project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Pilot project for the implementation of an NDN system at a pig farm with a biogas plant in order to reduce nitrogen content of the final digestate, ad
Prueba piloto para la implantación de un sistema NDN en una explotación porcina con planta de biogás para reducir el nitrógeno del digestato final ajustando la eliminación a los requerimientos de los

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The overall objective of the pilot project is to reduce nitrogen content of the final digestate produced by a biogas plant attached to a pig farm, so as to adapt it to the requirements of the crops it is intended to fertilise. A treatment for the liquid fraction of the biogas plant digestate (based on NDN) will be developed; this will reduce nitrogen surplus whilst optimising energy efficiency, costs (compared to current NDN systems) and initial investment outlay in the treatment. We aim to produce an effluent that is recoverable as an organic fertiliser.


El objetivo general de la prueba piloto es la reducción del nitrógeno contenido en el digestato final de una planta de biogás anexa a una explotación porcina para adecuar su contenido a los requerimientos de los cultivos que se fertilizarán.
Se desarrollará un tratamiento de la fracción líquida del digerido de la planta de biogás basado en la nitrificación-desnitrificación, que disminuya el nitrógeno excedente optimizando la eficiencia energética, el coste de tratamiento en comparación a los sistemas NDN actuales y la inversión del tratamiento. Se pretende obtener un efluente valorizable como fertilizante orgánico.


The project action plan will be based on the following tasks:
 Task 1: Evaluation of the current system for the management of livestock waste products and digestate. Design of the NDN system.
 Task 2: Adaptation of the ponds storing the liquid fraction of the digestate so that they are compatible with the NDN process.
 Task 3: Initial implementation of the system and evaluation of efficiency.
 Task 4: Optimisation of the process.
 Task 5: Assessment of aeration to improve the energy efficiency of the system.
 Task 6: Final evaluation of the efficiency of the process and conclusions.
 Task 7: Dissemination of results to farmers and breeders.


El plan de trabajo se basará en las diferentes tareas:
- Tarea 1: Estudio del sistema de gestión actual de purines y digestato. Diseño del sistema NDN.
- Tarea 2: Adaptación de las balsas de la fracción líquida del digerido por el proceso NDN.
- Tarea 3: Puesta en marcha del sistema y evaluación de la eficiencia.
- Tarea 4: Optimización del proceso
- Tarea 5: Control de aireación para la mejora de la eficiencia energética del sistema.
- Tarea 6: Evaluación final de la eficiencia del proceso y conclusiones finales
- Tarea 7: Transferencia de los resultados a los agricultores y ganaderos


The pilot project will be carried out at a pig farm with a biogas plant that treats 27,000 t/year. There are many benefits to the treatment of livestock waste in biogas plants, including the reduction of unpleasant odours, mineralisation of organic matter (OM) and renewable energy production. However, the nitrogen is not eliminated. In this context, the biological process known as nitrification-denitrification (NDN) may be an alternative for the elimination of nitrogen surplus. The pilot project, which is based on NDN, will allow a reduction in nitrogen concentration of the digestate, decrease the size of land required, improve the management of livestock waste products, reduce the degree of local groundwater contamination, and lower the costs of agronomic application.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 97300

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Jaume Mateu Gonzàlez

    Project coordinator

Project partners


    Project partner