project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Saving water in rice cultivation through the introduction of innovative agronomic techniques
Ahorro de agua en el cultivo del arroz, mediante la introducción de técnicas agronómicas innovadoras

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The aim of this project is to introduce new agronomic techniques for saving water in rice culture. Several specific objectives will be developed:

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages of buried seeding.

Introduction of buried seeding to farmers.

Irrigation water reduction quantification.

Assessment of advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation in rice culture. Quantification of water consumption and system costs. Use of adequate cultivation techniques.

Introduction of intermittent irrigation in rice culture. Relationship with buried seeding. Advantages and disadvantages of irrigation systems with respect to flood irrigation. Quantification of water saving. 



El objetivo principal del proyecto es la introducción de técnicas agronómicas y procesos innovadores que permitan el ahorro de agua en el cultivo del arroz. Se desarrollan los siguientes objetivos específicos:

-Determinar las ventajas e inconvenientes de la siembra enterrada en el cultivo del arroz. Introducir este tipo de siembra entre los agricultores. Cuantificar la reducción en el consumo de agua en la implantación del cultivo. 

-Valorar las ventajas e inconvenientes del riego por goteo en el cultivo del arroz. Cuantificación del consumo de agua en este sistema y evaluación de costes. 

-Introducción de los riegos intermitentes. Complementariedad con la siembra enterrada.


This project introduces different agronomic practices in rice culture that allow water savings:
- Buried seeding, to avoid the flooding of the field before planting.Assessment of advantages and disadvantages of buried seeding compared to traditional agronomic practice.
- Drip irrigation in rice culture that allows planting this crop in others places.
- Intermittent flood irrigation will be applied to check the benefits of water saving and others agronomic aspects of rice culture.    

Activities will be developed in the Ebro Delta and in the Girona province. 



El proyecto introduce prácticas agronómicas en el cultivo del arroz que conllevan un ahorro de agua:

-Introducción de la siembra enterrada evitando la inundación de las parcelas antes de la siembra si existe suficiente humedad en el suelo.Determinar las ventajas e inconvenientes.
-Introducción del riego localizado en arroz, que permite el cultivo en zonas diferentes a las tradicionales vinculadas a antiguas marismas costeras. Concretar las posibilidades reales de implantación.
-Introducción del riego por inundación intermitente. Se comprobarán las ventajas en el ahorro de agua y otros aspectos del cultivo.

Las actividades se desarrollaran en la zona del Delta del Ebro y en las comarcas de Girona.


Low irrigation efficiency in rice culture is a handicap for the irrigation communities located in our region, which have an important diversity crops.  Traditional rice culture consumes high amounts of water. This high water consumption can be explained by the need of leaching soil salts, but in many occasions the excess of irrigation water is merely due to the traditional method of cultivation.
The objective of this study is to obtain information to develop a water-saving strategy. This strategy will allow improving the efficiency of irrigation water, and will cause many agronomic changes. These changes can be: 1) Varietal improvement of rice. 2) Technological change to cultivation methods. 3) New technologies for the control of weeds, pests, diseases and other adversities. 4) Alternative fertilization strategy. 5) A different strategy in the rice harvest.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 118158.64

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Josep Mª Pagès i Grau

    Project coordinator