project - Research and innovation

RURALIZATION - The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms (Ruralization)
RURALIZATION - The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms

Ongoing | 2019 - 2023 Netherlands
Ongoing | 2019 - 2023 Netherlands
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The unequal development of urban and rural areas threatens the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU. Forecasts expect a 12% population growth between 2014 and 2050 in urban regions, but a 7% decline in rural regions (EUROSTAT, 2017, urt_proj_pms3). Gross domestic product (2014) is much higher in urban regions (€ 34,179 GDP/P) and intermediate regions (€ 23,726 GDP/P) than in rural regions € 19,104 (GDP/P (EUROSTAT, 2017, urt_10r_3gdp and urt_10r_3pgdp). The current trend is urbanisation, resulting in issues of rural decline and threats to the cohesion of the EU. On top of this comes the issue of access of new generations to the farming sector. Landownership is highly concentrated. The European Parliament (EP, 2017) has concerns on the fact that 52.2 % of EU agricultural land is controlled by only 3.1 % of the farms and that the 76.2 % smallest farms cultivate only 11.2 % of the EU land in 2013. Most farmers are above 55 years of age and only few farmers are below 35 years of age. The EU has allocated € 9.6 billion between 2007 and 2020 as aid to young farmers to improve competitiveness and generational renewal. However, as the Court of Auditors indicated, EU support “is based on a poorly-defined intervention logic” and it “should be better targeted to foster effective generational renewal” (ECA, 2017, 8). These policies do not change the fact that many rural areas provide few opportunities to new generations. What is needed is a novel perspective for rural areas, a perspective that triggers a process of ruralisation as counterforce to current processes of urbanisation. Such a process of ruralisation fits into a smart specialisation strategy of regions and contributes to the aims of the Cork 2.0 Declaration ‘A Better Life in Rural Areas’.


1. To understand why rural regeneration works better in some rural areas than in other rural areas.
2. To develop instruments and strategies for rural regeneration.
3. To define and assess innovative instruments and strategies to facilitate rural newcomers, new entrants into farming and access to land; to engage actors for adaption to wider rural contexts.
4. To provide insight in the rural dreams of new generations and to design policies to make these dreams come true.
5. To harvest potential growth by overcoming traditional gender roles in rural regeneration.
6. To involve relevant actors to engage a process of ruralisation in which rural areas will become an exciting place for new generations.


see objectives in English


Framework for research and innovation
Foresight analysis: trend database, inventory of rural dream futures of the youth, confrontation of trends and dreams with regional actors.
Facilitating rural newcomers and new entrants into farming: analysis of promising practices, regional discussions to upscale positive experiences.
Tools to provide access to land: study of tools of governance, land markets and land concentration, reflection on novel actions, regional discussion to upscale positive experiences.
Policy design and assessment: assessment of current policies and strategies, proposition of novel policies, tools and recommendations.
Dissemination and exploitation.

Additional information

We will make an inventory of rural dreams of the youth in 20 regions. In various occasions outcomes and insights of the project will be discussed with regional stakeholders. In relation to foresight studies, we will discuss whether regions are able to facilitate new rural generation in order to make their dreams come through. In relation to rural newcomers, new entrants into farming and farm succession we will debate whether promising practices cannot be used for improvements in other regions and in relation to access to land also debate will be whether instruments and actions cannot be used in other contexts. 
Dissemination of the project will also be done by: 
A massive open online course (MOOC) 
Conferences for end-users and policy makers 
International conferences 
Tailored activities for policy makers and for new generations, etc.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Delft en Westland

EUR 5 995 904.00

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

100 Practice Abstracts

The support of young farmers within this funding-period of the CAP is manly area-based, what makes it difficult for new entrants to start a business in the agricultural sector. Nonetheless, there is a bit of start-up support that young new entrants can apply for.The following federal states will provide start-up support (EL-0501) within the next funding period of the CAP: Berlin, Brandenburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Thüringen. It is possible that other federal states as well will start such a funding within this period. Additionally young new entrants can apply for the Agricultural Investment Promotion Programme to fund 10 % of their investments (max. 20.000 EUR), what is possible in every federal state. Finally, the following federal states will provide funding new entrants can apply for that want to start with a diversified holding including non-agricultural activity (EL-0411): Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hessen, Saarland, and Sachsen. Young farmers are one of the prioritised groups in EL-0411.Outside the CAP young new entrants have the following options to receive support. In terms of access to land they can apply for farmland provided by associations that provide land for the common good. Furthermore, in some federal states, e.g. Sachsen-Anhalt there exist land-pools. Finally, there exists a farm exchange market on national level for extra-familiar successions.The educational system for farmers and agricultural technicians improved a lot in Germany in the recent years. New entrants with a higher degree in agriculture, or special education in sustainable farming, might be more capable to apply for support inside and outside the CAP.

Die Förderung für Junglandwirt*innen innerhalb dieser GAP-Förderperiode ist flächenbasiert, was eine Förderung für junge Neueinsteiger schwer macht. Trotzdem gibt es ein paar Möglichkeiten Investitionsförderung für Neueinsteiger zu erhalten.Die folgenden Bundesländer bieten eine Niederlassungsbeihilfe für Junglandwirt*innen an (EL-0501): Berlin, Brandenburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen. Möglicherweise starten noch weitere Bundesländer mit einer Niederlassungsbeihilfe in dieser Förderperiode. Zudem besteht bundesweit die Möglichkeit über die zweite Säule zusätzlich einen Investitionszuschlag über das Agrarinvestitionsförderungsprogramm von 10 % zu erhalten (max. 20.000 EUR). Neueinsteiger, die einen diversifizierten Hof gründen oder übernehmen wollen, können in den folgenden Bundesländern Förderung beantragen (EL-0411): Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hessen, Saarland und Sachsen. Junglandwirte sind in (EL-0411) eine bevorzugte Gruppe.Außerhalb der GAP gibt es folgende Fördermöglichkeiten. Um Zugang zu Land zu erhalten können Neugründer sich um landwirtschaftliche Fläche bei einem gemeinwohlorientierten Bodenträger bewerben. Zudem bestehen in manchen Bundesländern Flächenpools, wie z.B. Sachsen-Anhalt. Für außerfamiliäre Hofübernahmen gibt es eine von Bauernverband bundesweit koordinierte Höfe-Börse.Insgesamt haben sich die Bildungsmöglichkeiten für angehende Landwirte in den letzten Jahren erheblich verbessert. Neueinsteiger mit einem Abschluss als Agrartechniker oder einer Zusatzausbildung in nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft, könnten in Zukunft eher in der Lage sein Förderung zu beantragen.

National CAP strategic plans are, among others, supposed to promote generational renewal in rural areas (SO7 goal). To do so, national authorities can choose between different interventions available in the CAP framework, two of which explicitly refer to young farmers: Complementary income support for young farmers and Premiums for young farmers. However, generational renewal in rural areas can be supported indirectly by a number of other interventions. The Polish CAP plan is an example of such approach, as it uses 19 interventions - such as Investments, LEADER/Community-led local development, Development of services for agriculture and forestry, Comprehensive agricultural advisory services, etc. - in order to achieve the goals of generational renewal. Against the background of RURALIZATION project results, such an approach seems appropriate in that instead of just financially supporting young farmers, it targets a number of obstacles that discourage young people from entering agriculture. However, it could be further improved by providing possibilities to support other types of rural changemakers (including non-farming rural newcomers). Nonetheless, a combination of direct and indirect interventions in CAP strategic plans, an example of which is provided by the Polish CAP plan, is a recommended approach to support generational renewal in rural areas.

Krajowe plany strategiczne WPR mają między innymi promować odnowę pokoleniową na obszarach wiejskich (cel SO7). W tym celu władze krajowe mogą wybrać spośród różnych interwencji, z których dwie wprost odnoszą się do nowych rolników: Uzupełniające wsparcie dochodu dla młodych rolników oraz Premie dla młodych rolników. Jednak odnowa pokoleniowa na obszarach wiejskich może być również pośrednio wspierana poprzez szereg innych interwencji. Polski plan strategiczny WPR jest przykładem takiego podejścia, gdyż wykorzystuje 19 interwencji - takich jak Inwestycje, LEADER/Rozwój lokalny kierowany przez społeczność, Rozwój usług dla rolnictwa i leśnictwa, Kompleksowe doradztwo rolnicze, etc. - na potrzeby osiągnięcia celów związanych z odnową pokoleniową. W kontekście wyników projektu RURALIZATION takie podejście wydaje się odpowiednie, ponieważ zamiast tylko finansowo wspierać młodych rolników, koncentruje się na wielu przeszkodach, które zniechęcają młodych ludzi do podjęcia działalności rolnej. Jednakże, podejście to można byłoby dalej usprawnić poprzez zapewnienie możliwości wsparcia innych młodych osób przyczyniających się do regeneracji obszarów wiejskich (w tym młodych osób zatrudnionych w innych sektorach niż rolnictwo). Niemniej jednak, logika łączenia bezpośrednich i pośrednich interwencji w krajowych planach strategicznych WPR, której przykładem jest polski plan WPR, jest zalecanym podejściem do wsparcia odnowy pokoleniowej na obszarach wiejskich.

The Jeleniogorski region (Poland) has, similarly to the entire Lower Silesian region, a dense railway network that had been created before World War II but which has been degrading especially since the 1990s when cars became a preferred transport means in public policy. In the early 21st century, however, this trend has reversed and regional authorities set up a railway operator (Koleje Dolnoslaskie) and, together with local authorities, began to redevelop the unused railway infrastructure. This has been very succesful, as after 15 years since the operator was established, the yearly number of passengers reached 16mln in 2022. At the same time, 210km of railway lines are under the process of repurchasing. Together, these actions result in reducing the public transport exclusion problem and increase the attractiveness of rural towns and areas for both tourists and newcomers. As a result, when connected to such public railway network, a number of so far declining towns can both tap into possible tourist potential as well as attract newcomers. It is especially relevant for regions where there is tourism potential, such as the Jeleniogorski region. However, it is at the same time crucial to make sure that the environment, landscape and cultural heritage are protected from new investment pressures. Doing so will enable harnessing new opportunities without losing the unique values of the region and disturbing its social-ecological balance. When this is ensured, such pathway can lead to sustainable rural regeneration.

Podregion jeleniogórski, podobnie jak cały Dolny Śląsk, posiada gęstą sieć kolejową, która powstała jeszcze przed II wojną światową, ale zaczęła podupadać szczególnie od lat 90. XX wieku, gdy samochody stały się preferowanym środkiem transportu w polityce publicznej. Jednak we wczesnych latach XXI wieku trend ten się odwrócił, a władze regionalne utworzyły operatora kolejowego (Koleje Dolnośląskie) i wraz z władzami lokalnymi zaczęły odtwarzać nieużywaną infrastrukturę kolejową. Okazało się to skuteczne, ponieważ po 15 latach od powstania operatora, w 2022 roku roczna liczba przewiezionych pasażerów wyniosła 16 mln. Jednocześnie przewidzianych do odtworzenia jest ok. 210 km nieczynnych linii kolejowych. Działania te przyczyniają się do redukcji problemu wykluczenia transportowego i zwiększają atrakcyjność miejscowości i obszarów wiejskich dla turystów i potencjalnych nowych mieszkańców. W rezultacie wiele dotąd podupadających miejscowości może po przywróceniu ruchu kolejowego wykorzystać potencjał turystyczny oraz zainteresować potencjalnych nowych mieszkańców. Jest to szczególnie istotne dla regionów o potencjale turystycznym takich jak region jeleniogórski. Jednakże równie ważne jest zapewnienie ochrony środowiska, krajobrazu i dziedzictwa kulturowego przed nową presją inwestycyjną. Dzięki temu można wykorzystać nowe możliwości bez utraty unikalnych wartości regionu i zakłócenia jego równowagi społeczno-ekologicznej. Kiedy odpowiednia ochrona zostanie zapewniona i egzekwowana, taki kierunek działań może prowadzić do zrównoważonej regeneracji obszarów wiejskich.

The Chelmsko-Zamojski is one of the regions with a strong agricultural character; it is a peripheral region with significant negative effects in the socio-economic sphere. One of the positive activities for the development of these areas on a local scale are activities of Local Action Groups (e.g. LAG Ziemia Zamojska, LAG Chełm Land, LAG Nasze Roztocze). They are particularly active in the area of development and promotion of tourism in rural areas based on the region's numerous natural and cultural assets. They are successful in activating the population, including women and young people, to take action for the benefit of the community and the local economy. This is particularly important for peripheral regions with tourism potential, such as the Chelmsko-Zamojski region. Equally important are the LAG's activities to protect the environment, landscape and cultural heritage. The activities carried out have a small-scale impact, but through cooperation between LAGs, a networking effect is created and social and cultural capital is used. Promoting rural tourism by making use of local potentials allows for development without losing the unique values of the region, which will foster sustainable regeneration of rural areas.

Podregion chełmsko-zamojski należy do regionów o silnym charakterze rolniczym; jest regionem peryferyjnym, gdzie wyraźne są negatywne efekty w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej. Jedną z pozytywnych aktywności na rzecz rozwoju tych obszarów w skali lokalnej są działania Lokalnych Grup Działania ( LGD Ziemia Zamojska, LGD Ziemi Chełmskiej, LGD Nasze Roztocze). Są one szczególnie aktywne są w sferze rozwoju i promocji turystyki na obszarach wiejskich w oparciu o liczne walory naturalne i kulturowego tego regionu. Odnoszą sukcesy w aktywizowaniu mieszkańców, w tym także kobiet i młodych ludzi, do działań na rzecz społeczności i gospodarki lokalnej. Jest to szczególnie istotne dla regionów peryferyjnych o potencjale turystycznym, takich jak region chełmsko-zamojski. Równie ważne są działania LGD na rzecz ochrony środowiska, krajobrazu i dziedzictwa kulturowego. Realizowane aktywności mają oddziaływanie na małą skalę, ale poprzez współpracę LGD powstaje efekt usieciowienia i wykorzystania kapitału społecznego i kulturowego. Promowanie turystyki wiejskiej przy wykorzystaniu lokalnych potencjałów pozwala na rozwój, bez utraty unikalnych wartości regionu, co sprzyjać będzie zrównoważonej regeneracji obszarów wiejskich.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Buzau region in Romania, with a focus on the economic, social, and environmental aspects. It explores the dreams and future expectations of the residents of the region and reveals that they have a strong desire for economic development and improvement in their standard of living. They believe that the region has a great potential for economic growth, particularly in the areas of tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. The residents also express a desire for improved infrastructure, including better roads, healthcare, and education.The report highlights the need to address the challenges faced by the region to achieve the dreams and future expectations of its residents. The recommendations include: Encouraging investment in the region through financial incentives and promoting the region's economic potential; Improving the region's infrastructure, such as transport, energy, and water supply, Developing and promoting sustainable tourism to preserve the region's natural and cultural heritage, and boost the region's economy; Promoting sustainable agriculture practices to protect the region's natural resources and boost local food production; Enhancing the quality of education and training to provide skilled and knowledgeable workers; Developing and implementing a comprehensive disaster management plan to address the risks posed by climate change.The report concludes that with the implementation of the recommended actions, the dreams and future expectations of the residents of the Buzau region can be achieved.

Raportul oferă o analiză cuprinzătoare a regiunii Buzău din România, cu accent pe aspectele economice, sociale și de mediu. Acesta explorează visele și așteptările viitoare ale locuitorilor din regiune si relevă faptul că acestia au o dorință puternică de dezvoltare economică și de îmbunătățire a nivelului de trai. Aceștia consideră că regiunea are un mare potențial de creștere economică, în special în domeniile turismului, agriculturii și producției. Locuitorii își exprimă, de asemenea, dorința de a avea o infrastructură îmbunătățită, inclusiv drumuri mai bune, asistență medicală și educație.Raportul evidențiază necesitatea de a aborda provocările cu care se confruntă regiunea și pentru a realiza visele și așteptările viitoare ale locuitorilor săi. Recomandările includ: Încurajarea investițiilor în regiune prin stimulente financiare și promovarea potențialului economic al regiunii; Îmbunătățirea infrastructurii regiunii, cum ar fi transportul, energia și aprovizionarea cu apă; Dezvoltarea și promovarea turismului durabil pentru a păstra patrimoniul natural și cultural al regiunii și pentru a stimula economia regiunii; promovarea practicilor agricole durabile pentru a proteja resursele naturale ale regiunii și pentru a stimula producția locală de alimente; îmbunătățirea calității educației și a formării profesionale pentru a furniza lucrători calificați și bine informati; dezvoltarea și punerea în aplicare a unui plan cuprinzător de gestionare a dezastrelor pentru a aborda riscurile generate de schimbările climatice.Raportul concluzionează că, prin implementarea acțiunilor recomandate, visele și așteptările viitoare ale locuitorilor din regiunea Buzău pot fi îndeplinite.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Cluj region in Romania, with a focus on the economic, social and environmental aspects. It explores the dreams and future expectations of the residents of the region, and it reveals that the residents of the Cluj region have high expectations for their future. They desire a prosperous and sustainable economy, high-quality education and healthcare, a clean and healthy environment, and a vibrant cultural scene. The report highlights the potential for economic growth in the region, particularly in the areas of technology and innovation.The report provides practical recommendations to achieve the dreams and future expectations of the residents, such as, Promoting alternative food systems; Developing and implementing policies to bring more attention towards local farmers and agroecology; Improving the quality of education and training to provide skilled workers; Developing and promoting sustainable tourism to attract visitors and showcase the region's cultural and natural heritage; Investing in healthcare infrastructure and services to improve access to high-quality healthcare; Developing and implementing policies to address the housing affordability crisis in the region.The report highlights the need for collaboration between various stakeholders, including government, businesses, and civil society, to achieve the dreams and future expectations of the residents. The practical recommendations aim to promote agroecology, preserve the natural environment, improve access to education and healthcare, and create a vibrant cultural scene. The report can serve as a useful guide for policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders interested in the Cluj region's development.

Raportul oferă o analiză cuprinzătoare a regiunii Cluj din România, cu accent pe aspectele economice, sociale și de mediu. Acesta explorează visele și așteptările de viitor ale locuitorilor din regiune, care au așteptări mari pentru viitorul lor. Aceștia își doresc o economie prosperă și durabilă, educație și asistență medicală de înaltă calitate, un mediu curat și sănătos și o scenă culturală vibrantă; evidențiază potențialul de creștere economică în regiune.Raportul oferă recomandări practice pentru a realiza visele și așteptările viitoare ale locuitorilor cum ar fi: Promovarea sistemelor alternative de alimentație; Dezvoltarea și punerea în aplicare a unor politici care să atragă mai multă atenție asupra fermierilor locali și a agroecologiei; Îmbunătățirea calității educației și a formării profesionale pentru a oferi lucrători calificați; Dezvoltarea și promovarea turismului durabil pentru a atrage vizitatori și a pune în valoare patrimoniul cultural și natural al regiunii; Investiții în infrastructura și serviciile de sănătate pentru a îmbunătăți accesul la asistență medicală de înaltă calitate; Dezvoltarea și punerea în aplicare a unor politici pentru a aborda criza de accesibilitate a locuințelor din regiune.Raportul evidențiază necesitatea colaborării între diferitele părți interesate, inclusiv guvernul, întreprinderile și societatea civilă. Recomandările practice vizează promovarea agroecologiei, conservarea mediului natural, îmbunătățirea accesului la educație și asistență medicală și crearea unei scene culturale vibrante. Raportul poate servi drept un ghid util pentru factorii de decizie politică, investitori și alte părți interesate de dezvoltarea regiunii Cluj.

Founded in March 2021 by a young woman who studied art history and came from Paris where she ran a contemporary art salon at the University of Paris-Diderot, the association "Le ravitaillement, lieu d'art et de pratiques rurales" claims to be rooted in a rural environment and to support and raise awareness of contemporary art.After a first year which allowed the association to rehabilitate and invest a place (abandoned premises above an old mill on the Sienne) while laying the foundations of its associative project, Le Ravitaillement has set about renewing and consolidating its actions. Thanks to new public partners - the Region, the Department and the Community of Coutances Mer et Bocage - and to the renewed support of the Commune of Gavray-sur-Sienne, the association has been able to put its initial aspirations into practice: to invite professional artists to a dialogue with the territory of Gavray, its inhabitants and its rural and agricultural environment, while at the same time addressing the issues of ecological transition. For example, a meeting on the killing of farm animals was organised at the initiative of a farmer and member of the association. This experience showed the potential for cross-fertilisation of these projects, rich in discoveries for all those involved. The free exhibitions at the Ravitaillement brought together artists from different generations and backgrounds. The 6 workshops organised made concrete the quest for a quality of attention to the living. Little by little, these events are creating a community where different generations, different work and social realities mix, a community united by a curiosity, a desire to learn and to live intensely and together around the “rural” Gavray-sur-Sienne.

Fondée en mars 2021 par une jeune femme ayant fait des études d’histoire de l’art et venu de Paris où elle dirigeait un salon d’art contemporain, l’association « Le ravitaillement, lieu d’art et de pratiques rurales » revendique son ancrage dans un milieu rural et son ambition de soutenir et de sensibiliser à l’art contemporain.Après une première année qui a permis de réhabiliter et d’investir un lieu (local abandonné au-dessus d’un ancien moulin sur la Sienne) tout en posant les bases de son projet associatif, le Ravitaillement s’est attaché à renouveler et conforter ses actions. Grâce à de nouveaux partenaires publics – la Région, le Département et la Communauté Coutances Mer et Bocage - et à l’appui de la Commune de Gavray-sur-Sienne, l’association a pu mettre ses aspirations initiales en application : inviter des artistes professionnels à un dialogue avec le territoire de Gavray, ses habitants et son milieu rural et agricole, tout en s’inscrivant dans des enjeux de transition écologique. Par exemple, une rencontre sur la mise à mort des animaux d’élevage a été organisée à l’initiative d’une éleveuse et membre de l’association. Cette expérience a montré le potentiel de fertilisation croisée de ces projets, riches de découvertes pour toutes les personnes impliquées. Les expositions du Ravitaillement ouvertes gratuitement ont mêlé des artistes de différentes générations et horizons. Les 6 ateliers organisés ont rendu concrète la quête d’une qualité d’attention au vivant. Petit à petit, ces événements dessinent une communauté où se mélangent différentes générations, différentes réalités de travail et sociales, communauté réunie par une curiosité, une envie d’apprendre et de vivre intensément et ensemble autour de Gavray-sur-Sienne.

CoWorkLand is a cooperative that supports people who want to start and run a coworking space in rural areas. It emerged from a federal funded project in February 2019 and consists of 250 members in April 2023. There are now 120 spaces that are organised in the cooperative. CoWorkLand operates as a decentralised network with 15 regional contact points spread across Germany and Austria.The aim of the cooperative is to establish as much coworking spaces in rural areas as possible in order to build a network of attractive community and collaborative working places that will eventually advance both the New Work movement and rural development. In this way, it wants to enable as many people as possible in rural areas to work collaboratively and remotely.As activities it organises exchange of experience, qualifies people interested in setting up a coworking space and advises municipal actors on locating and commissioning rural coworking spaces. The cooperative supports operators through a booking platform, does public relations work and lobbies for favourable conditions for coworking and remote work.

CoWorkLand ist eine Genossenschaft, die Menschen unterstützt, die einen Coworking-Space im ländlichen Raum gründen und betreiben wollen. Sie ging im Februar 2019 aus einem Förderprojekt des Bundes hervor und besteht im April 2023 aus 250 Mitgliedern. In ihrem Verbund sind mittlerweile 120 Spaces organisiert. Die CoWorkLand arbeitet als dezentrales Netz mit 15 regionalen Anlaufstellen verteilt über ganz Deutschland und Österreich.Das Ziel der Genossenschaft ist es, möglichst flächendeckend Coworking-Spaces im ländlichen Raum zu etablieren, die als attraktive Gemeinschafts- und Arbeitsorte sowohl die New Work-Bewegung wie auch die ländliche Entwicklung vorantreiben. Damit will sie möglichst vielen Menschen im ländlichen Raum es ermöglichen ortsunabhängig und gemeinschaftlich zu arbeiten.Sie vernetzt ihre Mitglieder untereinander und organisiert einen steigen Erfahrungsaustausch und kollegiale Beratung. Sie qualifiziert Gründungsinteressierte und berät kommunale Akteure bei Gründung, Ansiedlung und Inbetriebnahme von ländlichen Coworking-Spaces. Betreiber unterstützt die Genossenschaft durch überregionales Marketing sowie eine Buchungs- und Abrechnungsplattform. Dabei steht eine nachhaltige und gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmensführung im Vordergrund.

The Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft e. V. brings together producers and consumers of food to promote the concept of community-supported agriculture (CSA) in Germany. As an association, it provides a platform that bundles and makes available information and expertise on this topic.The network was founded as an association in 2011. Individuals, CSA farms and supporters can become members. The network offers contact, advice, support and assistance for existing CSA farms and for those who would like to become one.The network offers material and media for public relations work. In addition, it provides that individual farms cannot perform, such as building regional networks of CSA farms, public relations on a national level, research and lobbying for a favourable framework in agricultural policy.The goals are the preservation and promotion of solidarity-based, sustainable and peasant agriculture, in which producers and consumers work together and regard agriculture as a common, social responsibility. For these goals, the network is in exchange with other organisations at the national, EU and international levels. Twice a year, network meetings take place throughout Germany that are open to all interested parties.

Im Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft e. V. sind Erzeuger und Verbraucher von Lebensmitteln zusammengeschlossen, um das Konzept einer gemeinschaftsgetragenen Landwirtschaft in Deutschland bekannt zu machen. Als Verband bietet es eine Plattform, die Informationen und Kompetenzen zu diesem Thema bündelt und zur Verfügung stellt.Das Netzwerk wurde 2011 als Verein gegründet. Es können Einzelpersonen, Solawis und Förderer Mitglied werden. Das Netzwerk bietet Kontakt, Beratung, Begleitung und Hilfestellung für existierende Solawi-Betriebe und solche, die es werden möchten. Es ermöglicht Hilfe zur Selbstorganisation und zeigt konkrete Handlungsmöglichkeiten auf.Das Netzwerk stellt Material und Medien für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zur Verfügung. Zudem werden Aufgaben übernommen, die einzelne Höfe nicht leisten können wie regionale Vernetzung von Solawis, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Forschung und Agrarpolitik.Ziele sind die Erhaltung und Förderung einer solidarischen, nachhaltigen und bäuerlichen Landwirtschaft, in der Erzeuger und Verbraucher verbindlich zusammenarbeiten und Landwirtschaft als eine gemeinsame, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung betrachten. Für diese Ziele steht das Netzwerk mit anderen Organisationen im In- und Ausland im Austausch. Zweimal jährlich finden deutschlandweite Netzwerktreffen statt, die für alle Interessierten offen sind.

In the RURALIZATION project, it was found that exploiting opportunities for rural regeneration is more difficult than identifying opportunities. The reasons for the difficulty were studied by means of stakeholder interviews and causal maps. Behind the obvious causes were root causes. By removing the root causes it is possible to create more permanent effects than by interfering with the obvious causes. The most often mentioned root causes were lack of concerted action, lack of courage and "deviant behaviour", dominating traditions and path dependence, mounting bureaucracy and low self-confidence. Other root causes were a negative world model, lack of diversity, short-term action and lack of knowledge. The key measures to eliminate these root causes were the organization of activities aimed at a common goal, giving the new a chance, e.g. in terms of world models, policies, practices, creating visions and empowering change makers. Investing in needs-based competencies, simplification, open communication and adopting a systems view were also feasible measures. Bringing issues like this to the centre of rural development policy requires a new approach to rural development instead of the traditional sector- and function-oriented model. 

RURALIZATION-hankkeessa havaittiin, että maaseudun uudistumismahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen on vaikeampaa kuin niiden tunnistaminen. Syitä vaikeudelle selvitettiin haastattelujen ja kausaalikarttojen avulla. Ilmeisten syiden taustalla oli juurisyitä, jotka poistamalla on mahdollista saada aikaan pysyvämpiä vaikutuksia kuin ilmeisiin syihin puuttumalla. Yleisimmin esille tulleet juurisyyt olivat tavoitteellisen yhteistoiminnan puute, rohkeuden ja "poikkeavan käyttäytymisen" puute, perinteiden ja polkuriippuvuuden hallitsevuus, byrokratia ja heikko itseluottamus. Muita juurisyitä olivat negatiivinen maailmanmalli, monimuotoisuuden puute, lyhytjänteinen toiminta ja tiedon puute. Keskeiset keinot näiden juurisyiden poistamiseksi olivat yhteiseen tavoitteeseen tähtäävän toiminnan organisointi, uuden suosiminen mm. maailmanmallien, politiikan, käytänteiden ja toimijoiden osalta sekä visioiden luominen ja muutoksentekijöiden voimaannuttaminen. Muita keinoja olivat tarvelähtöisen osaamisen lisääminen, hallinnon yksinkertaistaminen, avoin viestintä ja systeemiajattelun vahvistaminen. Tämänkaltaisten asioiden nostaminen maaseudun kehittämispolitiikan keskiöön vaatii uudenlaista lähestymistapaa maaseudun kehittämiseen perinteisen sektori- ja toimintolähtäisen mallin tilalle.

In the RURALIZATION project, it was found that exploiting opportunities for rural regeneration is more difficult than identifying opportunities. The reasons for the difficulty were studied by means of stakeholder interviews and causal maps. Behind the obvious causes were root causes. By removing the root causes it is possible to create more permanent effects than by interfering with the obvious causes. The most often mentioned root causes were lack of concerted action, lack of resources as well as dominating traditions and path dependence. Other root causes were lack of courage and "deviant behaviour", negative world model, lack of diversity, declining population, short-term action, mounting bureaucracy, lack of interest and low self-confidence. The key measures to eliminate these root causes were the organization of activities aimed at a common goal, involvement of young people and giving the new a chance, e.g. in terms of world models, policies, practices and actors. Updating and enriching the rural image and increasing needs-based skills were also feasible mentioned measures. Bringing issues like this to the center of rural development policy requires a new approach to rural development instead of the traditional sector- and function-oriented model. 

RURALIZATION-hankkeessa havaittiin, että maaseudun uudistumismahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen on vaikeampaa kuin niiden tunnistaminen. Syitä vaikeudelle selvitettiin haastattelujen ja kausaalikarttojen avulla. Ilmeisten syiden taustalla oli juurisyitä, jotka poistamalla on mahdollista saada aikaan pysyvämpiä vaikutuksia kuin ilmeisiin syihin puuttumalla. Yleisimmin esille tulleet juurisyyt olivat tavoitteellisen yhteistoiminnan puute, resurssien puute sekä perinteiden ja polkuriippuvuuden hallitsevuus. Muita juurisyitä olivat rohkeuden ja "poikkeavan käyttäytymisen" puute, negatiivinen maailmanmalli, monimuotoisuuden puute, vähenevä väestö, lyhytjänteinen toiminta, byrokratia, kiinnostuksen puute ja heikko itseluottamus. Keskeiset keinot näiden juurisyiden poistamiseksi olivat yhteiseen tavoitteeseen tähtäävän toiminnan organisointi, nuorten osallistaminen ja uuden suosiminen mm. maailmanmallien, politiikan, käytänteiden ja toimijoiden osalta. Myös maaseutumielikuvien päivittäminen ja rikastaminen sekä tarveperusteinen osaaminen lisääminen olivat käyttökelpoisia keinoja. Tämänkaltaisten asioiden nostaminen maaseudun kehittämispolitiikan keskiöön vaatii uudenlaista lähestymistapaa maaseudun kehittämiseen perinteisen sektori- ja toimintolähtäisen mallin tilalle.

In the RURALIZATION project, an inventory of futures dreams of young people aged 18-30 was carried out in 10 countries and 20 regions. 2,208 respondents described their livelihood, accommodation and lifestyle dreams. Based on the results, it is possible to profile areas as destinations of the dreams. The dreams targeted to rural areas close to city were profiled by of 'basic' jobs in industry, construction or transport, a short commuting distance and not place-bound work. The apartment should definitely be located in the countryside, preferably by waterways and far away from neighbors. A big yard, an old house and animals were part of the accommodation recipe. The lifestyle recipe was profiled by a garden, animals and a spacious and green environment. In the dreams of these young people, it was important to get to the countryside and have own peace, but be close to the services and jobs of the city. Making the elements of the dream available for the young people is a good starting point for local development policy. Besides that, stakeholders considered organising facilities (plots, apartments, connections), marketing (awareness), involvement and education as the key means for promoting the realisation of dreams. The role of the local public sector was central in implementing the measures.

RURALIZATION-hankkeessa kartoitettiin 18-30-vuotiaiden nuorten tulevaisuuden unelmia 10 maassa ja 20 alueella. Kyselyyn vastasi 2,208 nuorta, jotka kuvasivat toimeentulo- asumis- ja elämäntapaunelmaansa. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista profiloida unelmien kohteina olevia alueita. Kaupunkien läheiseen maaseutuun kohdistuville unelmille olivat tyypillisiä 'perustyöt' teollisuudessa, rakentamisessa tai kuljetuksessa, lyhyt työmatka ja paikkariippumaton työ. Asunnon tulisi sijaita ehdottomasti maaseudulla, mieluiten vesistöjen äärellä ja kaukana naapureista. Iso piha, vanha talo ja eläimet kuuluivat unelmien asumisreseptiin. Elämäntapaan kuuluivat puutarha, eläimet sekä avara ja vihreä ympäristö. Näiden nuorten unelmissa oli keskeistä päästä maaseudulle omaan rauhaan, mutta lähelle kaupungin palveluita ja työpaikkoja. Unelmien sisältöelementtien tuominen nuorten saavutettavaksi on hyvä paikallisen kehittämispolitiikan lähtökohta. Keskeisinä keinoina unelmien toteutumisen edistämiselle sidosryhmät pitivät lisäksi puitteiden järjestämistä (tontit, asunnot, yhteydet), markkinointia (tietoisuus), osallistamista ja koulutusta. Paikallisen julkisen sektorin rooli oli keskeinen toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa. 

In the RURALIZATION project, an inventory of futures dreams of young people aged 18-30 was carried out in 10 countries and 20 regions. 2,208 respondents described their livelihood, accommodation and lifestyle dreams. Based on the results, it is possible to profile areas as destinations of the dreams. The dreams targeted to rural villages were profiled by 'basic' jobs e.g. in transport as well as service jobs e.g. in retail trade, education and food services. Communality, doing by hands, freelance work and work related to the nature and environment were common dreams. The house should be in a village or small town that is good and safe for the children. Farmhouse, old house, garage or barn were part of the accommodation dream. The lifestyle recipe was profiled by cars and machines, garden, community activities and hobbies, social orientation and communality as well as valuing the local (e.g. food). Communality and local fabric were important for these young people. Making the elements of the dream available for the young people is a good starting point for local development policy. Besides that, stakeholders considered organising the facilities (plot, apartments, connections), incentives, marketing and regulative reforms key means for promoting the realisation of dreams. The role of the local public sector was central in implementing the measures.

RURALIZATION-hankkeessa kartoitettiin 18-30-vuotiaiden nuorten tulevaisuuden unelmia 10 maassa ja 20 alueella. Kyselyyn vastasi 2,208 nuorta, jotka kuvasivat toimeentulo- asumis- ja elämäntapaunelmaansa. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista profiloida unelmien kohteina olevia alueita. Maaseudun kyliin ja kirkonkyliin kohdistuville unelmille olivat tyypillisiä "perustyöt" esimerkiksi kuljetuksessa sekä palveluammatit esim. kaupassa, opetuksessa ja ruokapalveluissa. Tärkeitä asioita työssä olivat yhteisöllisyys, käsillä tekeminen, freelance-työ sekä luonto ja ympäristö. Asunnon tulisi sijaita kylässä tai pikkukaupungissa paikassa, joka on hyvä ja turvallinen lapsille. Maatila, vanha talo, talli tai verstas kuuluivat unelmien asumisreseptiin. Elämäntapaan kuuluivat mm. autot ja koneet, puutarha, yhteisölliset harrastukset ja yhteisöllinen elämäntapa sekä paikallisten asioiden (mm. ruuan) arvostaminen. Näille nuorille yhteisöllisyys ja paikallisuus olivat tärkeitä. Unelmien sisältöelementtien tuominen nuorten saavutettavaksi on hyvä paikallisen kehittämispolitiikan lähtökohta. Keskeisinä keinoina unelmien toteutumisen edistämiselle sidosryhmät pitivät lisäksi puitteiden järjestämistä (tontit, asunnot, yhteydet), kannusteita, markkinointia ja sääntelyn uudistamista. Paikallisen julkisen sektorin rooli oli keskeinen toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa. 

The RURALIZATION project identified and assessed 1,560 trends from research literature and national, regional and local sources in 12 countries. The effects of the trends were assessed in a variety of ways. The occurrence of megatrends, trends, and weak signals varied between area types. The multiple effects of megatrends were most positive in urban areas and most negative in sparsely populated rural areas. In rural areas close to cities, the trends related to networks and cooperation, energy, tourism, migration and food had relatively the most positive effects compared to negative effects. In sparsely populated rural areas, relatively the most positive effects were on trends related to tourism, networks and cooperation, lifestyle and housing. There are significant opportunities hidden in these trends, which do not have negative downsides in terms of rural vitality. Weak signals include, for example, novel care services, community-based action, creative economy, degrowth, do-it-yourself, ecovillages, educational farms, food sovereignty,heritage tourism, multi-local living, resilience, rural energy communities, rural hubs, rural lifestyle, self-sufficiency and sharing economy.

RURALIZATION-hankkeessa tunnistettiin ja arvioitiin 1,560 trendiä tutkimuskirjallisuudesta sekä kansallisista, alueellisista ja paikallisista lähteistä 12 maassa. Trendien vaikutuksia arvioitiin monipuolisesti. Megatrendien, trendien ja heikkojen signaalien kohtaantuminen vaihteli aluetyyppien välillä. Megatrendien moninaiset vaikutukset olivat kaikkein myönteisimpiä kaupunkiseuduilla ja kaikkein kielteisimpiä harvaan asutuilla maaseutualueilla. Kaupunkien läheisellä maaseutualueilla suhteellisesti eniten myönteisiä vaikutuksia suhteessa kielteisiin vaikutuksiin oli verkostoihin ja yhteistoimintaan, energiaan, matkailuun, muuttoliikeeseen ja ruokaan liittyvillä trendeillä. Harvaan asutuilla maaseutualueilla suhteellisesti eniten myönteisiä vaikutuksia oli matkailuun, verkostoihin ja yhteistoimintaan, elämäntapaan ja asumiseen liittyviin trendeihin. Näissä trendeissä piilee merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia, joilla ei ole kielteisiä kääntöpuolia maaseudun elinvoimaisuuden kannalta. Heikkoja signaaleja ovat esimerkiksi uudenlaiset hoivapalvelut, yhteisöllinen toiminta, luova talous, kohtuutalous, tee-se-itse -liike, ekokylät, opetusmaatilat, ruokaan liittyvä itsemääräämisoikeus, perinnematkailu, monipaikkainen asuminen, resilienssi, maaseudun energiayhteisöt, maaseudun yhteisölliset tilat, maalainen elämäntapa, omavaraisuus ja jakamistalous.

Terres Fertiles is a real estate company (Société Civile Immobilière or SCI in French) which aims 1) to protect agricultural land in Ile-de-France region, 2) to promote short food circuits and sustainable agriculture. This SCI gathered up to 1,200 shareholders (individuals from civil society or associations) who had one or several shares and made it possible to buy 20ha of land on the Saclay plateau in Ile-de-France. The original status of this structure has enabled it to quickly buy back the agricultural land put up for sale and to become an important player at the local level. In fact, the SCI has a legal status which facilitated several legal appeals to counter various urbanization projects on the Saclay plateau and has helped create an official “protected agricultural and natural area” on the Saclay plateau. Having several environmental associations and AMAPs (Association for the maintenance of peasant agriculture) as shareholders of the SCI, Terres Fertiles was also able to develop an important network of associations, activists and citizens which led to organic farmers’ establishment, conversion of a conventional farmer into organic agriculture and creation of some other AMAPs in the region. However, the SCI has experienced in recent years difficulties in mobilizing and renewing its shareholders, which has ultimately threatened it with financial liquidation. In order not to be liquidated, the SCI decided to sell its land to Terre de Liens Ile-de-France in 2020 and to continue social actions and mobilisation in the form of an association.

Terres Fertiles est une Société Civile Immobilière (SCI) qui a pour objectif 1) de protéger les terres agricoles en Ile-de-France, 2) de promouvoir les circuits courts et durables de l'alimentation. Cette SCI a rassemblé jusqu'à 1 200 actionnaires (personnes issues de la société civile ou d'associations) qui possédaient une ou plusieurs parts et ont permis d'acheter 20 ha de terres sur le plateau de Saclay en Ile-de-France. Le statut original de cette structure lui a permis de racheter rapidement les terres agricoles mises en vente et de devenir un acteur important à l'échelle locale. En effet, la SCI dispose d'un statut juridique qui a facilité plusieurs recours juridiques pour contrer divers projets d'urbanisation et a contribué à la création d'une "zone agricole et naturelle protégée" officielle sur le plateau de Saclay. La présence de plusieurs associations environnementales et AMAP (Association pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne) comme actionnaires de la SCI a également permis à Terres Fertiles de développer un important réseau d'associations, de militants et de citoyens supportant l'installation d'agriculteurs biologiques sur le plateau de Saclay, la conversion d'un agriculteur conventionnel à l'agriculture biologique et la création d'autres AMAP dans la région. Cependant, la SCI a connu ces dernières années des difficultés à mobiliser et à renouveler ses actionnaires, ce qui l'a finalement menacée de liquidation financière. Afin de ne pas être liquidée, la SCI a décidé de vendre ses terrains à Terre de Liens Ile-de-France en 2020 et de poursuivre ses actions sociales et de mobilisation sous la forme d'une association.

The project envisaged the creation of a help-desk aimed at people who, by choice of life or work, want to live in the municipalities of the valleys of the metropolitan city of Turin (formerly the Province of Turin). It is promoted by the Metropolitan City of Turin, in collaboration with the University of Turin and the SocialFare - social innovation centre. It provides free mentorship, networking and matching services with the aim of creating the conditions for socio-occupational and/or entrepreneurial integration of new inhabitants. One innovative initiative proposed is the 'Mountain School', which takes place in one of the valleys in the area. The first edition in 2022 took place in the Susa Valley. 117 applications were received for 20 places available. In 2023, the school was held in the Lanzo Valleys. The school consists of three days of training, information, workshops and visits to production and social realities in the valley. This gives the participants the opportunity to have direct contact with those who live in the mountain villages. The themes addressed are: living; working; services and community relations. Multi-actor collaboration, counter services and the organisation of a school, which offers the possibility of full immersion in the localities in order to learn about opportunities but also the difficulties of such a choice of life and/or work, can encourage the arrival of new inhabitants in mountain and rural areas. Useful links:…

Il progetto ha previsto la creazione di uno sportello rivolto a persone, che per scelta di vita o di lavoro, vogliono andare ad abitare nei comuni delle vallate della città metropolitana di Torino (ex- Provincia di Torino). E’ promosso dalla città Metropolitana di Torino, in collaborazione con  l'Università degli Studi di Torino e del centro per l'innovazione sociale SocialFare. Prevede servizi gratuiti di mentorship, networking e matching con l’obiettivo di creare le condizioni per un’ inserimento socio-lavorativo di vita e/o imprenditoriale di nuovi abitanti. Una iniziativa innovativa proposta è la “Scuola di montagna” che si svolge in una delle valli dell’area. La prima edizione del 2022 si è svolta in valle di Susa. 117 sono le domande di partecipazione pervenute per 20 posti disponibili. Nel 2023 la scuola si è svolta nelle Valli di Lanzo. La scuola si articola su tre giorni in cui si alternano momenti di formazione, informazione, workshop e visite a realtà produttive e sociali della valle. Viene così offerta l’opportunità ai corsisti di avere un contatto diretto con coloro che vivono quotidianamente nelle località montane. Le tematiche affrontate sono: l'abitare; il lavoro; i servizi e le relazioni con la comunità . Una collaborazione multiattoriale, i servizi di sportello e l’organizzazione di una scuola, che offra la possibilità di una full immersion nelle località per conoscere opportunità ma anche le difficoltà di una simile scelta di vita e/o di lavoro possono favorire l’arrivo di nuovi abitanti nelle aree montane e rurali. Link utili:…

The "Pitypang organic garden" is an example of community supported agriculture (CSA) in Hungary. CSA is based on a community of small producers and consumers who share the risks of production and share the profits and goods produced.For the farmer, the primary starting point was the farming activities of his parents' and grandparents' generation and the half acre of land he inherited. After graduating as an economist, he worked on several organic farms and saw them in operation, which served as a model for him in creating community-supported agriculture.The owner of the "Dandelion Organic Garden" takes care of the whole garden, from planting to garden management. He intensively cultivates less than half an acre and produces enough vegetables to feed 45 families a year. He does all this in a fixed, permanent bed, minimum tillage horticulture, using alternative farming methods and chemical-free pest management. Members receive a service rather than a product, are involved in the gardening process, are required to visit the farm twice a year and volunteer to help with the actual growing process.The CSA has become a model, with many university students visiting the garden and more coming to learn for themselves and their families about the innovative techniques the farmer uses to work in harmony with nature.

A "Pitypang biokert" egy magyarországi példa a közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaságra (CSA). A CSA a kistermelők és fogyasztók közösségén alapul, akik megosztják a termelés kockázatait, és osztoznak a nyereségen és a megtermelt árukon.A gazdálkodó számára az elsődleges kiindulópontot a szülei és nagyszülei generációjának mezőgazdasági tevékenysége és az örökölt fél hektár föld jelentette. Miután közgazdászként végzett, több biogazdaságban dolgozott, és látta őket működés közben, ami mintaként szolgált számára a közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság megteremtésében.A "Pitypang biokert" tulajdonosa gondoskodik az egész kertről, az ültetéstől a kertgazdálkodásig. Kevesebb mint fél hektáron intenzíven műveli és termel annyi zöldséget, hogy évente 45 családot tudjon ellátni. Mindezt egy rögzített, állandó ágyásos, minimális talajművelésű kertészetben végzi, alternatív gazdálkodási módszerekkel és vegyszermentes növényvédelemmel. A tagok nem terméket, hanem szolgáltatást kapnak, folyamatosan részt vesznek a kertészkedés folyamatában, évente kétszer kötelesek ellátogatni a gazdaságba, és önkéntesként segíthetnek a tényleges termesztési folyamatban.A CSA működése modellértékűvé vált, számos egyetem hallgatói látogatják a kertet, és még többen jönnek, hogy saját maguk és családjuk számára megismerjék a gazdálkodó által alkalmazott innovatív technológiákat, amelyekkel a természettel harmóniában dolgozik.

European literature identifies diverse and frequently interconnected causes, such as the ageing demographic profile, in part, to the emigration of young people from rural areas. However, it is also about making farms and rural areas more attractive for young people to make a living so that rural areas can be regenerated and kept alive.A study in rural Ireland examined and captured the future personal career aspirations of young people aged 18 to 30. The findings illustrated that career ambitions of the youth lay predominantly in areas often associated with the traditional rural. Many respondents also displayed interest in entrepreneurship. The livelihood criterion of the rural youths also demonstrated that they desired satisfying, well-paying employment positions to live comfortably with a good work-life balance and the opportunities to work from home. However, various issues were also identified, such as the viability of the family farm, while specific job sectors also needed more chances for progression.The results underscore the high importance of employment opportunities for young adults for rural generational renewal. Future recommendations for rural generational renewal and development programmes should strengthen rural schools' connections to their communities to help young people envision their future careers. In addition, rural economies' modernisation, diversification, sustainability, and resilience can be improved in part by focusing on areas of untapped opportunity that support jobs for the young in rural areas. Another key point is building the skills and abilities that allow young people to take advantage of the promising areas that have been found, for example, those who are interested in entrepreneurship.

The renewal of younger generations in farming and rural areas is a key European policy concern and rural sustainability issue. A study conducted in rural Ireland, as part of the Horizon 2020 RURALIZATION project, asked 115 young people with a desire to build a future in the rural to outline their ideal or ‘dream’ future lifestyle, with the aim of building an understanding of what would facilitate young people to remain in, or return to, rural areas in the future. Traditional family life, raising children or being close to extended family was a prominent feature of the lifestyle narratives in the dream futures outlined. Rural areas were seen in these futures as a good place to raise a family due to features like a sense of safety and security, a strong community spirit and access to sport and nature based amenities. Many of the dream futures were taking place in rural areas within commuting distance to a city, demonstrating a desire to be rurally located while still connected to social and cultural life. Accommodation in the future dreams showed a dominant, persistent desire for detached housing, with a minor trend among some dreamers of an ambition for more sustainable living practices. The key obstacle described in realising these future dreams relate to financial issues, such as house prices and obtaining a mortgage. The results present a challenge in achieving these future dreams, particularly in relation to accommodation. Further research is needed on the provision of more affordable, sustainable rural housing to facilitate the future dreams of the youth and generational renewal, while also supporting resilient rural regeneration.

The Csoroszlya organic farm is the result of a generational and approachable change within the family. Originally, the main products of the farm were their own fruit-based palinka (typical Hungarian alcoholic beverages), but they have also arable land in the village where the farm is located. The new generation, the farmer’s son and his friend, when they graduated from the Stuttgart School of Agricultural Engineering, decided to create an organic farm based on the family’s arable land. Organic farming was started in 2000, family lands are used and other areas of the region are also leased. They produce a variety of plants, from vegetables to seeds. They focus on biodiversity in farming. They also continue to produce palinka. They grow new fruits like cherries and established a mill that produces a variety of flour based on their produced cereals. Young farmers are interested in gastronomy and the gastronomic revolution. They visited to learn about some farms abroad where special short food chains were developed. He started to discuss the possibilities to build relationships with restaurants. High-quality restaurants in Hungary are interested in the terroir approach. Csoroszlya farm made a strong relationship with some restaurants and started to produce according to their demands. Their most successful product is the potato, they produce many types of them according to the demand of the chefs but they also produce many other types of vegetables for them. They are the pioneer in the farm-to-table movement in Hungary. They created a pilot garden where they can present to their partners and visitors how they produce vegetables. Garden visits for pupils and students are also organized. useful link:

A Csoroszlya farm egy családon belüli generációváltás és szemléletváltás eredménye. Eredetileg a gazdaság fő termékei a saját gyümölcs alapú pálinkák voltak, de foglalkoztak szántóföldi termeléssel is a faluban, ahol a gazdaság található. Az új generáció, a gazda fia és egy barátja, amikor elvégezték a stuttgarti mezőgazdasági mérnöki iskolát, elhatározták, hogy a család szántóföldjére alapozva létrehoznak egy biogazdaságot. A biogazdálkodás 2000-ben kezdődött, amihez döntően a családi földeket használják, és még bérelnek földeket a térségben is. Sokféle növényt termelnek, a zöldségektől a vetőmagokig. A gazdálkodásban nagy hangsúlyt fektetnek a biológiai sokféleségre. Továbbra is termelnek pálinkát is, de új gyümölcsöket is termesztenek, például cseresznyét, és egy malmot is létrehoztak, amely az általuk termelt gabonafélékből különféle liszteket állít elő. A fiatal gazdák érdeklődnek a gasztronómia és a gasztronómiai forradalom iránt. Tanulási céllal meglátogattak néhány külföldi gazdaságot, ahol különleges rövid élelmiszerláncokat alakítottak ki. Az éttermekkel való kapcsolatépítés lehetőségeiről is elkezdtek tárgyalni. A hazai csúcséttermek érdeklődnek a terroir szemlélet iránt. A Csoroszlya gazdaság szoros kapcsolatot alakított ki néhány étteremmel, és elkezdett az igényeiknek megfelelően termelni. Legsikeresebb termékük a burgonya, sokféle fajtát termelnek belőle a séfek igényei szerint, de sok más zöldségfélét is termelnek számukra. Ők az úttörői a farmtól az asztalig mozgalomnak Magyarországon. Létrehoztak egy kísérleti kertet, ahol partnereiknek és a látogatóknak bemutathatják, hogyan termelik a zöldségeket. Kertlátogatásokat is szerveznek diákoknak és hallgatóknak.

The ‘Special Forestry-Pastoral Farm’ (Azienda Speciale Silvo-Pastorale) is the largest Italian public farm (4.200 hectares of forest), owned and directly managed by the Municipality of Troina (Enna Province, Sicily). It stemmed from a political hard struggle, led by the local mayor since 2013, aiming at subtracting state land to breeders connected to mafia, that had organized a whole system to grab the land at very low rent prices, also receiving millions of euros from European Union.The farm is now one of the most important strategic axis for local development. It breeds and safeguards local species at risk of extinction (115 - 116 Ragusan donkeys and 19 San Fratello horses donated by the Sicilian Region). It employs eight local youths, produces donkey salami and milk cosmetics (soap and creams) marketed via short supply chains (local shops, restaurants, pharmacies), and organizes excursions. Some of the activities have been supported by crowdfunding of more than 20.000 euros.The project has promoted participative land co-governance and more effective institutions’ actions on public land; the activities have mobilized public awareness and civic actions against criminality. The care of a common historical and environmental heritage has been intertwined with economic activities that produce employment and foster the local economy.

L'Azienda Speciale Silvo-Pastorale è la più grande azienda agricola pubblica italiana (4.200 ettari di bosco), di proprietà e gestita direttamente dal Comune di Troina (provincia di Enna, Sicilia). Nasce da una dura lotta politica, condotta dal sindaco locale dal 2013, tesa a sottrarre terreni demaniali ad allevatori legati alla mafia, che avevano organizzato un intero sistema per accaparrarsi i terreni a canoni bassissimi, ricevendo anche milioni di euro da fondi europei Unione.L'azienda agricola è oggi uno degli assi strategici più importanti per lo sviluppo locale. Alleva e salvaguarda specie locali a rischio di estinzione (115 - 116 asini ragusani e 19 cavalli San Fratello donati dalla Regione Siciliana). Impiega otto giovani locali, produce salumi e cosmetici a base di latte d’asina (sapone e creme) commercializzati tramite filiere corte (negozi locali, ristoranti, farmacie), organizza escursioni. Alcune delle attività sono state sostenute da un crowfunding di oltre 20.000 euro.Il progetto ha promosso una co-governance territoriale partecipativa e un più efficace intervento istituzionale sui beni demaniali; le attività realizzate hanno sensibilizzato l’opinione pubblica e promosso azioni civiche contro la criminalità organizzata, favorendo la partecipazione dei cittadini. La cura di un patrimonio storico e ambientale comune è stata intrecciata ad attività economiche che producono occupazione ed economia locale.

The Simeto River Valley Agreement is one of the most relevant Italian experiences m implemented by a Participatory Presidium (a wide network of associations and citizens). It spurred from a huge mobilisations and successful struggles to contrast the Region’s decision in 2002 to construct a waste incinerator in the middle course of the Simeto river, an area of very high landscape, agricultural and cultural value. Between 2009 and 2010, after the involvement of the Catania University, started the ‘Community Mapping Initiative’, leading to the formulation of a local development plan and then to the establishment of the Simeto River Agreement (among Participatory Presidium, University of Catania and 10 municipalities).Among the excellent results obtained in the course of the collective work is the creation, with the support of the Italian Association of Organic Agriculture (AIAB), of a bio-district for the construction for the creation of an alternative food system. The initiative of a group of young women of the Presidium has led to the creation of the Simeto Valley GAS (gruppo di acquisto solidale: solidarity purchasing group), that to date involves around 14 producers and 40 families. The territory has been selected as one the first pilot areas for the implementation of the Italian “National Strategy for Inner Areas” (SNAI). The Presidium is also participating to the BiodiverCities project, funded by the European Parliament.The practice is an excellent example of how it is possible to gain benefits from networking among diverse actors in terms of information, knowledge sharing and practical action. The general result is the emergency of a new form of bottom-up governance and of civil society participation in public policies formation.

Il Patto di Fiume Simeto è una delle più rilevanti esperienze italiane di gestione partecipata attuata da un Presidio Partecipativo, cioè un'ampia rete di attori (associazioni, cittadini, università). Nasce da una ampia mobilitazione cittadina contro la decisione della Regione, nel 2002, di costruire un inceneritore nel medio corso del fiume Simeto, il più grande bacino idrografico siciliano, un'area di altissimo paesaggistico, agricolo e culturale.Dal 2009 prende avvio una mappatura di comunità durata alla formulazione di un Piano di sviluppo locale e quindi alla costituzione dell'Accordo di Fiume (Presidio Partecipativo, Università di Catania e 10 comuni).Tra gli ottimi risultati ottenuti nel corso del lavoro collettivo c'è la creazione, con il sostegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Agricoltura Biologica, di un bio-distretto per la creazione di un sistema alimentare alternativo. L'iniziativa di un gruppo di giovani donne partecipanti al Presidio ha portato alla nascita, nel 2015, del gruppo di acquisto solidale della Valle del Simeto, che ad oggi coinvolge circa 14 produttori e 40 famiglie. Il territorio è stato selezionato come una delle prime aree pilota per l'attuazione della Strategia nazionale per le aree interne. Il Presidio partecipa al progetto BiodiverCities, finanziato dal Parlamento Europeo.La pratica è un eccellente esempio dei vantaggi derivanti dalla messa in rete di attori diversi, in termini di informazioni, condivisione delle conoscenze e azione concreta. Il risultato generale è l'emergenza di una nuova forma di governance dal basso e della partecipazione della società civile alla formazione di politiche pubbliche.

The cultural association “Simenza - Sicilian peasant seed “ (Simenza—Cumpagnìa Siciliana Sementi Contadine) was founded in 2016 with the aim of promoting the protection and enhancement of the vast heritage of Sicilian agrobiodiversity as embedded in cultural traditions, local knowledge and sustainable farmers practices. It brings together different social actors (farmers, breeders, bakers, processing entrepreneurs, advisors, communicators, researchers, chefs and other stakeholders); in 2020 there were 181 associated (including 129 farms, 13 mills, 10 bakery, 3 small-medium pasta-factory). The association promotes awareness campaigns and experimentation, organising every year the “Simenza day” (jurnata di Simenza) and the "Day in the field" (Giornata in campo); provides seed distribution, training and technical assistance.Simenza plays a very relevant role in supporting Sicilian organic farmers in enhancing on-farm biodiversity, especially landraces, offering them an economic outlet within short supply chains. One of the networks of farmers promoted by Simenza Association provides wheat to a Nord Italian processor that, thanks to an innovative milling technology, supplies high quality Sicilian flour to pizzerias and bakeries all over Italy. In 2019, a network composed by farmers, custodian farmers and processors has been formed, with the aim of creating a basket of products to be sold to a single Sicilian retailer. Some of the Simenza farmers are involved in the Mixwheat Project, funded by the Sicilian Rural Development Programme (RDP) and lead by the Catania University, aiming at increasing on-farm seed diversification for adaptation of climate change.

L'Associazione culturale Simenza—Cumpagnìa Siciliana Sementi Contadine nasce nel 2016 con l'obiettivo di promuovere la tutela e la valorizzazione del vasto patrimonio di agrobiodiversità siciliana, radicato nelle tradizioni culturali, nei saperi locali e nelle pratiche agricole sostenibili. Riunisce diversi attori (agricoltori, allevatori, fornai, imprenditori della trasformazione, consulenti, comunicatori, ricercatori, chef e altri soggetti interessati); nel 2020 le aziende associate erano 181 (fra cui 129 aziende agricole, 13 mulini, 10 panifici, 3 piccoli-medi pastifici). L'associazione promuove campagne di sensibilizzazione e sperimentazione, organizzando ogni anno la jurnata di Simenza e la giornata in campo; fornisce sementi, formazione e assistenza tecnica.Simenza svolge un ruolo rilevante nel sostenere gli agricoltori biologici siciliani nel valorizzare la biodiversità in azienda, soprattutto le varietà autoctone, offrendo loro uno sbocco economico all'interno di filiere corte. Una delle reti di agricoltori promosse dall'associazione approvvigiona un’azienda di trasformazione del nord Italia che, grazie a un'innovativa tecnologia di macinazione, fornisce farina siciliana di alta qualità a pizzerie e panifici di tutta Italia; nel 2019, è nata una rete composta da agricoltori, agricoltori custodi e trasformatori, con l'obiettivo di creare un paniere di prodotti da vendere ad un unico rivenditore siciliano. Alcuni degli agricoltori di Simenza sono coinvolti nel Mixwheat Project, finanziato dal Programma di sviluppo rurale siciliano e guidato dall'Università di Catania, che mira ad aumentare la diversificazione delle sementi nelle aziende agricole per l'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici

The case study concerns a special group of young successors from a small village in Southern Italy (Santa Maria del Cedro, Calabria Region, Italy), who are revitalizing the family business, also thanks to the aspiration of Francesca, the manager's daughter. After her father's death in a car accident, Giovanni, Francesca's brother-in-law, took care of the farm, giving a new boost to the cultivation of the prestigious local variety of citron (citrus medica). From these trees comes the precious fruit that Jews from all over the world come to select for the religious festival of Sukkot, in fact the village is famous as citron country.Giovanni, Francesca and Marco - Francesca's boyfriend who has returned after having worked as a physiotherapist in China - are giving life to a new project, which involves also the growing of the special fig cultivar “Dottato”.They are giving the farm a new direction, more oriented towards on-farm processing and towards directly marketing high quality products that reflect local food culture, such as, for example, candied citron covered in chocolate; fig treacle, locally known as ‘fig honey’; dried figs placed crosswise and filled with walnuts and citron peels; ‘pannicelli’, that is citron leaves containing raisins, tied with rope made from broom bark stripped ( The three young successors decided to open a small shop in the depopulating historic center, possibly igniting a new hope.

Il caso studio riguarda un gruppo speciale di giovani successori di un paesino del Sud Italia (Santa Maria del Cedro, provincia di Cosenza), che stanno rivitalizzando l'azienda di famiglia, anche grazie all'aspirazione di Francesca, la figlia del capoazienda. Dopo la morte del padre di Francesca in un incidente stradale, è stato il cognato Giovanni a prendersi cura dell'azienda, dando una nuova spinta alla coltivazione della prestigiosa varietà locale di cedro (citrus medica). Da questi alberi nasce il prezioso frutto che gli ebrei di tutto il mondo vengono a selezionare per la festa religiosa di Sukkot, infatti la cittadina è famosa come paese dei cedri.Giovanni, Francesca e Marco - il fidanzato di Francesca tornato dopo aver lavorato come fisioterapista in Cina - stanno dando vita ad un nuovo progetto, che prevede anche la coltivazione della speciale cultivar di fico “Dottato”.Essi stanno dando all'azienda una nuova direzione, più orientata alla trasformazione in azienda e alla commercializzazione diretta di prodotti di alta qualità, che rispecchiano la cultura alimentare locale, come, ad esempio, il cedro candito ricoperto di cioccolato; la melassa di fico, localmente chiamata "miele di fichi"; le ‘crocette’, fichi secchi disposti a croce e ripieni di noci e scorze di cedro; i ‘pannicelli’, foglie di cedro contenenti uvetta, legate con corda ricavata dalla ginestra ( I tre giovani successori hanno deciso di aprire una piccola bottega nel centro storico in via di spopolamento, accendendo forse una nuova speranza.

The Agriculture Programme for Hanover is the second update of the Hanover Agricultural Programme, the first version of which was adopted in 1994. The Programme deals with all forms of food production and land use in the city and the surrounding area. It therefore also includes all gardens and non-professional garden uses, from traditional allotment gardens to new initiatives like "urban gardening".The aim of the Agricultures Programme is to preserve and further develop all forms of agriculture and food production as part of sustainable urban development in the Hannover conurbation. All food producers can and should jointly contribute to 1. preserving open spaces, 2. supporting environmentally friendly land use that promotes nature conservation, climate protection, soil conservation and local recreation, and 3. supplying the urban population with fresh, healthy food from the neighboring region.The agriculture programme presents potentials and concepts that must be used and implemented by local government and politics if the above-mentioned goals are to be achieved. The activities and measures fall into the following areas:• Securing land for agricultural and horticultural uses• Securing the economic existence of farms• Promotion of environmentally friendly and ecological forms of farming• Regional marketing by the City of Hannover as consumer• Public and environmental education, information and action• Cooperation/networking of regional actors and institutions

Das Agrikulturprogramm für Hannover ist die zweite Fortschreibung des Landwirtschaftsprogramms Hannover, das in erster Fassung 1994 beschlossen wurde. Dabei geht im Agrikulturprogramm um alle Formen der Lebensmittelproduktion und der Landnutzung in Stadt und Umland. Es umfasst also auch alle Gärten und nichtprofessionelle Gartennutzungen, von traditionellen Kleingärten bis zu neuen Initiativen und Flächen des „urban gardening“.Ziel des Agrikulturprogramms ist es, alle Formen der Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelproduktion als Teil einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung im Ballungsraum Hannover zu erhalten und weiter zu entwickeln. Alle Nahrungsmittelproduzenten können und sollen gemeinsam dazu beitragen, 1. Freiräume zu erhalten, 2. umweltschonender Nutzung für Naturschutz, Klimaschutz, Bodenschutz und Naherholung zu unterstützen und 3. die Stadtbevölkerung auf möglichst kurzen Wegen mit frischen, gesunden Lebensmitteln zu versorgen.Das Agrikulturprogramm stellt Potenziale, Handlungsfeder und Konzepte dar, die von der Kommunalverwaltung und -politik genutzt und umgesetzt werden müssen, wenn die genannten Ziele erreicht werden sollen. Die Aktivitäten und Maßnahmen fallen in die folgenden Bereiche:• Flächensicherung für landwirtschaftliche und gärtnerische Nutzungen• Wirtschaftliche Existenzsicherung der Betriebe• Förderung von umweltschonenden und ökologischen Bewirtschaftungsformen• Regionale Vermarktung durch die Landeshauptstadt Hannover als Verbraucherin• Öffentlichkeits- und Umweltbildungsarbeit, Information und Aktion• Zusammenarbeit/Vernetzung der regionalen Akteure und Institutionen

Following a regional assessment and the creation of an Agricultural Charter, the Departmental Council of Ille-et-Vilaine decided to take steps to encourage young farmers. In 2007, the Council passed an agreement with the SAFER Brittany (regional rural land agency) to intervene on the land market in favour of new entrants. When a farm that is of interest is put up for sale, the new entrant can apply to ask to benefit from land banking. The Departmental Council processes the application to ensure it meets the criteria to benefit from the its support. Criteria include the fact that the farmer is setting up outside of a family farm and has a rural/agricultural project which is sustainable, organic, diversified, or with a high added value. If the support is approved, the Council covers the costs incurred by the SAFER for the temporary land banking up to €15,000 per project. New entrants also must get approval from the SAFER committee, which ultimately decides on whether or not to allocate land to them. The system makes it possible to react quickly when farms are put up for sale and to bank land for organic, sustainable and diversified agriculture in the region. Land banking provides precious time (up to two years) for the new entrant to finish their plans for setting up their farming activity, particularly to secure funds and make arrangements to buy the land temporarily owned by the SAFER. During the temporary ownership period, the SAFER can sign a temporary occupation contracts with the new farmers, which enables them to begin their activity on the land. By 2017, the Departmental Council had helped new entrants launch their activities on more than 29 farms through the land banking programme (221 ha of banked land). 47 jobs had been created on the 29 farms.

Suite à un diagnostic territorial et à la mise en place d'une Charte agricole, le Conseil départemental d'Ille-et-Vilaine (CD 35) a décidé de soutenir le renouvellement des générations en agriculture. En 2007, le CD 35 a conventionné avec la SAFER Bretagne pour intervenir en faveur des agriculteurs hors-cadre familial. Lorsqu'une exploitation agricole intéressante est mise en vente, le candidat à la reprise peut demander à bénéficier du portage foncier. Le CD 35 instruit la demande. Les critères pour bénéficier de son soutien comprennent le fait que l'agriculteur s'installe en dehors d'une exploitation familiale et qu'il ait un projet rural/agricole durable, biologique, diversifié ou à forte valeur ajoutée. Si l'aide est approuvée, le département prend en charge les frais encourus par la SAFER pour le portage temporaire des terres, jusqu'à 15 000 € par projet. Le candidat doit également obtenir l'approbation du comité de la SAFER, qui décide en dernier ressort de lui attribuer ou non les terres. Le système permet de réagir rapidement lors de la mise en vente d'exploitations agricoles et de mettre en réserve des terres pour l'agriculture biologique, durable et diversifiée dans la région. Le portage foncier offre un temps précieux (jusqu'à deux ans) au porteur de projet pour finaliser son projet d'installation, notamment pour trouver les fonds acheter les terres. Pendant la période de portage, la SAFER peut signer des contrats d'occupation temporaire avec les porteurs de projets, ce qui leur permet de commencer leur activité sur les terres. En 2017, le Conseil départemental avait aidé l’installation d’agriculeurs sur plus de 29 exploitations grâce au programme de portage (221 ha de terres). 47 emplois ont été créés sur les 29 exploitations.

Since 2013, the municipality of Moëlan-sur-Mer in Brittany has been working to reclaim fallow land along the coastline to encourage the development of environmentally friendly agricultural activities. Land has been increasingly abandonned due to fragmentation and touristic pressure (owners hope that their plots can become buildable, and therefore prefer not to lease to farmers). The municipality used a “rehabilitation of uncultivated land” regulatory instrument from the Rural Code. This procedure aims to redevelop farmlands that have been unused for over three years. Owners are contacted and asked to choose between recultivating the land themselves, selling it, or allowing a farming candidate to recultivate (the last option automatically applies if no response is received). With the assistance of the Departmental Council, an area of 120 ha of fallow land was identified and declared fit for potential agricultural use. In parallel, a dialogue was facilitated with the owners of uncultivated lands with support from Terre de Liens (TDL) Brittany and the Finistère Organic Farmers Group (GAB 29). Beyond strict legal requirement, TDL and GAB 29 ran a series of workshops to inform owners, reflect with them on options for recultivation, and collaborate in setting up farming projects. These efforts succeeded in lowering the resistance of some of the owners, who expressed a preference for attributing their parcels to new farming activities and/or to organic projects with short supply chain, environment, landscape and social purposes. They also wanted to be associated in the recruitment of future farmers. By 2021, these efforts had allowed one vegetable producer and one social association to rehabilitate fallow plots (5 and 18 ha respectively).

Depuis 2013, la commune de Moëlan-sur-Mer en Bretagne travaille à la reconquête des friches pour favoriser le développement d'activités agricoles respectueuses de l'environnement. Les terres ont été de plus en plus abandonnées en raison du morcellement et de la pression touristique (les propriétaires espèrent que leurs parcelles deviendront constructibles, et préfèrent ne pas les louer à des agriculteurs). La municipalité a eu recours à la procédure « terres incultes » du code rural. Cette procédure vise à réaménager les terres agricoles inutilisées depuis plus de trois ans. Les propriétaires sont contactés et invités à choisir entre recultiver eux-mêmes, vendre ou faire remettre en culture par un candidat agriculteur (la dernière option s'applique en l'absence de réponse). Avec l'aide du Conseil départemental, une zone de 120 ha de terres en friche a été identifiée et déclarée apte à une utilisation agricole potentielle. Parallèlement, un dialogue a été engagé avec les propriétaires des terres, avec le soutien de Terre de Liens (TDL) Bretagne et du Groupement d'Agriculteurs Biologiques du Finistère (GAB 29). Au-delà de la stricte obligation légale, TDL et le GAB 29 ont organisé une série d'ateliers pour informer les propriétaires et réfléchir avec eux aux possibilités de remise en culture. Ces efforts ont permis d'atténuer la résistance de certains propriétaires, qui ont exprimé une préférence pour attribuer leurs parcelles à de nouvelles activités agricoles et/ou à des projets biologiques en circuits courts. Ils ont également souhaité être associés au recrutement des futurs exploitants. En 2021, ces efforts ont permis à un maraicher et à une association sociale de réhabiliter des parcelles en friche (respectivement 5 et 18 ha).

The Grenoble Alpes Métropole (GAM) has long pursued the dual objective of protecting agricultural areas in a landlocked territory (surrounded by mountains) and encouraging the renewal of generations of farmers. It does so through a policy framework which associates stable land planning and intervention in the land market. Regarding land planning, the GAM’s Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT) sets out goals to slow down urban development and protect 90% of the agricultural and natural areas as they existed in 2000. This is reinforced by an inter-municipal Local Urbanism Plan (PLUi), which concretely defines the rules for construction and land use in the 49 municipalities of the territory. The PLUi has made it possible to declassify 188 ha of land intended for urbanisation in favour of keeping it for agricultural use. Finally, a perimeter for the protection of agricultural and natural peri-urban areas (PAEN) was implemented to protect 610 ha. Concerning the land intervention policy, in 2010, the GAM supported the acquisition of a farm in partnership with 4 municipalities. In 2013, the Metropolis defined principles to intervene on land. A tripartite agreement to acquire and protect farmland was negotiated between the GAM, SAFER (rural land agency) and EPFL (local public land agency). This collaboration enables to react to changes affecting farmland. The SAFER can use its pre-emption right, and the EPFL can bank land for the time necessary to set up an agricultural project. Since 2013, the GAM and EPFL have acquired over 110 ha of farmland. 35 ha are used by 4 farms created entirely on public land (7 farmers). 20 ha are land reserves on which calls for projects will be organised, and 55 ha are small scattered plots rented to some 20 local farmers.

Grenoble Alpes Métropole (GAM) poursuit le double objectif de protéger les espaces agricoles dans un territoire enclavé (entouré de montagnes) et de favoriser le renouvellement des générations d'agriculteurs. Pour ce faire, elle s'appuie sur une politique qui associe aménagement du territoire et intervention sur le marché foncier.En matière d'aménagement, le Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale (SCoT) de GAM fixe des objectifs pour ralentir l'urbanisation et protéger 90 % des espaces agricoles et naturels tels qu'ils existaient en 2000. Il est renforcé par un Plan Local d'Urbanisme intercommunal (PLUi), qui définit les règles d'utilisation des sols dans les 49 communes du territoire et a permis de déclasser 188 ha destinés à l'urbanisation au profit de leur maintien en zone agricole. Enfin, un périmètre de protection des espaces agricoles et naturels périurbains (PAEN) a été mis en place sur 610 ha.Concernant la politique d'intervention foncière, en 2010, GAM a soutenu l'acquisition d'une ferme en partenariat avec 4 communes. En 2013, la Métropole a défini des principes d'intervention. Une convention a été négociée entre GAM, la SAFER et l'EPFL (établissement public foncier local). Cette collaboration permet de réagir aux changements affectant les terres agricoles. La SAFER peut utiliser son droit de préemption et l'EPFL peut mettre en réserve des terrains le temps nécessaire à la mise en place d'un projet agricole. Depuis 2013, GAM et l'EPFL ont acquis plus de 110 ha. 35 ha sont utilisés par 4 exploitations créées entièrement sur des terrains publics (7 agriculteurs). 20 ha sont des réserves foncières sur lesquelles des appels à projets seront organisés, et 55 ha sont des parcelles éparses louées à une vingtaine d'agriculteurs locaux.

Food, farming, and environmental policies have become areas of rising interest for local authorities. This responds to the dual pressure of demands from citizens (for local food, responses to climate change, green landscapes, clean air…) and from central governments who ask local authorities to meet objectives around carbon-storing, densified urbanisation, supply of organic food in schools, etc.Decentralisation processes that occurred in the past 40 years have also transferred new responsibilities to local authorities to address these issues. In most countries, they hold a key role in land use planning and taxation systems. They can also catalyse policies and orient their budgets towards specific territorial development strategies. Efficient regulation for access to land can combine for instance:• coherent urban planning documents (with precise zoning to protect land and concrete monitoring);• strategic subsidies (to improve local farming infrastructure, training options for new farmers, etc.);• tax incentives policies (e.g. providing exemptions for owners who rent farmland)• strategic use of public procurement.

Les polítiques alimentàries, agrícoles i ambientals s'han convertit en àrees d'interès creixent per a les autoritats locals. Això respon a la doble pressió de les demandes dels ciutadans (d'alimentació local, respostes al canvi climàtic, paisatges verds, aire net...) i dels governs centrals que demanen a les autoritats locals que compleixin els objectius d'emmagatzematge de carboni, urbanització densificada, subministrament d'aliments ecològics a les escoles, etc.Els processos de descentralització que s'han produït en els últims 40 anys també han transferit noves responsabilitats a les autoritats locals per abordar aquests problemes. A la majoria de països, tenen un paper clau en la planificació del territori i els sistemes fiscals. També poden catalitzar polítiques i orientar els seus pressupostos cap a estratègies específiques de desenvolupament territorial. Una regulació eficient per a l'accés a la terra pot combinar, per exemple:• documents urbanístics coherents (amb una zonificació precisa per protegir el sòl i seguiment concret);• subvencions estratègiques (per millorar la infraestructura agrícola local, opcions de formació per a nous agricultors, etc.);• polítiques d'incentius fiscals (p. ex., oferir exempcions per als propietaris que lloguen terres de cultiu)• ús estratègic de la contractació pública.

For decades, publicly owned farmland has been used for housing and infrastructure development or as a buffer asset to sell in times of budgetary constraints. Today less agricultural land remains in the hands of public actors. This limited resource should support key public services including providing food, protecting biodiversity, storing carbon, recycling water, and more. Public farmland is an inheritance that belongs to citizens and should be integrated into a strategy to deliver benefits for them. In particular, public farmland can be used to:• encourage regenerative agricultural practices• train or provide land access to a new generation of farmers• develop local food supply and land-based businesses that create local employment• maintain cultural heritages and landscapes• promote communities’ health, education, and access to green spacesLocal authorities can act by strategizing about their own land, by mapping and having a clear picture of their farmland, and then set objectives for the use of this farmland. They can also act through managing their own land, by supporting multifunctional use, as well as manage the relationships with the other landowners in their municipality and provide land access to new and existing agroecological farmers.

Durant dècades, les terres de conreu de propietat pública s'han utilitzat per al desenvolupament d'habitatges i infraestructures o com a actiu per vendre en temps de restriccions pressupostàries. Avui dia poc sòl agrícola està en mans dels actors públics. Aquest recurs limitat hauria de donar suport als serveis públics clau, com ara el subministrament d'aliments, la protecció de la biodiversitat, l'emmagatzematge de carboni, el reciclatge d'aigua i molt més. Les terres de conreu públiques són una herència que pertany als ciutadans i s'ha d'integrar en una estratègia per oferir-los beneficis. En particular, les terres de conreu públiques es poden utilitzar per:• fomentar les pràctiques agrícoles regeneratives• formar o proporcionar accés a la terra a una nova generació d'agricultors• desenvolupar el subministrament local d'aliments i les empreses basades en la terra que creïn ocupació local• mantenir els patrimonis culturals i els paisatges• promoure la salut, l'educació i l'accés als espais verds de les comunitats Les autoritats locals poden actuar elaborant estratègies sobre la seva pròpia terra, cartografiant i tenint una imatge clara de les seves terres de conreu, i després establir objectius per a l'ús d'aquestes terres de cultiu. També poden actuar mitjançant la gestió de la seva pròpia terra, donant suport a l'ús multifuncional, així com gestionar les relacions amb la resta de propietaris del seu municipi i donar accés a la terra als agricultors agroecològics nous i existents.

Local authorities are first-hand witnesses of changing landscapes and land dynamics. They observe what type of agriculture is practised in their area, land transfers and who they benefit, trends in urban sprawl and land prices, and so on. By gathering and centralising information on this, they can catalyse action towards better local land stewardship. Local governments also have the necessary legitimacy, knowledge of stakeholders, and convening powers to coordinate efforts, organise local dialogue and connect actors on agriculture, food, and land issues. Encouraging more open governance of land can be a powerful lever to:• fight opacity on land transfers and market dynamics that favour larger farms;• connect actors that do not know each other, and create more synergies for access to land;• co-construct decisions that affect land, and therefore create co-responsibility with local owners, farmers, inhabitants to steward the land;• rebalance power by opening decision processes to people or organisations that do not traditionally take part in institutional processes that affect land;• increase the awareness and skills of people/organisations that own or manage land;• support organisations or projects that aim to protect farmland or provide access to it for disadvantaged groups.

Local authorities are first-hand witnesses of changing landscapes and land dynamics. They observe what type of agriculture is practised in their area, land transfers and who they benefit, trends in urban sprawl and land prices, and so on. By gathering and centralising information on this, they can catalyse action towards better local land stewardship. Local governments also have the necessary legitimacy, knowledge of stakeholders, and convening powers to coordinate efforts, organise local dialogue and connect actors on agriculture, food, and land issues. Encouraging more open governance of land can be a powerful lever to:• fight opacity on land transfers and market dynamics that favour larger farms;• connect actors that do not know each other, and create more synergies for access to land;• co-construct decisions that affect land, and therefore create co-responsibility with local owners, farmers, inhabitants to steward the land;• rebalance power by opening decision processes to people or organisations that do not traditionally take part in institutional processes that affect land;• increase the awareness and skills of people/organisations that own or manage land;• support organisations or projects that aim to protect farmland or provide access to it for disadvantaged groups.

Lluçanès is a 368.12 km2 area with a population of 7,713 inhabitants and characterised by an agrosilvopastoral mosaic landscape. The area faces recurring destructive wildfires. To reduce wildfire risk and foster rural entrepreneurship, the local authority Consorci del Lluçanès and the association of local forestland owners have set up an initiative called « Boscos de Pastura » (grazing forests).They have developed a strategy to mediate relationships between private forestland owners and farmers (both established and new entrants) with the goal to foster the grazing in areas more prone to undergo a wildfire. This enables access to forestland for local herders. Different public bodies are supporting the process by managing the forest and investing in infrastructures to facilitate the grazing (water tanks, fences, fountains, etc.). All in all, this practice goes beyond the prevention of wildfires, since it is also contributing to the recuperation of silvopasture in under-used private forestlands, which in turn improves access to land, creates jobs, improves the local food supply and helps to better manage forestal resources. It is important to note that only 0.3% of the land affected by the “Boscos de Pastura” project is public, with the rest belonging to members of the owners’ association. The initiative is not directly mandated by the local authorities; it is the choice of the private landowners and farmers to participate in the scheme through the grazing agreements. However, it is thanks to the facilitating role and cooperation of the Consorci that this practice is successful. The authority provides tools, information, and data on the development of the forest land, as well as coordinating actions and mediating conflicts

El Lluçanès és una zona de 368,12 km2 amb una població de 7.713 habitants i caracteritzada per un paisatge de mosaic agrosilvopastoral. La zona s'enfronta a incendis forestals destructius recurrents. Per reduir el risc d'incendi i fomentar l'emprenedoria rural, el Consorci del Lluçanès i l'associació de propietaris forestals locals han posat en marxa una iniciativa anomenada Boscos de pastura.Han desenvolupat una estratègia per mediar les relacions entre els propietaris privats de terres forestals i els agricultors (tant establerts com nous) amb l'objectiu de fomentar el pasturatge a les zones més propenses a patir un incendi forestal. Això permet l'accés als boscos dels ramaders locals. Diferents organismes públics estan donant suport al procés, gestionant el bosc i invertint en infraestructures per facilitar el pasturatge (dipòsits d'aigua, tanques, fonts, etc.). En definitiva, aquesta pràctica està contribuint a la recuperació de la silvopastura en els boscos privats poc aprofitats, que alhora millora l'accés a la terra, crea llocs de treball, millora l'oferta d'aliments locals i ajuda a millorar la gestió els recursos forestals. És important destacar que només el 0,3% dels terrenys involucrats en el projecte “Boscos de Pastura” són públics, la resta pertany a membres de la associació de propietaris. Les autoritats locals no estan directament encarregades de l’iniciativa; és l'elecció dels propietaris i agricultors privats per participar en el programa a través dels convenis de pasturatge. És gràcies al paper facilitador i la cooperació del Consorci que aquesta pràctica té èxit. L'autoritat aporta eines, informació i dades sobre el desenvolupament del sòl forestal, a més de coordinar accions i mediar els conflictes.

The project (in progress) consists of providing food aid to 400 families in the municipality of Florennes from vegetables produced on the land of the public social welfare institution (Centre Public d’Action Sociale or CPAS) via a cooperative (COOPESEM) of citizens and farmers. In Wallonia about 10% of all farmland is held by public authorities, churches or other social agencies. These lands can be used as a lever for change. Since 2021, Terre-en-vue and CREDAL support public landowners to do so.One of the tasks of the Florennes CPAS is to provide food aid to 400 families in need. Next to processed food, there is a need for fresh, seasonal products. CPAS reviewed its own farmland holdings. Many tenants were ageing. CPAS encouraged the generational transfer of land and know-how to young farmers practising market gardening. In the same region, COOPESEM aims to gather products from local producers to feed the inhabitants of its territory. Once a week, consumers order their products, which are brought by the farmers to a central point and orders are then redirected to local retail points in the partner municipalities. CPAS and COOPESEM are developing cooperation. COOPESEM could be a marketing place for farmers who rent CPAS land. The CPAS food aid beneficiaries could complement the cooperative's teams of volunteers in putting together the baskets. Food aid beneficiaries have access to COOPESEM's offer and baskets at a reduced price, thanks to the intervention of the CPAS. The CPAS is also thinking about offering food aid beneficiaries, in addition to cooking workshops, the possibility of helping out the producers or even receiving training in agriculture, as part of a socio-professional integration project.

Le projet (en cours) consiste à fournir une aide alimentaire à 400 familles de la municipalité de Florennes à partir de légumes produits sur les terres du Centre Public d'Action Sociale (ou CPAS) par l'intermédiaire d'une coopérative (COOPESEM). En Wallonie, environ 10 % des terres agricoles sont détenues par les autorités publiques, les églises ou des organismes sociaux. Ces terres peuvent être utilisées comme levier de changement. Depuis 2021, Terre-en-vue et CREDAL soutiennent les propriétaires publics dans cette démarche.L'une des missions du CPAS de Florennes est l’aide alimentaire. A côté des aliments transformés, il y a besoin de produits frais et de saison. Le CPAS a examiné ses propres terres. De nombreux agriculteurs locataires vieillissent. Le CPAS a encouragé le transfert de terres et de savoir-faire à de jeunes agriculteurs pratiquant le maraîchage. Dans la même région, la COOPESEM rassemble les produits locaux pour nourrir les habitants. Une fois par semaine, les consommateurs commandent leurs produits, qui sont livrés par les agriculteurs à un point central puis redistribués vers des points locaux dans les municipalités partenaires. Le CPAS et la COOPESEM développent une coopération. COOPESEM pourrait être un lieu de commercialisation pour les agriculteurs locataires du CPAS. Les bénéficiaires de l'aide alimentaire du CPAS pourraient compléter les équipes de bénévoles de la coopérative pour constituer les paniers. Les bénéficiaires ont accès aux paniers de COOPESEM à prix réduit, grâce à l'intervention du CPAS. Le CPAS réfléchit également à proposer aux bénéficiaires la possibilité d'aider les producteurs ou même de suivre une formation en agriculture, dans le cadre d'un projet d'insertion socioprofessionnelle.

The rural municipality of Ohey owns about 90 ha of agricultural land in small plots of about 0.25 ha which, historically, enabled growing food to poor, non-farming households. Over time the land was gradually rented out to local farmers. In the early 1980s, the municipality revised its communal regulations: it granted the land to farmers for a period of 9 years. However, for nearly 30 years, the distribution of the land had not been reviewed. Due to the retirement of farmers and the disappearance of farms, the lands ended up in the hands of five farmers. In 2015, a new regulation was put in place with the unanimous support of the farmers (represented in a communal Farmers’ Commission which brings together representatives of farmers cultivating on the municipality's territory) and the municipal council. This participatory process has been very important to make the farmers aware of the importance of greater equity in the distribution of the public land among them. The progress of the process was also regularly presented to the municipal council with all elected representatives of the commune. The new regulations aim to distribute the land among the farmers with the least land (concern for equity) and to apply environmental clauses to certain plots (to preserve woodland edges, wetlands, paths and trails, and to ban pesticides for plots located next to housing areas). After allocation under the new regulations, more than 30 farmers now have access to public lands. The initial small plots of 0.25 ha were regrouped and cultivated in larger plots of 2 to 4 ha.

La commune rurale d'Ohey possède environ 90 ha de terres agricoles réparties en petites parcelles d'environ 0,25 ha qui, historiquement, permettaient aux ménages pauvres et non agricoles de cultiver des denrées alimentaires. Au fil du temps, les terres ont été progressivement louées à des agriculteurs locaux. Au début des années 1980, la municipalité a révisé ses règlements communaux et a accordé les terres à des agriculteurs pour une période de 9 ans. Puis, la répartition des terres n'a pas été revue pendant plus de 30 ans. En raison des départs en retraite et de la disparition des exploitations, les 90 ha se sont retrouvés aux mains de cinq agriculteurs. En 2015, un nouveau règlement a été mis en place avec le soutien unanime du conseil municipal et des agriculteurs (représentés au sein d'une commission communale). Ce processus participatif a été très important pour sensibiliser les agriculteurs à l'importance d'une plus grande équité dans la répartition des terres publiques entre eux. Le processus a également été régulièrement débattu au conseil municipal avec tous les représentants élus de la commune. Le nouveau règlement vise à répartir les terres entre les agriculteurs qui en possèdent le moins (souci d'équité) et à appliquer des clauses environnementales à certaines parcelles (préservation des lisières de bois, des zones humides, des chemins et sentiers, interdiction des pesticides pour les parcelles situées à proximité des zones d'habitation). Après réattribution des terres dans le cadre de la nouvelle réglementation, plus de 30 agriculteurs ont désormais accès à ces parcelles publiques. Les petites parcelles initiales de 0,25 ha ont été regroupées et cultivées en parcelles plus grandes de 2 à 4 ha.

Three multisectorial and integrated actions to increase peri-urban land access and food security have recently been led by policymakers at Glasgow City Council and local community organisations grouped under an umbrella network - the Glasgow Community Food Network (GCFN):- the Council intends to transfer some of its assets - including the public Ruchill Golf Course - through the Community Assets Transfer legal tool- GCFN seeks to transform Ruchill golf course into a community social enterprise to build sustainable food systems- A multi-stakeholder approach to develop and implement a 10-year Glasgow Food Plan involved over 80 cross-sector organisations GCFN has reached the second stage of the application process for the Ruchill land, and is in the process of joining its efforts with five other groups also seeking land for food related purposes, as recommended by the Council. Part of the application development work involved action-research with residents on how the land should be used, and through this the local community gained knowledge of how to use Community Asset Transfer processes. The Glasgow City Food Plan is also now being implemented, and has succeeded so far in delivering the majority of its 55 short term actions, such as the introduction of 'Rose Vouchers' to increase access to fruit and vegetables for low income families. This case study shows how the embedding of community grassroots work in social and economic development can be supported by policymaking around food security, land and the environment. It illustrates how community organisations can be key actors for local authorities devising and implementing policies, and how these processes can also be educational and empowering for the wider public.

78% of land in Cornwall is used for agriculture, of which the Council manages around 4500ha (1.5% of the county’s land). This contributes £15m to its economy and creates farm-related employment for an average of 255 individuals, including part-time and seasonal workers. The size of the Council's farm estate has declined from its original scale of 400 let holdings, to 89 in 2019, primarily livestock and dairy farms. The Council has recently devised a new long-term strategy (2019-2030) for its farms, to meet its overarching purpose of fostering productive and community-integrated land businesses that contribute to growth, based on sustainable development. The new strategy has four focus areas - Farming Futures, Sustainable Estate, Environmental Growth, and Vibrant Communities. Using this strategy, the Council is seeking to address pressing issues such as poor soil management, biodiversity reductions, impacts on water quality and carbon emissions and enhancing new entrants’ access to land-based businesses. Key actions are The Whole Farm Plan, to be implemented by farmholders, and the Council’s Estate Business Plan which should address: “profitable businesses, informed investment, good governance, measured management, enhanced environment and accessible acres”. It is early days in the implementation of the new strategy, and there may be further opportunities to explore diversification of farm types and increase take-up of agroecological farming methods, but at a time when many council farms in England are being sold off, it is encouraging to see a rural council taking a joined up approach to making their farm estate sustainable for the future and trying to use it to increase opportunities for young farmers and the surrounding community.  

The LEADER region "Lenne Schiene" is located close to the city of Dortmund, and includes the municipalities of Altena, Finnentrop, Iserlohn (southern part), Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Plettenberg, and Werdohl. The region is rural in parts. Promoting this region, which is close to the Ruhr area, can contribute to an increased number of young people moving from the metropolitan areas to the more rural regions of North Rhine-Westphalia. Within the framework of the LEADER region a regional development strategy was elaborated. On the one hand, regional data describing the region was evaluated for this purpose; on the other hand, it serves to evaluate the more than 50 projects carried out so far. Based on a resulting SWOT analysis, development goals for the region were defined. These include the areas of environmental protection and climate adaption, improvement of mobility offers, digitalisation, innovative jobs, local strategies as well as civic participation and communication. Through the interviews conducted within the RURALIZATION project, we assume that beyond the projects, the formation of a LEADER region is important for the development of local networks and inter-municipal cooperation. These network structures can be used for future projects and concepts as well as for rural regeneration.

In der Nähe der Stadt Dortmund befindet sich die LEADER-Region "Lenne Schiene", die die Gemeinden Altena, Finnentrop, Iserlohn (südlicher Teil), Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Plettenberg und Werdohl umfasst. Die Region ist in Teilen ländlich strukturiert. Die Förderung dieser dem Ruhrgebiet nahen Region kann einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass wieder vermehrt junge Menschen aus den Ballungsgebieten in ländlichere Regionen Nordrhein-Westfalens ziehen. Im Rahmen der LEADER Förderung wurde eine regionale Entwicklungsstrategie entwickelt. Zum einen wurden hierfür regionale Daten ausgewertet, die die Entwicklung der Region beschreiben, zum anderen dient sie zur Evaluation der über 50 bisher durchgeführten Projekte. Aufbauend auf einer daraus resultierenden SWOT-Analyse wurden Entwicklungsziele für die Region festgelegt. Diese umfassen die Bereiche Umweltschutz und Klimaanpassung, Verbesserung und Verknüpfung des Mobilitätsangebots, Digitalisierung, innovative Arbeitsfelder, Förderung lokaler Besonderheiten sowie Bürgerbeteiligung und Kommunikation. Aus den Interviews die im Rahmen von dem Projekt RURALIZATION durchgeführt wurden geht hervor, dass über die Projekte hinaus die Bildung einer LEADER Region für den Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke und die Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit eine wichtige Funktion erfüllt. Diese Netzwerkstrukturen können sowohl für zukünftige Projekte und Konzepte, als auch für die ländliche Regeneration genutzt werden.

The LEADER region "Börde trifft Ruhr" (Boerde meets Ruhr) is located close to the city of Dortmund, and includes the municipalities of Ense, Fröndenberg, Wickede, Welver and Werl. The region is rural in parts. Promoting this region, which is close to the Ruhr area, can contribute to an increased number of young people moving from the metropolitan areas to the more rural regions of North Rhine-Westphalia. More than 100 projects are funded within the framework of the LEADER region. In addition to small-scale projects, that are financed by local funds, projects on regional scale are integrated, which are organised across municipalities; 65% of the funding of those projects comes from EU subsidies. Regional projects exist in the areas of economic promotion, physical activity, youth support and mobility. For example, the bicycle infrastructure is being expanded to increase the recreational value of the region, the cultivation of regional fruit varieties is being promoted to diversify the agricultural production, or a rolling forest kindergarten is being established to attract young families. Through the interviews conducted within the framework of the RURALIZATION project, we assume that beyond the projects, the formation of a LEADER region is important for the development of local networks and inter-municipal cooperation. These network structures can be used for future projects and concepts as well as for rural regeneration.

In der Nähe der Stadt Dortmund befindet sich die LEADER-Region Börde trifft Ruhr, die die Gemeinden Ense, Fröndenberg, Wickede, Welver und Werl umfasst. Die Region ist in Teilen ländlich strukturiert. Die Förderung dieser dem Ruhrgebiet nahen Region kann einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass wieder vermehrt junge Menschen aus den Ballungsgebieten in ländlichere Regionen Nordrhein-Westfalens ziehen. Im Rahmen der LEADER-Region werden über 100 Projekte gefördert. Neben lokal finanzierten Kleinprojekte sind auch regionale Projekte verankert, die über die Gemeinden hinweg organisiert sind; 65 % der Mittel für diese Projekte kommen aus EU Fördergeldern. Regionale Projekte gibt es in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsförderung, sportliche Aktivität, Jugendförderung und Mobilität. So wird z.B. die Fahrradinfrastruktur ausgebaut, um den Freizeitwert der Region zu erhöhen, der Anbau regionaler Obstsorten zur Diversifizierung der Landwirtschaft oder ein rollender Waldkindergarten aufgebaut, um die Region attraktiver für junge Familien zu machen. Aus den Interviews die im Rahmen von dem Projekt RURALIZATION durchgeführt wurden geht hervor, dass über die Projekte hinaus die Bildung einer LEADER Region für den Aufbau lokaler Netzwerke und die Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit eine wichtige Funktion erfüllt. Diese Netzwerkstrukturen können sowohl für zukünftige Projekte und Konzepte, als auch für die ländliche Regeneration genutzt werden.

The Vogelsberg district is one of the 13 eco-model regions in the federal state of Hessen. 22 % of the agricultural land in the district is farmed ecologically, which is a relatively high share compared to other rural regions in Germany. The eco model region promotes local-food chains, the integration of sustainable tourism and gastronomy, ecological farming and environmental education. Within the framework of the eco-model regions the following projects are promoted in the Vogelsberg-district:* Support for potato cultivation focusing on old breeds that grow well under the specific volcanic soil conditions* Establishment of the Vogelsberg ORIGINAL regional brand in 2019, with around 300 regional products from 90 businesses nowadays* Promotion of direct marketing through regional after-work markets* Diversification of the cultivated varieties of crops and legumes* Promotion of organic dairy production with the highest possible local added value and fair producer pricesThrough the interviews conducted within the RURALIZATION project, we assume that the eco-model region Vogelsberg has an important impact on the agricultural sector within the district. Nevertheless, the potential of ecological and sustainable farming could be harvested more in the region and therefore is promising as one part for a potential rural regeneration of the region.

Der Vogelsbergkreis ist eine von 13 Ökomodellregionen, die durch das Land Hessen gefördert werden. 22 % der landwirtschaftlichen Fläche im Kreis wird ökologisch bewirtschaftet, ein hoher Anteil im Vergleich zu anderen ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Durch die Ökomodellregionen werden die Verarbeitung und Vermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte gefördert und somit auch lokale Wertschöpfungsketten im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelherstellung unterstützt. Zudem werden Projekte zur Integration von Tourismus und Gastronomie in die Hofaktivitäten, zur ökologischen Landwirtschaft an sich und zum Verbraucherverhalten und der Umweltbildung gefördert. Die folgenden Projekte werden im Rahmen der Ökomodellregion im Vogelsbergkreis gefördert:* Unterstützung für den Kartoffelanbau alter Sorten die besonders gut auf den vulkanischen Böden der Region wachsen* Gründung der Regionalmarke Vogelsberg ORIGINAL im Jahr 2019 mit Mittlerweile rund 300 regionalen Erzeugnissen von 90 Betrieben* Förderung der Direktvermarkung durch regional Feierabendmärkte* Diversifizierung der Anbausorten von Getreide und Hülsenfrüchten* Förderung der Erzeugung von Bioheumilch mit der größtmöglichen lokaler Wertschöpfung und fairen ErzeugerpreisenAus den Interviews die im Projekt RURALIZATION durchgeführt wurden geht hervor, dass die Ökomodellregion ein wichtiger Faktor für die Landwirtschaft im Vogelsbergkreis ist. Dennoch könnte das Potenzial der ökologischen und nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in der Region noch stärker ausgeschöpft werden und ist daher ein vielversprechender Teil einer potentiellen ländlichen Erneuerung in der Region.

Through the interviews conducted within the RURALIZATION project, we assume that only a few young adults participate in the local policy-making processes in the district of Vogelsberg. This is also due to the persistence of the older population groups, who succeed in setting their issues and embedding them locally. In contrast, the Vogelsberg District Youth Parliament can be highlighted as an example that brings the concerns of young people into local policy-making processes. The District Youth Parliament holds four public meetings a year in which new projects are discussed in working groups. In addition, representatives of the District Youth Parliament are members of various committees, which give young people a certain amount of influence in some areas. The participation includes the following committees. At first, there has to be mentioned the Vogelsberg Consult, a company for regional development and economic funding in the district, which also coordinates the projects within the framework of LEADER funding. In addition, the District Youth Parliament is represented in the youth support committee, the public transport advisory board and in the monitoring committee "Demokratie Leben" (Living Democracy). The District Youth Parliament has the potential to make the region more attractive for young people, but it needs to be more involved in policy-making regarding education, training and job prospects.

Aus den Interviews die im Projekt RURALIZATION durchgeführt wurden geht hervor, dass sich wenig junge Erwachsene an den lokalen politischen Entscheidungsprozessen im Vogelsbergkreis beteiligen. Dies liegt auch an der Persistenz der älterer Bevölkerungsgruppen, der es gelingt ihre Themen zu setzen und lokal zu verankern. Im Gegensatz dazu kann das Kreisjungendparlament Vogelsberg als Beispiel hervorgehoben werden, dass die Belange junger Menschen in die lokalen politischen Entscheidungsprozesse mit einbringt. Im Kreisjugendparlament finden vier öffentliche Sitzungen pro Jahr statt in denen in Arbeitsgruppen über neue Projekte diskutiert wird. Darüber hinaus sitzen Vertreter des Kreisjugendparlaments in unterschiedlichen Gremien, wodurch ein gewisses Maß an verbindlichem Mitspracherecht in bestimmten Bereichen besteht. Dazu gehört auch die Vogelsberg Consult, eine Gesellschaft zur Regionalentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung des Vogelsbergkreises, die auch die Projekte im Rahmen der LEADER-Förderung im Landkreis koordiniert. Darüber hinaus ist das Kreisjugendparlament im Jugendhilfeausschuss, dem Fahrgastbeirat und im Begleitausschuss „Demokratie Leben" vertreten. Das Kreisjugendparlament hat das Potential die Region für junge Menschen attraktiver zu machen, dazu müsste es aber mehr in die Sektoren Bildung, Ausbildungen und Jobperspektiven eingebunden werden.

Van Gogh National Park is in the province of Noord-Brabant (NL41). This region has developed strongly economically in recent decades, with more space for housing, business sites and infrastructure. Noord-Brabant also has a large agricultural sector with intensive livestock farming. This puts pressure on the quality of the nature and landscape that were once the source of inspiration for the famous painter Vincent van Gogh, who came from this region. The developing economy, upcoming energy transition and changes in agriculture cause additional risks for nature in North Brabant. Van Gogh National Park is trying to reverse this trend. It is a collaboration between the province, municipalities, nature and agricultural organisations, and regional companies. They have jointly recognised that the quality of nature and landscape is under pressure. By working together in the Van Gogh National Park, organisations throughout the province try to protect nature and the landscape and improve it where possible. This also applies to areas that have no protected nature status. In this way, nature, agriculture, living and work can be more balanced. And a landscape is created where biodiversity recovers and where residents can recreate. The Van Gogh National Park is an example for practitioners because it showed cooperation between partners who sometimes work against each other in other contexts. Also, there is no traditional national park with strict boundaries but a wider area, and this gives a better meaning to the aim of integrally protecting nature and landscape. See

Het Van Gogh Nationaal Park ligt in de provincie Noord-Brabant (NL41). Deze regio heeft zich de afgelopen decennia economisch sterk ontwikkeld. Dit ging gepaard met meer ruimtegebruik voor woningbouw, bedrijventerreinen en infrastructuur. Ook kent Noord-Brabant een grote agrarische sector met veel intensieve veehouderij. Dit alles zet druk op de kwaliteit van de natuur en het landschap die ooit de inspiratiebron waren voor de beroemde schilder Vincent van Gogh, afkomstig uit deze regio. De zich ontwikkelende economie, aanstaande energietransitie en veranderingen in de landbouw zorgen voor verdere risico’s voor de natuur in Noord-Brabant. Het Van Gogh Nationaal Park probeert deze trend te keren. Het is een samenwerking tussen provincie, gemeenten, natuur- en landbouworganisaties, en bedrijven uit de regio. Zij hebben gezamenlijk erkend dat de kwaliteit van natuur en landschap onder druk staat. Door samen te werken in het Van Gogh Nationaal Park probeert men door de hele provincie de natuur en het landschap te beschermen en deze waar mogelijk te verbeteren. Dit gaat juist ook om gebieden die geen beschermde natuurstatus hebben. Op die manier kunnen natuur, landbouw, wonen, en werken meer in evenwicht worden gebracht. En ontstaat een gebied waar de biodiversiteit zich herstelt en waar bewoners kunnen recreëren. Het Van Gogh Nationaal Park is een voorbeeld omdat het samenwerking laat zien tussen partners die elkaar in andere contexten wel eens tegenwerken. Ook is het geen traditioneel nationaal park, met strikte grenzen, maar juist een breder gebied. Dit lijkt beter invulling te geven aan het doel om natuur en landschap integraal te beschermen. Zie

Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (NL342) is a predominantly rural region in the Southwest of the Netherlands. To the south, the region borders Belgium, and to the north is the Westerschelde. Due to the lack of direct borders with other Dutch regions, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen can be called peripheral. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen also has no training at university or HBO level. This leads to many young people leaving and a relatively ageing population. For young people who (want to) live and work in the region, it is essential to make themselves heard. That is why some young people from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen founded de Rootzz Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. It is an independent foundation managed by young people from the region, which is committed to a Zeeuws-Vlaanderen that is attractive to students and young professionals. Rootzz informs them about the possibilities of living and working in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. This brings young people in contact with each other and with regional companies. This happens through networking events, informal bubbles and themed evenings. The website also offers an overview of the region's vacancies that may interest young people. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen has several large industrial companies mostly looking for qualified technical personnel. Just like the province of Zeeland and the municipalities in the region, these companies support Rootzz Zeeuws-Vlaanderen as a partner. Having a model in which young regional people themselves take responsibility for the attractiveness of their region is an inspiration for other places. By reasoning from the perspective of young people, more robust networks are created, and activities are organised that attract the target group and are relevant. See

Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (NL342) is een rurale regio in het Zuidwesten van Nederland. Aan de zuidkant grenst de regio aan België. Ten noorden bevindt zich de Westerschelde. Door het gebrek aan directe grenzen met andere Nederlandse regio’s valt Zeeuws-Vlaanderen perifeer te noemen. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen heeft ook geen opleidingen op universitair of HBO-niveau. Dit leidt tot een groot aantal wegtrekkende jongeren en een relatief verouderde bevolking. Voor jongeren die in de regio (willen) wonen en werken is het belangrijk om zich te laten horen. Daarom heeft een aantal jongeren uit Zeeuws-Vlaanderen de Rootzz Zeeuws-Vlaanderen opgericht. Dit is een onafhankelijke stichting, bestuurd door jongeren uit de regio, die zich inzet voor een Zeeuws-Vlaanderen dat aantrekkelijk is voor studenten en young professionals. Rootzz informeert hen over de mogelijkheden om in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen te wonen, te werken en te leven. Zo brengt het jongeren in contact met elkaar en met regionale bedrijven. Dit gebeurt door netwerkevents, informele borrels en thema-avonden. Ook biedt de website een overzicht van vacatures in de regio die voor jongeren interessant kunnen zijn. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen heeft een aantal grote industriële bedrijven die veelal op zoek zijn naar gekwalificeerd technisch personeel. Net als de provincie Zeeland en de gemeenten in de regio ondersteunen deze bedrijven Rootzz Zeeuws-Vlaanderen als partner. Het model waarin regionale jongeren zelf verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor de aantrekkelijkheid van hun regio is een inspiratie voor andere plekken. Door vanuit jongeren te redeneren ontstaan sterkere netwerken en worden activiteiten georganiseerd die de doelgroep aantrekken en ook echt relevant zijn. Zie

The Flemish strategic plan, which allocates European aid, does not currently seem the most appropriate way to bring about access to land for agroecological or new farmers. The plan shows little vision about the much-needed change to a future-oriented, sustainable agricultural practice. On the contrary, it assumes more of the same, while the agricultural sector meanwhile has its back against the wall because of unmet environmental targets and great legal uncertainty. Nor is the much-needed influx of new farmers being achieved. Young farmers do indeed receive a certain financial advantage through the Flemish strategic plan. However, this does not outweigh the obstacles young farmers have to overcome, including the very difficult access to land, which is seen as one of the three main obstacles. Moreover, young farmers themselves are asking for clarification on the direction in which the agricultural sector will have to evolve in the coming years. The current lack of clarity, the lack of clear political choices and the social demand for more sustainability are freezing all entrepreneurship because of the legal uncertainty caused.

Het Vlaamse strategisch plan, waarmee de Europese steun wordt toebedeeld, lijkt op dit moment niet de meest geschikte manier om de toegang tot grond voor agro-ecologische of nieuwe boeren te bewerkstelligen. Het plan getuigt van weinig visie omtrent de broodnodige omslag naar een toekomstgerichte, duurzame landbouwpraktijk. Het gaat integendeel uit van meer van hetzelfde, terwijl de landbouwsector intussen met de rug tegen de muur staat omwille van niet gehaalde milieudoelstellingen en grote rechtsonzekerheid. Ook de broodnodige instroom van nieuwe boeren wordt niet bewerkstelligd. Jonge boeren krijgen via het Vlaamse strategisch plan inderdaad een zeker financieel voordeel. Dit weegt echter niet op tegen de obstakels die jonge boeren dienen te overbruggen, waaronder de zeer moeilijke toegang tot grond, wat nochtans gezien wordt als een van de drie belangrijkste obstakels. Daarenboven zijn jonge boeren zelf vragende partij om uitsluitsel te krijgen over de richting waarin de landbouwsector zal moeten evolueren in de komende jaren. De huidige onduidelijkheid, het gebrek aan heldere politieke keuzes en de maatschappelijke vraag naar meer duurzaamheid, bevriezen alle ondernemerschap vanwege de veroorzaakte rechtsonzekerheid.

Ghent's public centre for social welfare (PCSW) has sold a good chunk of its patrimony of agricultural land in recent years, garnering considerable criticism. Under pressure from public opinion, a moratorium was declared on the sale of public agricultural land. Meanwhile, the city of Ghent is working on a vision on the use of the agricultural land of the city and the PCSW. To create this vision, the city is questioning farmers, citizens and organisations in a participatory process. With this vision, Ghent is knitting a new chapter to its existing food strategy that was mainly consumer-oriented, focusing on short chain, sustainable production, social added value and limiting waste. Yet Ghent also already has a first experience with allocating PCSW land to a sustainable agricultural project. In 2017, the city launched an appeal for 10 ha of land. On this land, several farmers are currently working together. They produce milk and vegetables, among other things, and provide some social employment places. Ghent is treading a brave path, (temporarily) parking the need for financial resources to realise social objectives in order to listen to the voice of a large group of stakeholders about the use of its land. It is expected that at least some of the public land will be used to produce sustainable local food.

Het OCMW (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn) van Gent verkocht in de afgelopen jaren een flink stuk van haar patrimonium aan landbouwgrond en oogstte daarmee behoorlijk wat kritiek. Onder druk van de publieke opinie werd een moratorium op de verkoop van publieke landbouwgrond afgekondigd. Intussen werkt de stad Gent aan een visie over het gebruik van de landbouwgrond van de stad en het OCMW. Voor de totstandkoming van deze visie bevraagt de stad zowel boeren, burgers als organisaties in een participatief traject. Met deze visie breidt Gent een nieuw hoofdstuk aan haar bestaande voedselstrategie die voornamelijk consumentgericht was, met focus op korte keten, duurzame productie, sociale meerwaarde en het beperken van afval. Toch heeft Gent ook reeds een eerste ervaring met het toewijzen van OCMW-grond aan een duurzaam landbouwproject. In 2017 lanceerde de stad een oproep voor 10 ha grond. Op deze grond werken momenteel verschillende boeren samen. Ze produceren onder meer melk en groente, en voorzien in enkele sociale tewerkstellingsplaatsen. Gent bewandelt een dapper traject, waarbij de nood aan financiële middelen om sociale doelstellingen te realiseren (tijdelijk) wordt geparkeerd om te luisteren naar de stem van een grote groep betrokkenen over het gebruik van haar gronden. Verwacht wordt dat minstens een deel van de publieke gronden zal ingezet worden om duurzame lokale voeding te produceren.

Together with the local public centre for social welfare, the city of Leuven changed its strategy regarding the agricultural land in their possession: instead of selling, Leuven started systematically allocating these lands to sustainable, innovative, profitable farms that create added value for the local community in 2019. This is a trend break as many other Flemish cities and municipalities are currently selling off their agricultural land en masse in search of financial resources. For the allocation, Leuven relies on a diverse advisory board that uses a set of criteria with point scoring, this to ensure an objective allocation.Leuven made work of seeking a sustainable agreement that gives the user-farmer a high degree of security over the land, which in turn facilitates that the user-farmer cares for and invests in soil and biodiversity.Leuven proves that a town can make policy with the agricultural land it owns and thus have an impact on the local agricultural sector. The town's land policy is just 1 link in a broader plan whereby the town aims to increase the availability of sustainable, local food, including school meals, awareness-raising about improper use, a webshop for catering, and more.

De stad Leuven wijzigde samen met het lokale OCMW (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn) haar strategie met betrekking tot de landbouwgrond in hun bezit: in plaats van te verkopen, begon Leuven in 2019 met het stelselmatig toewijzen van deze gronden aan duurzame, innovatieve, rendabele landbouwbedrijven die meerwaarde creëren voor de lokale gemeenschap. Dit is een trendbreuk want vele andere Vlaamse steden en gemeentes verkopen op dit moment massaal hun landbouwgrond op zoek naar financiële middelen. Voor de toewijzing doet Leuven beroep op een gevarieerde adviesraad die een set van criteria hanteert met puntentelling, dit om een objectieve toewijzing te waarborgen.Leuven maakte werk van het zoeken naar een duurzame overeenkomst waardoor de gebruiker-boer een hoge mate van zekerheid heeft over de grond, wat op zijn beurt faciliteert dat de gebruiker-boer zorgzaam omgaat met en investeert in bodem en biodiversiteit.Leuven bewijst dat een stad beleid kan voeren met de landbouwgrond die ze bezit en zo impact kan hebben op de lokale landbouwsector. Het grondenbeleid van de stad is slechts 1 schakel in een breder plan waarbij de stad de beschikbaarheid van duurzame, lokale voeding beoogt, met onder meer schoolmaaltijden, sensibilisering over oneigenlijk gebruik, een webshop voor horeca, en meer.

The province of North Brabant has developed an action plan containing 4 action lines. 1. Improving access to capital and assets. 2. Enhancing the visibility of young farmers and strengthening the relationships between farmers and citizens. 3. Supporting innovations and access to knowledge and 4. innovation in agricultural education. In making this action plan, there was intensive contact with the target group.This ran parallel to the policy-making around the Common Agricultural Policy. Here, the 25% subsidy premium for farmers under 40 is being phased out. This will be replaced by an installation contribution to starting farmers with a business plan aimed at sustainable development. In consultation with organisations of young farmers, the choice was made here to use these funds as widely as possible. In addition, young farmers receive a larger share of investment contributions as grants than older farmers who have to repay a larger percentage as loans. In terms of knowledge support, the province has invested in hiring two experienced people to act as a sounding board for young farmers in making strategic choices for the future. Many on-farm advisers are linked to a product and therefore not independent; the hired staff fill so a gap, and the province hopes this will provide additional support to enterprising farmers.

De provincie Noord-Brabant heeft een actieplan ontwikkeld met daarin 4 actielijnen. 1. Betere toegang tot kapitaal en bedrijfsmiddelen. 2 Het versterken van de zichtbaarheid van jonge landbouwers en het versterken van de relaties tussen boeren en burgers.3. Ondersteunen van innovaties en toegang tot kennis en 4 vernieuwing in het agrarisch onderwijs. Bij het maken van dit actieplan is er intensief contact geweest met de doelgroep.Dit liep parallel aan de beleidsvorming rond het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid. Hier wordt de 25% subsidiepremie voor boeren onder de 40 jaar afgebouwd. Dit wordt vervangen door een bijdrage aan startende boeren met een bedrijfsplan gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling. In overleg met organisaties van jonge boeren is hier gekozen voor een zo breed mogelijke inzet van deze middelen. Daarnaast krijgen jonge boeren een groter deel van investeringsbijdragen als gift dan oudere boeren die een groter percentage als lening moeten terugbetalen. Wat betreft kennisondersteuning heeft de provincie geïnvesteerd in de inhuur van twee ervaren personen die als klankbord fungeren voor jongen boeren bij het maken van strategische) keuzes te maken voor de toekomst. Veel de adviseurs op het boerenerf zijn gekoppeld aan een product en daarmee niet onafhankelijk; de ingehuurde medewerkers verkopen niets en de provincie hoopt hiermee ondernemende boeren extra te kunnen steunen.

The appreciation of a rural lifestyle is one of the weak signals to renew rural generation that was found in RURALIZATION trend analysis and that the interactive assessment of the trends in stakeholder workshops saw remarkable especially for the attraction of rural villages. It may be one symptom of change for the ruralisation in urbanized Europe. The main drivers for it is the desire for slow, peaceful, natural lifestyle or concerns of health or environment.
The aspects like rural idyll, open space, the proximity of nature, peace, possibilities to have animals, inexpensive housing, feel of safety, rural culture and traditions or sense of community contribute to social welfare and attract new residents to rural villages. Many uban people in information society may e.g. long for natural physical work with animals. The centralization of population is not the same as centralization of social welfare. Rural places and areas have possibilities to get new attractions and effective brands. Rural areas are not necessary losers of social welfare. 
New and diverse residence diversify and increase the social and cultural capital of rural communities. Bigger and more diversified population creates growth of local rural economies too by increasing the demand of local products and both public and private services. It diversifies farm structures and improves the prospects for small part-time farms. 
According to assessment workshops, the important topics of action in rural villages, are to ensure decent facilities and services by investments of public and private sector, make the regions more visible or popular promotion work, develop the processes of arranging resources and actors to set something new and the financial support.

The assessment of the rural trends of RURALIZATION, proposes that the trend of remote work is important to open remote rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms. 
Recently, the concept of remote work have had growing interest and importance especially due to Covid-19 lockdowns. The longer-term drivers are internet and mobile technology, transition to data-driven works and societies, flexible ways to build the work-leisure balance, increased leisure time and the diversified and creative ways and abilities to use information technology.
Remote work saves commuting time and it is considered to save the environment, increasing environmental conservation and/or reduction of degradation. It gives possibilities to adopt new flexible working practices e.g. for freelance and project works, work-related residential multi-locality, virtual teams etc. Remote work is one way to increase migration from urban to rural areas. It is assumed to make growth of local rural economies and gives better prospects for smaller and part-time farms.
Most promising measures to benefit from the trends in remote rural areas are to create suitable facilities e.g. for remote work in attitudinal sense and by investments in telecommunication and hubs, making the practice more visible, by increasing communication as well as education, and implement such activities of the public sector to reach societal goals via law or norms (regulation). In general, in remote rural areas, it is important too to be broad-minded to see the possibilities of the trends in a new perspective (framing), having various rewards connected to innovative actions (incentives), and to develop processes of taking part in local decision making or community activities (involvement).

The interactive assessment of the trends in RURALIZATION project found community-based actions are relevant for the renewal of generations in the context of rural areas close to city.
Community-based initiatives and actions serve shared interests, capacities, identity, participation and communality in many domains, including the social domain, but it may extend towards the political, economic , technological or environmental domains.
Main drivers for community-based actions are a bottom-up approach and empowerment of people for local actions, co-operative behaviour for community development. However, one driver may be a matter of financial constraints. If the local community has not enough public or other external funding or aid for the desired development or social actions, the members of the community have to find solutions by other ways. Power and the desire to act may increase by the level of co-operation inside the community. 
Still, local public sector can activate community-based actions by arranging suitable facilities. The public actions could be, e.g., investments for the places where people can get together or starting environmental projects in which local people can participate to take them further or by asking ideas for land use or traffic plans or empowering the community to produce the cultural or social services. 
Community-based actions have many positive impacts: diversification of social capital, making more equal and inclusive social fabric, activating the genesis of novel producers and prosumer and consumer organisations, helping to find new ways to or more productive interaction, empowerment gives self-confidence and the desire to act for the common good, improving prospects for non-mainstream farms.

It is a growing trend that people in city areas are more and more aware of the type and quality of food they buy and eat. The increasing environmental, social and health awareness of people changes consumer behaviour. The demand for organic food, for wild food, for shorter and transparent supply chains and for healthy food is increasing among that population. Some city people are willing to grow some of their food products themselves or by communal consumer/prosumer organisations, vegetarian food in many cases. Many people are willing to spend more money on high quality food. 
Many urban people are willing to get nearer to the origins of food. The diverse community-, delivery-, diet- and practice-oriented food systems challenge the dominant food regime. This involves a novel kind of interaction between consumers and suppliers but also better prospects for agro-ecological, environmental or organic farming, farms and farmers. 
The agricultural policy of EU supports the transition to organic farming and public funding may support to develop and promote local food markets and shorter supply chains. 
The trend means expansion of client population (even online) for rural businesses, catering for new dynamics to agriculture and rural economies. It may support new entrants to farming and the renewal of rural generations. Both the private sector and public (national or regional) sector can promote the alternative food systems. Still, the private sector has the key players when finding the ways to benefit from this trend. Farmers and local food producers with other rural operators have incentives to develop the communication with urban people to increase the transparency of food production and to benefit from increased demand for local food.

Cultivation Renewal Programme or Cúlra Créafóige is an EIP-AGRI project run by the local community organisation Lárionad Acmhainní Nádúrtha that is located in an Irish speaking area in the north-west of county Donegal, Ireland. Cúlra Créafóige works to rehabilitate and cultivate idle land by carrying out regenerative cultivation. The project also aims to record and preserve local knowledge and skills relating to traditional cultivation techniques, crop varieties and field names. The project demonstrates a community-led approach to managing land at risk of abandonment and tests a model for this approach. The rehabilitated land must not be in use for at least two years. Local farmers and landowners offer land for inclusion meaning outreach to gain participants is important. The land is rehabilitated over five years through planned and monitored cultivation. Cropping plans are developed for each site. Market analysis identifies sustainable market opportunities for the produce cultivated. Cúlra Créafóige also focuses on developing local skills to support the future of the lands brought back into production. For the landowners involved they gain better understanding of the agronomic potential of their land. More broadly, the project revives land to benefit farming, culture, nature and community. More information on the project is available here:…

The Sustainable Uplands Agri-environment Scheme or SUAS is an EIP-AGRI project led by the Wicklow Uplands Council in the east of Ireland. SUAS is a pilot locally-led agri-environmental scheme aiming to support the sustainable management of uplands. It is mainly focused on commonage areas where a number of shareholder farmers hold grazing rights on the land. Alongside the agri-environmental measures developed, the project responds to the lack of shared land governance by developing a more formal system of joint governance for commonage farmers. SUAS involves the establishment of commonage groups that implement a commonage management plan. The commonage groups also bring together active and inactive shareholders with grazing rights. The groups create a space for farmers to work together in a more planned way while also bringing the farmers together as a group to work collectively with other stakeholders. There is also a focus on place-specific, co-created measures. The agri-environmental conservation measures implemented are co-developed together by an ecologist and farmers. SUAS also implements an auction-based payment scheme that incentivises commonage groups to develop their own tailored solutions to specific problems commonages face. More information on the project is available here:…

The RURALIZATION conceptual guidelines detail the guiding concepts underpinning the project. The concepts of regeneration, innovation, resilience and capitals provide core ideas to help tease out and debate how ‘ruralisation’ can be realised. For practitioners and policy-makers working on rural regeneration, these concepts also offer tools that can help explore complex issues more deeply, ask different questions and work towards better answers. The Guide for Practitioners provides a quick guide to the project concepts. It explores why guiding concepts are important and how to use concepts as tools to better understand rural regeneration issues and learn lessons for policy and practice. The Guide for Practitioners is supplementary to the Detailed Conceptual Guidelines (Deliverable 3.2). The Guide for Practitioners explores each concept by sketching the key ideas and thinking behind it. It also details pragmatic lessons and wider insights we can take from the concepts. A concept map synthesising key lessons and questions for policy and practice is included for each concept. The Guide for Practitioners also explores how the concepts can be used in different ways, from assisting with assessment and evaluation to more broadly opening up new ways of thinking and dialogue. Explore the RURALIZATION Conceptual Guidelines: A Guide for Practitioners here:…

The province of Zeeland combines a land bank and voluntary exchanges between landowners to contribute to its environment and planning vision. By combining the land bank with voluntary exchanges between parties, the yardstick of the provincial land policy reaches further than its land portfolio alone. To enable to do so, the province has appointed regional land exchange contact persons that are outside the bureaucracy to ascertain that local knowledge of land policy opportunities are fed into the exchanges. Currently, the policies are mostly related towards improvement of the farm structure, biodiversity areas, recreational areas and infrastructure. Land policy is a tool to implement the vision and facilitating new entrants to farming makes no part of the vision amended in 2016. Currently the draft vision is developing in promoting new chances for young people in the province and achieving a sustainable agriculture. After the vision is adapted, a novel land policy will follow, which will change its direction towards new aims of the vision; which potentially will provide a larger chance for providing access to land for new generations. Currently a new vision is in preparation, which vision will be followed by a new land policy report, which serves as tool to implement the vision. In this vision sustainable agriculture and the attractiveness of the province for young people and families are on the agenda, which may result in that the current instrumental set-up of a land bank, plus voluntary exchanges, including a reticulist role of bringing landowners and new entrants together, may be used for these aims as well.

De provincie Zeeland combineert een grondbank en vrijwillige kavelruil tussen grondeigenaren om bij te dragen aan haar omgevings- en planologische visie. Door de grondbank te combineren met vrijwillige kavelruil, bereikt het provinciale grondbeleid meer dan met de grondportefeuille alleen kam. Om dit mogelijk te maken heeft de provincie regionale contactpersonen voor kavelruil aangesteld die buiten de bureaucratie vallen om te borgen dat lokale kennis van kansen op grondbeleid in wordt ingebracht. Momenteel is het beleid vooral gericht op verbetering van de landbouwstructuur, natuurgebieden, recreatiegebieden en infrastructuur. Grondbeleid is een instrument om de visie uit te voeren en het faciliteren van nieuwkomers in de landbouw maakt geen deel uit van de in 2016 vastgestelde visie. Momenteel ontwikkelt de provincie een nieuwe visie onder meer gericht op nieuwe kansen voor jongeren en een duurzame landbouw. Nadat de visie is aangepast, zal een nieuw grondbeleid volgen, om de nieuwe doelen van de visie uit te voeren. In potentie biedt dit een grotere kans om nieuwe generaties toegang tot grond te bieden. Op dit moment is een nieuwe visie in voorbereiding, welke visie zal worden gevolgd door een nieuwe nota grondbeleid, die als hulpmiddel dient om de visie te implementeren. In deze visie staan duurzame landbouw en de aantrekkelijkheid van de provincie voor jongeren en gezinnen op de agenda, wat ertoe kan leiden dat de huidige instrumentele opzet van een grondbank, plus vrijwillige uitwisselingen ook voor deze doelen kunnen worden gebruikt.

Flanders is for a large part neither urban, nor rural. Urban sprawl is omnipresent. Even in the agricultural zone many urban uses of rural properties are either allowed or there is an official policy not to enforce rural use. Planning is centralised at NUTS 1 level and local authority units are considered to be irresponsible in allowing urban uses in rural areas. Policy ambitions to stop urban sprawl (by 2040) and to reduce sealed land in the agricultural zone (by 2050) have been formulated, but there is no effective implementation, by which these ambitions could be reached, in sight.
In this context a programme to unseal land has been formulated. The idea of this programme is that by calls coalitions of parties come together to implement local solutions, such as making a school garden instead of a paved school yard, or projects to transfer parking places in parkland, to unseal land. Apart from the qualitative results of the specific project, this may have a wider effect on the articulation of unsealing as a government aim with local support that may be brought forward by local authorities. There is a more systemic project on the reuse of former farm buildings as farmland. Although the outcomes of the programme to forge coalitions to develop specific unsealing of the land is positive, and it may result that land of roads will be unsealed more often, the structural prospects for the provision of agricultural land are negative. It is not only about the prospects of urban values for land and properties in the agricultural zone, but also the costs of unsealing land and demolishment of buildings, including underground structures as cellars, can be excessive, making it a less attractive alternative for farmers that aim to contribute to the quality of the rural environment

Een groot deel van Vlaanderen is noch stedelijk, noch landelijk, maar kent een ongebreidelde suburbanisatie. Zelfs in de agrarische zone zijn er tal van zonevreemde activiteiten; veel mag en volgens vastgesteld beleid wordt er vaak niet gehandhaafd. Ruimtelijke planning is gecentraliseerd bij de regio Vlaanderen; van lagere overheden verwacht men dat zij alle ontwikkelingen zullen toestaan. Er zijn beleidsambities voor een bouwshift: geen groei van het stedelijk ruimtebeslag (per 2040), en voor een ontharding in de agrarische zone (een derde in 2050). Er is alleen geen effectieve implementatie in zicht.
In dit kader is het onthardingsprogramma ‘Vlaanderen breekt uit!’ ontwikkeld. Coalities van partijen kunnen voorstellen indienen om lokale oplossingen te realiseren, zoals het maken van een schooltuin in plaats van een schoolplein, of het vervangen van parkeerplaatsen door parken. Naast kwalitatieve resultaten van de projecten, kunnen deze coalities een breder effect hebben op de verankering van ontharding in lokaal beleid en organisatie. Naast voorbeeldprojecten zijn er systemische projecten. Een daarvan betreft de ontharding van voormalige agrarische gebouwen naar landbouwgrond. Alhoewel er veel positieve ervaringen zijn met coalities rond mooie projecten, zijn de structurele vooruitzichten voor ontharding om nieuwe boeren toegang tot grond te geven negatief. Niet alleen zorgen de hergebruiksmogelijkheid voor stedelijke functies voor stedelijke vastgoedwaarden, maar er zijn ook kosten om grond te ontharden, zoals sloopkosten. Deze kosten kunnen de agrarische waarden van de grond overstijgen. Voor boeren die willen bijdragen aan een landelijke kwaliteit van de voormalige bedrijven zijn deze kosten veelal te hoog.

Nido di Seta is an agricultural cooperative. It started in 2014 in San Floro, a small calabrian village in Italy, when three youngs, after their bachelor degree and some jobs experiences in other regions, returned in their native village. They decide to revitalize the traditional silkworm industry. They obtained an abandoned land (of about 5 hectares) under management from the Municipality on which, at the end of the 90s, the Municipality itself had planted over 3000 mulberry trees. They acquire the necessary skills for silk production and spinning both by going abroad (eg Thailand, India) and by meeting elderly people from San Floro and from neighboring villages. Results: the whole process, from the maintenance of the trees to the spinning and weaving of the silk, is taken by the cooperative. The farm is multifunctional and organic. In addition to silk, it produces jams and cosmetics; it is an educational farm; runs a small silk museum in the town center; creates nature trails; organizes courses and workshops (e.g. weaving, natural dyeing); it has a small restaurant; it has created a network of artisans giving life to a local silk chain (made up of 90% of women) that makes artisanal products, for example scarves, tablecloths, jewelry. Furthermore, the attention to sustainability is also in the use of natural pigments to dye the skeins and in the use of photovoltaic panels for the production of energy. The experience shows how motivated young people can exploit local resources in a sustainable way, combining agriculture, crafts and tourist services. The recovery of an abandoned land owned by the municipality has made possible to overcome the problem of access to land.

Nido di seta è una società cooperativa agricola. Nasce nel 2014 a San Floro, un piccolo paese della Calabria (Italia), su iniziativa di 3 giovani calabresi che, dopo la laurea e alcune esperienze di lavoro, tornano nel loro paese. Decidono di recuparare l'antica tradizione della produzione della seta. Ottengono in gestione dal Comune un terreno abbandonato (circa 5 ettari) su cui, alla fine degli anni'90, la stessa Municipalità aveva impiantato oltre 3000 piante di gelso. Acquisiscono le competenze neceessarie per la produzione e la filatura della seta sia andando all'estero (es. Thailandia, India) che incontrando anziani di San Floro e di paesi vicini. Risultati: l'intero processo, dal mantenimento degli alberi, alla filatura e tessitura della seta è curato dalla cooperativa. L'azienda agricola è multifunzionale e biologica. Oltre alla seta, produce marmellate e cosmetici; è fattoria didattica; gestisce un piccolo museo sulla seta nel centro del paese; ha un punto ristoro e realizzato dei percorsi naturalistici; organizza corsi e workshop (es.tessitura, tintura naturale); ha creato una rete di artigiani dando vita ad una filera della seta locale (formata per il 90% da donne) che realizza prodotti artigianali, per es. sciarpe, tovaglie, gioielli. L'attenzione alla sostenibilità è anche nell'uso dei pigmenti naturali per tingere le matasse e nell'impiego di pannelli fotovoltaici per la produzione di energia. L'esperienza mostra come giovani motivati possono valorizzare le risorse locali in maniera sostenibile, coniugando agricoltura, artigianato e servizi turistici. Il recupero di un terreno abbandonato di proprietà comunale ha consentito di superare il problema dell'accesso alla terra.

Permakultura.Edu.PL is an educational and networking initiative in the field of permaculture in Poland. The initiative, started in 2015, is a private company run by 3 persons (clear leader + 2 part-time supporting persons) who are active both “on the ground” and in the digital sphere, as they successfully combine the organization of training and workshops on permaculture and preservation of traditional tree species at exemplary farms in Poland with the on-line activity such as webinars or running a website as well as a Facebook fanpage ( and Their website includes the most comprehensive map of permaculture initiatives in Poland, which serves as a valuable reference for practicioners intersted in knowledge exchange. Permakultura.Edu.PL is also publishing the most important books about permaculture translated into Polish using grassroots methods of funding (crowdfunding). Another activity of the initiative is the “Club of scythe mowers” that serves as a network for sharing experiences with this type of mowing. In general, Permakultura.Edu.PL has been very successful in spreading the knowledge about permaculture in Poland, combining various activities and working at various spatial scales to provide a reliable and stable access to skills, knowledge, networks and information about traditional and permacultural approach to farming.

Permakultura.Edu.PL to inicjatywa sieciująca i edukacyjna na rzecz rozwoju permakultury w Polsce, którą od 2015 r. prowadzą 3 osoby (lider + dwie osoby wspierające). Inicjatywa ta aktywna jest zarówno 'w realu' jak i on-line", skutecznie łącząc organizację warsztatów nt. permakultury i tradycyjnych odmian drzew owocowych - które odbywają się w różnych gospodarstwach z całej Polski - z działalnością w internecie, taką jak webinary czy też prowadzenie strony www i profilu facebookowego (( oraz Na stronie www dostępna jest także rozbudowana mapa inicjatyw permakulturowych z Polski, która stanowi ważny zasób dla osób zainteresowanych wymianą wiedzy i doświadczeń. Permakultura.Edu.PL publikuje także najważniejsze książki związane z permakulturą przełożone na język polski, korzystając przy tym z oddolnych metod finansowania (crowdfunding). Ponadto w ramach inicjatywy założono "Klub Kosiarzy", który służy jako sieć wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń z koszenia kosą. Podsumowując, Permakultura.Edu.PL z powodzeniem szerzy wiedzę nt. permakultury w Polsce poprzez różnorodne działania w różnych skalach przestrzennych (od pojedynczych gospodarstw do ogólnopolskiej mapy, szkoleń i webinarów), tym samym ułatwiając stały i stabilny dostęp do wiedzy, umiejętności, sieci z zakresu rolnictwa permakulturowego.

Ecological Folk High School in Grzybow is an educational facility located at a farm in the village of Grzybow in central Poland. Since its inception in 2011, EFHSiG has organized over 50 short-time (5-10 weeks) and 3 full-time (2 years) courses on farming knowledge, skills and culture taking place at the school's farm in Grzybow and in other rural areas in Poland. The initial success of EFHSiG led to its recognition by the Velux Foundation from Denmark that decided to support EFHSiG with a grant for organizing two editions of full-time, 2-year courses on organic farming. The funding was available because EFHSiG follows the model of a folk high school, the idea of which originated in Denmark and was thus important for the Velux foundation.

The full-time courses at the EFHSiG offer the most comprehensive opportunity for education in organic and agroecological farming in Poland, and include ca. 100 days of classes in Grzybow as well as 14 months of internships at selected organic farms in Poland. The curriculum includes not only farming knowledge and skill development, but also classes on personal development, English, leadership and communication skills and cultural competences (e.g. learning traditional songs). The course has no formal examination procedure, but the participants can pass official Polish exams confirming farmers' qualifications. This is possible since the curriculum was prepared on the basis of official farming courses (although it expands their scope). So far, ca. 50 persons took part in the 3 editions of the full-time course (since 2015), and ca. 500 in the short-time courses (since 2001). Currently, in 2022, the fourth edition of the course - funded by a crowdfunding campaign - is in progress.

Ekologiczny Uniwersytet Ludowy (EUL) w Grzybowie to placówka edukacyjna zlokalizowana w gospodarstwie położonym we wsi Grzybów w centralnej Polsce. Od początków swojego działania w 2001 r. EUL zorganizował ponad 50 krótkoterminowych (5-10 tygodni) oraz 3 długoterminowe (2 lata) kursy obejmujące wiedzę, umiejętności i zagadnienia kulturowe związane z rolnictwem ekologicznym. Zajęcia odbywają się w gospodarstwie w Grzybowie jak i w innych gospodarstwach w Polsce. Udane początki EUL-u pomogły uzyskać wsparcie od Fundacji Velux, która przekazała grant na zorganizowanie dwóch edycji pełnego, 2-letniego kursu rolnictwa ekologicznego. Ważnym czynnikiem w uzyskaniu wsparcia był fakt, że EUL działa według modelu uniwersytetu ludowego, który wywodzi się z Danii, a zatem był bliski (duńskiej) Fundacji Velux.

Oferowany przez EUL 2-letni kurs rolnictwa ekologicznego to najbardziej rozbudowany kurs tego typu w Polsce - obejmuje ok. 100 dni zajęć w Grzybowie i 14 miesięcy praktyk w wybranych gospodarstwach w Polsce. Program zakłada nie tylko zdobywanie wiedzy i rozwijanie umiejętności praktycznych, ale też zajęcia z kompetencji personalnych, j. angielskiego, umiejętności liderskich oraz kultury wsi (np. nauka pieśni ludowych). Kurs nie kończy się formalnym egzaminem, ale uczestniczy/czki mogą przystąpić do państwowych egzaminów potwierdzających kwalifikacje rolnika, zwłaszcza że program kursu bierze pod uwagę zakres treści oficjalnych kursów rolniczych (choć w kursie EUL-u są one znacznie poszerzone). W dotychczasowych trzech edycjach kursów wzięło udział ok. 50 osób, a w kursach krótktermionwych od 2001 r. - ok. 500 osób. Obecnie (2022 r.) trwa czwarta, finansowana za pomocą crowdfundingu, edycja kursu długoterminowego.

De Wassende Maan (Western Flanders) shows how citizens who consider healthy locally produced food important can be closely involved in a farm. De Wassende Maan is a Flemish pioneer in organic agriculture with citizen involvement that has grown into a professional biodynamic farm with subscriptions to bioboxes and a bioshop. The organisation is hybrid: a non-profit association (vzw) with limited land ownership and the volunteer structure and a cooperative company with limited liability (cvba) with shareholders and staff employment. The farmers’ team is employed by the cvba and serves as a breeding ground for young people with an interest in organic farming. Most of the land is rented or leased. Important themes concern organisational form, position of the farmer as an employee, additional skills for farmers and access to land.

De Wassende Maan (West-Vlaanderen) laat zien hoe burgers die gezond geproduceerd lokaal voedsel belangrijk vinden, nauw betrokken kunnen worden bij een boerderij. De Wassende Maan is een Vlaamse pionier in biologische landbouw met burgerbetrokkenheid die uitgroeide tot een professionele biodynamische boerderij met abonnementen op bioboxen en een bioshop. De organisatie is hybride: een vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (vzw) met beperkt grondeigendom en de vrijwilligersstructuur en een coöperatieve vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (cvba) met aandeelhouders en de tewerkstelling van personeel. Het boerenteam is in dienst van de cvba en dient als kweekvijver voor jongeren met interesse in biologische landbouw. Het grootste deel van de grond wordt gehuurd of gepacht. Belangrijke thema’s bij de Wassende Maan betreffen organisatievorm, positie van de boer als werknemer, aanvullende vaardigheden voor boeren en de toegang tot grond.

Who are the newcomers in rural Eastern Hungary? How can they find their living in the new communities, and how these communities accept them? These are the questions we would like to answer in the following paragraphs.
There are two main types of new comers in rural areas: there is a group, motivated by social reasons, and there is another motivated by ethical reasons (in a broad sense: they are in search of the rural idyll, traditions, healthy environment, sense of locality or a mixture of these).
In the case study we mainly focus on the latter group. Members of the middle strata choose rural areas as residence, and although some of them still commutes to the urban areas to work, and to use the services, in our case we contacted mainly entrepreneurs who started their business in the countryside. Usually, they have own resources but use also subsidies, and develop a diversified business.
Even if they have local shop, they almost in all case have a webshop, and a dense network outside the locality. In some cases, they can build a local network, but in most cases, they are detached from the local community; in places with a lot of newcomers, they tend to form their own circles, which may result in tensions with the original inhabitants. There is very few cooperation among the different newcomers.
Their acceptance is also dependent on the form of business they chose and their openness toward the locals, the closer the business to the community, the more probable that they can gain prestige within the community.

Kik az újonnan érkezők a vidéki Kelet-Magyarországon? Hogyan tudnak megélni az új közösségekben, és hogyan fogadják be őket ezek a közösségek? Ezekre a kérdésekre szeretnénk választ adni a következőkben.
A vidéki újonnan érkezőknek két fő típusa van: van egy csoport, akiket szociális okok motiválnak (), és vannak, akiket etikai okok motiválnak (tágabb értelemben: a vidéki idillt, a hagyományokat, az egészséges környezetet, a helytudatot vagy ezek keverékét keresik). 
Az esettanulmányban elsősorban az utóbbi csoportra összpontosítunk. A középső rétegek tagjai a vidéki területeket választják lakóhelyül, és bár néhányan közülük még mindig a városi területekre ingáznak dolgozni, illetve szolgáltatásokat igénybe venni. Elsősorban olyan vállalkozókkal vettük fel a kapcsolatot, akik vidéken indították vállalkozásukat. Általában saját forrásokkal rendelkeznek, de támogatásokat is igénybe vesznek, és diverzifikált vállalkozást alakítanak ki. 
Ha van is helyi üzletük, szinte minden esetben rendelkeznek webáruházzal, és sűrű hálózattal a településen kívül is. Néhány esetben helyi hálózatot tudnak kiépíteni, de legtöbbször elszakadnak a helyi közösségtől; azokon a helyeken, ahol sok az újonnan érkezett, hajlamosak saját köröket kialakítani, ami feszültséget eredményezhet az őslakosokkal. A különböző újonnan érkezettek között nagyon kevés kooperáció van. 
Elfogadásuk függ az általuk választott vállalkozási formától és a helyiek iránti nyitottságuktól is, minél közelebb áll a vállalkozás a közösséghez, annál valószínűbb, hogy presztízsre tehetnek szert a közösségen belül.

The Come Home project tried to find new ways to turn the domestic migration positive for the municipality of Punkalaidun in south-western Finland. The Project funded by local LEADER group was a continuum of earlier successful asylum seekers’ integration there. 
The project made marketing and communication efforts to make the municipality wider known and to attract possible newcomers and returnees to move there. At first, the elderly people were invited to move back to their childhood region. That was a somewhat surprising target group. After all it was seen to be logical in that community. Later the marketing efforts were focused to families with children too.
The collaboration between municipal administration and the local parish is interesting. The Lutheran parishes of the state church in Finland, with wide networks and structures in rural municipalities, have been an underutilized resource in rural development. By the project, it was involved closer to local development activities in Punkalaidun. 
The keywords were positivity and publicity. The publicity and communication in various channels about the positive things of Punkalaidun made the small rural municipality more visible and helped to reach the potential newcomers. The current residents are now better aware of all the positive features of their home region and better prepared to market it further. The community spirit has strengthened and the collaboration between the local actors improved. The recruitment of a good project coordinator was crucial to achieve these results.
Since the changes in migration pattern can be observed after longer time, it is too early to judge the final success of the two-year project if it has been a success or not for the main goal of bigger remigration.

Tule kotiin pyrki löytämään uusia keinoja kääntääkseen kotimaisen muuttoliikkeen takaisin Punkalaitumen suuntaan Lounais-Suomessa. Projekti, jonka rahoitus hankittiin paikallisen LEADER-toimintaryhmän kautta oli tavallaan jatkoa paikkakunnalla aiemmin toteutetulle maahanmuuttajien kotouttamistyölle. Projektissa tehtiin markkinointi- ja viestintätyötä paikkakunnan tunnettuuden ja houkuttelevuuden lisäämiseksi potentiaalisille uusille asukkaille ja paluumuuttajille.
Aluksi ikääntyneitä ihmisiä kutsuttiin muuttamaan takaisin lapsuuden kotiseudulleen. Myöhemmin markkinointiponnistelut kohdistettiin myös lapsiperheisiin.
Kunnan ja seurakunnan yhteistyö hankkeessa oli mielenkiintoinen. Luterilaiset seurakunnat osana valtiokirkkoa, laajoine verkostoineen ja rakenteineen maaseutukunnissa, ovat olleet alihyödynnetty resurssi maaseudun kehittämisessä. Projektissa seurakunta kutsuttiin läheisemmin mukaan Punkalaitumen kehittämistyöhön. 
Avainsanoja olivat positiivisuus ja julkisuus. Positiivinen viestintä Punkalaitumen hyvistä puolista lisäsi paikkakunnan näkyvyyttä ja auttoi kuntaa tavoittamaan mahdollisia uusia asukkaita. Nykyiset asukkaat tiedostavat nyt paremmin kotiseutunsa hyvät piirteet ja heillä on myös paremmat valmiudet itse markkinoida kotiseutuaan. Yhteisöllisyys ja eri toimijoiden yhteistyö on lisääntynyt projektin ansiosta. Hyvän projektikoordinaattorin löytyminen oli ratkaisevan tärkeää projektin onnistumiselle.
Muuttoliikkeen kehityst voidaan havaita vasta pidemmällä aikavälillä, joten vielä on liian aikaista arvioida tämän kaksivuotisen projektin lopullista onnistumista suhteessa sen alkuperäisiin tavoitteisiin

The promising practice addresses the lack of ecology and regionality of the food market. An initiative of citizens from Lübeck established a cooperative. Its aim is to market regional and organic food directly and to bring producers and consumers closer together.
LANDWEGE e. G. is regarded as an ecological model project for "real regionality in practice". It is a producer-consumer cooperative in Lübeck and includes 30 member farms located in a max. 100 km radius around Lübeck. These farms work organically and mostly under Demeter or Bioland principles. The Landwege cooperative markets the products of the member farms directly through five full-range retailers in Lübeck and Bad Schwartau. In addition to the products from the member farms, the range is supplemented by other organically produced products outside the region. In keeping with the cooperative concept, this is a democratic and self-governing form of organisation with a general assembly, a board of directors, a supervisory board and a farmers' assembly. The practice exists since late 1980s and has created 100 jobs in farming, processing, marketing, and sales. 
In addition to the cooperative, there is also the non-profit association Landwege e.V. The non profit association sees environmental education and education for sustainable development, especially for children and young people, as its central task. 
Recommendations: The promising practice is an alternative form of operation that focuses more on a strong interaction between consumers and producers. Marketing and distribution are dedicated to bring organic farming and food into the region. New organic farms have a guaranteed access to the market. for the human life and for the nature. The cluster needs the professionals.

Landwege richtet sich gegen den Mangel an biologischen und regionalen Lebensmitteln auf dem Markt. Eine Initiative von Lübecker Bürgern hat eine Genossenschaft gegründet, die das Ziel verfolgt, regionale und ökologische Lebensmittel direkt zu vermarkten und Erzeuger und Verbraucher näher zusammenzubringen. 
Die LANDWEGE e. G. gilt als biologischess Modellprojekt für "gelebte Regionalität". Sie ist eine Erzeuger-Verbraucher-Genossenschaft und umfasst 30 Mitgliedsbetriebe, in einem Umkreis von 100 km um Lübeck. Die Betriebe arbeiten ökologisch und meist nach Demeter- oder Bioland-Richtlinien. Landwege e.G. vermarktet die Produkte der Mitgliedsbetriebe direkt über fünf Vollsortimenter in Lübeck und Bad Schwartau. Das Sortiment wird durch weitere ökologisch erzeugte Produkte von außerhalb der Region ergänzt. Dem Genossenschaftsgedanken entsprechend handelt es sich um eine demokratische und selbstverwaltete Organisationsform mit einer Generalversammlung, einem Vorstand, einem Aufsichtsrat und einer Bauernversammlung. Sie besteht seit Ende der 1980er Jahre und hat 100 Arbeitsplätze in den Bereichen Landwirtschaft, Verarbeitung, Marketing und Verkauf geschaffen. Neben der Genossenschaft gibt es den gemeinnützigen Verein Landwege e.V., der Umweltbildung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, insbesondere für Kinder und Jugendliche, als seine zentrale Aufgabe betreibt. 
Das Fallbeispiel zeigt eine alternative Betriebsform auf, die mehr auf eine starke Interaktion zwischen Konsumenten und Produzenten setzt. Marketing und Vertrieb sind darauf ausgerichtet, ökologische Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittel in die Region zu bringen. Neue Bio-Betriebe haben einen garantierten Zugang zum Markt.

Problems/Opportunities: The promising practice mainly addresses population and job decline in a structurally weak rural region in Eastern Germany. In the 1990s the infrastructure was in a desolate condition and the people of the small village in the federal state of Brandenburg were without prospects after a major political change and economic decline.
Results: The practice encompasses a strong local network between an ecological delivery service (Landkorb GmbH & Co. KG), a social facility for disabled people (housing and jobs in ecological farming and production) and an ecological bakery. The whole practice was strongly promoted by an architect, who bought land and renovated the Rohrlack village by including the locals in all decision-making processes.
The practice provides labour in a rural region, beyond agricultural production. These include jobs in craft and social professions. It fosters regional economic cycles and regional value creation. The strong economic development is based on ecological farming and businesses. It is based on a local stakeholders' network and strong regional ties, too. It integrates marginalized social groups. It creates an innovative form of civic participation and thus contributes to social cohesion. In the sense of sustainability, the practice helps to advance the local region in ecological, economic and social way.
The practice shows how rural renewal can be addressed through a social facility, which combines housing and job opportunities. A local promoter helps rural newcomers with innovation potential to settle in the village. Building a strong local network enables synergies for all stakeholders including the local population.

In den 1990er Jahren befand sich die Infrastruktur in einem desolaten Zustand und die Menschen des kleinen Dorfes im Bundesland Brandenburg waren nach der Wiedervereinigung und dem wirtschaftlichem Rückgang resigniert. Das Beispiel umfasst ein starkes lokales Netzwerk zwischen einem ökologischen Lieferdienst (Landkorb GmbH & Co. KG), einer sozialen Einrichtung für behinderte Menschen (Wohnen und Arbeitsplätze in ökologischer Landwirtschaft und Produktion) und einer ökologischen Bäckerei. Das ganze Vorhaben wurde stark von einem Architekten gefördert, der ein Grundstück kaufte und das Dorf Rohrlack renovierte. Dies machte er sehr behutsam, indem er die Einheimischen in alle Entscheidungsprozesse einbezog. Es wurden Arbeitsplätze (dazu handwerklichen und sozialen Berufen) in einer ländlichen Region geschaffen, die über die landwirtschaftliche Produktion hinausgehen. Regionale Wirtschaftskreisläufe und regionale Wertschöpfung wird dadurch vor Ort gefördert. Die starke wirtschaftliche Entwicklung basiert auf ökologischer Landwirtschaft und ökologisch agierenden Betrieben. Das Vorhaben stützt sich auf ein lokales Akteursnetzwerk und eine starke regionale Verbundenheit, integriert hierbei gesellschaftliche Randgruppen, schafft eine innovative Form der Bürgerbeteiligung und trägt so zum sozialen Zusammenhalt bei. Erneuerung des ländlichen Raums kann initiiert werden durch eine soziale Einrichtung, die Wohn- und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten kombiniert. Ein Förderer vor Ort hilft ländlichen Newcomern mit Innovationspotenzial, sich im Dorf anzusiedeln. Der Aufbau eines starken lokalen Netzwerks ermöglicht Synergien für alle Beteiligten, einschließlich der lokalen Bevölkerung.

The functionment on Granville Terre et Mer (a rural hinterland linked to a littoral medium town), show courses of action to overcome issues in local development. It functions mainly based on a network of informal, interpersonal relations, starting from the institutional identity, established from shared common analyses, values and practices, taking into account what is locally at stake for "regeneration": balances, place of young people, social and professional integration, the ageing of the population, environment, economic and cultural dynamics, housing, … The concept of shared meaningfulness is essential for all. 2 parallel networks cross each other: the one of the elected people and local decision-makers, the one of the staffs.
Newcomers. Everyone, whatever its profile, newcomers, local people, or local people who moved, participates in an equivalent and complementary way. The dynamic comes from integration into these networks via cooptation, based first on shared values and commitment. The networks include farmers (new entrants, successors) or people with agricultural background who share the common values. For everyone, it is a matter of experience, training and/or personal history and background.
Toward regeneration? The capacity to go collectively toward « regeneration » – this term is rejected in favour of «adaptation» - is reflected in the implementation of concrete actions such as raising awareness of youth to green jobs, attention paid to sylver economy, PLUI project limiting housing estates, ..., prospect of free public transport, PAT,.... with, in the background two ideas: fulfill the needs of the local population as well as welcoming newcomers, while maintaining/ improving the local quality of life.

Le fonctionnement sur Granville Terre et Mer montre des pistes d’action. En effet il s’est mis progressivement en place un fonctionnement fondé sur un réseau de relations informelles, interpersonnelles, de valeurs et de pratiques communes, partagées, convergentes, prenant en compte des enjeux relatifs à la régénération du territoire: la place des jeunes, leur insertion sociale et professionnelle, le vieillissement de la population, l’environnement, les dynamiques économiques et culturelles. Le sens donné à l’action est essentiel pour tous. Deux réseaux de travail parallèles existent: des responsables élus et décisionnaires et des professionnels salariés. Tous, nouveaux arrivants, personnes habitant depuis toujours sur le territoire, personnes étant parties puis revenues. Quel que soit leur profil, participent de façon équivalente et complémentaire. La dynamique provient de l’intégration dans ce réseau par cooptation, cooptation basée sur les valeurs partagées et l’engagement. : les réseaux sont ouverts, et incluent des nouveaux entrants en agriculture ou des successeurs, ou des personnes issues du monde agricole. Pour chacun c’est une question d’expérience, de formation, de parcours. La capacité à aller collectivement vers une 'adaptation' se traduit par la mise en œuvre d’actions concrètes, plurisectorielles telles que sensibiliser les jeunes aux métiers verts, prendre en compte la silver économie, un PLUI limitant le développement des lotissements,perspectives de transports en commun (navettes) gratuits, PAT, projets sous-tendus par deux orientations majeures : répondre aux besoins de la population locale et à ceux des nouveaux arrivants tout en maintenant ou améliorant la qualité de vie locale

Castel del Giudice is part of the internal areas of the Apennine mountainous zone, which are characterised by depopulation, an ageing population and a high rate of youth unemployment. Usually the municipal council of small villages has a limited budget and planning capacity, while the municipal council of CdG has proactively and financially promoted the constitution of an organic apple company on 40 hectares of abandoned agricultural land; a public-private construction company to convert the disused primary school in the village into an assisted care residence for local elderly citizens and finally the restoration of the abandoned stables to create a widespread hotel with a restaurant and SPA. At the second stage, it also promoted a community beehive, an agricultural brewery, a community cooperative, a plan for the recovery and restoration of uninhabited houses and public spaces. All these initiatives are based on the leadership of young people of the area. The CdG social innovation illustrates a new model of how to manage natural and rural resources as well as environmental heritage based on a participatory approach: each initiative was set up in partnership with the municipal council, the local community and other key sectoral stakeholders. The CdG local development strategy is based on a process of change premised upon: first to understand processes of rural change and their implications, maximising opportunities for the inhabitants and managing the risks; second, the need to understand how to better manage local territorial assets and resources; and, third, the urgent need to take a more integrated approach to rural development.

Castel del Giudice (CdG) è un piccolo borgo montano situato nella zona centrale dell'Appennino nel cuore dell'Alto Sangro, ai confini dell'Abruzzo, caratterizzato da spopolamento, invecchiamento della popolazione e alto tasso di disoccupazione giovanile. Solitamente i consigli comunal dei piccoli borghi hanno budget e capacità progettuali limitati, al contrario il consiglio comunale di CdG ha promosso e finanziato la costituzione di un'azienda di mele biologiche su 40 ettari di terreno agricolo abbandonato; una società pubblico-privata che gestisce una residenza di cura assistenziale (RSA) per anziani, riconvertendo la scuola elementare dismessa del paese e infine il restauro delle stalle abbandonate per realizzare un albergo diffuso con ristorante e SPA. Nella seconda fase ha anche promosso un apiario comunitario, un birrificio agricolo, una cooperativa di comunità, un piano di recupero e restauro di case e spazi pubblici disabitati. Tutte queste iniziative sono basate sulla leadership dei giovani del territorio. L'innovazione sociale di CdG illustra un nuovo modello di gestione delle risorse naturali e rurali, nonché del patrimonio ambientale, basato su un approccio partecipativo: ogni iniziativa è stata realizzata in collaborazione con il consiglio comunale, la comunità locale e altri attori chiave del settore. La strategia di sviluppo locale di CdG si basa su un processo di cambiamento basato su: primo, la comprensione dei processi di cambiamento rurale e delle loro implicazioni, massimizzando le opportunità per gli abitanti e gestendo i rischi; secondo, la necessità di capire come gestire meglio i beni e le risorse territoriali locali; terzo, l'urgenza di adottare un approccio più integrato allo sviluppo rurale.

The Oldambt region, in the northeast of the Netherlands, has recently suffered under depopulation and a relatively negative image. However, during the last decade, four high-quality cultural festivals have been developed in or moved towards the area. These may help to create better cultural amenities and a more positive image for Oldambt. In the long-term, this could attract more residents, businesses and jobs. All of this may also strengthen the attractiveness of the area for younger generations. Pura Vida, Waterbei, Festival Hongerige Wolf and Grasnapolsky all have different histories and aims but share the desire to bring a high-quality cultural offer to the Oldambt region and to show the strengths of the area. So far, the festivals have attracted more visitors to the area, who have a positive effect on tourism and help to improve the region’s image. Although the festivals are not specifically aimed at younger generations, they are appealing to people in their 30s and 40s. The festivals are mostly bottom-up initiatives by local citizens and rural newcomers, who fit their activities in the unique social and cultural history of Oldambt. The regional and local government strongly support the festivals, and the newcomers feel very welcomed in Oldambt. The practice is therefore most transferable to other areas with an active population, a unique history and supportive institutions. Since Covid-19 threatens the future of these cultural festivals, it seems important that the regional and local government maintain their high level of support. By doing so, Oldambt can keep its unique and high-quality offer of cultural festivals.

Het Oldambt, gelegen in het Noordoosten van Nederland, heeft een recente geschiedenis van bevolkingskrimp en een negatief imago. Desondanks ontwikkelden of verplaatsten zich in het voorbije decennium vier hoogwaardige culturele festivals in of naar het Oldambt. Deze festivals verbeteren het culturele aanbod en creëren een positiever imago voor het gebied. Op de lange termijn kan dit bewoners, bedrijven en banen aantrekken. Hierdoor versterkt ook de aantrekkelijkheid van het Oldambt voor jongeren. Pura Vida, Waterbei, Festival Hongerige Wolf en Grasnapolsky hebben verschillende achtergronden en doelen, maar delen het verlangen tot een hoger kwalitatief cultureel aanbod in en het versterken van het imago van het Oldambt. Tot dusver trokken zij meer toeristen naar het gebied en hielpen ze het imago iets te verbeteren. De festivals richten zich niet op jongeren, maar maken het gebied wel aantrekkelijker voor dertigers en veertigers. Bovendien zijn het doorgaans initiatieven van lokale bewoners en nieuwkomers op het platteland, die hun activiteiten laten aansluiten bij de unieke sociale en culturele geschiedenis van het Oldambt. De provinciale en lokale overheid ondersteunen de festivals, die zich welkom voelen in het Oldambt. Om die redenen is deze praktijk het best verplaatsbaar naar gebieden die ook een actieve bevolking, unieke geschiedenis en welwillende overheden hebben. Covid-19 bedreigt wel de toekomst van de festivals. Om dit unieke en kwalitatief hoogstaande aanbod aan culturele festivals te behouden, is het daarom belangrijk dat de provinciale en lokale overheid hun ondersteuning de komende jaren doorzetten.

The Netherlands has an increasing number of empty farm stables, which creates a deterioration of the countryside and makes it a less attractive location to settle. The redevelopment of empty farm stables for commercial purposes could be one of the solutions to these problems, as it brings new life to deteriorating buildings and may create rural jobs. The Green East in Raalte (Overijssel province) and Mouthoeve in Boekel (Noord-Brabant province) are examples of redeveloped empty farm stables. The former is a center for circular start-ups in the agri-food industry and the latter a shopping center with authentic craft shops on the edge of a village. Both examples have been able to attract new entrepreneurs, jobs and enthusiasm to their respective areas. The Green East hosts several start-ups which otherwise would not have located in Raalte and which offer highly qualified employment to several young people which moved to the area. Mouthoeve hosts a wide number of small enterprises, of which most are owned by female and/or young entrepreneurs who otherwise would not have settled their business in Boekel. The planning rules in most Dutch municipalities make it difficult to redevelop empty farm stables for commercial purposes. However, these examples show that in some contexts, when there is a good plan and a local government with a flexible approach, the redevelopment of empty farm stables for commercial purposes could help to revitalize and regenerate a rural area.

Nederland kampt met toenemende leegstand in agrarisch vastgoed, ook wel bekend als Vrijkomende Agrarische Bebouwing (VAB-locaties). Dit zorgt voor verloedering van buitengebieden en maakt de omgeving een minder attractieve vestigingslocatie. Commerciële herontwikkeling van VAB-locaties kan helpen dit probleem op te lossen, doordat leegstaande gebouwen een nieuwe functie krijgen en er werkgelegenheid ontstaat. The Green East in Raalte (Overijssel) en De Mouthoeve in Boekel (Noord-Brabant) zijn voorbeelden van zulke commerciële herontwikkeling van VAB-locaties. The Green East is een centrum voor startups in de agrofood industrie. De Mouthoeve is een winkelcentrum met authentieke speciaalzaken aan de dorpsrand. Beide voorbeelden brachten nieuwe ondernemers en banen in de omgeving. The Green East biedt ruimte aan meerdere startups die banen bieden aan hooggekwalificeerd personeel. Zonder dit initiatief hadden deze bedrijven en hun personeel zich niet in Raalte gevestigd. De Mouthoeve herbergt een groot aantal kleine bedrijven, met voornamelijk jonge en/of vrouwelijke ondernemers als eigenaar. Deze zouden zich zonder dit initiatief niet in Boekel vestigen. De planologische regels in de meeste Nederlandse gemeenten maken het moeilijk om VAB-locaties commerciëel te herontwikkelen. Deze voorbeelden laten echter zien dat in sommige contexten, mits er een goed plan is en de gemeente zich flexibel opstelt, commerciële herontwikkeling van VAB-locaties kunnen zorgen voor vitaliteit en verjonging in een plattelandsgebied.

Artystyka is a an eco-touristic farm established in 2005 in the village of Nowa Bystrzyca (Poland) by a pair of newcomers from the city of Wroclaw just after their graduation from university. Given their background in Arts, they decided not only to renovate the farmhouse and set up a business, but also to try and take root by organizing art-related events directed towards both local residents and visitors from Wroclaw. The newcomers were successful in forging deep relationships with various members of the local community thanks to their ability to balance sincere respect for the local context with the introduction of new perspectives genuinely improving the communal life. Some illustrative examples of that approach could be (1) art installations in the public spaces of a neighbouring town guided by local residents, (2) numerous workshops in cosmetics preparation based on local herbs, or (3) a series of personal development workshops for and with local women. The latter is a good example of creating lasting relationships, as these workshops provided a basis for the community to organize pro-choice protests in 2016 and 2020 (as a response to the attempt and introduction of anti-abortion laws in Poland). Another aspect of local embeddedness is the approach to ecological tourism of Artystyka, which – according to other research – is a prime example of an eco-touristic facility in Poland. Moreover, the farmhouse and the barn have been renovated in line with local cultural landscape. As of now the hosts are focusing more on their family life and business operation but the case shows how the approach they took can help newcomers take roots in the new location by adopting a combination of respecting the local context and sharing their own values and perspectives.

Artystyka to gospodarstwo ekoturystyczne założone w 2005 roku we wsi Nowa Bystrzyca (Polska) przez parę przybyszów z Wrocławia tuż po ukończeniu studiów. Ze względu na swoje wykształcenie artystyczne postanowili nie tylko wyremontować gospodarstwo i założyć firmę, ale także spróbować zapuścić korzenie, organizując wydarzenia związane ze sztuką, skierowane zarówno do mieszkańców, jak i gości z Wrocławia. Nowoprzybyli odnieśli sukces w nawiązywaniu głębokich relacji z różnymi członkami społeczności lokalnej dzięki umiejętności zrównoważenia szczerego szacunku dla lokalnego kontekstu z wprowadzaniem nowych perspektyw, rzeczywiście poprawiających życie wspólnotowe. Ilustrującymi przykładami takiego podejścia mogą być (1) instalacje artystyczne w przestrzeni publicznej sąsiedniego miasta prowadzone przez lokalnych mieszkańców, (2) warsztaty z przygotowywania kosmetyków na bazie lokalnych ziół, czy (3) warsztatów rozwoju osobistego dla i z miejscowymi kobietami. Ta ostatnia jest dobrym przykładem budowania trwałych relacji, gdyż warsztaty te stały się podstawą do zorganizowania przez społeczność protestów pro-choice w latach 2016 i 2020. Kolejnym aspektem lokalnego zakorzenienia jest podejście do turystyki ekologicznej Artystyki, która – według innych badań – jest doskonałym przykładem obiektu ekoturystycznego w Polsce. Ponadto zagroda i stodoła zostały wyremontowane zgodnie z lokalnym krajobrazem kulturowym. Przypadek pokazuje, w jaki sposób podejście, które przyjęli, może pomóc nowoprzybyłym zakorzenić się w nowej lokalizacji, przyjmując połączenie poszanowania lokalnego kontekstu i dzielenia się własnymi wartościami i perspektywami

Remote work means jobs are not tied to a fixed location. Work is done remotely to the traditional workplace, be it at home, in a co-working space, a hub or even as a ‘digital nomad’. Removing the location from jobs gives those rurally and urban located equal opportunity to access jobs and allows people’s location decisions to be disconnected from the location of jobs. Personal circumstances and quality of life ambitions can be prioritised in location decisions. The benefits of remote work to rural communities goes beyond re-population, but also helps improve and create employment, retain the existing population, improve job quality, inject economic diversity, increased talent pool for business, reverse shrinking of services, impact return to work with increased participation amongst women and augment social capital. This practice involves a dual pathway, one for conditions relevant to employment and the other linked to relocation. A diverse range of actors are key to enabling remote work; community groups, social enterprise agencies, state bodies, businesses and organisations. Grow Remote, a national social enterprise, provides a key link between “remote work and local impact”. Technology is a key condition to permit remote work but other factors around job progression, legislative guidance, isolation, training, housing and services impact the transition of newcomers as remote workers. Human, social, cultural and political resources and networks are integral elements to facilitate remote work and embed newcomers into communities. The viability of this practice is linked to a collaborative approach underpinned by funding that enable key actors. Remote working can act as a springboard for community and enterprise development.

Farm partnerships come under umbrella term ‘collaborative farming, faciliating farm succession to take place in a more timely and collaborative manner. Irish farmers can avail of financial incentives aimed at encouraging and maintaining the development of partnerships. The main focus of the study was on registered farm partnerships (RFPs), of which there are now over 3,000 such arrangements in Ireland, are becoming increasingly popular in Ireland, identified as critically important to the future development of agriculture. One main benefit identified is that partnerships have given successor an opportunity, to not only increase scale but also to improve efficiencies. With efficiencies, in most cases, driven by improved technologies, working smarter rather than harder. The opportunity to increase scale has led to increased viability for the partnership holding, while also bringing succession conversation to the forefront. The older farmers, seen as more traditional type farmers, were often not confident about exploring new technologies. However, as confidence grew through engagement with successor, older farmers were more keen to embrace new ideas and reap the benefits. This study reveals that intergenerational succession, and eventual inheritance of the family farm, were assisted and faciliated by partenrships. Successors are brought into business earlier than what would otherwise be the case, to avail of financial incentives cited as the main driving force for many. The change in mind set through partnership and the building of trust has benefitted intergenerational transfer and exchange of knowledge between older and younger farmers.

The Mór wine region is one of the smallest but very famous wine region in Hungary. The Wine Community of Mór was founded in 1995 after the change of political system when as a result of land privatization many small wine producer farms were established in the region. The Community works on 600 hectares of vineyard, it has 820 members in five settlements: Mór, Csákberény, Zámoly, Csókakő, Söréd. The main goals of the Wine Community are to create a strong network among the wine producers and related actors such as tourism and cultural organizations of the region and to help the farmers (successors) to continue the family farms. The Community also organises and supports the heritage based events in the region. 
Wine producers are important actors in local society they are involved in many local activities, they participate in local development planning processes especially which focuses on tourism and/or local heritage based development. Most of the local inhabitants have connections to wine and vineyard, so winemakers are regarded as a kind of protector of local heritage and identity and also as an important sector of local economy.
An intensive generational change has started in the region in the last decade, the intergenerational transfer has started inside the family farms and also some newcomer young farmers have arrived in the region and started new businesses. Generational change both in family farms and in the region results in and supports a more environmentally sensitive attitude of farmers and may cause a new agro-ecological farming approach.
Useful link:

A Móri borvidék Magyarország egyik legkisebb, de nagyon híres borvidéke. A Móri Borrend 1995-ben alakult a rendszerváltás után, amikor a földprivatizáció eredményeként sok kis bortermelő gazdaság jött létre a régióban. A Közösség 600 hektár szőlőterületen gazdálkodik, összesen 820 tagja van öt településen: Mór, Csákberény, Zámoly, Csókakő, Söréd. A Borrend fő céljai közé tartozik, hogy erős hálózatot hozzon létre a bortermelők és a kapcsolódó szereplők, mint például a régió turisztikai és kulturális szervezetei között, valamint hogy segítse a gazdákat (utódokat) a családi gazdaságok folytatásában. A Közösség emellett szervezi és támogatja a régió örökségen alapuló rendezvényeit. 
A bortermelők fontos szereplői a helyi társadalomnak, számos helyi tevékenységben vállalnak szerepet, és részt vesznek a helyi fejlesztési tervezési folyamatokban, különösen a turizmusra és/vagy a helyi örökségen alapuló fejlesztésre összpontosító folyamatokban. A helyi lakosok többsége kötődik a borhoz és a szőlőtermesztéshez, így a bortermelőket a helyi örökség és identitás egyfajta védelmezőjének, valamint a helyi gazdaság fontos ágazatának tekintik. 
Az elmúlt évtizedben intenzív generációváltás indult meg a régióban, a családi gazdaságokon belül megkezdődött a generációk közötti utódlás, és néhány újonnan érkező fiatal gazdálkodó is érkezett a régióba, akik új vállalkozásokat indítottak. A generációváltás mind a családi gazdaságokban, mind a régióban a gazdák környezettudatosabb hozzáállását eredményezi és támogatja, és új agroökológiai gazdálkodási megközelítést eredményezhet.
Useful link:

The ELINA project was implemented in the province of Uusimaa in 2015-2018. The operating circumstances and profitability of farms we developed by organizing information events and training to farmers. It is a professional updating education for farmers. The training was focusing on farm investments and generational renewal issues and improving the profitability and competitiveness of farms taking into account also environmental aspects.
The project gave new abilities to farm management to meet many future challenges, not only to some details of certain productional matters. Former model of separate small development projects for various lines of agricultural production was rejected in ELINA project. The matter of farm successions was just one of the many focus points of the project. 
By the training events and study trips the participators got the up-to-date information about the farm succession process. Many organization provide some pieces of information needed in the farm succession. The project collected these pieces of information with various aspects together and made it easily available for the farmers. The participants were encouraged to join smaller training groups to develop their individual future plans and to continue the succession process with the peer support in more intimate and confidential environment. The practice improved networking and was flexible. The training sessions were more on smaller group training sessions and outside typical lecture halls than before. The inspiration of the power of peer support and peer learning were seen positive and innovative. The agricultural researchers have come closer to farmers to share their knowledge and to test their methods more often in practice with farmers.

ELINA-hanke toteutettiin Uudellamaalla. Maatilojen toimintaedellytyksiä ja kannattavuutta kehitettiin järjestämällä viljelijöille tiedotus- ja koulutustapahtumia. Se on ammatillista täydennyskoulutusta. Koulutus keskittyi maatilojen investointeihin ja sukupolvenvaihdoksiin sekä kannattavuuden ja kilpailukyvyn parantamiseen ottaen huomioon myös ympäristöjohtamisen näkökohdat.
Yksittäisten tuotannollisten detaljitietojen sijaan hanke tarjosi laajemmin uusia taitoja maatilajohtamiseen tulevaisuuden haasteiden kohtaamiseksi. Elina-hankkeessa hylätiin aiempi erillisten pienien tuotantosuuntakohtaisten kehittämishankkeiden malli. Maatilojen sukupolvenvaihdokset olivat vain yksi monista kehittämiskohteesta. 
Koulutustapahtumissa ja opintomatkoilla osallistujat saavat ajantasaista tietoa sukupolvenvaihdosprosessista. Monet eri organisaatiot tarjoavat sukupolvenvaihdokseen liittyviä tiedonpalasia. Hanke kokosi nämä eri näkökulmista asiaa lähestyvät tiedonpalaset yhteen ja toi tiedon viljelijöille helposti saataville. Osallistujia rohkaistiin liittymään pienempiin opintoryhmiin kehittämään eteenpäin yksilöllisiä tulevaisuudensuunnitelmia ja jatkamaan sukupolvenvaihdosprosessia vertaistuen kanssa yksityisemmässä ja luottamuksellisemmassa ympäristössä. Käytänne lisäsi verkostoitumista ja se oli joustava. Koulutukset tapahtuivat enemmän pienryhmissä tyypillisten luentosalien ulkopuolella kuin aiemmin. Vertaistuen ja -oppimisen voima oli innosti osallistujia. Maatalouden tutkijat ovat tulleet lähemmäksi viljelijöitä jakamaan tietotaitoa ja testaamaan tutkimuksessa kehitettyjä menetelmiä yhä useammin käytännössä viljelijöiden kanssa.

Problems/Opportunities: The promising practice addresses the lack of understanding of and commitment to agriculture and food production. Through shared responsibility and great competencies of the management team, a regional food supply is created through organic farming near Osnabrück.
Results: CSA Hof Pente is community supported agriculture in a cooperatively organised form. 300 members receive seasonal and regional food produced on the farm through a membership. They also feel collectively responsible for the faming, as the decisions are discussed openly at regular meetings. They act not only as consumers, but also as producers. Many members also enjoy the atmosphere and social community at the pick-up-day and use the farm for local recreation.
The farm offers a wide range of education for sustainable development. There is a kindergarten and a school, where teaching and learning takes place in the sense of education in complete environments. The educational offers are closely linked to the direct (agricultural) activities on the farm (apprenticeships, internships, seminars), but also indirectly through the experience of nature, agriculture and nutrition.
The farm practices biodynamic agriculture, which protects the climate, soils and resources (strict Demeter guidelines). In particular, the contributions to soil care (e.g. cultivation by horses) and to biodiversity (diversity on the farmland) should be emphasised.
This practice shows how a rather small farm contributes to regional and seasonal nutrition, biodiversity and local community. Even if the farmland size is rather low (37 hectare), there are many jobs created per hectare.

Das Beispiel adressiert eine regionale Lebensmittelversorgung durch biologischen Landbau in der Nähe von Osnabrück. CSA Hof Pente ist ein Betrieb der solidarischen Landwirtschaft in genossenschaftlich organisierter Form. 300 Mitglieder erhalten über eine Mitgliedschaft saisonale und regionale Lebensmittel, die auf dem Hof produziert werden. Sie fühlen sich auch kollektiv für die Bewirtschaftung verantwortlich, da die Entscheidungen bei regelmäßigen Treffen offen diskutiert und getroffen werden. Sie agieren somit nicht nur als Konsumenten, sondern auch als Produzenten. Viele Mitglieder genießen auch die Atmosphäre und die soziale Gemeinschaft am Abholtag und nutzen den Bauernhof zur Naherholung. Die Farm bietet ein breites Angebot an Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Es gibt einen Kindergarten und eine Schule auf dem Hof, in denen nach einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz im Sinne der Handlungspädagogik gelehrt und gelernt. Die Bildungsangebote sind eng mit den direkten landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten auf dem Hof verbunden (Lehrstellen, Praktika, Seminare), aber auch indirekt mit dem Erlebnis von Natur, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung. Der Hof betreibt (nach Demeter-Richtlinien) biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft, die Klima, Böden und Ressourcen schont. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Beiträge zur Bodenpflege (z.B. durch die Bewirtschaftung durch Pferde) und zur Biodiversität (Anbauvielfalt auf dem Acker). Dieses Fallbeispiel zeigt, wie ein eher kleiner Hof einen Beitrag zur regionalen und saisonalen Ernährung, zur Biodiversität und zur lokalen Gemeinschaft leistet. Auch wenn die Größe der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche eher gering ist (37 Hektar), werden pro Hektar viele Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.

The choice of the agricultural school of Coutances as a promising experience of “rural regeneration” is due to the orientation of this institution dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture by a local group of innovative way by not adopting the general intensive agriculture model but by practicing “peasant agriculture” associating the preservation of natural resources with openness to society, in particular through the “peasant welcome” of townspeople on the "farm". While the general rule is to have only one agricultural high school per department, the group obtained its creation in an original location since 1) it is a large landholding located not far from the town of Coutances 2) it is strengthening the diversity combining agriculture and agrobiological cultivating and breeding with horticulture and landscaping 3) that in its "campus" it brings together a school with boarding facilities aimed at college and high school students where training calls for practice in the farm and greenhouses, a training center for adults that attracts new farmers not originating in the region and outside family farming, a training center for apprentices. Networking and working with common values succeed in building an atmosphere favorable to new farmers: successors, young and old newcomers in market gardening or new systems as "peasant bakers". Finally, the entire small region supported by elected officials, associations and educational institutions of national education are oriented by education starting from "kindergarten" in the "ecological and societal transition" and toward a reconciliation between the “farming world” and the local non-farmers inhabitants renewal of the “rural territory” as well as the town/countryside relations.

Le lycée agricole de Coutances est une institution dépendante du Ministère de l’agriculture. Un groupe local d’agriculteurs décidés à pratiquer leurs métiers en pratiquant une 'agriculture paysanne' associant la préservation des ressources naturelles à une ouverture à la société en particulier par l’ accueil paysan de citadins à la ferme. Alors que la règle générale est de n’avoir qu’un lycée agricole par département le groupe a obtenu sa création une localisation originale puisque 1) bien qu’avec une grande emprise foncière il est situé non loin de la ville de Coutances 2) qu’il a choisi de s’orienter vers l’agriculture et l’élevage agrobiologique mais aussi l’horticulture et l’aménagement paysager de façon à renforcer la diversité des agricultures et des métiers de nature caractéristiques 3) que dans son campus il regroupe un établissement scolaire avec internat s’adressant à des élèves de collège et de lycée où la formation fait appel à la pratique dans l’exploitation agricole et les serres, un centre de formation pour adultes (nouveaux agriculteurs non originaires de la région ou l’agriculture familiale), un centre de formation pour apprentis. Le travail en réseau et avec des valeurs communes réussit à construire une atmosphère favorable à l’installation moins souvent de jeunes successeurs que de arrivants dans des systèmes maraîchers ou nouveaux comme paysan boulanger. Finalement toute la petite région (la ville, sa campagne et son littoral) - soutenue par les élus, les associations et les établissements d’enseignement de l’éducation nationale - s’oriente par l’éducation commençant dès la maternelle dans la transition écologique et sociétale et vers une réconciliation entre le monde agricole et les groupes sociaux non agricoles.

«Cultures Trobades», a project promoted in 2008 by the organization «Slow Food Terres de Lleida», prospects and restores the use of local ancient seeds and animal breeds. A particular success story has been the Catalan goat, which now is preserved under its own organization. Agroecological farmers and some restaurants in the area act as key supporters to the initiatives, and together conform and reform a slow, but persistent, counter-cultural and regenerative movement originated already in the end of the 1970s by organic farming pioneers in the region. The succession process, as a life event, seems particularly suitable for the adoption of agri-environmental innovations, such as reusing local varieties. But in some cases the conservative attitude of the old generation deters the adoption of these practices by the new entrepreneurial generations. Self-management and independence are strongly valued among the new generations. Also a sense of communitarism, despite formal historical attempts to coordinate regenerative initiatives have proven difficult, probably because a lack of cooperative culture. Many participants report a lack of food education in local society, which makes it difficult for the public to appreciate the added value of these practices and guarantee their sustainability. The public administration has not always been supportive to the regenerative initiatives in the Catalan Western Lands. The practices have contributed to the diversification of the agricultural system in the region (orientating it more towards human food consumption), disseminated local knowledge, improved the preservation of the natural environment and generated higher social conscience.

"Cultures Trobades", un proyecto promovido en 2008 por la organización "Slow Food Terres de Lleida", prosigue y recupera el uso de semillas y razas animales antiguas locales. Una historia de éxito particular ha sido la de la cabra catalana, que ahora se conserva bajo su propia organización. Los agricultores agroecológicos y algunos restaurantes de la zona actúan como apoyos clave a las iniciativas, y juntos conforman y reforman un lento, pero persistente, movimiento contracultural y regenerativo originado a finales de los años 70 por los pioneros de la agricultura ecológica en la región. El proceso de sucesión, como acontecimiento vital, parece especialmente adecuado para la adopción de innovaciones agroambientales, tales como la reutilización de variedades locales. Pero, en algunos casos, la actitud conservadora de la vieja generación disuade a las nuevas generaciones emprendedoras de adoptar estas prácticas. La autogestión y la independencia se valoran mucho entre las nuevas generaciones. También un sentido de comunitarismo, a pesar de que los intentos históricos formales de coordinar las iniciativas regenerativas han resultado difíciles, probablemente por la falta de cultura cooperativa. Muchos participantes señalan la falta de educación alimentaria en la sociedad local, lo que dificulta que el público aprecie el valor añadido de estas prácticas y garantice su sostenibilidad. La administración pública no siempre ha apoyado las iniciativas regenerativas en las tierras occidentales catalanas. Las prácticas han contribuido a la diversificación del sistema agrícola de la región, han difundido el conocimiento local, han mejorado la preservación del entorno natural y han generado una mayor conciencia social.

During the succession process an increasing number of successors in small and medium farms choose to adopt strong multifunctional and agro-ecological approaches. The study of Sicilian successors shows that this is a way to deal with the more relevant problem successors have to face, that is the transfer of farms that are already structured by past generation’s decisions on farming trajectories based on very location and crop-specific land. The adoption of new models allows to change the senior generation management without resorting to massive fund for new investment. As a general strategy, they innovate by drawing on local biodiversity (ancient crops and indigenous breeds), by internalizing value added activities (food processing, short supply chains, on site and online sales) and by offering new services (education and agri-kindergarten, recreational activities, social agriculture, production of renewable energy, agri-wellbeing, rural tourism). A positive result is that they are able to diversify products and processes, thus relying on different sources of income. Moreover, this process of broadening the range of activities is often persecuted by networking, which generates an increase in social collaborative connections among different local actors.

Durante il processo di successione un numero crescente di successori nelle piccole e medie aziende agricole sceglie di adottare approcci multifunzionali e agro-ecologici. Lo studio dei successori siciliani mostra che questo è un modo per affrontare il problema più rilevante che i successori devono affrontare, ovvero il trasferimento di aziende agricole che sono già strutturate dalle decisioni della generazione passata, relativamente a traiettorie agricole basate su specifici tipi di suolo e colture. L'adozione di nuovi modelli permette di cambiare la gestione della precedente generazione senza ricorrere a fondi rilevanti per nuovi investimenti. Come strategia generale, i successori innovano attingendo alla biodiversità locale (colture antiche e razze autoctone), internalizzano attività a maggior valore aggiunto (lavorazione agroalimentare, filiere corte, vendita in loco e online) e offrono nuovi servizi (fattorie didattiche, attività ricreative, agricoltura sociale, produzione di energie rinnovabili, agro-benessere, turismo rurale). Un risultato positivo è che riescono a diversificare prodotti e processi, potendo così contare su diverse fonti di reddito. Inoltre, questo processo di ampliamento del raggio di attività è spesso perseguito attraverso la messa in rete, generando così un aumento delle connessioni collaborative locali tra diversi attori sociali..
Useful links:;;; Invidiata Farm:

During the succession process an increasing number of successors choose to diversify their farm income. The two examples Biohoeve Hof te Muizenhole and De Speiboerderij in the Flemish Ardennes both retain their main income from agricultural production after succession. The main reason for diversification is to provide a more profitable basis for the successor(s) by adding value to products for which customers are willing to pay more and/or by spreading risks to provide operational security. Hof te Muizenhole switched from traditional to organic farming upon succession. It decided on further specialised GPS mechanisation. The breed of beef cattle was replaced to better fit the organic approach. The son is now the sole shareholder and concentrates on the cultivation and innovative techniques. The father is still active and contributes in the sales market, marketing and administration. De Speiboerderij added organic dairy goats to its farm and extended home production and sales upon succession by son and daughter. Before it only had organic dairy cows. The company is currently run by three people, with the father responsible for the cows and the successors for the goats, home production and sales and administration. Diversification in these examples required additional skills on techniques and sales market and marketing. In the decision process of diversification external advice on sales market, techniques, and administration is useful. Another point of attention is to settle a future proof organisation of the farm company at succession with a division of responsibilities among parent and successors. This also in the light of settling finances with the other siblings in the family.

Een toenemend aantal opvolgers kiest ervoor om hun landbouwinkomen te diversifiëren. De voorbeelden Biohoeve Hof te Muizenhole en De Speiboerderij in de Vlaamse Ardennen behouden beide na opvolging hun hoofdinkomen uit landbouwproductie. De belangrijkste reden voor diversificatie is een meer winstgevende basis voor de opvolger(s) door producten een meerwaarde te geven waarvoor klanten bereid zijn meer te betalen en/of door risico's te spreiden om operationele zekerheid te bieden. Hof te Muizenhole schakelde bij de opvolging over van traditionele naar biologische landbouw. Er werd besloten tot verdere gespecialiseerde GPS mechanisatie. Het ras van de vleeskoeien werd vervangen om beter aan te kunnen sluiten bij de biologische aanpak. De zoon is nu enig aandeelhouder en concentreert zich op de teelt en innovatieve technieken. De vader is nog steeds actief en levert een bijdrage aan de verkoop, marketing en administratie. De Speiboerderij voegde biologische melkgeiten toe aan het bedrijf en breidde de eigen verwerking en verkoop uit toen zoon en dochter zich bij het bedrijf voegden. Vóór de opvolging had het bedrijf alleen biologische melkkoeien. Momenteel wordt het bedrijf door drie personen geleid, waarbij de vader verantwoordelijk voor de koeien en de opvolgers voor de geiten, thuisproductie en verkoop en administratie. De diversificatie in deze voorbeelden vereiste aanvullende vaardigheden op het gebied van technieken en afzetmarkt en marketing. Bij de besluitvorming over diversificatie is extern advies over afzetmarkt, technieken en administratie nuttig. Aandachtspunt is de organisatorische verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden tussen ouder en opvolgers; inclusief het regelen van financiën met andere broers en zussen.

The three family businesses described in this case are focusing on food production and processing: Cydr Chyliczki on apples and cider, and Ludwik Majlert's Farm as well as Rysiny Farm on a variety of vegetables (and flowers as well as edible plant seedlings) that are then directly sold at the farms. The cases illustrate that family food production and processing has a siginificant potential for combining social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability by focusing on local, traditional, organic and high-quality products. In the case of Cydr Chyliczki, the main product is cider made of traditional apple tree species from the region; the cider is a high-end product sold to restaurant and stores across Poland. Two other farms are integrating the supply chain by producing, processing and selling directly at the farm. Moreover, the farms provide social and cultural functions exemplified by e.g. the 'dinner at the field' events, tours for local schools and kindergartens and a small restaurant at the Rysiny farm - a de facto local community space. The Rysiny farm is also processing and selling products obtained from other farmers from the region (e.g. bread). In each case, running the business is very labour-intensive, which means dependence on seasonal migrant labour (especially given the competitive labour market of Warsaw). The main practical recommendations are to secure land around cities for agriculture (local administration), integrate multiple parts of the supply chain and non-agricultural functions (similar farms), implement migrant-friendly policies as well as reduce institutional difficulty in entering and running a family farm that are perceived as an important barrier by the actors (national authorities).

Opisane w tym przypadku trzy rodzinne firmy skupiają się na produkcji i przetwórstwie żywności: Cydr Chyliczki na jabłkach i cydrze a Gospodarstwo Ludwika Majlerta i Gospodarstwo Rysiny na różnych warzywach, które są sprzedawane bezpośrednio w gospodarstwach. Przypadki te pokazują, że rodzinna produkcja i przetwarzanie żywności ma znaczny potencjał w zakresie łączenia społecznego, środowiskowego i ekonomicznego wymiaru zrównoważonego rozwoju poprzez skupienie się na wysokiej jakości produktach lokalnych, tradycyjnych i ekologicznych. W przypadku Cydru Chyliczki głównym produktem jest cydr wytwarzany z tradycyjnych gatunków jabłoni z regionu; cydr to produkt z najwyższej półki sprzedawany do restauracji i sklepów w całej Polsce. Dwa pozostałe gospodarstwa integrują łańcuch dostaw żywności poprzez produkcję, przetwarzanie i sprzedaż bezpośrednio w gospodarstwie. Ponadto gospodarstwa te pełnią funkcje społeczne i kulturowe, czego przykładem są imprezy „obiad w polu”, wycieczki dla lokalnych szkół i przedszkoli oraz mała restauracja na farmie Rysiny – de facto przestrzeń integracji społeczności lokalnej. Gospodarstwo Rysiny zajmuje się również przetwarzaniem i sprzedażą produktów pozyskanych od innych rolników z regionu. W każdym przypadku prowadzenie firmy jest bardzo pracochłonne, co oznacza uzależnienie od sezonowej siły roboczej migrantów. Główne praktyczne zalecenia to: zabezpieczenie gruntów wokół miast dla rolnictwa (administracja lokalna), integracja łańcucha dostaw i funkcji pozarolniczych (podobne gospodarstwa), wdrożenie polityki przyjaznej migrantom, a także zmniejszenie trudności instytucjonalnych w utworzeniu i prowadzeniu gospodarstwa rodzinnego (władze krajowe).

In 2018, a group of organic farmers, the Irish Organic Association, researchers and agronomists has come together as a collaborative unit to initiate and form the Maximising Organic Production Systems (MOPS) Project EIP-AGRI Operational Group. This innovative project aims to optimize organic horticultural production in Ireland and improve continuity of short supply chains for the national market through the creation of a collaborative cropping system that corresponds to growing retailer demands, in addition to making farms more sustainable through reducing dependency on nutrient imports. The project uses economies of scale from the collaborative production of 11 certified organic horticulture farms around Ireland, of varying sizes and cropping capacity, producing as if they were a single farming enterprise. The organic farms participating in the MOPS project are owner operated. Collectively the MOPS farmers supply a range of markets, including; direct sales (online and farmers markets), wholesale markets, speciality shops, restaurants, private procurement outlets, and supermarket/retail multiples. The enhanced viability of the farmers engaged in the MOPS project highlights many issues around conventional farm viability, environmental protections and valuing biodiversity, but it also draws attention to issues around young farmers and succession. This study reveals that intergenerational succession, and eventual inheritance of the family farm, is the main route of entry into organic farming in Ireland. The networking element of the project has also allowed for intergenerational transfer and exchange of knowledge between older and younger organic farmers for the benefit of the land and the enhanced viability of the farm.

The case is analysing the ways; how young farmers respond to the challenges of starting a farm business?
While there are some cases integrating the difficult pathways of a successful start, in most cases farmers use the different solutions independently from each other. New entrants at least in the first years of farming always has another source of income: we found teachers, entrepreneurs, plant protection experts, but many other backgrounds as well. It is also typical that they have a very strong personal commitment, usually related to family traditions, less frequently to ethical concerns.
These farms are very much dependent on different forms of subsidies, usually on payments from projects. As a result of it, these farmers are more frequently diversified: those are engaged in energy production, food procession, or rural tourism. Even if the fam business became economically the owners still keep their original employment, especially if it is linked to agriculture (like some type of consultancy on plant protection, projects, or agents of any kind of agricultural projects.
Usually new entrants, if they can build up a successful farm business became prestigious figures of the local community, and their role can show a way how to farm.

Az esettanulmány azt elemzi, hogy a fiatal gazdálkodók hogyan reagálnak a mezőgazdasági vállalkozás beindításával járó kihívásokra.
Bár vannak olyan esetek, amelyek integrálják a sikeres indulás nehéz útjait, a legtöbb esetben a gazdák egymástól függetlenül alkalmazzák a különböző megoldásokat. Az új belépőknek legalábbis a gazdálkodás első éveiben mindig van más jövedelemforrásuk: találtunk tanárokat, vállalkozókat, növényvédelmi szakértőket, de sok más hátterű gazdálkodót is. Jellemző az is, hogy nagyon erős személyes elkötelezettséggel rendelkeznek, ami általában a családi hagyományokhoz, ritkábban az etikai szempontokhoz kapcsolódik. 
Ezek a gazdaságok nagymértékben függenek a támogatások különböző formáitól, általában a projektekből származó kifizetésektől. Ennek eredményeképpen azok, akik energiatermeléssel, élelmiszer-feldolgozással vagy falusi turizmussal foglalkoznak, diverzifikáltabbnak tekinthetők. Sok esetben a tulajdonosok akkor is megtartják eredeti munkahelyüket, ha a gazdálkodási tevékenységük gazdasági szempontból is életképessé vált, különösen, ha a munkahelyük a mezőgazdasághoz kapcsolódik (mint például valamilyen növényvédelmi tanácsadás, projektek, vagy bármilyen mezőgazdasági projektben részvétel). 
Általában az új belépők, ha sikeres mezőgazdasági vállalkozást tudnak felépíteni, a helyi közösség tekintélyes szereplőivé válnak, és tevékenységük utat mutathat a sikeres gazdálkodáshoz.

Problem and main message: The case study is about a special group of young farmers from Eastern Hungary: about successors of a farm business. Succession is not an easy moment in the life, especially if someone shall continue an enterprise, but maybe more difficult in the case of a farm business. 
There are two major challenges for the new farmers: 
1. If the succession is not planned; the death of the father is sudden, they have to be ready to act as decision-maker, head of a family in an extremely short time, and deal with personnel losses at the same time. They have to find, rebuild and use the networks of the departed and also to find the way of managing the farm business.
2. If the succession is planned there is more time and room for learning the skills and building own networks, but in that case there occurred conflicts between the son (usually successors are males) and the father. Even the employees acknowledge, and show disrespect in certain cases, especially if there are conflicts between the generations. The long changes make difficult also technological changes and farm diversification according to our results.
We encountered very few women among the leaders of a farm. Even if a woman, as a wife or a mother worked actively in the farm, they were responsible for bureaucracy, and did not became the main decision-makers in the farm. 
Despite all these difficulties, farm succession is usually seen positive by the young farmers, and kept to be the simplest way to develop an independent farm business.

Probléma és fő üzenet: Az esettanulmány a kelet-magyarországi fiatal gazdák egy különleges csoportjáról szól: a mezőgazdasági vállalkozásukat utódként folytatókról. Az utódlás nem könnyű pillanat az életben, különösen, ha valaki egy vállalkozást folytat, de talán még nehezebb egy mezőgazdasági vállalkozás esetében. Az új gazdák két nagy kihívással szembesülnek: 
1. Ha az utódlás nem tervezett, az apa halála hirtelen következik be, akkor rendkívül rövid idő alatt kell felkészülniük arra, hogy döntéshozóként, családfőként lépjenek fel, és ezzel párhuzamosan a személyi veszteségeket is kezelniük kell. Meg kell találniuk, újra kell építeniük és alkalmazniuk az elhunytak kiépített hálózatait, valamint meg kell találniuk a mezőgazdasági vállalkozás irányításának módját. 
2. Ha az utódlás tervezett, akkor több idő és tér van a készségek elsajátítására és a saját hálózatok kiépítésére, de ebben az esetben konfliktusok keletkeztek a fiú és az apa között (általában az utódok férfiak). Bizonyos esetekben az alkalmazottak is tiszteletlenséget mutatnak, különösen, ha a generációk között konfliktusok vannak. A hosszú változások a technológiai változásokat és a gazdaság diverzifikációját is megnehezítik eredményeink szerint. 
Nagyon kevés nővel találkoztunk a gazdaság vezetői között. Még ha egy nő feleségként vagy anyaként aktívan dolgozott is a gazdaságban, a bürokráciáért volt felelős, és nem vált a gazdaság fő döntéshozójává. 
Mindezen nehézségek ellenére a fiatal gazdák általában pozitívan ítélik meg a gazdaságok öröklését, és azt tartják a legegyszerűbb módszernek az önálló mezőgazdasági vállalkozás kialakítására.

The Rural professions' association was established to promote the education of agriculture and forestry and the availability of new entrepreneurs and professionals for rural jobs as well as to increase the networking of the operators of that field. They have built a wide network that commits all the relevant actors from primary production to big industrial companies to the systematic promotion work for the rural livelihoods. Thus the association itself can have quite tiny own resources. There is a concern of scarcity of rural professionals and employees in the future. The rural professions are not that familiar any more to the youth and their teachers. 
They organize farm and company visits for students and teachers, present rural professions in schools as well as offer practical professional orientation opportunities for schools. They have some development projects with schools to e.g. develop the curriculums. In past five years, yearly 2,700 – 3,000 students and teachers had an opportunity to familiarize oneself with rural enterprises and jobs. They organize public events too, like the gala of rural entrepreneurs to improve the communality and to pay positive attention to their work. Another yearly public event for increasing the visibility of rural livelihoods, is the harvest festival in the province capital.
The practice renews the gender roles since rural professions are presented as suitable for females as males. Many female rural professionals are role models in the PR of the association (events, brochures, web pages etc)
The message is that it is crucial to understand the significance of that cluster in regional economy and for the human life and for the nature. The cluster needs the professionals.

Maaseutuammattiin ry perustettiin edistämään maatalous- ja metsäalan koulutukseen osallistumista, näiden alojen työvoiman saatavuutta ja yrittäjyyttä sekä lisäämään alan tunnettavuutta ja verkostoitumista. Yhdistys on rakentanut laajan verkoston, joka sitouttaa kaikki asiaankuuluvat toimijat alkutuottajista suuriin teollisuusyrityksiin toimimaan systemaattisesti maaseutuelinkeinojen esiin tuomiseksi. Siten itse yhdistys toimii melko pienillä resursseilla. 
Pula maaseudun ammattilaisista ja työntekijöistä on merkittävä haaste tulevaisuudessa.
Yhdistys järjestää oppilaille ja opettajille maatila- ja muita yritysvierailuja, esittelevät maaseutuammatteja kouluissa ja tarjoavat myös työssäoppimispaikkoja. Yhdistyksellä on koulujen kanssa myös erilaisia kehittämishankkeita esimerkiksi opetussuunnitelmien kehittämiseksi. Edellisten viiden vuoden aikana vuosittain 2700 – 3000 oppilaalla ja opettajalla on ollut mahdollisuus tutustua maaseudun yrityksiin ja ammatteihin. Yhdistys järjestää myös erilaisia yleisötilaisuuksia, esimerkiksi maaseutugaalan, jossa vahvistetaan maaseutuyrittäjien yhteisöllisyyttä ja kiinnitetään positiivisella tavalla huomiota heidän työhönsä; ja näkyvyyttä lisäävä tapahtuma, on maakunnan pääkaupungissa järjestettävä sadonkorjuujuhla.
Käytänne uudistaa sukupuoliroolitusta, sillä maaseutuammattien markkinoidaan sopivan yhtä lailla naisille kuin miehille. Monet naispuoliset maaseudun ammattilaiset toimivat roolimalleina yhdistyksen tekemässä PR-työssä. On tärkeää ymmärtää tämän klusterin merkitys aluetaloudelle, inhimilliselle elämälle ja luonnolle. Klusteri tarvitsee ammattilaisensa.

The Wulksfelde farm is situated very close to Hamburg in a prospering region between two nature conservation areas. The land and the old farmhouse is owned by the city-state of Hamburg and have not been economically viable for years. For this reason, the senate decided to lease the property under the condition of ecological farming in 1989. Results: the Wulksfelde farm is a holding which ecologically farms 460 ha (Bioland) and provides more than 230 jobs, most of them beyond agricultural production. A wide variety of products are produced there, processed and marketed directly. It includes a nursery, a farm shop, a bakery (which is especially made for demonstrating the baking process), a café and restaurant and an organic delivery service. There is also an on-site kindergarten and a petting zoo for visiting families. The farm is integrated into an attractive landscape and touristic region, which is used by people from Hamburg for local recreation. Moreover the farm is engaged in the local community by farm festivals and harvesting events and provides environmental education. It uses renewable energy and takes measures to reduce its energy consumption. The Wulksfelde farm is promising as it is very divers. The product range and the target group are very wide. The entrepreneurial management consciously and purposefully develops new products and thus opens up new customers. 
This practice shows how economic and ecological goals can be achieved. This requires sufficiently large agricultural land, proximity to a large city (and thus a target group) and political will. Entrepreneurial skill and ecological idealism make it possible.

Gut Wulksfelde liegt in der Nähe von Hamburg in einer wachsende Region zwischen zwei Naturschutzgebieten. Die landwirtschaftlichen Flächen und das alte Bauernhaus befanden sich im Besitz des Stadtstaates Hamburg und waren seit Jahren nicht mehr wirtschaftlich nutzbar. Aus diesem Grund beschloss der Senat 1989 die Verpachtung des Anwesens unter der Auflage des ökologischen Landbaus.
Das Gut Wulksfelde ist ein Betrieb, der 460 Hektar ökologisch bewirtschaftet (Bioland) mit mehr als 230 Arbeitsplätzen. Die meisten davon sind außerhalb der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Eine Vielzahl von Produkten wird erzeugt, verarbeitet und direkt vermarktet. Dazu gehören eine Gärtnerei, ein Hofladen, eine Bäckerei, ein Café und Restaurant sowie ein Bio-Lieferservice. Außerdem gibt es einen Kindergarten und einen Streichelzoo Familien. Der Hof ist eingebettet in eine landschaftlich und touristisch reizvolle Region, die auch von Hamburgern zur Naherholung genutzt wird. Darüber hinaus arrangiert der Hof Hoffeste und Ernteveranstaltungen in der örtlichen Gemeinschaft und bietet Bildungsmöglichkeiten im Umweltbereich an. Das Gut nutzt erneuerbare Energien und ergreift energieverbrauchsreduzierende Maßnahmen. Das Gut ist vielversprechend, da es sehr vielfältig (in Produktpalette und Zielgruppe) ist. Die unternehmerische Leitung entwickelt bewusst und zielgerichtet neue Produkte und erschließt so neue Kunden. 
Dieser Betrieb zeigt, wie ökonomische und ökologische Ziele erreicht werden können. Voraussetzung dafür sind ausreichend große landwirtschaftliche Flächen, die Nähe zu einer Großstadt (und damit einer Zielgruppe) und politischer Wille. Unternehmerisches Geschick und ökologischer Idealismus machen es möglich.

A farm collective is a group larger than the family unit (minimum 2 associates), whose members work on the same farm and (partially) pool their means of production (capital, labor) and sometimes their means to value the production (marketing, transformation). 
Farm collectives studied in RURALIZATION address issues related to entry into farming and rural decline: 
a- Concerning generational renewal in agriculture: 
- They enable new entrants (NE) to share the work load and investments, exchange knowledge, and mutualise work constraints (administration, retailing, etc.). 
- They are better aligned with NE’s aspirations for improved work-life balance, more freedom to enter-exit farming, increased control over the value chain (transformation, marketing), and reduced isolation in rural contexts. 
b- Concerning rural regeneration: 
- They generate positive demographic and social dynamics (settlement of members and their families, more time available for member's investment in local life and networks, farm events, etc.).
- They diversify farms and the economy, create local employment and supply chains, and preserve landscapes and natural resources. 
In order to better support farm collectives, more schemes are needed to test farm association, support progressive settling in agriculture, and uphold restructuration of current farms to adapt to diversified group agriculture. A better recognition of group farming statuses is also required, to ensure, for instance, that collectives’ members may receive young farmers grants. Finally, it is key to convince older farmers to transfer their farms to collectives and to develop institutional access to land solutions for groups (e.g. temporary land “carrying” by public institutions).

Un collectif agricole réunit au moins deux associés sans lien de parenté, via une ou plusieurs structures exploitantes, avec une mise en commun des moyens de production et parfois de transformation et de commercialisation. Les collectifs répondent à des problématiques de renouvellement des générations et de déclin rural:
- Ils permettent à des paysans non-issus du milieu agricole (NIMA) de partager la charge de travail et les investissements, d'échanger des connaissances et de mutualiser les contraintes.
- Ils répondent aux aspirations des NIMA en offrant un meilleur équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée, une plus grande liberté d'entrer et de sortir de l'agriculture, un contrôle accru sur la chaîne de valeur et en réduisant l'isolement en milieu rural. 
- Ils génèrent des dynamiques démographiques et sociales positives (installation de plusieurs membres et familles s'investissant dans la vie locale).
- Ils permettent de diversifier les exploitations et l'économie, de créer des emplois et filières locales, de préserver les paysages et ressources naturelles. 
Pour soutenir les collectifs agricoles, il faut créer des dispositifs permettant de tester l'association entre paysans, de sinstaller progressivement en agriculture et de restructurer les exploitations pour les adapter à une agriculture de groupe diversifiée. Une meilleure reconnaissance des statuts utilisé par les collectifs est aussi nécessaire, notamment pour garantir l'accès aux aides agricoles. Enfin, il faut convaincre les cédants de transférer leurs exploitations à des collectifs et développer des solutions institutionnelles pour l'accès au foncier (par exemple le "portage" temporaire de terres par des institutions publiques pour ces groupes).

In the early 2000s, the Versailles Plain’s Association was created to defend agriculture in the western part of Ile-de-France. It is a rare example of farmers' initiative to resist to urbanization. This association brings together 3 different colleges elected officials, farmers and members of civil society. Its objectives are to raise awareness among local stakeholders about agricultural issues and facilitate the emergence of common projects. Basically, it functions as a facilitating body between the different types of actors involved in the plain. It is now recognized by most stakeholders in the plain and has the support of local and regional authorities.
Since its creation, the association promote rural regeneration and fight agricultural decline: by helping new entrants and food artisans, creating common values and links between various local actors, promoting political supports, promoting local, subsistence, diversified agriculture and local food microcosm with diversified small business. The association did an inventory of agricultural heritage on the plain (landscape charter); promoted exchanges and dissemination of information, created connections between urban and agricultural institutions; created spaces for exchanges between farmers and between farmers and city dwellers. 
However, the association still faces challenges. The cohabitation between farmers and urban populations remains difficult. 
This promising practice suggests the following recommendations: recruit a facilitator to federate actors from urban and rural areas around a common project; create a space for debate and exchange; use agricultural projects to respond to the urban major issues.

L'Association de la Plaine de Versailles a été créée pour défendre l'agriculture dans l'ouest de l'Ile-de-France. C'est un exemple rare d'initiative paysanne pour résister à l'urbanisation. Cette association regroupe 3 collèges différents d'élus, d'agriculteurs et de membres de la société civile. Elle a pour objectifs de sensibiliser les acteurs locaux aux enjeux agricoles et de faciliter l'émergence de projets communs. Elle fonctionne en tant qu'instance de facilitation entre les différents types d'acteurs, elle est plaine et bénéficie du soutien des collectivités territoriales. Depuis sa création, l'association promeut la régénération rurale et lutte contre le déclin agricole: en aidant des nouveaux agriculteurs et des transformateurs, en créant des valeurs communes et des liens entre les différents acteurs locaux, en favorisant le soutien des acteurs politiques, en favorisant une agriculture locale, vivrière et diversifiée organisée autour d'un microcosme local fondé sur des petites entreprises diversifiées. L'association a réalisé un inventaire du patrimoine agricole de la plaine; favorisé les échanges et la diffusion d'informations, créé des liens entre les institutions urbaines et agricoles ; créé des espaces d'échange entre agriculteurs entre-eux mais aussi entre agriculteurs et citadins. Cependant, l'association fait toujours face à des défis. La cohabitation entre agriculteurs et populations urbaines reste difficile. Cette pratique prometteuse suggère les recommandations suivantes : recruter un facilitateur pour fédérer les acteurs des zones urbaines et rurales autour d'un projet commun ; créer un espace de débat et d'échange; utiliser les projets agricoles pour répondre aux grands enjeux urbains.

The Association and the Cooperative have been set up in a small village in Apulia Region. They shared the idea to promote projects and activities that allow people to remain in their territory through the promotion of a sustainable model of rural development, based on natural farming, the maintenance of agro-biodiversity and the recovery of traditional crops using abandoned lands. The Association was founded in 2012. They promoted many actions and events to sensitize local community on the opportunity offered by agroecological farming. They organize the Green Night on sustainable agriculture and local food markets with around 30,000 people participating. They are involved in many networks of agroecological farming, solidarity economies, short chains and the re-use of abandoned land. The Association has been the promoter in 2018 of the Cooperative. They manage around 15 ha of previously abandoned lands, accessed by a free loan, where they cultivate traditional varieties of cereals and vegetables. Social farming activities are promoted. The Cooperative has set up, financed by crowdfunding, a regional grant and a bank loan, a “community mill” with the aim to transform locally the production of cereals. The production is market through short chains. They promoted “Chain Pacts” with other farmers that cultivate traditional grains and sell their products at an agreed price. The study reveals that territorial animation set the stage for the implementation of concrete actions (eg the establishment of the cooperative, community mill). Networking has allowed to consolidate the practice and has been helpful for crowdfunding actions.

L'Associazione e la Cooperativa sono nate in un piccolo paese della Puglia. Hanno condiviso l'idea di promuovere progetti e attività che permettano alle persone di rimanere nel loro territorio attraverso l'adozione di un modello sostenibile di sviluppo rurale, basato sull'agricoltura naturale, il mantenimento dell'agro biodiversità e il recupero delle colture tradizionali, accedendo a terreni abbandonati. Organizzano la “Notte Verde” incentrata sul tema dell'agricoltura sostenibile e dei mercati alimentari locali con la partecipazione di circa 30.000 persone. Sono coinvolti in molte reti che condividono l'idea dell'agricoltura agroecologica, delle economie solidali, delle filiere locali corte e del riuso dei terreni abbandonati. L'associazione è stata promotrice nel 2018 della Cooperativa. Gestiscono circa 15 ha di terreni, che erano stati abbandonati, ricevuti in comodato d'uso; coltivano varietà tradizionali di cereali e ortaggi. Vengono promosse inoltre, molte attività di agricoltura sociale. La cooperativa, con l'obiettivo di trasformare localmente la produzione di cereali, ha aperto un “mulino di comunità”, finanziato attraverso crowdfunding, un contributo regionale e un prestito bancario. La produzione è commercializzata attraverso filiere corte. Hanno promosso “Patti di Filiera” con altri agricoltori spingendoli a coltivare cereali tradizionali e impegnandosi per l’acquisto di queste produzioni ad un prezzo concordato. Dallo studio emerge che il forte lavoro di animazione territoriale sul modello agroecologico ha posto le basi per l'attuazione di azioni concrete. Il networking ha permesso di consolidare la pratica ed è stato utile per le azioni di crowdfunding.

Herenboeren Land van Weert (Southeast Netherlands) shows how citizens who consider healthy locally produced food important can be closely involved in a farm. Herenboeren Land van Weert is based on a nationwide concept with the following characteristics: a farm of 20 ha. to feed 200 households with vegetables, fruits and livestock on a nature-inclusive basis; co-ownership via a local cooperative; a one-time deposit and a weekly contribution; access to land via lease and the farmer employed by the national organisation. The national organisation launched the idea and serves as a national stakeholder in promoting the concept at the national level. It supports local initiatives with a structured approach to the start of the production of a local farm and supports them during exploitation. Land van Weert is one of the first local farms. Important themes at Herenboeren Land van Weert concern organisational form, position of the farmer as an employee, additional skills for farmers and access to land.

Herenboeren Land van Weert (Zuidoost-Nederland) laat zien hoe burgers die gezond geproduceerd lokaal voedsel belangrijk vinden, nauw betrokken kunnen worden bij een boerderij. Herenboeren Land van Weert is gebaseerd op een landelijk concept met de volgende kenmerken: een boerderij van 20 ha. om 200 huishoudens te voeden met groenten, fruit en vee op natuur-inclusieve basis; mede-eigendom via een lokale coöperatie; een eenmalige inleg en wekelijkse contributie; toegang tot land via pacht en de boer in dienst van de landelijke organisatie. De nationale organisatie lanceerde het idee en dient als nationale belanghebbende bij het promoten van het concept op nationaal niveau. Het ondersteunt lokale initiatieven met een gestructureerde aanpak naar de start van de productie van een lokale boerderij en ondersteunt hen tijdens de exploitatie. Land van Weert is een van de eerste lokale boerderijen. Belangrijke thema’s bij Herenboeren Land van Weert betreffen organisatievorm, positie van de boer als werknemer, aanvullende vaardigheden voor boeren en de toegang tot grond.

Martynika is currently an eco-touristic farm established in 2013 in the village of Jaroszówka (Poland) by a pair of newcomers from the city of Warsaw. Given their experience in business and pedagogy, they decided to renovate the farmhouse and set up an agricultural and agritourism business offering additionally a wide range of workshops (for children and adults). In practice, the agricultural activity proved to be more challenging than the owners had anticipated so they focused on the development of agro-tourism and workshops, some of which are closely related to rural life, e.g. permaculture, preparing for rural life, and also ceramics, stove-making, and recycling workshops. In order to integrate with the local community the owners are involved in various activities e.g. housewives' circles and other village development projects. An important aspect of Martynika Farm is the strong focus on ecology, both in terms of workshops and the agricultural production and way of life. As of now the hosts are focusing on returning to active farming of organic crops, especially important are the preparations on how to distribute and sell. An important conclusion from the analysis of this practice is that starting agricultural production by new entrants is very difficult and requires very good preparation. A good solution is, as the owners of Martinique did, to prepare an alternative, plan-B path to earn money in the countryside. An important recommendation is the need for institutional support for new entrants in many aspects (the purchase of a farm, decisions on the type and form of crops, and especially sales channels)

Martynika to gospodarstwo ekoturystyczne założone w 2013 roku we wsi Jaroszówka (Polska) przez parę przybyszów z Warszawy. Mając doświadczenie związane z biznesem i pedagogiką, postanowili wyremontować gospodarstwo i założyć gospodarstwo agroturytyczne oferujące dodatkowo bogatą ofertę warsztatów (dla dzieci i dorosłych). W praktyce działalność rolnicza okazała się trudniejsza niż przewidywali właściciele, dlatego skupili się na rozwoju agroturystyki i warsztatów, z których część jest ściśle związana z życiem na wsi: permakultura, przygotowanie do przeprowadzki na wieś, a także warsztaty ceramiczne, zduńskie i recyklingowe. W celu integracji z lokalną społecznością właściciele angażują się w różne działania, koła gospodyń domowych i inne projekty rozwoju wsi. Ważnym aspektem Farmy Martynika jest silny nacisk na ekologię, zarówno w zakresie warsztatów, jak i produkcji rolnej oraz sposobu życia. Obecnie gospodarze skupiają się na powrocie do upraw ekologicznych - szczególnie ważne są przygotowania do ich dystrybucji i sprzedaży. Ważnym wnioskiem z analizy tej praktyki jest to, że rozpoczęcie produkcji rolniczej przez nowe podmioty jest bardzo trudne i wymaga bardzo dobrego przygotowania. Dobrym rozwiązaniem jest, tak jak zrobili to właściciele Martyniki, przygotowanie alternatywnej ścieżki, „planu B” do zarabiania na wsi. Ważną rekomendacją jest potrzeba wsparcia instytucjonalnego dla nowych podmiotów w wielu aspektach (zakup gospodarstwa, decyzje o rodzaju i formie upraw, a zwłaszcza kanały sprzedaży).

The Farmstart Network was created in 2019 by 4 UK-based agroecological food and farming projects: the Kindling Trust, OrganicLea and Tamar Grow Local, supported by the Landworkers' Alliance, the union for farmers and landworkers in the UK. "Farmstarts" are projects to support new farmers; each is different, and offers a particular level of support, training, land and equipment to participants. There are now 8 Farmstart projects in 3 of the UK nations (England, Scotland and Wales), with 1 more project in development. The network exists to share learning and information between existing Farmstarts and to pilot accredited training and mentoring opportunities. In terms of impact there are examples of positive change of local food and farming systems, people's livelihoods, and connections to the land and each other, in rural and peri-urban areas. However, this impact is variable, in particular around participants' experience of Farmstart programmes, whether Farmstarters are able to continue farming as a career, and what their involvement with the wider community has been. The transformative potential of Farmstarts is limited by operating within current systems, lack of resources, and the context of deep structural inequalities. This research has shown key considerations for those thinking of creating a Farmstart project include:
- offering paid and flexible training opportunities is essential
- giving ongoing support and mentoring can enhance participants' own business success
- finding ways to provide local land for Farmstarters to move on to after completing their training is important
- allocating time to contribute to a broader network of Farmstarts can help generate shared learning and resources to expand/replicate the model.

In the region of two sparsely inhabited municipalities, Keuruu and Multia in Central Finland, about a dozen of small soft fruit growing farms run a cooperative which helps farmers to keep on sustainable farming in region where natural circumstances are not that optimal. The cooperative was established about 40 yers ago. The current cultivated area of their soft fruit growing is about 120 hectares. The main soft fruits they grow are black-, red- and whitecurrant. 
The main focus of this cooperative is to have a stronger position between them and their customers in industry but also to save costs in farming operations by joint acquisitions of farming machinery and other inputs. By close collaboration farmers can share their knowledge and plan the cropping together to optimize the market and best practices. They share a common vision of quality standard of their products and production methods. For instance, they follow IP-principles in farming.
Soft fruit growing is not typical in that region. These farmers diversify the assortment of farming products. The farms with not that fruitful soil and operating in quite cold climate with short growing season, can survive and continue developing farming also for next generations. 
It is evident that cooperative has promoted the successions of these farms since new generations have grown to this collaborative system, have seen farming as a valid career and, as freshmen, they can rely on fact that the support and expertise of more experienced colleagues is close to them.
This practice encourages independent farmers to discover the benefits of tight collaboration and to find the best ways to utilize together the farmland they own or manage.

Kahden harvaanasutun keskisuomalaiskunnan, Keuruun ja Multian alueella kymmenkunta pienehköä maatilaa on jäseninä herukkaosuuskunnassa. Osuuskunta joka auttaa viljelijöitä jatkaamaan maatalouden harjoittamista kestävästi alueella, jossa olosuhteet ovat viljelytoiminnalle varsin haasteelliset.
Osuuskunta perustettiin noin 40 vuotta sitten. Sen jäsenten yhteenlaskettu marjanviljelyala on noin 120 hehtaaria. Tiloilla viljellään pääasiassa musta-, puna- ja valkoherukkaa. 
Osuuskunnan ansiosta viljelijöillä on vahvempi neuvotteluasema suhteessa heidän asiakkaisiinsa, lähinnä marjateollisuuteen. Yhteistyöllä viljelijät saavuttavat myös kustannussäästöjä koneiden ja muiden tuotanpanosten yhteisomistuksella ja -hankinnoilla. Osuuskunnan viljelijät voivat jakaa keskenään tietotaitoa ja tehdä yhdessä viljelysuunnitelmat optimoidakseen tuotteiden kysyntä-tarjontasuhteet. 
Viljelijöillä on yhteinen visio laatutason ylläpitämisestä ja tarkoituksenmukaisista viljelymenetelmistä. Viljelijät ovat esimerkiksi sopineet noudattavansa marjanviljeliyssä IP-periaatteita. 
Herukanviljely ei ole kovin tyypillistä tällä alueella, joten osuuskunnan viljelijät monipuolistavat alueen maataloustuotteiden tarjontaa. Maatilat, joilla ei ole kovin hedelmällinen maaperä ja jotka toimivat kylmässä ilmastossa lyhyen kasvukauden varassa, pärjäävät kuitenkin ja kehittävät toimintaa myös seuraavia sukupolvia silmällä pitäen.
On ilmeistä, että osuuskunnan ansiosta on saatu edistettyä myös tilojen sukupolvenvaihdoksia. Uudet sukupolvet ovat kasvaneet tähän yhteistyömalliin, nähneet maatilayrittämisen harkinnanarvoisena vaihtoehtona voiden luottaa lähellä olevien kokeneempien kollegoiden tukeen ja asiantuntemukseen.
Käytäntö kannustaa itsenäisiä viljelijöitä löytämään tiiviin yhteistyön edut ja parhaat tavat yhdessä hyödyntää omistamiensa tai hallinoimiensa maatalousmaiden mahdollisuudet.

To encourage young farmers to set up and develop local organic farming, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine developed different levers on farmland such as temporary ownership of banked land (land carrying) and amiable exchange of parcels of land. Land carrying is underpinned by an agreement between the department and the SAFER (French land agency). If the new entrants who apply to purchase land correspond to the criteria (setting up outside family with a project in sustainable agriculture) and if the department approves the request, the project is presented at the SAFER for potential acquisition. The department covers the costs incurred for the acquisition and management of land as well as fees due to the SAFER. This system makes it possible to react quickly when farms are put up for sale and to provide precious time (up to 2 years) for the transferee to finish preparing their plans for setting up their activity. During the temporary ownership period, the SAFER can sign contracts for temporary occupation, which enable new farmers to begin their activity (even if the farmer needs to become “officially” established to benefit from start-up subsidies). The department also developed exchange of parcels of land in order to maintain, strengthen and improve the viability of existing farms. The department can cover notarial and/or surveying costs linked to the exchange. Private owners (whether farmers or not) and public owners (regional authorities, unions) are eligible for this assistance, with a ceiling of €1,000 per party for legal documentation costs. Since the implementation of these schemes, the department has helped farmers outside of family farming structures to launch their activities on more than 30 farms through the land carrying programme.

Pour encourager les jeunes agriculteurs à s'installer et à développer une agriculture biologique locale, le département d'Ille-et-Vilaine a développé différents leviers sur les terres agricoles tels que le portage foncier temporaire et l'échange de parcelles à l’amiable. Le portage foncier repose sur une convention entre le département et la SAFER (agence foncière française). Si les candidats à l’installation qui demandent à acheter des terres correspondent aux critères (installation hors cadre familial avec un projet en agriculture durable) et si le département approuve la demande, le projet est présenté à la SAFER pour une éventuelle acquisition. Le département prend en charge les frais d'acquisition et de gestion des terres de la SAFER. Ce système permet de réagir rapidement lors de la mise en vente d’exploitations agricoles et de laisser un temps précieux (jusqu'à 2 ans) au repreneur pour terminer la préparation de son projet d'installation. Pendant la période de portage, la SAFER peut signer des contrats d'occupation temporaire, qui permettent aux nouveaux agriculteurs de commencer leur activité (même si l'agriculteur doit s'installer "officiellement" pour bénéficier des aides à l'installation). Le département a également développé l'échange de parcelles de terre afin de maintenir, renforcer et améliorer la viabilité des exploitations existantes. Le département peut prendre en charge les frais de notaire et/ou d'arpentage liés à l'échange. Les propriétaires privés (agriculteurs ou non) et les propriétaires publics (collectivités territoriales, syndicats) peuvent bénéficier de cette aide, avec un plafond de 1 000 € par partie pour les frais liés aux documents légaux. Depuis la mise en place de ces dispositifs, le département a aidé des agriculteurs hors cadre familial à lancer leurs activités sur plus de 30 exploitations grâce au portage foncier.

Land stewardship is a nature management and conservation strategy led by civil society organisations. It revolves around voluntary agreements signed between landowners and non-profit organisations, to agree on and implement a set of long-term actions aimed at preserving or improving the conservation state of natural values in a specific estate. The ecologist and naturalist association IAEDEN implements this approach in the farming context of Alt Empordà area. The organisation holds about 35 agreements with farmers or landowners and collaborates with them by offering advice on farming practices, implementing measures for nature conservation, fostering short supply chains of their products, organising formation activities and engaging with the community. 

One of the organization strategic lines is the conservation of hay meadows and the associated temporary ponds, which are part of the same hydrological system. Hay meadows are semi-natural habitats that present a high floristic richness, and host a variety of insects and insectivorous fauna. These habitats have been historically maintained by livestock farmers through a set of pasture practices, such as reaping. The temporary ponds associated to these meadows are habitats of communitarian interest, characterised by its high biodivesity and its florstic singularity. Yet the existence of both habitat is at permanent risk due to either abandonment or insensification. IAEDEN currently engages with landowners and successors to ensure the preservation or restoration of hay meadows and preventing farmland to be abandoned. The overall practice enables current and future agronomic use of land while preserving natural values and engaging with successors.

La custodia del territorio es una estrategia de gestión y conservación de la naturaleza liderada por la sociedad civil organizada. Se basa en acuerdos voluntarios entre personas propietarias y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, que pactan e implementan un conjunto de acciones dirigidas a preservar el estado de conservación de los valores naturales de una determinada finca. La asociación ecologista y naturalista IAEDEN implementa esta aproximación en el contexto agrario de la comarca del Alta Empordà (Cataluña). Mantiene 35 acuerdos con personas titulares y agricultores/as, y colabora con ellas ofreciendo asesoramiento en prácticas agrícolas sostenibles, medidas de conservación de la naturaleza, canales cortos de comercialización, formación e implicación de la población local. 

Una de las líneas estratégicas de IAEDEN es la conservación de los prados de siega y los humedales temporáneos, dos hábitats que forman parte del mismo sistema hidrológico. Los prados de siega presentan una elevada riqueza florística y acogen a una gran variedad de insectos y fauna insectívora, y han sido históricamente mantenidos por ganaderos/as a través de la siega. Los humedales temporáneos son hábitats de interés comunitario, caracterizados por una elevada biodiversidad y singularidad ecológica. Ambos hábitats se encuentran amenazados por el abandono y por la intensificación de las prácticas agrícolas. IAEDEN se implica con las personas propietarias de las fincas y sus succesores para asegurar la preservación o restauración de los prados de siega y realizar las prácticas de siega, previniendo así su abandono. La iniciativa posibilita el uso agronómico actual y futuro mientras preserva los valores naturales y culturales.

ADEPT was established in 2004 as a non-profit organisation with objective of conserving the biodiversity of the important semi-natural landscapes of Transylvania, working closely with the small-scale farming communities who created the landscapes in the past in order to maintain them today. ADEPT uses an integrated approach, combining environmental management and economic incentives. The environmental approach consists in leading scientific studies of species and habitats, designing suitable levels of protection that are sympathetic to farmers’ needs and ensuring biodiversity-friendly management developed with local input and support. It allowed to directly restore damaged grasslands (over 500 ha) while another 20,000 ha of grassland are now better protected through practices farmers implemented, reducing abandonment or degradation of land. The development of economic incentives consists in state agri-environment schemes (rewarding practices fostered to restore or protect land), market incentives and ecotourism services linked to biodiversity. Indeed, ADEPT helped developing local brands and innovative marketing schemes, combined with training in quality control, allowing to increase access to market and price obtained for goods produced by small-scale farmers. ADEPT also supported the implementation of vegetable box deliveries to nearby towns and has also fostered ecotourism: especially with a 100km mountain bike trail which has catalysed cooperation among guesthouses and other provides (guides, bike hire micro-enterprises, etc.). All these actions have allowed to provide higher incomes for thousands of small-scale farmers and other local economic players.

ADEPT a fost înființată în 2004 ca o organizație non-profit cu obiectivul de a conserva biodiversitatea importantelor peisaje semi-naturale din Transilvania, colaborând îndeaproape cu comunități țărănești care au creat peisajele în trecut pentru a le menține vii astăzi. ADEPT utilizează o abordare integrată, combinând managementul de mediu și stimulentele economice. Abordarea de mediu constă în dezvoltarea unor studii științifice asupra speciilor și habitatelor locale, proiectarea unor niveluri adecvate de protecție care sunt compatibile cu nevoile fermierilor și asigurarea unui management prietenos cu biodiversitatea, dezvoltat prin contribuții și sprijin local. Astfel s-a asigurat refacerea directă a pajiștilor deteriorate (peste 500 ha), în timp ce alte 20.000 ha de pajiști sunt acum mai bine protejate prin practicile implementate de către fermieri, reducând abandonul sau degradarea terenurilor. Dezvoltarea stimulentelor economice se face prin scheme de agromediu de stat (practici compensatoare încurajate pentru restaurarea sau protejarea terenurilor), stimulente de piață și servicii ecoturistice legate de biodiversitate. Într-adevăr, ADEPT a contribuit la dezvoltarea mărcilor locale și a sistemelor de marketing inovatoare, combinate cu formarea în controlul calității, permițând creșterea accesului la piață și a prețului obținut pentru bunurile produse de micii fermieri. ADEPT a susținut, de asemenea, implementarea livrărilor de cutii de legume către orașele din apropiere și a promovat, de asemenea, ecoturismul: în special cu o pistă de 100 km pentru biciclete montane care a închegat cooperarea între pensiuni și alte oferte (ghiduri, microîntreprinderi de închiriere de biciclete etc.) Toate aceste acțiuni au permis asigurarea unor venituri mai mari pentru mii de fermieri mici și alți actori economici locali.

The cooperative CO.R.AG.GIO. (cooperativa romana agricoltura givani) is an experimental social enterprise. It stemmed from the wave of a wider social mobilization aiming at creating work, food and services available to the community, taking care of the territory and the quality of life through ecological agricultural practices on public land. The activities implemented have resulted in youth access to public land, counterbalancing land abandonment, environmental and landscape degradation through agroecological practices. The cooperative provides community services (environmental and food education, multifunctional agriculture training, supply of organic food to the city), re-opening land to the usability of inhabitants and citizens.

It has promoted a participative land co-governance, stimulating local authorities to start to assign public abandoned lands (as a result, eleven green areas all over Rome and Lazio, for a total of about 400 hectares, have been assigned), also providing information and training on land access for people willing to enter in agriculture. The activities of the cooperative have mobilized public awareness for the care of environmental and historical heritages, has encouraged citizens participation and more effective institutions’ actions on public land.

Supporting local processes of self-organization tends to improve land governance: land is made available for new entrants into farming, who can gain benefits from networking in terms of information and knowledge sharing; local authorities have the opportunity to recover abandoned land into viable farmland; agroecological use of land benefits local communities in terms of access to innovative social services. The result is civil society participation in public policies formation.

La cooperativa CO.R.AG.GIO. (cooperativa romana agricoltura giovani) è un'impresa sociale sperimentale nata dall'onda di una più ampia mobilitazione sociale volta a creare lavoro, cibo e servizi a disposizione della comunità, curando il territorio e la qualità della vita attraverso pratiche agricole ecologiche sul suolo pubblico. Le attività realizzate hanno portato all'accesso dei giovani alla terra pubblica, controbilanciando l'abbandono della terra, il degrado ambientale e paesaggistico attraverso pratiche agroecologiche. La cooperativa fornisce servizi alla comunità (educazione ambientale e alimentare, formazione agricola multifunzionale, fornitura di alimenti biologici alla città), riaprendo la terra alla fruibilità degli abitanti e dei cittadini.

Ha promosso una co-governance territoriale partecipativa, stimolando gli enti locali ad iniziare ad assegnare terreni pubblici abbandonati (sono state così assegnate undici aree verdi in tutta Roma e nel Lazio, per un totale di circa 400 ettari), fornendo anche informazioni e formazione sull'accesso al territorio per chi vuole entrare in agricoltura. Le attività della cooperativa hanno mobilitato l'opinione pubblica per la cura del patrimonio ambientale e storico, hanno favorito la partecipazione dei cittadini e una più efficace azione delle istituzioni sul territorio pubblico.

Il sostegno ai processi locali di auto-organizzazione tende a migliorare la governance della terra: la terra viene messa a disposizione dei nuovi entranti in agricoltura, che possono trarre benefici dal networking in termini di informazione e condivisione delle conoscenze; le autorità locali hanno l'opportunità di recuperare le terre abbandonate in terreni agricoli vitali; l'uso agroecologico della terra va a beneficio delle comunità locali in termini di accesso a servizi sociali innovativi. Il risultato è la partecipazione della società civile alla formazione delle politiche pubbliche

Agro-Perma-Lab is a research-educational network active in the fields of agroecology, permaculture and food sovereignty. Its main goal is to provide farmers and new entrants with knowledge and skills needed to run a farm sustainably. Its activities include, among others, (1) organizing training for leaders and educators in sustainable farming, (2) creating tools for the self-assessment of one’s farm and (3) preparing a Polish Declaration of Agroecology.

The training for leaders is a good method to promote sustainable farming widely and efficiently. AP-Lab is in fact ‘educating the educators’ who, after completing the training, are able to further promote agroecology and permaculture in their contexts. This leads to a multiplier effect, whereby limited resources can bring a significant impact. 

What could be particularly useful for active farmers is the concept of a self-assessment tool that helps evaluate how a farm is functioning from the perspective of agroecological principles. The tool was prepared on the basis of 3 real, exemplary farms. It is a 32-page document, freely available on the Internet, that explains how to perform the self-assessment (with examples). Practitioners are encouraged to use that tool and share gained insights with others. 

Finally, preparing a Polish Declaration of Agroecology emphasizes that farming is also a political issue and encourages farmers and other actors to voice their concerns in public so that Polish food system becomes more sustainable.

Agro-Perma-Lab to sieć badawczo-edukacyjna aktywna w obszarze agroekologii, permakultury i suwerenności żywnościowej. Jej głównym celem jest tworzenie i upowszechnianie wiedzy i umiejętności z zakresu rolnictwa zrównoważonego. Działania AP-Lab to (1) organizowanie szkoleń dla liderów/ek agroekologii i permakultury, (2) tworzenie narzędzi do autodiagnozy ekosystemu gospodarstwa rolnego oraz (3) prace nad Polską Deklaracją Agroekologii.

Szkolenie liderów/ek jest dobrą metodą na szerokie i efektywne promowanie zrównoważonego rolnictwa. AP-Lab "edukuje edukatorów", którzy po ukończeniu szkolenia mogą dalej promować agroekologię i permakulturę. Takie podejście umożliwia osiągnięcie wyraźnych efektów przy względnie niskim wkładzie zasobów.

Samym rolni(cz)kom przydatne może się okazać narzędzie do autodiagnozy ekosystemu gospodarstwa, które pomaga ocenić stan gospodarstwa z perspektywy zasad agroekologii. Narzędzie to zostało przygotowane na podstawie 3 przykładowych farm z Polski. Jest to 32-stronicowy dokument dostępny bezpłatnie w Internecie, który wyjaśnia jak przeprowadzić autodiagnozę (i ilustruje ją przykładami). Praktycy i praktyczki zachęcani są do używania narzędzia i dzielenia się swoimi wnioskami.

Polska Deklaracja Agroekologii kładzie natomiast nacisk na polityczny wymiar żywności, zachęcając rolników/czki i inne osoby do angażowanie się w życie polityczne w celu uczynienia systemu żywnościowego Polski bardziej zrównoważonym.

Red Terrae’s represents about 40 local authorities throughout 8 regions of Spain that are fostering sustainable development within their local context. The main role of this inter-municipal network is strengthening members’ capacity to respond effectively to nowadays challenges: biodiversity loss, climate change, lack of generational renewal, increasing land intensitivity, etc. They are thus responsible for the implementation of demonstrative and educational activities related to fostering employment in rural areas, waste management, local supply chains, local community currency systems, etc. 

One of the most relevant initiatives carried out by Red Terrae is fostering the set up and proper management of agroecological municipal land banks. By supporting local authorities in boosting public farmland and in enhancing the effective relationship between private landowners and potential land users, the organization has restored farming activities in abandoned lands and has unraveled a variety of social, landscape and productive values. Throughout the years, the network has established a solid conceptual and methodological framework for the implementation of municipal land banks, and whose marrow is agroecology. This knowledge is transferred to local authorities, which in their turn adapt the strategy to the local reality.

Red Terrae representa unos 40 ayuntamientos de 8 comunidades españolas que impulsan el desarrollo sostenible en el ámbito local. El rol principal de esta red inter-municipal es fortalecer la capacidad de sus miembros a la hora de responder efectivamente a los retos actuales: pérdida de biodiversidad, cambio climático, falta de relevo generacional, intensificación de los usos, etc. Red Terrae implementa activiades educativas demostrativas relacionadas con la generación de empleo en zonas rurales, la gestión de residuos, los canales de comercialización o las monedas sociales. Una de sus iniciativas más relevantes se basa en fomentar la creación y buena gestión de bancos de tierra municipales y agroecológicos. Red Terrae apoya a los ayuntamientos en la dinamización de tierras públicas y en la comunicación efectiva con propietarios privados. Así, la organización ha recuperado la actividad agrícola en tierras abandonadas y ha revitalizado una gran variedad de valores sociales, productivos y de paisaje. A lo largo de los años, Red Terrae ha consolidado un marco conceptual y metodológico para la implementación de bancos de tierra municipales y agroecológicos. Este conocimiento es transferido a los ayuntamientos, que a su vez adaptan la estrategia a su realidad local.

The 1993 founded DVL represents the interests of the 173 landscape care associations (LCAs) in Germany, which exist on regional level. As umbrella organisation it promotes the exchange of experience at European, federal, state and regional level. Apart from this the DVL carries out model projects on current issues in agriculture and nature conservation, often in cooperation with local landscape conservation associations.
The DVL assumes numerous superordinate tasks at national, federal and EU level. In addition to advising and educating the associations on issues of association management, the DVL particularly promotes the professional exchange between the regional oriented LCAs at federal and state level. The DVL also represents the LCAs in numerous committees, especially in the field of funding policy. In its work it is partly institutionally supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
As part of the DVL the LCAs initiate regional development by bringing together regional stakeholders in rural areas. This helps farmers to market products on a high level of quality. Those products can also be called “nature-conservation-products” because they were produced in an environment friendly and sustainable system. Apart from this, the DVL supports farmers and tree caretakers by providing education and training in the agreement between nature conservation and agriculture and also generates community connections.
All in all, the LCAs are important because they bring together different stakeholder, which are involved in questions of land use and landscape, like farmers, planners, policy-makers and communities. In doing this the LCAs prevents possible conflicts between those stakeholders.

Der 1993 gegründete DVL vertritt die Interessen der 173 Landschaftspflegeorganisationen (LPO) in Deutschland, die auf regionaler Ebene bestehen. Als Dachverband fördert er den Erfahrungsaustausch auf europäischer, Bundes-, Landes- und Regionalebene. Darüber hinaus führt der DVL Modellprojekte zu aktuellen Fragen der Landwirtschaft und des Naturschutzes durch, oft in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Landschaftspflegeverbänden.
Der DVL übernimmt zahlreiche übergeordnete Aufgaben auf Bundes-, Landes- und EU-Ebene. Neben der Beratung und Fortbildung der Verbände in Fragen des Verbandsmanagements fördert der DVL insbesondere den fachlichen Austausch zwischen den regional orientierten LPOs auf Bundes- und Landesebene. Darüber hinaus vertritt der DVL die LPOs in zahlreichen Gremien, insbesondere im Bereich der Förderpolitik. In seiner Arbeit wird er teilweise institutionell durch das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) unterstützt.
Im Rahmen des DVL initiieren die LPOs die regionale Entwicklung, indem sie regionale Akteure im ländlichen Raum zusammenbringen. Dies hilft Bäuerinnen und Bauern, Produkte auf einem hohen Qualitätsniveau zu vermarkten. Diese Produkte können auch als "Naturschutzprodukte" bezeichnet werden, da sie umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig hergestellt wurden. Darüber hinaus unterstützt der DVL Landwirte und Baumpfleger durch Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Vereinbarung zwischen Naturschutz und Landwirtschaft.
Die LPOs leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag in Bezug auf Landnutzung und Landschaftspflege da diese verschiede Stakeholder wie Landwirte, Planer, Politiker und Gemeinden zusammenzubringen, auf diese Weise wird möglichen Konflikten vorgebeugt.

The Community Land Advisory Service in Wales (CLAS Cymru) supports community groups to work with public bodies and other land owners, enabling local people to access, own and improve green spaces in their area. This includes urban and rural locations across Wales, with 350 projects supported to date. Finding available land and being able to use it for activities including food growing, sustainable land management, increasing biodiversity, and connecting communities, can be complex for social enterprises and non-profit ventures with limited funds or previous experience. By working with landowners, local authorities, and community groups together, CLAS Cymru can help communities secure land and all the necessary permissions. CLAS Cymru offers free expert advice on issues such as identifying potential sources of land, negotiating its use on a temporary or long term basis, legal issues including land agreements and land purchase, and navigating the planning system. The projects set up often work with people who can experience social marginalisation, such as people with mental health issues or disabled people. CLAS Cymru is managed by the charity Social Farms & Gardens, and also works closely with local authorities, Natural Resources Wales, NGOs and the agricultural sector, helping landowners to understand the opportunities of working with community groups and iron out any apprehensions and problems. The service also liaises at a national policy level, operating as a centre of expertise, guidance and support. The CLAS Cymru model, particularly faciltiating informed dialogue between landowners and communities seeking to make better use of local land, could be adapted for other territories, if properly funded.

Terre-en-vue is an organisation in Wallonia (Belgium) which aims to facilitate access to land for professional and agro-ecological farmers who are embedded in the local community and economy within this region as well as within the Brussels Capital Region. Access to land is a big treshhold for many farmers as land is becoming more and more expensive and land owners are less and less inclined to lease land to farmers. The organisation consists of a cooperative: in which citizens can participate by becoming a shareholder; a foundation which receives donations of land and money; and lastly an association, which is in charge of the social mouvement. Through the means generated by the first two structures land is bought or leased and rented to agro-ecological farmers. Therefor farmers do not need to invest -in often very expensive- farmland themselves and land is maintained for agro-ecological purposes over generations. Today 16 farms rent land of Terre-en-vue. About 77 ha is managed by Terre-en-vue, most of this land is in ownership. Besides the financial leverage Terre-en-vue offers agro-ecological farmers, they can help facilitate access to land through their extensive network of private as well as public land owners and their experience on how to find suitable land.

Terre-en-vue is een organisatie in Wallonië (België) die toegang tot landbouwgrond faciliteert voor professionele en agro-ecologische boeren die ingebed zijn in de lokale gemeenschap en economie binnen deze regio, alsook binnen het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. Toegang tot land is een grote drempel voor veel boeren gezien landbouwgrond alsmaar duurd wordt en grondeigenaren hoe langer hoe minder geneigd zijn om te verpachten aan boeren. De organisatie bestaat uit een coöperatie: waarin burgers kunnen participeren door aandeelhouder te worden; een stichting die schenkingen van geld en grond kan ontvangen; en tot slot een vzw, die verantwoordelijk is voor de sociale beweging. Door de middelen uit de eerste twee rechtspersonen kan land worden aangekocht of in beheer genomen. Op die manier moeten boeren niet zelf -vaak peperdure- grond financieren en worden gronden over generaties heen bestemd voor agro-ecologische landbouw. Momenteel stelt Terre-en-vue grond ter beschikking aan 16 boerderijen. Ze beheren 77 ha in totaal, de meerderheid daarvan is in eigendom.Naast de financiële hefboom die Terre-en-vue biedt aan agro-ecologische boeren, kunnen ze toegang tot grond faciliteren dankzij het uitgebreide netwerk aan private en publieke grondeigenaren en hun ervaring over het vinden van geschikte grond.

Located on the attractive French Riviera coast, the town of Mouans-Sartoux faces skyrocketing land prices due to competitive demands for urban and touristic development and declining local agriculture and food production. In 2005, the Mouans-Sartoux municipal council pre-empted a 4 hectares agricultural domain to prevent its purchase by a real estate developer and develop a stock of agricultural land for public purposes. Starting in 2011, the estate was gradually converted into a municipal vegetable growing farm with the goal of producing food for the town’s school cafeterias. The town hired a first salaried grower (and up to 3 growers in 2020) and ramped up production through investing in agricultural material (greenhouses, a tractor, irrigation, a cold room, etc.). By 2016, and with the purchase of an additional two hectares, the farm covered 90% of the cafeterias’ vegetable needs with local and organic products. The municipal policy has also grown into a more global programme articulated around five pillars: cultivating, processing, educating, researching, and disseminating. The town implemented a new land zoning plan, nearly tripling the surface of land reserved for agriculture (from 40 ha to 112 ha), and voted to help organic new entrants establish on that land by subsidising up to 20% of their start up investments (up to €12,000). The municipality is also studying possibilities to provide affordable housing and access to farm buildings for new farmers. It has instituted the creation of collective gardens for each new construction on the commune’s territory, and public education and research programmes run by the “House for Education and Sustainable Food”, a municipal service created in 2016.

Située sur la côte d'Azur, la ville de Mouans-Sartoux est confrontée à une flambée des prix des terres face à la concurrence des usages urbain et touristique et au déclin de l'agriculture et de la production alimentaire locales. En 2005, le conseil municipal de Mouans-Sartoux a préempté 4 ha de terres agricoles pour empêcher leur achat par un promoteur immobilier et développer un stock de terres publiques. À partir de 2011, les terres ont été progressivement transformées en ferme maraîchère municipale afin de produire pour la restauration scolaire de la ville. La ville a embauché un maraîcher salarié (et jusqu'à 3 maraîchers en 2020) et a augmenté sa production en investissant dans du matériel agricole (serres, tracteur, irrigation, chambre froide, etc.). En 2016, et grâce à l'achat de deux hectares supplémentaires, la ferme couvrait 90 % des besoins en légumes de la restauration avec des produits locaux/biologiques. La politique municipale s'est également développée en un programme plus global articulé autour de cinq piliers : agriculture, transformation, éducation, recherche et diffusion. La ville a mis en œuvre un nouveau zonage des terres, triplant presque la surface des terres réservées à l'agriculture (passant de 40 à 112 ha), et a voté une aide pour les candidats à l’installation en agriculture biologique sur ces terres : jusqu'à 20 % de leurs investissements de démarrage (jusqu'à 12 000 euros). La municipalité étudie également la possibilité de fournir des logements abordables et l'accès à des bâtiments agricoles pour ces candidats. Elle a institué la création de jardins collectifs pour chaque nouvelle construction sur la commune, ainsi que des programmes d'éducation et de recherche publique gérés par la "Maison de l'éducation et de l'alimentation durable", un service municipal créé en 2016.

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Project coordinator

  • Technische Universiteit Delft

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Technische Universiteit Delft

    Project partner

  • Terre de Liens

    Project partner

  • ILS

    Project partner

  • XCN

    Project partner

  • Uniwersytet Wroclawski

    Project partner

  • Shared Assets Limited

    Project partner

  • Centre for Social Sciences

    Project partner

  • Kulturland eG

    Project partner

  • Universita della Calabria

    Project partner

  • Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation SL

    Project partner

  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Project partner

  • Pro Vertes

    Project partner

  • Debreceni Egyetem

    Project partner

  • De Landgenoten

    Project partner

  • University of Turku

    Project partner

  • Asociatia Eco Ruralis

    Project partner

  • Teagasc

    Project partner