project - Research and innovation

SheepNet : SHaring Expertise and Experience towards sheep Productivity through NETworking (1 of 2)
SheepNet : SHaring Expertise and Experience towards sheep Productivity through NETworking (1 of 2)

Ongoing | 2016 - 2019 France
Ongoing | 2016 - 2019 France
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SheepNet is an EU network about practice-driven innovation to improve productivity meat sheep (the number of lambs reared per ewe joined) and the milk sheep (the number of milking ewes per ewe joined): a critical component of farmers’ income and therefore of the sustainability and attractiveness of sheep farming. SheepNet will establish durable exchange of scientific and practical knowledge among researchers, farmers and advisors across Europe. By a multi-actor and transdisciplinary approach, SheepNet will promote the implementation and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices.


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Six main sheep producing EU countries (Romania, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Ireland), plus Turkey are involved in SheepNet. The project aims to: 1)produce a scientific, technical and practical knowledge reservoir; 2)foster cross-fertilization through multi-actors workshops at national and international levels; 3)develop an easily understandable support package of communication and learning material, web-based tools, interactive platform. This network is widely open to all EU countries, stakeholders, sheep famers. In order to participate or to be informed, contact us via our website!


The EU is only 85% self-sufficient in sheep meat and is the largest importer of sheep meat worldwide. An increase in EU ewe productivity by 0.1 lambs reared per ewe joined would increase self-sufficiency in sheep meat to 92%. Ewe productivity is one of the main factors impacting on profitability of prime lamb production.

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SheepNet is an open and easy access network, Stakeholders are fostered to participate, propose solutions and innovation via our interactive platform and via the different social medias.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1991289

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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75 Practice Abstracts

The skin of the lambs who die can be used on the orphan lambs, those born from large litters or coming from ewes with no milk production. As soon as one lamb is lost, he is skinned, and the skin is used as a ‘vest’ on the lamb that needs to be fostered. In this way, the ewe will accept the new lamb, based on its familiar smell, considering him as her own. The degree of the acceptance of the new lambs is much improved, with the skin having to stay on the orphan lamb for at least 24 hours, time in which the smell of the dead lamb is imprinted on the orphan lamb, and the ewe is used with the vocalizations of the new lamb. The skin has to cover as much of the orphan lamb as possible, especially the back and tail area, given that ewe smell the tail area of the lambs before accepting them to suckling.

Pielea mieilor care au murit poate să fie folosită pentru adopţia mieilor orfani, sau cei din fătări multiple, sau cei proveniţi de la oi fără lapte. Imediat ce mielul a murit, este jupuit și pielea este folosită ca o vestă pentru mielul care orfan. În acest fel, mielul nou va fi considerat ca propriu datorită mirosului. Gradul de acceptare al noului miel este mult îmbunătățit pielea fiind menținută pe mielul orfan cel puţin 24 de ore, timp în care acesta se imprimă cu mirosul și oaia se obișnuiește cu vocea mielului. Pielea trebuie să acopere cât mai mult din miel mai ales spatele și zona cozii, având in vedere că oaia surogat miroase zona cozii mielului înainte de a îl accepta la supt.

Ewes with calmer temperaments have higher body weights (≥5%), produce higher litters (≥5%), their lambs have better daily gains (≥10%) and weaning rates. Temperament of ewes can be assessed using a 5-point score scale at weighing, while spending 30 seconds in the weighing crate: 1 calm, no movement; 2 calm, with occasional movements; 3 moderately movements; 4 abrupt episodic movements; 5 permanent episodic movements. For breeding purposes, it is advised to use ewes that have scores of 1 and 2. Given that the temperament is consisted throughout the animal’s life, the temperament/behavioural reactivity scoring can be done at an early age (e.g. at weaning). Heritability for temperament in sheep is moderately to low, ranging between 0.20 and 0.35. The scale test is an easy to use method since most sheep farms have a weigh crate, and has been proven to have a repeatability of over 0.80.

Oile cu temperamente calme au greutăți corporale mari (+5%), produc miei mai mari (+5%), și mieii au spor mai mare (+10%) și rate mai mari de înțărcare. Temperamentul oilor poate fi evaluat folosind o scară de 5 puncte, observând oile timp de 30 de secunde într-un cântar cu platformă: 1 calmă, fără mișcare; 2 calmă, cu mișcări ocazionale; 3 mișcări moderate; 4 episoade bruște de mișcare; 5 mișcări permanente . În scop de reproducție, este de preferat ca oile să aibă scorul 1 sau 2. Având in vedere că temperamentul este consecvent în viața animalului evaluarea temperamentului/comportamentului poate fi efectuată la vârste mici (ex. la înțărcare).

In big commercial sheep flocks which do not practice performance recordings or basic data recording, ewes could be selected for prolificacy and longevity based on ear notches. Those ewes who lamb and wean twins or triplets should at the time of weaning be marked with an ear notch. Replacement ram lambs should be kept from old ewes which have at least 5 notches, meaning that they were weaning multiple lambs for at least 5 production cycles and that they are hardy animals. In this way, farmers will select for high fertility, increased prolificacy, high lamb weaning rates and longevity in their flocks.

În turmele mari de oi care nu practică înregistrarea datelor de producție, oile pot fi selectate pentru prolificitate și longevitate pe baza semnelor din urechi. Oile care fată și înțarcă gemeni sau tripleți, trebuie marcate la momentul înțărcării cu un semn (preducire). Berbecii de înlocuire trebuie să fie ținuți de la oile bătrâne care au cel puțin 5 semne, care semnifică că au înțărcat 5 ani mai mulți miei și sunt animale rezistente. În acest fel fermierii vor selecta animale cu fertilitate ridicată, prolificitate crescută, rate mari de înțărcare și longevitate în turmele lor.

In order to induce and synchronize oestrus in ewes, the use of subcutaneous melatonin implants is one of the easiest hormonal methods to be implement at farm level. All rams have to be removed from the breeding flock prior with 2-3 weeks before the melatonin implants insertion, and implants could be used on lactating or dry ewes (day of insertion is considered day 0). Rams should be joined to the ewes starting day 28-31. This method leads to a better oestrus onset at flock level, a more synchronized reproduction and lambing timing, and also to an increase in the litter size. The costs are low, between 3 to 4 EUR per implant, and can be used in extensive production systems as one single ewe handling is needed.

Pentru inducerea și sincronizarea estrului la oi, folosirea implantelor subcutane cu melatonină este cea mai ușoară metodă hormonală de implementat în ferme. Toți berbecii trebuie să fie îndepărtați din ferme cu 2-3 săptămâni înainte de introducerea implantelor, și implantele pot fi utilizate șî pe oi in lactație sau care nu mai sunt mulse (ziua inserției este ziua 0). Berbecii sunt reintroduşi în turmă începând cu ziua 28-31. Această metodă este eficientă pentru sincronizarea debutului estrului, sincronizarea reproducției și a fătărilor, de asemenea este utilă pentru creșterea numărului de fătări gemelare. Costurile sunt reduse 3-4 Euro/ implant, și poate fi utilizată în sisteme extensive.

In order to monitor body condition score (BCS during grazing), especially in long wool sheep, sentinel breeds can be used. Using 4 to 6 ewes that belong to more ‘sensitive/demanding’ genotypes (e.g. Merino breed) compared to the main breed/crossbred reared on the farm. More demanding/sensitive breeds loose BCS at a higher rate than the low input hardy breeds (e.g. coarse wool breeds), and thus, they could be used (shorn 2 times per year) as a tool to monitor condition of sheep and to act as ‘alarms thresholds’ for the farmer whenever the pasture or feeding quality is dropping down. This method is advised in extensive low input production systems, where the farmers do not practice body condition scoring of the animals, and to be used especially during critical times in the ewe’s production cycle (before mating, ahead of lambing and during peak lactation).

Pentru monitorizarea condiţiei corporale a oilor (BCS) în timpul sezonului de pășunat, în special la oile cu lână cu fir lung pot fi folosite animale santinelă. Folosirea 4-6 oi care aparțin unor genotipuri mai sensibile (ex. Merins sau Rațca) comparativ cu principala rasă crescută în fermă. Rasele mai sensibile pierd BCS la o rată mai mare comparativ cu rasele mai rezistente (ex. Țurcana sau Tigaia), și astfel, pot fi folosite (tunse de 2 ori / an) ca mod de a monitoriza condiția corporală la oi astfel acționând ca „alarme” pentru fermier. Această metodă este recomandată în sisteme de producție extensive de low input, unde fermierii nu practică regulat evaluarea condiției corporale a animalelor. În special în momente cheie, precum perioada de preătire pentru montă sau fătare.

Lambs must take the first intake of colostrum within the first 3 hours after birth, which is essential for their survival. However, some times there might be no enough colostrum to feed newborn lambs, and stored colostrum can be required. In order to keep and conserve colostrum, those sheep producing the best quality one should be selected. The collected colostrum can be kept refrigerated up to 2 days, and frozen up to 2 years. And single dose containers, such as 250 or 300 ml recycled water plastic bottles, allows easy identification, as well as rapid freezing and thawing in a water bath at temperatures below 50ºC. In addition to being light and cheap, plastic bottles allow to keep the colostrum safely and in the best possible conditions.

Los corderos deben tomar la primera ingesta de calostro dentro de las primeras 3 horas después del nacimiento, lo que es esencial para su supervivencia. Sin embargo, algunas veces puede que no haya suficiente calostro para alimentar a los corderos recién nacidos, y se puede requerir calostro almacenado. Con el fin de mantener y conservar el calostro, deben seleccionarse las ovejas que producen la mejor calidad. El calostro recolectado se puede mantener refrigerado hasta 2 días y congelado hasta 2 años. Y los recipientes monodosis, como botellas de plástico recicladas de 250 o 300 ml, permiten una fácil identificación, así como una rápida congelación y descongelación en un baño de agua a temperaturas inferiores a 50ºC. Además de ser ligeras y baratas, las botellas de plástico permiten mantener el calostro de manera segura y en las mejores condiciones posibles.

Artificial sucking involves taking the lambs from the lambing pen, to the lactation cubicles. In large flocks with concentrated lambings, this work may require many trips forward and back. It can be a sollution to take a group of lambs together withing a shopping cart, one of those that exist in supermarkets, or similar. This vehicle allows concentrating the transfers and to save time. Moreover, it is a confortable and safe procedure for the worker.

La lactancia artificial supone trasladar a los corderos de la zona de partos en la cuadra, a la de los cubículos de lactancia. En rebaños grandes, con parideras concentradas, este trabajo puede requerir muchos viajes de un lado a otro. Puede ser una solución llevar a un grupo de corderos juntos en un carrito, uno de los que existen en los supermercados o similares. Este vehículo permite concentrar traslados y ahorrar tiempo. Además, es un procedimiento cómodo y seguro para el trabajador.

During the lactation period it is not uncommon that some lambs require specific treatments to overcome diarrhea proceses, as well as to learn to drink water, an essential condition to reduce post-weaning stress, which may affect their further development. There are cages that allow placing a water bucket inside, so suckling lambs in natural feeding may access through the bars to drink clean water or water with veterinary treatment, but sheep are not allowed to. The farmer can access from the top to clean, replace or fill the bucket.

Durante el período de lactancia no es infrecuente que algunos corderos requieran tratamientos específicos para superar los procesos de diarrea. Además, deben aprender a beber agua, una condición esencial para reducir el estrés posterior al destete, que de otro modo puede afectar a su desarrollo posterior. Hay jaulas que permiten colocar un cubo de agua en el interior, por lo que los corderos lactantes pueden acceder a través de las barras para beber agua limpia o agua con tratamiento veterinario, pero no se permite que las ovejas lo hagan. El ganadero puede acceder desde la parte superior para limpiar, reemplazar o llenar de nuevo el cubo.

Conducting ultrasounds in a flock is not a comfortable task for the personel who perform them: the size of the sheep usually requires that the technician has to remain crouching, and usually the number of sheep to be diagnosed is high, which finally makes it a hard work. The technicians of ANCHE (Spanish Asoc. of farmers of Churra breed) use a portable trolley to place the ultrasound scanning device and all the material required to make the diagnosis, and to have them available while the the technician remains seated by the sheep handling race, in a much more confortable posture, and without having the need to change position.

La realización de las ecografías en los rebaños no es una tarea cómoda para la persona que los realiza: el tamaño de las ovejas generalmente requiere que el técnico permanezca agachado y, por lo general, el número de ovejas a diagnosticar es alto, lo que finalmente hace que sea un trabajo duro. Los técnicos de ANCHE (Asoc. Española de agricultores de la raza Churra) usan un carrito portátil para colocar el ecógrafo y todo el material necesario para hacer el diagnóstico, y tenerlos disponibles mientras el técnico permanece sentado junto a la manga de manejo, en una postura mucho más cómoda, y sin necesidad de cambiar continuamente de posición.

The proper selection of males for reproduction is crucial to enhance the efficiency and producitivy of the flock. Generally the rams are assumed to be reproductive efficient, and nevertheless, recent studies show that approximately 18% of the rams show physical and/or physiological problems. The identification of those defficiencies is therefore important to discard those rams for reproduction. MSD has developed a drawer to place the ram in, and keep it immobilized in order to collect a semen sample. The quality of the semen sample can be assessed on farm with a microscope and then, farmers can decide upon the results achieved wether to keep the ram for reproduction, or not.

La selección adecuada de los sementales para la reproducción es crucial para mejorar la eficiencia y la producción del rebaño. En general, se asume que los moruecos son eficientes en la reproducción y, sin embargo, estudios recientes muestran que aproximadamente el 18% de los machos muestran problemas físicos y / o fisiológicos. La identificación de esas deficiencias es, por lo tanto, importante para descartar a los carneros inapropiados para la reproducción. MSD ha desarrollado un cajón para colocar al morueco y mantenerlo inmovilizado para recoger una muestra de semen. La calidad de la muestra de semen se puede evaluar en la granja con un microscopio, y luego los ganaderos pueden decidir en función de los resultados obtenidos, ya sea mantener el semental para la reproducción o no.

Sperm production by rams is highly correlated with the testicular perimetre. This is why this criterion is one of the key ones when selecting rams for reproduction. The scrotal perimeter of rams varies with the season of the year, the age of the rams and throughout the period of utilization for reproduction. There is a 50 cm meassuring tape, with divisions of 1 cm, which allows assessing the scrotal perimeter at its widest part. It is fitted for either young male or adult rams, stablishing the minimum size and the recommended perimeter for any of these two types of rams.

La producción de esperma por los moruecos (o sementales) está altamente correlacionada con el perímetro testicular. Esta es la razón por la cual este criterio es uno de los claves cuando se seleccionan los machos para la reproducción. El perímetro escrotal de los moruecos varía según la estación del año, la edad de los sementales y durante todo el período de utilización para la reproducción. Hay una cinta de medición de 50 cm, con divisiones de 1 cm, que permite evaluar el perímetro escrotal en su parte más ancha. Se ajusta para individuos jóvenes o adultos, estableciendo el tamaño mínimo y el perímetro recomendado para cualquiera de estos dos tipos de machos.

The optimum birth weight for singles, twins and triplets is 6, 5.6 and 4.7 kg, respectively and it is at these weights that lamb mortality is lowest with lambs less than 3 kg and greater than 7 kg having the highest mortality. Optimum birth weight also increases lamb performance with each 0.5 kg increase in birth weight increasing weaning weight (at 14 weeks) by 1.7 kg. Feeding ewes adequately in late pregnancy will increase lamb birth weight, colostrum quality and quality and will in turn reduce lamb mortality.

Ewe should be pregnancy scanned at approximately 80 days post ram introduction and grouped according to litter size (based on scanning) and expected date of lambing (raddle colour). Raddle colour should be changed frequently (e.g. weekly) during the breeding season thus enabling grouping in late gestation by expected lambing date. Forage should be analysed to develop a nutrition programme to meet the energy and protein requirements of the ewe, examples are given in the link below.

More information :

The optimum birth weight for singles, twins and triplets is 6, 5.6 and 4.7 kg, respectively and it is at these weights that lamb mortality is lowest with lambs less than 3 kg and greater than 7 kg having the highest mortality. Optimum birth weight also increases lamb performance with each 0.5 kg increase in birth weight increasing weaning weight (at 14 weeks) by 1.7 kg. Feeding ewes adequately in late pregnancy will increase lamb birth weight, colostrum quality and quality and will in turn reduce lamb mortality.

Ewe should be pregnancy scanned at approximately 80 days post ram introduction and grouped according to litter size (based on scanning) and expected date of lambing (raddle colour). Raddle colour should be changed frequently (e.g. weekly) during the breeding season thus enabling grouping in late gestation by expected lambing date. Forage should be analysed to develop a nutrition programme to meet the energy and protein requirements of the ewe, examples are given in the link below.

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Some ewes have an excessively large teat that lambs do not want to suck. These large teats could be caused by age or a very large volume of milk. The issue arises when the lamb decides not to suck the large teat and the teat swells with milk worsening the situation. The teat can be hand milked to reduce the pressure on the teat, this will reduce the teat size, avoid the risk of mastitis and also make it possible for the lamb to suck the now smaller teat. Hand milking is time consuming however and may have to be done many times. One Irish farmer developed a novel idea to deal with this issue. By denying the lamb access to the preferred teat encourages the lamb to suck the large (rejected) teat, this will reduce the milk volume to allow the teat to return to a normal size as milk is not allowed to accumulate. Covering the small (preferred) teat with insulating tape stops the lamb from sucking it and encourages them to suck the rejected teat. The insulating tape can be removed after 24 hours.

Some ewes have an excessively large teat that lambs do not want to suck. These large teats could be caused by age or a very large volume of milk. The issue arises when the lamb decides not to suck the large teat and the teat swells with milk worsening the situation. The teat can be hand milked to reduce the pressure on the teat, this will reduce the teat size, avoid the risk of mastitis and also make it possible for the lamb to suck the now smaller teat. Hand milking is time consuming however and may have to be done many times. One Irish farmer developed a novel idea to deal with this issue. By denying the lamb access to the preferred teat encourages the lamb to suck the large (rejected) teat, this will reduce the milk volume to allow the teat to return to a normal size as milk is not allowed to accumulate. Covering the small (preferred) teat with insulating tape stops the lamb from sucking it and encourages them to suck the rejected teat. The insulating tape can be removed after 24 hours.

Lameness in sheep is a common problem and has significant effect on animal performance and welfare. Sheep get lame for many reasons but two of the main causes of lameness in sheep are scald and foot rot. Both are bacterial infections of the hoof and/or the tissue between the hooves. There are many treatment methods including foot bathing in zinc sulphate, copper sulphate or formaldehyde among other solutions. There is also the option of antibiotic treatment in the form of a topical spray or injection both of which are very successful at treating scald and foot-rot. There are issues however with the use of antibiotic such as cost, the risk or antibiotic resistance and the long withdrawal time of meat and milk for human consumption.

Lameness in sheep is a common problem and has significant effect on animal performance and welfare. Sheep get lame for many reasons but two of the main causes of lameness in sheep are scald and foot rot. Both are bacterial infections of the hoof and/or the tissue between the hooves. There are many treatment methods including foot bathing in zinc sulphate, copper sulphate or formaldehyde among other solutions. There is also the option of antibiotic treatment in the form of a topical spray or injection both of which are very successful at treating scald and foot-rot. There are issues however with the use of antibiotic such as cost, the risk or antibiotic resistance and the long withdrawal time of meat and milk for human consumption.

The lambing period is a busy time on sheep farms and can continue for many weeks. Compacting the lambing period will allow for additional labour to be hired for a shorter period and will also provide a more even crop of lambs to make flock management easier. The ram effect can be used to naturally synchronise the flock. The ram’s pheromones cause the onset of cyclicity. The ewes should be out of sight and smell of any rams for four weeks prior to using the ram effect. A vasectomised ram or an aproned ram can be used for the ram effect. The apron physically prevents mating alternatively a ram can be placed in an adjacent paddock with similar results. The ram should be introduced for 48 hours two weeks prior to mating. This introduction will cause the onset of cyclicity in the ewes. The fertile rams should be introduced fourteen days later. The ram effect will result in 75% of ewes lambing in 14 days and 90% lambing in 21 days. Additional ram power will be needed (1 ram per 25/30 ewes) and additional labour and lambing facilities will be required to cope with the condensed lambing period.

The lambing period is a busy time on sheep farms and can continue for many weeks. Compacting the lambing period will allow for additional labour to be hired for a shorter period and will also provide a more even crop of lambs to make flock management easier. The ram effect can be used to naturally synchronise the flock. The ram’s pheromones cause the onset of cyclicity. The ewes should be out of sight and smell of any rams for four weeks prior to using the ram effect. A vasectomised ram or an aproned ram can be used for the ram effect. The apron physically prevents mating alternatively a ram can be placed in an adjacent paddock with similar results. The ram should be introduced for 48 hours two weeks prior to mating. This introduction will cause the onset of cyclicity in the ewes. The fertile rams should be introduced fourteen days later. The ram effect will result in 75% of ewes lambing in 14 days and 90% lambing in 21 days. Additional ram power will be needed (1 ram per 25/30 ewes) and additional labour and lambing facilities will be required to cope with the condensed lambing period.

Increasing ewe productivity increases the incidences of multiple births. Although many ewes have the ability to rear three lambs other eg: 2-tooths do not have sufficient milk supply or mothering ability. One option to deal with surplus lambs is to cross foster them to a single bearing ewe. Many methods can be used each with its own labour and success variations however one novel approach used by Irish farmers is the use of a fostering bucket. This method can be used when a ewe rejects one of her own or an adopted lamb and is a cost effective method of fostering lambs. The base of the bucket is remove leaving a hole bucket approximately 8cm form the rim. The bucket is then placed over the ewes head sitting comfortably on the wool on the neck. The bucket prevents the ewe from seeing or smelling which lamb is sucking. The ewe will allow both lambs suck and will accept both lambs in time; the bucket can be removed after 6 weeks.

Increasing ewe productivity increases the incidences of multiple births. Although many ewes have the ability to rear three lambs other eg: 2-tooths do not have sufficient milk supply or mothering ability. One option to deal with surplus lambs is to cross foster them to a single bearing ewe. Many methods can be used each with its own labour and success variations however one novel approach used by Irish farmers is the use of a fostering bucket. This method can be used when a ewe rejects one of her own or an adopted lamb and is a cost effective method of fostering lambs. The base of the bucket is remove leaving a hole bucket approximately 8cm form the rim. The bucket is then placed over the ewes head sitting comfortably on the wool on the neck. The bucket prevents the ewe from seeing or smelling which lamb is sucking. The ewe will allow both lambs suck and will accept both lambs in time; the bucket can be removed after 6 weeks.

Lambing is a labour intensive time on farms and the use of individual lambing pens increases the workload as each sheep needs to be fed and watered individually. One method to reduce the labour requirement of individual lambing pens is the use of a 15cm diameter water pipe to supply water to multiple lambing pens at once. The pipe is secured at the sheep’s head height and a hole is cut in the pipe in each pen to allow the sheep to drink. The water can be topped up as required at one end. The use of the elevated water pipe also removes the chance of the sheep contaminating their water supply with faeces. The removal of water buckets from the lambing pen also removes the chance of lambs drowning and spillage.

Lambing is a labour intensive time on farms and the use of individual lambing pens increases the workload as each sheep needs to be fed and watered individually. One method to reduce the labour requirement of individual lambing pens is the use of a 15cm diameter water pipe to supply water to multiple lambing pens at once. The pipe is secured at the sheep’s head height and a hole is cut in the pipe in each pen to allow the sheep to drink. The water can be topped up as required at one end. The use of the elevated water pipe also removes the chance of the sheep contaminating their water supply with faeces. The removal of water buckets from the lambing pen also removes the chance of lambs drowning and spillage.

Newborn lambs must get their first milk intake as soon as possible, and always before 3 hours after birth.

Therefore, to reduce lamb mortality due to poor care and feeding management of newborn lambs, it is necesary to make sure that new-born lambs consume a sufficient amount of colostrum at the optimal time, and keep good quality colostrum to feed orphaned lambs, lambs born from very prolific litters or abandoned lambs.

On the first day of life, lambs have to consume an amount of colostrum equal to 10% of their live weight. It is recommended to distribute that daily amount in a maximum of 4 doses, the first during the first 3 h of life, and then at around 8, 14 and 20 h.

Whenever the mother does not have enough colostrum, high quality colostrum should be collected from multiparous sheep after having fed their offspring. Sheep must be in a good condition, suitably fed, and vaccinated against the more frequent diseases within the flock or the geographical area.

- Milk the remaining colostrum to the sheep every 12 hours after lambing.

- Pack the colostrum in 250 ml containers and keep refrigerated (up to 2 days), Frozen (-18ºC up to 2 years, and unfreeze at less than 60ºC, since higher temperatures denature immunoglobulins), or pasteurized ( 56ºC for 30', to try to control Maedi-Visna disease).

The temperature of supply of colostrum is 35-40ºC.

Abdominal palpation of the lambs to check their condition (full / empty) is recomended.

Los corderos recién nacidos deben tomar su primera dosis de leche lo antes posible, y siempre antes de las 3 horas tras el nacimiento.

Por lo tanto, para reducir la mortalidad de corderos debido a la mala atención y al manejo de la alimentación de los corderos recién nacidos, es necesario asegurarse de que consumen una cantidad suficiente de calostro en el momento óptimo, así como mantener calostro de buena calidad para alimentar a los corderos huérfanos, abandonados o a los nacidos de camadas muy prolíficas.

En el primer día de vida, los corderos deben consumir una cantidad de calostro igual al 10% de su peso vivo. Se recomienda distribuir esa cantidad diaria en un máximo de 4 dosis, la primera durante las primeras 3 h de vida, y luego alrededor de las 8, 14 y 20 h.

Siempre que la madre no tenga suficiente calostro, debe recolectarse calostro de alta calidad de ovejas multíparas después de haber alimentado a sus crías. Las ovejas deben estar en buenas condiciones, alimentadas adecuadamente y vacunadas contra las enfermedades más frecuentes dentro del rebaño o en el área geográfica.

- Ordeñar el calostro restante a las ovejas cada 12 horas después del parto.

- Envasar el calostro en recipientes de 250 ml y mantenerlo refrigerado (hasta 2 días), congelado (a -18ºC hasta 2 años y descongelar a menos de 60ºC, ya que las temperaturas más altas desnaturalizan las inmunoglobulinas), o pasteurizado (a 56ºC durante 30', para tratar de controlar la enfermedad de Maedi-Visna).

La temperatura de suministro del calostro es de 35-40ºC.

Se recomienda la palpación abdominal de los corderos para verificar su estado (lleno / vacío)

The establishment of proper sheep-lamb bonds contributes to reduce lamb mortality. However, this is not always the case, such as for example:

- young sheep at the first lambing, or

- after a difficult lambing, or

- sheep with several lambs,

In order to facilitate the mother-lamb bond and avoid mis-mothering, it can be useful to prepare individual penning arrangements of around 2 m2, or in any case to allocate a small batch of sheep (another 2 more sheep) to try to guarantee that mothers recognize and take care of their offspring.

Susceptible sheep should be introduced within these arrangements at the time of lambing, where they should remain together with their lambs during the first 12-24 h after the lambing in order to facilitate mutual recognition.

A decrease in lamb mortality and labour requirements is expected, although space and barriers need to be available.

El establecimiento de vínculos apropiados entre ovejas y corderos contribuye a reducir la mortalidad de los corderos. Sin embargo, este no es siempre el caso, como por ejemplo:

- ovejas jóvenes en el primer parto, o

- después de un parto difícil, o

- ovejas con varios corderos,

Para facilitar el vínculo madre-cordero y evitar el abandono de la madre, puede ser útil disponer de cubículos individuales o zonas de alrededor de 2 m2, o en cualquier caso ubicarlas en pequeños lote de ovejas (otras 2 ovejas más) para tratar de garantizar que las madres reconozcan y cuiden a sus crías.

Las ovejas susceptibles deben introducirse dentro de estos cubículos en el momento del parto, donde deben permanecer juntas con sus corderos durante las primeras 12-24 h después del parto para facilitar el reconocimiento mutuo.

Se espera una disminución en la mortalidad de los corderos y los requisitos de mano de obra, aunque es necesario disponer de espacio suficiente en la cuadra y de barreras.

All the people working on the farm need to be properly trained for the lambing season. Either specific training or an update of knowledge of all the personnel around 1 month before the start of the lambings should be considered to improve the care of sheep and lambs around lambing, and to decrease lamb mortality.

Skills and availabilities should cover:

- feeding requirements and management of sheep prior to lambing;

- Recognition of the signs of an imminent lambing, possible presentations of the lambs at birth, and procedures to follow.

- Identification of toxemia, mastitis and hypocalcemia.

- Management of newborn lambs, feeding with a suitable amount of colostrum, disinfection of the umbilical cord.

- Recording technical data, lambings, number of lambs born, lamb mortality...

- Designate a trained member of the staff as responsible for the group.

The knowledge of experts (veterinary services, advisors, etc.) or the availability of ad hoc material (templates, leaflets, etc.) may be useful for this purspose.

Todas las personas que trabajan en la granja deben estar debidamente capacitadas para la temporada de partos. Se debe considerar la capacitación específica o una actualización del conocimiento de todo el personal alrededor de 1 mes antes del inicio de los partos para mejorar el cuidado de las ovejas y corderos en torno al parto, y para disminuir la mortalidad de los corderos.

Las habilidades y capacidades deben cubrir:

- requisitos de alimentación y manejo de las ovejas antes del parto;

- Reconocimiento de los signos de un parto inminente, posibles presentaciones de los corderos al nacer y procedimientos a seguir.

- Identificación de toxemia, mastitis e hipocalcemia.

- Manejo de corderos recién nacidos, alimentación con una cantidad adecuada de calostro, desinfección del cordón umbilical.

- Registro de datos técnicos, partos, número de corderos nacidos, mortalidad de corderos ...

- Designar a un miembro capacitado del personal como responsable del grupo.

El conocimiento de expertos (servicios veterinarios, asesores, etc.) o la disponibilidad de material ad hoc (plantillas, folletos, etc.) puede ser útil para este propósito.

Sheep must be provided with clean and desinfected bedding for the optimal and safe development of lambings. To do so, regular cleaning and disinfection of the bedding and the barn is required.

Before lambings: The barn must be cleaned and disinfected with bleach, lime or any commercial disinfectant.

During lambings: keep the bedding as clean and dry as possible, usually with new straw or with any other drying material; Continuous removal of placentas.

After lambings: the bedding must be removed and the barn cleaned and disinfected.

These measures will allow achieving a lower presence and spread of pathogenic agents, and therefore lower risk of health hazards and lamb mortality.

Es preciso proveer a las ovejas de una cama limpia y desinfectada para el desarrollo óptimo y seguro de los partos. Para ello, se requiere una limpieza y desinfección regulares de la cama y del establo.

Antes de los partos: El establo debe limpiarse y desinfectarse con lejía, cal o cualquier desinfectante comercial.

Durante los partos: hay que mantener la cama lo más limpia y seca posible, generalmente con paja nueva o con cualquier otro material de secado; Hay que proceder a la eliminación continua de las placentas.

Después de los partos: se debe retirar la cama y el establo debe limpiarse y desinfectarse.

Estas medidas permitirán lograr una menor presencia y propagación de agentes patógenos y, por lo tanto, un menor riesgo de problemas para la salud y la mortalidad del cordero.

Achieving a succesful diagnosis for abortion is crucial in order to design efficient prophylactic measures for controlling abortion causative agents. Therefore, the chances for success rely to a great extent on the proper collection of samples for laboratory analysis. First, aborted females must be isolated and identified.

If there is no suspicion of the specific process, the following samples should be collected and sent to the laboratory: fetus, placenta, vaginal swabs, maternal serum and whole blood, together with the full case history.

Samples must be collected as clean as possible, and sent refrigerated in sealed, resistant and waterproof containers.

Samples must be collected and sent to the lab as soon as possible; 10-15 days later, serum from the same sheep should be collected and analyzed again to check the possible existence of seroconversions.

The following clean material is required for the collection of samples: swabs, vacuum blood collection tubes, plastic bags, refrigerator, etc.

Lograr un diagnóstico exitoso de la causa de los abortos es crucial para diseñar medidas profilácticas eficientes para su control. Por lo tanto, las posibilidades de éxito dependen en gran medida de la recolección adecuada de muestras para su envío y análisis en laboratorio. Primero, hay que identificar y aislar a las ovejas abortadas.

Si no existe una sospecha del proceso específico, se deben recoger y enviar al laboratorio muestras de: feto, placenta, frotis vaginales, suero materno y sangre completa, junto con el historial completo del caso.

Las muestras deben recogerse lo más limpias posible y enviarse refrigeradas en recipientes sellados, resistentes e impermeables.

Las muestras deben recogerse y enviarse al laboratorio tan pronto como sea posible; 10-15 días después, se debe recolectar y analizar nuevamente el suero de la misma oveja para verificar la posible existencia de seroconversiones.

Se requiere el siguiente material limpio para la recolección de muestras: hisopos, tubos de extracción de sangre al vacío, bolsas de plástico, refrigerador, etc.

The objective of transabdominal ultrasound scanning is to identifiy the sheep that are pregnant, as well as to assess the number of foetus. In order to have it implemented, the sheep has to be standing up; the probe impregnated with gel is placed on the right flank at the inguinal region, and a sweep is made in all directions to identify landmarks indicative of gestation. Scanning to identify pregnan sheep is recomended from day 30 of pregnancy to day 90; and from day 40 to 50, to assess the number of fetuses. An experienced technician has an accuracy of 90-98%, which allows recovering empty sheep for other mating batches, or eliminating infertile animals. This technique allows adapting beeter the antepartum feeding plan to the real needs of the pregnant sheep. Of course, access to a trained and equipped technical service is required.

El objetivo de la ecografía transabdominal es identificar las ovejas que están preñadas, así como evaluar el número de fetos. Para poder realizarlas, la oveja tiene que estar de pie; se impregna la sonda con gel, se coloca en el flanco derecho de la región inguinal y se realiza un barrido en todas las direcciones para identificar los puntos de referencia indicativos de gestación. Para identificar las ovejas gestantes, se recomienda realizar las ecografías entre el día 30 de gestación hasta el día 90; y si se quiere evaluar el número de fetos, desde el día 40 hasta el 50. Un técnico experimentado tiene una precisión del 90-98%, lo que permite recuperar ovejas vacías para otros lotes de apareamiento, o eliminar los animales infértiles. Esta técnica permite adaptar mejor el plan de alimentación antes del parto a las necesidades reales de las ovejas preñadas. Por supuesto, se requiere acceso a un servicio técnico entrenado y equipado.

The fertility at mating is conditioned by the nutritional status of the sheep, being the Body Condition Score (BCS) the indicator mostly taken into account to assess the status of the animal.The BCS of every sheep must be assessed around 1 month before the start of the mating season; BCS should be ≥2.5 and/or gaining weight at mating. Therefore, sheep with BCS below 2.5 should receive supplementary feeding before matings (which is called flushing). It is recommended that sheep below 2.5 will be supplemented with 250-400 g. of concentrate daily (cereal grain); for the rest of the sheep, balanced feeding must be kept, avoiding changes after the critical time of implantation of the embryos is over.

This feeding management should last after the critical time of implantation of the embryos is over (19 days after the mating, approximately). An increase in 10-20% in fertility rates and prolificacy, and a more concentrated lambing season, maybe achieved.

However, education, regular practice or training of farmers regarding BCS assessment is required, as welll as facilities to be able to manage sheeps individually for the assessment, or allotments for feeding in batches. Feeding costs may increase (for purchased concentrates) or on-farm high quality feedstuff resources are needed (pastures, crops, etc.).

La fertilidad en la cubrición está condicionada por el estado nutricional de las ovejas, siendo la nota de condición corporal (CC o BCS) el indicador que se tiene en cuenta para evaluar el estado del animal. La CC de cada oveja debe evaluarse aproximadamente 1 mes antes del inicio de las cubriciones, y debe ser ≥2.5 y / o estar ganando peso en la época de cubrición. Por lo tanto, las ovejas con CC por debajo de 2.5 deben recibir alimentación suplementaria antes de la cubrición (lo que se llama flushing). Se recomienda que las ovejas por debajo de 2.5 se complementen con 250-400 g de concentrado por día (grano de cereal); para el resto de las ovejas, se debe mantener una alimentación equilibrada, evitando cambios hasta después de que finalice el tiempo crítico de implantación de los embriones.

Este manejo de la alimentación debe durar después de que finalice el tiempo crítico de implantación de los embriones (19 días después de la cubrición, aproximadamente). Así, se puede lograr un aumento del 10-20% en las tasas de fertilidad y prolificidad, y una mayor concentración de los partos.

Sin embargo, los ganaderos requieren formación, práctica regular o capacitación con respecto a la evaluación de la CC, así como instalaciones para poder manejar las ovejas individualmente para su evaluación, o para distribuir a los animales en lotes de alimentación diferentes. Los costes de alimentación pueden aumentar (por los concentrados comprados) o se necesitan recursos de alimentos de alta calidad en la explotación (pastos, cultivos, etc.).

Adult sheep or males must have a good general condition at mating (i.e. no lameness, mastitis or previous reproductive disorders) and body condition score (BCS=3 for males or ≥2.5 in females); otherwise, supplementary feeding before matings (flushing) is suggested.

Regarding males: Optimal age ranges from 20-24 months to 7 years-old; the reproductive organs (testicles, penis and foreskin) should be assessed: no injuries, or signs of infections; The testicles should be firm, elastic and of good size (> 35 cm); Any treatment (vaccination, deworming or shearing), before starting the mating season; Balanced feeding, and mineral corrector with ammonium chloride in a 1.25-1.5% to avoid urolithiasis;ideally, semen samples should be taken and assessed in a laboratory the quality of the sperm.

For sheep, the optimal age ranges from 7 months to 7 years-old, and mating should happen at least 2-4 months after the last lambing; sheep should not be dried during the cycle previous or after the start of the matings; minimal BCS=2,5 and gaining weight at the matings, and any managmente or treatment (vaccination, deworming or shearing), at least 3 weeks before or 3 weeks after starting the mating season.

The objective of a proper management of reproductive sheep is to decrease the number of non-productive sheep and to concentrate the lambings. To do so, it is important to allow enough space to manage different batches of animals, and to devote some labour and resources (feeding).

Los machos o las ovejas adultas deben tener una buena condición general para la cubrición (es decir, ausencia de cojeras, mastitis o trastornos reproductivos previos) y nota de condición corporal (CC o BCS = 3 para los machos o ≥2.5 en las hembras); si no, se suele recomendar suplementar a los animales antes de las cubriciones (flushing).

Respecto a los machos, la edad óptima oscila entre los 20-24 meses y los 7 años. Se deben evaluar los órganos reproductivos (testículos, pene y prepucio): que no haya lesiones o signos de infección. Los testículos deben ser firmes, elásticos y de buen tamaño (> 35 cm). Cualquier tratamiento (vacunación, desparasitación o esquileo) se debe realizar antes de comenzar la temporada de cubriciones. La alimentación debe ser equilibrada y el corrector mineral con cloruro de amonio en un 1.25-1.5% para evitar la urolitiasis. Idealmente, convendría tomar muestras de semen y evaluar en un laboratorio la calidad de los espermatozoides.

Para las ovejas, la edad óptima varía de 7 meses a 7 años, y el apareamiento debe ocurrir al menos 2-4 meses después del último parto; las ovejas no deben secarse durante el ciclo anterior o posterior al inicio de los apareamientos. La CC mínima debe ser 2,5 y estar ganando peso durante la cubrición; cualquier tratamiento o manejo (vacunación, desparasitación o esquileo), se debe hacer al menos 3 semanas antes o 3 semanas después de comenzar las cubriciones.

El objetivo de un manejo adecuado de los ovinos reproductores es disminuir el número de ovinos no productivos y concentrar los partos. Para hacerlo, es importante dejar suficiente espacio para manejar diferentes lotes de animales y dedicar algo de trabajo y recursos (alimentación).

Aim is to reduce mortality losses in miss-mothered and orphan lambs.

Assure the first lambs colostrum intake at maximum 4-6 hours after birth, preferable during the first hour of life. Observe lambs and their dam’s behaviour immediately after lambing, and look for signs of miss mothering. Observe ewes with mastitis, and isolate their lambs.

Colostrum should be bottle-fed to the new born to insure adequate consumption at 38 °C, should not be heated at microwave, because this process will damage the antibody proteins.

During lambing, colostrum from multiparous ewes, which lambed singletons should be collected and refrigerated or frozen (storage of up to 6 months). Feed colostrum during the first 3 to 4 days of life, 150-200 ml/feed, at least three times per day, depending on the size of the lamb.

Additional colostrum, if available at farm level should be given to triplet born lambs. Use of a colostrometer to asses’ colostrum quality before storage. Cull all ewes following miss mothering or low milk yields.

Expected benefits: Improved orphan or miss mothered lamb survival.

Prerequisites and/or limits: Observing miss mothering might be impractical in some farming systems; In some cases, although the dam-lamb bond is established and strong, the ewe does not produce enough colostrum, this applies especially in primiparous; Farmers should cull as soon as possible all ewes which manifest miss mothering.

Scopul este reducerea pierderilor cauzate de mortalitate la mieii orfani.

Este recomandat ca mieii să consume primul tain de colostru la maximum 4-6 ore de la fătare, de preferat în prima jumătate oră de viaţă. Crescătorul trebuie să observe comportamentul oii mame imediat după fătare, în special să verifice dacă mielul este acceptat la supt sau daca oaia mama prezintă semne clinice de mastită. Mieii orfani trebuie să primească colostru folosind tetine speciale sau sonde, la temperatura de 37-38 °C. Colostrul nu trebuie încălzit la microunde, deoarece acest procedeu distruge o serie de anticorpi.

În sezonul de fătare, se poate recolta colostrum de la oile multipare care au fătat un singur miel, sau oile ale căror miei au fost fătaţi morţi, iar colostrul se poate păstra în congelator până la 6 luni.

Colostru se recomandă să fie administrat mieilor în primele 3-4 zile de viaţă, în cantităţi de 150-200 ml la fiecare tain, cel puţin de trei ori pe zi, preferabil la intervale de 3-4 ore. Pentru evaluarea calităţii colostrului, se poate utiliza la nivel de fermă colostrometrul. Se recomandă reformarea tuturor oilor care au o producţie scăzută de lapte la fătare, precum şi a oilor care nu-şi acceptă mieii.

Beneficii estimate: Creşterea ratelor de supravieţuire la mieii slăbiţi sau orfani cu 20%.

Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Monitorizarea permanentă a oilor în primele ore după fătare este de multe ori improbabilă; Uneori, deşi legătura oaie-miel se formează, oaia-mamă nu produce suficient colostru pentru a asigura mielului necesarul; Reformarea oilor care îşi abandonează mielul este recomandată.

Aim is to increase lamb survival through evaluation and monitoring of lamb birth weight.

Lambs birth weight influences significantly the survival rates and it is moderately heritable (0.35-0.40), as a result could be used as a selection trait. Birth weight of lambs is decidedly influenced by ewe nutrition during pregnancy and breed related factors. The optimum birth weight depends on the adult weight of that breeds, with a threshold for birth weight of 3.5-4 kg/lamb.

Large lambs are problematic, and might cause difficult lambing’s and dystocia. This is frequently when crossing large size meat breeds with smaller sized breeds. Lambs born with low body weights should not be kept for reproduction, and their dams should be considered for culling.

Lambs born as twins and triplets have usually with 20-40% lower body weights, compared to those born as singletons. Farmers should register birth weights for 20-30% of the lambs born, in order to assess their late gestation feeding management and take decisions for the following year.

Expected benefits: Reduction in lamb losses caused by low birth weights.

Prerequisites and/or limits: Lamb birth weight could be used as a selection trait within the farm, given the moderately to high heritability and ease of assessment by farmer.

Scopul este creşterea ratelor de supravieţuire la miei prin monitorizarea greutăţii la fătare.

Greutatea mieilor la fătare influenţează semnificativ ratele acestora de supravieţuire, având o heritabilitate medie (0,35-0,40), drept urmare, putând să fie aplicată selecţia. Greutatea la naştere este influenţată de factori precum nutriţia oii mame şi rasă. Greutatea optima la fătare depinde foarte mult de greutatea medie a rasei, şi este de dorit ca mielul la fătare să cântărească la fătare mai mult de 3,5-4 kg. Mieii cu greutate corporală prea mare pot să cauzeze distocii. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla in momentul în care oi din rase cu dezvoltare corporală redusă sunt încrucişate cu berbeci din rase de carne. Mieii care sunt născuţi cu greutăţi corporale reduse, nu se opresc pentru prăsilă, iar oile care fată miei mici se recomandă să fie reformate. Mieii din fătări duble sau triple au o dezvoltare corporală mai mica cu 20-30% faţă de mieii din fătări simple. Se recomandă ca fermierii să înregistreze greutatea la fătare la 20-30% din mieii născuţi în fermă, pentru a evalua eficienţa nutriţiei oilor în timpul gestaţiei, în vederea luării de decizii pentru următorul sezon reproductiv.

Beneficii estimate: Reducerea pierderilor prin mortalitate la miei cu 20%.

Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Greutatea la fătare poate să reprezinte o însuşire pentru selecţie, ţinând cont de implicaţiile derivate şi uşurinţa înregistrării acestor date la nivel de fermă.

Aim is to help planning feed requirements in un-weaned lambs and assuring high growth rates.

At 6-7 days of age lambs should be creep-fed with lamb starters (fine grounded cereals or pelleted feed), assuring 16 to 18% crude protein (ad libitum). Use creep-pens (15-20% of the sheds surface) or lamb creep feeders, and adjust them based on the body development of lambs. Starting 14 days of age, lambs should be provided with high quality hay (Alfalfa or red clover) and an accessible source of water. Creep feed especially lambs born as twins or triplets, and those from ewes with low milk yield. Farmers should plan and purchase the feed needed for lambs until the age of weaning or their movement to grazing. If pelleted feed is being used, farmers should choose ones which contain coccidiostatics and buffers to balance the pH of the rumen.

Expected benefits: Improved growth rates (+20-30%) and vigour in un-weaned lambs. Throughout the use of creep feeding the weaning weights are higher, lamb mortality lower and age at weaning could be reduced.

Prerequisites and/or limits: Farmers need to purchase pelleted feed, which implies extra costs and also to buy or produce high quality hay. Extra costs and labour are needed for installing creep-pens inside the shed.

Scopul este planificarea furajării suplimentare la mieii neînţărcaţi.

Începând cu vârsta de 3-4 săptămâni, mieii pot să înceapă să consume furaje concentrate (peleţi tip starter sau concentrate fin măcinate), cu un nivel proteic recomandat de 16-18%, administrare la discreţie. Începând cu vârsta de 14 zile, mieii încep să consume fân (lucernă sau trifoi roşu). Mieii trebuie să aibe acces la mielar (15-20% din suprafaţa adăpostului) sau la hrănitoare speciale, cu ajustări ale barelor de restricţie a oilor, în funcţie de dezvoltarea corporala a mieilor. Se recomandă furajarea suplimentară în special în cazul mieilor proveniţi din fătări multiple, precum şi cei proveniţi de la oi mame cu o producţie scăzută de lapte. Dacă fermierul optează pentru furajarea cu furaj brichetat, se recomandă ca acesta să conţină înglobat în structură coccidiostatice şi substanţe care acţionează ca tampon al ph-ului ruminal.

Beneficii estimate: Sporirea ratelor de creştere la miei cu 20-30%. Prin utilizarea furajării suplimentare a mieilor, creşte greutatea corporală la înţărcare şi scad ratele de pierderi prin mortalitate în efectiv.

Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări : Costuri suplimentare cu achiziţionarea de furaje brichetate pentru miei; Instalarea mielarelor pentru miei necesită muncă suplimentară, iar achizionarea de hrănitoare pentru miei reprezintă o investiţie suplimentară în fermă.

Aim is to assure proper lambing conditions indoors and to improve lamb survival.

Manage ewes in late pregnancy in small groups, of 20-30 animals, allocating 2 m2/ewe.

Design lambing pens (2/1 m), one lambing pen for every 8 expecting pregnant ewe. Allow ewes to spend with their lamb(s) 24-48 hours for a proper dam-lamb bonding. Pay attention especially to primiparous and ewes with twins or triplets.

Air drafts should be kept lower than 0.4 m/s at lambing, air temperature between 5 to 18 °C, humidity ≤ 70%, lighting intensity should be higher than 100 lux with at least 8 h of light per day.

Use fresh clean straws bedding (0.5 kg) every day, and replace bedding from lambing pens before introducing new ewes.

The use of UV bulbs to help thermoregulation in week lambs improves survival rates.

Expected benefits: Reduction in lamb losses by 20%.

Prerequisites and/or limits: The use of lambing pens requires extra labour and initial costs with materials; Some minor investments should be done in UV bulbs, related costs with energy and thermometers to monitor shed conditions; Aspects such as temperature and humidity inside the shed are hard to control.

Scopul este asigurarea de condiţii optime pentru desfăşurarea fătărilor.

Oile fătate să fie întreţinute în adăpost în grupuri mici, de 20-30 de capete, alocând 2 m2 per oaie. Existenţa ţarcurilor de fătare (boxe de fătare), cu dimensiuni de 2/1 m, un ţarc prevăzut pentru fiecare 8 oi aflate în gestaţie avansată (ideal o boxă la 7 oi). Oile să fie menţinute cu mieii în ţarcul de fătare primele 72 de ore, în special mioarele şi oile cu fătări multiple, care se ţin în boxe până la 7 zile. Viteza curenţilor de are în adăpost nu trebuie să depăşească mai mult de 0,4 m/s, cu o temperatură optima între 5 şi 18 °C, umiditatea aerului ≤ 70%, o intensitate luminoasă de 100 lux şi un program de iluminat de minimum 8 ore per zi. Se recomandă utilizarea aşternutului de paie curate, alocând 0,5 kg pe zi, şi schimbarea acestuia inainte de introducerea altor oi. Utilizarea de becuri infra roşii pentru a evita hipotermia la mieii slăbiţi şi cei orfani ajută la scăderea ratelor de mortalitate în rândul acestora.

Beneficii estimate: Reducerea pierderilor prin mortalitate la miei cu 10%.

Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Utilizarea ţarcurilor pentru fătare necesită muncă suplimentară şi costuri iniţiale cu materialele din care sunt confecţionate; Investiţii minore cu electricitatea şi lampile pentru încălzire; Aspecte precum temperatura şi umiditatea din adăpost sunt greu de controlat la nivel de fermă.

Pregnancy toxaemia (twin lamb disease), affects the lean or over fat ewes, carrying multiple lambs can be at risk due to inadequate levels of available energy. If the disease is diagnosed, the feeding system has to be revised and affected ewes treated with oral propylene glycol at 50–100 ml/day and 50–80 ml/day of calcium borogluconate, subcutaneous.

Acidosis occurs when is a marked decrease in rumen pH due to feeding high levels of concentrate in one feed or inadequate forage, or even too much finely ground cereals. This causes a decline in fibre digestion, lower feed intake and reduced performance. To avoid the disease, concentrates should never be feed more than 0.5 kg/feed, while cereals should not be over-processed.

Calcium deficiency (hypocalcaemia) in late pregnancy due to sharp increase in calcium requirement. To avoid this disease, calcium levels should be kept at about 0.9% in the concentrate feed in late pregnancy. Signs of the disorder are paralysis in the hindquarters and partial loss of consciousness. Treatments is made by administering 50 to 80 ml/day of calcium borogluconate injected under the skin.

Grass staggers (hypomagnesaemia) is caused by magnesium by ewes consuming lush heavily fertilised spring grasses. This disease can be prevented by avoiding high nitrogen and potassium fertilisers on spring grazing, by feeding hay and by providing rock salt and/or magnesium supplements. In the concentrates, 0.7 % magnesium should be included, or extra magnesium in the mineral feeds provided.

Expected benefits: Reduced abortion incidence caused by metabolic diseases and ewe loss.

Scopul este de a evitarea bolilor metabolice cauzate de carenţe alimentare şi asigurarea stării de sănătate a turmei.

Toxiemia de gestaţie a oilor (boala mieilor gemeni), afectează oile foarte grase sau cele extrem de slabe, precum şi animalele care au gestaţie dublă, riscul şi factorul cauzator fiind insuficienţa de aport glucidic şi energetic.

Acidoza ruminală apare la ovine când există o scădere a PH-ului ruminal, în principal datorită consumului ridicat de furaje concentrate, sau măcinarea furajelor concentrate prea fin. Acest lucru duce la scăderea digestiei, scăderea apetitului şi reducerea performanţelor productive. Pentru a preîntâmpina acest fapt, furajele concentrate nu trebuiesc administrate în cantităţi mai mari de 0,5 kg per tain, şi prin evitarea măcinării prea fine a furajelor.

Deficienţa de calciu în ultima parte a gestaţiei datorată creşterii necesarului de calciu în organismul matern. Pentru a evita această afecţiune, nivelul calciului în raţie trebuie să reprezinte cca. 0,9% din structura amestecului de concentrate.

Tetania hipomagneziemică este cauzată la ovinele care păşunează pe terenuri unde au fost aplicate cantităţi mari de fertilizanţi. Această boală poate să fie evitată prin aplicarea de fertilizanţi pe bază de azot şi potasiu în cantităţi mai reduse, şi evitarea păşunatului cand covorul vegetal este într-o fază incipientă de înverzire. De asemenea, furajarea cu fân inainte de accesul animalelor pe păşune ajută, precum şi administratea de săruri cu minerale şi suplimentarea raţiei cu magneziu.

Aim of this management practice is to help ewe nutrition monitoring and evaluation during pregnancy. When ewes are kept post-breeding on pastures, they should have high quality, with a structure of 40% legumes and 60% grasses, and a height of the plants of 8-12 cm, allowing a feed intake of 5 to 7 kg/day. Changes in feeding regime should be made gradually, during a period of 6 to 8 days. Weight of the lamb(s) is developing primarily (>70%) during the last two months of gestation. Ewes should gain 8-14 kg during pregnancy, most of that weight gain being in the placenta and foetus, and lose only 5% of true live-weight in the six weeks following lambing. Adult ewes can be fed during indoor housing, diets consisting of hay (1.5-3 kg), silages (1.5-2 kg) and concentrates (0.1-0.5 kg), depending on the animal’s body condition. Ewes in their last weeks before lambing (3-4 weeks) reduce their voluntary intake with up to 25-30%, due to the foetus growth. Expected benefits of the practice is targeting ewe nutrition and monitoring the BCS could lead to a decrease of the embryonic losses and a proper development of the lamb(s).

Scopul este de a evaluarea şi monitorizarea nutriţiei la oile aflate în gestaţie.

La întreţinerea pe păşune, oile gestante trebuie să aibe acces la păşuni de calitate, cu o structură floristică recomandată de 40% leguminoase şi 60% graminee, şi o înălţime a covorului vegetal de 8-12 cm, pentru a permite consumul a 5-7 kg masă verde pe zi.

Schimbările regimului alimentar să fie făcut gradual, în cca. 6-8 zile. Se recomandă ca oile pe parcursul gestaţiei să ia în greutate între 8 şi 14 kg, pentru a permite o dezvoltare normală a fetusului şi placentei. Oile gestante aflate în stabulaţie pot să fie hrănite cu 1,5-3 kg de fân, 1,5-2 kg siloz şi 0,1-0,5 kg concentrate pe zi, în funcţie de condiţia corporală. Oile aflate în gestaţie avansată îşi reduc consumul voluntar de hrană cu 25-30%, datorită gradului de dezvoltare al fetusului cu 3-4 săptămâni înainte de fătare.

Beneficii estimate: Monitorizarea şi evaluarea calităţii nutriţiei în perioada de gestaţie pot reduce pierderile prin avort şi permit o dezvoltare optimă a mieilor.

Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Crescătorii trebuie să furajeze animalele ţinând cont de condiţia corporală a acestora şi să monitorizeze greutatea corporală a oilor. Oile trebuiesc întreţinute în grupuri de 40-60 capete, în funcţie de vârstă, tipul de gestaţie şi greutate corporală.

Aim is to increase flock fertility and to proper use the rams during mating season. During natural mating season, when adult ewes are concerned, ram: ewe ratio should be 1: 20-25, with the possibility of having ratios of up to 1: 35-40 if the rams are being used for a short period of time (e.g. 20 days) and have certified fertility. Ram: ewe ratio during out of season breeding and following hormonal oestrus synchronization protocols should be of 1: 10-15, when adult animals are concerned. Ram: maiden ewes ratio during out of season breeding and following hormonal oestrus synchronization protocols should be 1: 7-10. Yearling rams which are unexperienced and not fully developed, should be allocated to a lower number of ewes, of 15 to 20 ewes. Using the following estimates, farmers could calculate the number of rams which they need before the onset of the reproduction season. Expected benefits are the increased overall flock fertility and an improved ram utilization. Prerequisites and/or limits: Facilities such as reproduction paddocks at the farm, when pedigree breeding is applied; Problematic when mob reproduction is applied, given that some rams are dominant and will tend to service a greater number of ewes, leading to ram exhaustion and a lower spermatic production of those rams; Infertile and sub-fertile rams can lead to lower conception rates in the flock, that is why the use of ‘flushing’ rams at the end of the reproduction season is recommended.

Scopul este creşterea ratelor de concepţie şi utilizarea eficientă a berbecilor. În sezonul natural de montă, raportul optim este de 1:20-25, cu posibilitatea utilizării unui berbec la 35-40 de oi, dacă berbecul este introdus la montă pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp (ex. 20 de zile) şi are fertilitatea certificată. Raportul oi : berbec în extrasezon este mai scăzut, la fel şi când sunt aplicate tehnici hormonale de inducere a estrului, de 1:10-15. În cazul introducerii la montă a mieluţelor (8-10 luni), raportul optim este de un berbec la 7-10 femele. Berbecii miori, care nu am experienţă anterioară, se recomandă să fie introduşi în grupe de montă mai reduse, de până la 15-20 oi. Utilizând recomandările, crescătorii pot să stabilească exact necesarul de berbeci pentru efectivul deţinut şi sistemul de montă aplicat. Beneficii estimate: Creşterea fertilităţii turmei şi utilizarea raţională a berbecilor; Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Facilităţi precum parcelarea păşunilor pentru grupele de montă sunt costisitoare; La practicarea montei libere, berbecii dominanţi tind să monteze mai multe oi, fapt ce duce la epuizarea lor şi scăderea calităţii producţiei spermatice; Berbecii cu infertilitate sau sub-fertili pot duce la scăderea ratelor de concepţie la nivel de fermă. De aceea, se recomandă utilizarea de berbeci cu fertilitate confirmată.

Aim is to achieve high fertility of rams and an increase of the overall conception rates. Body condition score (BCS) of rams should be between 3.5 and 4 at the onset of the reproduction season (avoid under and over feeding of rams). Scrotal circumference of rams when joined to the ewes should be higher than 29 cm in yearling rams and at least 33 cm in adult rams. To increase the sperm production, especially during out of season breeding 1 to 3 melatonin subcutaneous implants can be used (18 mg/implant) with 35-40 days before joining. Rams should not be used for mating continuously longer than 2 oestrus cycles (34 days), they need to be removed from the breeding flock for at least 5 to 7 days, before reintroduction. Ram libido and mating behaviour should be monitored at the onset of the reproduction season. Expected benefits of this management procedures should be 5 to 10 % higher fertility rates within the flock.

Scopul este creşterea fertilităţii la berbeci şi îmbunătăţirea ratelor de concepţie în turmă. Perioada de pregătire începe cu cel puţin o lună înainte şi presupune o deparazitare şi începerea furajării suplimentare cu PVM-uri. Condiţia corporală a berbecilor să fie cuprinsă între 3,5 şi 4 la debutul sezonului de montă (evitarea supra-îngrăşării). La admiterea la montă circumferinţa scrotală la berbeci să fie de minim 29 cm la miori şi 33 cm la berbecii adulţi. Pentru creşterea producţiei spermatice la berbeci se pot administra 1-3 implante cu melatonină subcutan, cu 35-40 de zile înaintea debutului campaniei de montă. Se recomandă o furajare suplimentară a berbecilor şi în timpul perioadei de montă. Nu se recomandă utilizarea berbecilor pentru o durată mai mare de 34 de zile, după care trebuiesc extraşi din grupa de montă şi furajaţi suplimentar pentru 5-7 zile, înainte de reintroducerea lor. Libidoul berbecilor trebuie observant încă de la începutul sezonului de montă. Beneficii estimate: rate de concepţie mai mari cu 5-10% în efectiv. Cerințe preliminare şi/sau limitări: Instruiri pentru evaluarea condiţiei corporale şi a circumferinţei scrotale; Necesitatea monitorizării comportamentului sexual al berbecilor şi intensitatea efectuării montelor; Hamul pentru berbeci, prevăzut cu creion pentru marcat ajută la monitorizarea libidoului şi intensităţii efectuării saltului; Implantele cu melatonină costă aproximativ 3-4 euro

Aim: to evaluate the IgG concentration of colostrum using on-farm inexpensive practical tools


- The IgG colostrum concentration is estimated on farm with either:

o Brix refractometer (optical or digital)

o Colostrometer

- The colostrum sample should be done within 4 hours after lambing.

- a A4 sheet which describes how to the use these tools and proposes decision thresholds to grade colostrum quality from poor to excellent

Expected benefits: colostrum: selection of good quality colostrum to be kept frozen and to be delivered to lambs whose ewe does not have enough production. Improve the transfer of passive immunity in lambs.

Prerequisites and/or limits (knowledge, training, capabilities, cost, management, facilities, equipment, etc.): buying a brix refractometer (optical or digital), making colostrum samples shortly after lambing.

Objectif : Utilisation d’outils pratiques pour l’évaluation de la qualité du colostrum


La concentration en IgG su colostrum peut être évaluée indirectement par l’utilisation

• D’un réfractomètre Brix (optique ou numérique)

• Un pèse colostrum

Le prélèvement de colostrum doit être réalisé dans les 4 heures suivants la mise-bas

Une fiche A4 décrit comment utiliser un réfractomètre Brix et un pèse colostrum pour évaluer la concentration en IgG du colostrum et propose des seuils d’interprétation pour différencier les colostrums selon leur qualité.

Bénéfices attendus :

La sélection de colostrums de bonne qualité pour la constitution d’une banque de colostrum pour les agneaux dont la mère à une faible production.

L’amélioration du transfert d’immunité passive chez l’agneau

Prérequis et/ou limites : achat d’un réfractomètre/ pèse colostrum. Prélever le colostrum rapidement après la mise-bas.

Aim: To recall, in a chronological way, the key practices from reproduction to lambing favouring good sheep productivity


- This tool is in A2 sheet and is intended to be displayed in the breeders' office and / or their shed.

- It describes chronologically the essential practices for good sheep productivity and serves as a reminder to help the farmer organize / plan his work.

- Key practices focus on the management of animals during wrestling, gestation, lambing and the first month of life of lambs.

Expected benefits:

A better organization and planning of farmers’ work

Prerequisites and/or limits (knowledge, training, capabilities, cost, management, facilities, equipment, etc.): this sheet is only a basic reminder, the implementation of good practices requires more precise knowledge and skills.

Objectif : Rappeler de façon chronologique les pratiques clés, de la mise à la reproduction jusqu’à la mise-bas, favorisant à une bonne productivité ovine


- Planning mural à destination des éleveurs à mettre en bergerie ou dans le bureau,

- Il décrit de façon chronologique les pratiques incontournables pour une bonne productivité ovine et sert, de faite, d’aide-mémoire pour aider l’éleveur à organiser/planifier son travail.

- Les pratiques clés portent sur la conduite des animaux à la lutte, la gestation, à l’agnelage et le 1er mois de vie des agneaux.

Bénéfices attendus : un suivi plus rigoureux du troupeau et une amélioration de la productivité ovine.

Prérequis et/ou limites : ce support ne peut servir que de « pense-bête », la mise en œuvre des bonnes pratiques préconisées nécessitent d’autres connaissances.

Aim: This booklet aims to provide a collection of practices and recommendations in terms of design and hygiene of shed according to the age of the lambs (from birth to weaning)


- 44 pages document to remind the main health risks facing lambs and the preventive measures to control them indoor.

- Tools to provide the latest recommendations in terms of design and maintenance of shed according to the age of the lambs (and therefore the potential risks).

Expected benefits: better design and hygiene of shed and ultimately reduce the risk of lamb infections.

Prerequisites and/or limits: the support of a specialized technician remains essential to modulate advices according to the situation of the herd.

Objectif : Cette brochure vise à fournir un recueil de pratiques et recommandations en terme de conception et d’hygiène des bergeries suivant l’âge des agneaux (de la naissance au sevrage)


- Document de 44 pages visant à rappeler les principaux risques sanitaires auxquels les agneaux sont confrontés et les mesures de prévention visant à les maîtriser en bergerie.

- Outils permettant d’apporter les dernières recommandations en terme de conception et d’entretien des bergeries suivant l’âge des agneaux (et donc les risques potentiels).

Bénéfices attendus : une meilleure conception et hygiène des bergeries et in fine, une réduction des risques d’infection des agneaux.

Prérequis et/ou limites : l’appui d’un technicien spécialisé reste incontournable pour moduler les conseils en fonction de la situation de l’élevage.

Aim: Using transabdominal ultrasound scanning for detection of pregnancy and foetal count, for a better management of pregnant ewes.


- In sheep farming, trans-abdominal ultrasound scanning is a practical and efficient approach for pregnancy detection, with the better performance/cost ratio. From 40-45 days of pregnancy, pregnancy status can be established. Counting foetuses, foetal aging or detection of abnormalities are also possible.

- The scanners, more and more improved, allows levels of resolution which facilitate the reading and acquisition of information.

- The result, immediately available (ewes marking or sorting, expected fertility and prolificacy), allows a better management of pregnant ewes.

- For a better management of the reproductive career of the ewes, a record of the scanning is recommended (for ex. To cull ewes non pregnant 2 times). Tools using RFID can facilitate this registration

Expected benefits: a monitoring of pregnancy for identification of non-pregnant ewes or better management of ewes according to litter size or gestation stage.

Prerequisites and/or limits : Have an adapted scanner for sheep and a suitable system of restraint. The operator have to be well trained and with sufficient practice. At the farm level, record the information in a sheepfold book to have a reasoned management of the non-pregnant ewes.

Objectif : réaliser un diagnostic de gestation par échographie trans-abdominale avec dénombrement des fœtus pour une meilleure conduite des brebis gestantes


- En élevage ovin, l’échographie par voie trans-abdominale constitue une méthode de diagnostic de gestation pratique et efficace, présentant le meilleur rapport performance/coût. Dès 40-45 jours de gestation, il est possible d’établir un constat de gestation (brebis gestante ou non). Le dénombrement des fœtus, l’estimation du stade de gestation ou la détection d’anomalies sont aussi possibles.

- Le matériel (échographe + sondes) de plus en plus perfectionné permet des niveaux de résolution facilitant la lecture et d’acquisition de l’information.

- Les résultats, disponibles immédiatement (marquage ou tri des brebis, fertilité et prolificité attendus), permettent d’adapter la conduite des brebis.

- Pour une gestion optimisée de la carrière de reproduction des brebis, un enregistrement du résultat est recommandé (ex. réforme des brebis vides 2 fois de suite…). Les outils valorisant la RFID peuvent faciliter cet enregistrement.

Bénéfices attendus : un suivi de la gestation pour un repérage des brebis non gestantes ou une gestion des brebis en fonction du stade de gestation ou de la taille de portée

Prérequis et/ou limites : disposer du matériel (échographe + sonde adaptée) et d’un système de contention adapté. Avoir recours à une personne formée et ayant suffisamment de pratique. Au niveau de l’élevage, enregistrer l’information dans un carnet de bergerie de façon à avoir une gestion raisonnée des brebis vides.

Aim: improved elucidation rates, more targeted health management measures, enhanced epidemiological surveillance tool (farm, local and national levels)


- What is implemented: definition of a standardized differential diagnosis of abortions (priority diseases, analyses conducted, elected matrix, targeted females, interpretation keys) and in the field, promotion of a diagnostic kits to facilitate early diagnosis of the etiology of abortive series

- How is implemented: providing sampling kits i.e. ready to use standardized boxes with specification sheets, all necessary materials, refrigeration unit…

available to veterinarians and, where appropriate, material left to the breeders (swabs in particular)

- When is it implemented: in case of series of abortions (in France: at least three abortions over seven days or less)

Expected benefits: improved elucidation rates, control of costs (analysis and health management measures more specific), comparability of results

Prerequisites and/or limits (knowledge, training, capabilities, cost, management, facilities, equipment, etc.)

- multi-stakeholder consultation on methodological orientations (including the choices to harmonize and optimize the procedures at all stages, from the herd to the laboratory) and rules of interpretation

- development of a collective organization: laboratories, veterinarians, breeders

- dissemination and training (all actors in the field)

- joint procurements to reduce the costs

Objectif : amélioration des taux d’élucidation des causes d’avortements, proposition de mesures de maîtrise plus adaptées et plus ciblées, amélioration de la surveillance épidémiologique des maladies abortives (à l’échelle de l’élevage, régionale et nationale)


- Mise en œuvre : définition d’une démarche standardisée de diagnostic différentiel des avortements (priorisation des maladies à rechercher, nature des analyses à conduire, des matrices à étudier, chois des animaux à prélever, grilles d’interprétation des résultats) et sur le terrain, promotion de boites de diagnostic pour faciliter un diagnostic précoce en cas de séries abortives

- Comment : fourniture de kits de prélèvements comportant des fiches explicatives, le matériel nécessaire, des packs de réfrigération,… et mise à disposition des vétérinaires (matériel supplémentaire laissé aux éleveurs, si besoin)

- Quand : utilisation en cas de séries abortives (3 avortements au moins en 7 jours ou moins)

Bénéfices attendus : amélioration des taux d’élucidation, maîtrise des coûts analytiques et des mesures de maîtrise, comparabilité des résultats

Prérequis et/ou limites (Connaissance, formation, compétences, coût, conduite d’élevage, équipement, bâtiment, etc.)

- Consultation de l’ensemble des partenaires (état, chercheurs, vétérinaires, laboratoires, groupements de défense sanitaire,…) sur les orientations méthodologiques et pratiques (dont harmonisation et optimisation des procédures à chaque étape ),

- Développement d’une organisation collective : laboratoires, vétérinaires, éleveurs

- Diffusion, communication, formation (pour tous les acteurs de terrain)

- Achats groupés pour réduire les coûts

Aim: to describe how, who, when and how many individuals to sample to evaluate the parasite burden and describe the use of pooled fecal samples


- Practical methodologies to perform:

o Fecal samples in sheep: who and when

o Pooled fecal samples analysis and how to interpret results

 Description of the relationship between individual and pooled samples egg counts

 Describe how the sample size may influence the risk of over or underestimation of the parasite burden.

 Thresholds are proposed to decide when to treat.

- 2 A2 sheets, one video (tutorial) and powerpoint slides which describe methodologies

Expected benefits:

Accurate and affordable estimation of parasite burden using pooled samples fecal egg counts. Reduce analysis costs.

Reasoned and reduced use of anthelmintic treatments

Prerequisites and/or limits (knowledge, training, capabilities, cost, management, facilities, equipment, etc.): a trained diagnostic or veterinary laboratory is needed to diagnoses parasite species based on their eggs characteristics. Sampling materials are needed (gloves, tubes).

Objectif : décrire qui, quand, comment et combien d’animaux prélever pour la réalisation de coproscopies parasitaires


- Description pratique pour

o Réaliser des prélèvements de fèces chez les ovins : qui et quand prélever.

o Réaliser des coproscopies de mélange :

• Description de la relation entre coproscopie individuelles et coproscopie sur mélange de fèces

• Influence de la taille de l’échantillon sur le risque de sur ou de sous-estimer la situation parasitaire.

• Des seuils de décision pour la mise en place de traitements sont proposés.

- 2 fiches A4, une vidéo et une présentation powerpoint

Bénéfices attendus :

Estimation précision et à prix raisonnable de la situation parasitaire.

Utilité dans la mise en place de traitements raisonnés et moins nombreux.

Prérequis et/ou limites : Disposer d’un laboratoire d’analyse ou de vétérinaires capables de faire un diagnostic d’espèces parasitaires basé sur les caractéristiques des œufs. Du matériel est requis (gants, pots).

Aim: automated detection of mounting activity by the ram, used for heat detection in ewe and evaluation of ram’s libido.

Description: detection of the ewe (equipped with a RFID transponder) accepting mounting by the ram wearing a leather harness containing an Alpha-Detector.

- RFID transponder near the tail of the ewe, identifying the ewe that accepted mounting.

- Alpha-Detector (Alpha-D®) harness registering the ewe’s transponder number, with the date and time of mounting.

- Alpha-Reader (Alpha-R®) remotely collecting mounting data and analyzing them, in order to edit a list of mounted ewes (that should be mated).

Expected benefits: real-time monitoring of males and females’ sexual behavior. Heat detection to identify ewes that should be mated: planned natural mating or artificial insemination (AI) after male effect. Evaluation of ram’s libido.

Prerequisites and/or limits (knowledge, training, capabilities, cost, management, facilities, equipment, etc.)

- Prerequisites: RFID transponder for ewe identification, Alpha-Detector (Alpha-D®), Alpha Reader (Alpha-R®), computer with a dedicated software for data analysis.

- Limit: still in developmental phase. The RFID transponder must be located near the tail of the ewe.


- Alhamada et al. 2016. Validation of automated electronic oestrus detection in sheep as an alternative to visual observation. Small Ruminant Res., 134: 97–104.

- Alhamada et al. 2017. An automated method for the evaluation of ram libido in real mating conditions. Animal, published online: 03 April 2017, 1-9

Objectif : détecter les chaleurs des brebis grâce à un dispositif de détection automatisée de chevauchements, évaluer la libido des béliers.

Description: détection de l’acceptation par la brebis (équipée d’une puce RFID) du chevauchement par un bélier portant un harnais détecteur.

- Puce RFID située au niveau de la queue de la brebis, permettant d’identifier la brebis lors du chevauchement.

- Harnais détecteur (Alpha-D®) qui enregistre le numéro de la puce de la brebis, avec la date et l’heure du chevauchement.

- Récepteur radio (Alpha-R®) qui collecte à distance les données de chevauchements puis les analyse et édite la liste des brebis chevauchées et devant être mises à la reproduction.

Bénéfices attendus : Suivre en temps réel l’activité sexuelle des brebis et des béliers. Repérer les brebis en chaleur, à mettre à la reproduction : accouplements programmés ou inséminations artificielles (IA) après effet mâle. Evaluer la libido des béliers.

Prérequis et/ou limites (Connaissance, formation, compétences, coût, conduite d’élevage, équipement, bâtiment, etc.)

- Prérequis : puce électronique d’identification de la brebis, harnais-détecteur Alpha-D®, récepteur radio Alpha-R®, PC avec le logiciel d’analyse des données.

- Limite : encore en phase de développement. La puce RFID doit être située au niveau de la queue de la brebis.


- Alhamada et al. 2016. Validation of automated electronic oestrus detection in sheep as an alternative to visual observation. Small Ruminant Res., 134: 97–104.

- Alhamada et al. 2017. An automated method for the evaluation of ram libido in real mating conditions. Animal, published online: 03 April 2017, 1-9.

Management of the flock is the key element for productivity. From climatic factors to the physical conditions of a farm influence the new born health thus basic requirements have to be considered for harsh conditions. Many farmers use simple management practices that will make a lot difference when properly applied.In this solution we propose some keys for delivery-after birth, hygiene preventative practices, precautions about lamb health and key notes for different lamb production systems. Expected benefits would be increased lamb health after delivery and improved productivity.

Sürünün yönetimi, üretkenlik için temel unsurdur. İklim faktörlerinden, bir çiftliğin fiziki koşullarına kadar, yeni doğmuş sağlığı etkilemektedir, bu nedenle zor koşullar için dikkate alınması gereken temel gereksinimlerdir. Birçok çiftçi, düzgün bir şekilde uygulandığında çok fark yaratacak basit yönetim uygulamaları hakkında bilgi sahibidir. Bu çözümde doğum sonrası doğum, hijyen önleyici uygulamalar, koyun sağlığı ile ilgili önlemler ve farklı koyun üretim sistemleri için anahtar notları için bazı anahtarlar öneriyoruz. Beklenen faydalar doğumdan sonra koyun sağlığının artırılması ve verimliliğin artırılması olacaktır.

Grazing is an important activity for many farmers. However it is also crutial how long, what animal, when and how long they graze on a pasture which determines it's long term viability, how much forage it yields and how well the animals perform. Overgrazing and undergrazing pastures is detrimental to plant and animal health, as well as soil and water quality. To benefit more efficient from communal rangelands and pastures, we provide a booklet that explains the results of overgrazing in communal rangelands and its effect to flock’s nutrition management for a whole year period. Also, a media for grazing rules and its effect for the holistic production will be distributed to Breeders Associations for them to run in their local events. A key note how and when to start grazing for lambs for different regions, cope with weaning stress, a technical note on feed related diarrhea and how to switch feeding from indoor to outdoor, rotational grazing and key practices focus on the grazing during pre-mating, gestation, lambing and post lambing are proposed.Better grassland management will improve flock’s nutritive requirement and therefore reduce lamb loses which will be the expected benefits.

Otlatma, birçok çiftçi için önemli bir aktivitedir. Fakat otlatma ne kadar uzun, ne kadar hayvan, ne zaman ve ne kadar uzun süredir otlakta otlatıldığı ve bu otlaktaki uzun süreli canlılık, ne kadar yem verimi olduğu ve hayvanların ne kadar iyi performans gösterdiği de oldukça önemlidir. Meralarda aşırı ve düşük otlatma, toprak ve su kalitesi yanı sıra bitki ve hayvan sağlığına da zarar vermektedir. Ortak otlatma alanları ve meralardan daha verimli yararlanmak için, ortak otlatma alanlarında aşırı otlatma ve bunun bir yıl boyunca sürünün beslenme yönetimine olan etkisini açıklayan bir kitapçık sunuyoruz. Ayrıca, otlatma kuralları ve bu kuralların bütünsel üretim üzerindeki etkisi için bir medya, yerel etkinliklerinde yayınlamaları için Hayvan yetiştiricisi Derneklerine dağıtılacaktır. Farklı bölgeler de kuzular için otlatmaya ne zaman ve nasıl başlanılacağına dair önemli bir not, sütten kesilme stresi ile ilgili, yemle ilgili ishal üzerine teknik bir not ve açık ve kapalı beslenmenin nasıl değiştirileceği, dönüşümlü otlatma ve gebelik dönemi, kuzulama ve kuzuluma sonrası, ön-çiftleşme sırasında otlatma üzerine anahtar uygulamalarına odaklanması önerilmektedir. Daha iyi mera yönetimi sürünün besleyici ihtiyacını iyileştirecek bu yüzden kuzu kaybını azaltması yönünde fayda beklenecektir.

Data recording is one of the main issue in many of the farms especially for the extensive farmers. A precise data recording will save a lot of time for a better proction. The solution is based on a electronic ID recording tool that will allow farmers a to record all the activities on farm. Within this proposal we give a short description of electronic ID recording tool on how to use efficiently on farm activities. With the present handy tool, it will allow the farmer for more preceise decision making about their flock, farming practices and have everything recorded. Sustainable production will be the main expected benefit & improved productivity.

Veri kaydı, özellikle çok sayıda çiftçiler için çiftliklerin çoğunda ana sorunlardan biridir. Kusursuz bir veri kaydı, daha iyi bir üretim için çok fazla zaman kazandıracaktır. Çözüm, çiftçilere çiftlikteki tüm faaliyetleri kaydetmesini sağlayacak bir elektronik kimlik kayıt aracına dayanmaktadır. Bu teklif kapsamında, elektronik kimlik kayıt aracının çiftlik faaliyetlerinde verimli bir şekilde nasıl kullanılacağına ilişkin kısa bir tanımını veriyoruz. Mevcut kullanışlı araçlar ile çiftçiye sürüsünü, çiftçilik uygulamalarını yapma konusunda daha fazla net karar vermesini sağlayacak ve her şeyin kaydedilmesine imkan verecektir. Sürdürülebilir üretim ile temel beklenti fayda ve gelişmiş verimlilik olacaktır.

Feeding ewes during pregnancy is usually underestimated by farmers and they mostly consider the ewe nutrition during the last 2 months of pregnancy. That approach brings a lot of production inefficiency related to malnutrition. On the other hand there are many easy, simple and applicable practices that would help to reduce the inefficiency. The above mentioned solution is to plan sustainable feed balance and requirement during pregnancy for a better health for ewe and lamb. To reduce this inefficiency fallowing tips are suggested: 1)A key note for balanced requirement for a ewe under different regions will be provided including some recommendations from pre mating to post-partum. 2) BCS with leaflets and posters will be introduced for objective evaluation of the body mass change under different physiological state of the animals in order to train observation techniques. Adequate feeding would be aim at reducing embryo losses and healty lambs. On day 60 after the mating, ewes would be BCS scored. Ewes with BCS ≤ 2.5 are submitted to a 60 day recovery plan. The expected benefits are ewe nutrition based on feed planning will ensure a prospective gestation success and reduce the risks of lamb loses. BCS evaluation would be another tool for positive control of the flock as well as lower loss of ova, embryos and fetuses, improved delivery and lamb survival.

Hamilelik sırasında beslenen koyunlar genellikle çiftçiler tarafından hafife alınır ve çoğunlukla hamileliğin son 2 ayında beslenme beslemesini düşünürler. Bu yaklaşım yetersiz beslenmeyle ilgili çok fazla üretim verimsizliği getiriyor. Öte yandan, verimsizliğin azaltılmasına yardımcı olacak birçok kolay, basit ve uygulanabilir uygulama vardır. Yukarıda belirtilen çözüm, hamilelik süresince sürdürülebilir yem dengesini ve gereksinimini daha iyi koyun ve kuzu sağlığı için planlamaktır. Bu verimsizliği azaltmak için aşağıdaki öneriler önerilmektedir:

The aim of this solution is setting up a vaccination programe in order to improve the health status of the flock. This solution is oriented towards the Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Livestock fact sheet and informative key notes.The aim of the program is to aviod animal loses due to epidemic illnesses and infections. The description of the solution fallow 3steps; -- Treating diseased animal/ decision making on isolation or culling by a explanatory poster for the most common diseases seen for the region

- Necessary vaccination from the local authorities introduced with a booklet and brochures for a 1 production year.

- A common vaccination data for general sheep production that is provided as a PDF and the main limitations for vaccination will be underlined for critic periods (gestation, AI etc). Increased flock health and less incidence of infectious diseases are the expected benefits.

Bu çözüm önerisinin amacı sürünün sağlık düzeyini iyileştirmek için aşılama programı oluşturmaktır. Bu çalışma Tarım Bakanlığının yönergeleri doğrultusunda anahtar notlar olarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaç epidemik hastalıklar ve enfeksiyonlara bağlı olarak görülen hayvan kayıplarını azaltmaktır.

sürü sağlık düzeyinin iyileşmesi ekfeksiyöz hastalık görülme sıklığını azaltacak ve böylece beklenen fayda artacaktır.

Çözümün uygulaması 3 aşamadan oluşmaktadır;

- Bölgede görülen yaygın hastalıklar ile ilgili hasta hayvanı tedavi etme/izole etme veya itlaf etme ile ilgili karar verme konularını içeren açıklamalı bir poster

- 1 yıllık üretim döngüsü boyunca yapılacak aşıların yerel otoriteler tarafından hazırlanan bir kitapçık/broşür şeklinde sunulması

- Kritik dönemlerde (gebelik, suni tohumlama vs) aşılamadaki sınırlamaları ve genel koyun yetiştirirciliğinde yaygın olarak yapılması gereken aşıları içeren bir PDF dokumanı takip edilmelidir

The aim of this solution is to provide a simple tool for practioners in order to meet the nutritive requirements of the ewe and grassland management. Many farmers around the globe have issues with flock nutriton and most of them have less productivity due to unbalanced feed and grassland management. To improve flock efficiency regarding nutritive problems, a software tool is proposed for the farmers. Within this solution a the tool will give basic fodder concentrate ratio. A demonstrative test will be made together according to the raw material they have for a balanced nutrition composition for different physiological stages of the ewe. Also, a PDF key note explaining basic nutritive requirements for ewe will be introduced with a particular emphasis on pre mating and mating period. Portable fencing will be introduced how to move the flock according to the pasture availability in order to avoid overgrazing- thus a better result for grass and nutrition quality at mating period and pregnacy. Expected benefits will be feed-fodder ration efficiency and an improved pasture utilization.

Bu çözümün amacı, koyun ve otlak yönetiminin beslenme ihtiyaçlarını karşılamasında uygulayıcılar için basit bir araç sağlamaktır. Dengesiz yem ve otlak yönetimi nedeniyle, Dünya çapındaki pek çok çiftçinin sürü beslenmesi hakkında sorunları vardır ve çoğunun daha az üretkenliği vardır. Besleyicilerin problemlerle ilgili istenmeyen sürülerdeki yetersizliğini iyileştirmek için çiftçiler için bir yazılım aracı önerilmiştir. Bu çözüm içinde bir araç temel yem konsantresi oranını verecektir. Hammaddeye göre, koyunun farklı fizyolojik evreleri için dengeli bir beslenme bileşimi bir demonstrasyon testi ile birlikte yapılacaktır. Ayrıca, çiftleşme için temel besin gereksinimlerini açıklayan bir PDF anahtar notu, ön çiftleşme ve çiftleşme dönemine özel bir vurgu ile tanıtılacaktır. Aşırı otlanmayı önlemek için sürünün mera mevcudiyetine göre nasıl taşınacağı, böylece otlanma ve olgunlaşma döneminde ot ve beslenme kalitesinde daha iyi bir sonuç elde edileceği portatif çitler tanıtılacaktır. Beklenen faydalar, yem yeminin rasyon verimi ve geliştirilmiş mera kullanımı olacaktır.

It is wellknown that flocks with optimum health status will improve the overall productivity of a farm. we aimed to provide a very common and simple key note sheet for health practices. With the key note; useful and simple health practices, recommendations for hygine in the environment and basic preventative applications against biosecurity will be provided. The PDF document that contain health issues (protective treatment-with a chronology) will be provided by breeder’s association and some NGO in order to minimize the health risks in the barn and outdoor for a whole year time. Some useful videos and demonstrative papers will be provided for barn hygiene and paddocks for a whole the production period too. The expected benefits would be a more productive farms due to less health issues.

Optimum sağlık durumuyla çiftlikteki sürünün genel verimliliğini artıracağı iyi bilinmektedir. Bu çerçevede sağlık uygulamaları için çok yaygın ve basit bir anahtar not sayfası sağlamayı amaçladık. Anahtar notu ile; yararlı ve basit sağlık uygulamaları, çevrede hijyen önerileri ve biyogüvenliğe karşı temel önleyici uygulamalar sağlanacaktır. Sağlık sorunları (bir kronoloji ile koruyucu tedavi) içeren PDF belgesi, bir yıl boyunca ahırdaki ve dış mekanlardaki sağlık risklerini en aza indirmek için yetiştirici derneği ve bazı STK'lar tarafından sağlanacaktır. Bazı faydalı videolar ve tanıtım kağıtları, tüm üretim dönemi için ahır hijyeni ve padok için de sağlanacak. Beklenen faydalar, daha az sağlık sorunu nedeniyle daha verimli bir çiftlik olacaktır.

Lamb vigor is a very crucial indicator for all sheep farmers. It is highly correlated with the nutrition in the last trimester of gestation & efficient nutrition of the ewe is very influential for the lamb survival. The aim of this soulution is to increase lamb survival with lamb vigor knowledge. For this purpose; a key note on lamb vigor scoring-colostrum intake efficiency, factors influence lamb vigor will be distrubuted which will help farmes to manage their lambs after delivery progress. An other keynote sheet on stressors (environmental, physical, nutritional..) for the ewe will help to aviod abortion during gestation for a better result. Decreased lamb losses in the neonatal period and a better survival after birth will be the expected benefits of the soultion.

Kuzu canlılığı, tüm koyun çiftçileri için çok önemli bir göstergedir. Yüksek oranda ilişki olan Gestasyonun trimesterinde beslenme ve kuzunun verimli beslenmesi kuzuların hayatta kalması için çok etkilidir. Bu çözümün amacı kuzu canlılığı ile kuzuların hayatta kalmasını sağlamaktır. Bu amaç için; kuzu canlılığı puanlama-kolostrum alım verimi üzerine bir anahtar not, çiftçiler, doğum sonrası gelişimlerini yönetmek için yardımcı olacak kuzu etkisi canlı olacaktır. Kuzular için stres oluşturucuların (çevresel, fiziksel, beslenme…) diğer bir açılış sayfası, daha iyi sonuç almak için gebelik sırasında malestatın atılmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Yenidoğan döneminde azalan kuzu kaybı ve doğumdan sonra daha iyi katılım, çözümün beklenen faydaları olacaktır.

This solution should be perceived as a list of managing recommendations that farmers have to adopt for reducing lamb mortality. Before the lambing period: managing the matings in order to plan the lambing period as accurately as possible (grouping ewes, synchronization of oestrus, ram effect, pregnancy diagnosis, recording of matings); organizing farm activities other than lambing care in order to have the availability of manpower during lambing period; grouping of ewes during gestation according to their expected lambing date. At lambing: permanent monitoring of ewes (plan nightly visits); organizing little pens or single boxes to shelter lambing ewes taking care of building material, hygiene, cleanliness; avoiding stress to lambing ewes from personnel or other ewes by grouping them in a separate pen. After the lambing period: ensuring veterinarian and farmer support for vaccination and treatments. Better vigour and health of lambs are the expected benefits. Availability of adequate facilities and equipment in the farm, good skills and knowledge of farmer and veterinarian support are required.

Questa soluzione deve essere considerata come un elenco di raccomandazioni per la gestione che gli allevatori devono adottare per ridurre la mortalità embrionale Prima del periodo dei parti: gestire gli accoppiamenti in modo da pianificare il periodo dei parti nel modo più accurato possibile (divisione in gruppi, sincronizzazione degli estri, effetto ariete, diagnosi di gravidanza, registrazione degli accoppiamenti), organizzazione delle attività aziendali oltre all’assistenza per i parti in modo da avere la massima disponibilità di manodopera durante i parti, raggruppare le pecore in funzione della loro data di parto prevista. Durante il periodo dei parti: monitorare continuamente le pecore (pianificare anche visite notturne), organizzare piccoli recinti o box singoli per il ricovero di pecore al parto facendo molta attenzione ai materiali utilizzati, igiene e pulizia; evitare stress alle pecore al parto da parte del personale o altre pecore separandole in un altro recinto. Dopo il periodo dei parti: assicurare l’assistenza del veterinario e dell’allevatore per le vaccinazioni e i trattamenti. Il beneficio atteso è un migliore vigore e della salute degli agnelli. Sono necessari strutture e attrezzature adeguate nelle aziende, buona esperienza e conoscenza da parte dell’allevatore e assistenza del veterinario.

Ultrasound pregnancy scanning should be done between approximately 50-60 days of pregnancy (50-60 days after ram introduction). It is used to determine the number of lambs carried (single, twins, triplet) and the number of barren ewes. Ewes with twins or triplets should be managed differently (better fields/grazing, housed in sheds, etc.) than single-bearing ewe. Barren ewes should be tested for disease/infection and eventually culled to reduce flock feeding costs. Alternatively, the barren ewes should have a trans rectal ultrasound echography of the reproductive apparatus to decide the best therapy. Expected benefits of scanning results: ensure good feeding management of the pregnant ewes; give the opportunity to control the barren ewe and to make them pregnant; help to predict lambing period. Good technician for scanning, good management and facilities of farm are required.

La diagnosi di gravidanza con il metodo ecografico deve essere effettuata tra circa 50-60 giorni di gravidanza (50-60 giorni dopo l'introduzione dell’ariete). Tale diagnosi serve per determinare il numero dei feti (singoli, gemelli, tripletta) nelle pecore gravide e il numero di pecore vuote. Le pecore con gemelli o terzine dovrebbero essere gestite in modo diverso (migliori pascoli, ripari adeguati) delle pecore con un solo agnello. Le pecore non rimaste gravide dovrebbero essere visitate per eventuali stati di malattia/infezione e eventualmente abbattute per ridurre i costi di alimentazione del gregge. In alternativa, le pecore rimaste vuote dovrebbero essere sottoposte ad un esame ecografico trans-rettale dell'apparato riproduttivo per decidere la terapia migliore. Benefici attesi dai risultati dell’esame ecografico: garantire una buona gestione dell'alimentazione delle pecore gravide; dare l'opportunità di controllare le pecore vuote e ingravidarle; aiutare a prevedere il periodo di parto. Sono necessari un buon tecnico ecografista, una buona gestione e struttura aziendale.

Feeding of pregnant ewes is overall overlooked by farmers who tend to consider the specific needs of pregnancy only in the last weeks before lambing. This could result in a loss of embryos and fetuses and in lower milk production during suckling and milking periods. Moreover the farmers tend to feed the flock homogeneously without accounting for the state of pregnancy or the number of fetuses. To reduce this inefficiency it is suggested to scan the ewes and monitor the body condition at least three times during pregnancy: 1) at day 40-50 from the beginning of mating, ewes are scanned to confirm pregnancy, determine expected lambing date and assess litter size. On the scanning day or by day 60 after the beginning of mating, ewes are BC scored. Ewes with BCS ≤ 2.5 are submitted to a 60 day recovery plan. Adequacy of diet for CP is also checked. 2) at day 120 of pregnancy to check the result of the BCS recovery plan of thin ewes and assess the condition of the flock in general. 3) at lambing. Lower loss of ova, embryos and fetuses, better preparation to lambing are the expected benefits. Estimating body reserves during last month of pregnancy using BCS method is difficult, particularly in multiple fetus-bearing ewes. To tackle this putative constraint of BCS method, the precise measure of ewe body weight during pregnancy could be relevant.

L'alimentazione delle pecore gravide è generalmente trascurata dagli allevatori che tendono a considerare i bisogni specifici della gravidanza solo nelle ultime settimane prima del parto. Ciò potrebbe comportare una perdita di embrioni e feti ed una minore produzione di latte durante i periodi di allattamento e mungitura. Inoltre, gli allevatori tendono a nutrire il gregge in modo omogeneo, senza tener conto dello stato di gravidanza o del numero di feti. Per ridurre questa inefficienza si consiglia di ecografare le pecore e monitorarne le condizioni corporee (BCS) almeno tre volte durante la gravidanza: 1) il giorno 40-50 dopo l’inizio dei salti, le pecore sono sottoposte ad ecografia per confermare la gravidanza, determinare la data prevista per il parto ed il numero di agnelli portati (gemellarità). Gli stessi giorni o al massimo il giorno 60 dopo l’inizio dei salti, le pecore sono sottoposte a BCS. Le pecore con BCS ≤ 2.5 sono sottoposte a un piano di recupero della condizione corporea di 60 giorni. Viene inoltre verificata l'adeguatezza della dieta per il contenuto di proteina. 2) il giorno 120 dall’inizio della monta, il BCS è effettuato di nuovo per verificare il risultato del piano di ricupero BCS delle pecore magre ed in generale quello del gregge. 3) BCS è stimato di nuovo al parto. I benefici attesi da questa strategia sono minori perdite di uova, embrioni e feti ed una migliore preparazione al parto. La stima delle riserve corporee durante l'ultimo mese di gravidanza utilizzando il metodo BCS può essere inaccurata, in particolare nelle pecore con più feti. Per superare questo problema, potrebbe ricorrersi alla misura precisa del peso corporeo utilizzando apposite bilance elettroniche con lettura automatica del bolo.

Feeding of pregnant ewes is overall overlooked by farmers who tend to consider the specific needs of pregnancy only in the last weeks before lambing. This brings about a loss of putative lambs during early phase of pregnancy. Moreover the farmers tend to avoid grouping, therefore barren ewes are fed at the same feeding level than ewes bearing twins or triplets. To reduce this inefficiency a three-step process is suggested: 1) during the first mating month, mated ewes are marked and identified using rams harnessed with colored pastels. Feeding is aimed at reducing embryo losses, avoiding marked drops in energy and protein levels, adjusting the latter by monitoring milk urea concentration. Heat stress should be prevented offering fresh water and shadowed areas as needed. 2) during mid pregnancy (day 40-60) ewes are scanned to confirm pregnancy, determine expected lambing date and assess litter size. On day 60 after the mating days ewes are BC scored. Ewes with BCS ≤ 2.5 are submitted to a 60 day recovery plan. Adequacy of diet for CP is checked, taking into account the role of some amino-acids in fetal development. 3) on day 100-120 ewes are divided into two groups on the basis of the expected lambing date. A transitional feeding plan is then applied to the “closer-to-lambing” group, gradually increasing the diet nutritional density and supplementing with salts and vitamins. The expected benefits are lower loss of ova, embryos and fetuses, improved preparation to lambing, better lamb survival and growth and higher milk production after weaning.

L'alimentazione delle pecore gravide è generalmente trascurata dagli agricoltori che tendono a considerare i bisogni specifici della gravidanza solo nelle ultime settimane prima del parto. Ciò può provocare una perdita di agnelli “potenziali” durante la fase iniziale della gravidanza. Inoltre, gli allevatori tendono ad evitare la costituzione di gruppi a gestione differenziata, pertanto le pecore vuote vengono alimentate allo stesso livello di alimentazione rispetto alle pecore che hanno gemelli o portate triple. Per ridurre questa inefficienza è suggerito un processo in tre fasi: 1) durante il primo mese di accoppiamento, le pecore accoppiate sono contrassegnate e identificate utilizzando arieti dotati di pastello marcatore. In questa fase l'alimentazione è finalizzata a ridurre le perdite di embrioni, evitando marcate riduzione dei livelli di apporti energetici e proteici, che vanno regolati in funzione della concentrazione di urea nel latte. Lo stress termico dovrebbe essere prevenuto offrendo acqua fresca e aree ombreggiate secondo necessità. 2) durante la metà della gravidanza (giorni 40-60 dopo l’inizio dei salti) le pecore vengono ecografate per confermare la gravidanza, determinare la data prevista per il parto e valutare il numero di feti. Lo stesso giorno dell’ecografia, o al più tardi, il giorno 60 dopo l’inizio dei salti si effettua il BCS delle pecore. Le pecore con BCS ≤ 2.5 sono sottoposte a un piano di recupero di 60 giorni. L'adeguatezza della dieta per la proteina viene monitorata, tenendo conto del ruolo di alcuni aminoacidi nello sviluppo fetale. 3) il giorno 100-120 le pecore sono divise in due gruppi sulla base della data prevista per il parto. Un piano di transizione alimentare viene quindi applicato al gruppo più prossimo al parto, aumentando gradualmente la concentrazione energetica e proteica della razione e integrandola adeguatamente con sali e vitamine. I benefici attesi sono una minore perdita di uova, embrioni ed feti, una migliore preparazione al parto, una migliore sopravvivenza e crescita degli agnelli ed una maggiore produzione di latte dopo lo svezzamento.

The aim of this solution is setting up a recording/selection scheme able to monitor the effects of selection for productive traits on reproductive performances. This solution is oriented toward the national sheep breeder organizations. Breeding goals of the selection scheme are: lactation yield or milk yield during reproduction period as production traits of dairy sheep and prolificacy and growth as production traits of meat sheep, results of reproduction (pregnant or not pregnant, lambed or not lambed) as reproduction traits of meat and dairy sheep. Data to collect are: type of mating, date of mating, list of mating ewes; date of lambing, abortion events, results of reproduction. Further data related to factors affecting reproductive results could be useful to better define the genetic model: farm management, body condition of mating ewes; rams reproductive ability, health status of flock during mating and gestation, environmental stress. Estimation of the potential genetic antagonism between functions and consequent adjustment of the selection objective are the expected benefits. Pre-existing selection scheme based on a collective breeding organization and availability of tools and adequate manpower for data recording of new traits are required.

Lo scopo della soluzione è realizzare uno schema di selezione per monitorare gli effetti dei caratteri produttivi sulle performance riproduttive. Questa proposta è rivolta a associazioni nazionali di allevatori ovini. Gli obiettivi di selezione sono: produzione in lattazione o produzione di latte nel periodo della riproduzione come caratteri produttivi per ovini da latte; prolificità e tasso di accrescimento come caratteri produttivi per ovini da carne; risultati della riproduzione (gravida o non gravida, partorita o non partorita) come caratteri riproduttivi per entrambi. I dati da raccogliere sono: tipo e data dell’accoppiamento, elenco delle pecore avviate alla monta, data del parto, aborti, risultati della riproduzione. Si potrebbero raccogliere ulteriori dati relativi a fattori che influenzano la riproduzione per definire con maggior precisione il modello genetico: gestione dell’azienda, condizione corporea delle pecore alla monta, abilità riproduttiva degli arieti, stato sanitario del gregge durante la riproduzione e la gestazione, stress ambientali. I benefici attesi sono la stima del potenziale antagonismo genetico tra caratteri produttivi e riproduttivi e conseguente aggiustamento dell’obiettivo di selezione. Prerequisiti per l’applicazione di questo schema è l’esistenza di uno schema di selezione gestito in forma collettiva da una associazione allevatori e la disponibilità di strumenti e manodopera per la raccolta dei dati relativi ai nuovi caratteri.

Lactating and milked ewes deplete their body condition during the first months of lactation when energy exported in milk overtakes energy intake. If body reserves of fat and protein are not recovered by the time of beginning of mating, concentration of lambings in targeted periods and fertility rate are at risk. To reduce this inefficiency it is suggested to assess ewe body condition at least three times before mating: BCS1: during mid lactation (day in milk: 60) ewes are BC scored. Ewes with BCS < 2.5 are submitted to a 60 day recovery plan (e.g. + 200 g/day of maize grain up to mating or AI). BCS2: ewes are scored again three weeks before mating or AI. If ewes score < 3.0, they are submitted to a dietary flushing, the length and type of flushing depending on the availability and quality of pasture (see solution: Body condition recovery and flushing). BCS3: at the introduction of rams or at the AI to check the effect of previous nutrition on ewe body condition. Increased fertility and prolificacy rates and concentration of lambings are the expected benefits. Farmers should be informed and trained on BCS method. The availability of a software to key and process BCS data and for grouping of animals is advised. To this end, a prototype of a smart-phone based system to process BCS data coupled with ewe ID has been developed by “Sementusa” private firm in Sardinia and is nowadays under a validation procedure.

Le pecore tendono a dimagrire, consumando le proprie riserve corporee (grassi soprattutto) durante i primi mesi di lattazione, quando l'energia richieste per produrre latte supera l'energia ingerita con gli alimenti. Se le riserve corporee non vengono recuperate al momento dell'inizio della monta, la il tasso di fertilità e la concentrazione dei parti sono a rischio. Per ridurre l’inefficienza riproduttiva si consiglia di valutare la condizione corporea delle pecore almeno tre volte prima della monta: BCS1: durante la fase media di lattazione (approssimativamente al giorno 60 di lattazione). Le pecore con BCS < 2,5 sono sottoposte ad un piano di recupero della condizione di 60 giorni (ad es. + 200 g/capo giorno di mais sino alla monta o AI). BCS2: tre settimane prima della monta o AI. Se le pecore hanno un BCS < 3, vengono sottoposte ad un flushing alimentare, la cui lunghezza e tipo dipenderà dalla disponibilità e della qualità del pascolo (vedere la soluzione: Recupero dello stato corporeo e flushing). BCS3: all'introduzione di arieti o all'IA per controllare l'effetto della nutrizione precedente sulla condizione corporea delle pecore. L'aumento dei tassi di fertilità e prolificità e la concentrazione dei parti sono i benefici attesi. Gli allevatori dovrebbero essere formati teoricamente e praticamente sul metodo BCS. Si consiglia la disponibilità di un software per inserire ed elaborare i dati di BCS e per gestire i gruppi costituiti sulla base della diagnosi di gravidanza e del BCS. A tal fine, è disponibile ed è attualmente sottoposto a validazione un prototipo basato su uno smart phone abbinato ad un lettore di boli, sviluppato dalla società "Sementusa" in Sardegna per elaborare i dati di BCS e di diagnosi di gravidanza.

Fertility rate and concentration of lambings can be poor if milked ewes do not adequately recover their body condition during lactation. Prolificacy rate can be low in ewes mated at sub-optimal levels of body condition score (BCS ≤ 2.5). To tackle these shortcomings a two-step feeding programme is proposed: 1) BCS of ewes and rams is measured 60 days before expected ram introduction. Ewes with BCS < 2.5 and rams with BCS ≤ 2.5 should be submitted to a body condition recovery plan (+ 200 g of maize grain/ewe day or + 250 g of a pelleted concentrate/ram day) for two months before mating. 2) Ewes’ BCS is measured again three weeks before ram introduction. Ewes with BCS < 3.0 are submitted to different flushing treatments depending on herbage availability and quality of pasture. Expected benefits are the increase of fertility and concentration of lambings in very thin ewes and higher prolificacy in ewes mated at a sub-optimal condition score. This will results in higher reproductive efficiency and ultimately in enhanced meat and milk production at flock level. Farmers should be informed and trained on BCS method. The availability of a software to key and process BCS data and for alerting is advised. Management costs of sheep scanning, grouping and supplements should be duly predicted and monitored throughout pregnancy.

Il tasso di fertilità e la concentrazione dei parti possono essere carenti se le pecore munte non recuperano adeguatamente le loro condizioni corporee durante l'allattamento. Il tasso di prolificità può essere basso in pecore accoppiate a livelli sub-ottimali (BCS ≤ 2,5). Per affrontare queste carenze viene proposto un programma di alimentazione in due fasi: 1) il BCS di pecore e arieti viene misurato 60 giorni prima della data prevista di introduzione degli arieti. Le pecore con BCS < 2.5 e gli arieti con BCS ≤ 2,5 devono essere sottoposti a un piano di recupero dello stato corporeo (+ 200 g di mais /capo giorno o + 250 g di concentrato/capo giorno) per due mesi prima dell'accoppiamento. 2) Il BCS di pecore viene misurato di nuovo tre settimane prima dell'introduzione degli arieti. Le pecore con BCS < 3,0 sono sottoposte a diversi trattamenti di flushing a seconda della disponibilità di erba e della qualità del pascolo. I benefici attesi sono l'aumento della fertilità e della concentrazione di parti nelle pecore magre ed una maggiore prolificità nelle pecore accoppiate con BCS subottimale. Ciò si tradurrà in una maggiore efficienza riproduttiva e, infine, in una maggiore produzione di carne e latte a livello di gregge. Gli allevatori dovrebbero essere informati e formati sul metodo BCS. Si consiglia la disponibilità di un software per archiviare ed elaborare i dati di BCS e per avvertire l'allevatore sull’andamento del BCS nel gregge. I costi di per la diagnosi di gravidanza, la gestione dei gruppi e quelli dell’integrazione alimentare dovrebbero essere stimati preliminarmente e monitorati durante la gravidanza.

It is well known that the optimal use of rams improves fertility rate and lambing concentration. The following steps should be adopted: a) isolation of males from females in a separate pen, far from sight, hearing and smell, for at least 8 weeks before mating season; b) rams introduction (no shearing; 1 male/20 females) 17-20 days before mating (day 1); c) shearing according to weather (day 10); d) organization of mating group (4-6 males/100 females). or small mating groups with 1 male/20 female (day14-16). e) applying of marking crayon to rams to better control mating behaviour (day 17-18); f) starting of the heat and mating days (day 17-25). The ram should be introduced according to the reproduction plan of the farmer. In the Mediterranean region the period is between May and June; the ram removal is at the end of the reproduction season (July) for adult ewe and (November – December) for ewe-lamb. Prerequisites for the success of this system are: specific areas for male isolation, sufficient manpower to manage groups, sufficient number of males. It is required an increase cost of males management.

È noto che l'uso ottimale degli arieti in un allevamento migliora il tasso di fertilità e favorisce la concentrazione dei parti. Devono essere adottate le seguenti misure: a) isolamento dei maschi dalle femmine (lontano dalla vista, dall'udito e dall'odorato) per almeno 8 settimane prima della stagione riproduttiva; b) introduzione degli arieti (non tosati; 1 maschio / 20 femmine) 17-20 giorni prima dell'accoppiamento (giorno 1); c) tosatura in base alle condizioni meteorologiche (giorno 10); d) organizzazione dei gruppo di monta (4-6 maschi / 100 femmine) o piccoli gruppo di monta 1M / 20F (giorno 14-16). e) applicare il pastello nella regione sternale degli arieti per controllare gli accoppiamenti e l’efficienza dei singoli maschi nel gruppo (giorno 17-18); f) inizio dei calori e degli accoppiamenti (giorno 17-25). Gli arieti sono introdotti nel gregge secondo le esigenze di riproduzione aziendali. Generalmente nelle regioni del Mediterraneo l’introduzione dei maschi si ha tra Maggio e Giugno, la loro rimozione viene fatta alla fine della stagione di monta (Luglio) per le pecore adulte e (Novembre-Dicembre) per le agnelle. I prerequisiti per il successo di questo sistema sono: aree specifiche per l'isolamento dei maschi dalle femmine, personale sufficiente per gestire i gruppi di monta, numero sufficiente di maschi. È richiesto un aumento dei costi aziendali per gestire un numero congruo di arieti.

This technical note is on health control and management of abortion, for meat/milk breeds, based on veterinary knowledge, to avoid abortion due to health risks and infections (management & vaccination). Management: i) quarantine and test any new animals coming to the farm (for Toxoplasmosis, Border Disease, Enzootic Abortion), ii) control any stray animals such as cats and do not use any bedding/hay bales that may have been in contact with the cat’s faeces (Toxoplasmosis), iii) isolate, treat or cull any diseased animal, do not breed further from them (especially for Ovine Pulmornary Adenocarcinoma), iv) for OPA, areas that housed suspect sheep should be disinfected, v) try and minimise close contact between sheep. Reduce the time they are housed and reduce stocking densities, vi) trough feeding increases close contact between sheep. Feeding on the ground with a snacker may be a safer route. Licks and buckets are another possible way of passing infection between sheep. Vaccination: (Note that no vaccine exists for OPA). For toxoplasmosis : vaccinate breeding ewes with Toxovax® prior to pregnancy (at least 3 weeks prior to mating). The whole female breeding flock should be vaccinated initially, then any replacements vaccinated annually. The expected benefits of this approach are that if risks are controlled, then high barren rates in ewes is reduced. However, farmers need to be aware of risks on their farm and managed pastures, shed and new animals accordingly to minimize them; farmers need to know when and how to vaccinate; farmers need to keep and administrate their vaccines properly. A video presenting this solution is available on

This technical note is on health control and management of abortion, for meat/milk breeds, based on veterinary knowledge, to avoid abortion due to health risks and infections (management & vaccination). Management: i) quarantine and test any new animals coming to the farm (for Toxoplasmosis, Border Disease, Enzootic Abortion), ii) control any stray animals such as cats and do not use any bedding/hay bales that may have been in contact with the cat’s faeces (Toxoplasmosis), iii) isolate, treat or cull any diseased animal, do not breed further from them (especially for Ovine Pulmornary Adenocarcinoma), iv) for OPA, areas that housed suspect sheep should be disinfected, v) try and minimise close contact between sheep. Reduce the time they are housed and reduce stocking densities, vi) trough feeding increases close contact between sheep. Feeding on the ground with a snacker may be a safer route. Licks and buckets are another possible way of passing infection between sheep. Vaccination: (Note that no vaccine exists for OPA). For toxoplasmosis : vaccinate breeding ewes with Toxovax® prior to pregnancy (at least 3 weeks prior to mating). The whole female breeding flock should be vaccinated initially, then any replacements vaccinated annually. The expected benefits of this approach are that if risks are controlled, then high barren rates in ewes is reduced. However, farmers need to be aware of risks on their farm and managed pastures, shed and new animals accordingly to minimize them; farmers need to know when and how to vaccinate; farmers need to keep and administrate their vaccines properly. A video presenting this solution is available on

Lambing difficulty is a major issue in sheep flocks. This is a technical note on how to use EBV rams to reduce lambing difficulties. It was proposed by the UK, and it is valid for both meat and dairy breeds. It is both a knowledge-based and practical solution. The aim is to reduce lambing difficulties and improve lamb survival by identifying rams with favorable estimated breeding values (EBVs). To do so, you need to choose a ram with relevant EBV traits for your flock. Useful traits have been identified as having a genetic component, these are: i) lambing ease (assistance at lambing) and birth weight are available in some breeds (e.g. Texel), and can be used to choose the right ram for your ewe lambs or gimmers (so lambs are not too big); ii) maternal ability (ability of the ewe/female offspring to rear a lamb/have good milk production); iii)lamb survival (e.g. those available for Scottish Blackface & Lleyn breeds). The expected benefits of using such an appraoch are improved lamb survival and reduced incidence of lambing difficulties. However, to implement this solution, farmers need to understand how the EBV traits work and they need to understand how to choose the right animal with the right EBV. Rams with relevant EBV traits need to be available (not the case for all breeds). It is useful to measure and record lamb birth weights (although not always practical). Unfortunately, not many hardy breeds are sold with EBVs.

Lambing difficulty is a major issue in sheep flocks. This is a technical note on how to use EBV rams to reduce lambing difficulties. It was proposed by the UK, and it is valid for both meat and dairy breeds. It is both a knowledge-based and practical solution. The aim is to reduce lambing difficulties and improve lamb survival by identifying rams with favorable estimated breeding values (EBVs). To do so, you need to choose a ram with relevant EBV traits for your flock. Useful traits have been identified as having a genetic component, these are: i) lambing ease (assistance at lambing) and birth weight are available in some breeds (e.g. Texel), and can be used to choose the right ram for your ewe lambs or gimmers (so lambs are not too big); ii) maternal ability (ability of the ewe/female offspring to rear a lamb/have good milk production); iii)lamb survival (e.g. those available for Scottish Blackface & Lleyn breeds). The expected benefits of using such an appraoch are improved lamb survival and reduced incidence of lambing difficulties. However, to implement this solution, farmers need to understand how the EBV traits work and they need to understand how to choose the right animal with the right EBV. Rams with relevant EBV traits need to be available (not the case for all breeds). It is useful to measure and record lamb birth weights (although not always practical). Unfortunately, not many hardy breeds are sold with EBVs.

This UK solution is to tackle issues of lamb mortality, and is based on knowledge. It is mainly aimed at meat breeds. The aim is to increase lamb survival through promotion of lamb vigour. Lamb vigour is influential to lamb survival; it is heritable and influenced by maternal nutrition. Scoring lamb vigour at birth and using the scores to inform breeding ewe replacement selection will lead to improved vigour and a reduction in lamb deaths. Good quality nutrition in the last six weeks of pregnancy that maintains ewe condition is important; ewes under nourished during this time are more likely to have lambs with poor vigour. Some breeds have Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for birth weight, lamb survival and lambing ease, and buying rams with high values for these EBVs will improve lamb vigour. The expected benefits are a reduction in neonatal lamb losses caused by poor colostrum intake. However, lamb vigour scoring may be impractical in some farming systems, EBVs for lamb survival traits are not available in all breeds and farmers need support to develop quality rations and manage farm data.

This UK solution is to tackle issues of lamb mortality, and is based on knowledge. It is mainly aimed at meat breeds. The aim is to increase lamb survival through promotion of lamb vigour. Lamb vigour is influential to lamb survival; it is heritable and influenced by maternal nutrition. Scoring lamb vigour at birth and using the scores to inform breeding ewe replacement selection will lead to improved vigour and a reduction in lamb deaths. Good quality nutrition in the last six weeks of pregnancy that maintains ewe condition is important; ewes under nourished during this time are more likely to have lambs with poor vigour. Some breeds have Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for birth weight, lamb survival and lambing ease, and buying rams with high values for these EBVs will improve lamb vigour. The expected benefits are a reduction in neonatal lamb losses caused by poor colostrum intake. However, lamb vigour scoring may be impractical in some farming systems, EBVs for lamb survival traits are not available in all breeds and farmers need support to develop quality rations and manage farm data.

This UK solution is based on knowledge, and is especially for sheep meat breeds. The aim is to plan feed requirements and contingency plans for extreme weather. This is important for the management of lamb mortality. Feed planning will help ensure that the ewe and lamb requirements during priority periods, such as early lactation, are met. Contingency plans for bad weather should be well defined and communicated with staff to reduce lamb losses in poor weather conditions. Feed available and stock demands will help the farmer understand how long their feed supplies will last and whether they need to purchase in additional feed or set aside pasture for critical periods. Farmers should plan regularly, but at least before the beginning of winter to ensure feed is reserved for critical times. The main expected benefit of this solution is and improved responsiveness to extreme weather. To implement this solution, farmers need training on how to feed budget and plan effectively, and communication between farm staff is essential. This solution was presented during the SheepNet 2nd transnational workshop in Romania and is available on:

This UK solution is based on knowledge, and is especially for sheep meat breeds. The aim is to plan feed requirements and contingency plans for extreme weather. This is important for the management of lamb mortality. Feed planning will help ensure that the ewe and lamb requirements during priority periods, such as early lactation, are met. Contingency plans for bad weather should be well defined and communicated with staff to reduce lamb losses in poor weather conditions. Feed available and stock demands will help the farmer understand how long their feed supplies will last and whether they need to purchase in additional feed or set aside pasture for critical periods. Farmers should plan regularly, but at least before the beginning of winter to ensure feed is reserved for critical times. The main expected benefit of this solution is and improved responsiveness to extreme weather. To implement this solution, farmers need training on how to feed budget and plan effectively, and communication between farm staff is essential. This solution was presented during the SheepNet 2nd transnational workshop in Romania and is available on:

It is important to increase pasture quality, yield and utilization to improve ewe nutrition at mating. This is a solution proposed by the UK, to improve reproduction, especially for meat breeds. The stock are moved through a series of paddocks to give the pasture intense grazing followed by a rest period; this improves the quality of grass, the quantity grown and the amount that is utilized by the stock. Using the following three measurements we can calculate the number of days grazing in a field to divide according to how frequently the farmer would like to move the animals: i) Grass available is measured using a calibrated sward stick which converts grass density into kilograms of dry matter per hectare. ii) Target residuals (the amount of grass left behind) – this will depend on the time of year. iii) The flock demand calculated based on their energy requirements at specific times of the year. This gives greater control so that quality pasture can be allocated to the flock at critical times (e.g. mating). Expected benefits are: Increased pasture quality, improved pasture utilization and therefore increased stocking rate potential. To implement this solution, training on how to measure grass and allocate with electric fencing is needed, confidence with rotational grazing comes with experience, a software is useful, but not essential, to make planning easier. However, time is a big limitation; farmers need to dedicate time to measure grass. This solution was presented during SheepNet 2nd transnational workshop in Romania. It is available on

It is important to increase pasture quality, yield and utilization to improve ewe nutrition at mating. This is a solution proposed by the UK, to improve reproduction, especially for meat breeds. The stock are moved through a series of paddocks to give the pasture intense grazing followed by a rest period; this improves the quality of grass, the quantity grown and the amount that is utilized by the stock. Using the following three measurements we can calculate the number of days grazing in a field to divide according to how frequently the farmer would like to move the animals: i) Grass available is measured using a calibrated sward stick which converts grass density into kilograms of dry matter per hectare. ii) Target residuals (the amount of grass left behind) – this will depend on the time of year. iii) The flock demand calculated based on their energy requirements at specific times of the year. This gives greater control so that quality pasture can be allocated to the flock at critical times (e.g. mating). Expected benefits are: Increased pasture quality, improved pasture utilization and therefore increased stocking rate potential. To implement this solution, training on how to measure grass and allocate with electric fencing is needed, confidence with rotational grazing comes with experience, a software is useful, but not essential, to make planning easier. However, time is a big limitation; farmers need to dedicate time to measure grass. This solution was presented during SheepNet 2nd transnational workshop in Romania. It is available on

Using a paper tally and on-farm post-mortem is a UK solution to record lamb mortality and improve future lambings. The issue of lamb mortality was recognised by the SheepNet farmers as one problem relating to the management of lamb mortality on farm. The solution is valid mostly for meat sheep, and is very practical. The aim is to record causes of lamb losses to improve management. It is based on a paper tally which helps the farmer to record the causes of neonatal losses, accompanied with instructions to postmortem lambs. The paper form is displayed next to the lamb disposal area in the shed, and is filled in by all lambing staff. This sheet can be reviewed regularly during lambing, to identify requirements for curative measures, and also at the end of lambing to inform preventative strategies plans for the following year. Using this tool should provide continual reduction of neanatal losses. To be effective, this tool requires a clear communication between the farm manager and all staff before lambing starts, to record causes for all losses as accurately as possible. Training can also be provided to identify common losses causes using post-mortems and/or other visual signs. This solution was one of the favorite solutions retained by farmers at the 2nd SheepNet transnational workshop in Romania. There is a video on the SheepNet website (

Using a paper tally and on-farm post-mortem is a UK solution to record lamb mortality and improve future lambings. The issue of lamb mortality was recognised by the SheepNet farmers as one problem relating to the management of lamb mortality on farm. The solution is valid mostly for meat sheep, and is very practical. The aim is to record causes of lamb losses to improve management. It is based on a paper tally which helps the farmer to record the causes of neonatal losses, accompanied with instructions to postmortem lambs. The paper form is displayed next to the lamb disposal area in the shed, and is filled in by all lambing staff. This sheet can be reviewed regularly during lambing, to identify requirements for curative measures, and also at the end of lambing to inform preventative strategies plans for the following year. Using this tool should provide continual reduction of neanatal losses. To be effective, this tool requires a clear communication between the farm manager and all staff before lambing starts, to record causes for all losses as accurately as possible. Training can also be provided to identify common losses causes using post-mortems and/or other visual signs. This solution was one of the favorite solutions retained by farmers at the 2nd SheepNet transnational workshop in Romania. There is a video on the SheepNet website (

The Body Condition Scoring Toolkit is a UK solution identified to answer the farmers' issue of Body Condition Scoring the ewes at reproduction. The tool is applicable to meat sheep. The aim of this tool is to achieve target body condition score (BCS) for mating, to have improved scanning percentage. The tool is a series of BCS pads (made of ewe vertebrae and ribs with varying levels of padding to represent the 5 BCS scores), which help farmers validate their BCS assessment. The tool is accompanied with a poster to provide quidance for what BCS targets should be, according to the ewe reproductive phase. If used correctly, the benefits of using this tool should be 10-20% higher fertility rates and prolificacy. To use that tool, farmers should have previous training on how to BCS ewes, practice regularly on their own flock, have a handling system designed for quick movement throughout and ease of assessment, and have feed options on farm to allow for targeted feeding between weaning and mating; for instance, high quality pastures for those ewes below target. This tool was one of the favourite solutions selected during the 2nd SheepNet transnational workshop in Romania. There is a video illustrating this tool on the SheepNet website (

The Body Condition Scoring Toolkit is a UK solution identified to answer the farmers' issue of Body Condition Scoring the ewes at reproduction. The tool is applicable to meat sheep. The aim of this tool is to achieve target body condition score (BCS) for mating, to have improved scanning percentage. The tool is a series of BCS pads (made of ewe vertebrae and ribs with varying levels of padding to represent the 5 BCS scores), which help farmers validate their BCS assessment. The tool is accompanied with a poster to provide quidance for what BCS targets should be, according to the ewe reproductive phase. If used correctly, the benefits of using this tool should be 10-20% higher fertility rates and prolificacy. To use that tool, farmers should have previous training on how to BCS ewes, practice regularly on their own flock, have a handling system designed for quick movement throughout and ease of assessment, and have feed options on farm to allow for targeted feeding between weaning and mating; for instance, high quality pastures for those ewes below target. This tool was one of the favourite solutions selected during the 2nd SheepNet transnational workshop in Romania. There is a video illustrating this tool on the SheepNet website (

This practical solution presents how to use ultrasound pregnancy scanning results in the whole farm management. Ultrasound pregnancy scanning is ideally done between approximately 60-90 days of pregnancy. It can be used to detect the presence or absence of lambs and to identify the number of lambs being carried. Any barren ewes can be tested for disease/infection by a vet, or be culled to reduce feed requirements. The ewes scanned with twins or triplets will have higher energy requirements and therefore will require more feed and should be managed differently (better fields/grazing, housed in sheds, etc.). For the triplets, farmers can plan to ‘wet’ foster the extra lamb onto a single ewe having a lamb around the same time. Using ultrasound pregnancy scanning brings benefits. Indeed, targeting ewe nutrition based on scanning results will ensure pregnancy success and reduce the risk of oversize singles or undersized multiple lambs. Knowing the number of lambs expected, and timing, is also useful for grassland management and assessing any housing and additional labour requirements. For this solution to be implemented, farmers need to have access to a good scanner technician, and also need to be able to manage the animals according to the scanning results (e.g. have enough fields or sheds to monitor and manage twins and triplets).

This practical solution presents how to use ultrasound pregnancy scanning results in the whole farm management. Ultrasound pregnancy scanning is ideally done between approximately 60-90 days of pregnancy. It can be used to detect the presence or absence of lambs and to identify the number of lambs being carried. Any barren ewes can be tested for disease/infection by a vet, or be culled to reduce feed requirements. The ewes scanned with twins or triplets will have higher energy requirements and therefore will require more feed and should be managed differently (better fields/grazing, housed in sheds, etc.). For the triplets, farmers can plan to ‘wet’ foster the extra lamb onto a single ewe having a lamb around the same time. Using ultrasound pregnancy scanning brings benefits. Indeed, targeting ewe nutrition based on scanning results will ensure pregnancy success and reduce the risk of oversize singles or undersized multiple lambs. Knowing the number of lambs expected, and timing, is also useful for grassland management and assessing any housing and additional labour requirements. For this solution to be implemented, farmers need to have access to a good scanner technician, and also need to be able to manage the animals according to the scanning results (e.g. have enough fields or sheds to monitor and manage twins and triplets).

As prolificacy increases the number of larger litters increases. Approximately 6%, 7%, 21% and 28% of lambs born as singles, twins, triplets and quadruplets die. Regardless of litter size, low and high birth weights are linked with increased mortality. The mortality of lambs born as singles is primarily due to larger lambs (>7kg) and thus greater lambing difficulty. The higher mortality in larger litters (triplets & quadruplets) is associated with lambs of lower birth weight especially lambs weighing less than 3.0 kg at birth. The optimum birth weight of lambs born as twins and triplets are approximately 93% and 78% that of single lambs. Awareness of the effect of litter size on lamb mortality enables producers implement appropriate nutrition and management protocols to minimise lamb mortality. Pregnancy scanning ewes will allow accurate determination of litter size thus enabling the farmer to implement a nutrition plan to produce lambs at the optimum birth weight. Being aware of large litters will enable the farmer to prepare additional resources ie: colostrum, heat lambs and penning to reduce mortality levels in larger litters.

More information:

As prolificacy increases the number of larger litters increases. Approximately 6%, 7%, 21% and 28% of lambs born as singles, twins, triplets and quadruplets die. Regardless of litter size, low and high birth weights are linked with increased mortality. The mortality of lambs born as singles is primarily due to larger lambs (>7kg) and thus greater lambing difficulty. The higher mortality in larger litters (triplets & quadruplets) is associated with lambs of lower birth weight especially lambs weighing less than 3.0 kg at birth. The optimum birth weight of lambs born as twins and triplets are approximately 93% and 78% that of single lambs. Awareness of the effect of litter size on lamb mortality enables producers implement appropriate nutrition and management protocols to minimise lamb mortality. Pregnancy scanning ewes will allow accurate determination of litter size thus enabling the farmer to implement a nutrition plan to produce lambs at the optimum birth weight. Being aware of large litters will enable the farmer to prepare additional resources ie: colostrum, heat lambs and penning to reduce mortality levels in larger litters.

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Many factors affect lamb birth weight including litter size, gender, genotype and the nutritional management of the ewe during pregnancy. Lamb birth weight has an effect on lamb mortality with small and large lambs more likely to die. The optimum lamb birth weight is the weight at which lamb mortality is lowest. The optimum birth weight for singles, twins and triplets are approximately 6 kg, 5.5 kg and 4.5 kg, respectively. Thus the optimum lamb birth weight for lambs born as twins and triplets is 0.93 and 0.78 that if a single, respectively. Regardless of litter size, as lamb birth weight increases mortality decreases initially, plateaus and then increases again, reflecting the difficulties at lambing associated with large lambs. Achieving the optimum lamb birth weight reduces labour associated with increased lambing difficulty and very small lambs, reduces lamb mortality and improves flock productivity. Lamb birth weight effects lamb performance. Each 0.5 kg increase in lamb birth weight increases weaning weight (14 weeks of age) by 1.7 kg.

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Many factors affect lamb birth weight including litter size, gender, genotype and the nutritional management of the ewe during pregnancy. Lamb birth weight has an effect on lamb mortality with small and large lambs more likely to die. The optimum lamb birth weight is the weight at which lamb mortality is lowest. The optimum birth weight for singles, twins and triplets are approximately 6 kg, 5.5 kg and 4.5 kg, respectively. Thus the optimum lamb birth weight for lambs born as twins and triplets is 0.93 and 0.78 that if a single, respectively. Regardless of litter size, as lamb birth weight increases mortality decreases initially, plateaus and then increases again, reflecting the difficulties at lambing associated with large lambs. Achieving the optimum lamb birth weight reduces labour associated with increased lambing difficulty and very small lambs, reduces lamb mortality and improves flock productivity. Lamb birth weight effects lamb performance. Each 0.5 kg increase in lamb birth weight increases weaning weight (14 weeks of age) by 1.7 kg.

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Increasing ewe productivity increases the incidences of multiple births. Although many ewes have the ability to rear three lambs other eg: 2-tooths do not have sufficient milk supply or mothering ability. There are many reasons why a ewe cannot rear all her lambs eg: insufficient milk, only one functional teat, age or poor body condition. In these scenarios the surplus lambs maybe fostered to single bearing ewes, sold for cross fostering or artificially reared on milk replacer. Artificially rearing lambs provides a mechanism to rear lambs from large litters thus increasing profit through increased lamb sales. There are three main methods of artificially rearing lambs on milk replacer namely, bottle rearing, ad-lib feeder and automated feeder. Bottle rearing lambs has the lowest set up costs and involves feeding lambs manually three to four times thus having a high labour requirement. Bottle feeding can result in large intakes of milk in individual feeds and can result in stomach upsets. Ad-lib feeders hold up to 50 litres of milk which is maintained at a constant temperature using a thermostat thus requiring electricity. This system has a reduced labour requirement but needs to be cleaned and refilled once daily. The ad-lib nature of the feeding means lambs don’t gorge themselves thus reducing stomach upsets. This system can rear 20 to 30 lambs per unit and has a cost of approximately €350. The automated feeder system mixes milk replacer with warm water as required ensuring a supply of fresh milk. This system has a significantly reduced labour requirement as there is no mixing, refilling and only periodic cleaning required. The automated unit requires connection to a water supply and mains electricity. This system had a high set up cost of approximately €3,500 but can rear up to 250 lambs per unit.

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Increasing ewe productivity increases the incidences of multiple births. Although many ewes have the ability to rear three lambs other eg: 2-tooths do not have sufficient milk supply or mothering ability. There are many reasons why a ewe cannot rear all her lambs eg: insufficient milk, only one functional teat, age or poor body condition. In these scenarios the surplus lambs maybe fostered to single bearing ewes, sold for cross fostering or artificially reared on milk replacer. Artificially rearing lambs provides a mechanism to rear lambs from large litters thus increasing profit through increased lamb sales. There are three main methods of artificially rearing lambs on milk replacer namely, bottle rearing, ad-lib feeder and automated feeder. Bottle rearing lambs has the lowest set up costs and involves feeding lambs manually three to four times thus having a high labour requirement. Bottle feeding can result in large intakes of milk in individual feeds and can result in stomach upsets. Ad-lib feeders hold up to 50 litres of milk which is maintained at a constant temperature using a thermostat thus requiring electricity. This system has a reduced labour requirement but needs to be cleaned and refilled once daily. The ad-lib nature of the feeding means lambs don’t gorge themselves thus reducing stomach upsets. This system can rear 20 to 30 lambs per unit and has a cost of approximately €350. The automated feeder system mixes milk replacer with warm water as required ensuring a supply of fresh milk. This system has a significantly reduced labour requirement as there is no mixing, refilling and only periodic cleaning required. The automated unit requires connection to a water supply and mains electricity. This system had a high set up cost of approximately €3,500 but can rear up to 250 lambs per unit.

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The lambing period is a labour intensive and stressful period with the majority of lamb mortality occurring within the first few days of life. Advanced preparation can improve flock productivity and reduces farmer stress. One method of advanced preparation is the use of a lambing inventory. The lambing inventory is simply a list of all the equipment and supplies that may be required over the lambing period. This inventory will reduce lamb mortality as all products and equipment will be available when needed and there will be no delay in completing the task to prevent or reduce ewe and lamb mortality. As all the equipment and supplies are available in ample supply this reduces farmer stress as there is no need to leave the farm to purchase supplies during the busy lambing period. The lambing inventory can be edited to suit the individual farm requirements and can also be updated year to year as the demands of the flock change. An example of the items included in the lambing inventory include: disposable gloves, lubricant, frozen colostrum, stomach tube, oxytocin, injectable calcium, elastic tail and castration rings and disinfectant for lambing pens. A full list of items can be found in the link below.

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The lambing period is a labour intensive and stressful period with the majority of lamb mortality occurring within the first few days of life. Advanced preparation can improve flock productivity and reduces farmer stress. One method of advanced preparation is the use of a lambing inventory. The lambing inventory is simply a list of all the equipment and supplies that may be required over the lambing period. This inventory will reduce lamb mortality as all products and equipment will be available when needed and there will be no delay in completing the task to prevent or reduce ewe and lamb mortality. As all the equipment and supplies are available in ample supply this reduces farmer stress as there is no need to leave the farm to purchase supplies during the busy lambing period. The lambing inventory can be edited to suit the individual farm requirements and can also be updated year to year as the demands of the flock change. An example of the items included in the lambing inventory include: disposable gloves, lubricant, frozen colostrum, stomach tube, oxytocin, injectable calcium, elastic tail and castration rings and disinfectant for lambing pens. A full list of items can be found in the link below.

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Ultrasonic pregnancy scanning can accurately determine the litter size of each ewe. The optimum time for scanning is approximately 70 to 80 days post ram introduction. Due to increased nutrient requirements of ewes caring multiples they require supplementation with concentrates. The level of concentrate supplementation in late pregnancy depends on expected litter size The energy requirement of single, twin and triplet bearing ewes increases by 40, 60 and 70 %, respectively, during the final 6 weeks of pregnancy. Knowing expected lambing date (as detected by raddle colour) and expected litter size reduces concentrate requirement due to grouping ewes according to expected litter size and lambing date and by removing barren ewes. The benefits of improving the nutritional management through targeted concentrate supplementation to ewes identified by expected litter size and lambing date ensures ewes have adequate colostrum; lambs are born at optimum birth weight which reduces lamb mortality. Issues that may arise for sheep producers hoping to implement this solution are that accurate pregnancy scanning is required thus effective scanning equipment and a trained operator is essential. The flock will also require adequate penning and feeding space for grouping of ewes according to expected litter size and date of lambing.

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Ultrasonic pregnancy scanning can accurately determine the litter size of each ewe. The optimum time for scanning is approximately 70 to 80 days post ram introduction. Due to increased nutrient requirements of ewes caring multiples they require supplementation with concentrates. The level of concentrate supplementation in late pregnancy depends on expected litter size The energy requirement of single, twin and triplet bearing ewes increases by 40, 60 and 70 %, respectively, during the final 6 weeks of pregnancy. Knowing expected lambing date (as detected by raddle colour) and expected litter size reduces concentrate requirement due to grouping ewes according to expected litter size and lambing date and by removing barren ewes. The benefits of improving the nutritional management through targeted concentrate supplementation to ewes identified by expected litter size and lambing date ensures ewes have adequate colostrum; lambs are born at optimum birth weight which reduces lamb mortality. Issues that may arise for sheep producers hoping to implement this solution are that accurate pregnancy scanning is required thus effective scanning equipment and a trained operator is essential. The flock will also require adequate penning and feeding space for grouping of ewes according to expected litter size and date of lambing.

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Silage digestibility [dry matter digestibility (DMD), digestible organic matter in the dry matter (DOMD, D-Value) metabolisable energy (ME)] is the main factor affecting grass silage feed value. Concentrates are supplemented during late pregnancy to meet the increasing nutrient requirements of ewes prior to parturition. As grass silage feed value increases the level of concentrate required declines, for example, reducing silage DMD from 790g/kg to 640g/kg results in an additional 17 and 23 kg of concentrate required for twin bearing ewes for precision and single chopped silages, respectively, during the final six weeks of pregnancy. Silage feed value must be determined (laboratory analysis) prior to developing a feed plan. Chop length also affects silage intake by sheep with precision chopped silages having higher intakes than single chopped silages. Each 50g/kg increase in silage digestibility increases ewe weight post lambing by 6.5kg and lamb birth weight by 0.26 kg due to increased silage ME and intakes. Each 0.25 kg increase in lamb birth weight increases weight at weaning (14 weeks) by 0.9 kg. This increase in weaning weight due to the higher lamb birth weight is equivalent to feeding 8 kg of concentrate per lamb from birth to weaning.

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Silage digestibility [dry matter digestibility (DMD), digestible organic matter in the dry matter (DOMD, D-Value) metabolisable energy (ME)] is the main factor affecting grass silage feed value. Concentrates are supplemented during late pregnancy to meet the increasing nutrient requirements of ewes prior to parturition. As grass silage feed value increases the level of concentrate required declines, for example, reducing silage DMD from 790g/kg to 640g/kg results in an additional 17 and 23 kg of concentrate required for twin bearing ewes for precision and single chopped silages, respectively, during the final six weeks of pregnancy. Silage feed value must be determined (laboratory analysis) prior to developing a feed plan. Chop length also affects silage intake by sheep with precision chopped silages having higher intakes than single chopped silages. Each 50g/kg increase in silage digestibility increases ewe weight post lambing by 6.5kg and lamb birth weight by 0.26 kg due to increased silage ME and intakes. Each 0.25 kg increase in lamb birth weight increases weight at weaning (14 weeks) by 0.9 kg. This increase in weaning weight due to the higher lamb birth weight is equivalent to feeding 8 kg of concentrate per lamb from birth to weaning.

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Ewe body condition score (BCS) is a measure of the body reserves of the ewe. Body condition score is measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being emaciated and 5 being fat. Body condition score is assessed along the spine and the transverse processes. Target BCS range at mating is between 3.5 to 4.0 in meat sheep and 3.0 to 3.5 in dairy sheep. Each one unit of increase in BCS at mating (within a range of 2.5-4) increases litter size by 0.13 and 0.20 lambs per ewe resulting in an additional 0.10 and 0.15 lambs weaned per ewe joined, in meat and dairy sheep respectively. Mating ewes at a condition score of less than 2.5 also increases the risk of barrenness. Ewe BCS should be monitored at regular intervals during pregnancy to ensure her energy demands for foetal growth and colostrum production are being met. The ewes should be condition scored at lambing and half way through lactation to ensure energy needs are being met. A one unit increase in BCS is equivalent to approximately 12kg for many sheep breeds. Ewes on good quality pasture gain approximately 1 kg per week. Thus for ewes to gain one unit of BCS requires up to 12 weeks of grazing good quality pasture. Therefore ewes should be condition scored well in advance of mating (eg: weaning) so that there is adequate time for ewes with low BCS to gain both weight and condition.

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Ewe body condition score (BCS) is a measure of the body reserves of the ewe. Body condition score is measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being emaciated and 5 being fat. Body condition score is assessed along the spine and the transverse processes. Target BCS range at mating is between 3.5 to 4.0 in meat sheep and 3.0 to 3.5 in dairy sheep. Each one unit of increase in BCS at mating (within a range of 2.5-4) increases litter size by 0.13 and 0.20 lambs per ewe resulting in an additional 0.10 and 0.15 lambs weaned per ewe joined, in meat and dairy sheep respectively. Mating ewes at a condition score of less than 2.5 also increases the risk of barrenness. Ewe BCS should be monitored at regular intervals during pregnancy to ensure her energy demands for foetal growth and colostrum production are being met. The ewes should be condition scored at lambing and half way through lactation to ensure energy needs are being met. A one unit increase in BCS is equivalent to approximately 12kg for many sheep breeds. Ewes on good quality pasture gain approximately 1 kg per week. Thus for ewes to gain one unit of BCS requires up to 12 weeks of grazing good quality pasture. Therefore ewes should be condition scored well in advance of mating (eg: weaning) so that there is adequate time for ewes with low BCS to gain both weight and condition.

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The ram effect can be used to induce the onset of oestrus cyclicity in adolescent (<1 year of age) and mature ewes, once they are sufficiently close to the onset of normal cyclicity. The ram effect causes the onset of cyclicity through the release of pheromones from sexually mature rams. The onset of oestrus in adolescent ewes generally occurs at a later date compared to mature ewes. The use of the ram effect will compact the mating period and in turn the lambing period allowing for reduced labour as lambing is completed in a shorter period of time. Approximately 75% and 90% of ewes will lamb in 2 and 3 weeks, respectively. For the ram effect to work successfully the ewes must be out of sight and smell of rams for 4 weeks prior to implementing the ram effect. When implementing the ram effect rams can be prevented from mating ewes by being fitted with an apron. The aproned rams should be introduced to the ewes and removed 48 hours later. After the introduction of rams the majority of ewes that have not entered their breeding season will have a silent heat within 36 hours and some will have a second silent heat after 6 days. Fertile, non-aproned, rams should be introduced to the ewes fourteen days after the initial introduction of the aproned rams to allow for variation in cycle length and for ewes already cycling when aproned rams were introduced. Ewes will cycle approximately 17 days after their silent heat resulting in two peaks in ovulation at approximately 19 and 23 days post initial introduction of the aproned rams. Due to the peaks in mating activity additional rams are required at a rate of approximately one ram per 30 ewes. Additional labour and lambing facilities will also be required at lambing due to the increased number of ewes lambing over a short period.

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The ram effect can be used to induce the onset of oestrus cyclicity in adolescent (<1 year of age) and mature ewes, once they are sufficiently close to the onset of normal cyclicity. The ram effect causes the onset of cyclicity through the release of pheromones from sexually mature rams. The onset of oestrus in adolescent ewes generally occurs at a later date compared to mature ewes. The use of the ram effect will compact the mating period and in turn the lambing period allowing for reduced labour as lambing is completed in a shorter period of time. Approximately 75% and 90% of ewes will lamb in 2 and 3 weeks, respectively. For the ram effect to work successfully the ewes must be out of sight and smell of rams for 4 weeks prior to implementing the ram effect. When implementing the ram effect rams can be prevented from mating ewes by being fitted with an apron. The aproned rams should be introduced to the ewes and removed 48 hours later. After the introduction of rams the majority of ewes that have not entered their breeding season will have a silent heat within 36 hours and some will have a second silent heat after 6 days. Fertile, non-aproned, rams should be introduced to the ewes fourteen days after the initial introduction of the aproned rams to allow for variation in cycle length and for ewes already cycling when aproned rams were introduced. Ewes will cycle approximately 17 days after their silent heat resulting in two peaks in ovulation at approximately 19 and 23 days post initial introduction of the aproned rams. Due to the peaks in mating activity additional rams are required at a rate of approximately one ram per 30 ewes. Additional labour and lambing facilities will also be required at lambing due to the increased number of ewes lambing over a short period.

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Average lamb mortality from mid-pregnancy until weaning is 15-25% worldwide, with a significant impact on financial margins. However, between-flock variation ranges from 3% to nearly 50% mortality. Lamb mortality is highest on the day of birth, and nearly half of all deaths occur within the first week of life.

Lambs die because of: dystocia causing hypoxia or injury; an inability to adjust to postnatal life, which can lead to starvation, mis-mothering and hypothermia; infectious disease; predation; congenital malformation, and accident. The importance of these factors will be affected by farm system. Indoor lambing systems can protect the lamb from hypothermia and predation, but deaths from infectious causes are more common. In outdoor systems, lambs are more likely to die from starvation, hypothermia and predation, but will be less exposed to pathogens.

The risk factors for lamb mortality are ewe undernutrition (resulting in light lambs and less milk), larger litter sizes (where smaller lambs are more vulnerable to starvation and exposure), maternal inexperience, ewe age, genetics, stress or disturbance at lambing and the lambing environment.

Many of the causes of lamb mortality are preventable. A key goal should be for the lamb to suckle adequate amounts of colostrum from the ewe as soon as possible after birth. This will ensure a good bond between ewe and lamb, prevent starvation and hypothermia, and protect the lamb from some causes of infectious disease. Actions to improve lamb survival involve selecting animals with appropriate traits for the environment and the farm system, providing sufficient ewe nutrition, particularly in late pregnancy, and ensuring a quiet, clean lambing environment.

Average lamb mortality from mid-pregnancy until weaning is 15-25% worldwide, with a significant impact on financial margins. However, between-flock variation ranges from 3% to nearly 50% mortality. Lamb mortality is highest on the day of birth, and nearly half of all deaths occur within the first week of life.

Lambs die because of: dystocia causing hypoxia or injury; an inability to adjust to postnatal life, which can lead to starvation, mis-mothering and hypothermia; infectious disease; predation; congenital malformation, and accident. The importance of these factors will be affected by farm system. Indoor lambing systems can protect the lamb from hypothermia and predation, but deaths from infectious causes are more common. In outdoor systems, lambs are more likely to die from starvation, hypothermia and predation, but will be less exposed to pathogens.

The risk factors for lamb mortality are ewe undernutrition (resulting in light lambs and less milk), larger litter sizes (where smaller lambs are more vulnerable to starvation and exposure), maternal inexperience, ewe age, genetics, stress or disturbance at lambing and the lambing environment.

Many of the causes of lamb mortality are preventable. A key goal should be for the lamb to suckle adequate amounts of colostrum from the ewe as soon as possible after birth. This will ensure a good bond between ewe and lamb, prevent starvation and hypothermia, and protect the lamb from some causes of infectious disease. Actions to improve lamb survival involve selecting animals with appropriate traits for the environment and the farm system, providing sufficient ewe nutrition, particularly in late pregnancy, and ensuring a quiet, clean lambing environment.

Gestation efficiency in sheep is defined as the proportion of ewes known to have conceived that give birth to viable lamb(s). Average fertilization rate is around 90-95%, however, not all embryos and fetuses will survive until delivery. Abortions (termination of a pregnancy after day 30) can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

Reduced embryonic and fetal survival rates may result from nutritional factors, infectious, fungal or toxic factors, maternal factors, environmental factors and genetic causes. These can affect the quality of the egg, and the physiology of the ewe, which increases the risk of embryo death. A range of bacterial, viral and parastitic agents, as well as plant-based toxins, can cause embryonic death and abortion. Caution must always be taken when handling aborted ewes and fetuses as some infectious microorganisms can be transmitted to humans.

Each farm or flock may have different risk factors and abortion at different gestational stages. Identifying the main reasons for abortion and the more important risk factors are the key steps in developing mitigation strategies. Recording individual breeding dates, ultrasonography dates/results and abortion data, in order to identify when and why sheep do not lamb, will help to improve gestation efficiency.

Gestation efficiency in sheep is defined as the proportion of ewes known to have conceived that give birth to viable lamb(s). Average fertilization rate is around 90-95%, however, not all embryos and fetuses will survive until delivery. Abortions (termination of a pregnancy after day 30) can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

Reduced embryonic and fetal survival rates may result from nutritional factors, infectious, fungal or toxic factors, maternal factors, environmental factors and genetic causes. These can affect the quality of the egg, and the physiology of the ewe, which increases the risk of embryo death. A range of bacterial, viral and parastitic agents, as well as plant-based toxins, can cause embryonic death and abortion. Caution must always be taken when handling aborted ewes and fetuses as some infectious microorganisms can be transmitted to humans.

Each farm or flock may have different risk factors and abortion at different gestational stages. Identifying the main reasons for abortion and the more important risk factors are the key steps in developing mitigation strategies. Recording individual breeding dates, ultrasonography dates/results and abortion data, in order to identify when and why sheep do not lamb, will help to improve gestation efficiency.

Reproduction efficiency of sheep is measured by fertility rate (% ewes lambing per ewe exposed to rams/artificially inseminated) and prolificacy (the number of lambs born per ewe lambing). The economic relevance of the two parameters depends on the production system: fertility is more important than prolificacy in dairy systems, but not in meat systems. Acceptable fertility rates are around 90% whereas prolificacy depends on breed. Within breed, reproduction efficiency can vary widely, with fertility rates lower than 70% and prolificacy equal to 1 lamb per ewe lambing in some systems, but with the best flocks reaching 95-100% fertility and 1.3-1.5 lambs per ewe in non-prolific breeds and 1.8 to 2.5 in prolific breeds.

Ewes may fail to become pregnant because they are not mated or because they are unable to conceive after mating or AI. In addition, ewes may not maintain the pregnancy or lose some or all of their fetuses during pregnancy. A ewe may not be mated because she is not in the right condition to breed (e.g. due to ill health or age), because she is not cycling, or because the ram is not able to serve the ewe (e.g. due to ill health, libido or too many ewes). Ewes may not conceive because of poor egg or semen quality, stress (e.g. heat or handling), or pathology. Poor prolificacy in ewes can occur because of insufficient energy in the diet at breeding, poor body condition score, age, early embryo death or poor management of AI.

Each farm or flock may have different risk factors and prevalence for different causes of low fertility. Identifying the main reasons and risk factors for infertility are key steps in developing mitigation strategies. Recording fertility data and identifying when and why sheep do not lamb will help to improve reproduction efficiency.

Reproduction efficiency of sheep is measured by fertility rate (% ewes lambing per ewe exposed to rams/artificially inseminated) and prolificacy (the number of lambs born per ewe lambing). The economic relevance of the two parameters depends on the production system: fertility is more important than prolificacy in dairy systems, but not in meat systems. Acceptable fertility rates are around 90% whereas prolificacy depends on breed. Within breed, reproduction efficiency can vary widely, with fertility rates lower than 70% and prolificacy equal to 1 lamb per ewe lambing in some systems, but with the best flocks reaching 95-100% fertility and 1.3-1.5 lambs per ewe in non-prolific breeds and 1.8 to 2.5 in prolific breeds.

Ewes may fail to become pregnant because they are not mated or because they are unable to conceive after mating or AI. In addition, ewes may not maintain the pregnancy or lose some or all of their fetuses during pregnancy. A ewe may not be mated because she is not in the right condition to breed (e.g. due to ill health or age), because she is not cycling, or because the ram is not able to serve the ewe (e.g. due to ill health, libido or too many ewes). Ewes may not conceive because of poor egg or semen quality, stress (e.g. heat or handling), or pathology. Poor prolificacy in ewes can occur because of insufficient energy in the diet at breeding, poor body condition score, age, early embryo death or poor management of AI.

Each farm or flock may have different risk factors and prevalence for different causes of low fertility. Identifying the main reasons and risk factors for infertility are key steps in developing mitigation strategies. Recording fertility data and identifying when and why sheep do not lamb will help to improve reproduction efficiency.

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