project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

RUMPRINT - Beef and dairy environmental footprint
RUMPRINT-Huella ambiental de leche y carne de bovino

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


1. Drawing up an inventory of resource consumption and emissions produced throughout the value chains for beef and milk produced in Catalonia.
2. Conducting an environmental diagnosis of the inventories using Environmental Footprint (EF) guidelines.
3. Adding relevant and complementary environmental indicators to the EF for the environmental diagnosis of beef and milk.
4. Detecting environmental improvement points and proposing viable alternatives.
5. Disseminating the EF methodology, the results of applying it to the beef sector and the benefits of using a life-cycle approach to reduce the environmental footprint of food in general and of the beef sector in particular.


1. Inventariar el consumo de recursos utilizados y emisiones producidas a lo largo de las cadenas de valor de la carne y la leche de bovino producidas en Cataluña.
2. Hacer la diagnosis ambiental de los inventarios recopilados usando las guías de la Huella Ambiental (EF en inglés).
3. Añadir indicadores ambientales relevantes y complementarios a la EF para la diagnosis ambiental de la
carne y de la leche de bovino.
4. Detectar puntos de mejora ambientales y proponer alternativas viables.
5. Hacer difusión de la metodología EF, de los resultados de aplicarla en el sector bovino y de los beneficios de usar una perspectiva de ciclo de vida para reducir la huella ambiental de los alimentos


- For milk, the value chain includes the farm, transport to the dairy plant, processing at the plant, packaging and the distribution of the milk to market centres and supermarkets.
For meat, the value chain includes the farm, transport to the slaughterhouse, slaughter, cutting and packaging, and distribution to central markets and retail outlets.

- The environmental characterisation analysis was carried out using life-cycle analysis software.

- The project and the results obtained were disseminated, taking into account the different audiences of interest both within and outside the study.


Including environmental criteria in cattle farming and primary sector activities in general is on the rise. Climate change, European environmental policy and social pressure, which increasingly demands greener products, are the main reasons why the livestock sector is becoming increasingly aware of environmental issues and the need to measure the environmental footprint of its products.
The RUMPRINT operational group has channelled this need by quantifying the environmental footprint of the complete farm-to-retail production cycle of milk from El Baix Empordà Cattle Breeders’ Cooperative and meat from the Viñas Group.
To do this, it applied a science-based methodology harmonised in all EU countries called the Environmental Footprint (EF), which was developed by the European Commission and is currently in the testing phase, after the implementation of European environmental policies aimed at giving competitive advantages to more environmentally friendly products (e.g. through eco-labelling).
The results identified several processes as priorities when working with farms with ruminant livestock; in particular, processes related to producing animal feed, and more particularly commercial feed, are of paramount importance. Other significant processes are slurry management and the use of water, electricity and diesel fuel for farm operations. Efforts to reduce/replace plastics in packaging provide comparatively minor improvements because they contribute little to the environmental impact of the end products available to the consumer.
The EF methodology is generally well adapted to the study of the beef sector environmental footprint in Catalonia, but it also has certain limitations that could be improved.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 208972

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator


    Project coordinator