project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Rationalisation of the use of plant protection products in the control of Alternaria in apple trees using risk prediction models and crop management
Racionalización del uso de fitosanitarios en el control de la Alternaria en manzano mediante modelos de predicción de riesgo y técnicas de manejo del cultivo

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
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The main objective of this project was to improve the control of Alternaria by minimising the use of plant protection products. For this reason, two priority lines were identified. On the one hand, to validate and assess different models for predicting the risk of Alternaria infection in order to reduce the number of fungicide treatments by improving their positioning. On the other hand, to influence the primary inoculum source of Alternaria in order to reduce the inoculum pressure on farms to reduce the incidence of the disease.


El objetivo principal de este proyecto es mejorar el control de Alternaria minimizando el uso de fitosanitarios. Por este motivo, se han planteado dos líneas prioritarias. De un lado validar y evaluar diferentes modelos de predicción de riesgo de infecciones de Alternaria para reducir el número de tratamientos con fungicidas mejorando su posicionamiento. Y por otro incidir en la fuente de inóculo primario de Alternaria para reducir la presión de inóculo en las fincas para reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad.


Task 1. Validation of different models for predicting risk of Alternaria infection

Task 2. Assess the Alternaria control strategy based on the different risk prediction models

Task 3. Study of the effect of inoculum reduction by leaf removal on Alternaria spore dispersal and infection

Task 4. Implementation of the risk prediction model for Alternaria in the plant protection warning service


Tarea 1. Validación de distintos modelos de predicción de riesgo de infecciones de Alternaria.

Tarea 2. Evaluar la estrategia de control de Alternaria en base a los distintos modelos de predicción de riesgo.

Tarea 3. Estudio del efecto de la reducción del inóculo mediante la eliminación de las hojas sobre la dispersión de esporas y las infecciones de Alternaria.

Tarea 4. Implementación del modelo de predicción de riesgo de Alternaria en el servicio de avisos fitosanitarios.


The emergence of new pests and diseases disrupts the treatment strategy designed to achieve quality and productivity standards with low residue levels and low environmental impact. In this context, apple tree alternariosis, caused by the fungus Alternaria, is a new disease first described in Girona in 2013, and which has been gaining importance, to the point that it requires specific treatments to ensure the productivity of the orchards. This disease consists of foliar necroses that can lead to premature defoliation of the trees, but most critical is the effect on the fruit. Thus, alternariosis causes small, highly visible necrotic lesions that reduce the quality of the fruit and compromise its marketability. This disease can cause losses of between 10 and 40% of production depending on the year and the farm. The disease has been spreading to affect around 20% of commercial apple farms in the province of Girona in 2017. In the framework of the project, different farm management strategies have been assessed to reduce disease pressure, a treatment programme has been designed based on the most effective products and to maintain low residues, and a predictive model of the risk of alternariosis infection has been implemented to advise farmers on the positioning of treatments. All these improvements in the control of alternariosis developed in the project are already being used by the sector with a coverage of more than 90% of apple farms in the Girona area. The implementation of these improvements has led to better control of this disease.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 117180

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Jordi Cabré

    Project coordinator