project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Pigs vaccination to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella
Vacunación en porcino para reducir la prevalencia de la salmonela

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
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Vaccination against salmonella, together with the application of control measures, should allow to reduce the prevalence rates in carcass at the slaughterhouse.

The vaccine will be used to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella typhimurium in farms with endemic infection, where usual measures of control, biosecurity, increased hygiene, strict management and use of additives, have not been enough.

S. typhimurium serotype of Salmonella is one of the most often found in pig farms in Spain and the most common in slaughterhouses and meat processing industry. It is also the most frequently isolated people food poisoning caused by the salmonella.



La vacunación frente a salmonella, conjuntamente con la aplicación de medidas de control en la explotación debe permitir reducir la prevalencia en canal en matadero.

Se prevé utilizar la vacuna para disminuir la prevalencia de Salmonella typhimurium en granjas con una infección endémica, donde las medidas habituales de control, bioseguridad, incremento de la higiene, manejo estricto y uso de aditivos, no hayan sido suficiente.

La S. typhimurium es uno de los serotipos de salmonella más presentes en las explotaciones de porcino de España y también en mataderos e industria cárnica porcina. Es también el serotipo que se aísla con más frecuencia en casos de toxiinfección alimentaria por salmonella.



There will be a field test for the assessment of the vaccine:

In a sow farm (with a known salmonella status) a weekly monitoring of 20 sow lots will be done during the fattening period. Only half of the animals will be vaccinated. 

It is expected to divide the project into nine activities:

1. Literature review
2. Farm selection and preliminary analysis
3. Vaccination of mothers
4. Vaccination of piglets
5. Monitoring of lots
6. Sampling at the slaughterhouse
7. Laboratory work (microbiology and serology)
8. Analysis of data
9. Final Report.



Se hará una prueba de campo para la valoración de la vacuna: Se partirá de una granja de cerdas con una situación conocida frente a salmonella y se hará el  seguimiento semanal de 20 lotes durante todo el engorde, la mitad de ellos vacunados y la otra mitad de control. Se prevé dividir el proyecto en 9 actividades: 

1. Revisión bibliográfica 
2. Búsqueda de la granja y análisis previos 
3. Vacunaciones madres 
4. Vacunaciones lechones 
5. Seguimiento de los lotes 
6. Toma de muestras en el matadero 
7. Trabajo de laboratorio (cultivos y serología) 
8. Análisis de los datos 
9. Informe final



Contamination of pork Salmonella is a real threat to the Catalan pig meat sector and the entire Spanish State. Most studies show a high prevalence rate of Salmonella spp in both farms and slaughterhouses and also at later stages in the sale of pork meat and derived products.
In Catalonia, INNOVACC coordinated a working group (with the collaboration of DARP, ACSA, FECIC, PORCAT, ASFAC, and many other companies and institutions in the sector) to launch a voluntary Plan to control swine salmonellosis. Since 2016 the corresponding certification (PSP) is available for farms and slaughterhouses.A pilot study was made to determine the status of farms and slaughterhouses in relation to salmonella contamination and to define, among all participants, the minimum requirements that should be met within this voluntary program to control the level of prevalence and to have good practices in farms and slaughterhouses facilities.

Data from the pilot study coordinated by INNOVACC, show an average prevalence of 38% for 186 representative farms sector in Catalonia and Aragon (part of 30 different companies). We have also obtained data from 9 representative slaughterhouses in Catalonia, taking quarterly samples of juice in carcasses before cooling (average overall prevalence of 26%).

This project is a further step of all the work done by this pilot study coordinated by INNOVACC. We seek now to assess the effect of applying eradication and control measures, specifically to assess whether vaccination in pig holdings can help to significantly reduce the prevalence rates of S. typhimurium. If lower farm prevalence is achieved, salmonella presence in meat may be also reduced, provided the application of good biosecurity practices, hygiene, proper management, etc.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 90452.5

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Josep Corominas i Barnadas

    Project coordinator