project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Pilot project of phytosanitary treatment remote sensing and management in vineyard
Prueba piloto de sistemas de teledetección y gestión de tratamientos fitosanitarios en viña

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The specific objective of the project is the validation of the DSS in vineyard, based on weather data collected at vineyard level and processed with the SISTEMIO epidemiology model.
SISTEMIO provides full access to online information about the epidemiologic evolution of downy mildew (DM) and powdery mildew (PM) in every test plot. According to this information, users take decision whether a preventive treatment is required or not. Effectiveness and treatment reduction along the season is what we get following the model.



El objetivo específico del proyecto es la validación del sistema de gestión de tratamientos fitosanitarios en la viña que se basa en la recogida de datos agroambientales a nivel de parcela y su posterior análisis a través de modelos epidemiológicos mecanísticos.
La utilización de esta herramienta ha de permitir al viticultor conocer en todo momento el estado epidemiológico de la parcela y decidir el momento preciso en el que realizar los tratamientos preventivos con el fin de maximizar la efectividad y reducir la cantidad de productos fitosanitarios usados a lo largo de la temporada.



Installation and setting up of a weather station network, connected via GPRS and supplied by solar batteries.  
Vineyards and weather data is inserted and configurated into the system. The results are available online on the website. provides DM and PM infections forecast according to the epidemiological models and weather forecast.
The management of the treatments is carried out by wineries and ADV technicians, following the directions provided by system and technically coordinated by INCAVI and SSV. The expected result is a full and effective protection against DM and PM infections with the minimum required treatments, thanks to the accuracy of the new system.



Instalación y puesta en marcha de estaciones de telemedida que se comunican a través de un módem GPRS integrado. 
El sistema informa al usuario del progreso previsto de las infecciones de mildiu y oídio en la parcela según los resultados de los modelos epidemiológicos y de las previsiones meteorológicas disponibles.
Gestión de los tratamientos por parte de los técnicos de las empreas y ADVs, siguiendo las indicaciones del sistema y con la coordinación técnica de INCAVI y el SSV. El resultado previsto es una protección total contra infecciones de míldiu y oídio con el mínimo de tratamientos fitosanitarios gracias a la determinación precisa del estado epidemiológico.


The aim of the project is the analysis and assessment of a DSS (Decision Support System) in order to reduce the number of fungicide treatments in vineyard in Catalonia. SISTEMIO meets the requirements of the wine sector, about the limitation of the use of fungicides and the wish of heading straight for an organic and sustainable viticulture.
SISTEMIO represents a great innovation in Catalan viticulture. A new system barely used in Catalonia will be assessed, trying to improve vineyard management, and seeking a reduction of fungicide treatments.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 209937.5

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Pere Escolar Carles

    Project coordinator