gemiddeld aankoopbedrag x 1,5, maandelijkse omzet x 3. Break-even na 2 jaar.
Enkele quotes geven inzicht in de voordelen van de diverse partijen : 'Het gaat over faciliteren, het verstrekken van diensten ten behoeve van de producenten die willen vermarkten in een B2B omgeving , waarbij zij zelf doen waarin ze goed zijn nl. produceren en ze kennis en contacten hebben met de finale klant, maar waarbij alle administatieve verplichtingen en fysieke distributie door een 3e partij wordt verzekerd.' (Innovatieconsulent - Patrick Pasgang) 'Het vereenvoudigt vele zaken, dewelke ons toelaat om meer tijd te spenderen met de productie. We zijn in eerste instantie immers producent en geen verkoper.' (Producent geitenkaas - Veerle Minsaert) 'Er is een grote vraag naar lokale producten, maar het ontbreekt aan de juiste en aangepaste logistiek. Primaire producenten hebben bovendien weinig of geen tijd om rond te rijden in hun regio om de producten tot bij de klant te brengen.' (Project begeleider - Greet Aernouts).
"Biobello" works 100 % organic and aims for the preservation of organic farming whilst creating social employment. The target group remains the same throughout the years: people who are temporarily or permanently unable to work in the regular job market. Just like the overall goal: offering them chances in a sustainable way to societal relevant work under supervision. Everything occurs in an ecological way, with respect for mankind and the environment.
Biobello offers 5 different organic fruit/vegetable packages at fixed prices, with fruits and vegs following the season. In this way they are best and most lucrative. This creates variety thoughout the whole year.
Healthy food: Organic food, bio-products and the ecological preservation of the environment whilst creating social employment and convenient collecting points nearby.
"Biobello" wil de biologische kweek bewaren én sociale tewerkstelling creëren. BioBello is de naam waarmee de vzw haar producten op de markt brengt. Die draaien om biologische voeding, bio-producten en het ecologische onderhoud van de leefomgeving. Ze dragen allemaal het onafhankelijke Biogarantie®-label. De doelgroep blijft al die jaren dezelfde: mensen die tijdelijk of blijvend niet aan het werk kunnen in het reguliere arbeidscircuit. Net als de doelstelling: hen op een duurzame wijze kansen bieden op maatschappelijk zinvol werk met begeleiding. Dit gebeurt vanuit een ecologische invalshoek, met respect voor de mens en de omgeving.
Biobello biedt de keuze uit 5 biologische groente -en/ of fruitpakketten aan vaste prijzen, boordevol verse biologische groenten en fruit die steeds het seizoen volgen. Want dan zijn ze op hun best en meest voordelig. Zo krijg je door het jaar heen voldoende afwisseling.
Gezonde voeding: biologische voeding, bio-producten en het ecologische onderhoud van de leefomgeving in combinatie met sociale tewerkstelling en gebruiksvriendelijke afhaalpunten voor de consument.
"Avani vzw" is a community of people aiming for local food systems to start the transition to sustainable agriculture in Flanders. It is a cooperative model in which 10 000 adresses are being served with affordable, delicious and sustainable food. Farmers are given chances to work in a more sustainable way. The community forms a stable sales market for the hub. Within a certain region, local farms deliver their products to a processing unit where the produce is being stored, processed and packaged (the HUB). From the webshop regional people can do groceries on line, after which the products are directly delivered at home or at a pick-up point. BP: Local farms get a score in terms of animal welfare and sustainability. The higher the score, the higher the profit share for the farmers.
Creating food hubs in order to make SFSCs more professional. It aims to reach a larger group of citizens in order to let them also enjoy locally and sustainably produced food. More and more local farmers are able to fully sell their products through direct sales, indepently from industrial food chains.
A smart and sustainable food hub is a success formula in upscaling SFSCs sales: 1)It can take on the role of up to 10 intermediaries in the industrial food chain, 2) creates added value: products are stored, packaged and upgraded (sandwich meat, sauces, mealboxes, fruit/vegetable or dairy packages), 3) no food waste: everything is re-used, nothing is lost, 4) on line shop where one does groceries at home or groceries are delivered at a pick-up point, 5) the heart of a local earnings model: the hub creates employment and economically profitable, though not aiming for profit maximization, 6) forms a centre with a range of experiences for visitors: groceries, eat good food and watch farms through livestreaming. Inspiring events and school visits can also take place.
is a role model, when it comes to direct selling, product innovation, marketing/representation of local produce and small scale farming. It also shows how important it is to have a good regional network and agricultural structures to establish this type of concept. Consumers benefit from the companies phylosophy the most - the show ice cream centre enables them to reconnect with farmers and their livestock, learn about ice cream production and their natural ingredients.
Avani is een community van mensen die streven naar lokale voedselproductie door te starten met duurzame landbouw in Vlaanderen. 10.000 burgers en gezinnen die kiezen voor betaalbare, duurzaam geproduceerde voeding. Zij vormen de vaste, stabiele afzetmarkt van de hub. Door hun aankopen geven ze lokale boeren de kans om steeds duurzamer te produceren en maken ze een alternatief voedselmodel in Vlaanderen mogelijk. Via professionale aanpak van de korte keten kan: 1) een veel grotere groep burgers genieten van lokale, duurzaam geproduceerde voeding; 2) Steeds meer lokale boeren hun volledige afzet kwijt kunnen via de directe verkoop van hun producten, los van de industriële voedselketen.
Een veel grotere groep burgers kan genieten van lokale, duurzaam geproduceerde voeding EN Steeds meer lokale boeren hun volledige afzet kwijt kunnen via de directe verkoop van hun producten, los van de industriële voedselketen.
Consument: Investeren samen in een lokaal voedselmodel, Bewaken de kwaliteit en veiligheid van hun voedsel, krijgen volledige transparantie; HUB: werkt ‘van kop tot staart’, dus niets gaat verloren!, creëert meerwaarde door middel van opwaardering, creëert lokale tewerkstelling; BOER: leveren rechtstreeks aan de HUB, worden extra vergoed voor hun agro-ecologische inspanningen, vormen één ecosysteem.
Hello Fresh delivers a box once a week so that consumers can have a daily, healthy meal during 2-5 days, depending on the size of the box. Every week hello fresh develops new, healthy and tasty recipes for guaranteeing a balanced and varied diet. Customers receive high quality and fresh ingredients; Through close contacts with the suppliers, hello fresh excatly knows where products come from and how they've been produced. Hello fresh delivers the box and the recipe free of charge at the customer's home from Saturday till Wednesday. The content of the box guarantees healthy, home-made meals with fresh and surprising, seasonal ingredients from nearby. The hello fresh boxes are recyclable and can be given back upon a next delivery. All ingredients are portionized so that no food is wasted.
A sustainable, fresh and healthy meal is delivered once per week: more vegetables, less meat, less food waste and recyclable packaging.
Hello fresh only offers fresh vegetables by doing the groceries and looking for the best products based upon own selection criteria: products have to be tasty and fresh and it should be clear where products come from: 1) surprising seasonal products through the development of new recipes, 2) the priority of having tasty and fresh products rather than having a quality mark, not everything is organic. As most products are fresh and directly purchased from the supplier, they mostly not contain unnecessary flavour enhancers or additives to extend the expiration date, 3) convenient, healthy and balanced meal, 4) producers are chosen with care and should have the same passion and attention to the produce like hello fresh. Products should be produced with great respect to the environment and to animals, 5) sustainable: hello fresh is inspired by the season in order to select ingredients from a neighbouring country. To create variety into the meal, products from further countries might be used when local ingredients are unavailable. Every meal is portioned so that no food is waste...portions left are given to food banks. Cardboard of the hello fresh box is being recycled. Non-recyclable packaging is hardly used, only exceptionally.
Het principe rondom Hello Fresh is simpel: één box, één keer per week geleverd, zorgt ervoor dat je drie tot vijf dagen lang (afhankelijk van het soort box dat je kiest) iedere dag een gezonde maaltijd op tafel kan toveren. Zonder de stress van het aankopen, of het nadenken wat je nu in hemelsnaam weer moet gaan kokkerellen. Bovendien is de box aangepast aan zowat iedere gezinssituatie: zo kan je zowel als alleenstaande als hoofd van een groot gezin terecht bij de toeleverancier. Elke week ontwikkelt hello fresh nieuwe, gezonde en smaakvolle recepten om een gevarieerd en gebalanceerd dieet te garanderen. Klanten ontvangen kwalitatieve en verse ingrediënten; door nauwe contacten met de leveranciers, weet hello fresh exact waar de producten vandaan komen en hoe ze geproduceerd worden. Hello fresh levert de box gratis aan huis van zaterdag tot woensdag. De inhoud van de box garandeert een gezonde, zelf-gemaakte maaltijd met verse, verrassende, seizoensgebonden ingrediënten van dichtbij. De gebruikte boxen zijn recycleerbaar en kunnen worden teruggegeven bij de volgende levering. Alle ingrediënten worden geproportioneerd zodat er geen voedselverpilling is.
Een duurzame, verse en gezonde maaltijd wordt 1 maal per week geleverd: meer groenten, minder vlees, minder voedselverspilling en recycleerbare verpakking.
HelloFresh. Fresh zit niet alleen in hun naam. ze vinden het ook belangrijk dat hun producten zo fresh mogelijk zijn. Zij doen de boodschappen voor complete maaltijden en gaan op zoek naar de beste producten. Hoe ze dat doen? Heel eenvoudig, aan de hand van onze eigen selectiecriteria: de producten moeten vers en lekker zijn en het moet duidelijk zijn waar de producten vandaan komen: 1) Verrassende seizoensproducten door de ontwikkeling van nieuwe recepten, 2) Vers en lekker: prioriteit is dat de producten vers, gevarieerd en vooral lekker zijn. Dat is belangrijker dan dat het product een keurmerk heeft. Zo is bijvoorbeeld niet alles biologisch. Omdat de meeste producten vers zijn en direct bij de leverancier worden gekocht, bevatten ze meestal geen onnodige smaakversterkers of toevoegingen om de houdbaarheid te verlengen, 3) Gemakkelijk en gezond: lekkere, evenwichtige maar eenvoudige recepten. Je maakt ze in gemiddeld 30 minuten klaar. Hello fresh berekent de voedingswaarden, zodat je zelf kan checken of je niet te veel vet, koolhydraten en eiwitten binnenkrijgt. Zo maken ze het leven wat makkelijker. Je zet keer op keer zorgeloos een gezonde maaltijd op tafel!, 4) Geproduceerd met passie: hello fresh vindt het belangrijk dat onze klanten weten wat ze eten en waar de producten vandaan komen. Daarom kiezen we onze leveranciers zorgvuldig uit. Ze vinden het belangrijk dat de leveranciers, net als hun, passie en aandacht hebben voor het product. En dat die producten worden geproduceerd met respect voor het milieu en dierenwelzijn, 5) Duurzaam: hello fresh laat zich inspireren door het seizoen. Het uitgangspunt bij de keuze van de ingrediënten is dat ze van dichtbij komen, uit België, Nederland of andere buurlanden.
Farmers belonging to the community of "Hartenboer" offer sustainably produced farm products to the regional market. Behind every product there is a story of a farmer sharing his/her passion for cultivation, animal welfare and nature conservation.
4 different results can be revealed: 1) short distance between land and consumer in order to deliver fresh produce, 2) a fair price for both producer and consumer: producers collaborate to limit distribution costs in order to deliver products at a fair price, 3) respect for nature and environment: part of the products has the organic label, but other products are produced sustainably. All members of Hartenboer have captured sustainability criteria for sustainable production. These criteria cover issues on closing the loop, ecological aspects, animal welfare and preservation of the landscape, 4) craftiness: the products are processed in a crafty way. This gives an authentic flavour to the products, which differs according the season. Hartenboer produce have a quality of living: fresh food in which life is not destroyed through sterilisation or radiation; with loads of vitamins and minerals and substances to strengthen life. Alle products are free of fragrances, colorants and aroma's.
Producers should stick to the sustainability criteria from Hartenboer which are monitored by working groups. Consumers can order products through the web shop and get them at a pick-up point. Therefore, one should register as a customer to a certain pick-up point. Produce from Hartenboer are also available at the farm shop of producers or at some markets. At these sales points, producers only sell their own produce. At the producer's place, one can order and pick up for all Hartenboer producers, however they are not in stock in the shop.
Boeren die behoren tot de community van "Hartenboer" brengen duurzaam geproduceerde hoeveproducten op de regionale markt. Achter alle producten zit een verhaal van de boer(in) en zijn of haar passie voor zijn of haar teelt, dierenwelzijn en natuurbehoud. Hartenboer probeert een zo ruim mogelijk assortiment aan te bieden.
4 verschillende resultaten kunnen geïdentificeerd worden: 1) Korte afstand tussen land en klant: De korte ketenverkoop zorgt ervoor dat de producten uiterst vers bij de consument komen, 2) Een eerlijke prijs voor producent en consument: Uitgangspunt is dat de producent een eerlijke prijs voor zijn product ontvangt. Ook voor de consument staat een eerlijke prijs voorop. Producenten werken samen om de distributiekosten te beperken zodat de producten kunnen aangeboden worden aan een eerlijke prijs., 3) Respect voor natuur en milieu: Een deel van de producten draagt het biolabel, maar ook voor de andere producten willen we een duurzame productiewijze garanderen. De leden van Hartenboer hebben duurzaamheidcriteria vastgelegd voor de manier waarop er geproduceerd wordt. Deze worden gecontroleerd door de vakgroepen en gegarandeerd door de hele groep producenten. De criteria gaan over sluiten van kringlopen, ecologische aspecten, dierenwelzijn, onderhoud van het landschap, 4) Ambachtelijk: De verwerking van de producten gebeurt ambachtelijk. Dit geeft de producten een authentieke smaak, die nog kan verschillen naargelang het seizoen. Hartenboer producten hebben een levende kwaliteit: verse voeding waarin het leven niet vernietigd is door sterilisatie of doorstraling; met volop vitaminen en mineralen en alles om het leven te versterken. Alle producten zijn vrij van kunstmatige geur- , kleur en smaakstoffen.
De leden van Hartenboer hebben duurzaamheidcriteria vastgelegd voor de manier waarop er geproduceerd wordt. Deze worden gecontroleerd door de vakgroepen en gegarandeerd door de hele groep producenten. Consumenten kunnen de producten bestellen via de webwinkel en ze afhalen op één van de afhaalpunten. Hiervoor moet je je eerst als klant registreren voor een afhaalpunt. Hartenboer producten zijn ook te verkrijgen in de hoevewinkels van de producenten of op sommige markten. Op deze verkooppunten verkopen de producenten in het algemeen enkel de eigen producten. Bij de producenten thuis kan je meestal een bestelling doorgeven en afhalen voor alle Hartenboerproducten, maar je vind ze niet in voorraad in de winkel.
"Den Diepen Boomgaard" is a social and sustainability oriented project: respect for mankind and nature are central. As a social working place this project offers an opportunity to work for people who are omitted on the regular job market. As an organic operating farm, the project aims for quality and Ecological soundness of production methods. A perfect example of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). The project can offer consumers up to 7 possibilities: 1) organic farming, 2) garden where people can harvest vegetables themselves, 3) farm shop offering organic produce, 4) maintenance of gardens before the winter, for households and companies, 5) packages with organic food and possibility to a subscription with organic food delivered regularly, 6) offer of fruits to schools and companies, 7) farm education, farm tours and experience (picknick).
New opportunities for people who are omitted on the regular job market. The project offers a warm home in which employees can grow at their own pace. The safety of a contract for an indefinite period gives them time to gain control of their own life again. An employee who is ready to spread his wings, gets the chance to grow towards a job in the regular job market. The farm is for a 100 % organic.
With a choice for organic produce, the social work place shows that a commitment to the environment can be perfectly harmonized with social and economic goals. It pays off to deliver fresh, high quality and healthy produce.
Den Diepen Boomgaard is een sociaal en duurzaam project: respect voor mens en milieu staan centraal. Als sociale werkplaats biedt het kansen aan mensen die elders op de arbeidsmarkt uit de boot vallen. Als biologisch bedrijf kiest het resoluut voor kwaliteit en een milieuvriendelijke productiemethode. Het is een perfect voorbeeld van Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Consumenten kunnen een keuze maken uit een divers aanbod (7): 1) biologische landbouw, 2) zelfoogsttuin, 3) hoevewinkel, 4) groenonderhoud, 5) bio-abonnementen en biopakketten, 6) school-en bedrijfsfruit, 7) rondleidingen, educatie en beleving (picknick).
Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor mensen die elders niet aan de slag geraken. Het project biedt een warm nest waarin medewerkers kunnen groeien op hun eigen tempo. De veiligheid van een contract met onbepaalde duur geeft hen de tijd om hun leven weer in handen te nemen. Een werknemer die klaar is om zijn vleugels uit te slaan, krijgt de kans toe te groeien naar een job op de reguliere arbeidsmarkt.
Met de keuze voor biologische producten, de sociale tewerkstellingsplaats toont dat een engagement t.o.v. het milieu perfect kan samengaan met sociale en economische doelen. Het loont om verse, kwalitatieve en gezonde producten te leveren.
"Boeren & Buren" is a network which connects local producers to consumers. A neighbourhood responsible searches producers who offer environmental friendly produced food, organic is not mandatory. These agriculturists are often real farmers, but can also be artisanal bakers and brewers, beekeepers or smallscale caterers. Every week they present their offer on a website and an app. The latter are used by consumers, "de buren", to indicate what and how much they want. The order shall be picked up at a fixed time and place in the neighbourhood.
Through this network, individual farmers no need to create an own webshop. In Flanders, producers live on average 18 km from the hub ("buurderij"). There are no surpluses as producers exactly know what customers ordered. Moreover, producers themselves can determine the price, which is significantly more in the hub (buurderij), but their products need to be prepared and transported. 16,7 % of their revenues are given away: half for the local responsible, the other half for the network. Normally, farmers get 20 % of what consumers pay in the supermarket.
This network targets consumers who are willing to pay for regional products, transparancy and honesty in the food chain. These consumers order and pay through internet, without a minimum order or subscription fee. Also the social aspect is important, the hub buurderij is a weekly meeting point
Boeren & Buren is een netwerk dat lokale producenten met consumenten samenbrengt. Een buurtverantwoordelijke zoek producenten die met respect voor het milieu voedsel aanbieden, bio hoeft niet. Die "boeren" zijn vaak echte landbouwers, maar ook ambachtelijke bakkers en brouwers, stadsimkers of kleinschalige traiteurs. Elke week plaatsen ze hun aanbod op een website en een app. Daardop duiden consumenten, de 'buren', aan wat en hoeveel ze bestellen. Hun bestelling halen ze af op een vast tijdstip en op een vaste plek in de buurt.
Door dit network, hoeven boeren niet elk individueel een webshop op te zetten. In Vlaanderen wonen de de producenten gemiddeld 18 km van de buurderij. Overschotten hebben ze niet. Ze weten precies wat de klanten bestellen. Hun prijs bepalen ze zelf. Op de buurderij krijgen ze significant meer, maar ze moeten hun producten wel klaarmaken en vervoeren. 16,7 procent van de inkomsten staan ze af: de helft voor de lokale verantwoordelijke, de andere helft voor het netwerk. Normaal krijgen boeren 20 procent van wat de consument in de supermarkt betaalt.
Boeren & Buren mikt op consumenten die willen betalen voor streekproducten, transparantie en eerlijkheid in de voedselketen. Ze bestellen en betalen via internet, zonder minimumbestellingen of abonnementskosten. Ook het sociale aspect is belangrijk, de buurderij is een wekelijkse ontmoetingsplaats.
Online order possibility for catering. Offers a completely fresh assortiment of local products. Delivering different farmers and growers in one delivery.
Vers 24/7 has created one order platform for all caterers to order their fresh local ingredients. Vers 24/7 collects the ordered ingredients at the different local farms and delivers it at the caterer.
Caterers can order at 1 company all their fresh and local ingredients.
Online bestelmogelijkheid voor horeca. Biedt compleet vers assortiment met local products. Bezorging van verschillende boeren en telers in één levering. Vers 24/7 heeft een platform opgezet voor alle horeca om daar hun verse lokale producten in een keer te kunnen bestellen. Verd 24/7 verzameld de ingredienten bij de lokale boerderijen en bezorgd de bestellingen bij de betreffende horeca.
De horeca kan bij 1 bedrijf, Vers 24/7, al hun verse lokale ingredienten bestellen. is a platform where consumers can buy a meat package which will be delivered at home (beef/chicken/pig). Only when the whole (100%) cow / chicken / pig is sold the animal will be slaughtered and the orders will be delivered to the consumers. Consumers will get quality meat directly from the farmer, they know exactly the origin. For consumers it is a really simple way to get quality meat directly from the farm. For the farmer they are able to sell the whole cow, instead of only some fast moving parts. In this case they get a good price for their whole product. / / is een platform waar consumenten een vleespakket kunnen kopen dat thuis wordt afgeleverd (rund / kip / varken). Alleen wanneer de hele (100%) koe / kip / varken wordt verkocht, wordt het dier geslacht en worden de bestellingen bij de consument afgeleverd. Consumenten krijgen kwaliteitsvlees rechtstreeks van de boer, ze weten precies waar het vandaan komt. Voor consumenten is het een heel eenvoudige manier om kwaliteitsvlees rechtstreeks van de boerderij te krijgen. Voor de boer kunnen ze de hele koe verkopen, in plaats van slechts enkele snel bewegende delen. In dit geval krijgen ze een goede prijs voor hun hele product. / /
Verskoop is a company that supplies fruit and vegetables to hospitality, catering and health care institutions in Zeeland. Wherever possible, they buy the fruit and vegetables locally, and process it in its own cutting kitchen. So the hospitality, catering and health care institutions can order local crops and vegetables through one platform.Through verskoop, hospitality, catering and healthcare institutions, can received vegetables and fruit from the region by one order. Verskoop can wash and cut the local vegetables, which makes for a lot of convenience for these companies. The catering and hospitality companies and healthcare institutions can order cut fruits and vegetables via one online platform. The vegetables and fruit can be ordered until 24:00 and will be delivered the following morning. Fruits and vegetables are bought locally as much as possible. If catering companies are looking for specific products from the region, Verskoop checks out whether it is possible to add them to the assortment.
Verskoop is een bedrijf wat groenten en fruit levert aan horeca, catering en zorginstellingen in Zeeland. Waar mogelijk koopt verskoop de groenten en fruit lokaal in, en verwerkt deze in haar eigen snijkeuken. zo kunnen de bedrijven lokale gewassen en gesneden groenten bestellen via één platform. Door verskoop kunnen horeca en catering bedrijven en zorg instellingen, groenten en fruit uit de regio via één bestelling ontvangen. Tevens kan Verskoop de lokale groenten wassen en snijden, wat zorgt voor veel gemak voor deze bedrijven. De horeca en catering bedrijven en zorg instellingen kunnen via één online platform gesneden groenten en fruit bestellen. de groenten en fruit kunnen tot 24:00 uur besteld worden en worden de volgende ochtend geleverd. Groenten en fruit worden zo veel mogelijk lokaal ingekocht. Als horeca ondernemers op zoek zijn naar specifieke producten uit de regio, wordt bekeken of het mogelijk is deze toe te voegen aan het assortiment.
The "Jardins de Cocagne" are non profit organic vegetable farms part of the same network, which objective is to support social and professional insertion. Those structures employ people with a complicated personal financial situation, and who have profesionnal or social issues. Those people help producing organic vegetables which are sold as weekly baskets to subscriber-consumers who have to pick up their baskets at the farm by themseves. People who work at the farm are also trained and helped to be reinserted in the professional market. It is not supposed to remain a permanent job. This way, people with a complicated social or professional situation can get involved in a valorising activity and get paid while lookig for reinsertion, while local consumers can get weekly fresh and organic vegetables while supporting others.
The employees see their life conditions improving and are helped to get a job while consumers by ethical fresh and organic vegetables.
Integrating a social dimension in the short supply chain approach.
Les Jardins de Cocagne sont une association à but non lucratif favorisant les personnes en difficulté sociale ou professionnelle. Les personnes employées dans les jardins de cocagne seront formées afin de garantir leur réinsertion, et les produits qu'elles vendent seront vendus à des consommateurs-adhérents de leur assiation. Les légumes cultivés sont bio.
Les employés voient leurs conditions de vies améliorées et retrouvent à terme un emploi, tandis que les consommateurs achètent des fruits et légumes éthiques, bio et frais.
Il peut être intéressant d'intégrer une dimension sociale dans l'approche des circuits courts.
La Ruche qui dit Oui is an compagny which was created in France but now also exists in neighbouring countries (Belgium, Spain…) . In all regions of France, consumers can find some "ruches" (beehives) close to their home. Consumers who register for free to a beehive will receive weekly on the website of the company and by email the list of products proposed by local farmers (the products belong to all food categories). They can then order some products, and if enough consumers decide to order the same product, the farmer will accept the sale and send the products to the beehive which is necessarily located close by. The sale can be canceled if the producer decides that not enough people ordered a specific product. The consumer then gets the products at the beehive. Majority of the money of the sale will go to the farmer, a small part to the heads of the beehives and to the company.
People get products from local producers in beehives located close to their homes, and become part of a community. Farmers and consumers have an excellent online tool available for orders. Farmers sell products for a price they decide.
This kind of structure is very beneficial to several kinds of end users: farmers can become part of a strong network, sell their produces at a price they decide and have easier logistics, a person who wants to get involved in a local project can become a beehive manager. Having an online platform is convenient for all the actors in terms of logistics and payment. This good practice shows that getting together with several actors of the sector can be a real success and can benefit to everyone. Creating such a big structure in a country is not easy, so as a start, interested countries can create at least regional online platforms, and of course it is possible to send requests for support to La Ruche qui dit Oui even if you are not French.
La Ruche qui dit Oui est une PME française mais qui s'est également récemment développée dans les pays voisins de la France comme l'Espagne ou la Belgique. On va trouver un peu partout en France ce qu'on appelle des ruches, c'est à dire des locaux où l'on va pouvoir retirer des produits. Les consommateurs intéressés vont s'abonner à une ruche, et recevront toutes les semaines par mail la liste des produits vendus dans leur ruche. Ils ont ensuite la possibilité de commander les produits de la liste. Il y a un concept d'achat groupé, si beaucoup de personnes commandent un même produit (le quota minimum est fixé par les producteurs), le producteur validera la vente et enverra ses produits à la ruche où le consommateur pourra récupérer ses produits une fois par semaine. Si le quota n'est pas atteint, le producteur peut annuler la vente. La majorité du prix de vente est reversée à l'agriculteur, le reste au responsable de ruche et à l'association.
Les consommateurs peuvent récupérer assez facilement leurs produits dans des ruches près de chez eux, tout en faisant partie d'une communauté locale. Les producteurs et les consommateurs ont à leur disposition un outil en ligne de qualité pour les commandes. Les producteurs peuvent fixer des prix justes.
Ce type de structure est bénéfique à plusieurs acteurs: aux producteurs qui rejoignent un réseau solide, peuvent fixer des prix justes, ainsi qu'aux personnes souhaitant s'impliquer dans un projet local et social pouvant devenir gestionnaires de ruches. Créer ce genre de structure à l'échelle d'un pays n'est pas simple, alors il peut être plus aisé de commencer par créer ce type de plateforme à l'échelle d'une région, il est bien sur possible de demander de l'aide ou un partenariat avec la Ruche qui dit Oui.
In the City of Colmar in Alsace, the 6th of December 2016, 35 farmers from the region of Alsace decided to buy a former Lidl supermarket together in order to start selling directly their products in here. Meat, cheese, fruits and vegetables, cider, beer, all of the 1000 products sold in "Coeur paysan" are produced by these 35 farmers. Everything works as a classical supermarket, except that the prices are decided by the farmers only and the products onlu come from their farms, and most of the time it comes cheaper as in a classical supermarket. They work really hard on their communication strategy to make things work, and so far 300 to 500 people per day come visiting their supermarket. Also most of the products are sold in bulk so it helps reducing waste.
Farmers have a place to sell their products to the price that seems fair to them, consumers buy fresh local products to a fair price without changing shopping habits.
This is a quite easy initiative to implement for farmers in any country. In this example, the farmers did everything by themselves. The only constraint is to find a place (old supermarket or else) where to sell products, so you need to gather enough producers so this process is not too expensive. Apart from that, the process is easy and can bring a lot to those who take time to invest in as consumers are really looking for this kind of places.
A Colmar en Alsace, le 6 Décembre 2016, 35 producteurs alsaciens ont décidé de s'associer en rachetant ensemble un ancien supermarché Lidl pour commencer à y vendre leurs produits locaux. Viande, fromages, légumes, bière, le millier de produits vendu à "Coeur paysan" provient de leurs exploitations. Tout fonctionne comme un supermarché classique, mais les producteurs fixent les prix, évitant tout intermédiaire inutile qui les gonflerait. Les produits sont vendus en vrac ce qui limite le gaspillage des emballages. Les consommateurs peuvent donc retrouver dans un seul supermarché uniquement des produits de leur région à un prix juste, avec une fraicheur garantie.
C'est un concept assez aisé à mettre en place, dans cet exemple les producteurs ont tout fait par eux mêmes. La plus grande difficulté est de trouver un local où vendre les produits, il faut donc rassembler un nombre suffisant de producteurs pour que cela ne soit pas trop cher. Mais lorsque c'est fait, ce concept peut apporter beaucoup à ceux qui osent s'investir dans le projet car les consommateurs sont vraiment en demande de ce type de lieu.
Les consommateurs ont un lieu de référence simple où acheter leurs produits frais locaux, et les producteurs peuvent eux même fixer leurs pric.
Ausumgaard has developed a business innovation concept for small and medium companies. It's a business park model on a family farm. This concept will also empower there own brand and give more power to the business strategy, that Ausumgaard has launched this winter.
Ausumgaard expects new companies to join the family farm development concept. 15 new companies are expected to join in 2017
The practitioner wil make use of this case in the way that Ausumgaard make innovation with other small business companies to create new products and concepts.
How to create cross learning between actors. The main learning between actors is that you can make a local cluster of companies to accelerate your SKIN innovation.
Ausumgaard har udviklet et business innovationskoncept for små og mellemstore virksomheder. Det er en forretningsparkmodel på en familiebedrift. Dette koncept vil også styrke sit eget mærke og give større kraft til den forretningsstrategi, som Ausumgaard har lanceret i vinter.
Ausumgaard forventer, at nye virksomheder skal tilslutte sig familiebedriftsudviklingsbegrebet. Der forventes 15 nye virksomheder i 2017.
Udøveren vil gøre brug af denne sag på den måde, at Ausumgaard laver innovation med andre småvirksomheder for at skabe nye produkter og koncepter.
Hvordan man skaber kryds læring mellem aktører. Den vigtigste læring mellem aktører er, at du kan lave en lokal klynge af virksomheder for at fremskynde din SKIN innovation ".
Involment and innovation discussion between consumers, farmers, food businesses. In 4 workshops, all tree groups had an understanding of what sustainabily on farms entails, on the dairy and how consumer behavior effects sustainability. This created new ways of communicating sustainability on the products.
Naturmælk communicates sustainabilty on there products/Brands to the consumers. They have to be aware of how to make this communication exact in relation to transparancy, story telling and empowerment potentials. Not only on farm level but also regarding the whole value chain. In food business you have to be open about your weakness and empowerment potential . This creates strong relations to the consumers.
How to use Sustainability in branding and product development by involving consumers.
Involverings- og innovationsdiskussion mellem forbrugere, landmænd, fødevarevirksomheder. I fire værksteder havde alle trægrupper en forståelse for, hvad bæredygtigt går på bedrifter, på mejeri og hvordan forbrugeradfærd påvirker bæredygtighed. Dette skabte nye måder at kommunikere bæredygtighed på produkterne.
Naturmælk kommunikerer bæredygtighed på der produkter / mærker til forbrugerne. De skal være opmærksomme på, hvordan man gør denne kommunikation nøjagtig i forhold til transparens, historiefortælling og empowerment potentialer. Ikke kun på gårdsniveau men også i hele værdikæden. fødevarevirksomheder skal du være åben over dit svaghed og empowerment potentiale. Dette skaber stærke relationer til forbrugerne.
Sådan bruger du Bæredygtighed i branding og produktudvikling ved at involvere forbrugere.
Close interactions between farmers and consumers. the Skjern Å river is Denmark’s largest and nature in the Skjern Å valley is utterly unique and makes a breath taking landscape. Together with the surrounding heaths and marshes, the Skjern Å river valley is the habitat for a multitude of plants and wildlife of international importance since several of these species are rare and endangered. The area Skjern Enge, which consists of a series of green grasslands that surround river, is de-grazed during the summer months and works like nature’s own waste treatment plant; you’ll find a one of a kind birdlife in these meadows which have become the preferred resting and wintering place for waterfalls. In general, this area offers excellent fishing of several species of fish in lakes and rivers, and in the fjord and the sea. The towns Skjern and Tarm are located centrally in this area and they both offer great shopping, comfy hotels, and cosy restaurants. The other towns and villages, which are placed like pearls on a string along Skjern Å, are definitely worth a visit as well; here you’ll get a chance to do some shopping, spend the night , see the sights, and experience the local color.
The main results and outcomes are represented by symbiosis between nature and economy to create added value with nature's products and arrangements (RECONNECTION).
Find an area with an abundance of nature's own products in order to make culinary experiences quite unique. Brand the products and let consumers experience the original and authentic food production (RECONNECTION).
Oksekød fra Økogårdene Skjern Enge er kød fra Angus og Limousine kvæg, der har gået i frodige enge og spist af naturen. For dyrene betyder det ren velvære. De har masser af plads, frisk luft og bliver ikke presset. Dyrenes trivsel prioriteres højt, og der lægges vægt på rolige omgivelser såvel på græs som i stald og med kortest mulige vej til øko-godkendt slagteri. Alt vores oksekød har hængt på krog, og modnet efter gamle danske traditioner, præcis sådan som smagfuldt og mørt oksekød skal.
Det formål at kunne tappe økologisk birkesaft.
På Økogårdene har vi omkring et par hundrede smukke birketræer, der pryder naturen. I marts 2015 fik vi træerne øko-certificeret, med det formål at kunne tappe økologisk birkesaft.Birkesaften tappes i foråret, omkring marts/april. Hvert birketræ kan give op til 10 liter saft i døgnet. Birkesaften indeholder mineraler, som kroppen har brug for, og er med til at styrke immunforsvaret.Vi prøver os lidt frem omkring anvendelsen. Vores slagtermester arbejder med birkesaften som smagsgiver i de hjemmelavede pølser – det er vi ret spændte på at smage resultatet af.Vi vil også i samarbejde med vidensinstitutioner som AgroTech, kigge på anvendelsen af birkesaften, som smagsgiver og saftens sundhedsfremmende egenskaber i forskellige fødevaresammenhænge
Helena Konopíková - Krchlebske cakes is an good example of successful business and gradual engagement of the entire family - mother, father, son and daughter. The cake factory and the shop were built in a family house.
The recipe was received by Mrs. Konopikova from her mother-in-law. It first began with production in its kitchen, but later the kitchen was small, so she adapted her business to the lower floor of the family house. Cakes are also delivered to the surrounding towns and regions to order. They work with local suppliers of local raw materials - egg, cottage cheese milk, high quality flour from a local mill.
In the shop was newly opened a small place where you can enjoy coffee, tea and, of course, Krchlebské cakes.
It is a regional product that excels in its taste, quality and beautiful decoration. Tourists from all over the world look for it as a Czech specialty and serve as an adornment to the Pilsen region's exhibitions in Europe. For her family, Helena Konopikova, a family business in a small West Bohemian village, has been a successful business for almost twenty years.
Cakes are a traditional dish of the region, however this product excels in innovative recipe and quality. This good practice is an example of a functioning family business, as well as close cooperation with local suppliers of raw materials (cottage, eggs, flour, poppyseed).
"Helena Konopíková - Krchlebské koláče" jsou ukázkovým příkladem úspěšného podnikání a postupného zapojení do rodinného podnikání celé rodiny - matky, otce, syna a dcery. Tato výrobna koláčů a obchod jsou umístěny v rodinném domku.
Recept získala paní Konopíková od své tchyně. Nejprve začala s výrobou ve své kuchyni, ale později byla kuchyně malá, takže umístila své podnikání do spodního pata rodinného domu. Koláče jsou dodávány i do okolních měst a regionů na objednávku. Spolupracují s okolními dodavateli, kteří dodávají lokální suroviny - vejce, tvaroh, vysoce kvalitní mouka z místního mlýna.
V prodejně byla nově otevřena malá kavárna, kde si můžete vychutnat kávu, čaj a samozřejmě Krchlebské koláče.
Jedná se o regionální produkt, který vyniká svou chutí, kvalitou a krásným zdobenímu. Turisté z celého světa koláče vyhledávají jako českou specialitu, a tím tyto produkty přispívají k věhlasu plzeňského regionu v Evropě. Rodinná firma Heleny Konopíkové je v malé západočeské vesnici úspěšná již téměř dvacet let.
Koláče jsou tradičním pokrmem pro tento region, tento výrobek ovšem vyniká inovativním receptem a kvalitou. Tento příklad dobré praxe je ukázkou fungujícího rodinného bysnysu a také úzké spolupráce s místními dodavateli surovin (tvaroh, vejce, mouka, mák).
The Krasíkov yard is an extensive agricultural area, which used to be a beautiful princely court, including brewery, mast, cows, teasel, potato, forge, horticulture, barn, spearhead and other buildings. Unfortunately, all the buildings and equipment of the estate were devastated in the Communist history of the Czech Republic by the operation of a state farm machine-tractor station. Currently, the complex is managed by a family company and its supporters who are trying to save the area and return it to life, its atmosphere and its representative appearance, which is progressing very well.
They managed to build a completely new hut for their horses, a seasonal snack (bistro) was opened in the premises of the former gatehouse of the campus with an outdoor seating. Another reconstructed object is the first accommodation capacity of the yard - apartment. The barn serves as a multifunctional object - over winter as a covered riding hall, over the summer as a space for dance balls, concerts, theaters, tournaments, etc.
Reconstruction of the room at the Manufaktur Amalka soap shop with a local shop selling local products, natural herbal soaps, biscuits, honey, with the possibility to sit inside with coffee and warm up in harsh days.
Completed project - goat cheese production and obtaining licenses and certificates for production and subsequent sale from the yard.
Planned events: a tourist hostel, as well as guest-room rooms where accommodation and breakfast will be provided.
An example of a good practice to make the dying complex again attractive. Year-round sales of cow's milk products and seasonal goat cheese production. Tourist and excursion destination for the entire region with accommodation. Positive Facebook reviews, lots of events. Possibility to organize dance events, weddings, theaters in the repaired barn.
Dvůr Krasíkov je rozsáhlý zemědělský areál, který býval v historii krásným knížecím poplužním dvorem zahrnujícím pivovar, maštale, kravíny, teletníky, bramborárnu, kovárnu, zahradnictví, stodolu, špejchar a další a další stavby. Bohužel všechny budovy a vybavení statku byly zdevastovány provozem strojně-traktorové stanice státního statku. V současné době areál spravuje rodinná společnost a její příznivci, kteří se snaží tento areál zachránit a vrátit mu život, jeho atmosféru a reprezentativní vzhled, což se jim postupně skvěle daří.
Podařilo se vybudovat kompletně nové ustájení pro jejich koně, bylo otevřeno sezónní občerstvení (bistro) v prostorách bývalé vrátnice areálu s venkovním sezením. Dalším rekonstruovaným objektem je první ubytovací kapacita dvora - apartmán. Stodola slouží jako multifunkční objekt - přes zimu jako krytá jízdárna, přes léto jako prostor pro taneční bály, koncerty, divadla, turnaje apod.
Rekonstrukce místnosti na manufakturu Amálčina mýdlárna s obchůdkem, ve které se prodávají lokální výrobky, přírodních rostlinná mýdla, sušenky, med, s možností posedět uvnitř u kávy a zahřát se v nevlídných dnech.
Dokončen projekt - výrobna kozích sýrů a získání povolení a certifikátů pro výrobu a následný prodej ze dvora.
Plánované akce: turistická ubytovna, dále pokoje penzionového typu, kde bude poskytováno ubytování i se snídaní.
Příklad dobré praxe, jak udělat z chátrajícího komplexu znovu atraktivní místo. Celoroční prodej výrobků z kravského mléka a sezónní výroba kozího sýra. Turistické a výletní místo pro celý region s možností ubytování. Pozitivní recenze na Facebooku, hodně pořádaných akcí. Možnost uspořádat taneční akce, svatby, divadla v opravené stodole.
"Get to know your farmer" is the Ministry of Agriculture's project, which aims to get people to know about products from nearby farms to find a way to quality local food, and to get to know the work and life on farms that they often have a very vague idea.
In 2017, the fourth year of "Know Your Farmer" begins, with 19 farms open all over the Czech Republic. Local producers will be able to get acquainted with their products from people around them who, unfortunately, do not even know about them. It is a shame because these farmers offer the highest quality food.
Visitors to each of the farms can always taste products directly from farmers in one place, buy quality food from the region and see how farmers manage and produce food. An integral part of each event is a thematic accompanying program for whole families, such as musical and theatrical performances, the presentation of regional food or local farmers or a foodtruck with freshwater fish. Children's face painting, pony riding or jumping harvesters are available for children.
Benefits of the Know Your Farmer project is to connect consumers with small and medium-sized agricultural farms in their area, support local agricultural production and primary producers and presentations of local producers. An inherent part of the training is, of course, also the educational targeting of the target audience in the area of consumption of high quality food, the establishment of non-existent contacts between the producers of these foods and the consumers in the given regions, the increase of the availability of fresh foods directly from the yard, the support of the regional producers.
This project is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic and implemented by the Service Facility of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Poznej svého farmáře je projekt Ministerstva zemědělství, jehož cílem je seznamovat lidi s produkty z farem v okolí, aby si našli cestu ke kvalitním lokálním potravinám a zároveň se seznámili s prací a životem na farmách, o kterém mají často velmi mlhavou představu.
V roce 2017 začal čtvrtý ročník" "Poznej svého farmáře" propagací 19 farem otevřenými po celé České republice. Místní producenti mají možnost seznámit se svými produkty veřejnost z blízkého okolí, kteří o nich často bohužel ani neví. Je to škoda, protože právě tito zemědělci nabízejí potraviny vysoké kvality.
Návštěvníci každé z farem mohou na jednom místě ochutnat produkty přímo od zemědělců, koupit si kvalitní potraviny z regionu a vidět, jak farmáři hospodaří a vyrábí potraviny. Nedílnou součástí každé akce je tematický doprovodný program pro celé rodiny, jako jsou hudební a divadelní představení, prezentace regionálních potravin nebo místních farmářů nebo jídelníček se sladkovodními rybami. Pro děti je k dispozici malování na obličej, jízda na ponících nebo skákací kombajny.
Cílem projektu Poznej svého farmáře je propojit menší a střední farmáře s jejich potenciálními spotřebiteli v nejbližším okolí, podpora místní zemědělské výroby a propagace výroby lokálních potravin. Součástí akcí je samozřejmě také vzdělávání zaměřené na cílové skupiny v oblasti spotřeby vysoce kvalitních potravin, vytvoření nových kontaktů mezi výrobci těchto potravin a spotřebiteli v daných regionech, zvýšení dostupnosti čerstvých potravin přímo ze dvora a podpora regionálních výrobců potravin.
Tento projekt je podporován Ministerstvem zemědělství České republiky a realizován prostřednictvím Zařízení služeb Ministerstva zemědělství.
Project coordinator
Project coordinator
Project partners
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner
Project partner